
@ b7c94bd4:fe5b12b9
2025-03-04 04:27:19
GD(Good day)

@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-03-04 04:26:56
Atlanta Fed Model Predicts US GDP Contraction
The Atlanta Fed model has predicted a significant contraction in the US GDP for the first quarter of the year, with a potential shrinkage of 28%. This would be the largest GDP contraction since the COVID-19 lockdown. The main cause of this predicted contraction is President Donald Trump's tariff plans, which continue to disrupt the economy.
The predicted GDP contraction is a result of the ongoing trade tensions and the impact of tariffs on the US economy. The Atlanta Fed model takes into account various economic indicators, including consumer spending, business investment, and government spending, to make its predictions.
Key Points:
* Predicted GDP contraction: 28%
* Largest contraction since COVID-19 lockdown
* Cause: President Donald Trump's tariff plans
* Impact: Trade tensions and tariffs disrupting the US economy
Images/ Links
#bitcoin #crypto #news #economy #GDP #tariffs #trump #usnews
For Your Information: The current price of 1 BTC is $83722 USD, but it is not directly related to the predicted GDP contraction. However, the economic uncertainty caused by the tariff plans and the predicted GDP contraction may have an impact on the cryptocurrency market, including bitcoin.

@ a2b85453:4f66fd11
2025-03-04 04:25:55
Jay Yates: 今天的川普政府

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-04 04:25:50
Block 886228
2 - high priority
2 - medium priority
2 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-03-04 04:25:26
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@ 5de23b9a:d83005b3
2025-03-04 04:24:23
Gundam and dragon fusion concept

@ a2b85453:4f66fd11
2025-03-04 04:24:17

@ 9463cf9e:6abfd21d
2025-03-04 04:24:16
¡EL PRIMER ELEMENTO SEGURO DE CÓDIGO ABIERTO DEL MUNDO! El TROPIC01 by @tropicsquare finalmente se lanza con muestras.
Esto es enorme para la seguridad de bitcoin, ya que todas las billeteras de hardware en el mundo actualmente tienen un elemento seguro de código cerrado (a excepción de Jade) que requiere que confiemos en el componente más importante de nuestras billeteras de hardware. Esto finalmente permite a los fabricantes construir hardware de código abierto de manera verdadera, completa, reduciendo significativamente la confianza.

@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-03-04 04:22:59
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@ b7c94bd4:fe5b12b9
2025-03-04 04:22:57
get this man on NOSTR https://image.nostr.build/b0cc7c5bf2a5e1e92ed8ada60e62b84c619fd26a6252b3641b3a248a500daebb.png

@ a2b85453:4f66fd11
2025-03-04 04:22:05

@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-03-04 04:21:09
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@ c92a9790:10523e28
2025-03-04 04:20:59

@ 9463cf9e:6abfd21d
2025-03-04 04:20:51

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-04 04:20:50
Block 886226
2 - high priority
2 - medium priority
2 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ 35f80bda:406855c0
2025-03-04 04:20:40
Pai rico e pai pobre mudou minha vida, os primeiros capítulos são muito bons, na época quase não se falava do termo "Corrida dos ratos".
No final das contas em cada um desses livros é possível aprender e tirar coisas úteis.

