
@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-04 15:50:09
Arbitragem extrajudicial já é permitida pela justiça brasileira. Embora não seja algo 100% fora do escopo estatal por ser regulado já é alguma coisa. Basta que mais pessoas aderirem, assim mais empresas do ramo vão surgir, concorrência aumenta e a qualidade dos serviços melhora

@ 71a4b7ff:d009692a
2025-03-04 14:35:23
strong USSR vibes

@ 71a4b7ff:d009692a
2025-03-04 14:30:33
The first day of spring #photostr #outdoorstr #mountainchain #hikechain #sonychain #photography

@ 0d7ceca9:dede5a20
2025-03-04 13:40:08

@ 6e468422:15deee93
2025-03-04 13:20:01
GM https://relay.dergigi.com/cfcccc1a5506b8e2619e622024e0589ebb09c322795bc7f6898e49391a2a800f.jpg

@ 0d7ceca9:dede5a20
2025-03-04 13:16:37
Effortless, private file sharing over your local Wi-Fi. No internet, no tracking, no ads. Just secure, e2e encrypted transfers.
Available for Android, Linux, iO*, Ma* and Wi*****
https://localsend.org https://image.nostr.build/6dbc2246d5233b8083e6e6216f052071133449d340eddd495c6e0ec979c610ac.jpg

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-03-04 12:22:43
#RetoSwap had its first $2M month.

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-03-04 10:13:09
This is the signal. The rest is noise.

@ caf0b76c:6f8c4a43
2025-03-04 09:55:36
> Not true. Freedom of speech without SOME restriction cannot exist - unlimited freedom always leads to abuses of power and tyranny. Study some history. Our freedom ends where the freedom of our neighbours starts, so some limits absolutely must exist to defend our freedom.
Sorry but this is statist double think at its best.
Freedom is the absence of power and tyranny. You cannot abuse authority power in a free world, because there is no authority.
If there is authority, it isn't a free world.
Freedom doesn't lead to abuses of power and tyranny, bad humans do, always have.
Freedom of speech doesn't end where the freedom of speech of our neighbours start. Speech is information and information alone cannot take away other humans freedom, but what bad humans do with the information.
Therefore, limiting freedom of speech in the name of freedom is a dystopian precrime police/justice approach.
All of that said, lets be honest here, there are other reasons why Simplex doesn't go full freedom of speech #MainstreamCompatibility.

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-04 02:38:59
As prioridades do bostileiro médio são essas aí

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-04 02:11:35
Enchendo o paizão de orgulho... 🥲

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-04 02:09:09
E ainda tinha uns que chamava ela de Dilmãe 🤡

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-04 02:01:51
Esse num manja do Prince of Persia

@ f985d309:e2599bbb
2025-03-04 01:11:01
glad you are back man

@ 0326b57e:479a1d4c
2025-03-04 01:07:37
I had to take a break, but I got 3 more episodes coming in the next three days and then should be releasing more every week or two

@ f985d309:e2599bbb
2025-03-04 00:47:41
woot! finally!

@ 0326b57e:479a1d4c
2025-03-04 00:45:17
New Outlaw Crypto Podcast episode with @xenumonero !
Listen here:

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-03 22:38:57
Bolsonaro comprovou que o QI dos conservadores tão no mesmo nível dos esquerdistas

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-03 22:34:19
And the best part of it is that you don't need to interact with them if you don't want to

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-03 19:41:40
Lol what amazing argument 🤣🤣🤣

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-03-03 17:28:20
Router mode can deteriorate your local mesh, and so really I would only advise using it if your node is going to be on a fixed location at least 100 feet above the ground. Anything 20 to 100 feet above the ground should be client mode and anything less than 20 feet above the ground should really be in client mute mode because it's not going to help the mesh very much.

@ 0d7ceca9:dede5a20
2025-03-03 16:55:15

@ 0d7ceca9:dede5a20
2025-03-03 16:30:30
My Top Privacy Browsers
💻 D E S K T O P
Tor Browser
Mullvad Browser
📱 A N D R O I D
Vanadium (GrapheneOS)
FOSS Browser
Stay private. Keep them guessing.

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-03 16:14:55
O maluco brota do nada em tudo que é lugar kkkkkk

@ 0326b57e:479a1d4c
2025-03-03 15:36:00

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-03 12:50:06

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-03 12:48:55
Sempre tem os cavaleiros brancos prontos pra defender as raparigas

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-03 12:35:44
These cryptos you've mentioned aren't private by default or their privacy features aren't reliable like Monero
Monero and Other Privacy Coins

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-03 12:30:20
How XMR is more centralized than BTC?

