
@ e83b66a8:b0526c2b
2025-03-10 17:46:35
I really wish I had some fiat right now 😂

@ b98ded4c:481a5c22
2025-03-10 17:44:56
5G has less insecure authentication and encryption (still absolutely terrible) but 4G is simpler and has less attack surface. 4G is better if talking about avoiding remote exploitation of the operating system. There's tradeoffs to each and one is not objectively better overall and only in certain needs.
4G / LTE only mode existed in GrapheneOS for a while for attack surface reduction to cut attack surface from 2G, 3G and 5G but now 5G only is also available now too. If your carrier doesn't support VoLTE then calls won't work.
People with high risk threats shouldnt use the mobile network if they can help it and stick to WiFi. Use Airplane Mode and keep WiFi on if you're on WiFi as most modern carriers still let you call and text through WiFi calling / VoWiFi anyway.

@ f8e6c643:03328ca9
2025-03-10 17:43:34

@ e83b66a8:b0526c2b
2025-03-10 17:41:01
I engaged with them twice on here. The first was reasonable and we had a decent discussion.
The second could get past telling me how bad Bitcoin was, so I referred him to his colleague in the first conversation to carry on the argument 😂

@ 29904dc1:f1332910
2025-03-10 17:37:22
BREAKING: US Treasury Secretary Bessent has said: There's going to be a de-tox period for the economy. 👀

@ f8e6c643:03328ca9
2025-03-10 17:37:09
Crippled who though? I was still using nostr with minimal issues when that was happening.

@ 29904dc1:f1332910
2025-03-10 17:36:32
Q is comnectd to your #bitcoin https://image.nostr.build/af9b0bec7c9c605bd55561b5db427c201a16017512b97244c55ecd4ce43ab6ca.jpg

@ 972f233a:d08c08cf
2025-03-10 17:35:30

@ 972f233a:d08c08cf
2025-03-10 17:35:16

@ 29904dc1:f1332910
2025-03-10 17:33:50

@ 29904dc1:f1332910
2025-03-10 17:33:23

@ 972f233a:d08c08cf
2025-03-10 17:31:54

@ 3f770d65:7a745b24
2025-03-10 17:31:41
This sounds great, Shawn!

@ 50d94fc2:df281d63
2025-03-10 17:31:24
MCPs announcing themselves on Nostr are at least equally powerful!
Imagine a marketplace where anyone could find any kind of MCP they're looking for without having to go through a centralized MCP app store like the one that Anthropic is planning to release.

@ e83b66a8:b0526c2b
2025-03-10 17:29:12
You'd think he'd have a better hair piece if that were true 😂

@ 97c70a44:ad98e322
2025-03-10 17:27:06
NIP 72 communities had its day, but was mostly abandoned because of its moderation model. I tried to fix it in coracle, but never got 100% there: https://groups.coracle.social/groups/naddr1qvzqqqyx7cpzq6m4ualvd9678njyahavucqu3r369ufqydk2gzfqwlc54s2g35u3qqgnzdph8q6nqde3xqurvvpexvunjvc0ccsyq/notes

@ 55f04590:2d385185
2025-03-10 17:26:56

@ e83b66a8:b0526c2b
2025-03-10 17:25:55
You don't use Primal much, do you? 😂

@ f8e6c643:03328ca9
2025-03-10 17:25:53

@ f8e6c643:03328ca9
2025-03-10 17:25:06
😂 Welcome back 🫡

@ e83b66a8:b0526c2b
2025-03-10 17:23:44
I've paged him 😂

@ e83b66a8:b0526c2b
2025-03-10 17:23:17
Scottish pies 😂

@ f8e6c643:03328ca9
2025-03-10 17:22:30

@ 3f770d65:7a745b24
2025-03-10 17:22:27
have you considered not being addicted?

@ d8451780:896e579b
2025-03-10 17:22:13
I try to send usdt on liquid or L-BTC to BTC on-chain or lightning. I can't swap in sideswap because it's a small amount.
I tried Boltz but it says "id fees rate below minimum" when i try to send it from sideswap.

