
@ d0708145:76171fb6
2025-03-09 15:41:32
It's a Harvard paper, it's the "Obvious" answer, so probably isn't!

@ e2ccf7cf:26c1c8eb
2025-03-09 15:41:08
Government reserves and shitcoining politicians are a useless way to increase Bitcoin adoption
I'm gonna stay focused on making Bitcoin useful money for people and businesses

@ 7ed7d5c3:6927e200
2025-03-09 15:40:56
Congratulations! https://i.nostr.build/1RWpSPdpw4DhF23e.gif

@ f275ab37:bad84bfe
2025-03-09 15:40:25
waiting for ETH to pump 🍆

@ 8230c622:26642641
2025-03-09 15:40:22
Ya i feel you i hq e over 30 nikes i was a collector. Mostly all #airmax. But i never bought yeezy or jordans never 🤷🏽♀️

@ 13bc95d9:9d80897d
2025-03-09 15:40:17

@ 06b7819d:d1d8327c
2025-03-09 15:39:31

@ 22050dd3:480c11ea
2025-03-09 15:39:05

@ 06b7819d:d1d8327c
2025-03-09 15:38:18
This is the coolest thing about Madeira.
https://image.nostr.build/7358466c47e4f2bf5b5051031277534b943bda04c2582683803e0006763950eb.jpg https://image.nostr.build/623f8e842835c2ccc38474db509b770c8f3eca1a670ae18fdf7948cffa811edb.jpg https://image.nostr.build/e714cfffb5b3abd8ecf5bde517f68c5fcbdb5ec90d6fbf1ac4c85fadf5e990c4.jpg https://image.nostr.build/be03bab3910602d517ebb95d739f590bf41ae3b33fc1ce3140d899c1a7643b03.jpg https://image.nostr.build/5b659ec9e95345e657520eca4896cf9713036c4263bf78b71d308a5eaf80c1cf.jpg

@ 22050dd3:480c11ea
2025-03-09 15:37:41

@ deab79da:88579e68
2025-03-09 15:37:25

@ 508f2865:a64b2960
2025-03-09 15:37:03
GM 🌅☕️

@ bc575705:dba3ed39
2025-03-09 15:37:03
Trying to explain the concept of "mansplaining" ..

@ e6a9a4f8:ea304cbc
2025-03-09 15:37:01
stay humble zap sats

@ c2622c91:5ce1361b
2025-03-09 15:36:14
Great shape!

@ 1bc70a01:24f6a411
2025-03-09 15:36:00
This is the most likely answer under normal circumstances.

@ f275ab37:bad84bfe
2025-03-09 15:35:54
I’m done shitcoining in shoes…
I got a daughter now.
All my income is hers now.
But I have a pair of 350v2 and love them⚡️

@ f985d309:e2599bbb
2025-03-09 15:35:47
the return of maturity and good taste?

@ d0708145:76171fb6
2025-03-09 15:35:37
They sure are. I think i was about 20 when I first learned that they were beetles😳😂.

@ d6133367:5994af04
2025-03-09 15:35:35

@ b75b9a31:6f3c1505
2025-03-09 15:35:06
GM :purple_hugging:

@ 22050dd3:480c11ea
2025-03-09 15:35:04
Hey, sorry, yes! And I think, on desktop. Whenever I try to tag a Npub, when it appears in the little floating menu after typing it, it brings me to the URL of the Npub, and doesn't add it to the post. Simply typing the name of the Npub with @ doesn't work either

@ 04c915da:3dfbecc9
2025-03-09 15:34:59
zaps the standard

@ 04c915da:3dfbecc9
2025-03-09 15:34:32
not sure why people are so bearish but imma stay humble and stack sats about it

@ f275ab37:bad84bfe
2025-03-09 15:34:12
I remember ALL CAPS nostr:npub1qny3tkh0acurzla8x3zy4nhrjz5zd8l9sy9jys09umwng00manysew95gx 🇺🇸🚀 https://image.nostr.build/61ccd29183e857973c72ff36d702c7ea233cd416c884049dd30a91e9a4757183.jpg

@ 8230c622:26642641
2025-03-09 15:34:04
Im after some shoes. The shirts are very controversial hahahahahaha 😆 🤣 😂 😅

@ 8c133b31:05371505
2025-03-09 15:33:52
This is the Transfiguration. Interesting connection to Lent, which the Catholic Church is now observing.
Both Moses and Elijah fasted 40 days on the mountain. Moses received the Law. Elijah was taken up in a flaming chariot.
On today, the first Sunday of Lent, the Gospel reading calls to mind the reason for the season: Jesus moved by the Spirit goes into the desert to fast for 40 days and confront the devil. (Luke 4:1-13)
God is the greatest storyteller!

