
@ 52387c6b:49dbdfb2
2025-03-12 08:19:47
Proof humans are cable of working shit out without government help. It just works 24/7

@ 0c45d7d4:5e443e4d
2025-03-12 08:19:17
I'd like to see a podcast of a Bitcoin Maxi, a Fiat Maxi, and a Monero Maxi all together.
Really interesting to see.

@ b3e43e8c:e3068b5f
2025-03-12 08:18:36

@ b3e43e8c:e3068b5f
2025-03-12 08:18:22

@ dd664d5e:5633d319
2025-03-12 08:16:57
You think Putin wouldn't want to expand east of the EU into Russia, if it were easy to do?

@ b3e43e8c:e3068b5f
2025-03-12 08:16:36

@ 8c592393:5c132608
2025-03-12 08:16:26

@ bc575705:dba3ed39
2025-03-12 08:16:17
When did you started to feel "the real" adjustments? I noticed also, that I can go easier through hunger. You are right. When I was working out, on a more serious level: everything evolved around the next meal. That produced more stress than anything else.

@ b3e43e8c:e3068b5f
2025-03-12 08:13:53

@ b3e43e8c:e3068b5f
2025-03-12 08:13:48

@ df8f0a64:057d87a5
2025-03-12 08:13:24

@ df8f0a64:057d87a5
2025-03-12 08:12:19
THE kaiji

@ 8c592393:5c132608
2025-03-12 08:12:17

@ 198ae429:e8cee27a
2025-03-12 08:11:51
Don't worry, they talk about bitcoin but they have no clues about what it is.

@ bc575705:dba3ed39
2025-03-12 08:11:43
When you bought the dip, then there was another dip. And another one. But then .. https://youtu.be/OiUjb2HRxEY?feature=shared

@ bfde2252:6c7b8dc2
2025-03-12 08:10:43
One day you'll be walking the streets and everyone will be talking about bitcoin. Hodlers are the real NGU engineers.

@ 0c45d7d4:5e443e4d
2025-03-12 08:10:27
I know someone probably said this already but I'm going to say it again Napster + Nostr, Nap-Ster².

@ 4c800257:b47e3b2f
2025-03-12 08:10:17
the events IDs get returned, not the events, but they are sorted in chronological/reverse order - this way clients can cut up this list and make requests for segments for display
i am in the process of building out the extra index for this and i've decided it needs to have a date field in the key so they can be quickly sorted for this criteria and i can immediately implement a "sort=asc/desc" parameter, and not just do the sort based on the serial, which is a sequence number when the event was stored (usually chronological, but not necessarily)

@ 5dfd0708:e30eea94
2025-03-12 08:09:07
Tetragrammaton with Rick Rubin:
Dr. Paul Saladino
Dr. Paul Saladino is a double board-certified Physician Nutrition Specialist and a leading authority on the carnivore diet. After studying integrative medicine and nutritional biochemistry at the University of Arizona, he has dedicated his career to challenging conventional beliefs about health and nutrition, with a strong focus on animal-based diets. Driven by a desire to better understand, treat, and prevent the root causes of chronic illness, Dr. Saladino has moved beyond traditional Western medicine to explore nutrition as a powerful tool for healing. He is the best-selling author of The Carnivore Code and The Carnivore Code Cookbook, host of the Fundamental Health podcast, and founder of Heart & Soil, a supplement company offering organ-based products. His work continues to shape conversations around diet, wellness, and optimal human performance.

@ 1bc70a01:24f6a411
2025-03-12 08:08:53
But what’s going to keep the guru npubs occupied?!

@ 4c800257:b47e3b2f
2025-03-12 08:08:20
no, it's just an API detail
instead of returning events, the filter and fulltext search endpoints are specced to return simple lists of events in whatever expected sort order (i'm thinking to put the since/until/sort as parameters to the endpoint, because currently they are by default ascending order, which people may not want, in theory they could even be further sorted by npub, or kind
the reason for changing the API to only return event IDs is that pushes the query state problem for pagination back on the client, the relay doesn't need to additionally keep track of the state of recent history of queries to enable pagination, and i don't like that shit anyway because it inherently is inconsistent, as in, the query could return more events at any moment afterwards, so what do we do if we push pagination on the relay? do we make it update those things? then the client will get out of sync as well
implicitly any query with a filter that has no "until" on it searches until a specific moment in time, the time at which the relay receives the query, and the identical query 10 seconds later could have more events at least in the space since that time, not to mention it may get older events that match pushed to it by spiders or whatever in between
so, i say, fuck this complication, you just make an index on event IDs to event serials and then you search the indexes created by the filter fields, and then find the event ID table and pull every one of those out, and return them sorted in either ascending or descending order that they were stored on the relay (which is mostly actual chronological order)
idk, maybe i should add a timestamp to that index so this invariant can be enforced
anyway, i'm interested to hear other opinions about why the relay should implement filter api differently than i described, but i have thought a lot about it and i'm leaning very much towards returning IDs so the client manages their cache state instead of pushing that on the relay to give people their precious pagination
i already got too much complexity in here

