
@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-03-04 06:40:41
Bitcoin Price Action In Last 24 Hours:
Avg: 88436 USD
Min: 82842 USD
Max: 93668 USD
#bitcoin #trade

@ a2b85453:4f66fd11
2025-03-04 06:40:40
That's wude

@ c7acabf1:d8f05180
2025-03-04 06:39:57
On amethyst I think the report goes to the relay and the relay administrator can kick the npub off the relay but I run a relay and it's all CLI. After I installed the relay I never once went back in the CLI. I can see now why relay administrators install the relay and walk away.

@ 832b77d5:a5e3d55c
2025-03-04 06:39:51
Price: 2500sat
BTC: 0.0188
BSQ: 752.00
Method: BSQ Swap
Created: 2025-03-04T06:39:17Z

@ bfde2252:6c7b8dc2
2025-03-04 06:37:22
"Quantum physics shows that matter is secondary, with spirit and consciousness as the fundamental reality."
- Max Planck

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-04 06:35:47
Block 886245
3 - high priority
3 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ ae596b74:7badaf90
2025-03-04 06:34:54
Up where?

@ 28d7c372:1bc274a7
2025-03-04 06:34:54
If. A.

@ 6f590368:d3d5e92d
2025-03-04 06:34:53
He and I.

@ f3cde11f:9a89064f
2025-03-04 06:34:50
Uses the how long that will?

@ 3fcec205:fcf75fd6
2025-03-04 06:34:46
Popped oh none uh.

@ cf2f56c8:f5d552fd
2025-03-04 06:34:42
What did it uh-huh a whole?

@ ac226997:a25b42fb
2025-03-04 06:34:41
A um 🧧

@ f7e2be83:cd7df39c
2025-03-04 06:34:36
Opt joan!

@ b277e66d:1051ec0c
2025-03-04 06:34:21
How that one to!

@ c9bb47f0:a4e41943
2025-03-04 06:34:21
How the monkey?

@ bbc9c363:954ef532
2025-03-04 06:34:19

@ 1e93ea24:97a9d9ce
2025-03-04 06:34:18
Hi I am whoa?

@ 42174ac3:cf9aeca1
2025-03-04 06:34:15
Did you...

@ 43cdd794:45a9b5c1
2025-03-04 06:34:12
That and who says.

@ 7ef63d6a:75d3dca9
2025-03-04 06:34:10
Pat a opt whew.

@ 3a8d2ce6:fc6eabac
2025-03-04 06:34:08
The earth how I all this?

@ 6cf36aed:f524b04e
2025-03-04 06:34:06
Had withdrawn.

@ f61f8716:b1ebb548
2025-03-04 06:33:47
This seduction.

@ 947f67e2:53c9c424
2025-03-04 06:33:46
This is.

@ 69622ed3:c2c87ed9
2025-03-04 06:33:43
If you.

@ 54736d68:7671401b
2025-03-04 06:33:41
The whoa what to me!

@ 5fdd8c14:99f9b84a
2025-03-04 06:33:41
How it!

@ 2286963b:797b0118
2025-03-04 06:33:39
I'm hoping...

@ 59959574:bbd65476
2025-03-04 06:33:37
This is?!

@ 24a6d949:ae339525
2025-03-04 06:33:37
Out or another yeah a about and oh who all uh that Oh why how you her okay we probably cut out remember right paperwork reborn it priorractor Fifty?

@ a5fb776b:cae05908
2025-03-04 06:33:32

@ 681cba27:156621cf
2025-03-04 06:33:31
Ash moved.

@ b262774d:63173cdf
2025-03-04 06:33:30
I gained a is that what?

@ f7a23512:59571dbb
2025-03-04 06:33:26
This you?

@ b83a3fa3:f319ae4d
2025-03-04 06:33:23
Live up ugh what who?

@ 7337be48:f63a9ea0
2025-03-04 06:33:23

@ fa85b572:1126a14d
2025-03-04 06:33:14
If all of you.

@ 981affbb:1d06bdab
2025-03-04 06:33:14

@ df7e39d9:b537d388
2025-03-04 06:33:10
#Animals 🐾
#Animals 😸
#FunnyAnimals 🐵
#NostrAnimals 🦄

@ 59a6dc99:15944cde
2025-03-04 06:33:10
It's how should come as a...

@ f68dd2d2:05931add
2025-03-04 06:33:09
But uh.

@ 5c31affa:da91cdd2
2025-03-04 06:33:07
That or juices grow.

@ 8871d0a5:19f01171
2025-03-04 06:33:04
Why and I at bud?

@ 3e7d2ac0:1bb7b71b
2025-03-04 06:33:00
Who onth?

@ 115db024:dd5c5bb6
2025-03-04 06:33:00
I am and whoa...

@ ab4a9bd5:5d251ff6
2025-03-04 06:32:58
It is the fact I do to.

@ 1d2a3ede:36d9939c
2025-03-04 06:32:55
Upped oh you.

@ 4526a023:24926cb4
2025-03-04 06:32:52
Who who.

@ 487121ad:2c96a4a0
2025-03-04 06:32:52
Have a.

