@ Monika Fleming
2024-11-14 23:31:43
"And although it is true that without fire there is no transformation, the invention of the philosopher's stone was possible thanks to the alchemy of ice smiths.” Mircea Eliade.
Contemporary alchemists like Satoshi Nakamoto did not wonder to melt existing money into just a little bit different money, only a little better digital form of money or how to overthrow a banking system. Satoshi wasn't interested in that. Satoshi wondered how to create a completely new system, black swan, financial perpetual motion that will be able to save and remember yourself, replicate itself, the code, cyberspace creation able to remember all the most important activities and share this informations between all participants involved and all networks nodes equally at the speed of life.
> “If our analysis and interpretation are
well founded, alchemy prolongs and consummates a very
old dream of homo faber: collaboration in the perfecting of
matter while at the same time securing perfection for himself.”
When the transmutation of two substances into a completely new one has successfully ended, it opens new gates for human imagination and ingenuity raising the crossbar of human possibilities. The challenge faced by alchemists often exceeded the technical capabilities of those times, but the thought – once released and put into motion – could no longer return to the old tracks.
The alchemy of first Bitcoin miners and emotions that accompanied them had to reflect exactly that. It was cyberspace melting pot, full of ideas, curiosity and thoughts coming from more than fifty years since Bitcoin was created. Add early cypherpunk’s ethos, miners technical expertise, melt it altogether and wait. Because it all had been waiting for its final form - Bitcoin. How to take all of available components (Adam Back’s Hashcash, David Chaum’s E-money, Nick Szabo’s works on Proof-of-Work) and melt in a way it would create completely new substance? What was missing and what had to be added? That got to be Satoshi’s question. It was a quest for cypherpunks alchemists.
**I. Language, language of codes.**
Early alchemists were an outsiders. The way they think, curiosity of their minds, discoveries and never ending trials and errors to find out the perfect "elixiir vitae", the philosopher stone made them different. They differ even by the way they communicate, the language and terminology they used.
> "Wherever we have spoken openly we have said nothing. But where we have written something in code and in pictures we have cancealed the code" **
It's not a quote from Satoshi Nakamoto, but from the early alchemists, from the “Rosarium Philosophorum”, book that describes alchemist's practices. Using language of codes had always been reserved for unique professions. For Cypherpunks coding was a way of communicating, to the point that coding was preferred way of explaining certain things. There's famous cypherpunk quote, (this time written by Satoshi Nakamoto) who wrote: “I’m better with code than with words though.
**II Nature**
The times of the first alchemists are the first attempts to interfere in the work of nature on unprecedented scales and although the relationship with mother nature was not so black and white the truth seems to be on what Mircea Eliade point out:
> (...) Thanks to this sacred quality of Nature - revealed in
the 'subtle' aspect of substances - that the alchemist thought
he could obtain his transmuting agent, the Philosopher’s
Stone, as well as his Elixir of Immortality.***
“And although it is true that without fire there is no transformation, the invention of the philosopher's stone was possible thanks to the alchemy of ice smiths.”
It was always through her. Walking into creating new substance meaning walking into sacred mother nature's qualities. Taking anything from her was only possible and granted when blacksmiths were be able to gives back.
The furnaces replace the mother nature womb, so all precautions had to be maintained****
Give back gratitude and respect to her and she returns with her most precious gifts that were growing inside her womb.
The way to express those feelings was to create special procedures, activites and rituals. Rituals was emotions embodied in action. It's always emotions that creates rituals for the purpose to give back gratitude, to bless mother nature as she blessed us, and to celebrate reality trying to making it closest to god's image as possible. It wasn't about mechanical action per se. In fact, metallurgy for the indigenous tribes was a religious experience, evolved around rituals filled with many activities that have been preparing for it. As Mircae Eliade stated in his findings before any metallurgy performance, certain tribes got to be spiritually clean. Smiths meant to be absent from sexual activities and should abstain from food and drinking. Being an alchemist was a highly respected professions, similar to the priest today. So highly that only through rites few got access to it.
> (...) strong in the conviction that they were working in
conjunction with God, the alchemists considered their work
as a perfecting of Nature, tolerated if not encouraged by God.
