
@ Coddiwompler59
2025-03-11 07:21:31
My research has led me to the conclusion that the world is run by a thousands year old death cult.
They've created and manipulated most of history, and have marketed a false version in perpetuity to keep the masses convinced and docile. Propaganda is as old as time, fake news isn't new.
Even just the last 100 years has been nothing but psyop after psyop, that has just kicked the can down the road in the direction that they want it to go, while occasionally throwing you a bone they inevitably take away eventually anyway.
It's the continued belief in this history, and the actors within it, that pervades our perceptions of the world around us today. It convinces us that we need institutional religions, governments, companies, and money systems in order to exist in peace, except, we never do seem to have peace, do we?
You are capable of incredible things, but they keep the guard rails up and limit your imagination and critical thinking. They build and breed within you a facade of dependency at a young age, so that you will remain insecure enough to keep relenting your own self-agency in every way, every day.
Distrust Authority, Always. Self-Govern. Think Critically.
The Buck Stops With Us First.