@ Undisciplined
2024-07-07 12:29:55
*Yesterday's edition https://stacker.news/items/598866/r/Undisciplined*
We've got a Stacker News trust algorithm theme today, with a top comment and a top post from separate years about it. Also, the Stacker News soft launch makes an appearance.
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### July 7, 2023 📅
### 📝 `TOP POST`
**[I lost my 'Lightning Virginity' last night ⚡🍒](https://stacker.news/items/205229/r/Undisciplined)**
#### Excerpt
> With @ekyzis posting a reminder that it's a [good time to open Lightning channels](https://stacker.news/items/204661) the other night, I bit the bullet and attempted to withdraw some of my SN rewards to one of my hot wallets via Lightning.
*1080 sats \ 11 comments \ @Bitman \ ~meta*
#### Excerpt
> Reading through the change log, I followed a link to the SN post about web of trust. This made me think of something I've been thinking about a bunch lately, from using PKM tools (Logseq is my current one) where making it easy to talk about things is a design goal. Making it easy to talk about things through links, search, and automatic back links, causes a densely structured graph to emerge, a very useful kind of semantic knowledge store. It's pretty remarkable how it all pops out.
*11k sats \ 1 reply \ @elvismercury*
From **[Daily discussion thread](https://stacker.news/items/205284/r/Undisciplined)** by @saloon in ~null
2nd place **@k00b** (1st hiding, presumed @siggy47)
*6463 stacked \ 26.7k spent \ 0 posts \ 19 comments \ 0 referrals*
> everything bitcoin related
founded by @k00b on Tue May 02 2023
*27.9k stacked \ 0 revenue \ 36.4k spent \ 94 posts \ 165 comments*
### July 7, 2022 📅
### 📝 `TOP POST`
**[SN release: enhanced trust algo and more tangible rewards ](https://stacker.news/items/42401/r/Undisciplined)**
#### Excerpt
> We still use a web of trust, but we've refined how trust is established between users. In the previous version, trust was established whenever a user upvoted another user's content. This was convenient and it allowed us to reuse a user's trust to determine their share of daily rewards. No more.
*2521 sats \ 50 comments \ @k00b \ ~meta*
#### Excerpt
> If you look at other social media such as Youtube the algorithm punishes harder the longer people were inactive.
*231 sats \ 5 replies \ @zuspotirko*
From **[SN release: enhanced trust algo and more tangible rewards ](https://stacker.news/items/42401/r/Undisciplined)** by @k00b in ~meta
1st place **@k00b**
*2158 stacked \ 5509 spent \ 12 posts \ 29 comments \ 0 referrals*
> everything bitcoin related
founded by @k00b on Tue May 02 2023
*30.7k stacked \ 0 revenue \ 34k spent \ 134 posts \ 176 comments*
### July 7, 2021 📅
### 📝 `TOP POST`
**[Bitcoin Transcripts](https://stacker.news/items/210/r/Undisciplined)**
Link to https://btctranscripts.com/
*101 sats \ 0 comments \ @k00b \ ~bitcoin*
#### Excerpt
> I'm actually very curious how this will turn out in terms of shitposts - sick of seeing them on Twitter.
*1 sat \ 1 reply \ @qecez*
From **[stacker news soft launch AMA](https://stacker.news/items/2/r/Undisciplined)** by @k00b in ~bitcoin
1st place **@k00b**
*8 stacked \ 19 spent \ 2 posts \ 4 comments \ 0 referrals*
> everything bitcoin related
founded by @k00b on Tue May 02 2023
*23 stacked \ 0 revenue \ 95 spent \ 7 posts \ 13 comments*
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/599828