@ 0c45d7d4:5e443e4d
2025-03-12 08:07:45
Perhaps, one feature that could be considered an algorithm of sorts is since relays determine what you see, would it not be fair to tie relays to topics, and have a list of topics tied to a relay perhaps?
A searchable index, who knows, The Nostr wizards will sort this out certainly.

@ bfde2252:6c7b8dc2
2025-03-12 08:07:35
Is this from Little Britain? 👀

@ e5f3339e:0952d54d
2025-03-12 08:06:08
BTCUSDT: 💸$82,482.00
Last Update: 03/12/2025 08:05 (GMT Time)
4H ❌ DownTrend (-4.00%) 📅03/08/2025 04:00 💸@$85,919.12
12H ❌ DownTrend (-16.57%) 📅02/02/2025 12:00 💸@$98,864.60
1D ❌ DownTrend (-14.63%) 📅02/06/2025 💸@$96,612.43
1W ✅ UpTrend (+267.73%) 📅03/06/2023 💸@$22,430.24
#spaceship #bitcoin #btc #nostr #plebchain #zap #zaps

@ bfde2252:6c7b8dc2
2025-03-12 08:05:17
It's literally walking on water and it's figuratively about controlling your emotions. Bitcoin offers you an unique the opportunity to test how you are hodling it together in ups and downs. Observe your mind. You are the observer. All-in.

@ 0c45d7d4:5e443e4d
2025-03-12 08:03:57
Do reddit people know they're being pro-actively Censored, or do they enjoy the group think so much that they support silencing the dissenters?

@ 0e05cb33:2082a99e
2025-03-12 08:03:27
Disregard for the proper rules of painting was considered a slap in the face by some members of society.

@ 0fea00d8:24721d4b
2025-03-12 08:02:25
😂 im glad to inspire!
Well. Its fucking tough. 🫠
My body is going through some serious adjusting. Its getting easier getting through the hunger, its more i never realised how much of a dopamine hit eating is. How much of what you do is driven by the expectation of the next meal.
On 32 days to go 😂
Honestly i feel good most of the time
I think?

@ df359d2c:0a776c84
2025-03-12 08:02:10
Russia to do all this needs tremendous resources, some internal unity and also overpower the many countries.
EU on the other hand just can keep doing what is doing using well established system.
So yeah, I fear in short/medium term EU more.

@ df8f0a64:057d87a5
2025-03-12 08:01:27

@ 0c45d7d4:5e443e4d
2025-03-12 08:01:12
I feel like Nostr, and it's clients, etc. have improved somewhat gradually overtime.
Compared to other things like Gab, Minds, Mastodon, Parler, etc. it's the only place I've stayed at for the long term.
Only dilemma is how it stands to twitter, I was banned on Twitter, so I can't really give it a fair comparison but given the fact that I haven't been banned, Censored, or throttled on Nostr makes it better in that regards.
I imagine soon with some more tweaks, and improvements it will get better.
The network will need to grow but the problem is using the Censored platforms to talk about it, and also censorious in-groups that will disregard it, and make cultish Anti-Nostr organizations.
I think Nostr is unique in a way, I don't need to have a $500 server to run an Ocean VPS like Mastodon, when I can use a $50 android phone to host a nostr relay.

