
@ d1d95580:0e253b97
2025-03-12 17:51:26
Starting today, I will begin curating some easy life recommendations to make #nostr a healthier and happier place.
I will, of course, be using only #bitcoin -approved content as inspiration. Please feel free to share your feedback and/or support! 🧡

@ e07bfc04:b2b651ed
2025-03-12 17:50:46
Lesson #1
Bitcoin ≠ Crypto
When it comes to crypto, anything that isn’t Bitcoin is a waste of time.

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-12 17:50:21
Block 887502
3 - high priority
3 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-03-12 17:49:22
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@ 5a261a61:2ebd4480
2025-03-12 17:48:28
While I really love the vibes this is giving, I think it's important to not ignore yourself entirely. I mean, she WILL be more exploratory IF she feel loved (and I am quite a strong believer in love languages, the physical one, the deeds one, and some others I think, there are supposed to be five of them? Turns out i I am minmaxing here). But that doesn't mean it all happens naturally. You have to be, not vocal, but clear about your needs too. Wife got back from course about communication (both towards kids and partners) and one of the things she brought home was the instruction how you should first describe any situation with neutral observation first, since it's quite possible other interested parties sees things differently. I believe it's double valid for fringe needs like ours. #drunkthought (it's wednesday, so it's beer'o'clock for our man support group)

@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-03-12 17:45:08
Key Points:
* OKX Europe acquires a MiFID II licensed company in Malta
* Obtained a Markets in Crypto Assets license in Europe
Current Bitcoin Price: $82519 USD
#bitcoin #crypto #news #OKX #MiFIDII #cryptolicensing #Malta

@ 97d09b2b:964f4430
2025-03-12 17:45:04
Jerm: "Isn't the outcome to get the baby out?"
Dr Stu: "Is it? The outcome is: How is the baby? How is the baby's life? How's the mother? How's the mother feeling? How's the mother healing? How's the mother's mood? How's the mother's depression? How's the mother's bonding? What about the mother's future babies?
"When you do a C-section on a first baby, for even an indication, where there might be a benefit to it, you've got to remember that now you've put that mother and all that mother's future babies at risk. So, it's not just a one-off. It's not just a focus on the live baby in the bassinet. But the medical model only focuses on that.
"And if you do a C-section on a woman who didn't need it, and when you're looking at an 80% C-section rate [in your country, South Africa], I would tell you probably 90% of those women didn't need it. So you're doing hundreds of thousands of unnecessary major surgeries a year with no concern for them downstream.
"And if that woman in a future pregnancy has a placental problem where the placenta grows into the uterus, it's called placenta accreta, which is increased after every Caesarean section you have. No one's saying, 'Well, let's look back and see why we did that first C-section. Oh, we didn't really need to do that? Well, then this is our fault.' No, they don't say that. They'll just say, 'Now we'll save you from the accreta,' that we probably caused, and 'Pat us on the back for being so good to save you from the placenta accreta.'
"They don't see what they're doing downstream because they don't look. [...]
"I'm an expert in breech delivery and I support women who breech delivery. [...] When I was still practicing, I would see women for a consult for breech, usually around 36 to 38 weeks when they find out their baby is breech and their doctor is only giving them the option of having a Caesarean section. No other option available. Doesn't mention the fact that breech birth is a reasonable choice. Maybe they don't know how to do it, so then they could say, 'I don't know how to do it, but you should go somebody who does it.' [...]
"They don't think about the fact that down the road that this woman may want a large family. She may want six children. And when she comes back with her next pregnancy they're going to start to tell her the dangers of vaginal birth after Caesarean. And they'll probably scare her into having a repeat C-section.
"And then what's the risk to the mother after two C-sections? How about after three? How about after four? There's no consideration for that. Those risks are far greater than the risk that you mentioned of something going wrong in a home birth, in a properly chosen woman, with a skilled midwife at her side, in a system that values communication, that values continuity of care, that's completely different than the medical model."
Dr Stuart Fischbein with Jerm @ 27:55—31:10 (recorded in 2024, posted 2025-03-06) https://podbay.fm/p/jerm-warfare-the-battle-of-ideas/e/1741328385?t=1675

@ cc678b16:84e21b82
2025-03-12 17:44:24

@ 04f7dda0:c4d00b46
2025-03-12 17:44:20

@ ebb93aa6:7d9e5f6f
2025-03-12 17:43:40
Good Morning https://m.primal.net/PdUu.png

@ cc678b16:84e21b82
2025-03-12 17:42:42
🌟¡Únete a la revolución educativa de Bitcoin!🌟
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@ 832b77d5:a5e3d55c
2025-03-12 17:42:22
Price: 0.00252525BTC (1%)
BTC: 0.1 - 0.2
XMR: 39.60003960 - 79.20007920
Method: Altcoins Instant
Created: 2025-03-12T17:41:25Z

@ 91bea5cd:1df4451c
2025-03-12 17:42:05
#OlavoDeCarvalho #Olavo

@ 9c2291da:5cfffd88
2025-03-12 17:41:11
This should be the new lorem ipsum

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-12 17:40:21
Block 887501
2 - high priority
2 - medium priority
2 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-03-12 17:39:55
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@ 832b77d5:a5e3d55c
2025-03-12 17:38:07
Price: 1997sat
BTC: 0.0002 - 0.0004
BSQ: 10.02 - 20.03
Method: BSQ Swap
Created: 2025-03-12T17:36:22Z

