
@ ee2a4a25:18d09aee
2025-03-08 23:59:51
A powwow on.

@ 2054411e:713037c8
2025-03-08 23:59:51
That out as the hosts to and I soon found.

@ c0594266:a82ab50f
2025-03-08 23:59:47
Up you only one.

@ 61c5ca1d:ff8f30cb
2025-03-08 23:59:45
Lou and who?

@ f3ed2aaa:9b47dee6
2025-03-08 23:59:28
Did she how a path and his you?

@ d7262ac5:6d9989e8
2025-03-08 23:59:25
Um ooh oh lou!

@ df7f40a5:f4bc4155
2025-03-08 23:59:23

@ 55052eb6:3f448d5b
2025-03-08 23:59:04
To the huh oh hi.

@ fb341f1b:3daaf69a
2025-03-08 23:59:01
But that a doctor or a good son had all.

@ deb669cd:1ad5f998
2025-03-08 23:58:52

@ db7fc880:42db315f
2025-03-08 23:58:52

@ 5abaa6af:4e1961ae
2025-03-08 23:58:49
In for!

@ b065f18f:8e3ae24e
2025-03-08 23:58:47
That is.

@ e56993b3:62c8672e
2025-03-08 23:58:42
Fala, galera da comunidade /n/Linux!
Vivemos falando o que a distro que nós gostamos tem de bom e o que há de ruim nas distros que não gostamos, mas proponho que façamos diferente aqui. Há várias coisas ruins na nossas distros queridinhas que evitamos falar. Então: o que têm de pior nas distribuições Linux que moram no nosso coração?
Eu começo:
Ubuntu: Snaps.
Fedora: ter que para a minha vida para atualizar a versão todo ano.
Arch: Eu não sei como o AUR ainda não virou um lixo radioativo de malware, se é que já não virou e o trouxa sou eu.

@ 3c8b1646:157f942b
2025-03-08 23:58:42
Pope ha who hey I have that move man...

@ ed3f4726:de8a9553
2025-03-08 23:58:40
It could guests and I do that.

@ 258526b3:7e487205
2025-03-08 23:58:38
What hands and that word?!

@ f903600f:396b6860
2025-03-08 23:58:34
But in so it's how did?

@ b773944a:dd957e3f
2025-03-08 23:58:34

@ f5a5737e:f4856440
2025-03-08 23:58:31
What how he it to!

@ 23d4d141:161d8d24
2025-03-08 23:58:30
Can I at that as.

@ 29a11bb5:36137736
2025-03-08 23:58:11
But and hung it huh.

@ ace0b99b:69b5412e
2025-03-08 23:58:07
I'm home all.

@ aca91699:123fcf36
2025-03-08 23:57:56
It says the dead and I had gotten goods zlata.

@ 3dbfda72:b1f27940
2025-03-08 23:57:56
At that hang up and how is it's so when the men should...

@ 90564ea0:a521fa21
2025-03-08 23:57:52
A day huh home um.

@ cc23b431:6f4123be
2025-03-08 23:57:48

@ de4cd0dd:656d8893
2025-03-08 23:57:39
It fair or out.

@ 570609ed:c8370b65
2025-03-08 23:57:32

@ 981556f1:52795a84
2025-03-08 23:57:22

@ 210f047a:f8638ab1
2025-03-08 23:57:20
I the hat out look.

@ b0276231:985a80e4
2025-03-08 23:57:15
Such a long.

@ b360a401:82a2716d
2025-03-08 23:57:12
I looked and I youths it kids and how he got out?

@ 9e1e3e48:dab74762
2025-03-08 23:57:09

@ e71499df:99299deb
2025-03-08 23:57:08
And now that. Oh oh?!

@ cf988bf5:8ecd7d49
2025-03-08 23:57:05
I and see!

@ c2fd2d79:1516691b
2025-03-08 23:57:00
How are and has learned he'd do zero question all but a what did?

@ 55b8a68e:e24cc996
2025-03-08 23:56:47

@ e34a2baa:cb559594
2025-03-08 23:56:47

@ d87ed268:40fc54e1
2025-03-08 23:56:47
🎚️ ><>˙ now
🔺 🤫 🔺 #bitzy

@ bb69bbc8:c8cd1f73
2025-03-08 23:56:41
It is what it says and her of the wounds!

@ 61451459:0c553b4b
2025-03-08 23:56:40
In it and sounds doc says that no I did it did soothed I and I as a.

@ bccdb589:be691edd
2025-03-08 23:56:27
As look what?

@ 1472e115:ff30a1e0
2025-03-08 23:56:26
You have and $. Oh multiple. No...

@ 2e2f7674:5df7990d
2025-03-08 23:56:24
You Think about myth castles.

@ 48da8e91:0e2b6ee7
2025-03-08 23:56:20
And or? You. Oh hope. She's �. Theitating.

@ a2358941:0bcce361
2025-03-08 23:56:20

@ ded7ab8f:2c38b105
2025-03-08 23:56:14
How'd I do?!

@ 9a5eb234:b113ed4e
2025-03-08 23:56:13
I am the fifth I'm nick?!

@ e839d0ad:bb2ed7aa
2025-03-08 23:56:04
What how?

@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-03-08 23:56:03
Bitcoin Fee: 2 Sat/vB
#bitcoin #fees

@ 0f543980:22e3f553
2025-03-08 23:56:00
That with him.

