
@ 71ecabd8:e4885975
2025-03-10 08:00:00
#meme #memes #memestr #plebchain

@ 0bdcf001:9fb34f96
2025-03-10 07:59:09

@ 65912a7a:5dc638bf
2025-03-10 07:57:22
Wonder Twin powers, ACTIVATE! FORM OF... Nostrich!

@ fc72ae4b:2b816dbe
2025-03-10 07:56:39

@ f599737d:3aa728bb
2025-03-10 07:56:17
The land in question happened to have never been stolen or conquered by Christians though, which is specifically what was being discussed.

@ dd664d5e:5633d319
2025-03-10 07:56:15
Brain-dead Americans think that Islam is the Religion of Peace and they actively help islamic fundamentalists topple secular regimes, wherever they can, because that's "spreading democracy".

@ bc575705:dba3ed39
2025-03-10 07:55:39
It’s crazy how fast it all goes by.

@ deab79da:88579e68
2025-03-10 07:54:59
I thought it had been posted earlier, but it was just a Livestream link. Doesn't seem to be easily found. Pirates didn't care about CNN I guess.

@ bc575705:dba3ed39
2025-03-10 07:54:50
GM // 👌

@ dd664d5e:5633d319
2025-03-10 07:53:52
Assad regime was secular. That's why the islamic revolutionaries have been trying to topple it, for decades, and institute sharia. Which they are now busy doing.
Secular regimes in Muslim-majority countries are inherently unstable. Just look at Egypt. As soon as they could freely vote, they voted in the Muslim Brotherhood.

@ 4c800257:b47e3b2f
2025-03-10 07:53:11
maybe "honeycomb" idk

@ f9c88387:a44ce612
2025-03-10 07:52:53
Hope she will be ok

@ 4c800257:b47e3b2f
2025-03-10 07:52:45
i believe that internal parts are formed first in grids and the profiles cut and then you take the steal sections, warp them to the needed curve and cut them to weld onto the grid parts on the inside that brace the structure... bending steel of sufficient thickness to do this takes a LOTTA force and rigging
you can probably get by with thinner surface panels if you make more thick inner parts, those are flat, just have to be cut to the profile they are bracing for, not sure if you can picture it in your mind but looking at the internals of plastic moldings is a similar principle, i forget what they call that "skeletonised" or something

@ dd664d5e:5633d319
2025-03-10 07:47:53
Palestinian-Jordanian Muslim assures us that Christians live peacefully in the Middle East.
No Christians were available locally, in his previously majority-Christian countries, for comment.

@ ea75802d:d973f3a0
2025-03-10 07:45:29
За Воронеж переживаю.

@ 0bdcf001:9fb34f96
2025-03-10 07:45:28

@ 0bdcf001:9fb34f96
2025-03-10 07:45:07
> WingetはWindows 10 1709 (ビルド 16299) 以降のWindows10, Windows11であればインストールされているようです。

@ 10f7c7f7:f5683da9
2025-03-10 07:43:13
Gm nostriches, here’s to another productive week, adding to knowledge and stacking sats.
Thoughts going out to my Canadian relatives and frens out there, as you’ve successfully replaced one muppet with another, complete WEF, CBDC proponent, central banking ruining clown 🤡. Ready to see the next UBI, net zero policy that many Canadians cheering for, as they work for their moose shekels, live in their pods and struggle to afford ze bugs (or cheerios, oh wait, tariffs have made them too expensive). 🐛 🐜 🐞
Yes, it may give Pierre a better chance, but let’s honest, the politicians got you here, they won’t save you, only you can save you, sats in cold storage, actively managing you finances in a way that minimise your contributions to the machine that of government, taking care of yourself. #grownostr #bitcoin #savecanada

@ 06639a38:655f8f71
2025-03-10 07:41:42
That’s often how my evenings look like at the table at home ;) less distractions = more focus = better flow

@ 06639a38:655f8f71
2025-03-10 07:40:20
Is it published? Do you have an URL? Let me have a look 😉

@ 0fea00d8:24721d4b
2025-03-10 07:40:06
Sorry Keith
hope its not as bad as feared 🙏

@ 06639a38:655f8f71
2025-03-10 07:39:19
Here is my delayed #FOSDEM recap 👀

@ e8d66519:784074e9
2025-03-10 07:38:49
Max pain to $1M.

@ dd664d5e:5633d319
2025-03-10 07:38:22
I never claimed otherwise.
America supporting Muslims they know will persecute Christians has been the policy my whole life. And I have questions.