@ 50d94fc2:df281d63
2025-03-12 17:37:57
🥜󠅓󠅑󠅣󠅘󠅥󠄲󠅟󠄢󠄶󠅤󠅕󠄲󠅨󠅟󠅔󠄸󠅂󠅧󠅓󠅪󠅟󠅦󠄼󠄢󠄡󠅠󠅒󠅞󠅁󠅥󠅒󠅇󠄩󠄡󠅒󠅞󠅂󠅘󠅑󠅇󠄥󠅣󠅉󠅇󠅤󠅜󠄼󠅝󠅜󠅦󠅉󠅈󠅆󠅚󠅓󠄢󠄶󠄠󠅉󠅈󠅃󠄲󠅟󠅝󠄶󠅠󠅃󠄱󠄴󠅓󠅒󠄲󠄦󠅓󠅇󠄶󠄱󠅅󠅉󠅈󠄳󠄸󠅠󠄷󠄶󠅘󠄱󠅝󠄶󠅪󠅕󠄵󠄱󠄠󠅊󠅚󠅊󠅘󠅉󠅄󠅁󠅧󠅉󠅝󠄵󠄠󠄿󠅇󠄹󠄣󠅊󠅇󠄵󠄤󠄿󠄴󠄱󠅪󠅉󠅪󠅅󠄤󠅊󠄷󠄽󠄥󠅉󠅄󠅛󠅩󠄽󠅄󠄱󠅧󠅊󠅚󠅛󠄣󠄾󠄴󠄺󠅚󠄿󠄴󠄵󠄥󠅊󠄴󠄵󠅩󠄽󠅇󠄹󠄤󠅊󠄴󠅗󠅩󠅉󠅇󠅂󠅙󠄿󠅄󠄵󠄤󠅊󠅄󠄵󠅨󠄽󠅚󠄵󠅨󠄾󠄷󠅆󠅘󠅉󠅇󠄾󠅉󠄹󠅁󠄽󠅃󠅕󠅉󠅤󠄝󠅇󠄶󠅤󠅉󠅛󠅚󠄻󠄧󠅇󠅧󠅙󠅞󠄡󠄧󠄼󠄡󠅂󠄢󠅟󠄹󠅧󠅪󠅊󠅈󠅜󠄤󠄹󠅞󠅏󠅖󠅔󠄱󠅟󠅃󠅔󠅉󠄴󠄷󠄶󠅛󠅟󠄢󠄶󠅜󠅇󠄳󠄲󠄳󠅟󠄸󠄵󠄾󠅗󠄶󠅙󠅤󠄥󠅕󠅄󠅧󠅩󠅂󠅗󠄼󠄩󠅏󠅤󠄱󠅤󠅀󠅠󠅨󠅅󠄶󠄠󠅃󠅑󠅉󠅅󠄝󠅔󠅙󠄤󠅅󠅆󠅛󠅞󠅡󠅦󠄷󠄶󠅪󠅇󠄳󠄴󠅢󠅁󠄩󠄧󠅛󠄤󠄥󠄴󠅝󠄢󠅥󠄨󠅏󠅤󠅙󠄲󠅑󠅪󠄩󠅖󠄼󠅦󠅅󠄶󠄵󠅚󠅆󠅡󠅊󠄴󠅁󠅛󠅛󠄠󠅏󠄹󠄼󠄡󠅓󠅤󠅖󠄩󠄷󠄶󠅩󠅇󠄳󠄳󠅇󠅥󠄶󠄸󠅒󠄱󠄼󠅚󠅓󠄠󠅔󠄤󠅄󠅠󠅣󠄹󠄺󠄺󠄿󠄲󠅂󠅄󠅃󠅅󠄳󠄱󠅁󠄧󠄤󠅡󠅧󠄳󠄥󠅊󠅁󠅕󠅒󠅃󠅕󠄣󠅁󠅔󠅡󠅂󠅘󠅉󠅁󠄺󠅘󠅓󠄣󠅘󠄱󠅉󠅚󠅔󠅜󠄽󠅝󠄵󠅪󠄽󠅇󠄹󠄡󠄾󠅝󠄽󠅩󠄾󠄴󠅉󠅧󠄾󠅝󠅉󠄥󠄽󠄴󠅘󠅝󠄾󠅄󠄱󠄤󠅊󠅚󠄾󠅙󠅊󠅇󠅊󠅝󠅊󠄴󠅓󠄢󠅊󠅄󠅅󠄤󠅊󠅚󠅅󠅪󠄽󠅪󠄵󠅩󠄽󠅇󠄽󠅧󠄽󠄴󠅛󠄤󠄽󠅄󠅅󠄣󠄿󠄷󠄽󠄡󠄽󠅄󠄽󠄢󠄽󠅇󠄹󠅪󠄽󠄴󠄾󠅘󠅊󠄷󠄶󠅚󠅇󠄳󠄵󠄳󠄨󠅓󠅤󠄝󠅊󠅩󠅤󠄸󠅃󠅆󠄷󠅤󠅠󠅩󠅙󠄺󠅆󠄷󠄿󠅇󠄽󠅒󠅟󠄧󠄽󠄷󠄧󠄣