@ Undisciplined
2024-07-18 13:23:31
*Yesterday's edition https://stacker.news/items/611566/r/Undisciplined*
@ek makes an appearance on the leaderboard and Warren Buffet makes an impressively foolish statement that will likely live on for eternity.
*Bookkeeping note: I've gotten more zaps the past few days, so I'm going to bump my zaps to top posts and comments up to 69. It would be nice to just be able to forward sats to more than 5 people.*
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### July 18, 2023 📅
### 📝 `TOP POST`
**[Phoenix Beta Wallet Migration](https://stacker.news/items/211009/r/Undisciplined)**
#### Excerpt
> As you may already know since it was mentioned on SN [here](https://stacker.news/items/207349), Phoenix released a new blog post last week to announce the new Phoenix wallet: [a 3rd generation self-custodial Lightning wallet](https://acinq.co/blog/ph […]
*3519 sats \ 14 comments \ @ek \ ~bitcoin*
#### Excerpt
> A mining node can only "censor" any block it mines. A miner with huge percent of hashrate could mine 6 blocks in a row somewhat regularly.
*2819 sats \ 0 replies \ @nullcount*
From **[Can Bitcoin miners that are routing nodes exploit their peers/channel partners?](https://stacker.news/items/210873/r/Undisciplined)** by @02ca839694 in ~bitcoin
2nd place **@ek** (1st hiding, presumed @siggy47)
*1637 stacked \ 2261 spent \ 1 post \ 6 comments \ 0 referrals*
> everything bitcoin related
founded by @k00b on Tue May 02 2023
*58.9k stacked \ 0 revenue \ 70.9k spent \ 94 posts \ 264 comments*
### July 18, 2022 📅
### 📝 `TOP POST`
**[What do I need this bitcoin for? 🔦](https://stacker.news/items/46555/r/Undisciplined)**
#### Excerpt
> Famous investor Warren Buffett recently said:
> #### *"If you offered me all the bitcoins in the world for $25, I wouldn't take it."*
*112.5k sats \ 29 comments \ @hynek \ ~bitcoin*
#### Excerpt
> I am really starting to get tired of the bitcoin isn't an inflation hedge, lol it stops you from dilution IN THE BITCOIN network, it doesn't control whats going on in secondary markets, gosh everytime I have to explain that one it does my head in lol […]
*564 sats \ 2 replies \ @TheBTCManual*
From **[What do I need this bitcoin for? 🔦](https://stacker.news/items/46555/r/Undisciplined)** by @hynek in ~bitcoin
1st place **@cryptocoin**
*618 stacked \ 375 spent \ 5 posts \ 25 comments \ 0 referrals*
> everything bitcoin related
founded by @k00b on Tue May 02 2023
*119.4k stacked \ 0 revenue \ 124.9k spent \ 60 posts \ 194 comments*
### July 18, 2021 📅
### 📝 `TOP POST`
**[All-time Bitcoin price chart (fork of zorinaq's)](https://stacker.news/items/387/r/Undisciplined)**
Link to https://price.bublina.eu.org/
*546.3k sats \ 4 comments \ @spain \ ~bitcoin*
#### Excerpt
> Sure. To answer such questions you definitely need JavaScript client-side analytics. But there may be some open source libraries for that? But surely it may be easier to use a ready-made 3rd party one, just wondering how much it can cost.
*1 sat \ 1 reply \ @spain*
From **[Opinions on analytics for Stacker News?](https://stacker.news/items/325/r/Undisciplined)** by @k00b in ~bitcoin
1st place **@spain**
*7 stacked \ 6 spent \ 1 post \ 2 comments \ 0 referrals*
> everything bitcoin related
founded by @k00b on Tue May 02 2023
*40 stacked \ 0 revenue \ 78 spent \ 6 posts \ 16 comments*
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/612715