
@ 8685ebef:58f8faf8
2025-03-13 11:21:57
Depends on your threat model. The fact that a KYC exchange knows who you are doesn't mean all potential adversaries know. At least not until the inevitable giant data breach of your exchange.

@ 0691202d:98be4b1c
2025-03-13 11:18:07
Yes indeed, fully agree!

@ a9434ee1:d5c885be
2025-03-13 11:14:01
You'll need for your nostr:npub1kpt95rv4q3mcz8e4lamwtxq7men6jprf49l7asfac9lnv2gda0lqdknhmz docs on Nostr 😉

@ a9434ee1:d5c885be
2025-03-13 11:13:21
#NosciiDoc ftw

@ a1c19849:daacbb52
2025-03-13 11:09:28
Thanks! Check DM

@ b7ed68b0:55ed32fc
2025-03-13 11:06:23
Its a protocol to put a public key on a server with a domain, so that people can verify that a nostr account is in fact controlled by the person who owns that domain.

@ 5bbb392c:f545001d
2025-03-13 11:03:55
What does that mean? I don't even know what that is

@ a9434ee1:d5c885be
2025-03-13 11:02:04
Ok quick recap for you:
1️⃣ Try out this extremely early apk of Zapchat to see if a ti te gusta:
2️⃣ with nostr:npub1wf4pufsucer5va8g9p0rj5dnhvfeh6d8w0g6eayaep5dhps6rsgs43dgh9 we're separating concerns by creating a "models" package that lets Zaplab design only look and work with the model of a Note, Article, Message, etc... so that the Nostr Dev Kit side can be whatever dev kit also works (or is amde to work) with those models. He's also updating his purplebase dev kit to this, with a testing relay with dummy data etc... all built-in.
3️⃣ We should probably have call or sth 😜

@ 9cb3545c:2ff47bca
2025-03-13 11:00:00
Day 50 of saying good morning to Ross until he replies back.
GM Ross!
GM nostr!

@ 8685ebef:58f8faf8
2025-03-13 10:57:20
(and it *shouldn't* work probably)

@ 8685ebef:58f8faf8
2025-03-13 10:56:37
Kraken made it pretty easy to rotate deposit addresses, even showing you if they've been used before. For withdrawal this is trickier, and the travel rule made it even worse.
Silent Payments would fix it entirely for withdrawals; just verify it once and you're set.
But for deposits that doesn't help. Same issue with Lightning. Fundamentally the concept of a "from" address doesn't really work in Bitcoin.

@ b7ed68b0:55ed32fc
2025-03-13 10:53:07
Rulers hate cyberspace, the first realm where their permits hold no power.

@ 8685ebef:58f8faf8
2025-03-13 10:50:14
Yeah it's especially good to let companies know they're losing your business. Perhaps it motivates them to lobby for proper privacy respecting legislation.

@ a1c19849:daacbb52
2025-03-13 10:49:46

@ f8d42124:ead0d4a2
2025-03-13 10:49:10
And if you don't know what I'm talking about, here is the crypto scam documentary:

@ a1c19849:daacbb52
2025-03-13 10:49:04

@ a9434ee1:d5c885be
2025-03-13 10:46:30
Aaaaaaiiiight! 👀
I can see the dream team come together here frens.

@ f8d42124:ead0d4a2
2025-03-13 10:46:24
Here is the video on Youtube https://youtu.be/neAUQD4f0M0

@ a9434ee1:d5c885be
2025-03-13 10:43:22

@ 8685ebef:58f8faf8
2025-03-13 10:42:35
My suspicious is that 95% of "the industry" does not a give a fuck about their customer privacy and instead just wanted something easy to automate.
Plus IIRC there were compliance-as-a-service companies lobbying *for* this rule.