@ 1bc70a01:24f6a411
2025-03-12 08:01:11
Seems like at least 5 people telling me to take more risks. Are they all reading the same book? 😆

@ fbeb2be7:331f55e3
2025-03-12 08:00:05
#bitcoin maxis are better at finding scams than the regulators.
- nostr:npub1gw3zhc5r5a7jfgl6yx8qv0nc9kset5ddkrka229c3tym5xltehlq58m7mm

@ 71ecabd8:e4885975
2025-03-12 08:00:00
#meme #memes #memestr #plebchain

@ 8c592393:5c132608
2025-03-12 07:58:43

@ df8f0a64:057d87a5
2025-03-12 07:58:06

@ bc575705:dba3ed39
2025-03-12 07:58:01
How is it going? I started on sunday. You know, it's because of you. You inspired this project of mine. Also, because I'm a curious MF, and want to know how things works. 😅

@ 3493a605:83ffc952
2025-03-12 07:57:18
GM #nostr
Gut gelaunt!)

@ df8f0a64:057d87a5
2025-03-12 07:57:08

@ df8f0a64:057d87a5
2025-03-12 07:56:33

@ 8c592393:5c132608
2025-03-12 07:56:12

@ df8f0a64:057d87a5
2025-03-12 07:55:46

@ 0fea00d8:24721d4b
2025-03-12 07:55:31
Day 8 here........

@ 06639a38:655f8f71
2025-03-12 07:54:59
nostr:npub1v0lxxxxutpvrelsksy8cdhgfux9l6a42hsj2qzquu2zk7vc9qnkszrqj49 offcourse ;)

@ 8c592393:5c132608
2025-03-12 07:54:54

@ 8c592393:5c132608
2025-03-12 07:54:47
顧客情報は厳密に管理しなきゃいけないから (?)

@ 8c592393:5c132608
2025-03-12 07:53:46

@ 06639a38:655f8f71
2025-03-12 07:53:28
Its the media
We need smarter media Nostr providers

@ bc575705:dba3ed39
2025-03-12 07:53:05
Wanted to give OMAD a try. To avoid killing anyone due to being hangry, I "upgraded" to 2MAD. The level of energy is through the roof. Those dips I usually got in the afternoon are gone. Awesome! 18 hour fast is not that bad at all.

@ 8c592393:5c132608
2025-03-12 07:52:30

@ 8c592393:5c132608
2025-03-12 07:52:06

@ 7232d725:a22ff54e
2025-03-12 07:51:46
Standard Productsはもっといろんなとこに作ってほしいなあ

@ d981591e:f7c0ae37
2025-03-12 07:51:26
Study Shows 86% Increase In Sexual Violence On French Public Transport
From ZeroHedge
Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Modernity.news, There has been an 86% rise in sexual violence on public transport in France since 2016, with much of the surge happening as a result of mass migration. Figures released by the National Observatory on Violence against […]
Mar 12th 2025 3:30am EDT
Source Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/study-shows-86-increase-sexual-violence-french-public-transport
Share, promote & comment with Nostr: https://dissentwatch.com/boost/?boost_post_id=938315

@ 63fe6318:330504ed
2025-03-12 07:50:21
Snort does

@ 8c592393:5c132608
2025-03-12 07:49:46

@ bc575705:dba3ed39
2025-03-12 07:49:38
GM // 🐦 🔥

@ 46125faf:df47d1bb
2025-03-12 07:49:33

@ fd208ee8:0fd927c1
2025-03-12 07:49:00

@ bc575705:dba3ed39
2025-03-12 07:48:24
Haha! Let's go. 🚀

@ e8d66519:784074e9
2025-03-12 07:46:48
"It is very suspicious.
There have been eight murders in the first two months of the year here in Austin, a city of several million.
And it’s very interesting and concerning that one of those eight—our best writer, who was heavily exposing Soros and USAID—is among them.”
Source: @EricBolling @RealAlexJones

@ ddf03aca:5cb3bbbe
2025-03-12 07:46:23

@ 8c592393:5c132608
2025-03-12 07:45:35

@ 4c800257:b47e3b2f
2025-03-12 07:44:37
nostr:nprofile1qqsf07zg4hxyccnkdp07fppxmetpfzru3fg6mgzx3nk8r7af8qnjjyg76vulm your nodes are offline, i have 3 channels open to you and dey ded
pls fix

@ f4db5270:3c74e0d0
2025-03-12 07:43:31
I did not understand.

