My life’s purpose is to save souls Some think that preaching and convincing people is the way, maybe, but I prefer a more practical way. I want to actually solve real world problems for good and change people’s lives for the better Most people have some sort of void in their heart nowadays, some big, some small. Some are still fighting to fill it, most gave up and accepted that life is just as whatever the eyes can see Jesus said walk by faith and not by sight. I want to show people that this is the case but how can I do it when the world is so clouded? Most people believe that anything they think or feel is justified and we have to agree to disagree with each other to avoid conflict. This is madness I’ve lived in this world for a while and by the grace of God, I can see through everything. Satan made money a requirement to live in this earth. Try asking people what’s one thing they are looking for, you’ll hear two common answers; money or happiness Happiness people are made clueless, they are people who lost to their thoughts and gave in to their heart. Just ask them what makes them happy, and you will see how blind they are about reality. Their happiness comes from owning materialistic stuff or having experiences they haven’t experience because that’s what the media made them believe Money people can think just enough that they need money to satisfy their heart, but not enough to realize that money is the root of all their misery. In reality, money is still a big issue in our world right now even after Bitcoin. Satan has successfully shifted the narrative of what Bitcoin actually is I feel the need to help people with money, so that they have less worries about their finances, so that they can think less about money and more about important things in life; relationships, death and eternal life The world is currently dark and corrupted, people are kept poor, hopeless and suppressed by the hands of satan. They’re killing our future generations with debt without explaining what debt truly is. They made the world so disillusioned to the point that everyone is talking about Hollywood over the lives of people I was guilty of waiting for a change, but by the grace of God, tis no more. I will be the light of the world Tomorrow is a new year, don’t spend another year doing the same thing. Join the fight. Use your blessed mind to tell people that Bitcoin is freedom money. We don't need to verify anymore, everything is clear if we open our eyes. Trust the Word and not the religion. Say no to Karmageddon We are all Satoshi We are legion