@ f8d42124:ead0d4a2
2025-03-13 10:42:21
I’ve figured out how to publish behind-the-scenes interviews from the "Exposing Crypto Scams" documentary DIRECTLY TO NOSTR 💜
People have been asking for these clips, and I’m eager to share them—to prove that I’m not twisting or editing anything to push a Bitcoin-only agenda.
This interview was my favorite from the project and became a key part of the documentary.
A charismatic, business-savvy guy pitches a basic smartphone designed to help people in poor countries "escape poverty" through Web3.
Yeah, read that again.
At least it’s a working phone, right?
Not just another vaporware token conjured out of thin air.
Introducing: Jambo & Jambo Phone.
🚩 Red Flags 🚩
* The "interview" is really just a sales pitch.
* He can’t define Web3 (spoiler: no one can).
* Jambo Token is private, heavily premined, and VCs got a “steal of a deal.”
* You can “have a job” by buying this phone and playing Web3 games. 🤢
* No Bitcoin (for now).
* And, snooty of me I'm sorry but… the guy wears $250K+ of jewelry while explaining how this $99 smartphone will help people "have a job."
There’s a lot more—let me know what you think!

@ 8685ebef:58f8faf8
2025-03-13 10:40:09
The travel rule is not an EU invention, it comes from the #FATF which is dominated by the USA.
Of course the EU should have protected its citizens and not implement any of this crap. Instead it enthusiastically embraced it.
Not legal advice, but it's probably better to outright refuse than to commit fraud, especially when it comes to AML compliance.

@ 8d5ba92c:c6c3ecd5
2025-03-13 10:39:31
Kudos for saving 'ze bugz' 😁 I followed the same philosophy when making my buns. https://i.nostr.build/jOKLJALChSw6SsKv.jpg

@ f8d42124:ead0d4a2
2025-03-13 10:38:46
Test GM 2 🌞

@ f8d42124:ead0d4a2
2025-03-13 10:38:33
Test GM 🌞

@ a9434ee1:d5c885be
2025-03-13 10:35:56
Wait, you're not kidding?

@ 818e0e2d:9235ecf4
2025-03-13 10:31:56
Valeu Loren, o meu está sob o droid-ify e nada ainda de atualizar. Esse app deveria ser padrão. 🙌

@ 82341f88:fbfbe6a2
2025-03-13 10:30:32
block is the first company in the US to deploy NVIDIA’s most advanced AI clusters…~30x more powerful than current deployments. all for pushing the edge on open source models and services.

@ 8685ebef:58f8faf8
2025-03-13 10:29:43
Somewhat surprisingly, the European Banking Authority #EBA did respond to my complaint regarding the Travel Rule "satoshi test":
> The Guidelines were the outcome of several exercises done with the industry (including consultation). The Satoshi test is one of the existing verification methods used by the industry alone or in combination with other verification methods. Although your arguments were not put forward by those who replied to the consultation, your complaint raises privacy considerations which we continue to review and assess to determine whether the Guidelines should be amended

@ c3f61460:affc84d2
2025-03-13 10:29:27
Oh okay, I get that. How did you acquire 290 TH anyways?

@ a1c19849:daacbb52
2025-03-13 10:26:43
GM! 🫡

@ 82341f88:fbfbe6a2
2025-03-13 10:26:41
but getting faster and better every day.

@ a1c19849:daacbb52
2025-03-13 10:26:29
Do it!

@ 04c915da:3dfbecc9
2025-03-13 10:25:37
tuesday, steve lee + craig raw

@ 82341f88:fbfbe6a2
2025-03-13 10:22:49

@ a9434ee1:d5c885be
2025-03-13 10:16:28
Done with the pixel drawing that devs try to (maybe 🤷♂️) hack together with UI packages that look/work nothing like what I've drawn.
Start of offering complete Nostr UI package, with everything built-in.

@ 26a02a0b:054d0949
2025-03-13 10:16:14
Because the electricity costs are very high...

@ a9434ee1:d5c885be
2025-03-13 10:13:50
Very much collaborating.
Design package is being used as UI backbone of:
:Zapstore: Zapstore
:Zapchat: Zapchat
:docs: Zapdocs
and many more in the way we're setting this all up.
Not just doing this for giggles, no.

