Remember the fog that happened mainly in the States. Now the medical results are in and they are alarming 😱😡 Analysis of the “fog” in Florida completed. I was told that the results were confirmed by a second lab. They found that it was saturated with Serratia Marcescens bacteria, which are also considered parasites. This release of these pathogens into the community is considered biological warfare. Types of Serratia Marcescens infections observed in humans may include the following: - Urinary tract infections; - Bloodstream infections; - Pneumonia; - eye infections; - Respiratory infections; - meningitis; - wound infections; and - osteomyelitis Full report: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/44ytpjbq8ain20u6sqeaq/TheFogExperiment-1.5.25.pdf?rlkey=kepqhgt75qe3c386fs3m5pd7o&e=2&st=glzwys59&dl=0