
@ ce643487:45580910
2025-03-11 11:54:36

@ ce643487:45580910
2025-03-11 11:53:51

@ f648d923:820d7bb9
2025-03-11 11:53:40

@ 00000000:62ad6927
2025-03-11 11:51:42
👀 Could this be solution to store scores of games on Nostr?
I stoped developing my game since saving high scores on nostr hasn't been there yet.

@ 837332c2:85f1e26f
2025-03-11 11:47:32
Morning Nostriches!
It’s 47 degrees out, my pond looks like a pond again & not a sheet of ice! Got the pasture mostly seeded yesterday, but I did discover some gaps last night. Going to have to remedy that today.
What an awesome day today is going to be!
#coffeechain https://image.nostr.build/d3d3c229915b3f48868077535cf93f73c7606ca2e5955d5995a47e88922153f2.jpg

@ 2b0ea532:e9fbe2e9
2025-03-11 11:45:30
Could a revaluation of the TGA through a Ft. Knox audit create the next Bitcoin bear market?

@ f648d923:820d7bb9
2025-03-11 11:30:21

@ f648d923:820d7bb9
2025-03-11 11:29:43

@ f648d923:820d7bb9
2025-03-11 11:28:41

@ f648d923:820d7bb9
2025-03-11 11:24:27

@ f648d923:820d7bb9
2025-03-11 11:16:50

@ 27154fb8:74645c64
2025-03-11 11:16:31
GM 💚

@ f648d923:820d7bb9
2025-03-11 11:15:06

@ f648d923:820d7bb9
2025-03-11 11:13:02

@ f648d923:820d7bb9
2025-03-11 11:12:14

@ ec9bd746:df11a9d0
2025-03-11 11:11:47
Německo o zbrojení jen mluví... A kdyby náhodou přešlo i k nějaké činnosti, tak jim to Zelení zatrhnou.

@ f648d923:820d7bb9
2025-03-11 11:10:57

@ f648d923:820d7bb9
2025-03-11 11:08:43

@ 2c438822:333310a9
2025-03-11 11:07:47
UA by ráda strategické rezervy zbraní a munice evropských zemí…
Nevím zda je to dobrý nápad zrovna když německo chce zbrojit…

@ f648d923:820d7bb9
2025-03-11 11:05:35

@ f648d923:820d7bb9
2025-03-11 11:03:03

@ f648d923:820d7bb9
2025-03-11 11:02:29

@ f648d923:820d7bb9
2025-03-11 11:01:52

@ f648d923:820d7bb9
2025-03-11 10:54:13

@ f648d923:820d7bb9
2025-03-11 10:53:09

@ 0958a105:b17f2192
2025-03-11 10:52:47
GM & PV ☕️🌞 Life choices are more important than most ppl think! Enjoy your journey 🧡

@ 0958a105:b17f2192
2025-03-11 10:51:20

@ 0958a105:b17f2192
2025-03-11 10:51:07
GM & PV ☕️🌞

@ f648d923:820d7bb9
2025-03-11 10:49:21
我很喜欢Twitter。昨天不知道那个国家的人攻击Twitter,导致Twitter 宕机。其实那些是恨马斯克。干嘛攻击Twitter。。

@ f648d923:820d7bb9
2025-03-11 10:45:45

@ baeb862f:2dcc054b
2025-03-11 10:36:17
Then I saw this
There it is
See the Zapvertising???💟👀💟👀👌🤩😻

@ baeb862f:2dcc054b
2025-03-11 10:33:22
I just got a zap
It was a Zapvertisment
From blockstream
The company that makes the jade💟
Sent me some sats with a message
Announcing a new version or something
This is too cool and so exciting
Also the way I found out I got this zap on nostr was not because I got notifications on nostr saying I got a zap
Oh no
I was dicking around with my lightning wallet on Zeus
I was planning and calculating how many sats I wanted to send to primal wallet for sending out my Zapvertisments for my podcast #simplynostr

@ baeb862f:2dcc054b
2025-03-11 09:32:34
Ok ok 👌

@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2025-03-11 09:26:35
Hört hört. Die katholische Kirche distanziert sich von AfD-Wählern.
Wovon sie sich nicht distanziert:
- Den Kinderfickern in ihren eigenen Reihen
- Den Steuergeldern, die sie bekommt für das Betreiben von Flüchtlingsheimen
- Den Steuergeldern von AfD Wählern (ja - auch wer keine Kirchensteuer zahlt, finanziert mit seinen Steuern auch die Kirche)
https://www.tagesschau.de/investigativ/report-muenchen/katholische-kirche-missbrauch-suedamerika-100.html https://www.merkur.de/politik/afd-kirche-scheffelt-milliarden-fluechtlingskrise-zr-6433363.html

