
@ 0d7ceca9:dede5a20
2025-02-19 14:49:40
#PaymentHistory https://image.nostr.build/5b1a26a9da033876acf504b12f63f29f93121ab9450d866c5bb582a504f3c83f.jpg

@ 37f2654c:3c48723a
2025-02-19 14:47:48
Congrats! We’re glad you’re here 🫂

@ 37f2654c:3c48723a
2025-02-19 14:26:18
We also sync up based on where and who we spend time with. Choose wisely. nostr:note1mtnw4zddpusajd2cz8uwpluchcwt9e67hetfljnldmmjg5cscndsxmcmf9

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-02-19 13:26:54
Quase senti pena, mas vi que era preto começei a rir

@ caf0b76c:6f8c4a43
2025-02-19 11:17:44
No mention of Zulip? 😮

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-02-19 10:31:58
that requires more devices or more config. this is doing it with an easy button

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-02-19 10:30:29

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-02-19 02:22:03
a) i wasnt looking for suggestions
b) this misses the whole point since its not network wide
c) i can use DoH when i am not on Wi-Fi

@ 37f2654c:3c48723a
2025-02-19 01:55:19
That’s fantastic

@ 37f2654c:3c48723a
2025-02-19 01:42:13

@ 37f2654c:3c48723a
2025-02-19 00:33:32
Why are we needing to #MAHA when we obviously hold the record for the most people living past 100?! 🤪

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-02-18 22:12:07
This is even easier because you don't even need a separate device.

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-02-18 22:05:27
block adverts network wide the easy way.
ad as your primary dns and as secondary dns on your router. those are malware/ad/tracker blocking servers from https://controld.com.

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-02-18 21:38:54
Ouviram dos tempos a voz que se insinua,
Nos blocos da rede, a revolução ecoar;
Surge o Bitcoin, chama que o mundo atua,
Em luz de liberdade, a todos a brilhar!
No peito digital nasce a nova aurora,
Onde Nostr em comunhão vem se firmar;
Desfaz-se o velho, a opressão desamora,
Em cada clique, o futuro a celebrar!
De Norte a Sul, um cântico vem entoar,
Na blockchain imutável histórias a contar;
Maximalismo em rima, força a pulsar,
Coréia do Nostr, no cripto-ideal a reinar!
Avante, nação cripto, rumo ao porvir,
Ergamos nossos nós com fé e inovação;
Que o Bitcoin e Nostr possam se expandir,
Tecendo um mundo de verdadeira libertação!

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-02-18 21:05:50

@ 71a4b7ff:d009692a
2025-02-18 19:41:22
Walls of the Kvetera Church. February 2025 #photostr #outdoorstr #hikechain #sonychain #plebchain #grownostr #photography

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-02-18 18:33:29
Hell yeah, beard oil -16.2% in four months when priced in #Monero.
was 72.9mXMR
now 61.11mXMR

@ 37f2654c:3c48723a
2025-02-18 16:20:57
That’s great to hear. It breaks a lot of web app services

@ 37f2654c:3c48723a
2025-02-18 15:46:36
It almost feels like it’s not about health but control 🤔
Oh well, gotta trust the Science™️

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-02-18 15:45:17
O povo me mama

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-02-18 15:10:40
#ContractsWithoutCourts #RulesWithoutRulers #Agorism

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-02-18 14:54:00
The 2.5.22 #Meshtastic firmware improved the battery percentage on the SeeedStudio SenseCAP T1000-E to be more linear. It did help some but you still need to keep an eye on it.

