
2025-03-07 08:17:06
If Russia just packed up their shit and pulled out of Ukraine, so many problems would be solved. The threat of nuclear war would drop significantly, the tension in Europe would be alleviated, all the money these nations are earmarking for aid and support commitments could be reallocated for more constructive purposes, etc. With that one action, so many problems would disappear. And Russia could legitimately take credit for it while saving face.
"We reevaluated our position in eastern Europe, and how we're dealing with Ukraine, and have decided that ending the special military engagement (or whatever they're calling it) is the best option both for Russia and the families of our precious Russian soldiers, and Ukraine and the nations of Europe that have become entangled in this confluence. It would be best for all parties, and would give us all an opportunity to take a breath and reevaluate or respective positions in light of the changing circumstances."
And just like that, the war would end, everyone would relax, and Russia would come out looking like the benevolent, thoughtful nation who's really working in everyone's best interests. I think it could work 🤔