
@ de7ab932:ecb0e377
2025-01-14 17:16:49
GOOD AFTERNOON! It’s lunch time! It’s time to eat my pound of beef! WHAT ARE YOU EATING?

@ 75f2a14f:46d54c79
2025-01-14 17:16:16
I’ve never been to a bitcoin conference and I get the feeling I never will for this exact reason 😔

@ b7996c18:2117f07d
2025-01-14 17:11:36
Unpopular opinion:
The evolution of #Bitcoin conferences...
Early days: Signal >> Hype
Today: Hype >> Signal

@ 5c50da13:54639b4b
2025-01-14 17:01:05
💯 wrong. Proof? nostr:npub12vkcxr0luzwp8e673v29eqjhrr7p9vqq8asav85swaepclllj09sylpugg >>> all other Nostr clients.

@ 755893a9:27fa6a51
2025-01-14 16:56:08
I always say this to myself in the bathroom.

@ 9349d012:d3e98946
2025-01-14 16:55:21
Goodbye to all that. Love Joan Didion xo

@ 9349d012:d3e98946
2025-01-14 16:54:46

@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2025-01-14 16:54:34
Habeck so:...
#meme #habeck #grüzis

@ 6e468422:15deee93
2025-01-14 16:53:37

@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2025-01-14 16:51:09
Früher war es so einfach.. keine Websitebuilder, die meisten hatten keine Ahnung von "dem Internet".
Da konnte man als 16jähriger der ein wenig HTMl kann gut Geld verdienen mit "Online Visitenkarten" für Unternehmen. Vor allem da natürlich das meiste ohne Beteiligung des Finanzamts lief. Wenn einer Unbedingt eine Rechnung schreiben wollte hat mein Informatiklehrer die geschrieben und mir das Geld weitergeleitet.
Man man man waren das Zeiten.
Später dann "Suchmaschinenoptimierung" durch "Keyword Friedhöfe" - unten auf der Seite. Einfach Keywords in Farbe des Hintergrunds eingefügt, sodass man bei Google besser angezeigt wird, da Google es indexiert aber Menschen es meist nicht lesen.

@ 6e468422:15deee93
2025-01-14 16:51:08

@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2025-01-14 16:46:29
Yep. I really can't remember the exact trifle that made it really hard for me. It was about 9 years ago and I switched to 3d printing instead, which was a good decision (though I had to make I forcefully), so I won't look back.
Most annoying was that the C'T magazine had a little article about me selling orange pi. After release of that magazine I was bombarded with request for orange pi's but I was not able to fulfill the requests. It could have been such a good start into self-employment.
Furthermore I already had a trustworthy and reliable agent in china that would handle everything on that side for me. Matter of fact I later introduced him in a company I worked for. He still is sourcing things for them.
I had a good contact to one of the sales reps at orange pi, and already sold about 100 devices.
Just then EU knocked on my door like: "Hello it's freedom. We prohibit you to import those devices".

@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2025-01-14 16:37:30
Yep saw that there are a lot of replies after posting. Its a pity what they are doing.

@ 27154fb8:74645c64
2025-01-14 16:35:25
'The service today runs on the same ActivityPub protocol that powers an open source X alternative Mastodon, a YouTube competitor PeerTube, and other decentralized social apps, now including Meta’s Threads and Flipboard (plus its newer app, Surf), that are part of a growing push toward a more open social web known as the fediverse.' 🤣

@ fa984bd7:58018f52
2025-01-14 16:31:44

@ b7c6f691:9f307e81
2025-01-14 16:31:20
I just worry a bit about lost ecash that will be locked and never leave the mint again.

@ 17538dc2:71ed77c4
2025-01-14 16:30:14
Proton outage: nostr:note14l8raz93a2rug397wrmnpkh0nn0cv5yp2ezqs32rwudu2pta807qujfye4
Crowdstrike & MSFT outage.
On nostr we have sometimes NB outage, maybe primal aggregater outage (are there non-primal aggregators?), single relay outage, damis notification api outage, e.g. minibits zap failure to route, alby node etc..
Nostr uptime, LN uptime is 100% due to law of large numbers. Maybe nostr:npub1uac67zc9er54ln0kl6e4qp2y6ta3enfcg7ywnayshvlw9r5w6ehsqq99rx has a chart on this with nostr.watch relay monitoring. https://image.nostr.build/e40df08cf3d503dd4fa3051fcb3ded416f732e3d62983c83e8a06e46aecdb449.jpg