@ 71a4b7ff:d009692a
2025-02-18 13:41:32
GM. Cloudy out there😶🌫️

@ 0d7ceca9:dede5a20
2025-02-18 13:40:14

@ 71a4b7ff:d009692a
2025-02-18 11:03:25
This is a whole parallel universe😅

@ 71a4b7ff:d009692a
2025-02-18 06:58:14
GM Agi 🌄

@ 0d7ceca9:dede5a20
2025-02-18 06:39:51
As of February 18, 2025, Monero (XMR) is trading at $234.45 per coin, a 95.44% increase from its price of $122.18 one year ago. https://image.nostr.build/81efb3b494c131d6ad17b61f2cc882b5b4491fe77014118d17bbc4763f7e97f5.jpg

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-02-18 01:19:34

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-02-17 22:06:12

@ f985d309:e2599bbb
2025-02-17 19:54:04
dont advertise your ignorance of the subject if you want to taken seriously

@ 37f2654c:3c48723a
2025-02-17 10:39:16

@ 6e468422:15deee93
2025-02-17 09:27:45
GM https://relay.dergigi.com/24976ef54830dc37eef51a13af679eae70c329a557b25c7fc8ef4582de03ae49.jpg

@ 71a4b7ff:d009692a
2025-02-17 08:02:18
Georgia country. Southern foothills of the Greater Caucasus

@ 71a4b7ff:d009692a
2025-02-17 08:01:17
True story 😌

@ 71a4b7ff:d009692a
2025-02-17 07:35:03
Awakening from winter #photostr #outdoorstr #mountainchain #hikechain #sonychain #plebchain #grownostr #photography

@ 6e468422:15deee93
2025-02-16 23:39:25
GN https://relay.dergigi.com/cf13112bf4b75f0aefacbbeeead47df4025b4d2b86e1d4e5ddd455e995d08fbb.jpg

@ 37f2654c:3c48723a
2025-02-16 22:22:24
Interesting 🧐
Sometimes it takes me 2-5 tries before a zap goes through
Wasn’t sure if it was a Nostr issue or a lightning issue

@ 37f2654c:3c48723a
2025-02-16 22:14:31
I run into this all the time.
It Means that while lightening is awesome technology we’ve got some development work to do to scale it 🫂

@ 37f2654c:3c48723a
2025-02-16 22:13:10
“Audits for thee but not for me”
^ok, not my most nuanced take but its pithy and it rhymes 😅

@ 37f2654c:3c48723a
2025-02-16 21:40:57
Yup, they need to update their paradigm for a #V4V environment. Either make their “ads” legitimately interesting content or study nostr:npub1jg552aulj07skd6e7y2hu0vl5g8nl5jvfw8jhn6jpjk0vjd0waksvl6n8n and others who are successfully using #zapvertizing. In an infinite digital world our finite time and attention is extremely valuable.

@ 37f2654c:3c48723a
2025-02-16 21:36:57
😳 Be safe

@ 37f2654c:3c48723a
2025-02-16 21:34:06
1: The individual was laundering money and…
2: …Laundering Money?? What’s that?
1: It’s where they route money so it’s hard to trace where it came from.
2: Oh, wow, that’s really cool.
1: What, no, that’s a crime…
#privacy #joke nostr:note1kc0dj59n2g5s8hv8rtq5g4ychz6gket7du7dfne3vfehjx9kddrslf56ul

@ 37f2654c:3c48723a
2025-02-16 21:25:29

@ 37f2654c:3c48723a
2025-02-16 21:15:35
(As pernas humanas, não a estátua)

@ 37f2654c:3c48723a
2025-02-16 21:13:33
Essa foto foi editada? Como suas minúsculas pernas de galinha podem suportar seu enorme peso? 🤣

@ 6e468422:15deee93
2025-02-16 21:13:21
Nostr is fun. Nostr is weird. Nostr is messy. That's why I love nostr.

@ 37f2654c:3c48723a
2025-02-16 21:11:11
If a crime is in its essence an infringement on another’s inherent rights to life, #liberty, or property, I don’t understand the basis for criminalizing intermediary things like money laundering, mail fraud, etc.
If fraud or theft occurs, those crimes should stand on their own and not need the dubious intermediary jeopardy.
Would be happy to #AskNostr and hear others offer thoughtful counterpoints on why those are important to be judicially distinct.

