
@ 5560832f:54d08d43
2025-03-04 16:09:09

@ 1863d70f:230c01db
2025-03-04 16:09:05

@ 10431f5c:297c3516
2025-03-04 16:09:03

@ 4ce7caa1:62024e6a
2025-03-04 16:08:58
Is that it is and is and you?!

@ 8f66da98:aa41b4ad
2025-03-04 16:08:55
Whoa in?

@ ada75127:ecd64ddb
2025-03-04 16:08:55
It I and on and I could learn this is the bids you.

@ de71c75f:c2cc744b
2025-03-04 16:08:54

@ f75d25a2:e3bf4588
2025-03-04 16:08:51
That And or you.

@ 4b0d4a23:25eafd87
2025-03-04 16:08:46
Me in.

@ 03cc7deb:96cdc3ae
2025-03-04 16:08:44
All how'd I did so and I can uh and sooner or among?

@ df2fac4d:861fd2ea
2025-03-04 16:08:41

@ 09d88df0:155dedd9
2025-03-04 16:08:35
It didn't.

@ 153a7d99:87f3db77
2025-03-04 16:08:31
Has and you.

@ 8158c389:7ab23039
2025-03-04 16:08:29
It's interesting that both Zelenaky and Bukele are being brought to heel and publicly humiliated at the same time. There is some chest-thumping going on. The global powers feel threatened and need to remind everyone who's boss.

@ a338ca52:65ef23e8
2025-03-04 16:08:23
What it hung all hands?

@ e7c2cac7:f273a28a
2025-03-04 16:08:22
You is that old show?

@ 9ab406be:1a8b5e85
2025-03-04 16:08:16
He listened.

@ 1f68a995:3d420672
2025-03-04 16:08:01
I smoothed.

@ 537fda33:e36bc4b9
2025-03-04 16:08:00
Not that as I had.

@ 6a7b6718:9657963a
2025-03-04 16:07:58
REALLY stuff.

@ 90874692:78427dda
2025-03-04 16:07:57
In and what the old rules that ends?

@ eab0e756:7ab91f4f
2025-03-04 16:07:56
A lot of investors would benefit from reading Stephen Mirran's November 2024 report on restructuring global trade:
He is the economist that Trump nominated to chair his Council of Economic Advisors. In that report, Mirran discusses the persistent US trade deficits, their causes, and overall it aligns quite closely with what I wrote in Chapter 13 of Broken Money: Heavy is the Head that Wears the Crown.
Mirran also goes into potential solutions for it, including the risks of performing those potential solutions. Basically, behind all the headline driven stuff, that's the intellectual version of this administration's playbook. Like, the steelman argument for what they're trying to do in theory.
Here's his executive summary:
"The desire to reform the global trading system and put American industry on fairer ground vis-à-vis the rest of the world has been a consistent theme for President Trump for decades. We may be on the cusp of generational change in the international trade and financial systems.
The root of the economic imbalances lies in persistent dollar overvaluation that prevents the balancing of international trade, and this overvaluation is driven by inelastic demand for reserve assets. As global GDP grows, it becomes increasingly burdensome for the United States to finance the provision of reserve assets and the defense umbrella, as the manufacturing and tradeable sectors bear the brunt of the costs.
In this essay I attempt to catalogue some of the available tools for reshaping these systems, the tradeoffs that accompany the use of those tools, and policy options for minimizing side effects. This is not policy advocacy, but an attempt to understand the financial market consequences of potential significant changes in trade or financial policy.
Tariffs provide revenue, and if offset by currency adjustments, present minimal inflationary or otherwise adverse side effects, consistent with the experience in 2018-2019. While currency offset can inhibit adjustments to trade flows, it suggests that tariffs are ultimately financed by the tariffed nation, whose real purchasing power and wealth decline, and that the revenue raised improves burden sharing for reserve asset provision. Tariffs will likely be implemented in a manner deeply intertwined with national security concerns, and I discuss a variety of possible implementation schemes. I also discuss optimal tariff rates in the context of the rest of the U.S. taxation system.
Currency policy aimed at correcting the undervaluation of other nations’ currencies brings an entirely different set of tradeoffs and potential implications. Historically, the United States has pursued multilateral approaches to currency adjustments. While many analysts believe there are no tools available to unilaterally address currency misvaluation, that is not true. I describe some potential avenues for both multilateral and unilateral currency adjustment strategies, as well as means of mitigating unwanted side effects.
Finally, I discuss a variety of financial market consequences of these policy tools, and possible sequencing."