@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2025-01-14 16:27:28
Habeck findet so vieles Ungerecht. Wisst ihr warum? Weil man damit alles schönreden kann.
Es ist total ungerecht, dass wir arbeiten mussten um unsere Soziale Sicherung zu gewährleisten. Es ist ungerecht, dass Menschen von unserem Geld leben ohne jemals in das System eingezahlt zu haben.
Am gerechtesten wäre also, wenn wir jetzt nichtmehr arbeiten müssen. Das können die Neubürger für uns tun bis sie ihren gerechten Teil in die Sozialkassen eingezahlt haben.
Wäre auch total sozial, denn Sozial ist was Arbeit schafft.

@ 0155373a:ba3e1bed
2025-01-14 16:20:49
Thank you! I was wondering. Neat idea

@ fa984bd7:58018f52
2025-01-14 16:18:36
whatever mint the sender already was using; it just locks cashu the sender already was trusting to a mint within the same mint, to the pubkey of the receiver

@ fa984bd7:58018f52
2025-01-14 16:17:51
to a mint the sender trusts
when the receiver sees them they can do as they wish with those sats, including spending them into a LN node they trust, until the receiver sees them they are just parked in a place where the sender already had sats

@ fa984bd7:58018f52
2025-01-14 16:16:32
Completely agree.
No bitcoin mine has 100% uptime. That's impossible. Yet bitcoin has 100% uptime.
No nostr relay has 100% uptime. That's impossible. Yet nostr has 100% uptime.
If you, or a proprietary API you use, is in your critical path, you're doing it wrong.

@ d408b55a:7ea8e70a
2025-01-14 16:16:13
Good point 🤣

@ d408b55a:7ea8e70a
2025-01-14 16:15:57
Lmao the exact crime I had in mind. White collar crime baby

@ 0155373a:ba3e1bed
2025-01-14 16:15:31
What happens if the user has no lightning wallet? Where do the sats go?

@ afc8e9f7:063a9bb4
2025-01-14 16:15:22
Which mint is used in this case?

@ 6140478c:7cab0da5
2025-01-14 16:13:35
Money laundering

@ fa984bd7:58018f52
2025-01-14 16:12:57
fwiw, working in "stealth mode" is a dark pattern.
"Build in the open" beats "stealth mode" every day of the week.

@ fa984bd7:58018f52
2025-01-14 16:10:52
"Every pubkey must be able to receive money."

@ d408b55a:7ea8e70a
2025-01-14 16:04:34

@ d408b55a:7ea8e70a
2025-01-14 16:04:22
Crime https://i.nostr.build/c9aMcrxMTIUwbzrq.jpg

@ d408b55a:7ea8e70a
2025-01-14 16:03:28

@ 9349d012:d3e98946
2025-01-14 16:02:09
Thanks for posting this. This actually answers some questions I had.

@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2025-01-14 16:01:18
Yep. I once tried and gave up on this. Too much hassle for a one person company.
I could have been a reseller for orange pi sbc's...but EU said no.

@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2025-01-14 16:00:15

@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2025-01-14 15:50:44
Btw... Screenshot von der Seite des Innenministeriums:
https://aegis.relayted.de/419fcdfc8bfc3ec3a4d9753435616141c42254a3dd3fdd9af2f352d97ce81da2.jpg https://aegis.relayted.de/419fcdfc8bfc3ec3a4d9753435616141c42254a3dd3fdd9af2f352d97ce81da2.jpg

@ 617f0a85:b403d1ed
2025-01-14 15:50:05
I'm looking at getting Roxon Flex modular multitool, but being manufactured in China seems like an issue. Anyone have positive or negative things to say about them?

@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2025-01-14 15:48:16
Wir können uns über das Wort streiten. Fakt ist: Es gibt Menschen die Altergehälter erhalten werden ohne eingezahlt zu haben. Es werden nur keine neuen mehr angestellt.
Das sind übrigens schlummernde Zeitbomben in vielen Haushalten von kleinen Städten und Gemeinden, da diese die tragen müssen.
Selbst wenn Städte dafür Rücklagen bilden, erhalten sie am Ende weniger aus Bundesmitteln, da Rückstellungen für Pensionen nicht vom Bund vorgesehen sind. Pensionen übrigens sind übrigens meist doppelt so hoch wie Rentenbezüge.