Far removed though they were from the ancient metallurgists
and smiths, they nevertheless continued the same attitude
vis-ci-vis Nature. For the primitive miner, as for the Western
alchemist, Nature is a hierophany. It is not only 'alive', it is
also 'divine'; it has, at least, a divine dimension.*****
Imagine shaping philosopher stone from volcanoes. Bitcoin is perfecting natures qualities, possibilities to transform. Volcanoes stranded energy is not encapsulated in the stone and kept as a store of value but thanks to Bitcoin can be transferred into something else - black swan, liquid gold.
It is only possible under subtle transformation of sacred powerful forces, transition of one substance into the other, and that what makes Bitcoin part of alived Nature, part of ‘divine’.
Nature in their hierophany was always part of humanity experience. From following moon phases, to sowing and reaping, cultivating plants and animals (some of which was sacred) and celebrating food - everything was made with connection to Mother Earth. Bitcoin is an extension of perfecting Mother Nature forces.
In our disconnected world emphasizing on this part is quite important.
Bitcoin connection to nature allows us to see Bitcoin far from the technological industry and only as product of highly advanced algorithms and cryptography but instead it allows us to see it as a part of Nature.
Some would say nature is part of us: it's we who are evolving from it. One thesis of this text is that we can see Bitcoin and speak of it as a network that is evolving from nature and by proof of work is linked to us all - as part of Nature, part of us.
We are all connected. Money to become “healthy” again needs to be connected to us as well. Any Fiat currency that since 1971 is no longer tied to any nature resources (gold) became detached and artificial. Bitcoin is bringing that connection back in the form of pure energy.
Alchemy of thoughts leads to alchemy of energy.
**III Properties**
> “This Stone which is not a
stone, a precious thing which has no value, a thing of many
shapes which has no shapes, this unknown
which is known of
******A Transmute elements into gold******
> “The first virtue of the Stone is its capacity
to transmute metals into gold.”
Turning volcano energy into Bitcoin is true alchemy. Volcanoes energy can't be turned into other commodity, gold or silver.
Gold as the pinnacle of humanity's hard money. And the only known almost perfect metal.
The main task was to transform imperfections into perfection which is: energy poured into wires reaching around the world at the speed of light. retains its value, has every property of gold, but is improved from many aspects; in terms of divisibility, portability and resistance to theft. Bitcoin is digital, ephemeral, liquid gold - goes faster, everywhere, it's much more transportable and it's easier to carry and transact with.
Alchemists' dream about improving mother nature's work had come to the fruition.
******B-Accelerate of tempo, quickens growth
> Although he put himself
in the place of Time, the alchemist took good care not to as
sume its role. His dream was to accelerate the tempo of things,
to create gold more quickly than Nature. ******
The notion that the Stone accelerates the temporal rhythm of all organisms
and quickens growth;
'In spring, by its great and marvellous heat, the Stone brings
life to the plants: if thou dissolve the equivalent of a grain of
salt in water, taking from this water enough to fill a nutshell,
and then if thou water with it a vinestock, thy vinestock will
bring forth ripe grapes in May.'
Another philosophical stone property is to bring an acceleration of growth of all organisms: “Stone that brings life to the plants”. In Alana Mediavila’ s movie: “Dirty Coin" we can see how often stranded energy, once restored, can return back and fuel the growth of local agriculture and homes. It brings back life to the plants. It prevents energy from dying. It quickens growth of local communities, accelerates growth of standard of living.
Contrary to traditional energy that evaporates once utilised - Bitcoin uses energy that contains, is made up of and can give back value later on.
Bitcoin - the money that are durable as gold and transport energy similar to the best mining facilities; Money that preserves lots of energy just by existing.
Bitcoin takes up stranded energy and directs it into growing plants. It's taking over liquidity of gold, silver and precious metals and has the ability to store it in the most hard ledger ever invented yet the most ephemeral, existing only in cyberspace.
There are no other substance on planet Earth that is capable of performing what, for the purpose of this text, can be call “modern alchemy” just as Bitcoin is able.
******C-Turn into itself******
> Brought to perfection, it transforms into itself all the imperfections ... with which it comes in contact. “*******
Thanks to Bitcoin properties and it's magic Bitcoin can flow onto other branches of energy industry improving the local economy.
As a liquid gold, Bitcoin can work in osmosis and transform - as we can see more clearly recently - anything into itself: from any Fiat Currencies, ETFs, gaming tokens, assets, financial products, loans, mortgages. All of these things can be transmuted into Bitcoin. Philosopher's Stone is working best through orange osmosis.
Real alchemy is happening when substances can flow, share its properties to others. Real philosopher's stone never lose their force, energy can't be neither created nor destroyed. It exists to build, to give and restore.