@ b8851a06:9b120ba1
2025-03-13 10:13:24
If you want a good day, don’t hope for it. Make it. GM #nostr

@ a1c19849:daacbb52
2025-03-13 10:10:40

@ f7f4e308:b44d67f4
2025-03-13 09:59:53

@ 61066504:6f8715e9
2025-03-13 09:56:41
"The Founders never intended for Americans to trust their government. Our entire Constitution was predicated on the notion that government was a necessary evil, to be restrained and minimized as much as possible."
--Rand Paul

@ fe7f6bc6:c42539a3
2025-03-13 09:47:58
Erase Overthinking ❌
The 2,000-Year-Old Method That Actually Works
This is what i learned from nostr:nprofile1qqsv7hr8q0k703r3enhewydfagcvjfnshvlajaa70pk4a9905e0wajspz3mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduqjzamn8ghj7mn0wd68y6np944kzunf9458gars9e5x2em4wfhjucm0d5ude8m3
➡️ Low-time preference = fewer worries
➡️ The 2,000-year-old framework for everyday peace
➡️ Practical steps how to stop overthinking
Powered by nostr:nprofile1qqsza56ed667de7q6mu6uxspetg7gzadqtkeug3plserzcj2nz6vc7qpzamhxue69uhhyetvv9ujucm4wfex2mn59en8j6gprfmhxue69uhkummnw3ezummjv9hxwetsd9kxctnyv4mq2x467d

@ 99bb5591:a557ca64
2025-03-13 09:47:35
Yes I grabbed it

@ 73059d8d:4fbf0596
2025-03-13 09:43:47

@ 73059d8d:4fbf0596
2025-03-13 09:43:07

@ a9434ee1:d5c885be
2025-03-13 09:43:03
Custom WYSIWYG editor icons :Check:

@ 50d94fc2:df281d63
2025-03-13 09:42:12
Nice. I was hoping we'll all forget about this nut emoji thing after 2 weeks of hype on nostr but I don't make the rules.
🥜󠅓󠅑󠅣󠅘󠅥󠄲󠅟󠄢󠄶󠅤󠅔󠅝󠅘󠄠󠅔󠄸󠄲󠅪󠄿󠅙󠄨󠅦󠅒󠅇󠅜󠅥󠅔󠄳󠄥󠅚󠅒󠄢󠅜󠅥󠅒󠄣󠄽󠅥󠅑󠅇󠄩󠅘󠅔󠅇󠄾󠅪󠅉󠅈󠅂󠅘󠅔󠄹󠄷󠅙󠅉󠅇󠅜󠄹󠄱󠄵󠄩󠄦󠄣󠅩󠅟󠄵󠄾󠅇󠅨󠅘󠅓󠄹󠄷󠅛󠅉󠅇󠄵󠅉󠅁󠄷󠄶󠅪󠅕󠄵󠄱󠄡󠄽󠅪󠄺󠅜󠄾󠅄󠅂󠅘󠄾󠅇󠅁󠄠󠄾󠄴󠅘󠅘󠄾󠄢󠄺󠅚󠅊󠄷󠄺󠅚󠅉󠄢󠄾󠅝󠅉󠄢󠅊󠅜󠅉󠅄󠅓󠄥󠄿󠅄󠄱󠅨󠅊󠅇󠄾󠅝󠄽󠄴󠅛󠅩󠄽󠅇󠅊󠅙󠄿󠄴󠄱󠄠󠅊󠅚󠄹󠄥󠅊󠅄󠄵󠄠󠅉󠅄󠅁󠄡󠄽󠅝󠅉󠅩󠄽󠅇󠄵󠅪󠅉󠅄󠅓󠄣󠄽󠅚󠅂󠅚󠅉󠅇󠄾󠅉󠄹󠅁󠄼󠅟󠄝󠅞󠄥󠅢󠄵󠅈󠅄󠅈󠄾󠅥󠅤󠅚󠅄󠅑󠄶󠅡󠄤󠄹󠄼󠅇󠄽󠅝󠅇󠅚󠅟󠅏󠄡󠅑󠄸󠅧󠄴󠅞󠅉󠄠󠅡󠄳󠅉󠅡󠄠󠅁󠅪󠅝󠄶󠅛󠅟󠄢󠄶󠅜󠅇󠄳󠄳󠄡󠅝󠅪󠅥󠄺󠅄󠅃󠄹󠄸󠄩󠄽󠅤󠄸󠅓󠅇󠄳󠅣󠅟󠄝󠅪󠅁󠅕󠅜󠄱󠄿󠅘󠄼󠅧󠅖󠅇󠅉󠄶󠅦󠅑󠄹󠅗󠅙󠅚󠄺󠅝󠅊󠅢󠅝󠄶󠅪󠅇󠄳󠄱󠅀󠄤󠄿󠅦󠅥󠅇󠅦󠅨󠅇󠅡󠅚󠄤󠅄󠅠󠄹󠅇󠄺󠅘󠄩󠄺󠄻󠄱󠅙󠅄󠄩󠄽󠄹󠄝󠅁󠄽󠄣󠅦󠅉󠄸󠅜󠅗󠅘󠅟󠅕󠄹󠅘󠄦󠅝󠄶󠅩󠅇󠄳󠄴󠅏󠅊󠅘󠄿󠄶󠅇󠄳󠅄󠅩󠄽󠅡󠄧󠅛󠄼󠄩󠅣󠄨󠄻󠅧󠄢󠅀󠅔󠅩󠄦󠅪󠅕󠄻󠅙󠄶󠅔󠄧󠅑󠅡󠅇󠄥󠅙󠅔󠅧󠅥󠅠󠄻󠅟󠅗 (64 sats)