@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2025-01-14 15:41:18
Ich meinte "sozialbeitragspflichtig machen" und nicht besteuern. Aussage bleibt dennoch gleich.

@ 617f0a85:b403d1ed
2025-01-14 15:39:03
Are you talking with yourself?

@ 6e468422:15deee93
2025-01-14 15:38:37
My gut feeling tells me that this stuff should be done in a nostr-native way, ie with DVMs or similar.
Each server we add is just a cobblestone of the path that will eventually lead us back to hell, so we either have to do it locally or with stuff that's easily and dynamically replaceable.
Thoughts? CC nostr:nprofile1qqs04xzt6ldm9qhs0ctw0t58kf4z57umjzmjg6jywu0seadwtqqc75spz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduhsz9mhwden5te0wfjkccte9ec8y6tdv9kzumn9wshszxnhwden5te0wpuhyctdd9jzuenfv96x5ctx9e3k7mf0dv4ph5 nostr:nprofile1qqsfnw64j8y3zesqlpz3qlf3lx6eutmu0cy6rluq96z0r4pa54tu5eqpz9mhxue69uhkummnw3ezuamfdejj7q6hdgd nostr:nprofile1qqszv6q4uryjzr06xfxxew34wwc5hmjfmfpqn229d72gfegsdn2q3fgpr3mhxue69uhhxct5v4kxc6t5v5hxs7njvscngwfwvdhk6tcpzfmhxue69uhkummnw3e82efwvdhk6tcpz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduhsk7wj75

@ 617f0a85:b403d1ed
2025-01-14 15:37:50
The Kagi login and payment flows are/were all messed up. I stopped using it when my credits ran out and I couldn't pay for more, and when I did I wasn't able to use them. Seems stuck between old and new business models.

@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2025-01-14 15:36:23
Habeck will ja "Einkommensquellen" besteuern..
Ich weiss unsere Politiker sind so bescheiden, dass sie nur mickrige Diäten erhalten...
Und Beamte. Leben die ohne Einkommen? Wie wäre es wenn man erstmal das Besteuert und vor allem die Vorteile für Beamte abschafft?

@ d3d74124:a4eb7b1d
2025-01-14 15:33:56
Did you practice saying GM, anon? https://i.nostr.build/q8mAGSUWZpFqnYB4.jpg

@ 3c4d678b:c2548689
2025-01-14 15:31:22
nostr:npub1cn4t4cd78nm900qc2hhqte5aa8c9njm6qkfzw95tszufwcwtcnsq7g3vle nostr:npub1ex7mdykw786qxvmtuls208uyxmn0hse95rfwsarvfde5yg6wy7jq6qvyt9
If I have my bill pay set to pay from my bitcoin balance, and my bitcoin is not FDIC insured (and why should it be).
If say my electric company is hacked and my routing and account number is stolen, can the hacker liquidate my bitcoin balance on Strike?
And that means my “money” is gone?

@ 45f195cf:3cab7627
2025-01-14 15:29:58

@ 0575bf03:62a2b879
2025-01-14 15:25:33

@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2025-01-14 15:25:05
Now I get what you mean. But still no reason to kill someone.

@ c9c91d20:6c765d4c
2025-01-14 15:12:13
#catstr #aiart

@ 4a93cff3:0471df3b
2025-01-14 14:50:15
GM Fren 🌞 what a throw back with the video and music! 😊👍

@ 4a93cff3:0471df3b
2025-01-14 14:48:49
GM Fren 🌞

@ 4a93cff3:0471df3b
2025-01-14 14:48:36
#True … 100% accurate

@ c9598169:7c19e7c4
2025-01-14 14:46:26
every risk manage nostr:note14c5sm2y3n5cxg9ldhrkj0zj2ftpxj4kfm24pyjkt4syva2nqq7fqv44pau

@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2025-01-14 14:28:58
It's hard to feel sorry for a guy like that?

@ c7eda660:efd97c86
2025-01-14 14:27:32

@ c7eda660:efd97c86
2025-01-14 14:23:35
Cashu as a DDOS on regulators. Discuss.

