
@ 34d2f527:05cc8095
2025-03-09 22:56:59
DM us an address

@ b133bfc5:49d5789d
2025-03-09 22:53:30
So what are we up to like 5 updates from nostr:npub1xnf02f60r9v0e5kty33a404dm79zr7z2eepyrk5gsq3m7pwvsz2sazlpr5 this weekend?

@ d36e8083:ac0b6bec
2025-03-09 22:52:41

@ f18571e7:9da08ff4
2025-03-09 22:47:32
Não consegui passar pela verificação humana. Estou começando a me preocupar com isso 😐
Fiz pelo nostrcheck.me

@ 431fa2f3:d8f39feb
2025-03-09 22:30:11

@ 3f770d65:7a745b24
2025-03-09 22:02:56

@ 3f770d65:7a745b24
2025-03-09 22:01:18
It's time to break out this massive pepper grinder.

@ 7e5fe48d:c88c79d0
2025-03-09 21:59:24
Classical music relax: http://relax.stream.publicradio.org/relax.mp3

@ 7e5fe48d:c88c79d0
2025-03-09 21:59:15
Qwest JazzTV https://qwest-jazz-plex.amagi.tv/playlist.m3u8

@ 6ad3e2a3:c90b7740
2025-03-09 21:49:54
Bitcoin was cool only when it was for outsiders and misfits. Now it’s cringe. Better sell before it moons!

@ f901616f:95c58e27
2025-03-09 21:41:55
I really hope that they go into full resistance mode. No limits, whatever it takes. Enough is enough.

@ 34d2f527:05cc8095
2025-03-09 21:41:43

@ 125c39d1:00f3c8c7
2025-03-09 21:39:17
I could do this every day.

@ 86b19e3b:70352c42
2025-03-09 21:34:53
Hello, friend.

@ 431fa2f3:d8f39feb
2025-03-09 21:30:16

@ 95543309:196c540e
2025-03-09 21:11:23

@ 18905d0a:0b229b08
2025-03-09 21:11:14
Move liquidity around on the channel I think yes. Maybe it made more sense when we used to zap more

@ b133bfc5:49d5789d
2025-03-09 20:50:52
I’m really just curious lol

@ 431fa2f3:d8f39feb
2025-03-09 20:30:13

@ b133bfc5:49d5789d
2025-03-09 20:11:31
Why don’t y’all use the same LN wallet to send & receive zaps?

@ 9ce71f15:d7e780c7
2025-03-09 20:07:18
I guess one of my jobs is called, a matchmaker. A client pointed this out.
I match people with cars they often didn't know they wanted. If they drive the car, it is also my business to maintain it.

@ af9c48b7:a3f7aaf4
2025-03-09 19:59:49
Steak N Shake…when they start accepting ₿itcoin for ₿urgers.

@ 7e5fe48d:c88c79d0
2025-03-09 19:59:35
rekt.network: https://stream.rekt.network/rekt.mp3

@ 7e5fe48d:c88c79d0
2025-03-09 19:59:26
Virgin Classic rock http://icy.unitedradio.it/VirginRockClassics.mp3

@ 7e5fe48d:c88c79d0
2025-03-09 19:59:17
rekt.network rektory station: https://stream.rekt.network/rektory.mp3

@ e771af0b:8e8ed66f
2025-03-09 19:45:57

@ af9c48b7:a3f7aaf4
2025-03-09 19:31:27
Well…Marc Cohn was “Walking in Memphis” in 1991 and now Elon Musk is “Grokking in Memphis” in 2025.

@ 431fa2f3:d8f39feb
2025-03-09 19:30:11

@ 4fdb1e11:544d7068
2025-03-09 19:10:54
Fish pie
900g Floury Potatoes
2 tbsp Olive Oil
600ml Semi-skimmed Milk
800g White Fish Fillets
1 tbsp Plain flour
Grating Nutmeg
3 tbsp Double Cream
200g Jerusalem Artichokes
1 finely sliced Leek
200g peeled raw Prawns
Large handful Parsley
Handful Dill
Grated zest of 1 Lemon
25g grated Gruyère
Juice of 1 Lemon
01.Put the potatoes in a large pan of cold salted water and bring to the boil. Lower the heat, cover, then simmer gently for 15 minutes until tender. Drain, then return to the pan over a low heat for 30 seconds to drive off any excess water. Mash with 1 tbsp olive oil, then season.
02.Meanwhile put the milk in a large sauté pan, add the fish and bring to the boil. Remove from the heat, cover and stand for 3 minutes. Remove the fish (reserving the milk) and pat dry with kitchen paper, then gently flake into an ovenproof dish, discarding the skin and any bones.
03.Heat the remaining oil in a pan, stir in the flour and cook for 30 seconds. Gradually stir in 200-250ml of the reserved milk (discard the rest). Grate in nutmeg, season, then bubble until thick. Stir in the cream.
04.Preheat the oven to 190°C/fan170°C/gas 5. Grate the artichokes and add to the dish with the leek, prawns and herbs. Stir the lemon zest and juice into the sauce, then pour over. Mix gently with a wooden spoon.
05.Spoon the mash onto the fish mixture, then use a fork to make peaks, which will crisp and brown as it cooks. Sprinkle over the cheese, then bake for 35-40 minutes until golden and bubbling. Serve with wilted greens.
Image: https://www.themealdb.com/images/media/meals/ysxwuq1487323065.jpg Audio Instructions: https://cdn.satellite.earth/a03190f81bd308a2c9b43dfc364acd5c6dc7efe2b4b2621c2ff48919670503a9.mp3

@ 3f770d65:7a745b24
2025-03-09 18:41:11
It's hard for single man teams and even small teams to handle all of these tasks effectively. Let the community know how they can help. There are a lot of people that want to help build Nostr, but don't have development skills.

@ d662c10f:78d039af
2025-03-09 18:39:52
Should the hex value have spaces in it or no spaces? Still not seeing it work. Sorry to bug you. Just lost.

@ 431fa2f3:d8f39feb
2025-03-09 18:30:13

@ 1fe903e3:e4e0e4f0
2025-03-09 17:59:49
"A beleza é enganosa, e a formosura é passageira;
mas a mulher que teme o Senhor será elogiada."
- Provérbios 31:30

@ a8abe376:c98ba023
2025-03-09 17:00:02
Midday Mempool
Immediate Fee Rate: 2 sat/vByte
Hour Fee Rate: 2 sat/vByte
Day Fee Rate: 2 sat/vByte
Mempool Accept Rate: 1 sat/vByte
Mempool Count: 2,890
Block Interval: 9:51

@ c7eda660:efd97c86
2025-03-09 16:49:32
Catshu tokens, anyone?

@ d4338b7c:f1d23a5b
2025-03-09 16:37:00
Gm 🫂 ☕️ 🤙
Time change is a shit coin, tbh. I don't like it.

@ 431fa2f3:d8f39feb
2025-03-09 16:30:13

@ 3f770d65:7a745b24
2025-03-09 16:12:19

@ 3f770d65:7a745b24
2025-03-09 16:05:40
And then there's the affinity scam Zap, where platforms have co-opted the term Zap when it doesn't involve Nostr at all and only includes a Lightning payment.
Anyways, I'm for Nutzaps be called Zaps.
Users don't care about the technology being utilized in the background. The foreground is all that matters.

@ a8abe376:c98ba023
2025-03-09 15:59:16
Mining Difficulty +1.4%
Epoch 440 Begins
Hash Rate: 802 EHash/s
Block 887,040