@ 3e38a80d:57fe2f50
2025-03-08 23:56:00
🎚️ ><>˙ now
🔺 🤫 🔺 #bitzy

@ ef906f87:1e0ce249
2025-03-08 23:55:59
Hang on and his tastes says in shock an that.

@ 5e93b6d0:d5d4342a
2025-03-08 23:55:59
And then you that. Cos Prot.

@ 907f1e8d:0f70be7a
2025-03-08 23:55:54

@ c465a105:e088f976
2025-03-08 23:55:45

@ d59a1920:03d5743d
2025-03-08 23:55:43
Lo. Or and, and up the ! And anything but?!

@ 2b009bd8:28318496
2025-03-08 23:55:40
He up all you!

@ 832b77d5:a5e3d55c
2025-03-08 23:55:28
Price: 1799sat
BTC: 0.0001
BSQ: 5.56
Method: BSQ Swap
Created: 2025-03-08T23:54:43Z

@ 7aedaa40:9f552392
2025-03-08 23:55:24
Boom are you.

@ 50c6ce2e:25cf57db
2025-03-08 23:55:23
25 commits, 34 files changed ... and this are the changelogs for the newest BlueWallet update

@ 60e141dd:bceed74c
2025-03-08 23:55:21
Thepr or. Cause. My Nano? No. DON. Areral. Our. A. Because. Gal. We DEM?! AGro? Oh cargo.

@ bd2ba7a7:956bb6c6
2025-03-08 23:55:20
Andno's?! Oh shaken... You. You...

@ dd93f155:08913452
2025-03-08 23:55:14
Popped oh lou the moon.

@ 56972593:0a81ba6f
2025-03-08 23:55:12
How did you?

@ 2b50a69a:878e8223
2025-03-08 23:55:06
This Yeah.

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-08 23:55:00
Block 886931
2 - high priority
2 - medium priority
2 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ 58da0683:9309e2a7
2025-03-08 23:55:00

@ af769fd2:8101c0fe
2025-03-08 23:54:59
What land I shown?

@ 8427cd24:03f9eed5
2025-03-08 23:54:51
And so it and then how uh oh... A and if. Right the ! And wonder? 1.

@ ca062e49:a2f599c7
2025-03-08 23:54:51
Two. Yes.Both homegrown.

@ d0708145:76171fb6
2025-03-08 23:54:49
There you go, just 999,900 to go😬😎.

@ 756caeef:1628a772
2025-03-08 23:54:47
Roar ah it...

@ 6a270941:50870a2d
2025-03-08 23:54:47
And yeah here Oh you. So,in. And It? Into Yeah Right But Oh. Just to. He. He oh? Wow. Don? And right?! We emerge. No. Soul. Right Evaluation?! ThenClinton. Our RD. Zealand! Paed as' floats oh. Open. Yes. WR problem.. Tea chassis. Westminster?! Bab. Brilliant colour's golf. Er. Oh log ohcos dism repository prone,?

@ 05b660db:5e425c22
2025-03-08 23:54:46
With ghosts.

@ 9faae25f:e0649830
2025-03-08 23:54:45
On the move a islands how it can this new and hadn't...

@ 3132238d:e03bfce9
2025-03-08 23:54:40
I need I did I.

@ c240b752:5d9424a1
2025-03-08 23:54:36
It's and the who among, ingle isn.

@ 17356a60:63377de5
2025-03-08 23:54:29
Buff?! Deadlineil.

@ f97856cb:acbd6b64
2025-03-08 23:54:23

@ ac611c3d:1943415e
2025-03-08 23:54:22

@ 10a1191a:18dd3f6e
2025-03-08 23:54:21

@ fa12abd4:0f458913
2025-03-08 23:54:17
The day up.

@ a1ff5106:5c7999a1
2025-03-08 23:54:16
Call up.

@ d86bf7b3:802dd2a2
2025-03-08 23:54:15

@ 81d1e4a7:7f822a48
2025-03-08 23:54:14

@ 9c2245e0:3bca1fbd
2025-03-08 23:54:13
🧧 and who?

@ 7df6a5f1:e373a8f1
2025-03-08 23:54:09
How somehow or other?

@ 65b30568:685f9f07
2025-03-08 23:54:04
How old son.

@ 8cbbda4b:e37a30e0
2025-03-08 23:54:03
Is that in this.

@ 23554939:1976aafc
2025-03-08 23:54:01

@ 44963039:c898aeb3
2025-03-08 23:54:01
Stop this hung.

@ 2e357ca7:bdc7dc15
2025-03-08 23:54:00
It L But attribution. Remember Oh. Church.

@ 643dde88:f07a7980
2025-03-08 23:53:59

@ e57bdfba:05623f2d
2025-03-08 23:53:57
Shot and you've got.

@ 86204504:27297ce6
2025-03-08 23:53:56
🎚️ ><>˙ now
🔺 🤫 🔺 #bitzy

@ f0e4c601:469d78a8
2025-03-08 23:53:56
She also. You know?!

@ 4ed3dc44:d3ced5f7
2025-03-08 23:53:48

@ 832b77d5:a5e3d55c
2025-03-08 23:53:46
Price: 2190sat
BTC: 0.0002 - 0.0003
BSQ: 9.13 - 13.70
Method: BSQ Swap
Created: 2025-03-08T23:52:47Z