@ dd664d5e:5633d319
2025-01-14 14:21:30
And, literally, smaller.
If you cut a book into lots of little events, you can slowly transport it over any medium because the file size is tiny.
Requiring high throughput to move data makes the data transfer easier to monitor because you're forced onto fewer channels. Typically, the Internet.
For a lot of data, speed is not important to the success of the transmission. You could click "download book" and go to bed and wake up the next morning to your downloaded book. The events would just trickle in, overnight.
Another thing is negentropy. Anything that you want censorship resistant will eventually end up on more relays, if the events remain small, as capping event size is an easy way to prevent spam or stymie the transmission of binary data (like kiddie porn).

@ f648d923:820d7bb9
2025-01-14 14:21:06

@ 18905d0a:0b229b08
2025-01-14 14:19:17
GM Crista 🤣

@ d4338b7c:f1d23a5b
2025-01-14 14:14:56
Gm 🧉 🤙 🫂

@ dd664d5e:5633d319
2025-01-14 14:10:44
The importance of small event size.

@ fd0bcf8c:521f98c0
2025-01-14 14:09:17
A user-friendly, shareable primer.

@ fd0bcf8c:521f98c0
2025-01-14 14:06:55

@ da18e986:3a0d9851
2025-01-14 14:04:12
GM. Running second round of performance tests on the new version of DVMDash

@ 04c915da:3dfbecc9
2025-01-14 14:03:22

@ c9598169:7c19e7c4
2025-01-14 14:00:18
ไม่เป็น ATM

@ f647c956:90f43673
2025-01-14 13:59:02
Even bad coffee is better than no coffee at all
Sipping @ #coffeechain
#BeanScene | #AiArt | #Artstr | #Art

@ a10260a2:caa23e3e
2025-01-14 13:46:58
Be tolerant of others but strict with yourself.
For me, that means if I don’t have enough #bitcoin, I’m stacking sats those motherfuckin’ sats right away.
But I won't judge others if they want to have fun staying poor.

@ 3f11abb2:32a42f40
2025-01-14 13:46:11

@ 9fec72d5:f77f85b1
2025-01-14 13:45:14
Download all the notes.
Take the "content" field from the notes and change the name to "text":
{"id":".....................", "pubkey": ".................", "content": "gm, pv, bitcoin fixes this!", .......}
{"id":".....................", "pubkey": ".................", "content": "second note", .......}
Converted into jsonl file:
{"text": "gm, pv, bitcoin fixes this!" }
{"text": "second note" }
Used Unsloth and ms-swift to train. Unsloth needed to convert from base to instruct. This is a little advanced. If you don't want to do that and just start with instruct model, you can use ms-swift or llama-factory.
You will do lora, pretraining. I used 32 as lora rank but you can choose another number.

@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2025-01-14 13:42:50
This was after the Healthcare CEO was killed.

@ c7eda660:efd97c86
2025-01-14 13:42:42
gm, good people. ☕️☀️

@ f648d923:820d7bb9
2025-01-14 13:33:16
My mom is very strong woman, I favorite my mother and appreciate my mother.
My mom is an independent and strong woman.

@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2025-01-14 13:25:39
Not the world I want my son to live in!
The left is totally off limits.

@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2025-01-14 13:21:24
So he was a BTC developer? Yet his post shows that he has not understood the concept of bitcoin where everyone is free to choose?
He could as well establish a blockchain with bigger blocks himself. There was no one he must have asked for permission to do so.
I wonder what he is doing now?
Writing "Bitcoin is dead" articles for legacy media, probably?

@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2025-01-14 13:10:27
Jetzt kommen Beiträge auf vielen Kanälen in denen ein paar Etatisten, die auch als Arzt tätig sind, dem Bürger erklären, dass die ePA wichtig ist, wenn man mal einen Unfall hat.
Ich finde es mehr als verkehrt das Leben so zu leben, bzw sich drauf vorzubereiten, dass etwas schlimmes passiert.
Die Einzigen, für die die ePA Sinn macht, scheinen Menschen zu sein, die sowieso sehr oft zu verschiedensten Ärzten gehen und deswegen natürlich Vorteile haben, wenn sie die ePA nutzen, da die Informationen zwischen den vielen Stellen besser geteilt werden können.