******D) Restore youth. ******
>** 'the Philosopher's Stone
cures all maladies. In one day it cures a malady which would
last a month, in twelve days a sickness which would last a
year, and a longer one in a month. It restores youth to the
old.' - “Arnold de Villanova.***
The Fed has ability to increase monetary supply and because of that money purchasing power is heavily affected. For 100£ in 1971, today you would need £1, 771.42. Any currency created by decret (Latin meaning of “Fiat”) can be easily devalued. Bitcoin is the opposite: one of the beauty of fixed supply is that it creates scarcity. Rare items appreciate in value with time. In terms of Bitcoin if you would save 29$ for Bitcoin in 2009 instead of buying shake weight, you'd have $13,736,720,474.
> (...) medicine which gets rid of impurities
and all blemishes from the most base metal, can wash unclean
things from the body and prevents decay of the body to such
an extent that it prolongs life by several centuries'.
Bitcoin prevents decay of Fiat Inflation malady.
Fiat can “get old with time” meaning devaluation its value. Bitcoin stays forever young, appreciates on value. Always young, always 21.
Reverse ageing with bitcoin is possible but only when applied on a daily basis. Anti Aging DCAing is recommended alongside Orange Pilling: applied quickly enough it not only can restores your (financial) youth, but also prevent from inflationary death.
**IV The goal of alchemy: transmutation and recreation. **
In this process of creation, death plays a very important role. We are dealing with the breaking down of a couple of substances, bringing them to their annihilation, to their death.
This is necessary for the reconstitution of the cosmogony, which can only be possible through transmutation, the transition from one state to another, and this means death and cessation of continuance in one mode of existence.
Death in this context has an initiatory meaning:
A return to the germ, to “ad originem,” to “prima material.” It is a beginning anew, a metaphysical washing away of sins. It is not so much a return as the beginning of a new cycle. The process of creation, cosmic creation is the ultimate “resurrection.”
Therefore, as Mircae Eliade states, one of the main goals of alchemy, is not the transmutation of substance itself, but the recreation of cosmogony.
Alchemical transmutation, from a purely physical point of view, was supposed to lead to the creation of completely new substances. Through the creation of new substances, there is a process of reconstructing the universe, reconstructing the cosmogony.
**V. Modern Alchemists**
Alchemy was a religious experience because it reflected the inner life of the soul, a tendency both to order and to destroy, a desire for order and a desire to return to “pure”, fresh beginnings. Alchemy includes the material world, the world of emoji, substances, rituals, in the form of metaphysical world - everything is contained there.
Transformation that took place had a great significance. It wasn't just "doing", without the soul, it was an act of creation, reflection of inner state. Maybe we can't see it in Bitcoin, because we can't see how energy is actually being transferred while speeding through cables and infrastructure, or take a look into the bitcoin nodes, but we can take a look into mother nature’s womb, onto volcanoes energy and be aware, that’s the exact same energy had been transmuted into something completely different, something not even having his material reflection, yet very durable. Overall Bitcoin is a pure energy transferred.
It can flow according to our will. In any direction. Exchanging value, acquiring experiences or sending gratitude - we are transmuting that energy everyday. We are ultimate alchemists.
**VI to be continued…. **
*M. Eliade, “The Forge and the Crucible: The Origins and Structure of Alchemy”, The University of Chicago Press, 1978, p. 169.
**Rosarium Philosophorum, Weinhem edition, 1990. Quote from:
M. Eliade, “The Forge and the Crucible: The Origins and Structure of Alchemy”,
*****Ibidem, p. 171.
******Ibidem, p. 164.
Ibidem,p. 166.
how to replace the current centrally controlled monetary system for the ne one, how
While Bitcoin taking up stranded energy and directs it into growing plants It’s taking over liquidity of gold, silver and precious metals and has ability to store it in the most hard ledger ever invented yet the most epheral, existing only in cyberspace. it takes people on journey, it orange pilling them through osmosis, allowing everyone to understand real value of something scarce.
The case I’d like to make here is that Bitcoin is adding back people's time and life force in meantime and in that sense giving back a little bit of our soul.
“Yet no one prizes it, though, next to
the human soul, it is the most beautiful and most precious
thing upon earth“
Since 2020 FeD alongside with government decided to add 80% extra amount of money into circulation. Prices since then increased by 23.03%*
As above, so as below.
Transmutation energy