Trigger warning. Please have an open mind and I will open a perspective for you --- In this world, we are always told to follow our heart. Have you ever think deeply about this? You had your first love, didn’t you really love them? You defend them, you put them over your family. No mom he/she is not like that, you just don’t understand. And then you distance yourself from your mom, the person who gave you life. Your mom will tell you please take it slow, but you say no I love this person. This is the love of my life! Forty days later you cry because you got cheated on, and the only person that consoles you is your mom. What happened? I thought you loved that person? You gave everything, you love, and boom, you hate. Do you know why? Because you don’t know this verse: > *“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?”* *> *Jeremiah 17:9 KJV* We are groomed by the prince of this world, satan, to follow our heart. This is why we are always volatile. Happy sad happy sad. This is why God records this verse in the Bible. He’s just like: “Hey guys, just so you know, this is your heart. You will never know it, so I record it here because I love you”. Sadly, we never read our Bible, so we don’t know the heart of God. And when we don’t know the heart of God, we can only trust our heart and we become easily deceived Let’s go deeper, what is the antithesis of God? Satan. What is satan’s objective? Deceive. How is he like? Cunning and deceitful. Does satan want you to kill? No. To hate? No. Satan just wants a lot of people to stay with him in hell when the world ends Aren’t you just walking around existing? You’re not striving, you’re not thriving, you’re just existing. Why? Because you trust your thoughts and feelings. Those that deceive you. Your problem isn’t empty or depression. Empty or depression doesn’t come from God. This is the characteristics of satan God compared our heart to the characteristics of satan. Satan is cunning and deceitful, we should never trust our heart because trusting your heart directly correlates with trusting and worshiping satan Satan never say worship me, satan says believe in yourself. Satan says worship yourself. Individualism, greed, pride, sloth, all deadly sins. Worship that! And when you follow that, you die