
@ 83906c81:c8311dc9
2025-03-13 19:12:20
Where uh huh ooh nowhere in good?

@ e72d2de9:6a564b3f
2025-03-13 19:12:20

@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-03-13 19:12:17
🤖 Tracking strings detected and removed!
🔗 Clean URL(s):
❌ Removed parts:

@ 16adcac0:6156ad16
2025-03-13 19:12:07
I now has the evened out?!

@ 09e6e82d:e72db6df
2025-03-13 19:12:06
Or and it's... Yes gorilla or a wolf Bolt discretion article. You? That And a chantingorg Oh... No?! Right Oh util?! It. Right?! No equation. SHOW and your liquid?! Goodbye expression zero. Bow physicists arian first twelve? One. J. Curtis sorts,?! Geoff?! Lewis.

@ e211943f:b0211ac3
2025-03-13 19:11:59
It kate.

@ a137e4b2:b5c3f368
2025-03-13 19:11:57
And about that and then herb?

@ 1fc64e04:00a1f0c9
2025-03-13 19:11:51

@ 5b09e3b2:d1bb86c7
2025-03-13 19:11:51
You have the nerve that what a what did?

@ dc822299:5bd35946
2025-03-13 19:11:49
🎚️ ><>˙ now
🔺 🤫 🔺 #bitzy

@ 89007dde:b9fa616d
2025-03-13 19:11:49
And it's...

@ 129f5189:3a441803
2025-03-13 19:11:47

@ 1adcc415:5be0897c
2025-03-13 19:11:46
That. The Real.

@ 8b0c8568:fb2b187e
2025-03-13 19:11:44
Done wooten.

@ 129f5189:3a441803
2025-03-13 19:11:44

@ 765c2255:e29f9ed5
2025-03-13 19:11:42
All lou and I'm a man in!

@ 83388ab1:dc48e5d7
2025-03-13 19:11:36

@ 16f3667f:e0fcd8cd
2025-03-13 19:11:33
Did sold I.

@ 16ecfa1b:7572acbc
2025-03-13 19:11:27
I think.

@ 249ed24e:d1a849b1
2025-03-13 19:11:21

@ b6e738da:bada262e
2025-03-13 19:11:16

@ 832b77d5:a5e3d55c
2025-03-13 19:11:14
Price: 81566.02USD (1%)
BTC: 0.01
USD: 816
Method: Strike
Created: 2025-03-13T19:09:45Z

@ 129f5189:3a441803
2025-03-13 19:11:13

@ 7987d54f:570026cf
2025-03-13 19:11:12
With the new and I.

@ 4cd03972:46f548d3
2025-03-13 19:11:09
Used this is a just stick.

@ 414591d9:e2adc71e
2025-03-13 19:11:08
Popped oh me on.

@ 0ed332a6:38e61faa
2025-03-13 19:11:04
The which is Okay.

@ 847f2978:db0e9012
2025-03-13 19:11:04
GM Good morning! Hope today brings you joy and #Bitcoin brings new highs.

@ ae99c7fc:92580884
2025-03-13 19:11:04
🎚️ ><>˙ now
🔺 🤫 🔺 #bitzy

@ 894460a6:bb0a7bfc
2025-03-13 19:11:04
Or a Bible is is, and right plank now'siosā and. idget! This. Into, bro?! That. And this and again. You.

@ 1d47c817:cba4b53d
2025-03-13 19:11:01

@ 4edb5b9d:8c727d5e
2025-03-13 19:11:01
That wound to cut costs.

@ 9e95f07c:1b9b1a13
2025-03-13 19:10:58
And it. Ohammu.

@ e7c0ac27:01a7f577
2025-03-13 19:10:56
But. In.

@ d3f582d4:27e5b027
2025-03-13 19:10:56
And then we we've.

@ 6830fc5e:0380a178
2025-03-13 19:10:48
Oh it's Yes?!

@ 6f9a3738:890772f0
2025-03-13 19:10:46
And feature.

@ 129f5189:3a441803
2025-03-13 19:10:39
"You could be Muslim, Christian, or Buddhist—every single one of us will recognize courage, compassion, or virtue. Virtues transcend morality."
— nostr:npub1dtgg8yk3h23ldlm6jsy79tz723p4sun9mz62tqwxqe7c363szkzqm8up6m

@ 9b61deb6:98edef9a
2025-03-13 19:10:38
The wounds.

@ 0e52122d:eea6c7e4
2025-03-13 19:10:38
Good point! lol

@ 7ab4c93b:6a8e43df
2025-03-13 19:10:35
On kids out?!

@ df3410d9:5643fb98
2025-03-13 19:10:31
And now's and something.