@ 5b0e8da6:7792bc54
2025-03-10 07:38:04
My poor nostr:nprofile1qyt8wumn8ghj7ct5d3shxtnwdaehgu3wd3skueqpp3mhxue69uhkyunz9e5k7qpqkumadawgefxjt2c293whsan5sfmdg5tylm0uk39enc6uxxfy5m4sdln07f isn't doing well.
She threw up this morning and wasn't herself. Took her in to test for poisons, etc. All clear. Was fine this afternoon. Then out of nowhere she had a seizure in the evening.
I took her back to the animal hospital. They kept her overnight to watch for further incidents. But only a few hours in she had two more seizures.
The vet's best guess is it's a brain tumor.
Trying to get her in for an MRI next and neurologist consult.
Not in a doom loop yet, but realistically it doesn't sound like there's likely to be good news from the MRI.
Preparing for a gut punch.

@ 1e67de37:5c9116e4
2025-03-10 07:37:09
Nostrends - what's trending on #Nostr?

@ 126103bf:20b4d65f
2025-03-10 07:36:48
I hope NIP-4e gets more attention, it's still underrated.

@ 2123cc78:7c274d59
2025-03-10 07:35:15
China Afternoon Missive
Gauging the direction of certain Chinese asset classes isn’t all that difficult. A benefit of the country having what is, in reality, a closed capital account. There’re equities, fixed income, cash or property.
There is certainly some leakage into other markets, such as we are seeing of late with Chinese flows into Hong Kong stocks. Overall, however, these are either a temporary or marginal flows of funds. The vast majority moves in and out of the four highlighted above.
The reason for bringing this issue up is that Chinese government bonds are now reversing the very trend that raged all last year. Bonds are being sold, and stocks are being bought.
So much was made throughout 2024 that the yields of Chinese government bonds were in “freefall” – so said the business headlines and every macro trader – and the explanation was deemed simple. China faced a collapsing economy and, with that, the threat of a serious deflationary spiral. Yes, there was some of that. But the real engine driving yields down was the wall of Chinese money seeking the safety trade. And that is now reversing.
Think about it. China just announced the first CPI deflation in years and yet government bond yields RISE? That just can’t be! The macro folks out there will need to come up with some sort of explanation.
Just know, the reason why yields are rising is simply because Chinese investors are selling bonds and redeploying the capital into Stocks. Right now that would be heavily skewed towards Hong Kong. We will have to wait and see if that ends up expanding to include RMB denominated stocks in Shanghai or Shenzhen.
Chinese government bond yields jump amid renewed economic hopes, rate cut delays https://www.cnbc.com/2025/03/10/chinese-government-bond-yields-jumped-amid-renewed-hopes-for-economy-rate-cut-delays.html?__source=iosappshare%7Ccom.apple.UIKit.activity.CopyToPasteboard

@ dd664d5e:5633d319
2025-03-10 07:33:18
You haven't named the Muslim country with the flourishing Christian population, yet.
I'll wait.

@ dd664d5e:5633d319
2025-03-10 07:31:17
Did you even read that passage, before you copied it in?

@ bc575705:dba3ed39
2025-03-10 07:30:44
Yes, but the notification is still piercing through when there has been a new follow. I’m not saying I have OCD, but at this point it’s annoying. Also, I have OCD.

@ 1cc11d55:9b97dd54
2025-03-10 07:30:05
Lets see if they make it open source.

@ b3e43e8c:e3068b5f
2025-03-10 07:29:09

@ 1cc11d55:9b97dd54
2025-03-10 07:28:19
GM! ☕ ☀️ 🫂

@ 1e67de37:5c9116e4
2025-03-10 07:26:59

@ b3e43e8c:e3068b5f
2025-03-10 07:24:55

@ b3e43e8c:e3068b5f
2025-03-10 07:24:26

@ b3e43e8c:e3068b5f
2025-03-10 07:22:20

@ b3e43e8c:e3068b5f
2025-03-10 07:22:12

@ dffd3ffc:5ade7be1
2025-03-10 07:21:59
There is a lunch break

@ b3e43e8c:e3068b5f
2025-03-10 07:21:57

@ 71c63cb8:8e401568
2025-03-10 07:21:32
GM! Yes beautiful weather and only 3 more days to work before I have vacation
How about you?

@ b3e43e8c:e3068b5f
2025-03-10 07:21:27

@ 9dae86cf:6fd7989d
2025-03-10 07:20:19
Buy, HODL, Sell ❌️
Earn, Save, Circulate ✅️
Bitcoin is cash.

@ b7274d28:c99628cb
2025-03-10 07:19:26
Now that I try to go to the website and actually boost something, I see what you mean.
Though I am "logged in" using my Nostr signing extension, I still can't boost anything. It tells me I am not logged in, even though I clearly am.
What's the deal nostr:npub1unmftuzmkpdjxyj4en8r63cm34uuvjn9hnxqz3nz6fls7l5jzzfqtvd0j2?