@ 04c915da:3dfbecc9
2025-03-09 15:33:25
very true, please use nostr more sir

@ f275ab37:bad84bfe
2025-03-09 15:32:21
Did the swastica t shirts ship?

@ 0155373a:ba3e1bed
2025-03-09 15:32:18

@ 8230c622:26642641
2025-03-09 15:31:58
Im checking every day hahaha

@ f275ab37:bad84bfe
2025-03-09 15:31:56
I love this man…

@ 22050dd3:480c11ea
2025-03-09 15:31:35

@ f40832e2:bcbf511e
2025-03-09 15:31:23

@ f275ab37:bad84bfe
2025-03-09 15:31:22
The struggle is real for some of us already, bro https://image.nostr.build/042fcbeb571d6a0638f18972deee35485d80754984047418375695363840a934.jpg

@ 8230c622:26642641
2025-03-09 15:31:03
Bro I know a guy, he lives down the street. He'll do it for $2.

@ 1bc70a01:24f6a411
2025-03-09 15:31:00
i can’t believe lower case odell is here to stay
what does this mean?!

@ f985d309:e2599bbb
2025-03-09 15:30:22
i did three loads, feeling in today.
getting old.
its not so much the loading but the wheelbarrowing it around and spreading.

@ ee6ea13a:959b6e74
2025-03-09 15:30:19
Last year someone sent me a link to a video that needed an NFT to access. I wrote back, “How do I see this video without shitcoining?”

@ 4c800257:b47e3b2f
2025-03-09 15:29:50
here here
i don't pay taxes willingly, and i will even relocate to avoid it, have done this several times, i also had some fun playing bills of exchange games with the australian tax office back in 2008-9 where they sent me a bill writing off a tax "debt" and then later send another letter saying "oh,sorry, we didn't really set that off" and i eventually replied "if so, why did you not return this invalid payment instrument?" haha
yeah, it's a fraud, it's all just extortion and violence
i just don't care to be a big wheel in their system, just to be adequate and far as possible away from it

@ 04c915da:3dfbecc9
2025-03-09 15:29:40
pretty sure we are going to call all bitcoin transactions zaps
on chain
“zapped you rent”
“zap me for dinner”

@ 9ce71f15:d7e780c7
2025-03-09 15:29:32
I don't do it often. When I do though, my legs feel like rubber after. 😅

@ e8d66519:784074e9
2025-03-09 15:29:29

@ 8230c622:26642641
2025-03-09 15:29:13
Money will make you do all sorts of things.

@ e83b66a8:b0526c2b
2025-03-09 15:29:09

@ f275ab37:bad84bfe
2025-03-09 15:28:47
I have one for my photo archive 💪🏻

@ e096a89e:59351479
2025-03-09 15:28:33
Nice Mike! Hahaha

@ 9ce71f15:d7e780c7
2025-03-09 15:28:31
It's still possible. Just hard work. 😄

@ f275ab37:bad84bfe
2025-03-09 15:28:06

@ 7ed7d5c3:6927e200
2025-03-09 15:27:48

@ 4c800257:b47e3b2f
2025-03-09 15:27:37
i think the shift is every 12000 years though, but i'm not sure, i have got conflicting data about when which thing happened, my current impression is that the events prior to the appearance of Abraham (the tower of babel and the meteor strike on sodom and gomorrah) were actually 6000 years ago but this conflicts with the literal timeline described in Genesis, and i've heard other things about that... to be honest i'm not precisely a researcher but rather this is something i am interested in and dwell on a lot in my spare time, and don't do nearly as much research as i could be, if i had more time, but i figure other people are, so when they come along and point me at something i go look deeply

@ e83b66a8:b0526c2b
2025-03-09 15:27:21
Yeh, he ruins everything 😂

@ 8230c622:26642641
2025-03-09 15:27:11
Thats funny. Hahahaa not in a bad way hahah 😆 just funny

@ 1bc70a01:24f6a411
2025-03-09 15:26:42
Meh. Sounds so 1990.
Nutzaps better if you’re 6 years old.
For non-childish people … I don’t know.