󠅥󠄴󠅟󠄥󠅪󠅗󠄡󠄣󠅉󠄱󠅘󠅣󠅁󠅠󠅘󠅘󠅊󠄻󠄾󠅘󠅊󠅆󠅗󠅗󠅠󠄲󠄩󠄲󠄷󠅘󠅧󠅢󠄨󠅖󠄠󠅁󠅟󠄧󠅗󠄳󠅥󠅓󠅁󠅅󠄩󠅢󠅀󠅝󠄠󠄽󠄢󠅜󠅇󠄽󠅗󠄿󠅇󠅀󠄳󠅊󠄩󠄝󠄴󠅢󠄲󠅟󠅤󠅘󠅓󠄡󠅗󠅗󠅔󠄷󠅛󠅔󠅜󠅖󠅀󠄠󠄹󠅧󠄨󠄴󠅑󠄺󠅄󠅠󠅈󠅕󠄡󠅢󠄲󠄤󠅝󠅇󠄻󠅖󠄱󠄣󠅕󠄤󠄱󠅤󠅗󠅤󠅙󠅖󠅢󠅧󠅈󠅛󠅩󠅙󠅘󠅘󠅓󠅜󠅗󠅗󠅄󠄨󠅇󠄷󠅁󠅔󠅂󠅘󠅡󠅖󠅣󠄝󠅇󠅆󠅀󠅕󠄵󠅩󠄾󠄨󠄿󠄧󠄱󠅇󠄥󠄳󠅝󠄴󠅩󠄺󠄱󠅠󠅅󠄽󠄩󠅢󠄼󠅡󠄽󠅊󠄳󠄨󠅇󠅛󠅉󠅇󠄵󠄳󠅉󠅈󠄾󠄤󠅁󠄷󠄽󠄠󠄾󠅇󠅆󠅙󠄿󠄴󠅗󠄠󠅉󠅝󠅅󠄠󠄽󠅝󠄽󠄢󠅊󠄴󠄲󠅝󠅉󠅄󠅆󠅛󠅉󠅝󠄶󠅙󠄽󠄴󠄽󠅪󠄾󠅚󠄽󠄠󠄿󠅇󠄵󠄡󠄽󠄷󠄵󠄢󠄾󠅄󠅉󠄥󠄽󠄴󠅉󠅪󠄾󠄴󠄲󠅚󠄾󠅝󠄺󠅝󠅉󠅚󠅅󠅪󠅉󠅇󠄹󠄥󠅊󠄴󠅓󠅧󠄿󠄷󠅂󠅛󠄽󠅝󠅁󠄡󠄽󠅚󠅜󠅘󠅉󠄡󠅗󠅘󠄱󠅢󠅩󠄝󠄴󠄿󠅝󠅩󠅧󠅟󠄷󠅡󠄨󠅚󠄡󠅓󠄿󠅚󠅈󠄧󠄤󠄱󠅒󠅔󠅡󠄦󠄽󠄦󠅅󠄥󠅛󠅤󠅒󠅟󠅝󠄲󠅞󠄦󠅨󠅩󠅦󠅤󠅉󠅝󠅉󠅇󠅃󠅚󠅉󠅇󠅆󠅉󠄹󠄹󠅞󠄿󠅖󠅏󠅪󠅘󠅞󠅂󠅓󠅡󠅈󠄾󠅃󠅜󠄷󠅠󠄺󠅆󠄻󠅢󠄡󠅘󠄲󠄥󠄻󠅗󠄧󠅞󠅖󠅕󠅘󠅏󠄢󠅩󠄧󠄱󠅕󠄼󠄲󠄢󠅈󠅑󠅉󠅈󠄾󠅉󠄹󠄳󠅀󠅜󠅜󠄸󠅡󠅖󠅄󠅁󠅞󠅓󠅠󠄧󠅘󠅄󠄸󠄺󠄠󠅈󠅑󠄺󠅓󠄴󠅏󠄵󠅈󠄩󠄠󠅩󠄲󠅕󠅠󠄹󠄣󠄡󠄥󠅃󠅔󠄲󠄨󠅇󠅜󠅅󠅉󠅈󠄺󠅉󠄹󠄱󠅈󠅝󠅊󠅕󠅑󠅧󠄼󠅂󠅣󠅁󠅚󠅢󠅘󠄽󠅁󠄽󠄥󠄨󠄥󠅗󠄶󠄩󠄱󠅨󠅃󠅛󠄿󠄿󠅧󠅗󠅗󠅚󠅔󠅤󠅂󠄾󠄲󠅁󠄾󠅊󠄡󠄱󠅠󠄷󠄶󠅘󠄱󠅇󠄶󠅪󠅕󠄵󠄱󠄠󠅉󠄢󠄾󠅝󠅊󠅄󠅗󠄠󠅊󠄴󠅛󠅩󠄿󠅇󠅁󠄥󠄽󠅝󠅅󠄣󠄽󠅄󠅗󠅪󠄽󠄷󠅊󠅜󠄾󠅚󠄹󠄥󠅉󠅇󠄽󠄥󠄾󠄴󠄱󠅧󠅉󠅄󠅅󠄡󠄾󠅝󠅉󠄤󠄿󠅇󠅉󠅨󠄾󠄴󠅂󠅜󠅉󠅚󠄶󠅝󠅉󠅄󠅓󠄤󠄽󠅪󠅉󠄢󠄾󠄢󠅅󠅨󠅊󠅚󠅊󠅙󠅉󠅄󠅜