@ 9463cf9e:6abfd21d
2025-03-04 04:19:51

@ a2b85453:4f66fd11
2025-03-04 04:17:38
Pass the buck🦌

@ 9463cf9e:6abfd21d
2025-03-04 04:17:38
3. La resistencia a la entropía: Propiedad eterna frente a la decadencia
La propiedad física está sujeta a la entropía: las casas se derrumban, el oro puede confiscarse, los documentos se pierden. Bitcoin, al existir como un patrón de información replicado en miles de nodos, desafía esta decadencia. Mientras la red persista y la criptografía no se rompa, tus bitcoins son tuyos, potencialmente para siempre. Esto introduce una dimensión temporal única: Bitcoin no es solo propiedad privada en el presente, sino una promesa de propiedad transgeneracional, un legado que trasciende fronteras y regímenes. Sin embargo, esta eternidad tiene su contracara: perder la clave privada es perderlo todo, irrevocablemente. Aquí, la propiedad privada se convierte en una responsabilidad existencial, un reflejo del libre albedrío humano en su forma más cruda.
4. La paradoja social: Individualismo radical en un sistema colectivo
Bitcoin es propiedad privada en su esencia, pero su existencia depende de una red colectiva de mineros, nodos y usuarios que acuerdan sus reglas. Este matrimonio entre el individualismo y la cooperación voluntaria desafía las dicotomías tradicionales entre lo privado y lo público. No hay un "Estado" que imponga el valor de Bitcoin; su valor surge del consenso descentralizado, un contrato social implícito sin coerción. Así, Bitcoin no solo protege la propiedad privada, sino que la redefine como un acto de fe en la humanidad misma: creo en mi derecho a poseer, pero también en la capacidad colectiva de sostener un sistema que lo haga posible.
5. La dimensión existencial: Bitcoin como espejo del ser
Poseer Bitcoin requiere más que riqueza; exige disciplina, foresight y una confrontación con la propia mortalidad. La clave privada es un secreto que debes proteger, recordar y transmitir. Olvidarla es perderlo todo; revelarla es rendirte a la vulnerabilidad. En este sentido, Bitcoin transforma la propiedad privada en un reflejo del alma humana: es tan segura como lo seas tú, tan duradera como tu voluntad de preservarla. Frente a un mundo de gratificación instantánea y dependencia institucional, Bitcoin exige que el individuo se eleve, que asuma el peso de su propia existencia. Es propiedad privada no como un derecho pasivo, sino como una conquista activa del espíritu.
6. La trascendencia histórica: Bitcoin como el fin del feudalismo monetario
Finalmente, Bitcoin puede verse como una revolución histórica: la liberación de la propiedad monetaria del control feudal de bancos centrales y estados. Durante siglos, el dinero ha sido un instrumento de poder, manipulado por élites para redistribuir riqueza a través de la inflación o las restricciones. Bitcoin, al ser finito (21 millones de unidades) y resistente a la censura, devuelve el control al individuo. Es la propiedad privada convertida en arma contra la opresión económica, un medio para que el hombre común reclame su lugar en un sistema que históricamente lo ha subyugado. En este sentido, Bitcoin no es solo propiedad; es emancipación.

@ 35f80bda:406855c0
2025-03-04 04:17:31
Instale a sua com wireguard e seja feliz.

@ 9463cf9e:6abfd21d
2025-03-04 04:17:11
Bitcoin como la manifestación suprema de la propiedad privada en la era digital: soberanía, entropía y el renacimiento del individuo
1. El fundamento filosófico: Propiedad como extensión de la libertad humana
La propiedad privada, desde John Locke hasta Robert Nozick, se ha entendido como una extensión natural del derecho humano a la vida y la libertad. Locke argumentó que al mezclar el trabajo con los recursos del mundo, el individuo reclama legítimamente un dominio exclusivo. Bitcoin lleva esta idea a su máxima expresión: no es un objeto físico apropiado, sino un constructo matemático y criptográfico que existe solo porque un individuo lo asegura mediante claves privadas. Poseer Bitcoin no es poseer "algo" tangible, sino controlar un secreto —un conocimiento— que nobody puede arrebatar sin tu consentimiento o tu error. Esto eleva la propiedad privada a un plano casi metafísico: la posesión de Bitcoin es la posesión de una idea codificada, inviolable por la fuerza bruta del mundo físico mientras las leyes de la matemática y la computación se mantengan.
2. La ruptura con el intermediario: Soberanía absoluta
Históricamente, la propiedad privada ha estado mediada por instituciones: gobiernos que registran tierras, bancos que custodian oro, leyes que definen límites. Bitcoin elimina al intermediario por diseño. Su blockchain, un registro descentralizado e inmutable, sustituye la confianza en terceros por la certeza de un protocolo. Quien tiene la clave privada tiene el control absoluto, sin necesidad de permisos, tribunales o burocracias. Esto redefine la propiedad como un acto de soberanía individual: no dependes de un rey, un estado o un banco para afirmar "esto es mío". En un mundo donde la vigilancia y la centralización erosionan la autonomía, Bitcoin emerge como un baluarte de libertad, un grito digital que dice: "Mi propiedad no requiere tu aprobación". LB

@ f27237fb:7f577864
2025-03-04 04:17:09
🚲✨ Introducing the Jio Electric Cycle: a budget-friendly ride that combines affordability with advanced features! Perfect for city commuting and eco-friendly travel. Get ready to pedal into the future!
#JioElectricCycle #EcoFriendly #SmartTravel

@ f27237fb:7f577864
2025-03-04 04:16:40
Have enough courage to trust love one more time and always one more time." This beautiful sentiment from "We are One" by eTechnocrats reminds us that love is worth the risk. Let's embrace love with open hearts! 💖 #TrustLove #CourageToLove #WeAreOne

@ 5a999dd9:1454253a
2025-03-04 04:14:53
How convenient if you're an oligarch whose wealth depends on eliminating competition to keep EVs unaffordable.