@ 6e468422:15deee93
2025-03-03 09:27:16
GM https://relay.dergigi.com/68cf356fa170c7597557fc503704654a49ad1c905c0c657a37b636615ad2dea2.jpg

@ 0d7ceca9:dede5a20
2025-03-03 08:54:05
I recommend to uninstall Chrome. https://image.nostr.build/6078b9174d6a88c80e8917144488b394c5d24d65706b103785e107e250c3f345.jpg

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-03 03:47:41
Transformaram o Bitcoin em CBDC 2.0

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-03 03:17:40
Por que uma cripto que era para (supostamente) ser usada para lutar contra os governos agora está sendo usada pelos governos como reserva de valor?

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-03 00:59:51
Pega fogo cabaré 🔥

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-03 00:56:33
XMR is even more pro freedom than other cryptos

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-03-03 00:08:32
Just saw this episode and holy hell. He was on fucking fire.

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-03-03 00:01:33
Yo, this dude was on fucking fire. Like, holy shit, bro.

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-02 23:16:52
That's another good reason to choose XMR over BTC. I can't accept a coin that make partnership with governmental agencies

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-02 23:12:54
It's very improbable that any government would accepted Monero as reserve by its own anonymous features. Monero is naturally an anti-government money

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-02 23:04:57
"Os negros produziram a maior vitrine cultural do Brasil"
Deve ser por isso que o IDH desses esgotos aí não passam de 0,6

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-02 22:57:11
Só faltam aprender a estocar vento agora

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-02 22:54:06
BTC maxis are retards

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-02 22:00:20
Bitcoiners in 2009: good that now we have a crypto to fight government 💪
Bitcoiners in 2025: thank you dad government to accept my crypto as reserve 🤡

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-02 21:49:14
Dude, you clearly still didn't understand the main Monero's purpose: have a financial life completely outside of the government scope. So why should we need government endorsement of our coin??

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-02 20:58:00
Coffee + motivational quotes = 🥰

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-03-02 20:16:32
Its a daily carry. I have it in vlient_mute since its not high up and wont contribute much.

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-02 19:52:51
Algum deles ficou sem argumentos e te bloqueou? Mostra aí a nostr:nevent

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-02 19:37:49
Tem esses sites também

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-02 19:35:10
A maioria destes grupos partidários tem canais no Telegtam. Dá uma vasculhada por lá

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-03-02 18:23:04
I have that same device and with the GPS turned off I find that I get 2 days and 10 hours of battery charge quite easily and generally 2 days and 15 hours or better. I've been running it on nothing except for its internal battery and one of those 20,000 mAh phone backup batteries since February 1st and it's still running.

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-02 17:59:59
Kkkkkk não pode falar mal da moedinha favorita da criança se não ela faz biquinho, fica de mal e bloqueia

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-02 17:48:01
E vc acha que não existem grandes corporações fazendo lobby pro BTC também? Mas na cabeça dos maximalistas isso é "lobby do bem" 🤡

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-02 17:39:54
Aqui tem vários exemplos de grupos partidários ucranianos 👇

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-02 17:32:51
Existem inúmeras milícias e batalhões que não fazem parte do exército oficial ucraniano lutando na guerra. Tem vários grupos anarquistas, inclusive

@ 0d7ceca9:dede5a20
2025-03-02 17:12:33
Looks promising!
FOSS Browser
A fully free (as in freedom) open source browser with a focus on a privacy.

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-02 17:04:05
Se não tivesse brasileiro também melhor ainda

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-02 17:00:46
Que eu saiba compras nacionais não tem

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-02 16:55:40
Shopee tá bem melhor pra comprar as coisas. A maioria das compras acima de 19 reais vc ganha frete grátis

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-02 15:41:41
Metade daquela merda é dominada por traficantes e a outra metade é dominada pela máfia "oficial" do estado

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-02 15:28:53
Vc percebe como o otário faz o vídeo com aquele ar de deboche típico desses macacos que ficam grunhindo "favela venceu!". Tudo capacho e puta de bandido. Adoram ficar exaltando os bandidos da quebrada onde ele mora achando que isso vai dar algum status especial pra ele, quem sabe ele até ganha uma estrelinha amarela no peito de presente dos donos da quebrada

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-03-02 14:18:05
I am actually considering using both. The zero-deposit offers on Haveno would not be subject to taker bots because a password is generated on the client side that must be entered before the offer can be taken which would make them immune to the bot issue you bring up. OpenMonero has a UX advantage since there is no software needed and it just runs in a browser like LocalMonero did. It seems to me the best solution is not one or the other. It's both.