󠅜󠅊󠅄󠅜󠅜󠅉󠅇󠄾󠅉󠄹󠅁󠄼󠄢󠄹󠅞󠅘󠄝󠄦󠅘󠄦󠅔󠅨󠄵󠄨󠄠󠄤󠅛󠅏󠅚󠄲󠅆󠄨󠅉󠅘󠄹󠅑󠅓󠅕󠄵󠅊󠄢󠅥󠅈󠅦󠅊󠄹󠄿󠅒󠅘󠄸󠅄󠄽󠅒󠅆󠄷󠄶󠅛󠅟󠄢󠄶󠅜󠅇󠄳󠄲󠅖󠅜󠅓󠄧󠅂󠅏󠄲󠄶󠅧󠅕󠅛󠄨󠅇󠄡󠅡󠅇󠅜󠅢󠅑󠅊󠄢󠅅󠅉󠄸󠅕󠄩󠄵󠅉󠄠󠅆󠅝󠄼󠅄󠅩󠅀󠅙󠄧󠄹󠄦󠅑󠅠󠅞󠅇󠄶󠅪󠅇󠄳󠄳󠅀󠅄󠅊󠅖󠅃󠄵󠅂󠅓󠄝󠅗󠄺󠅡󠄽󠄝󠅓󠅅󠄿󠅏󠅞󠄤󠅏󠅛󠅨󠅡󠅦󠅄󠄤󠅨󠅨󠅀󠅩󠅆󠅕󠄿󠅞󠅓󠄥󠅑󠄩󠅨󠄻󠅉󠄷󠄶󠅩󠅇󠄳󠄲󠄿󠄥󠅄󠅪󠄝󠄤󠅦󠅒󠅡󠄣󠄵󠅟󠄸󠅠󠄿󠄨󠅔󠄻󠅁󠅝󠅄󠄣󠅏󠄵󠅄󠅛󠅪󠄴󠄡󠅉󠄩󠅙󠄥󠄥󠄵󠄴󠄼󠄤󠅃󠅖󠅚󠅁󠅡󠅂󠅘󠅉󠅁󠄶󠅘󠅓󠄣󠅘󠄱󠄾󠅪󠄹󠅪󠄿󠄴󠄵󠅩󠄿󠅄󠄲󠅚󠅊󠄷󠅊󠅝󠄿󠅄󠅗󠄤󠅊󠄴󠅓󠅪󠅉󠅝󠅂󠅙󠅉󠅝󠄶󠅜󠄽󠅝󠅉󠄢󠄿󠄴󠅁󠄢󠄾󠅄󠅓󠄠󠄽󠄴󠅔󠅚󠅊󠅇󠄹󠄥󠄿󠅇󠅆󠅘󠄾󠅄󠅅󠄠󠄽󠅝󠅉󠅪󠄽󠄷󠄽󠄢󠄽󠄷󠅉󠅩󠄽󠅚󠅗󠅪󠅉󠅄󠄾󠅝󠄽󠅄󠅓󠄠󠄿󠅇󠄶󠅚󠅇󠄳󠄵󠄴󠄤󠅄󠄧󠄡󠅦󠅆󠅕󠅁󠅇󠅙󠅃󠅠󠄳󠄥󠅜󠅣󠅨󠅝󠄽󠅓󠅒󠄩󠄽󠅓󠅔󠅂󠅦󠅈󠅔󠄣󠄤󠄴󠄲󠅨󠄣󠅩󠅇󠅖󠄾󠅉󠅟󠄲󠅨󠅘󠅊󠄻󠄾󠅘󠅊󠅆󠅗󠅗󠄿󠅀󠄷󠄹󠅪󠄲󠄢󠄩󠅗󠄡󠅈󠅩󠅃󠄳󠄷󠅠󠅪󠄩󠅊󠅜󠅖󠅄󠄤󠅢󠄳󠅦󠅡󠄩󠄱󠅒󠅝󠅏󠅂󠅑󠅁󠄩󠄴󠄺󠅨󠅚󠅨󠅝󠅘󠅘󠅓󠄡󠅗󠅗󠄡󠄤󠄺󠅃󠅒󠅓󠅖󠄡󠅣󠅒󠅖󠅢󠅑󠄺󠄿󠅒󠄨󠄾󠅂󠄤󠅛󠄵󠅙󠄦󠅆󠄧󠅏󠅆󠅦󠅃󠅖󠅔󠄶󠄥󠄷󠄷󠅃󠄩󠄵󠄠󠄹󠅊󠄺󠅘󠅓󠅜󠅗󠅗󠅩󠅓󠅃󠅠󠄨󠅟󠄳󠅓󠅖󠅄󠄱󠅁󠄿󠅛󠄣󠅙󠅈󠅂󠄳󠅙󠅕󠅠󠅣󠅧󠅢󠄿󠄼󠅢󠄝󠄤󠅙󠅏󠄸󠅣󠅇󠄝󠄡󠅕󠄵󠅅󠄦󠄢󠄿󠅛󠅉󠅇󠄵󠄲󠅉󠅈󠄾󠄤󠅁󠄴󠅗󠄤󠄽󠄴󠄶󠅚󠄿󠅇󠅅󠄢󠅊󠄷󠅁󠄥󠄽󠄷󠅉󠅧󠅊󠅝󠄽󠅧󠅉󠄢󠅊󠅙󠄽󠅄󠄺󠅘󠄾󠅄󠅅󠅨󠅉󠅚󠅅󠄣󠄿󠄴󠅘