@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-03-04 04:11:16
Bitcoin: 83639 USD
1 Satoshi = 0.00083639 USD
#bitcoin #crypto #price

@ e7bf8dad:839ef3db
2025-03-04 04:10:50
Block 886225
2 - high priority
2 - medium priority
2 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ 316e8bed:aba004ca
2025-03-04 04:09:56

@ 316e8bed:aba004ca
2025-03-04 04:07:37
He doesn't know guys, give him time.
Maybe he gave himself autism with the vaccines he is pushing.

@ f1322438:92c2f479
2025-03-04 04:06:20

@ 18192749:10cbad9f
2025-03-04 04:06:03
GM nostr happy morning!

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-04 04:05:50
Block 886223
2 - high priority
2 - medium priority
2 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-03-04 04:05:13
🤖 Tracking strings detected and removed!
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@ 5d3f5aff:ae7fbbb5
2025-03-04 04:05:02
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPjd0yr4kdw como limpar o KYC.

@ 3f770d65:7a745b24
2025-03-04 04:03:24
Goodnight and wabi sabi, Nostr! 💜🫂🤙🏻
Value for value is mutually beneficial to both creators and users. Keep zapping.

@ 5d3f5aff:ae7fbbb5
2025-03-04 04:01:50
também não intendi nada.

@ cbab7074:f9f0bd61
2025-03-04 04:00:51
Block 886221
2 - high priority
2 - medium priority
2 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ e7bf8dad:839ef3db
2025-03-04 04:00:51
Block 886222
2 - high priority
2 - medium priority
2 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-03-04 04:00:12
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@ 5d3f5aff:ae7fbbb5
2025-03-04 04:00:00
Pão e circo, se você não aceitar se distrair com pão e circo, encarar a realidade com sua devida proporção, melhorar si próprio, ter preferencia temporal nas escolhas da vida, você não será uma dessas bestas quadradas, você não será gado do estado, você não vai fazer parte da maioria que tem QI menor do que macacos.

@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-03-04 04:00:00
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@ 832b77d5:a5e3d55c
2025-03-04 03:58:58
Price: 90161.71USD (7%)
BTC: 0.0101
USD: 911
Method: Zelle
Created: 2025-03-04T03:38:48Z

@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-03-04 03:58:53
Bitcoin: 84182 USD
1 Satoshi = 0.00084182 USD
#bitcoin #crypto #price

@ 35f80bda:406855c0
2025-03-04 03:57:13
Episódio clássico!

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-04 03:55:50
Block 886221
3 - high priority
3 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ 89ccea93:df4e00b7
2025-03-04 03:55:49
Well did Ukraine shoot missiles into Russia?
Don't read this as a political statement and more a rational statement

@ 35f80bda:406855c0
2025-03-04 03:54:00
Esse anime é muito bom, assisti ele a muitos anos atrás e olha envelheceu muito bem!

@ 1c0650d4:fd6c08dc
2025-03-04 03:51:10
PHVox | Trump planeja novo acordo mundial: O que esperar?

@ 35f80bda:406855c0
2025-03-04 03:50:23
Achei a comunidade hoje, mais um ateu aqui https://image.nostr.build/8b0abd251958c26f98c458a0ed3a0113dfe304cd985e088040d7c88b65009fc7.gif