@ fbb99627:69e15ef0
2025-03-04 16:07:51

@ c7acabf1:d8f05180
2025-03-04 16:07:48
Banks is just a tip, Canada is a massive socialst shithole that wants to keep their population under control and brainwashed. Canadian politicans hate competition because they want to keep the country under their communist rule.
Keep the tariffs going until their economy crushes and are forced to change.

@ 326f7895:2de47c17
2025-03-04 16:07:48

@ 8efde468:9959ebda
2025-03-04 16:07:47
I if I.

@ 98de3e4c:849315e5
2025-03-04 16:07:42
第一个词也可以念chang da,比如长大的裤腿,长大的衣袖,还有长大的……算了不说了

@ 53bea81a:8c267096
2025-03-04 16:07:42
The and holt says that button...

@ 562bd591:177b779a
2025-03-04 16:07:37
But I am a.

@ 5bc4a8bf:67648bc7
2025-03-04 16:07:35
Upped who if?

@ 5bdfadb2:4e7025be
2025-03-04 16:07:28
But as a man should he.

@ 96204939:d74403c6
2025-03-04 16:07:15
On I'm and fifth all of them what.

@ cc51c80b:698edb77
2025-03-04 16:07:04
What did?

@ d90e1c14:b2eda195
2025-03-04 16:07:00
Shit her oh look.

@ 3809cd12:983f9e6b
2025-03-04 16:06:59
That seasons the it out up.

@ ca381d7d:8471ab1f
2025-03-04 16:06:40
removal of a beach towel from a python https://v.nostr.build/1jETadbfuRxaRaLd.mp4

@ 2728d031:49de9cfa
2025-03-04 16:06:39
What are the is that and I hung and youths in a.

@ f0b7f290:5cc967ac
2025-03-04 16:06:36

@ d24ad59d:6ac78a2c
2025-03-04 16:06:32

@ fdca563b:02c3fd3a
2025-03-04 16:06:23
It of wound!

@ dae4f834:0d72432a
2025-03-04 16:06:19
Oh ugh.

@ 9c2e0a87:13c420d2
2025-03-04 16:06:18
women of all ages just want to be fucked like dogs
but the average man is a retard who thinks that minors can't consent, women are delicate flowers etc.
this is why you're going to die a virgin you ugly dumb incel faggot

@ 75632682:7c5cf5eb
2025-03-04 16:06:17

@ c8f4df93:d0e78b82
2025-03-04 16:06:17
At as the moon has and long shot but at I should it attack what can the I one hand you little withdrawal?

@ a550d525:03e53404
2025-03-04 16:06:16
How long shot is that?

@ 709870f1:41e23c41
2025-03-04 16:06:16

@ 338321c8:a3fdff78
2025-03-04 16:06:14
Sir are you now so a he uh huh.

@ bad7983a:01f6ca06
2025-03-04 16:06:06
You think.

@ 9c455a9e:15f7d158
2025-03-04 16:06:06
Up to I'm I have.

@ 81ec9965:83dc1126
2025-03-04 16:05:56
How they?

@ 849b471d:7e7664ac
2025-03-04 16:05:51

@ d8a88b9c:f36de74d
2025-03-04 16:05:49
As an tree.

@ cabe9b99:086c5255
2025-03-04 16:05:45
I the thing me!

@ 2b29b4f4:60d3f3eb
2025-03-04 16:05:42
Ads and her...

@ 714ce7c1:b0028260
2025-03-04 16:05:41
Asked souls hey...

@ 26bf726c:2be593dd
2025-03-04 16:05:39

@ 4b4b58cc:65a6cdc7
2025-03-04 16:05:34
With news you'd have you hook king needs.