@ 50d94fc2:df281d63
2025-03-13 09:40:12

@ 50d94fc2:df281d63
2025-03-13 09:39:36
nostr:nprofile1qqs9mvjd9uym8ey4w5vevlrxqfesm666cm6su27svcwqfvj8ztvhlgspz3mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduqs6amnwvaz7tmwdaejumr0dsq3vamnwvaz7tmjv4kxz7fwwpexjmtpdshxuet5pt93qh wen manual fees? For the grownups?

@ 50d94fc2:df281d63
2025-03-13 09:38:29
I love the BitKey but I really dislike the UI dark patterns.

@ 0e48e5be:507da16c
2025-03-13 09:36:24
diz o gajo que permite que os chungas insultem mulheres no parlamento. esta besta é que fez pior à democracia desde que lá está.

@ 146bda4e:ff9a07cd
2025-03-13 09:35:57
Don't borrow from loan sharks

@ 1bc70a01:24f6a411
2025-03-13 09:34:59

@ 50d94fc2:df281d63
2025-03-13 09:33:37
Works for me on Amethyst

@ 06b7819d:d1d8327c
2025-03-13 09:30:29
How Nostr’s Self-Signed Events Became an Unintentional Conceptual Breakthrough
Sometimes, the most profound innovations happen by accident. Nostr (Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays) was originally designed as a simple, censorship-resistant social media protocol. But in its design, it unintentionally solved one of the biggest problems in decentralized systems: how to create a universal, trustless data verification model without centralized issuers.
The key breakthrough? Self-signed events—a concept so simple yet so powerful that it fundamentally changes how identity, reputation, and data integrity work on the internet.
The Problem: Most Digital Identity Models Rely on Trusted Third Parties
In most identity and data verification systems, trust depends on a central authority (a government, a corporation, or a network operator). The Issuer-Holder-Verifier model—which powers systems like Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) and Verifiable Credentials (VCs)—still assumes that:
1. An issuer must sign and vouch for the authenticity of data.
2. A verifier must check that signature against a trusted registry.
3. The holder is dependent on both parties for validation.
This model, even in its decentralized form, still reinforces external trust dependencies. It ensures that someone, somewhere, still has control over who can issue and revoke credentials.
The Nostr Breakthrough: Self-Signed, Self-Validating Data
Nostr’s design bypassed this entire structure by introducing self-signed events as the core data unit. Instead of requiring an external issuer to vouch for a message’s authenticity, the event itself proves its validity.
Here’s why this is revolutionary:
1. Every Nostr event is cryptographically signed by its creator.
• If the signature matches the public key, the event is valid.
• If anything in the message is altered, the signature breaks.
2. Verification requires no third-party trust.
• Anyone can check a signature without relying on a central authority.
• There’s no need to ask an “issuer” for validation—it’s built into the event itself.
3. No registry, revocation list, or lookup service is needed.
• Unlike the issuer-holder-verifier model, where verifiers check with an issuer, Nostr signatures are final and independent.
• The validity of a message is self-evident and self-contained.
Why This Matters: A New Paradigm for Trustless Systems
What started as a simple social media protocol accidentally created a universal model for decentralized, self-authenticating data. This breakthrough has implications far beyond Nostr:
• Decentralized Identity Without Issuers: Instead of a government or corporation issuing credentials, a person can simply sign messages proving ownership over data.
• Tamper-Proof, Uncensorable Communication: Because each event is self-authenticating, it cannot be modified or faked without breaking the cryptographic proof.
• A New Reputation Model: Trust can emerge organically by recognizing long-term, signed activity—without relying on external authorities to issue credentials.
Conclusion: Nostr as an Accidental Innovation
Nostr wasn’t created to replace digital identity systems or redesign trust models. It was just meant to be a censorship-resistant protocol for social media. But in its simplicity, it stumbled upon a fundamental conceptual breakthrough: self-validating, self-sovereign data.
This shift—from issuer-dependent verification to self-signed, universal proof—could reshape how we think about identity, credentials, and trust in a decentralized world.