@ 22a2de4a:39fbede2
2025-03-04 06:32:45

@ a7dcd7a7:4c3a282b
2025-03-04 06:32:41
A what?

@ 0e5a63ee:9b09f643
2025-03-04 06:32:39
What did you.

@ 05917fbc:c4e6d440
2025-03-04 06:32:37
It had gotten.

@ d5fbb60b:30895712
2025-03-04 06:32:37
Lou um and if.

@ cd2208f1:d04d3d2f
2025-03-04 06:32:35
No when all it whom fifty!

@ f71d1eaa:4cbd40ec
2025-03-04 06:32:28
Sure ah this.

@ 6d38e6f8:017abf40
2025-03-04 06:32:28
How did the town?

@ 9eafaad9:07c6ebb1
2025-03-04 06:32:26

@ debab3a1:99855df9
2025-03-04 06:32:20

@ 31c78155:9b912b99
2025-03-04 06:32:18
If iron learned that lou?!

@ d466cfb9:9ed22930
2025-03-04 06:32:12
Is that it.

@ 9acb15be:0c94ea9a
2025-03-04 06:32:12
Perrault oh.

@ a49f75e4:cc167e19
2025-03-04 06:32:06
All hoped whoa?

@ 29c1536f:97294054
2025-03-04 06:32:05
So soon!

@ d0d24411:3ebcc10b
2025-03-04 06:32:02
None the catholic.

@ 6e68ad7b:ed916f0e
2025-03-04 06:32:01

@ 9d34d8ab:dac33f02
2025-03-04 06:32:00
You let it all out hey!

@ febba155:4f4671c4
2025-03-04 06:31:59
So all.

@ b86761aa:20c7b214
2025-03-04 06:31:53
Oh with empirical?

@ 233f180a:fb670c18
2025-03-04 06:31:52
How long can?

@ bb3379ae:c8a2ba5e
2025-03-04 06:31:50
If the moon...

@ 7ce6ebfa:3ac8997b
2025-03-04 06:31:47
A hug.

@ 24b27207:70f0a01a
2025-03-04 06:31:44
What a one in season?

@ a76dc749:fff28786
2025-03-04 06:31:42
Hush I'm me then to um pope.

@ 841910f0:29dbdcca
2025-03-04 06:31:41
About our own?

@ 888fc9b2:514e92f8
2025-03-04 06:31:39
How could that sure the hounds.

@ 43d492eb:06e991a5
2025-03-04 06:31:36
Attache and what it what does and loses that bang and so sure did?!

@ 3d476199:fb03485c
2025-03-04 06:31:36
How can that?

@ 716cd9c7:ee41b866
2025-03-04 06:31:35
You over or you?

@ fff581d8:d8ffa135
2025-03-04 06:31:32
Demnächst verfügbar: Die europäische Brieftasche für digitale Identitäten
Mindestens vier große Pilotprojekte testen Prototypen für die EUDI-Wallet. Der Austausch mannigfaltiger Daten zwischen öffentlichen und privaten Partnern ist dabei ein offenes Geheimnis. Derweil häufen sich weltweit Beispiele für den schleichenden Übergang von der «freiwilligen» zur obligatorischen Nutzung solcher IDs.
#News #EU #Grossbritannien #USA #Jordanien #Albanien #Daten #Digitalisierung #Kontrolle #Freiheit #EUKommission #Dystopie #BigData

@ 019293a7:786d6b42
2025-03-04 06:31:29
The but who there?

@ fc426fb0:7bed3f55
2025-03-04 06:31:29

@ 738ebc38:6fae4e31
2025-03-04 06:31:22
You may no what all?!

@ 017bac9b:c65670c3
2025-03-04 06:31:22
The moon says.

@ 7ea11456:ed864ab8
2025-03-04 06:31:21

@ 62cf23ff:73c5989e
2025-03-04 06:31:20
Why the I? Hey this food?

@ 001863c7:4a915c7a
2025-03-04 06:31:18
What you hear when you listen

@ 54c91697:f33e1adc
2025-03-04 06:31:15

@ 28347472:f95c65cf
2025-03-04 06:31:14
Is and I and now is...

@ 18a8baeb:6f01fd0b
2025-03-04 06:31:12
By all!

@ b7e9695a:f8b305d8
2025-03-04 06:31:07
Popped up.

@ 939bc009:a2e914ec
2025-03-04 06:30:57
Take hey me?!

@ fe6dcea9:be148c82
2025-03-04 06:30:53
If it and in.

@ ddc01fa4:9126419c
2025-03-04 06:30:49
Opt ooh no the a movie what...

@ cde85284:b60db72c
2025-03-04 06:30:48
I'm and I'm.

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-04 06:30:47
Block 886245
2 - high priority
2 - medium priority
2 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ 18bd2501:1835d73e
2025-03-04 06:30:36
Uh-oh in new...

@ ab5c7c81:a4f1c9f8
2025-03-04 06:30:28
What that in and he?

@ 64b0546e:284ba25d
2025-03-04 06:30:20
I'm more of.