@ 4c800257:b47e3b2f
2025-03-12 07:43:23
i never looked at their site https://megalithic.me and um... they are big promoters of taro, aka Taproot Assets, a shitcoin thing, fuck them that's probably why the shit is broken

@ a1c19849:daacbb52
2025-03-12 07:43:03
GM! 🫡

@ cd408a69:797e8162
2025-03-12 07:42:58

@ a1c19849:daacbb52
2025-03-12 07:42:55
GM 🐮

@ a1c19849:daacbb52
2025-03-12 07:42:28

@ b1429477:a6b42768
2025-03-12 07:40:34
GM guys, have a nice day! 🐮🫰 #coffeechain

@ fd208ee8:0fd927c1
2025-03-12 07:39:12
Our #Megalith Lightning channel is down. Bitcoin on-chain is never down. Just saying.

@ 1bc70a01:24f6a411
2025-03-12 07:38:18
I mostly just vibe code 🤣 I don’t know what I’m doing really.
Will try to hack something together tonight

@ 330fb143:7ee42dac
2025-03-12 07:38:10
is one of your channels offline?
then the balance does not show as available, but sure not lost

@ 0cca6201:e369c9fa
2025-03-12 07:34:53
Doing some work with a housing services company and they're training a model to detect "non compliant" language in property advertising.
For example, saying "great for families" is verboten because it implies preference for one lifestyle over another 🤡
Woke may be off the top level political agenda, but it's still extremely embedded.

@ 6c2d68ba:846525ec
2025-03-12 07:34:45

@ dd664d5e:5633d319
2025-03-12 07:33:42
You mean, the search field on Alexandria? Yeah, it's not implemented, yet. Still working on it.

@ bfde2252:6c7b8dc2
2025-03-12 07:33:30
Wise words. Live long and prosper Sandy!

@ 6bb0082d:0146ed0a
2025-03-12 07:32:24
GM! ☕ 😎

@ efc2c31c:e1e35926
2025-03-12 07:32:08
This is a paper-manufacturing plant in Ishinomaki city, Miyagi pref. The smoke is water vapor.

@ 4c800257:b47e3b2f
2025-03-12 07:31:44
ah here they go, coming all back online now
only megalith channels are now offline

@ 4eb88310:2e055d6d
2025-03-12 07:31:42
The mind craves for formulations and definitions, always eager to squeeze reality into a verbal shape.
— Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

@ 4c800257:b47e3b2f
2025-03-12 07:31:09
a bunch of my channels are offline currently, i hope that fixes soon, explains why the balance is not reported

@ df8f0a64:057d87a5
2025-03-12 07:31:04

@ bfde2252:6c7b8dc2
2025-03-12 07:30:35
I did take it very seriously for a long time until I found bitcoin. Now it's only a distant dream. It made sense while I was making money out of it, but it got to a point where I found unethical to continue. It was very educational for me ngl.

@ f6c49e1b:89c41ac9
2025-03-12 07:29:27
GM. Every time I have to use a vpn to read RT in the UK I remember how pathetic our government is.

@ df8f0a64:057d87a5
2025-03-12 07:29:12

@ 4c800257:b47e3b2f
2025-03-12 07:28:55
ah, the upgrade is accessed via the version string on the top left of the interface

@ df8f0a64:057d87a5
2025-03-12 07:27:24

@ df8f0a64:057d87a5
2025-03-12 07:26:27

@ 2641c506:983f0175
2025-03-12 07:26:13
Nostr-based Version Control System doesn't sound efficient to me

@ 4c800257:b47e3b2f
2025-03-12 07:26:10
yeah, i can see on the node screen two channels that are almost completely full, and they are not being counted

@ 6bb0082d:0146ed0a
2025-03-12 07:25:48
GM! ☕ 😎

@ df8f0a64:057d87a5
2025-03-12 07:24:42

@ 4c800257:b47e3b2f
2025-03-12 07:23:23
yeah, mine is reporting a strange balance now also
i can't see anything about the new version being ready yet tho
i'm having some issue with my VPN maybe... gonna restart everything, it may just be offline

@ df8f0a64:057d87a5
2025-03-12 07:23:15

@ df8f0a64:057d87a5
2025-03-12 07:22:50

@ ddf03aca:5cb3bbbe
2025-03-12 07:22:10
This is getting out of hand 😂 nostr:note1yjanc6slss023fa4t3t33ux0q7jfmqjnu6swckdsshyteh05nvmqwmzhv4

@ f6c49e1b:89c41ac9
2025-03-12 07:19:44
Gm brudda 👊

@ 1bc70a01:24f6a411
2025-03-12 07:19:15
Know anyone who is doing that?

@ 65912a7a:5dc638bf
2025-03-12 07:16:58
Some people have way too much time on their hands.