
@ 1bc70a01:24f6a411
2025-03-03 10:51:33
Looks nice 👍

@ 1bc70a01:24f6a411
2025-03-03 10:43:28
Sorry but this sounds like word salad. 🥗

@ 1bc70a01:24f6a411
2025-03-03 10:41:45
Yeah what’s up with that …

@ 1bc70a01:24f6a411
2025-03-03 10:36:13
and Biden didn’t even bother.

@ b7ed68b0:55ed32fc
2025-03-03 10:29:45
But even if its local, in airplane mode / no WiFi, how would it know which networks are closeby?

@ a10260a2:caa23e3e
2025-03-03 10:26:45
GM ✌️

@ a10260a2:caa23e3e
2025-03-03 10:26:23
GM! You too. 🤙

@ 5143c373:4b501df9
2025-03-03 10:25:06
Why are you referencing parents with special kids as a reference in this? Everyone is free to do what the fuck they please as long as they respect the rights of others. I could care less for shitocins and who is doing what with them.
Concentrate on what matters and leave all else behind.

@ a9434ee1:d5c885be
2025-03-03 10:17:48
My noob-idea is having two servers, one controlled by the business, one controlled by a Nostr-service, that provide a working bunker URL together.
I think playing with a set up like that can maybe even get us to *only the user* ever having the full nsec. In a way that has some proper UX for everyone involved.

@ 1bc70a01:24f6a411
2025-03-03 10:16:15
What is

@ c2827524:5f45b2f7
2025-03-03 10:07:49
#GM #plebs ☕️
inizia una nuova settimana.
ho lavorato per 80 ore consecutive (esclusi i pasti🍝 e le nanne😴) sugli aggiornamenti ai #tutorial.
presto ne arrivano altri, ben restaurati

@ a9434ee1:d5c885be
2025-03-03 10:04:41
Again, asking businesses to manage keys for their members lowers the bar.
In a work context, the whole censor-ship resistance thing doesn't even matter.
If you get fired, you're censored and obviously should be.

@ b98ded4c:481a5c22
2025-03-03 10:03:53
No since enabling this feature connects to a GrapheneOS Proxy (or Apple if someone chooses). Making it local wouldn't though, which is a goal.

@ ee11a5df:b76c4e49
2025-03-03 10:02:26
And yes the Donbass region refused to accept that and declared independence, leading to a civil war from 2014 to 2022.

@ a9434ee1:d5c885be
2025-03-03 10:02:20
What makes the *Vying Super-factions* make sense to you?
To me, none of it is what actual competing factions would do.
- the pacts around Antarctica
- the theater plays around nuclear weapons that don't even exist (japan literally agreeing to be bombed and play along with the whole nuclear bomb thing)
- same for Covid and the theater around non-existing virusses, they all agree somehow
- them sitting in decorated rooms together, being filmed and all. How is that not :110percent: a TV-show?
Name one govermind that is not a cesspool of secret society members.
Behind their occulted doors these secret societies all have one mystery-babylonian root.
They need you to consent to their fictions. Because only in the fictions, can they rule.
In the end, there's just two vying factions:
The light and the dark.
The way and the deceiver.

@ ee11a5df:b76c4e49
2025-03-03 10:01:37
Yes clearly the US was involved in the 2014 events in Ukraine where the president briefly fled and that Rada mysteriously voted 100% to remove the president contrary to law.

@ 6e468422:15deee93
2025-03-03 10:00:05
Precisely. Bridges, not silos.

@ 6e468422:15deee93
2025-03-03 09:59:19
Of course not.

@ ee11a5df:b76c4e49
2025-03-03 09:59:00
But do read all my replies. Morally I condemn Russia, but practically I don't think it is wise to stop them from expanding into non-NATO countries.

@ 1bc70a01:24f6a411
2025-03-03 09:55:12
Europe has NATO and US is part of it. Simply don’t expand.

@ ee11a5df:b76c4e49
2025-03-03 09:53:58
Perhaps. But how is that relevant? If you can predict that Russia will take all the land and win, what then should you do? Fight and lose? That just does not make sense to me. Just because Putin is evil and wrong and expansionary and aggressive... that doesn't mean you will win if you fight him.
A lot of people think that if the US with all it's military might stood behind Ukraine fully, moved in forces, that Russia would fold. And I think they are probably right. I think the US probably could stop this war by taking aggressive action aganst Russia.
But probably isn't good enough. Because if they are wrong we get nuclear armageddon. So instead of hundreds of thousands of people die, billions of people die.
And so in a "less death" kind of calculus, I'd rather that Russia win, even if he does "keep going" into Moldova and right up to NATO's border.
He won't attack NATO, that would be suicide, and if he did I 100% support starting WW3 and putting him down. But not until he attacks NATO.