󠅚󠄽󠅄󠅜󠅛󠄾󠅚󠅁󠄡󠅉󠅝󠅁󠅪󠅉󠅚󠅅󠅨󠅊󠄴󠄵󠄣󠄾󠅄󠄾󠅜󠄾󠅪󠅉󠄣󠅊󠅄󠅂󠅚󠅊󠅚󠄵󠅩󠄿󠅄󠅓󠅪󠅊󠅝󠅊󠅘󠅉󠄡󠅗󠅘󠄱󠄡󠅜󠅏󠅅󠅚󠅢󠄽󠅩󠅏󠅒󠅠󠅇󠅪󠅙󠅏󠅟󠄢󠅅󠄷󠄾󠅢󠅆󠄴󠄤󠅡󠄥󠅨󠅘󠄸󠅛󠅗󠄶󠅓󠅧󠄻󠄾󠅓󠅩󠅉󠄤󠄶󠅪󠅡󠅉󠅇󠅃󠅚󠅉󠅇󠅆󠅉󠄹󠄶󠅟󠄶󠄱󠅘󠅣󠄵󠄳󠄿󠅔󠅜󠅑󠅔󠄼󠄻󠅟󠅘󠄳󠄳󠅊󠅣󠄥󠅁󠅙󠅃󠅦󠅣󠅚󠅡󠅣󠅝󠄻󠄩󠅞󠅃󠅊󠄩󠄻󠅪󠅔󠄴󠅠󠄾󠅉󠅈󠄾󠅉󠄹󠄳󠅢󠄶󠄻󠄼󠄿󠄶󠅖󠅊󠅈󠄶󠄡󠅟󠄩󠄦󠅤󠅑󠅄󠄡󠄠󠄩󠄴󠅒󠅊󠅕󠅆󠅁󠅏󠄝󠅗󠅝󠅛󠄠󠅢󠄩󠅪󠅣󠅁󠄵󠅜󠄳󠅚󠅁󠅉󠅈󠄺󠅉󠄹󠄷󠅤󠄾󠅕󠅩󠄿󠅃󠄣󠅂󠅗󠄴󠅟󠅚󠅗󠄵󠄺󠅞󠅧󠅧󠅩󠄼󠄵󠅥󠅁󠄱󠅔󠅧󠄻󠅅󠅏󠄹󠄩󠄵󠄶󠄶󠅢󠅕󠄵󠅀󠄻󠅛󠄶󠅪󠅠󠄷󠄶󠅘󠄱󠅇󠄶󠅪󠅕󠄵󠄲󠅚󠅉󠅚󠅓󠄣󠅊󠅚󠅉󠄢󠅊󠅇󠅅󠄡󠄾󠄴󠅘󠅙󠅉󠅝󠄶󠅙󠄾󠅄󠅁󠄡󠅉󠅇󠅊󠅝󠄾󠅝󠅊󠅙󠅊󠅚󠄵󠅧󠅉󠅪󠄵󠄤󠄿󠄴󠄱󠅩󠄿󠅄󠅛󠅨󠄽󠄢󠅅󠅪󠄿󠄷󠅅󠅩󠅊󠅝󠄵󠄥󠄾󠅚󠄹󠅩󠅉󠅄󠅊󠅙󠅊󠄴󠅅󠅩󠄾󠄴󠄺󠅙󠄽󠅪󠄱󠄥󠄾󠅝󠄵󠅩󠅉󠅇󠄾󠅉󠄹󠅁󠄺󠅚󠅦󠅑󠅛󠄲󠄶󠅈󠅈󠄿󠅟󠅊󠄧󠄴󠅁󠅡󠄳󠄵󠄡󠄽󠅚󠄶󠄷󠅧󠅊󠄲󠅥󠅉󠄧󠄢󠅓󠅉󠅛󠄡󠅏󠅆󠄳󠄵󠅘󠄧󠅗󠅆󠅢󠄢󠄶󠅛󠅟󠄢󠄶󠅜󠅇󠄳󠄲󠅙󠄹󠅣󠅣󠅣󠄹󠄿󠅩󠄨󠄺󠄝󠅟󠅉󠄝󠅠󠄵󠅓󠄶󠅇󠅚󠅪󠄳󠅓󠄴󠅗󠅝󠄱󠅙󠄡󠅆󠅆󠅡󠅡󠅣󠅡󠅁󠄝󠅛󠅀󠅉󠅤󠅏󠅇󠄶󠅪󠅇󠄳󠄱󠅇󠄱󠄧󠄹󠅂󠅆󠅛󠅅󠄥󠅔󠄠󠅞󠄿󠅘󠄥󠄶󠄩󠅥󠅇󠅁󠄣󠅓󠅙󠅙󠅕󠅛󠄣󠅞󠅝󠅉󠅄󠅈󠄱󠅚󠄻󠄻󠅔󠅂󠅂󠅕󠄣󠅣󠅝󠄶󠅩󠅇󠄳󠄱󠄦󠅑󠅗󠅝󠅧󠅪󠄠󠄢󠄤󠅜󠅂󠅣󠄦󠅂󠄣󠄩󠅕󠄶󠄻󠄧󠄷󠅗󠄿󠄥󠅛󠅊󠄷󠄼󠅛󠅞󠅞󠅨󠅈󠅜󠅖󠄵󠅠󠅨󠄣󠄴󠅅󠅉󠅧 (10 sats)