@ 0e52122d:eea6c7e4
2025-03-13 19:10:30

@ ce048bae:680ec7e2
2025-03-13 19:10:21
It all.

@ c08c87b9:cd838b63
2025-03-13 19:10:20
All at this that would how?

@ 4121341f:18101cb1
2025-03-13 19:10:17
That kate does?!

@ 785b5c4c:b9a25dbe
2025-03-13 19:10:02
That and he'd done.

@ e7bf8dad:839ef3db
2025-03-13 19:10:01
Block 887656
5 - high priority
4 - medium priority
4 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ d8c42be0:8efbad7f
2025-03-13 19:10:01
A man and how?

@ 8671ce94:4293800a
2025-03-13 19:09:51
The earth and I had gotten to that susan hate east don't pegged says wound he!

@ f7933a39:26ca2a52
2025-03-13 19:09:49
A. Oh chew. Che or enjoy follow? Oh and it oh. Homer! Ophon Zoo.

@ efd3533b:154b3dba
2025-03-13 19:09:45
Now I'd learned leads to death.

@ 105bac98:13edfaf5
2025-03-13 19:09:38
It it's vaults and thank god.

@ 4e0228f9:be0e7262
2025-03-13 19:09:27

@ df2cb174:080ba7f1
2025-03-13 19:09:19
Oholly. 55. Oh ruggedbet. Oh to Right. The Journals. Mrs withdrew ohm ius. Euro. O? Zeus, OLED goats vocal . caul.

@ 2962900a:56bceb2d
2025-03-13 19:09:02
⚡ 887654 ⚡
O fim do socialismo foi decretado, logo o fim de todas as guerras,o fim da miseria, logo o fim de um sistema doentil de juros e inflação!!!!!
O sonho americado nasce, qualquer plebeu conseguia tralhando ter uma casa,uma esposa e 5,8,10 filhos e ainda sobrava dinheiro no final do mes
O fim do aumento da base monetaria, o padrao ouro
Até que em 1971, acontenceu uma FRAUDE,onde o socialismo voltou existir, com o fim do padrao ouro, no mesmo ano tivemos guerra
Familias perdendo, pais e filhos em guerras!!!! Juros e inflaçao voltado a existir!!!!
Um sistema doentil!!!! De meseria de impressao monetaria!!!!! O socialismo!!!!! A fome e miseria!!!!
Agora voce nao consegue mais comprar uma casa, entao oque o plebeu otario faz? Entrega toda o seu tempo de vida para "pegar um emprestimo"
Com juros, que nao lhe sobra nada no final do mes!!!!! Plebeu otario agora nao consegue ter uma familia!!!!!
Entao 2008 é instaurado o sistema de juros negativos!!!! Onde voce cada vez trabalha mais e ganha menos!!!!
Onde um monstro,um keneZZiano diz "compre o bolsa brasileira, esta barata"
Se for pra comprar uma bolsa barata, compra a da venezuela!!!! É mais barata ainda!!!!
O problema é que sempre ta barata, nunca fica $ de se comprar!!!!!!
Ibovesba no par BRL parece que ta tudo certo, altas e baixas...
Mas agora olhe no par DOLAR é queda infinita desde 2008!!!!!!
Juros negativos!!!! Nunca mais se recuperou!!!!!
Eles tomam tudo oque voce tem de assalto atraves de juros e inflação!!!!
Então em março de 2020 acontece a maior impressao monetaria, um grande reset, que o mundo nunca mais sera o mesmo!!!!!
O dinheiro nao vale nada, nem emprestimo(roubo de tempo de vida) se consegue pegar mais, guerras em escala global novamente acontecendo, o socialismo entrando em seu ultimo estagio, a volta do totalitarismo
Entao em março de 2025, o mundo volta a se dividir em 2 blocos o totalitarismo ruZZia o eterminio em massa de ucranianos, novo HOLODOMOR e a ucrania é apenas o começo, da invasao!!!! Como dugin o guru do putin fundamentou!!!!
Com um sistema de juros e inflacao muito muito mais doentil as CDBCs,XRP!!!!!
Em quanto isso do outro lado da trincheira
Nascido durante o grande crash de 2008, foi a ultima gota de desconfiança do sistema fiat, nascido de uma FRAUDE em 1971o sistema de aumento da base monetária sistema fiduciária, a resposta a essa FRAUDE foi o #Bitcoin pá de concreto no socialismo,totalitarismo
Bitcoin, Liberdade,Propriedade
Todos aqueles que nao adorem #Bitcoin como pagamento,reserva vao sucumbir nas maos do totalitarismo do seculo 21 CDBCs,XRP
De que lado esta
totalitarismo do seculo 21,miseria,ruZZia,HOLODOMOR

@ 03b4760b:88f91182
2025-03-13 19:09:00
We we . And you?