@ f648d923:820d7bb9
2025-03-11 09:25:26

@ f648d923:820d7bb9
2025-03-11 09:24:09
facebook 就女人卖淫软件。

@ f648d923:820d7bb9
2025-03-11 09:23:25

@ f648d923:820d7bb9
2025-03-11 09:19:51
evil Facebook。i never use evil facebook. nostr:note1hr46es46merkpe70spyprm67s6xpvm2fw3w5tqd4qkryw8qee3fsvknwqq

@ 1c9d368f:e2981fba
2025-03-11 09:17:38
Walking is a super power in this day.

@ 1c9d368f:e2981fba
2025-03-11 09:16:21
hy be gratuitously vulgar?

@ c9598169:7c19e7c4
2025-03-11 09:08:32
#siamstr #witcast
#สมองเบร้อ 😵💫🧠

@ 0958a105:b17f2192
2025-03-11 09:04:20
Wise words!
Btw., you don’t seem to have a wallet connected to your account. Wanted to zap ⚡️ you but saw that the icon is greyed out.

@ 50d94fc2:df281d63
2025-03-11 08:58:43
frontend vibe coding is one of the most satisfying things in programming

@ eff0899a:fa20fe42
2025-03-11 08:55:16
"People are strange: they are constantly angered by trivial things, but on a major matter like totally wasting their lives, they hardly seem to notice."
- Charles Bukowski

@ 6e468422:15deee93
2025-03-11 08:41:41
GM https://relay.dergigi.com/49428dba6961c4ad1ea802742acdbd508235bd1b9807b65ab9ee1c3edb634fa6.jpg

@ ddf3ee33:5406d5cd
2025-03-11 08:32:04
Easter is coming hold on! nostr:npub1qny3tkh0acurzla8x3zy4nhrjz5zd8l9sy9jys09umwng00manysew95gx

@ 7564a27a:df77f725
2025-03-11 08:17:34
At 30k I was enjoying life lifting weights, eating steak, making memes and stacking sats.
Now at 80k I'm a lot richer. Still enjoying life lifting weights, eating steak, making memes and stacking sats though.

@ baeb862f:2dcc054b
2025-03-11 08:16:08
I refuse to read Odell’s notes in lowercase letters
Absolutely refuse
I’ll be muting and blocking him if this nonsense continues
JS lol

@ baeb862f:2dcc054b
2025-03-11 08:14:08
I can’t even read his notes
Or understand what he is trying to communicate….
WT actual F ?
I need translate or sumthing….🤣🤣🤣

@ baeb862f:2dcc054b
2025-03-11 08:10:30
I refuse to read if it’s in lowercase bro

@ baeb862f:2dcc054b
2025-03-11 08:08:33

@ baeb862f:2dcc054b
2025-03-11 08:04:58
🤨 🤔 🧐

@ baeb862f:2dcc054b
2025-03-11 08:02:32
😊 nice

@ 0d0b083e:e0d257a4
2025-03-11 08:00:39
ну. я тоже перевожу все заметки) так как удобнее это!)

@ baeb862f:2dcc054b
2025-03-11 07:58:28
With less than a terahash
This is the way 👀💪💟🤣
Are you in 🇷🇺?
I translated your note💟👋

@ 0958a105:b17f2192
2025-03-11 07:55:48
True words & the only path forward! Thanks for sharing 🙏🏼

@ 0958a105:b17f2192
2025-03-11 07:54:27
GM & PV ☕️🌞 It feels calmer already 🫂💜🧡

@ 0958a105:b17f2192
2025-03-11 07:53:44
It‘s there because the chemical industry needed a cheap way to dispose of it. They made (almost) everybody believe the story that F is good for teeth, which is utter crap. What it does to our brains is even worse than what it does to our teeth: it clogs the pineal gland and ultimately leads to diseases like Alzheimers and Parkinsons, amongst others. Plus, it‘s not easy to detox either! Solution: only consume filtered water.

