
@ mleku
2025-03-09 20:55:17
oh dear, i gave my skitty #mochi the new drontal internal antiparasitic and some other drug for the external stuff, and i see his eyes are all watery and he's behaving rather differently, like, playful and bold, sitting up on the shelf threatening to tamper with my nicknacks
he is definitely in skitty mode right now
this weather at the moment is crazy, rain and wind and rain and wind and i don't know what way is up at the moment
time to go to bed, but first i must dispose of the skitty's deposits in the clay repository in the bathroom, and sweep the clay bits he has scattered around the floor, and then to welcome him to his favourite sleeping place next to me on the bed upstairs
too much friction and probably i can't even catch a photo of him perched on the shelf with his visible slight wobble that is obviously probably induced by some cholinergic effect of the drugs i gave him to clear his parasites
inshalah that this actually kills the ear mites and eye mites he has had that the previous treatment did not affect
and i'm off to clean toilets and chew bubblegum, and go to sleep to the whooshy sound of the wind and the periodic random patter of rain