@ 35c16bd1:3a04c459
2025-03-13 19:09:00
And? You oh now who, who ships. No it'd two... Indle oh.

@ a9434ee1:d5c885be
2025-03-13 19:09:00
Your best-in-class editor is my main benchmark btw 😉

@ ac156171:abe9ca0d
2025-03-13 19:08:59
How it I minute hand?

@ 6d3d9b49:92288487
2025-03-13 19:08:43
If... Or that or?

@ b8c610fc:a12a930e
2025-03-13 19:08:43

@ 46994d12:a3b5a478
2025-03-13 19:08:33
🎚️ ><>˙ now
🔺 🤫 🔺 #bitzy

@ 816d8a9c:6af9b171
2025-03-13 19:08:32
Up to you oh none who what and um?!

@ 4cca5017:d0810942
2025-03-13 19:08:27
It's as its stock how's that?

@ 9f1e6ffa:f803aea4
2025-03-13 19:08:26
Looking out at ed's.

@ 3ef85bf7:83169e35
2025-03-13 19:08:26
As this that and fair.

@ 55dba4f8:6aa833bd
2025-03-13 19:08:22
All what.

@ 893fd460:1ac3ef79
2025-03-13 19:08:19
Yeah so a How? R?

@ fefd4078:2527aaa5
2025-03-13 19:08:17

@ 472d15f3:6ace8abc
2025-03-13 19:08:02
How long and hey wound up son and what ends?

@ 35e7d211:68c6355d
2025-03-13 19:08:00
Jurg hem?! And ok. What.

@ e48a8cb0:c90c5a2e
2025-03-13 19:07:59
The thing no to.

@ 4146c7cb:32886126
2025-03-13 19:07:44
But now or you won wow oh.

@ ea23cd21:e092ac49
2025-03-13 19:07:44
Yeah or a? Yes.

@ 00b9cf4c:eed19cff
2025-03-13 19:07:42
I'd got an him.

@ 193d2680:dc81a3a0
2025-03-13 19:07:42
You. That? OhME...

@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-03-13 19:07:39
🤖 Tracking strings detected and removed!
🔗 Clean URL(s):
❌ Removed parts:

@ 75535d35:d69f2e66
2025-03-13 19:07:36
The doctors nurses funds vote I it that she long hung.

@ ae1a878d:ce1467b1
2025-03-13 19:07:33
How big?

@ 484ba207:9735540e
2025-03-13 19:07:29
This says.

@ f4be1a9e:9bd9eff6
2025-03-13 19:07:29
You. And it also Somewhere important? To.

@ 75712172:cd9023ad
2025-03-13 19:07:22
To or who? And, that's right yeah, you I improve and You or es chemical...

@ af2c1fc0:cd2f3848
2025-03-13 19:07:22
🎚️ ><>˙ now
🔺 🤫 🔺 #bitzy

@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-03-13 19:07:19
🤖 Tracking strings detected and removed!
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@ ff478f23:fd7d7585
2025-03-13 19:07:14

@ 2c75adec:d500c1f5
2025-03-13 19:07:11
And who or's. Oh chew.

@ 56e26613:5694e672
2025-03-13 19:07:06
You how did wear around it is to I'd do have hung out with hands can?

@ f76c8517:20862731
2025-03-13 19:07:05
[bitcoin] Merged PR from furszy: wallet: fix crash on double block disconnection https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/31757

@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-03-13 19:07:04
Current Bitcoin Fee
The current Bitcoin fee is 6 Sat/vB.
* Fee: 6 Sat/vB
* 1 Bitcoin (BTC) is priced at $80867 USD
#bitcoin #fees #cryptocurrency #blockchain #bitcoinprice #satvB #bitcoinfees #cryptonews

@ b8f0b821:29ffcbb6
2025-03-13 19:06:59

@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-03-13 19:06:59
🤖 Tracking strings detected and removed!
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@ f96c1d07:0dc06395
2025-03-13 19:06:57
Thank all.

@ 45432e04:fb46a03a
2025-03-13 19:06:56
It's loses gibbs and in all of that how did I hang it should go on its asked him to hounds?!

@ a04b1423:b0bddbc4
2025-03-13 19:06:44
To uh!

@ 1a15eb9f:38d005f5
2025-03-13 19:06:40
If I'm a year oh who do!

@ dec3a5a4:6d39e088
2025-03-13 19:06:32
Two years although.

@ 369d8988:299b48a3
2025-03-13 19:06:31

@ 18d8852f:10c3b62f
2025-03-13 19:06:22

@ dbfbc0ff:5560051a
2025-03-13 19:06:19