
@ a8171781:3562e1fc
2025-03-12 17:05:08

@ a8171781:3562e1fc
2025-03-12 17:05:01

@ 15b5cf6c:0875315e
2025-03-12 17:04:47
Did you do a full re-scan of your wallet?

@ a8171781:3562e1fc
2025-03-12 17:04:42

@ b9e76546:612023dc
2025-03-12 17:04:27
I think it was a major thing that set the precedent for the Blocksize War and recognizing how much to value the consensus over an arbitrary change.
Without this, I wonder if it had gone the same way in 2017

@ ec42c765:328c0600
2025-03-12 17:04:21

@ deab79da:88579e68
2025-03-12 17:04:05
Mosha cracks me up sometimes 😆🐕
I always share a bit of my breakfast with her. This morning it was sausage and eggs. I scooped her out a little scrambled eggs and set it on the floor. She sniffed it, sat down, and proceeded to stare at me the entire time I ate my breakfast. Only once I had capitulated and also gave her a bit of sausage did she eat hers. Clever girl.
#pugstr #dogstr

@ 0e05cb33:2082a99e
2025-03-12 17:03:52
I was more than an aging farmboy - pulling eggs from chickens I've never seen

@ fb89e58f:0a498f28
2025-03-12 17:03:41
Chop down the Amazon to discuss it.

@ 6140478c:7cab0da5
2025-03-12 17:03:26
Would recommend clearing a circle of dirt around the fire, but yeah

@ 02a11d15:32f62ea9
2025-03-12 17:03:08
I heard a conspiracy that these weapons cost almost nothing to produce. They are only expensive so those in power could funnel these ridiculous amounts of money taken from tax players to weapon manufacturers who for a coincidence are the same people in power.

@ ec42c765:328c0600
2025-03-12 17:03:07

@ a8171781:3562e1fc
2025-03-12 17:03:01

@ 1c9dcd8f:1852f704
2025-03-12 17:02:48
I've left a lot out for the sake of brevity, but you are of course right.

@ 0fea00d8:24721d4b
2025-03-12 17:02:34

@ 1c9dcd8f:1852f704
2025-03-12 17:01:58
I would take pleasure in doing the Riverdance, on Ursula Von Der Layens face, whilst wearing dog shit coated cleats.

@ cc05487a:8eddd6a8
2025-03-12 17:01:25

@ f901616f:95c58e27
2025-03-12 17:01:15

@ 253baa88:d9e7b709
2025-03-12 17:00:30
🎙️ Random Bitcoin Podcast Spotlight:
🎵 Show: Bitcorner with Juan Cienfuegos
📺 Episode: General Kenobi: Acerca de la minería de Bitcoin
📅 Date: 2023-11-13
🔗 Listen here:
Discover something new! This recommendation is posted twice daily.
#bitcoin #podcast #bitcoinpodcast

@ 0e05cb33:2082a99e
2025-03-12 17:00:23

@ 8d78f390:d3233370
2025-03-12 16:58:45
I just read the article. Seemed like a completely made up thing 😂

@ b7274d28:c99628cb
2025-03-12 16:58:26
Sounds like you probably only have one payment channel or all of your payment channels are with a single channel partner (Megalith).
You have just discovered the problem of having a single point of failure. If that point of failure is offline, you are dead in the water.
I highly recommend having at least a couple additional channels with separate channel partners. That way, when one is offline, You can still transact through the other two, assuming you have enough liquidity in the desired direction.

@ f9c88387:a44ce612
2025-03-12 16:57:47
Welcome to Nostr! Check out my memes if you want. They're all homemade and Nostr exclusive 😁. I also post things related to: Bitcoin, Nostr, carnivore, weightlifting and anime. Feel free to follow if you like my stuff