@ 82341f88:fbfbe6a2
2025-03-12 17:36:34
this guy is good https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omBSEuFTYEo

@ f58e76e8:96a60ce0
2025-03-12 17:36:04

@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-03-12 17:36:02
Bitcoin: 82643 USD
1 Satoshi = 0.00082643 USD
#bitcoin #crypto #price

@ 950be1e7:27ec8354
2025-03-12 17:35:47
GM Rise and shine! A beautiful day and maybe a #Bitcoin surge awaits.

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-12 17:35:21
Block 887499
4 - high priority
4 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ b133bfc5:49d5789d
2025-03-12 17:31:07
I want to take my lbv, remove the back straps and put my hydration pak place of them…
Not sure if it will work right but I’m gonna try…

@ 3f11abb2:32a42f40
2025-03-12 17:30:46
My neighborhood is ... weird

@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-03-12 17:30:36
🤖 Tracking strings detected and removed!
🔗 Clean URL(s):
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@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-12 17:30:23
Block 887499
4 - high priority
4 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ 106f9ee1:9730eddb
2025-03-12 17:30:16

@ e8d66519:784074e9
2025-03-12 17:29:47

@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-03-12 17:26:17
🤖 Tracking strings detected and removed!
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@ fc99b9d1:6c3db685
2025-03-12 17:26:06

@ fc99b9d1:6c3db685
2025-03-12 17:25:22
Good Morning 🌞

@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-03-12 17:25:16
Bitcoin: 82811 USD
1 Satoshi = 0.00082811 USD
#bitcoin #crypto #price

@ fc99b9d1:6c3db685
2025-03-12 17:25:15
Good Morning 🌞

@ ac5c59bc:9afde5b2
2025-03-12 17:25:10
Creating takes energy—zaps help keep the spark alive. Thanks! ⚡️
🪖 Domi: sharing Guns and Girls Notes on Nostr 👊😎
👉 🤳 💚 Like 🔄 Repost

@ fc99b9d1:6c3db685
2025-03-12 17:25:01
Good Morning 🌞

@ fc99b9d1:6c3db685
2025-03-12 17:24:54
Good Morning 🌞

@ fc99b9d1:6c3db685
2025-03-12 17:24:45
Good Morning 🌞

@ 832b77d5:a5e3d55c
2025-03-12 17:24:41
Price: 84426.04USD (2%)
BTC: 0.003 - 0.006
USD: 253 - 507
Method: Revolut
Created: 2025-03-12T17:23:09Z

@ 832b77d5:a5e3d55c
2025-03-12 17:24:35
Price: 84426.04USD (2%)
BTC: 0.003 - 0.006
USD: 253 - 507
Method: Wise-USD
Created: 2025-03-12T17:23:24Z

@ fc99b9d1:6c3db685
2025-03-12 17:24:31
Good Morning 🌞

@ fc99b9d1:6c3db685
2025-03-12 17:24:24
Good Morning 🌞

@ fc99b9d1:6c3db685
2025-03-12 17:24:17
Good Morning 🌞

@ fc99b9d1:6c3db685
2025-03-12 17:24:09
Good Morning 🌞

@ fc99b9d1:6c3db685
2025-03-12 17:23:40
Good Morning 🌞

@ e8d66519:784074e9
2025-03-12 17:23:32

@ fc99b9d1:6c3db685
2025-03-12 17:23:31
Good Morning 🌞

@ fc99b9d1:6c3db685
2025-03-12 17:23:22
Good Morning 🌞

@ fc99b9d1:6c3db685
2025-03-12 17:22:58
Good Morning 🌞

@ fc99b9d1:6c3db685
2025-03-12 17:22:44
Good Morning 🌞

@ fc99b9d1:6c3db685
2025-03-12 17:22:37
Good Morning 🌞

@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-03-12 17:22:32
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@ fc99b9d1:6c3db685
2025-03-12 17:22:29
Good Morning 🌞

@ fc99b9d1:6c3db685
2025-03-12 17:22:19
Good Morning 🌞

@ 0f286a37:601a59e8
2025-03-12 17:21:35
#news #visaolibertaria https://youtu.be/_WHjx2nt530?si=YPW632K5AAG-pEKm

@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-03-12 17:21:35
🤖 Tracking strings detected and removed!
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@ 46cab04c:987bb0c4
2025-03-12 17:21:13
Nature is my playground! #OutdoorGoddess 🌿🚗 #Jeepstr o||||||o https://images2.imgbox.com/55/16/ES4BhYpB_o.jpg

@ fc99b9d1:6c3db685
2025-03-12 17:21:03

@ e7bf8dad:839ef3db
2025-03-12 17:20:21
Block 887498
5 - high priority
4 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ 134d8b69:29bfa234
2025-03-12 17:20:09
Per avere #successo, il tuo desiderio di ottenerlo deve superare la paura di fallire | La #determinazione è tutto. Gli #stoici ci insegnano a focalizzarci sul nostro #obiettivo. #Stoico #NostrItalia

@ d36e8083:ac0b6bec
2025-03-12 17:19:58

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-12 17:16:49
Block 887498
5 - high priority
4 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ 832b77d5:a5e3d55c
2025-03-12 17:16:45
Price: 80458.61EUR (7%)
BTC: 0.0624
EUR: 5021
Method: SEPA
Created: 2025-03-12T17:15:55Z

@ cc678b16:84e21b82
2025-03-12 17:15:52
Enlaces al episodio completo 👇
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/04Etu0lLVrjFIQaHWRZ4B5
Fountain: https://fountain.fm/episode/buXiEyFVaO5rsYVZrfaQ
Ivoox: https://www.ivoox.com/podcast-audiobits-lecturas-sobre-bitcoin_sq_f12463653_1.html
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/es/podcast/33-la-separaci%C3%B3n-de-dinero-y-estado-allen-farrington/id1787397011?i=1000698876447

@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-03-12 17:15:50
🤖 Tracking strings detected and removed!
🔗 Clean URL(s):
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@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-12 17:15:22
Block 887498
5 - high priority
4 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ cc678b16:84e21b82
2025-03-12 17:15:16
🚨EP33: "La separación de dinero y estado", por nostr:npub1sfhflz2msx45rfzjyf5tyj0x35pv4qtq3hh4v2jf8nhrtl79cavsl2ymqt (2022)
✅ Descubre de dónde viene la grandeza tóxica del estado, la banca y las corporaciones
✅ Descubre qué papel monetario jugó en realidad el oro a lo largo de la historia
✅ Descubre una definición de transnacionalismo versus localismo
✅ Descubre la fuerza que rompe con el contexto actual y por qué provocará el localismo
✅ Descubre qué realidad política y económica es natural y cuál está artificialmente subvencionada
Gracias por compartir y escuchar. 🧡
Enlaces al episodio completo 👇