@ 32e18276:5c68e245
2025-03-10 17:22:11
its probably way more than that. not sure how drunk I was last night to get that number

@ 32e18276:5c68e245
2025-03-10 17:21:19
wait I was an order of magnitude off, its more like 55,000kg. oops lol

@ f8e6c643:03328ca9
2025-03-10 17:20:38
Despite my shitposts, I’m happy to see more bitcoiners remember nostr. Consider staying around longer this time 😂🫂

@ f8e6c643:03328ca9
2025-03-10 17:19:07
Welcome back good sir 😂🫡

@ 32e18276:5c68e245
2025-03-10 17:18:52
I think you need 5kg to strip the ozone which is what I was thinking of, not sure why I wrote 1kg here. I was doing a bunch of calcs last night.

@ 3f770d65:7a745b24
2025-03-10 17:17:59
nostr is like email or the world wide web. it can't go down. certain email servers or web servers can go down - twitter was down earlier - but nostr as a protocol can't go down. just like email or the web, certain nostr websites or relay servers could go down, but dozens, hundreds, or thousands of these could still be running just fine. that's the difference between a centralized service and a decentralized service. this is what all of us need to help our friends, family members, and random people on the street realize.

@ f8e6c643:03328ca9
2025-03-10 17:17:25
Did you forget people can use more than one client app? 😂

@ 29904dc1:f1332910
2025-03-10 17:16:06
Love these cheap sats
https://image.nostr.build/44eaca218222f86482f77c4b7cb641a7ec61a9fab4c3c9debbf6e8230ab3d5f9.jpg https://image.nostr.build/2b46329fc8fc2c8fcc810a802082b48d51356ca9595549f83c481b530ce84dee.jpg

@ 99bb5591:a557ca64
2025-03-10 17:13:56
meraviglioso 🤌

@ 3f770d65:7a745b24
2025-03-10 17:13:42
are you logging into primal with your existing or original nsec? if you're using a brand new nsec, that's not going to work. the premium service would be registered to your other existing nsec. do you not have that nsec?