@ 91bea5cd:1df4451c
2025-03-13 09:28:06
Google Gemini coleta mais dados de usuários que ChatGPT e DeepSeek juntos

@ 3f770d65:7a745b24
2025-03-13 09:26:13

@ 43baaf0c:d193e34c
2025-03-13 09:18:52
GM☀️ Working on an other new #art work ✍️ #artstr #plebchain

@ ae6daaba:2b0725bf
2025-03-13 09:15:15

@ a9434ee1:d5c885be
2025-03-13 09:15:05
"I'll just LLM a UI for this" = ngmi
However, agents + a great UI package that literally doesn't let you make ugly stuff = pretty promising 😉

@ 5143c373:4b501df9
2025-03-13 09:09:43
Can we sell like 1btc with with cash?
Must be a honeypot for extortionists 😂

@ b7ed68b0:55ed32fc
2025-03-13 09:09:14
Progress isn’t linear. Freedoms gained can be lost without vigilance.

@ a4745772:35064fc2
2025-03-13 09:08:19
🤩📣 You can buy @BTCPrague tickets with 10% discount using the *PEACH* promo code 🍑
Peach will have a spot for face-to-face cash trades at the conference!! Best way to trade bitcoin! #cashforsats
https://btcprague.com 🔥

@ 5143c373:4b501df9
2025-03-13 09:08:16
Only if you opt in for it.
Otherwise, it's privacy invasion without consent.

@ 5143c373:4b501df9
2025-03-13 09:07:01
That's the spirit

@ 9cb3545c:2ff47bca
2025-03-13 09:04:58
Peers for life. 😄

@ 9cb3545c:2ff47bca
2025-03-13 09:04:23

@ 9cb3545c:2ff47bca
2025-03-13 09:02:28
Big chance 🤣

@ 9cb3545c:2ff47bca
2025-03-13 09:02:14
Gotta support a brother 😆

@ 9cb3545c:2ff47bca
2025-03-13 09:01:54
Haha indeed.

@ 9cb3545c:2ff47bca
2025-03-13 09:01:33
Wouldn’t be surprised.

@ ae6daaba:2b0725bf
2025-03-13 09:01:30
https://image.nostr.build/06baa07abb9d872504cc695bac0cdb6cda7647cf78f39ea483d98aef38ada5d7.jpg https://image.nostr.build/3b917deb146889afd837a1e291bd075acd667bdcf0c7788295997a1aace835a0.jpg https://image.nostr.build/d490d3c6db4613f3483108dbdae7db0c929a7be0d2938cb0bc6baed43f454448.jpg

@ cbab7074:f9f0bd61
2025-03-13 09:00:52
Block 887608
2 - high priority
2 - medium priority
2 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ 9069532c:eeb21a9a
2025-03-13 09:00:48
Gm #Bitcoin #Nostr | Thursday, March 13, 2025
When shit goes down, just make the best of it! 💩😂 https://m.primal.net/PeHr.mp4

@ a9434ee1:d5c885be
2025-03-13 08:57:49
I'm also having a hard time trusting lone wolves enough to pay for their services, if there's nothing beyond them to make 'em reliable?
Lone wolf ded = service ded