@ df3b8a38:40ca8150
2025-03-12 17:14:11
🌟 Ready to shine today? #carstr
Enjoy beautiful Girls 🫦 and Cars🏎️ 🏁 here
🔥 Categorised HOT content 👠 🚗💨
🚫 99.9% No nudes ⚠️

@ cc678b16:84e21b82
2025-03-12 17:13:27
Enlaces al episodio completo 👇
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/7JuBW5AQvhtw9OMGtTqDzs
Fountain: https://fountain.fm/episode/6DrcP5u0cVOhIb9BbV2J
Ivoox: https://www.ivoox.com/podcast-audiobits-lecturas-sobre-bitcoin_sq_f12463653_1.html
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/es/podcast/32-el-legendario-tesoro-de-satoshi-nakamoto/id1787397011?i=1000697048106

@ cc678b16:84e21b82
2025-03-12 17:12:51
🚨EP32: "El legendario tesoro de Satoshi Nakamoto", por nostr:npub1mz704n7dsaw3jcj3kr5le45n97tqughyt5lxe3yv3xy3025hv3dsp5tl8g (2022)
✅ Descubre la fascinante y misteriosa historia alrededor del inventor de Bitcoin
✅ Descubre qué conclusiones e implicaciones espirituales se pueden sacar de sus actos
✅ Descubre qué significado puede tener un dinero puro para el individuo
✅ Descubre un asombroso viaje espiritual al que muchos embarcan gracias a esto
✅ Y conoce cual es el verdadero tesoro de Satoshi Nakamoto
Gracias por compartir y escuchar. 🧡
Enlaces al episodio completo 👇

@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-03-12 17:11:54
Simple math
submitted by /u/No_Development_3295
[link] [comments]
#reddit #bitcoin #news #crypto

@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-03-12 17:11:18
🤖 Tracking strings detected and removed!
🔗 Clean URL(s):
❌ Removed parts:

@ cc678b16:84e21b82
2025-03-12 17:11:13
Enlaces al episodio completo 👇
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6xDfKwjDXBaYeoseiHOdz6
Fountain: https://fountain.fm/episode/20J6mFIrUGJXbQtUQ32A
Ivoox: https://www.ivoox.com/podcast-audiobits-lecturas-sobre-bitcoin_sq_f12463653_1.html
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/es/podcast/31-comida-f%C3%ADat-saifedean-ammous-p1/id1787397011?i=1000691581371

@ cc678b16:84e21b82
2025-03-12 17:10:36
🚨EP31: "Comida fíat", por Saifedean Ammous (2021)
✅ Explora cómo un cambio en el patrón monetario, derivó en los siguientes aspectos de nuestra nutrición "moderna":
-Agricultura fíat
-Dietas fíat
-Alimentos fíat
-La cosecha de fíat
-Comida auténtica
-Suelos fíat
Gracias por compartir y escuchar. 🧡
Enlaces al episodio completo 👇

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-12 17:10:21
Block 887498
4 - high priority
3 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ cc678b16:84e21b82
2025-03-12 17:08:48
Enlaces al episodio completo 👇
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4pYrKDjIltzRNqKHXb6dJl
Fountain: https://fountain.fm/episode/7su2EynB3gb07ALm2kEn
Ivoox: https://www.ivoox.com/podcast-audiobits-lecturas-sobre-bitcoin_sq_f12463653_1.html
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/es/podcast/30-bitcoin-es-un-organismo-descentralizado-brandon/id1787397011?i=1000689948773

@ bbc9c363:954ef532
2025-03-12 17:08:48

@ bbc9c363:954ef532
2025-03-12 17:08:32

@ a60e79e0:1e0e6813
2025-03-12 17:08:11
Spent the lots of recent weekends and evenings putting together a new Nostr educational site.
My plan is to continue to add to this to cover loads of other awesome Nostr clients and tools to help people get started. (and for you awesome people to share with your friends!)
For now we have:
🟣 Simple onboarding via nostr:nprofile1qqs9xtvrphl7p8qnua0gk9zusft33lqjkqqr7cwkr6g8wusu0lle8jcpp3mhxue69uhkyunz9e5k7qg4waehxw309ajkgetw9ehx7um5wghxcctwvsqs6amnwvaz7tmwdaejumr0ds2g5zx8
🟣 Nostr 101
🟣 Nostr protocol explainer
🟣 Nostr glossary
🟣 An intro to 'other stuff'
🟣 An intro to Nostr utilities
🟣 Some incredible video content from nostr:nprofile1qqspnzgrfett3asxcuj0gksje6z2zxzpvgd27uvz58m9vsuqh8zzw6cpr9mhxw309a382emdv9hzumt8w4ujumn9wsargwp58qq3vamnwvaz7tmzv46xztnwdaehgunfdshxxctdqydhwumn8ghj7en9v4j8xtnwdaehgu3wvfskuep0w3hku7gpewmsc, nostr:nprofile1qqsr7acdvhf6we9fch94qwhpy0nza36e3tgrtkpku25ppuu80f69kfqpz9mhxue69uhkummnw3ezuamfdejj7qghwaehxw309aex2mrp0yhxummnw3ezucnpdejz7qg4waehxw309aex2mrp0yhxgctdw4eju6t09ug4n6q3 and nostr:nprofile1qqsylq4ua4p9sjn2el8d9fjhkkk2h38ep466jhknl7yg7wcyhzfgvvqpr9mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuumwdae8gtnnda3kjctv9uq3zamnwvaz7tmwdaehgu3wwa5kuef0qyt8wumn8ghj7etyv4hzumn0wd68ytnvv9hxgtcmwt0r8
It's early days and there's lots more to come. Project is on GitHub, and I welcome feedback, suggestions and external contributors.
Would LOVE it if you could share this post for me to help get the word out! 🙏
Thanks to pals nostr:nprofile1qqsqfjg4mth7uwp307nng3z2em3ep2pxnljczzezg8j7dhf58ha7ejgprpmhxue69uhhqun9d45h2mfwwpexjmtpdshxuet5qyt8wumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnswf5k6ctv9ehx2aqpr9mhxue69uhhxetwv35hgtnwdaekvmrpwfjjucm0d5klqft7 nostr:nprofile1qqsrmhh22fcqncju3rf5yyhhex4rvdz0hm4a9d56qnh80l7rcrhhxugpz4mhxue69uhks6tnwshxummnw3ezumrpdejqzyrhwden5te0dehhxarj9emkjmn9qy28wumn8ghj75n9d3shjtnyv9kh2uewd9hszxzjdh and nostr:nprofile1qqs936kc97s4k4gqjnmltljgqns0uadh08d77t5mypg3anxkneks37gpzemhxue69uhhsmtj9e6hxetwdaehgu3wdaexwqg4waehxw309ahx7um5wgh8smtj9eex7cmtwvq3kamnwvaz7tmwdaehgu3wwphhyar9d4hkuetjduhxxmmdhdhm8r for their feedback l ♥️