@ 079d727b:00099650
2025-03-10 07:17:43
Night ava!

@ 079d727b:00099650
2025-03-10 07:17:11
Miss me some Mad Caddies.

@ 0bdcf001:9fb34f96
2025-03-10 07:16:58

@ bc575705:dba3ed39
2025-03-10 07:16:33
Ya'll need this kind of energy today! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HasaQvHCv4w

@ f599737d:3aa728bb
2025-03-10 07:14:34
Your Wikipedia quote says "reconquering", which means someone did something first.

@ ecf522fe:27dc77b4
2025-03-10 07:14:24
The more coin with #ETF’s, exchanges and in custody of third parties, the MORE PAPER BTC!
I guarantee it.

@ deab79da:88579e68
2025-03-10 07:13:29
R.E.M. - Radio Free Europe
#tunestr #music

@ ecf522fe:27dc77b4
2025-03-10 07:12:18
I’ve thought about it, like many others probably, but never expressed it.
So from now, I’m gonna do it:
Dump the #ETF’s, buy spot, send to cold storage.
Fuck #Wallstreet and the exchanges.
ETF’s are a Trojan Horse and likely paper BTC.
Exchanges have paper BTC (think FTX, Celsius, BlockFi)
Wallstreet products have paper BTC (futures, options, ETF’s)
Bank custody of BTC is screaming for another entrance to… paper BTC
Fuck them all. Self custody, or you dont own Bitcoin. Period.
Not your keys, not your coin!
Should be the MOST important mantra with #Bitcoin adoption.

@ 0cca6201:e369c9fa
2025-03-10 07:11:52
I've seen worse Oscar winners 🤷♂️

@ 4eb88310:2e055d6d
2025-03-10 07:11:04
Goodnight, #Nostr

@ 0bdcf001:9fb34f96
2025-03-10 07:10:36

@ 1e67de37:5c9116e4
2025-03-10 07:10:35
« L’intelligence artificielle fait peser des menaces sur la pratique de la profession d’avocat et sur sa philosophie »

@ 1e67de37:5c9116e4
2025-03-10 07:10:34
Les chatbots IA ne ramènent quasiment pas de trafic aux éditeurs de sites

@ 1cc11d55:9b97dd54
2025-03-10 07:09:12
Good morning! ☕ ☀️ 🫂

@ 0c45d7d4:5e443e4d
2025-03-10 07:08:46
I think it could be a storage issue because I just recently got a new microsd since my phone was full capacity for months but I just cleared my phones storage out.
I don't know silly tech + silly programs.
My phone does quirky things like this all the time.

@ dd664d5e:5633d319
2025-03-10 07:07:40
Alawiten were unusual, in being one of the few Muslim groups that were leaving the local Christians in peace, at least for now, and leading a largely secular regime. That is over.

@ 77ce56f8:362f6ca7
2025-03-10 07:07:32
nostr:nprofile1qqs04xzt6ldm9qhs0ctw0t58kf4z57umjzmjg6jywu0seadwtqqc75spz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduhsz9mhwden5te0wfjkccte9ec8y6tdv9kzumn9wshszxnhwden5te0wpuhyctdd9jzuenfv96x5ctx9e3k7mf0dv4ph5 I'm just curious if you know how many daily users there are for olas?

@ b3e43e8c:e3068b5f
2025-03-10 07:06:32

@ 079d727b:00099650
2025-03-10 07:05:19
RE:VOLUTION is radical fundamental changes in the course of events, phenomena, processes; a sudden spadmodic transition from one state to another, a turning-point, an overturn, reoganisation, conducted in a short period of time and giving positive results
RE:VOLUTION #coldcut #zencuts #zen

@ dd664d5e:5633d319
2025-03-10 07:05:01
A lot of the places on this map used to be majority-Christian or had large Christian minorities that are dwindling down to nothing because of emigration and ethnic cleansing.
Either because the governments persecute them overtly, because the country has been overtaken by terrorists and warlords, or because the governments are indifferent to their well-being.

@ 4c800257:b47e3b2f
2025-03-10 07:03:41
i've got much the same idea, also partly mapped out in my mind how it is constructed so that it can survive a deluge by being mostly above the opening, and well sealed and dug into rock like the diving chamber of a submarine
and yeah, how to store the data... mapping out a whole scheme of recovering technology, stuff like "ok, here you make charcoal, then you get this red stone and build a furnace like this and ... next you have iron and copper, i feel like metallurgy is definitely a key technology to recover

@ 0e05cb33:2082a99e
2025-03-10 07:01:12
In 1912 I made my first trip to Algonquin Park with my Grip friend Ben Jackson.