@ 010df0c9:2dd3f05a
2025-03-09 15:26:36
In the era of automatic license plate readers, $10k is a lot of poverty paper to drive around for a week or so before you get busted. That is before any car guy cops who pull you over on sight.
Something with a 100% chance of failure and 0 public sympathy when you get busted isn't a great protest.

@ 4eb88310:2e055d6d
2025-03-09 15:26:23
Possibly, and bots, though "many" is a relative term. There have only been between 15k to 20k active daily users (daily trusted pubkeys writing events) on Nostr the past two months, and just a little over 40k weekly. Lurking does not help #GrowNostr—we need more participation and posts on a variety of topics, not just tech and Bitcoin, if Nostr is to be successful in the long run.

@ d2841371:02c90a2b
2025-03-09 15:26:09
Memes are so 2023. Elon ruined them

@ f985d309:e2599bbb
2025-03-09 15:25:47
when I was in Japan i would scoff
miss that 😂

@ 7ed7d5c3:6927e200
2025-03-09 15:25:33
The higher your answer the more degenerate your brain is. I should pose this to people as a degen test.

@ f275ab37:bad84bfe
2025-03-09 15:25:32
Listen fren… 👉🏻 https://image.nostr.build/26a15da234eb9a254e75bff889c9b95fa9de25811cbd0e102a6a0be50755ce15.jpg

@ 5b3f6926:84a767d8
2025-03-09 15:25:01
Depende do que vc fumava, o que eu estou descrevendo é tabaco puro, o charuto e o cachimbo. Cigarro é uma mistura de baixa qualidade que pode nem ter esses efeitos.

@ e83b66a8:b0526c2b
2025-03-09 15:24:37
I’d zap that reply if I could 😂

@ f275ab37:bad84bfe
2025-03-09 15:24:32
I love all of these

@ 91aeab23:baa48660
2025-03-09 15:24:19

@ e2ccf7cf:26c1c8eb
2025-03-09 15:24:17

@ e9691125:3320261f
2025-03-09 15:24:13

@ d2841371:02c90a2b
2025-03-09 15:24:12
Think point is it’s vague so is just meant to make you argue or something

@ 04c915da:3dfbecc9
2025-03-09 15:24:05
drop the e, zaps are cleaner
i use my nostr wallet to zap

@ 9ce71f15:d7e780c7
2025-03-09 15:24:04
It has. I'm now on "only sending zaps" mode. 🙂

@ 977b690c:9d267f3d
2025-03-09 15:24:00
Cross country skiing is no joke! I did it competitively through high school.

@ e83b66a8:b0526c2b
2025-03-09 15:23:53
I would say “Best Memer” would be the star category, with shitposter following just behind

@ 2efaa715:3d987331
2025-03-09 15:23:49

@ d2841371:02c90a2b
2025-03-09 15:23:18
Yeah, just shot from hip without thinking about it lol

@ 04c915da:3dfbecc9
2025-03-09 15:23:05
why not just call them zaps lol

@ 91aeab23:baa48660
2025-03-09 15:22:59

@ d2841371:02c90a2b
2025-03-09 15:22:47
You’re definitely in the running. I have a few others in mind. Probably the most hotly contested category now that I think about it.

@ 2efaa715:3d987331
2025-03-09 15:22:28

@ d4bad8c2:b57136de
2025-03-09 15:22:26
more crooks
can we all just once and for all just say no to this f#cking stupid system?
it doesn't help people. it helps cronies, f#cks the stupid and middling, while it infuriates people who are awake and paying attention.
how can a system that is propped up by the ignorant possibly end when the ignorant are willfully that way and would rather not know?

@ f40832e2:bcbf511e
2025-03-09 15:22:22

@ e83b66a8:b0526c2b
2025-03-09 15:22:21
Your zappy symbol on Damus has disappeared. Is it me or you?