@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-03-04 03:50:07
🐋 A whale moved Bitcoins!
🔗 Transaction ID: 53d17ffa9ed305b12d15c0789619d69e1163c9387c91fe2c7a7c63f6ded1c0c2
💸 Total Bitcoin Transferred: 72 BTC
💰 Inputs:
Input 1: 73.00000000 BTC from 3HAmBUqKTgxS6VuECrkFCAGtUSSyLa6uqr
📤 Outputs:
Output 1: 70.00000000 BTC to 3FKmw5H4zRrPwnrFFPTPEsWh5P8Rv88oc3
Output 2: 2.99995385 BTC to 3HAmBUqKTgxS6VuECrkFCAGtUSSyLa6uqr
🔍 View on Explorer: https://mempool.space/tx/53d17ffa9ed305b12d15c0789619d69e1163c9387c91fe2c7a7c63f6ded1c0c2
#bitcoin #whalealert #whale 🐳

@ c465a105:e088f976
2025-03-04 03:49:13
gn ⭕️😂

@ 7ed7d5c3:6927e200
2025-03-04 03:48:09
Good night ✌️🧡

@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-03-04 03:42:49
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@ 5d3f5aff:ae7fbbb5
2025-03-04 03:42:47
Pois é, o governo federal tende de acelerar o aumento da base monetária, e tapar o rombo fiscal aumentando a carga tributária, tem coragem Otavio ? de deixar uma certa parte do fruto do teu trabalho num banco guardado ?

@ 832b77d5:a5e3d55c
2025-03-04 03:42:20
Price: 0.0026924BTC (8%)
BTC: 0.0025 - 0.005
XMR: 0.92853959 - 1.85707918
Method: Altcoins
Created: 2025-03-04T03:41:20Z

@ 35f80bda:406855c0
2025-03-04 03:41:44
Excelente dica

@ c111c856:099e961e
2025-03-04 03:41:34
GM nostr

@ 832b77d5:a5e3d55c
2025-03-04 03:40:53
Price: 0.00268392BTC (7%)
BTC: 0.0025 - 0.005
XMR: 0.93147336 - 1.86294673
Method: Altcoins Instant
Created: 2025-03-04T03:39:31Z

@ e7bf8dad:839ef3db
2025-03-04 03:40:50
Block 886220
3 - high priority
3 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ a2b85453:4f66fd11
2025-03-04 03:39:48

@ 832b77d5:a5e3d55c
2025-03-04 03:39:46
Price: 89991.29USD (7%)
BTC: 0.0101
USD: 909
Method: Zelle
Created: 2025-03-02T06:50:15Z

@ 8158c389:7ab23039
2025-03-04 03:39:39
If the IMF actually believed that El Salvador's Bitcoin experiment will likely end in disaster, they would definitely let it happen. Nothing would be worse for bitcoin and better for the IMF than an embarrassing failure. But instead they're desperately trying to stop it because they know it will be a incredible success. They are scared shitless.

@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-03-04 03:39:16
Bitcoin Price Action In Last 24 Hours:
Avg: 89550 USD
Min: 82842 USD
Max: 93668 USD
#bitcoin #trade

@ e8d66519:784074e9
2025-03-04 03:38:14
🚨#BREAKING: A horrifying report by the Univ. of Illinois revealed that $21 BILLION earmarked to help American farmers recover from natural disasters under Joe Biden...
...was never even allocated
A grand total of $0 made it to Western North Carolina farmers.
Read that again.

@ 832b77d5:a5e3d55c
2025-03-04 03:38:14
Price: 89194.9USD (6%)
BTC: 0.0101
USD: 901
Method: Zelle
Created: 2025-03-02T06:50:03Z

@ a2b85453:4f66fd11
2025-03-04 03:37:24

@ c465a105:e088f976
2025-03-04 03:36:52
Don’t write a poem if you don’t want.

@ 578d5bef:6c28d6a4
2025-03-04 03:36:31

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-04 03:35:50
Block 886220
3 - high priority
3 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ ef9a20d7:99b5a939
2025-03-04 03:35:02
maybe these people wake up alone and need that consistent GM

@ ac340a0f:4d3d1853
2025-03-04 03:34:54
🍷 https://image.nostr.build/256cd51d6c001f6581f4988b30bc19430286ec2c2242c71ba3f5e718e9928470.jpg

@ 45f195cf:3cab7627
2025-03-04 03:32:38
Rose are red
Violets are blue
Stfu stache
Your poems are boo boo

@ 2936462b:5b3d683b
2025-03-04 03:31:31

@ 1bc70a01:24f6a411
2025-03-04 03:30:54
Shut down the IMF.