@ 2c7cc62a:622a5cdc
2025-03-10 07:01:04

@ 0e05cb33:2082a99e
2025-03-10 07:00:20
1914 Log Picking House Point, Dog Point #tt1914 http://i.imgur.com/sRJCQ4a.png

@ f96c3d76:3e17824b
2025-03-10 07:00:19
Ich wünsche euch einen guten Start in die neue Woche 🤗✨️😘 https://image.nostr.build/6c9e65486ae3531b096e78623285f78521cdb9f085cb8388f91094b5f9fd65b8.jpg#love
#lovestr #photography #photo #photostr #art #artstr #artonnostr

@ 0c45d7d4:5e443e4d
2025-03-10 06:58:21
Yo, nostr:nprofile1qqsyvrp9u6p0mfur9dfdru3d853tx9mdjuhkphxuxgfwmryja7zsvhqpzamhxue69uhhv6t5daezumn0wd68yvfwvdhk6tcpz9mhxue69uhkummnw3ezuamfdejj7qgwwaehxw309ahx7uewd3hkctcscpyug typing "osht" in search causes amethyst to crash, I guess.
Could be an isolated case but it's replicatable for me.

@ 77ce56f8:362f6ca7
2025-03-10 06:56:51

@ 77ce56f8:362f6ca7
2025-03-10 06:55:25
Just what ever comes on my phone. Prolly the culprit huh....

@ f96c3d76:3e17824b
2025-03-10 06:55:03
Guten Morgen 🥰🌞
#love #lovestr #photography #photo #photostr #art #artstr #artonnostr #water #bootstr

@ 77ce56f8:362f6ca7
2025-03-10 06:54:50

@ 77ce56f8:362f6ca7
2025-03-10 06:53:38
Just amethyst.

@ 77ce56f8:362f6ca7
2025-03-10 06:53:07
None. We just fuck around all night and let day shift do the heavy lifting. 🤣

@ b1429477:a6b42768
2025-03-10 06:51:46
GM on Monday! 🐮 #coffeechain

@ 0bdcf001:9fb34f96
2025-03-10 06:49:56

@ 0271e1b9:ad8cff90
2025-03-10 06:48:40
Yes, part-time farm hand
Yes, nostr:npub1p6y243ek340jtqjr0qnqg2elkw3x5yn08kzhvxxxkejj486mlg9qtnwx3t, offering bitcoin based gift cards, discounts and nostr:npub1yxqdukmj70wlhwf6vg3fwkwcxmgdalahgsl7lcpka8gvs4xkew3s7p3a6x

@ 0bdcf001:9fb34f96
2025-03-10 06:46:31

@ bc575705:dba3ed39
2025-03-10 06:45:45
I'm not sure what's more complicated, quantum physics or assembling IKEA furniture.

@ 1e67de37:5c9116e4
2025-03-10 06:45:34
Lancement de l'Institut National de Bitcoin (INBi) : Un nouvel acteur pour défendre les Français grâce au BTC

@ b7cf9f42:ecb93e78
2025-03-10 06:45:22
Is this on a website?

@ 1933b450:eae4bd28
2025-03-10 06:44:49
Just found out about date candy.... Now I gotta make my own! sooo good https://image.nostr.build/f5d59b0744bc9e4acf2a15969324405196ba7cc1197b17bad89230bcc3d38735.jpg

@ 8c592393:5c132608
2025-03-10 06:44:15

@ 8c592393:5c132608
2025-03-10 06:43:23

@ c48e29f0:26e14c11
2025-03-10 06:42:56

@ 6bf33edb:66d7c715
2025-03-10 06:42:48
Das würde, glaube ich, bedeuten, dass beide Euros legale Zahlungsmittel wären und man z.B. auf Preisschildern in beiden Euros Preise ausschreiben müsste.
Ich gehe ganz stark von 1:1 aus.

@ 0c45d7d4:5e443e4d
2025-03-10 06:41:42
TFW no Asuka Cosplayer Gf who calls you "Baka Shinji", and relentlessly bullies you 😔✊️.

@ 1933b450:eae4bd28
2025-03-10 06:41:18
GM! 4 more days until i release 'Springtime' for GG Deluxe's 'Film of Familiarity'

@ 8c592393:5c132608
2025-03-10 06:41:03

@ 8c592393:5c132608
2025-03-10 06:40:48

@ 8c592393:5c132608
2025-03-10 06:40:27

@ 8c592393:5c132608
2025-03-10 06:40:08

@ 8c592393:5c132608
2025-03-10 06:40:02

@ 0c45d7d4:5e443e4d
2025-03-10 06:39:55
Supercycle is Cancelled.
Recession is imminent.

@ 8c592393:5c132608
2025-03-10 06:39:50

@ 8c592393:5c132608
2025-03-10 06:39:38

@ 8c592393:5c132608
2025-03-10 06:38:21