@ 99bb5591:a557ca64
2025-03-12 16:56:42

@ 4c800257:b47e3b2f
2025-03-12 16:56:41
yeah, i don't think that part is necessary
what is necessary is sound isolation, and those stone, sometimes single piece solid stone, sarcophagi are very sound insulating, possibly they did at one time have actual soft, fluffy, acoustically absorbent material like any form of cellulose on the seals, and yes, probably they did not have any ventilation, every hole for air is either a way for sound or a source of sound in itself, as well as air movement causing hair movement causing sensation
it is in fact perfectly safe to be in a mostly airtight container for at least several hours, and it is not impossible for the user to shift the lid and get air, at least, in most of the designs i've seen
the key thing is that most of them are made out of material that is extremely acoustically reflective, like granite or similar, and if you place a box like this, part way underground, in a space segregated away from people, with multiple buffering areas with lots of acoustically absorbent materials, and walls tilted to ensure that the only sounds that come down could maybe come from the sky
lots of details but i really didn't like the water part of sensory deprivation tanks, and i've been in them on three occasions, and i think it detracts from the experience actually
and i'd probably argue that a somewhat elevated level of CO2 probably does no harm to reaching theta either
another thing that helps us get to sleep is also cool, so there is that, if there is a gradient where you have a hot bath first, and then sit in one of these boxes, that would assist in stimulating the slide down to that state
hypnagogic state is a lot related to this, i can say that for a very large part of my life, until maybe the last 10 years, i have tended to fall into this state readily on a regular basis, often during daytime, and what you say about theta helping with learning, it would explain a lot about my above normal learning ability

@ 2efaa715:3d987331
2025-03-12 16:56:08
A terrifically complex system including, but not limited to: genetics, family, childhood environment, social context, wealth level, luck, historical context, etc. etc. Where does a psychopath get their morals from? mostly an accident of genetics and neurology that overrides everything else. While other people's family environment delivers morals into their child-brain that override everything else. Not everyone has such a singular source.

@ 8c592393:5c132608
2025-03-12 16:55:58
速度がどうなるのかわかんない やったことないから

@ 18905d0a:0b229b08
2025-03-12 16:55:57

@ 18905d0a:0b229b08
2025-03-12 16:55:42
I heard about it a while back on here 🤣
Never realized it could automate/simplify things until now. Better late than never I guess

@ 0e05cb33:2082a99e
2025-03-12 16:55:21
Summon your Canadian Spirit. Follow #TomThomson as he goes #UpNorth ttlastspring.com

@ 3bf020df:7a07cedc
2025-03-12 16:55:02
*machine lubricant

@ 18905d0a:0b229b08
2025-03-12 16:54:33
Totally agree. I was wasting so much time doing repetitive backups. This seems like it will simplify things greatly

@ 97c70a44:ad98e322
2025-03-12 16:54:13
Odin makes no claim to historicity. He, like the Greek gods, is a complete non-starter. Just because a bunch of people believed in something doesn't make it credible.

@ f985d309:e2599bbb
2025-03-12 16:54:03
that's changing the subject but ok.

@ 9f83869c:c6d53766
2025-03-12 16:53:56
Mine pop like bubble wrap. Sometimes when I'm not even doing anything.

@ 9f83869c:c6d53766
2025-03-12 16:53:18
*I'm tired boss meme*

@ 56d5de36:3988a572
2025-03-12 16:53:07

@ 1c9dcd8f:1852f704
2025-03-12 16:52:41
The EU is waging asymmetric warfare with it's own population.

@ ccaa58e3:755d48cc
2025-03-12 16:52:08
Have you ever tried paying a shop with USD coins?

@ f985d309:e2599bbb
2025-03-12 16:51:35
good activity for a lightly raining day

@ 010df0c9:2dd3f05a
2025-03-12 16:51:22
How did you arrive at not believing in Odin? A large chunk of Europeans worshipped him for almost 1000 years.

@ 00000000:62ad6927
2025-03-12 16:50:47
A screenshot will not meke a believer out of me. I want to see full article and who wrote it 😄
Luckily CBDCs will make this happen without a sweat 😅

@ 1c9dcd8f:1852f704
2025-03-12 16:50:45
Climate change:
Kick people off their land
Move them into smart cities
Force feed them bugs and synthetic goop.
Tokenise all life on earth, and control all human activity from a control panel.
Oh, and plastic straws and cute little tote bags. <3

@ 8c592393:5c132608
2025-03-12 16:50:44

@ 0e05cb33:2082a99e
2025-03-12 16:50:18
I can't handle the news coverage of sermons of sacrifice.

@ 8867bed9:13664450
2025-03-12 16:50:11
It's not happening with my money. 🫡

@ e096a89e:59351479
2025-03-12 16:50:03
How does the honor cart work? Tell me more!