@ 81913081:42ee8db5
2025-03-10 17:13:31
>嗯,用户的问题是“如何创建自己的monero节点”。 我需要根据我搜索到的资料来回答这个问题。 首先,我需要仔细阅读所有我搜索到的资料,找出创建Monero节点的步骤和方法。 可能涉及到的证据包括等,因为我搜索到的资料的标题和内容都提到了搭建节点或相关步骤。
>首先看,用户提到在Ubuntu 18.04上搭建Monero全节点,步骤包括安装依赖、克隆项目、编译、配置环境变量,遇到连接问题时使用seed-node解决,还提到了导入区块链数据加速同步。 这可能是一个详细的步骤,可以引用其中的要点,比如编译安装、使用seed-node、导入数据等。
>是关于在云端搭建节点,适用于Debian或Ubuntu系统,详细说明了硬件要求、配置防火墙、创建系统用户和目录、下载二进制文件、配置monerod.conf文件,以及设置systemd服务。 这部分信息很详细,特别是硬件配置和系统服务的设置,应该包含在回答中。
>和都是关于Linux和Windows系统搭建节点的教程,包括安装守护程序、配置端口、使用Tor网络等。 特别是提到了保存区块数据的技巧,避免同步丢失,这可能是一个有用的提示。
>还需要注意不同证据之间的差异,例如和分别提到了不同的同步方法,一个是通过导入Bootstrap数据,另一个是直接同步。 可能需要将两种方法都涵盖,说明用户可以选择不同的方式。
>总结起来,创建Monero节点的步骤大致包括:准备环境(硬件和系统)、安装依赖和Monero软件、配置防火墙和目录权限、设置配置文件、启动节点并同步区块链,可能还涉及使用Bootstrap加速同步。 需要将这些步骤分点说明,并引用对应的证据来源。
### 一、硬件与系统要求
- **全节点**:至少2个vCPU/内核、4GB RAM、175GB SSD硬盘(完整区块链存储)
- **修剪节点**:2个vCPU、4GB RAM、75GB SSD硬盘(区块链数据精简至约75GB)
- **推荐系统**:Ubuntu或Debian Linux(适用于本地或云服务器)
### 二、Linux系统搭建步骤(以Ubuntu为例)
#### 1. 环境准备
- 更新系统:`sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y`
- 安装依赖:`sudo apt install build-essential cmake pkg-config libssl-dev libboost-all-dev libzmq3-dev`
#### 2. 创建专用用户与目录
sudo addgroup --system monero
sudo adduser --system monero --home /var/lib/monero
sudo mkdir /var/{run,log}/monero /etc/monero
sudo chown -R monero:monero /var/{run,log}/monero /etc/monero
#### 3. 安装Monero二进制文件
- 使用官方脚本下载已验证的二进制文件:
wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/sethsimmons/.../download_monero_binaries.sh
chmod +x download_monero_binaries.sh
#### 4. 配置防火墙
sudo ufw allow 18080/tcp # P2P通信端口
sudo ufw allow 18089/tcp # 受限RPC端口
sudo ufw enable
#### 5. 编辑配置文件 (`/etc/monero/monerod.conf`)
prune-blockchain=1 # 启用修剪模式(可选)
public-node=1 # 公开RPC服务
#### 6. 创建Systemd服务
Description=Monero Full Node
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/monerod --config-file=/etc/monero/monerod.conf
#### 7. 启动与监控节点
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start monerod
sudo journalctl -u monerod -f # 查看实时日志
### 三、加速区块链同步
#### 方法1:使用Bootstrap数据
1. 下载预同步的区块链文件(约100GB)
2. 导入数据:
monero-blockchain-import --input-file /path/to/bootstrap.raw
#### 方法2:指定种子节点
./monerod --bootstrap-daemon-address node.moneroworld.com:18089
### 四、Windows系统搭建(简要步骤)
1. 下载`monerod.exe`官方客户端
2. 创建启动脚本`start_node.bat`:
monerod.exe --data-dir=D:\monero_data --p2p-bind-ip= --rpc-restricted-bind-ip= --confirm-external-bind
3. 运行脚本并等待同步完成
### 五、高级配置
- **TOR节点**:安装Tor服务后,在配置中添加`--anonymous-inbound=,`实现匿名连接
- **远程访问**:手机钱包可通过`your_server_ip:18089`连接自定义节点
- **带宽优化**:在配置中调整`limit-rate-up`和`limit-rate-down`控制流量
### 六、验证节点状态
- 检查同步进度:`./monerod status`
- 查看连接节点:`./monerod print_pl`
- 测试RPC接口:`curl [http://localhost:18089/json_rpc ](http://localhost:18089/json_rpc ) -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_info"}'`
通过以上步骤,您将拥有一个支持P2P网络、可提供RPC服务的Monero节点。 运行全节点不仅增强个人交易隐私,也为Monero网络的去中心化做出贡献。

@ 29904dc1:f1332910
2025-03-10 17:12:51
Great book, good read to get started

@ 3f770d65:7a745b24
2025-03-10 17:10:41
with no centralized marketing team it's hard. that means it's up to all of us. is it ready to scale, yes, imo. plus, nothing lights a fire on devs asses like problems to fix.

@ 32e18276:5c68e245
2025-03-10 17:10:39
i think the earth is gone either way

@ 50d94fc2:df281d63
2025-03-10 17:10:20
I kno, he da man!

@ 50d94fc2:df281d63
2025-03-10 17:10:01
A DVMCP is an MCP that announces itself on nostr and its price etc.

@ 3f770d65:7a745b24
2025-03-10 17:09:46

@ 32e18276:5c68e245
2025-03-10 17:09:25

@ 3f770d65:7a745b24
2025-03-10 17:09:21
sure, but you can run your own relay or utilize a plethora of other relays.

@ f8e6c643:03328ca9
2025-03-10 17:09:06
X users, you have no guarantees that the X outage isn’t being caused by Elon.

@ 99bb5591:a557ca64
2025-03-10 17:09:03
nostr:nprofile1qqsypwwgtll74lqu4huvxzjwtjyxvrlkujt35rw8y026ke6ttesmg5gpzemhxue69uhkummnw3ex2mrfw3jhxtn0wfnj7qghwaehxw309aex2mrp0yhxummnw3ezucnpdejz7wzpxlr working on it.

@ 32e18276:5c68e245
2025-03-10 17:08:39

@ faa75df4:904d4a9d
2025-03-10 17:07:32
Hello, I’m a seeker of wisdoms and knowledge.