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-02 14:04:36
Mais um pouquinho e eles se tornam o estado

@ 6e468422:15deee93
2025-03-02 11:27:03
GM https://relay.dergigi.com/57938fcf3b7ff7622353ef4a375c0fa0a605a585ce3c28562dc77a9fe3f25fbd.jpg

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-02 04:26:01
Deve ser muito bom ser macaco, vestir o uniforme estatal e bater em outros macacos

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-02 04:20:00
Why not use a properer term like free-market instead of capitalism?

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-02 01:16:16
Certo, mas um termo está relacionado ao outro não é?

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-02 01:13:44
Não faço ideia mas imagino que os parasitas faturam alto neste ramo

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-02 01:04:27
Explique melhor isso por favor

@ 6e468422:15deee93
2025-03-02 00:38:11

@ f985d309:e2599bbb
2025-03-02 00:10:46
pro tip
if you do this "you cant dox my transaction so it must be private" bullshit
you look like a fool and make it obvious you don't understand privacy concerns. nostr:note1lv39ute0ftarna3nsayyev3jq8k7zyqkd99xw3rpnppwkstflu6sdv9awx

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-02 00:05:54
"Nunca conseguiremos acabar com os roubos"

@ f985d309:e2599bbb
2025-03-01 23:50:08
which is why me, Saberhagen and the rest of us are always saying
"we're HAPPY to use Bitcoin if theres good privacy. its good for users."
and the extremely mature Bitcoin maxis say "hfsp shitcoiner"
cause WE'RE the lying angry teenagers
got it 👍

@ f985d309:e2599bbb
2025-03-01 23:40:01
Bitcoins accusing monero bros of lying,
its about following the facts to whatever conclusion arrive
not trying to prove a preconceived idea of "whats correct"
THATS why Bitcoin maxis are intellectually dishonest
they've already decided "whats correct"
and dont care about actual data and information.
in short
theyve lost the fucking plot. nostr:note1sk4qrsvyh5mhe352eecteu963qndljqs49wdlnnz9nl6q3vuskasqjlz6t

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-01 22:21:42

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-03-01 21:56:55
Ouch! Feel the burn.

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-03-01 21:54:20
My first thought about this is that they really should be using a higher frequency signal because a higher frequency signal requires smaller antennas to both transmit and receive because the wavelength of the radio wave is smaller. I believe they are using PCS 1900 megahertz, but it seems like this would work better if they were using their C band at 3700 megahertz or their 2.5 gigahertz because of the smaller frequency and therefore the antennas would be larger compared to the wavelength of the radio wave.

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-03-01 21:40:02
I sell items priced in Monero and my prices are going to have to drop yet again. I've been having to drop prices since I started selling in August of last year. Not once have I had to raise my prices because of Monero's value. The only reason I've had to raise prices is when my supplier charged me more for the product.

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-03-01 20:43:37
Yeah, higher gain is not always better. It may seem like it, but it's not always true. A high gain antenna in your cell phone to talk to cell phone towers would be an absolute disaster. Or a high gain in your GPS receiver would be an absolute disaster. In meshtastic, it's probably better to use a 3dbi rather than a 10dbi. Just because you can get signals from airplanes coming over sometimes, and you do not know where the signal is going to originate from.

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-03-01 20:29:51
Here's a website with a good picture to show off what I mean.

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-03-01 20:25:46
Keep in mind that higher gain means more directionality and less wiggle room for height. So if a node is too far up or too far down from your elevation with a high gain antenna you may very well not be able to hit it. A low gain antenna is better if you do not know which direction your signal is coming from. A 3DBI antenna receives in a very spherical pattern at a slightly shorter distance, where a 10DBI antenna receives in a very flat pancake kind of pattern at longer distance, but cannot receive very low below the antenna and cannot receive very high above the antenna.

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-01 17:18:47
Imagine accidentally touch your leg there ☠️

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-03-01 15:44:52

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-03-01 15:43:19
woodsers response:
> Would you mind reading through this and giving your response?
a malicious arbitrator could attempt to take offers, hoping to be assigned trades and then unfairly award funds to themselves. however this risk can be mitigated by:
- a sufficient number of arbitrators - the best way to mitigate this risk is to have a sufficient number of honest arbitrators, so a dishonest arbitrator is unlikely to be assigned a trade before being detected and banned. this creates an economic incentive for arbitrators to act honestly and earn trade fees rather than risk exclusion
- arbitrator selection by the maker - the maker can select an arbitrator from a trusted list rather than relying on random assignment (the current default)
- trade limits per client - restricting the number of active trades or funds at risk per client further reduces potential damage from a dishonest arbitrator
in contrast, centralized exchanges like localmonero, openmonero, etc require full trust in the platform operators, because:
- they take full custody of traded funds and can easily steal them at that time
- reputation can be easily faked, so does not provide any guarantee of trustworthiness in trade partners
- they can collect and store sensitive trade details across all traders
- they're more likely to be shut down due to legal compliance, and you're left to find a new service
ultimately users should consider the trustworthiness of the haveno network they're using and its arbitrators, but these networks provide greater decentralization, privacy, and control of funds than centralized services, which are a single point of failure
link to woodser's response to prove i didnt make it up: https://matrix.to/#/!UuoWQWMGvPBHkIgWGJ:monero.social/$bVIMNjW1yEbdIHK-yEPuN-H2fXVmqEaXXLe4lgtuk68?via=monero.social&via=matrix.org&via=catgirl.cloud