@ f985d309:e2599bbb
2025-02-16 21:09:25
yeah Japanese snack on it with sake exactly because its not a strong taste

@ f985d309:e2599bbb
2025-02-16 21:00:33
its good
(the squid i mean)

@ f985d309:e2599bbb
2025-02-16 20:50:06
dried squid?
fried squid?
you ever eat the eraser off a pencil?

@ caf0b76c:6f8c4a43
2025-02-16 20:36:51
Nice try 😆

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-02-16 20:01:37
Que orgulho do cineme nacional ✊🏳️⚧️🇧🇷

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-02-16 18:52:42
Yeah, I just haven't found another client that I like quite as well. I do use voyage sometimes, but tried amethyst and didn't really care for it, and there are not many clients available on fdroid, which is where I get my apps from.

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-02-16 18:47:53
The problem is the state definitions for "crime"

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-02-16 18:44:47
#AskNostr: Is there an easy way to use Primal over a tor? Because I would like to use as many things as possible over the tor network and do not see an area to enter socks information.

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-02-16 18:35:32
Pode ter certeza que essa mesma gente cretina que apoiou todas essas arbitrariedades que o estado cometeu na fraudemia iria apoiar cada abuso cometido pelos nazistas se elas fossem cidadães do Reich e com certeza denunciariam o vizinho judeu para a Gestapo sem nenhum remorso

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-02-16 18:30:22
São seres intocáveis revestidos de todo o poder, autoridade e santidade para julgar nós os meros mortais pagadores de impostos

@ 0d7ceca9:dede5a20
2025-02-16 18:14:07
Payments to dating apps or escort services could expose romantic or sexual activities. #PaymentHistory

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-02-16 17:56:25
Há uns 12-13 anos atrás, em meados de 2012, eu estava num ponto de ônibus voltando do trabalho pra casa. Eu tava encostado numa parede perto do ponto e do meu lado estava um daqueles fiscais de prefeitura que fica apreendendo mercadorias de camelôs. Eu tava de boa escutando uma música no fone de ouvido esperando meu ônibus chegar todo absorto quando do nada esse fiscal virou pra mim e começou a sussurar umas ameaças do tipo: "toma cuidado não fica muito perto de mim, se vc encostar em mim vai dar problema...".
Aí quando eu falo que essa gente que trabalha pro estado são tudo um bando de filho da puta eu tô exagerando?

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-02-16 17:18:40

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-02-16 17:13:54
Revista Oeste é a melhor revista brasileira na minha opinião

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-02-16 17:12:45
Ou vc é anarquista ou vc defende algum tipo de escravidão estatal. Não tem meio-termo. Quando as pessoas começarem a entender isso será um grande passo na evolução moral da humanidade

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-02-16 16:58:00
Alemanha, 1939.
Bostil, 2025:

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-02-16 16:56:38
Ego e soberba de funça público tá sempre lá na estratosfera. Um simples questionamento numa abordagem ou numa busca e apreensão é desacato para esses porquinhos de farda

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-02-16 16:54:00
Aquela fraudemia foi a oportunidade para os idiotas úteis saírem do armário e mostrarem ao mundo todo o seu potencial de estupidez

@ 37f2654c:3c48723a
2025-02-16 16:45:52
You are allowed to say “killing chickens” on Nostr. I asked the CEO myself 😋

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-02-16 16:20:04
Brasileiro gosta de ladrão https://revistaoeste.com/brasil/brasileiro-gosta-de-ladrao/

@ 37f2654c:3c48723a
2025-02-16 15:34:46
I saw my first nostr:npub18kpw3akvdsyk239lx0jgwksr74sq4nlha3r8u9g2rnrhztfpfhysy469c4 sticker in the wild yesterday! Keep spreading the important message
*as in not placed my me or someone I know nostr:note1ypxwul4w6vgqxat3nuzcwtkl2ha5vr7mhukee2s7jdx2z9qzdxjq3e6yy7

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-02-16 12:16:04
monero when?