@ 0958a105:b17f2192
2025-03-11 07:46:17
GM & PV my fren ☕️🌞 Have a great day! 🫂💜🧡

@ 0958a105:b17f2192
2025-03-11 07:44:50
GM & PV ☕️🌞 Love your style! LFG 🚀

@ 00000000:62ad6927
2025-03-11 07:44:29
True. Physics is pretty awesome 😎

@ 0958a105:b17f2192
2025-03-11 07:44:14
GM & PV ☕️🌞

@ 0958a105:b17f2192
2025-03-11 07:43:15
Thank you for this metaphor 🙏🏼

@ 0958a105:b17f2192
2025-03-11 07:42:28
GM & PV fellow nostriches ☕️🌞 Have a great day & practice some self-love! Your thoughts define your world, and your actions today shape your tomorrow 🫂💜🧡
#coffeechain #plebchain

@ 5c7d484b:e1ba5414
2025-03-11 07:41:25
Better it is to live one day seeing the rise and fall of things than to live a hundred years without ever seeing the rise and fall of things.
#buddha #hindu #quotes #wisdom #spirituality #philosophy

@ 95c7f867:f05f89fb
2025-03-11 07:34:53
GM nostrichers 👋🏻
I took a complete day off yesterday to chill and reset. It's was myfirst offical day off from the fiat mine.
And apparently the world chose to do drama 🙄
But it least i was able to stack cheap sats 😂😂
Hopefully my return to nostr calms everything down 😁
#drama #dip #buy #world #grownostr

@ 0d0b083e:e0d257a4
2025-03-11 07:25:18
и как это возможно? с точки зрения логики?

@ 3f751c3e:381a49ca
2025-03-11 07:23:09
don’t leave
your coffee alone
for too long and then
be surprised that it’s cold
i’m not talking about coffee

@ 3a5ccf9f:9a275eca
2025-03-11 07:14:25
That seems legit. For some reason https://solo.ckpool.org/ doesn't load for me so I can't check myself.
Anyone else have this issue with CK Pools site? Just says this site cannot be reached.

@ 3db7ca42:f121f96f
2025-03-11 06:41:51
GM 🍀 friends - my coffeemaker takes about 20 minutes to get ready - enough to fold stacking sats into the morning routine https://cdn.satellite.earth/dbe00b55c7df9f74a64089031b554a05cffc2597910e44697cd7c6646684566d.png

@ 27154fb8:74645c64
2025-03-11 06:40:23
GM #Plebchain #Coffeechain #Bitcoin #Nostr #Einundzwanzig #Nostrtalk https://i.nostr.build/1iJF3ePGDIvoqZZg.jpg https://i.nostr.build/PtiUYXkbqHw2PtCV.jpg https://i.nostr.build/GfW0wbFWkrNsjOkc.jpg https://i.nostr.build/bLWA6cAEY7W3DW0J.jpg https://i.nostr.build/nbU9MPXfcwrZ0kek.jpg https://i.nostr.build/hUqmnD8luv4ApGTB.jpg

@ 2b1964b8:851949fa
2025-03-11 06:15:18
Down to 1,157 🧘🏽♀️Getting great data though. Creating a 5 year readout and starting with a 2020-2021 side by side.
- 41.67% increase in organizations served
- 50% increase in events w language access services
69.57% increase in interpreters. <=interpreters are so in demand.
and this was back when I was approaching 100 hours of language access provided. ☺️

@ 2b1964b8:851949fa
2025-03-11 06:09:08
nostr:npub1tx8p4w0a27k7pfl7p4h50shnh92hry0kwpv8hx63yc3q83v3g57qpezfea not a down arrow emoji 🤭dude yeah I have no clue what I did. I just looked at my phone in between mtgs today and was like “huh. All my contacts are gone.” It kept the texts but no names, nobody in the contact book. Dude who knows

@ 12c805a5:957eb1aa
2025-03-11 05:40:57
GM! #nostr #Bitcoin #coffeechain #plebchain #grownostr

@ 2b1964b8:851949fa
2025-03-11 05:26:52
Sleep is so important. That and in 2025, who sleeps anymore? #Grit

@ 655de4c6:0e5af386
2025-03-11 05:25:50
The Jewish “community” is not ABOVE anyone in THIS country.
What a pack of bullshit artists.