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-01 15:28:10
Muita macaquisse pra pouca idade

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-03-01 15:09:45
i sent it to woodser because it seems like a valid criticism. So I'm waiting to get his take. And talking about what can potentially be done to fix it, such as requiring a password for all offers instead of just zero deposit offers.

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-03-01 15:05:49
I've already brought it up to the developer, Woodser, and we will see what he thinks. Because to me, it seems like a valid criticism, and valid criticisms need to be looked at.
My thought would be that since zero deposit offers already currently generate a random password client side that must be given to the taker that it could be used for all offers instead of just zero deposit offers.
Now, that requires being able to contact the seller in order to get the password, and in version 1.0.19, that functionality has been added, and it is going to be a required update anyway. So, potentially, it could get put in to version 1.0.19.
What I am unsure of is how you go about upgrading already published existing offers that don't have contact information. I guess you could force delete them and have them be recreated after the update, which while a paint in the ass would be worth it.

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-01 14:43:18
Já estamos sentindo esta dor faz uns 500 anos...

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-01 14:30:23
Good point! But in my view, follow a supposed god who threat send people to hell (a place for eternal torment) if you don't obey him is not much voluntary. You won't have much alternatives if you say "no" to him

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-03-01 14:25:20
You guys are behind schedule. That's today, not tomorrow.

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-03-01 14:15:59
The way it would work would be that an arbitrator would create a bot to take the offers and then use the key from the taker bot and their arbitrator key to steal the escrow which contains the seller's Monero plus their security deposit.
It seems like the two ways to avoid this would be to either
A: have a bunch of arbitrators so that any one arbitrator is not chosen for the vast majority of the offers
B: make offer taking a request process instead of a demand process.

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-03-01 14:10:11
Monero hits $1m per coin and You open your cake wallet or other such wallet and are able to use it immediately because it's not on any centralized exchanges because it was kicked off years ago. And so you were forced to use it the proper way all along.

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-01 13:51:03
É fato que Zelensky e o resto do estado ucraniano são bem corruptos e estão se aproveitando dessa guerra para lavar dinheiro mas isso não invalida de forma alguma o direito dos cidadãos ucranianos de se defenderem dos agressores russos

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-01 13:47:08
Isso mesmo. Por mais que ambos os lados tenham estados parasitando sobre a população isso não muda o fato que um é claramente o agressor e o outro a vítima

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-03-01 13:45:37

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-01 13:34:02
Povo ucraniano =/= estado ucraniano
De fato, o estado ucraniano não é legítimo, assim como qualquer outro estado. Porém o direito à autodeterminação do povo ucraniano é completamente legítimo

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-03-01 13:33:05
I can think of a solution almost immediately that would solve the one problem you bring up with Haveno. All that would have to be done would be to make offer taking a request instead of a demand. Zero deposit offers are already this way because they require the maker to give a password that's randomly generated client side.

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-01 13:29:26
Being tyrannized by human beings is not ok but by deities is?

@ fbe5e80e:aaf46077
2025-03-01 13:23:59
De acordo com a própria ética libertária quem inicia a agressão é a parte errada e nesta guerra a Rússia é quem iniciou a agressão e não a Ucrânia. Alegar que a Ucrânia "provocou" a Rússia a invadir seu próprio território é a mesma coisa se alguém culpasse a Polônia pela invasão da Alemanha nazista em seu próprio território na segunda guerra. Culpar a vítima é uma das falácias mais antigas utilizadas por tiranos para justificar suas agressões

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-03-01 13:11:12
Mind explaining how Bisq doesn't fall victim to this and how in 10 years it hasn't happened since Haveno is based on Bisq?
I'm not saying you're wrong, but I would need to see some proof. Because websites can be pulled down by government a lot faster than something like Haveno can.

@ 465eb134:9bf5da09
2025-03-01 13:07:21
Reto no longer *requires* a deposit. Sellers have the option to do a zero deposit trade with a randomly generated password and contact method of their choice.