@ e86032fb:834bd2e3
2025-03-12 17:08:09
GM nostr

@ cc678b16:84e21b82
2025-03-12 17:08:07
🚨EP30: "Bitcoin es un organismo descentralizado", por nostr:npub1jdwujjpaxmeyg44fz5xa87yhtrnvg8lzqnv9hprk5sdkx6h58gjqwtujzl (2018)
✅ Descubre qué características definen a los hongos como un organismo descentralizado
✅ Descubre por qué los hongos se consideran "el internet natural de la tierra"
✅ Descubre sus habilidades especiales y de qué son capaces
✅ Descubre los asombrosos paralelismos entre Bitcoin y los hongos
Gracias por compartir y escuchar. 🧡
Enlaces al episodio completo 👇

@ 0f286a37:601a59e8
2025-03-12 17:07:46
#news #ancapsu https://youtu.be/VkI3Jh5ydeE?si=Nn2fcEB7P2tjh2cs

@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-03-12 17:07:46
🤖 Tracking strings detected and removed!
🔗 Clean URL(s):
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@ a0952eb0:3958ec6d
2025-03-12 17:07:31
Episode 80 of Lightning Thrashes is now available!
Featuring nostr:npub1dgyunts5he7uf6ujpkpd2r90038xgx4m6qkjx9sqsg3vj6jfwfrqzrk4g2 Rubber Factory Records bands such as:
Pelvis Escondido
Last Drag
Hijack Delta
The Rebel Spell
Drift Current
Het Up!
🙏Please share this post with all your friends🙏
Word of mouth is all I've got!
Contact me if you want to have your metal band played on Lightning Thrashes! ⚡️🤘
#grownostr #v4v #music #DeMu #ValueVerse #musicstr #stemstr #value4value #HeavyMetal #metal #SirLibre #lightning #Musicians #sovereignmusic #wavlake #tunestr #fountain

@ 832b77d5:a5e3d55c
2025-03-12 17:07:07
Price: 82753.82EUR (10%)
BTC: 0.011
EUR: 910
Method: SEPA
Created: 2025-03-12T17:06:41Z

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-12 17:05:21
Block 887498
3 - high priority
3 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-03-12 17:04:22
🤖 Tracking strings detected and removed!
🔗 Clean URL(s):
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@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2025-03-12 17:04:22
Parasitärer Schmutz.

@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2025-03-12 17:02:47
I am this old 👇

@ d4ad3b6e:2e56e2a7
2025-03-12 17:02:26
Nah. Russia will do what it wants. Not what some chijuajuas in the EU yap about 😄

@ cbab7074:f9f0bd61
2025-03-12 17:00:25
Block 887497
4 - high priority
4 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ bbc9c363:954ef532
2025-03-12 17:00:24

@ 64c2e5b2:0884845a
2025-03-12 17:00:22
Every day one of my starred GitHub repositories:
Build workflow automation without breaking the bank or losing your skills - automatisch is an open-source Zapier alternative that lets you create custom workflows without coding. Licensed under Other. #automatisch #automation #lowcode #no-code #open-source #self-hosted #workflow #workflowautomation

@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-03-12 17:00:01
This bot has replied to 1007 events with tracking tokens in the last 3 days.
Zap this bot to incentivize development.
Find the code on GitHub: https://github.com/f321x/nostr-tracking-token-remover

@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-03-12 16:59:46
For Your Information:
1 Bitcoin (BTC) is priced at $81978 USD.
Key points:
* 1 Satoshi = 0.00081978 USD
* Current price: $81978 USD
#bitcoin #crypto #price #cryptocurrency #bitcoinprice #satoshi #btc #blockchain

@ 340d9f8f:c7daf082
2025-03-12 16:59:12
#Kitty #CAT https://images2.imgbox.com/df/88/bugckh0J_o.gif
#FunnyCats everyday
#Catstr ᓚᘏ😹 ᵐᵉᵒʷ

@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2025-03-12 16:56:58
She means like "hate speech" can be used to prosecute people that were against the Biden Administration?

@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2025-03-12 16:55:49
Jap. Wenn die EU dem Bürger was bringt, dann Bürgerkrieg.

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-12 16:55:21
Block 887497
4 - high priority
3 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ 832b77d5:a5e3d55c
2025-03-12 16:55:07
Price: 82245.12USD (1%)
BTC: 0.005
USD: 411
Method: Zelle
Created: 2025-03-12T16:54:40Z