@ 50d94fc2:df281d63
2025-03-10 17:07:06
One would be enough. And a market place.

@ 99bb5591:a557ca64
2025-03-10 17:06:06
Just in case there's 2 working solutions already 😉

@ f8e6c643:03328ca9
2025-03-10 17:06:05

@ 1afe0c74:6808e36d
2025-03-10 17:04:43
Kumbaya is fake. Maybe you can have good vibes with a couple hundred people, but it doesn’t scale. This is more straight up. I am interested in myself first and foremost. I am what matters to me. My wealth is most important. That said I hope others do well and I believe the fair rule set accrues value to us all over time. The same way americas court system and rule of law (while not perfect) was better and more trustworthy than everywhere else on earth and so was able to accrue max value to America.

@ 50d94fc2:df281d63
2025-03-10 17:03:42
hello roya we missed you

@ f8e6c643:03328ca9
2025-03-10 17:02:28

@ 50d94fc2:df281d63
2025-03-10 17:02:15
welcome back anon

@ 1afe0c74:6808e36d
2025-03-10 17:01:43
Yes that’s why I switched for all the clout lol

@ f9acb0b0:024317ec
2025-03-10 17:01:40
the bot is located at north pole and can use whatever the timezone they want 😄

@ 6f6b50bb:a848e5a1
2025-03-10 17:00:44
do you know what happens?

@ 50d94fc2:df281d63
2025-03-10 17:00:21
too lazy to replace old entries

@ d8451780:896e579b
2025-03-10 17:00:20
There is no way to send it to binance or other multi coins wallet ? I can't find other wallet who accept liquid network.
The only way out of the liquid network is to peg out the coins right ?

@ 99bb5591:a557ca64
2025-03-10 17:00:03
Listen to any interview with nostr:nprofile1qqsgydql3q4ka27d9wnlrmus4tvkrnc8ftc4h8h5fgyln54gl0a7dgspp4mhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mqpzemhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuurjd9kkzmpwdejhgqg4waehxw309aex2mrp0yhx6mmnw3ezuur4vgkhjsen 😅

@ 99bb5591:a557ca64
2025-03-10 16:59:19
Just kidding. I'm poor as well.

@ f8e6c643:03328ca9
2025-03-10 16:58:52

@ 3f770d65:7a745b24
2025-03-10 16:58:14

@ 99bb5591:a557ca64
2025-03-10 16:58:05
Meanwhile me, being 90% invested in cheese and eggs. https://cdn.azzamo.net/4660c596c281cc5a57d330dc2b936be3114c5e331cdea7c77a3d1bfa7d82d961.jpeg

@ d4338b7c:f1d23a5b
2025-03-10 16:56:58

@ f8e6c643:03328ca9
2025-03-10 16:56:06
If you come into my notifications to be a little bitch, then you shouldn’t be surprised when you treated like one. 😂

@ 50d94fc2:df281d63
2025-03-10 16:55:27
40% of my relays are down and I still dgaf

@ 50d94fc2:df281d63
2025-03-10 16:54:49
rocket emoji

@ 0114bb11:7cd95776
2025-03-10 16:54:44
X is down. Nostr is not 🩷 hi!

@ 50d94fc2:df281d63
2025-03-10 16:54:37
*this* is the way

@ f8e6c643:03328ca9
2025-03-10 16:54:30

@ 76c71aae:3e29cafa
2025-03-10 16:54:24
This tell all book about Facebook/Meta looks both entertaining and insightful in to the ways that having a large centralized platform dominating social media is fundamentally a threat to an open pluralistic society.
I’m looking forward to reading the whole book, CARELESS PEOPLE: A Cautionary Tale of Power, Greed, and Lost Idealism, by Sarah Wynn-Williams

@ 50d94fc2:df281d63
2025-03-10 16:53:49
My dream is a secondhand device with only silent.link

@ 99bb5591:a557ca64
2025-03-10 16:51:13
All these new people being poor now. Amateurs.

@ 0f5302ee:a63e8dad
2025-03-10 16:51:11
so it appear to me.

@ 5b8e58ae:715f0db6
2025-03-10 16:49:29
So twitter is unusable today

@ 99bb5591:a557ca64
2025-03-10 16:49:09
In Sats.