@ cbab7074:f9f0bd61
2025-03-04 03:30:51
Block 886218
5 - high priority
4 - medium priority
3 - low priority
3 - no priority
2 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ 08c9d8c5:377ab1f3
2025-03-04 03:30:47

@ 5c7d484b:e1ba5414
2025-03-04 03:30:28
Faith and prayer both are invisible, but they make impossible things possible.
#buddha #hindu #quotes #wisdom #spirituality #philosophy

@ 2936462b:5b3d683b
2025-03-04 03:27:51

@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-03-04 03:27:26
🤖 Tracking strings detected and removed!
🔗 Clean URL(s):
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@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-03-04 03:26:33
🤖 Tracking strings detected and removed!
🔗 Clean URL(s):
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@ c465a105:e088f976
2025-03-04 03:25:52

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-04 03:25:50
Block 886218
4 - high priority
3 - medium priority
3 - low priority
3 - no priority
2 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ 576d23dc:9f5848f9
2025-03-04 03:25:29
goose make me a graphana dashbaord

@ a2b85453:4f66fd11
2025-03-04 03:25:18

@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-03-04 03:25:14
🤖 Tracking strings detected and removed!
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@ c465a105:e088f976
2025-03-04 03:24:49

@ d7ac5eb3:58b4baaf
2025-03-04 03:24:34
Do u have more of that 58k bitcoin? 😳
Thx to nostr:nprofile1qqs802clq7p9qt738c954qlyy4y6jnusgyf962h8yuhncmt0h48p5fgpz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduhsz9nhwden5te0dp5hxapwdehhxarj9ekxzmny9uq3xamnwvaz7tmsw4e8qmr9wpskwtn9wvhs73aecy for the picture 😁
#bitcoin #pepe #plebchain #nostr #artstr

@ bc68fce4:2bc58a59
2025-03-04 03:24:24
GM mister

@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-03-04 03:24:12
Bitcoin Super Bowl Reference
The given content appears to be a post from the Reddit platform, specifically from the r/Bitcoin community. The post is titled "THIS IS OUR SUPER BOWL" and was submitted by user No-Contest3679. The post seems to be related to a significant event in the Bitcoin community, with the title suggesting a major milestone or achievement.
The content of the post is not explicitly stated, but it includes a link to a Reddit comments section and an image link. The image link is https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/u854Umc9U2y07Y0zQ2OVaX95xAN6Y9XrV1OpXO9YdLg.jpg.
Images/ Links
#bitcoin #crypto #news #reddit #superbowl #cryptocurrency #blockchain #investment
For Your Information: The current price of 1 BTC is $83851 USD, which may be relevant to understanding the significance of the post, but without more context, it is difficult to determine its direct relation to the content.

@ deae5fbf:dda5d8ed
2025-03-04 03:24:07
GM wishing you a beautiful start today.

@ a2b85453:4f66fd11
2025-03-04 03:23:00

@ 4cb321f5:52199938
2025-03-04 03:22:58

@ 80bfd70e:a0abccdc
2025-03-04 03:21:21
And grow garlic, lots of garlic!

@ 46cab04c:987bb0c4
2025-03-04 03:21:08
#Offroad https://images2.imgbox.com/80/84/sAa5Bpzs_o.jpg

@ c92a9790:10523e28
2025-03-04 03:20:55
nostr:npub1xtscya34g58tk0z605fvr788k263gsu6cy9x0mhnm87echrgufzsevkk5s is that possible here?

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-04 03:20:50
Block 886218
4 - high priority
3 - medium priority
3 - low priority
3 - no priority
2 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ a2b85453:4f66fd11
2025-03-04 03:20:40

@ 61066504:6f8715e9
2025-03-04 03:20:30
stay humble.
stack sats.
raise chickens.
grow potatoes.

@ c92a9790:10523e28
2025-03-04 03:20:03
Omg! There is a glitch in the matrix. You can community note X users who have you blocked.

@ f4d89779:2b522db9
2025-03-04 03:19:49
I trust you two can figure those out 😂, GN

@ 832b77d5:a5e3d55c
2025-03-04 03:18:35
Price: 0.0026118BTC (4%)
BTC: 0.0025 - 0.005
XMR: 0.95719427 - 1.91438854
Method: Altcoins Instant
Created: 2025-03-04T03:17:26Z