@ d7adc528:ee85c921
2025-03-13 08:57:09
Wow doesn't even come close to how I feel when seeing your work, but it leaves me breathless so it might have to do.
Thank you for your contribution to the world 🙏🙏🙏

@ 460c25e6:ef85065c
2025-03-13 08:56:01

@ c3f61460:affc84d2
2025-03-13 08:53:41
I solo mine with 10TH/s. So why wouldn’t you do it with 290 TH/s? It’s about decentralization and network strengthening. Right? So don’t mine BCH or other shitcoins

@ 460c25e6:ef85065c
2025-03-13 08:52:57
People have been talking about key rotation for over 3 years. Still no implementation.

@ c3f61460:affc84d2
2025-03-13 08:47:00
Why not?

@ ae6daaba:2b0725bf
2025-03-13 08:44:55
Most assets and things priced in bitcoin are crashing hard on a time frame of 1 year or more!!! Do not ignore this trend!!!

@ 26a02a0b:054d0949
2025-03-13 08:40:20
If you had 290TH/s would you tale the risk and solo mine?
#asknostr #bitcoin #mining

@ ae6daaba:2b0725bf
2025-03-13 08:38:38
We are in the EARLY adoption stage, almost NOBODY is accounting return in bitcoin YET

@ 29904dc1:f1332910
2025-03-13 08:35:15

@ a9434ee1:d5c885be
2025-03-13 08:35:14
> Now repeat this for every single Nostr app.
Then we need some serious clarity on who has what shard etc...
Ideally you have two categories then: Apps & Co-Signers

@ 29904dc1:f1332910
2025-03-13 08:33:53
Thx for test zap

@ a9434ee1:d5c885be
2025-03-13 08:32:45
Yup, Frost is the most elegant backwards-compatible way.

@ 20c6f6bb:cdfff48a
2025-03-13 08:32:35

@ 3f770d65:7a745b24
2025-03-13 08:31:56
Hmm. There isn't a specific one that people use. I like this idea though.

@ b7cf9f42:ecb93e78
2025-03-13 08:29:54
Was meint ihr zu einem Verbot der personalisierten Werbung? Sollten sie legal sein oder nicht?
What is your opinion about personalized ads? Should they be legal or not?

@ a9434ee1:d5c885be
2025-03-13 08:28:28
Lol, I wish.
1️⃣ The agent has terrible style/taste
2️⃣ The agent leaves all the hard work for us, so that now we only do hard work

@ b5db2c16:25730230
2025-03-13 08:28:27

@ 813c2662:3786dc09
2025-03-13 08:27:49
A layer of dark was added, it changes the look of the drawing “Lightplay portrait iii” https://video.nostr.build/4b4d6188cabf91bb415000651b794438c1b3f2c3ead07241921889bd1a0b4449.mp4

@ 6e468422:15deee93
2025-03-13 08:23:18
GM https://relay.dergigi.com/e9a95fc9ac3867c7c8780347c31423c370e1c2c4b407540aeceeb31af33b6175.jpg

@ 0461fcbe:35a474dd
2025-03-13 08:21:31
NPC behavior

@ 06639a38:655f8f71
2025-03-13 08:21:23
Exactly 😃

@ 3f770d65:7a745b24
2025-03-13 08:18:40
Who was inside who first? These are questions that the world may never know the answer. But at least we'll have memes.

@ 5143c373:4b501df9
2025-03-13 08:11:33
It was less common in Australia thaj other Oceania but Australian aboriginal tribes also had their share in this, especially eating young children.
Here's an excerpt from wiki:
"In 1904 a parish priest in Broome, Western Australia, stated that infanticide was very common, including one case where a four-year-old was "killed and eaten by its mother", who later became a Christian."

@ 8671a6e5:f88194d1
2025-03-13 08:10:12
Wanneer pure 'alt'coiners een Bitcoin 'café' doen, denk ik dat het tijd wordt dat we eens als bitcoiners een 's--tcoin saloon' houden:)
Met wat stand-up comedy over hun scams, rugpulls en een lezing uit hun scammy privé groepjes. :)