@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2025-01-14 13:06:27
Ich vertraue der ePA.
Weil ich ihr Widersprochen habe.

@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2025-01-14 13:06:01
Als wenn Briefe schreiben was nützt. Wie naiv kann man sein?

@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2025-01-14 13:04:13
Chat-gpt won't do that. Use Claude instead.

@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2025-01-14 13:03:28
Ich mag den Januar. Hier haben so viele Leute Geburtstag, dass es fast jeden Tag Kuchen bei der Arbeit gibt!

@ 0463223a:3b14d673
2025-01-14 13:02:46
Tried using my Pubkey and I got blocked! I guess they don't like VPNs...

@ f648d923:820d7bb9
2025-01-14 12:47:32
The sleep is important thing.

@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2025-01-14 12:44:34

@ 2c438822:333310a9
2025-01-14 12:44:11
Se teď někdy bavil s Urzou, ne? Nebo že by Tim? 🤣
“Kdo by to byl očekával, že ten nabobtnalej sociální levicovej stát, není moc úplně kompatibilní s tím že, lidi si chtějí koupit byt!”

@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2025-01-14 12:43:28
Genau. Keine Partei kann eine Wende bringen es sei denn ihr Wahlprogramms sagt "Wir treten an um die Regierung abzuschaffen, sodass wir in Freiheit leben können".
Leider ist selbst dann nicht sicher, dass es umgesetzt wird, da die Gewählten trotzdem den Zugang zu üpoigen Geldtöpfen und Gehältern sowie Macht bekommen.
Kein Freund von der AFD oder anderer Parteien. Aber wie mit der AfD umgegangen wird ist der Demokratie von der alle anderen Parteien sprechen unwürdig.
Die Wahlstimme wird übrigens in die Urne geworfen. Warum? Weil deine Stimme und somit Meinung mit der Abgabe des Zettels stirbt.

@ f648d923:820d7bb9
2025-01-14 12:43:10
what foods do you avoid?
someone don't eat pork,avoid eating pork.😝

@ cbcb0e0b:31d2e52a
2025-01-14 12:42:37
睡眠 is 大事

@ 2c438822:333310a9
2025-01-14 12:34:31
Zlí kapitalista snižuje HDP kalifornie! Dělnická třída přišla o příjmy z nové stavby!
Heslo do voleb: Komu neshořelo, tomu bude shořeno!

@ 4a93cff3:0471df3b
2025-01-14 12:33:47
Maybe a bit of both but we'll never truly know.

@ baeb862f:2dcc054b
2025-01-14 12:31:56
Thanks so much
That means the world to me 💜💜

@ 4a93cff3:0471df3b
2025-01-14 12:31:06
That reminds me a lot of Venice, Italy

@ 4a93cff3:0471df3b
2025-01-14 12:30:11
It's truly a thing of beauty Fren 😊

@ baeb862f:2dcc054b
2025-01-14 12:29:42
Yea kinda
I’m a tool and die maker by trade💟

@ 4a93cff3:0471df3b
2025-01-14 12:28:59
GM Fren 😊 that's a great song by a great band!

@ dbac1635:31cb2c46
2025-01-14 12:28:15
Nadstandard je zakazanej!

@ 4a93cff3:0471df3b
2025-01-14 12:27:46
GM Frens and Happy Coffee ☕ #Tuesday #Nostr #FreeRossUlbricht #God #Trump #Prayer #Catholic 🇻🇦⛪ #USA 🇺🇲 #Bitcoin #Coffee #Zap #CoffeeChain #BTC #JulianAssangeIsFree 🔥

@ 2c438822:333310a9
2025-01-14 12:21:32
Pšššt Naši komouši je budou je chtít znárodnit protože není fér že někomu něco neshořelo!

@ f648d923:820d7bb9
2025-01-14 12:08:59
C CP会让马斯克收购Tiktok的美国业务?这是不可能的事情。除非马斯克已经是CCP的党员。难道马斯克是CCP的党员吗? nostr:note14gxfrl89nle32ty42m5hkfwm8e90hkxnm0jhhrdxvq2lwl4z4fqs3qrpc9

@ 27154fb8:74645c64
2025-01-14 12:06:35
GM 😎👍

@ f648d923:820d7bb9
2025-01-14 12:01:40
Why is your account called rejon? I'm curious.😜😜