@ d6133367:5994af04
2025-03-09 15:21:48
vegetarian nachos
[Diets high in processed carbs have been associated with the development of cardiovascular disease]

@ 91aeab23:baa48660
2025-03-09 15:21:40

@ 190b17c8:ae1d785b
2025-03-09 15:21:29
Not sure what you are referring to, some of us are zap only because of the value for value difference between legacy platforms and the nostr protocol… some take this to the extra level… and some apps have the option to switch to only zaps and from what I understand doesn’t show when something is “liked” either… as for etiquette, like what you like or zap what you like, or both… I zap only because just like the legacy platforms, I was just hitting the like for everything which doesn’t really give a good representation of what I really find good, so now I only zap, and I only zap what I find some value in

@ e83b66a8:b0526c2b
2025-03-09 15:21:17
I have entered myself in “Best Shitpost” category 😂

@ d2841371:02c90a2b
2025-03-09 15:21:16
Yeah you’ll probably f up first one learning rules. Green means right letter right place, yellow means good letter, wrong spot. There’s sites you can play past puzzles on for more shots at it if you messed your first one up.

@ 9ce71f15:d7e780c7
2025-03-09 15:21:10
Ski marathon weekend

@ dffd3ffc:5ade7be1
2025-03-09 15:20:55

@ d6133367:5994af04
2025-03-09 15:20:51
Will Alibaba’s new AI model QwQ-32B drop the S&P 500 further? The new model highlights China’s ability to create functional LLMs at a lower cost than leading American companies. 🇺🇸Foreign players in the AI race also pose a threat to the U.S. chip market including chipmaking leaders like Nvidia. The nearly $600 billion loss in Nvidia’s market value in one single day over DeepSeek’s launch is a reflection of those sentiments.

@ 1bd32a38:77a23e69
2025-03-09 15:20:36
Have a blessed Sunday. https://image.nostr.build/30fbba060d0924e578df940d8da574de83ed91c598f345ad56659576a2811856.jpg

@ ad973803:70915558
2025-03-09 15:20:25
GM ☕ 🌤️ 😎

@ dffd3ffc:5ade7be1
2025-03-09 15:20:23

@ 4c800257:b47e3b2f
2025-03-09 15:20:03
well, i think it's possible that Mu existed before atlantis but the stuff in Apocalypse about the nearby supernova that sterilised australia and antarctica (which was at that time in the 90' phase of where it is now) that they refer to as Geminga and claim that this was the point at which humans appeared widely with the lack of lactose switch and pale skin/red/blond hair- and that this was pivotal because it enabled humans to become symbiotic with cattle
there are passages in the Books of Enoch that seem to describe a landscape that resembles what we know won as indonesia, and i believe that one thing for sure, the "missing link" species that everyone thinks doesn't exist is the lemur, which is named due to its association with mu, and is an animal known from south east asia and indonesian archaepelago, and is something in between feline and monkey, and not to mention the biology of it that both cats and dogs have often got at minimum 5 appendages on their front legs, often called "dew claws" but they most certainly are the progenitors of the opposable thumbs that define monkeys and apes...
i'm also gonna pin these two new links, i'm extremely interested in more info about the Harvest because i think that it is coming very soon
there is a conjunction that is described precisely in the 2500+ year old book Vishnu Purana about a conjunction of sun, moon and jupiter in the last (third) house of cancer on 25th of June this year, and in the Vishnu Purana where this is mentioned it says that this marks the beginning of a new golden age

@ fa984bd7:58018f52
2025-03-09 15:19:59
What does the free-market think about "ezaps"?

@ d2841371:02c90a2b
2025-03-09 15:19:59
Love this idea

@ ad973803:70915558
2025-03-09 15:19:44
GM 🌞 ☕ 😎 🐢

@ 0d2a0f56:ef40df51
2025-03-09 15:19:35
That's some serious upper body and core strength

@ d0708145:76171fb6
2025-03-09 15:19:21
I think it's safe to say that none of us are getting into Harvard at this rate😬😂.

@ a723805c:0342dc9c
2025-03-09 15:19:21
Hard to believe that this dog is almost 16 years old!

@ df67f9a7:2d4fc200
2025-03-09 15:19:19
You gon slip in a plug for Nostr? 👀

@ 5b0183ab:a114563e
2025-03-09 15:19:06
Writing a book about Nostr and following 38 accounts. Lol