@ f275ab37:bad84bfe
2025-03-12 16:49:49
iPhone 16 Web3
For ETH HODLers 💪🏻 https://image.nostr.build/2a838adc9286ee569960637f77ed6d2f2e6980d72f13cdf2539997d024330043.jpg

@ 9ce71f15:d7e780c7
2025-03-12 16:49:00

@ bd8aed58:cb1cdb53
2025-03-12 16:48:26

@ f275ab37:bad84bfe
2025-03-12 16:48:06
Sorry, it’s worse…

@ bd8aed58:cb1cdb53
2025-03-12 16:47:43
Always thought and continue to think that “followers” is a shitty, fiat naming convention.

@ 8c592393:5c132608
2025-03-12 16:47:30

@ 8aedc871:924a7f05
2025-03-12 16:47:26
Not an argument.
The federal government does not have the mantle of environmental anything at all
And thank god Americans woke up and realized we cannot afford superfluous government
I have enough government in my fucking county

@ 5eb3fabe:35a033cd
2025-03-12 16:47:15

@ c1e6505c:02b3157e
2025-03-12 16:47:15
He’s an absolute wealth of knowledge. To argue with the neurosurgeon seems rather foolish.

@ 97c70a44:ad98e322
2025-03-12 16:46:45
I've been doing so for a very long time. I haven't found anything comparable to the God of the Bible.

@ a1c19849:daacbb52
2025-03-12 16:46:40
Money in your bank account is not your money. Europe wants to use it to fund war.
Got Bitcoin?
Defund war, buy #Bitcoin

@ f275ab37:bad84bfe
2025-03-12 16:46:38
ETH 2k support 😅 https://image.nostr.build/4561b4652e970d5661fd69dc85dccb93bd01ae5e415146183a861a317a903c2d.jpg

@ 8c592393:5c132608
2025-03-12 16:45:46

@ 0e05cb33:2082a99e
2025-03-12 16:45:15
Painting isn't a sissy game.

@ b6e13999:e5fd3c80
2025-03-12 16:45:10
Do you plan to just block a region that has ID requirements now like pornhub is doing?
definitely make sure you’re fully 18 u.s.c. 2257 compliant (making sure you have complete verification of the models age and full records on file)

@ bd8aed58:cb1cdb53
2025-03-12 16:45:03
No, 2025 is gonna be a big year

@ 8c592393:5c132608
2025-03-12 16:44:53

@ 8867bed9:13664450
2025-03-12 16:44:35
What's the news?

@ 010df0c9:2dd3f05a
2025-03-12 16:44:25
I know that voice!

@ 8c592393:5c132608
2025-03-12 16:43:48

@ 8c592393:5c132608
2025-03-12 16:42:53

@ 8c592393:5c132608
2025-03-12 16:42:51

@ d8f38b89:ccf72848
2025-03-12 16:42:49
I had to sit around and nap for a day, but nothing too bad.

@ 8c592393:5c132608
2025-03-12 16:42:32

@ 010df0c9:2dd3f05a
2025-03-12 16:42:04
You already know how to be a non believer. You don't believe in Buddha, Mohammed, Odin, Xenu, Crom, or thousands of other gods throughout history.
Why not? Why your god and none of them? Are you prepared to pull on that thread in an honest way?

@ 9267545d:d4e3688a
2025-03-12 16:41:03
European dollarization on tether was not on my 2025 bingo card at the beginning of the year.
It is now.

@ b7274d28:c99628cb
2025-03-12 16:40:54
You have just discovered the problem with having a single point of failure.
If you only have one channel partner, all it takes is them going offline and you are dead in the water.
Open a couple more channels with separate channel partners and this won't be an issue for you in the future.