@ 1bc70a01:24f6a411
2025-03-03 09:51:17
I’m of the opinion that Sachs is correct.

@ 1bc70a01:24f6a411
2025-03-03 09:50:18
Seems like common sense to me. If you want to end a war you don’t keep pushing a nation with enough nuclear armaments to erase all of the world at once. You do realize these things travel at Mach 11 and there is nothing to stop them, right? Or does that not figure into your version of ideal world where we just magically defeat this nation?

@ a9434ee1:d5c885be
2025-03-03 09:44:13
We have to be honest and realize that it doesn't sound attractive to the #normie archetype tho.
To businesses however 😉 .

@ 26cdfd8d:245f55f1
2025-03-03 09:43:25
Hash: SHA256
### **Dia mundial da oração**
No dia 03 de março é celebrado o privilégio de falar com Deus.
A oração é o abrir do coração a Ele como a um amigo.
Abraão ficou conhecido como amigo de Deus, uma pessoa conhecida por sua fé, mas também pela oração. E alcançou resposta para suas preces 25 anos depois de orar por um filho e receber essa promessa.
Deus está ouvindo os clamores silenciosos de teu coração, mesmo não expressos em palavras, e Seu Espírito nos ajuda em nossas fraquezas, pois ninguém sabe orar como convém, mas temos a promessa do auxílio divino.
O poder da oração não está em quem a pratica, mas em quem a ouve. Por mais que precisemos receber orações de outros, mesmo que nos consideremos indignos de orar, tenhamos em mente que esse privilégio de comunicação com o trono da graça é realmente uma graça conferida à pessoas indignas. Por mais espirituais e fortes que julguemos que alguém seja, talvez porque seja líder de algum ministério ou simplesmente porque seja alguém com hábitos cultivados de oração constante, lembramos que eles também só tem acesso à Deus por graça e também oram confiando na dignidade e nos méritos de Jesus e não nos próprios.
Eis aqui o segredo: ore porque Jesus merece teu companheirismo e confere dignidade dEle à tua oração, e tenha em mente que Deus não tem agrado na oração orgulhosa, feita com senso de glorificação própria. O que é elevado diante dos homens é abominação para Deus. E depois de comentar a oração de um religioso que se julgava melhor do que os outros comparando-a com a oração de um pecador que tinha uma profissão desonesta, mas orava pedindo perdão e misericórdia, Jssjs disse que o pecador foi para casa justificado, alcançando a bênção que procurou e o religioso que se glorificava a si mesmo voltou vazio.
Seja de joelhos, em pé ou deitado, caminhando ou parado, de olhos fechados ou abertos, trabalhando ou no lazer, na angústia ou na alegria, ore, ore sem cessar. Confesse, agradeça, desabafe, exalte a Deus por Sua bondade, peça o que precisa, por si e por outros, o que é necessário para seu caráter, comportamento, para sua sobrevivência, peça que Ele o ajude em suas escolhas, mesmo as triviais. Dessa forma você estará integrando cada vez mais Deus em tua vida.

@ 1bc70a01:24f6a411
2025-03-03 09:42:59
You make allies with enemies and guarantee survival of the human race.

@ ee11a5df:b76c4e49
2025-03-03 09:41:10
You misunderstand me. You simplify me. I don't legitimate Russia, I condemn them. But it was all so predictable, and a far better outcome could have occurred if people weren't so idealistic.

@ a9434ee1:d5c885be
2025-03-03 09:40:21
Yup, I see even the Nostr projects still use all these work apps and pay for them.
Time to build and market for #work.
They have:
- way more frustrations that we can already solve for (especially FOSS projects!)
- way more money to spend

@ 1bc70a01:24f6a411
2025-03-03 09:40:12
It makes sense. US wouldn’t tolerate Russia or China building up anti ballistic defense systems in Canada or Mexico or even South America. It’s strange that some think that only applies to us.

@ ee11a5df:b76c4e49
2025-03-03 09:31:15
Yes but in 1994 people were already speculating that NATO expanding into the no-mans-land would be seen by Russia as aggression, as Jack Matlock says in this video I posted recently which was a conversation that happened on the day of the Budapest Memorandum: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHm_7T7QNl8
Because NATO is not an economic union, but a miliary one. And while military unions are defensive in nature, enemy nations can't be sure of that (it's called the security dilemma). And NATO weaponry went into these countries, which even Kissinger (who was pro NATO expansion) argued we shouldn't do.

@ 1bc70a01:24f6a411
2025-03-03 09:28:04