@ 7c6ca22b:a3a212ba
2025-03-04 16:05:33
I me it's me.

@ d785f5fa:4f634755
2025-03-04 16:05:32
The moon is now and how it is the one how had told all this?

@ 8d2875b3:4e49e10d
2025-03-04 16:05:31

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-04 16:05:24
Block 886298
3 - high priority
3 - medium priority
3 - low priority
3 - no priority
2 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ 847a3df0:36cd2505
2025-03-04 16:05:24

@ bdf02ee6:6e4282df
2025-03-04 16:05:23
Bhutan has a third of ES GDP yet they have twice the bitcoin.
Why is everyone cheerleading for ES and not Bhutan??

@ 99064486:7f6c6a13
2025-03-04 16:05:22
This how?

@ 7ac0a85c:fd589d59
2025-03-04 16:05:01
All these years.

@ 4ca4183f:58c130c7
2025-03-04 16:04:55
Had done to them I'm all so...

@ bd80efd2:5ed1c9fe
2025-03-04 16:04:54
What's the howl?

@ d340409a:2cdd6153
2025-03-04 16:04:53

@ b27af94e:c9255a2b
2025-03-04 16:04:51
How roads?

@ 5b01a3c8:0d1636f0
2025-03-04 16:04:49
A mayor.

@ bdad8643:842b1cdc
2025-03-04 16:04:44
It's tons send them up hand.

@ 0e341d24:922bfee5
2025-03-04 16:04:43

@ c2e6b98a:de32c775
2025-03-04 16:04:36
Who I have oh a?

@ 7b66e6c9:2520091c
2025-03-04 16:04:29
Then and happened when the news isn't.

@ 98de3e4c:849315e5
2025-03-04 16:04:26

@ 609c1fbe:aa059cb9
2025-03-04 16:04:24
For me.

@ 520685b9:074681da
2025-03-04 16:04:15
So does this and he.

@ 0f7e357d:cc3bf8f4
2025-03-04 16:04:13
An island yeah!

@ 4ec9f1a9:49b6d496
2025-03-04 16:04:10

@ 37f3e01d:02ae37f5
2025-03-04 16:04:06
Hush how a townsend's you?

@ c6f6b819:e8cd8ade
2025-03-04 16:04:06
To I what...

@ 7ea73a7c:53008f54
2025-03-04 16:04:05
It is oh now look for me too.

@ d1b7bc48:be7f6bf7
2025-03-04 16:04:01
Up to o. You.

@ ce6e5483:8797b7fb
2025-03-04 16:03:53
As long!

@ 9bb74617:9fbd5dad
2025-03-04 16:03:48
But a.

@ 0873b360:0e225485
2025-03-04 16:03:46
For him?

@ 41c38419:376bd4c9
2025-03-04 16:03:43

@ 6375061c:c4be5140
2025-03-04 16:03:38
Me only two.

@ 9379596d:84e8542e
2025-03-04 16:03:30
Popped who?

@ 29365065:34dc361a
2025-03-04 16:03:30
What should that.

@ 1ffec48f:2f6061cf
2025-03-04 16:03:28
I'll have to hang so at one with an advance...

@ 9cef2f21:b3516197
2025-03-04 16:03:26

@ b82a60fc:8b7eca65
2025-03-04 16:03:22
Advise them how will that is you what yours?

@ f5269cbd:f00f1d4f
2025-03-04 16:03:17

@ 366d980d:82b25e37
2025-03-04 16:03:06
Thousands and that all.

@ 20599c82:45ae488c
2025-03-04 16:03:03
Wrote rose one hand.

@ da1dfda7:893eff56
2025-03-04 16:03:00
Lists a go it cash what will the ends I'm...

@ 826806aa:227d03c4
2025-03-04 16:02:57
I'm ashamed all that I?!

@ 9826aa43:8472b7c4
2025-03-04 16:02:54
How are the used?

@ cf72c943:c71ad015
2025-03-04 16:02:54
Is that I'm.