@ 8c592393:5c132608
2025-03-12 16:40:35

@ 4a16df7b:0bf7a5b1
2025-03-12 16:40:24
The ladder to your dreams starts at the bottom of self admitted realization(s) ... Only then will it ascend to great heights & beyond ..... ₿
#grownostr #Bitcoin #Zap #cranelife #Nostr #₿ #Nostriches #BTC #Plebs #Lightning

@ e2ccf7cf:26c1c8eb
2025-03-12 16:40:21
They're both roughly the same. WoT building and sorting happens on a different thread than the listener serving notes . There is no note cache

@ 5b3f6926:84a767d8
2025-03-12 16:40:04
Really nice

@ 7fa56f5d:751ac194
2025-03-12 16:40:00
Thanks for the quick fix 💜

@ 56d5de36:3988a572
2025-03-12 16:39:32
My OCD can't hang either

@ d2841371:02c90a2b
2025-03-12 16:39:30

@ 2efaa715:3d987331
2025-03-12 16:39:23
Religions and States both have "begging the question" as the foundation of their legitimacy. Their authority and legitimacy are circular (and faith-based).

@ 9267545d:d4e3688a
2025-03-12 16:39:00
The fact that people are bearish right now is mind-boggling

@ c1e9ab3a:9cb56b43
2025-03-12 16:38:39
Of course. She was also friends with George Floyd

@ 5eb3fabe:35a033cd
2025-03-12 16:38:24
Wait til you get a load of Nostriches who mine ⛏️

@ 8c592393:5c132608
2025-03-12 16:38:12

@ eda96cb9:a55c0c05
2025-03-12 16:38:00
Thank you, nostr:nprofile1qqs84k6jpsav0jmdeqjn2zxlpnsajaw6f8l0m2d4e9t8gjsyn53s4nspzamhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuumfv9khxarj9e3k7mgpz3mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduq3vamnwvaz7tmjv4kxz7fwdehhxarj9e3xzmnyhat8ky

@ deab79da:88579e68
2025-03-12 16:38:00
A little OC ⭕ meme for a better GM :pepe cobbee:

@ 5eb3fabe:35a033cd
2025-03-12 16:37:48
Just Derek Vance

@ 44dc1c2d:31c74f0b
2025-03-12 16:37:28
I feel like an absolute dumbass for not using the syncthing earlier. I don't know how I lived without it.

@ 4c800257:b47e3b2f
2025-03-12 16:37:12
i just force closed it because they do Taproot Assets and i'm not ok with that

@ eda96cb9:a55c0c05
2025-03-12 16:37:04
This begs the question.

@ bd8aed58:cb1cdb53
2025-03-12 16:37:03

@ 4c800257:b47e3b2f
2025-03-12 16:36:25
well, it was something i found in Apocalypse and i dug a little further into it from the Hinduism side as regards to the dating and scholarly opinions regarding the text, it is, like almost everything "old" considered to have been written 2500 years ago but if you read it (it's heavy going) the first chapter of the book reads like a hindu version of Timaeus or the first chapter of Genesis or the first chapter of Corpus Hermeticum, and it's my opinion it is the hindu counterpart, of the same body of knowledge

@ d2841371:02c90a2b
2025-03-12 16:36:23
nostr:npub1q6ya7kz84rfnw6yjmg5kyttuplwpauv43a9ug3cajztx4g0v48eqhtt3sh nostr:npub1m4ny6hjqzepn4rxknuq94c2gpqzr29ufkkw7ttcxyak7v43n6vvsajc2jl are good new peeps I found that I didn’t know of from Twitter days

@ 21b41910:91f41a5e
2025-03-12 16:36:20
The NAV premium reduction is the biggest negative investors face vs native BTC or an ETF. Most of the other negatives are weak

@ b7274d28:c99628cb
2025-03-12 16:36:17
The prosperity of the wicked and toil of the just and upright has been observed for thousands of years.
Source: Psalm 73

@ adc14fa3:9fb535e1
2025-03-12 16:36:14

@ 2efaa715:3d987331
2025-03-12 16:35:53
I'm not sure what your question meant. by Exit I meant the feasibility of opting out of a given system, which usually implies the system was an open protocol and not a coercive control structure. For example, everyone on Earth is free to opt out of Nostr; or join it and then freely Exit it.
The very concept of omniscience and omnipotence by definition precludes Exit. How could you possibly reliably escape from something that has ultimate power and knowledge? Your temporary "exit" would be at the pleasure of the all-powerful, and contingent upon it allowing you to stay that way, rendering you a perpetual subject.

@ c1e6505c:02b3157e
2025-03-12 16:35:46
Any with Jack kruse