@ 958b754a:5c39e88c
2025-03-10 16:47:46
you mind sending it to me?
research purposes..

@ 460c25e6:ef85065c
2025-03-10 16:47:36
Some AI results are so bad they should be paying me per token.

@ f527cf97:65e232ee
2025-03-10 16:47:09
Ever lived in Europe?

@ d4338b7c:f1d23a5b
2025-03-10 16:46:32
Just throw the coffee table out 🤣🤣🤣

@ d4338b7c:f1d23a5b
2025-03-10 16:45:06
Price and value are not the same. You probably already know this, so I am just reminding myself here.
In past cycles we have seen 7 or 8 20-30% pullbacks.
This is no different. The numbers look bigger because you add more zeros. But the percentages in movements remain the same, so it look more violent.
Remember to focus on the amount in bitcoin (because it's fixed in supply) not the dollar amount.
If you have exhausted your fiat reserves, it's ok. You probably saw these numbers on the way up here and bought at these levels before. You just don't remember.
DCA, HODL, spend and replenish, and keep trying to achieve the bitcoin standard.
And don't forget to touch grass !

@ f527cf97:65e232ee
2025-03-10 16:45:00
Oh yeah, you're already arguing like a state educator, following the principle of "because of a few negative cases, our measures must now be applied to everyone." How stupid do you actually think I am? School-stupid? Ever heard of precision and individual assessment?
You write: "society (and many parents) intend to force their beliefs on the young generation"
That's a strong claim, especially when you say "force." Do you have any numbers to back that up? Or is this another case where a few rare exceptions are turned into a rule to justify imposing secular, state ideologies on all children? Because I do have numbers to support that claim: all public schools.
But what you probably mean is not "force," but rather the natural right of parents to raise their children according to their culture and religion without state interference—or even the mere thought of it, right? Just as humanity has done for thousands of years before the state, with its hordes of bureaucrats and fiat educators, reached its dirty fingers toward our children under the pretext of "child welfare."

@ f8e6c643:03328ca9
2025-03-10 16:43:54

@ e4b67f9f:33ea4d91
2025-03-10 16:43:11

@ f8e6c643:03328ca9
2025-03-10 16:43:09

@ 5a261a61:2ebd4480
2025-03-10 16:42:33
You have to find someone young, pliable and without duties and social obligations. Too late for me I am afraid 😅

@ f8e6c643:03328ca9
2025-03-10 16:41:48
You should learn better manners. Welcome to my mute list.

@ b9ceaeeb:1919a2c2
2025-03-10 16:41:35
closest I’ve come to death while making a film for sure

@ 99bb5591:a557ca64
2025-03-10 16:41:33
When you came to Nostr because Xitter is currently down.

@ 99bb5591:a557ca64
2025-03-10 16:38:18

@ fa984bd7:58018f52
2025-03-10 16:36:56
ah, I see, it's not decoding nprofile mentions properly -- will fix

@ fa984bd7:58018f52
2025-03-10 16:36:28
nostr:nprofile1qyghwumn8ghj7vf5xqhxvdm69e5k7tcpp4mhxue69uhkvdm69e5k7tcqyr67rj3p42kp0vtnnyfen43r83emhp2xxdyfzs44yjax49n8u7d2qtaz6es in 1 minute

@ f8e6c643:03328ca9
2025-03-10 16:36:00
Oh, well you didn’t say you were being facetious. Lol.

@ f8e6c643:03328ca9
2025-03-10 16:35:05
Narrator: “But it was not, in fact, back.”

@ fa984bd7:58018f52
2025-03-10 16:34:25
yes, I of course forgot to tell the new bot to avoid looking at the old events it hadn't seen before 😅
sorry for the spam!

@ d8451780:896e579b
2025-03-10 16:33:46
Do usdt on sideswap app are on liquid network ? #asknostr

@ a10260a2:caa23e3e
2025-03-10 16:33:20
Yes, check out the “Deploy it yourself” section here: https://github.com/getAlby/hub
There’s a script that makes it easy to get going on a Linux server. Since it’s something more experimental (and for the kids), you can just turn it on whenever you want to make it available.

@ b9ceaeeb:1919a2c2
2025-03-10 16:33:20
I ate ze bugs so you don’t have to