@ 617f0a85:b403d1ed
2025-03-11 05:03:34
this while be fun, I'll try to join if this happens again

@ 655de4c6:0e5af386
2025-03-11 04:51:38
Oo. That’s a ‘Damus right there. https://image.nostr.build/8db701adc54a3cea1ea455dbebc806fa2d40b5e5ef50646519c66c36981637d8.jpg

@ f648d923:820d7bb9
2025-03-11 04:34:43

@ 3d70ec1e:5e30e767
2025-03-11 04:26:43
Where is this from - it’s not X - it’s not the same pic and this post was not on Trumps timeline ?

@ 2b1964b8:851949fa
2025-03-11 04:23:17
Few things hurt me more than when I watch people not value the presence of someone they say they love. Didn’t happen to me. Witnessed it earlier today and felt a tightness in my chest for the person. ❤️🩹

@ 8cd2d0f8:482b1788
2025-03-11 04:09:55
This explains why Ross was released

@ c43bbb58:d9980b7d
2025-03-11 03:57:32

@ ae8ef557:3633e453
2025-03-11 03:56:43
Goodnight ✨💜🫂

@ e3aefda8:4211adbb
2025-03-11 03:54:15
Hold it for a month, until it's worth $6.

@ ee6ea13a:959b6e74
2025-03-11 03:52:46
So, I may have convinced someone to give me $15 of Solana tonight because he wanted to show me how much fun it was to trade memecoins. I said thought it might be funnier if I just deleted the wallet, you know, for the memes.
What should I do with it? Let’s let #AskNostr decide.

@ 4a93cff3:0471df3b
2025-03-11 03:42:44
Truly heroic

@ 4a93cff3:0471df3b
2025-03-11 03:41:59
Love Is Blind: Virginia left Devin at the altar because she believes in LGBTQ activism, abortions, and wokeness
2nd woke incident of the season

@ 4a93cff3:0471df3b
2025-03-11 03:40:10
They always let you know.... #WEF #WOKE #EVIL

@ 2b1964b8:851949fa
2025-03-11 03:25:35
Major. Way to go girl. I haven’t done 18k since like November

@ 4a93cff3:0471df3b
2025-03-11 03:24:49
Mental health Crisis

@ e3aefda8:4211adbb
2025-03-11 03:20:22
nostr:nprofile1qqsw3znfr6vdnxrujezjrhlkqqjlvpcqx79ys7gcph9mkjjsy7zsgygpr9mhxue69uhhqatjv9mxjerp9ehx7um5wghxcctwvsq3samnwvaz7tmjv4kxz7fwdehhxarjd93kztnrdaksz9thwden5te0wfjkccte9ekk7um5wgh8qatz7tvu4p is always talking about sound hacking of hardware, lasers, audio, rf, etc... on nostr:nprofile1qqsqxuwm0l2yxl8x8esdahp38jkka6930lrfrls9yv0e59qpxn7q6zqpr3mhxue69uhkummnw3ezumt4w35ku7thv9kxcet59e3k7mgpz3mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduq3vamnwvaz7tmjv4kxz7fwwpexjmtpdshxuet50tzjmq
It always sounded like crazy talk.
This Defcon32 presentation is insane. While not showing hacking techniques, the speaker goes over these types of hacks in common products and everyday usage. Amazing. A must watch

@ b7274d28:c99628cb
2025-03-11 03:18:11
Anyone know of a good text-to-speech app for Android? Preferably open-source and speech generated locally. Need something that can read articles and such to me while I drive.

@ e3aefda8:4211adbb
2025-03-11 03:15:46
Way to go!

@ bf2376e1:e5526bce
2025-03-11 03:10:41
18,000 steps today 😤😤😤

@ f8e6c643:03328ca9
2025-03-11 03:09:40

@ e3aefda8:4211adbb
2025-03-11 03:04:04
It is. Likely on purpose to try to bring down rates before they refi. At least by lutnick and bessent. Trump doesn't have a clue about things anymore.
Chaotic meds. Tarrifs, not tariffs, on oil, not on oil, everything, not at all.
Markets want stability for investment, not chaos.
That, in addition to the slowing economy and red cuts = bad news for equities, risk assets.

@ e3aefda8:4211adbb
2025-03-11 02:55:29
Hahahaha. Good work Massie!

@ df119888:3a6c08a0
2025-03-11 02:45:01
All part of the Deep State plan. Soon you'll be hearing that it's Trump's fault..

@ e2ccf7cf:26c1c8eb
2025-03-11 02:41:32
Damn stocks are super rekt too eh