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-02-16 12:03:11
I have just started using it as my DD and like it.

@ 6e468422:15deee93
2025-02-16 10:19:20
GM https://relay.dergigi.com/0e23e54ad02c7e5fb7e638c3dbea1eb770c729be4cb4829d0ecea16f50b769b5.jpg

@ 0d7ceca9:dede5a20
2025-02-16 07:21:51

@ 37f2654c:3c48723a
2025-02-16 06:03:51

@ 37f2654c:3c48723a
2025-02-16 06:02:32

@ 37f2654c:3c48723a
2025-02-16 06:01:14
😒 GN

@ 37f2654c:3c48723a
2025-02-16 06:00:13
Is this a real tweet?!
If so, sadly PlanB NGMI 😞

@ f985d309:e2599bbb
2025-02-16 00:11:14
Life is short and nobody knows how much time we have.
Hug your people.

@ a53ae429:b41af2f7
2025-02-15 23:26:44
Really? All LN txs are not done successfully? Another reason that I don't like LN😑

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-02-15 23:07:12

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-02-15 22:38:45
PlayStation 1 + churrasquinho = 😋😋😋

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-02-15 22:34:28
Ancap bolsonarista... Kkkkkkkkk

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-02-15 21:42:51
IDIOCRACIA, O FILME QUE PREVIU O FUTURO | Pobreza, Filhos e Q.I 83 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_-X1olbn9g

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-02-15 21:22:44
As Dificuldades de Trabalhar no Bostil e a CLT que rouba os trabalhadores

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-02-15 20:41:28
Modern gaming sucks

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-02-15 20:40:22
Big tech slaves

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-02-15 20:34:19
Of course there are more than these numbers if you count emulator users

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-02-15 19:02:57
damn, 2.046-2.387 #Monero for a rugged AF #Meshtastic radio.

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-02-15 16:53:52
Uma das coisas no nostr que mais me deixa contente é o ódio que a galera aqui tem dos políticos

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-02-15 16:29:47
A solução para este problema é sociedade de leis policêntricas

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-02-15 16:09:12

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-02-15 15:58:27
Esse ano eu faço 33 anos. Espero estar vivo, nem que seja um idoso, para presenciar o colapso estatal

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-02-15 14:32:51
Parabéns! Para uma garota de 12 anos vc é bem inteligente e articulada. É difícil ver pessoas assim nesta idade, principalmente aqui neste país

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-02-15 12:50:44
Ego de funça estatal: nunca admitem que são parasitas e que seus serviços são uma merda
Integrantes do Judiciário chamam Índice de Percepção da Corrupção de preguiçoso https://revistaoeste.com/politica/integrantes-do-judiciario-chamam-indice-de-percepcao-da-corrupcao-de-preguicoso/

@ caf0b76c:6f8c4a43
2025-02-15 12:41:48
GM fellow frogsters 🐸🙋♀️

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-02-15 12:28:28
I don't have any suggestions, no. Sorry about that.

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-02-15 12:22:23
Monero community give a shit about CEXs delistings. We received these news as a positive thing, ironically

@ 6e468422:15deee93
2025-02-15 09:43:21
GM https://blossom.primal.net/56a750ec8bee93858834abb3600bbf50fc0e92ff978b7d8c72940a0086a5187c.jpg

@ 5cde0d3c:8dcc9e46
2025-02-15 00:06:40
From 'P2P electronic cash system' to 'electronic state reserve system' 🤡 https://image.nostr.build/304fb6e6c7f4e0b2a8a707f7bc71972a990d721989de04b0f1f19f28a5128fb7.jpg

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-02-14 21:56:52

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-02-14 18:59:55
Dia de