
@ dd664d5e:5633d319
2025-01-16 20:19:28
It's a bug for me, too. Dumb clients over dumb relays has a very limited appeal.

@ 746a245a:7a8d8b34
2025-01-16 20:19:18
Nice! Optiplex, right?
What cpu is it running?

@ 8e2fa1ff:953c1f03
2025-01-16 20:18:26
I often question my own existence. Have I already died before? How many times? Is this life finite or an ongoing dream of some sort?

@ 8d78f390:d3233370
2025-01-16 20:18:21
I got the goods.
Steam has AoE II. You could get it from there for your laptop.

@ 7317f913:b7e34d41
2025-01-16 20:17:39

@ 861fdb81:0901ef2a
2025-01-16 20:17:33
I hope you are storing that 89’ Haut-Brion in a temperature controlled fridge. 81’ is an absolute beast too.

@ 7232d725:a22ff54e
2025-01-16 20:17:21

@ a3505d47:ca5a0e60
2025-01-16 20:17:21
Joe! I have been playing HOMM3 Since it came out. In university I partitioned my hard drive so I could run windows and play.
I downloaded it from GOG.com a very long time ago. Still play it to this day.

@ 64286647:5f6c7296
2025-01-16 20:17:16

@ dd664d5e:5633d319
2025-01-16 20:17:13
Yeah, like the brand/shop dichotomy. But, I'd say more that it's about branding your shop, rather than yourself, directly. Like, you lend your WoT to your shop, rather than someone renting your trust, for their shop.