
@ The Bird
2025-01-19 01:58:33
Today was overall productive.
Read daily devotional and did some squats after
Teaching kids how to cook breakfast
Let wife sleep in
3 mile ruck Pull ups chin ups and leg lifts
Bike ride with family to the beach and hung out for a while
Told the cookies to kick rocks and ate 2 dates instead
Got the chickens squared away before the weather turned
Got the oranges off the trees before the freeze gets rough
Read some of the Sovereign Individual
New seed phrase into steel washers
Made chicken wings for dinner
Left over bones had the connective tissue pulled off 1/4 for the chickens 1/4 for the crows rest for the stock because I'm stewing a whole chicken tomorrow and will save the leftover juice for stock to pressure can tomorrow
I'm forgetting something but not sure what
Time for some tea with the wife and sit and relax then rack out
I hope y'all have had an amazing day and have a great night