
@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-12 17:50:21
Block 887502
3 - high priority
3 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ e7bf8dad:839ef3db
2025-03-12 17:50:21
Block 887502
3 - high priority
3 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ 83fd07de:aec50d47
2025-03-12 17:46:39
The war of counter-narratives favors an underdog

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-12 17:45:22
Block 887502
2 - high priority
2 - medium priority
2 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ 4537043f:d387854c
2025-03-12 17:45:07
https://nostr.build/i/nostr.build_56b04056f34eb4d96919b769e5bfb92185b348bf69bb60f834ac5d85191de59c.gif #meme #memestr #nostrmeme

@ 75918211:3dacc947
2025-03-12 17:45:00
https://nostr.build/i/5144d9b284a93386c3e2e04b98dbd1545e12b77de3acdbb2d5949853d0b2a175.gif #bitcoin

@ 341db5a7:4c4fc2ef
2025-03-12 17:44:26
Wallet of Satoshi is banned.
Samurai wallet devs jailed.
Wasabi had to stop hosting coinjoins.
Can't buy/sell BTC without KYC
Can't offer buy/sell services without money transmitter license.
Have to report everything to the IRS for capital gains taxes.
And now we have a shitcoin reserve paid for with our tax dollars.
Keep telling yourself America is "free"

@ 91bea5cd:1df4451c
2025-03-12 17:42:05
#OlavoDeCarvalho #Olavo

@ e7bf8dad:839ef3db
2025-03-12 17:40:21
Block 887501
2 - high priority
2 - medium priority
2 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-12 17:40:21
Block 887501
2 - high priority
2 - medium priority
2 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ f901616f:95c58e27
2025-03-12 17:39:02

@ 958b754a:5c39e88c
2025-03-12 17:37:44

@ 958b754a:5c39e88c
2025-03-12 17:37:09

@ f58e76e8:96a60ce0
2025-03-12 17:36:04

@ 950be1e7:27ec8354
2025-03-12 17:35:47
GM Rise and shine! A beautiful day and maybe a #Bitcoin surge awaits.

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-12 17:35:21
Block 887499
4 - high priority
4 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ 2248fe05:73582fdb
2025-03-12 17:32:45
Focus on the people who engage directly with you. You certainly don’t have to zap anyone you’re not sure of.

@ 2248fe05:73582fdb
2025-03-12 17:31:26
Do you guys ever think about actually running away and building a Bitcoin community somewhere? How long would it take to get it off the ground and how long to truly decouple? I know it’s a pipe dream but Galt’s Gulch beckons.

@ b133bfc5:49d5789d
2025-03-12 17:31:07
I want to take my lbv, remove the back straps and put my hydration pak place of them…
Not sure if it will work right but I’m gonna try…

@ 39fc040f:a9dd80f4
2025-03-12 17:31:06
What’s the best way to tell if an account is a bot/scammer?
I got a lot of new followers today. Thank you! I noticed a lot of them post the exact same post. Almost like looking at the same account with different names and PFP’s. That seems like too much of a coincidence and a red flag.
Unfortunately, unless I can figure out a way to verify that these accounts are real people and not bots.. I cannot zap in good faith. Right now the easiest way for me to “verify” you’re real is if you’ve put up your own money for a check mark.
I wish it didn’t have to be this way but I’m sure I’ve sent to hardest money to ever exist to scammers and bots and that just doesn’t sit well with me.

@ e7bf8dad:839ef3db
2025-03-12 17:30:23
Block 887499
4 - high priority
4 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ cbab7074:f9f0bd61
2025-03-12 17:30:23
Block 887499
4 - high priority
4 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-12 17:30:23
Block 887499
4 - high priority
4 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-12 17:25:21
Block 887499
4 - high priority
3 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ 2248fe05:73582fdb
2025-03-12 17:22:43
Preach, Mrs. Bent

@ e2ccf7cf:26c1c8eb
2025-03-12 17:21:35
Nostr meetup

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-12 17:20:21
Block 887498
5 - high priority
4 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ e7bf8dad:839ef3db
2025-03-12 17:20:21
Block 887498
5 - high priority
4 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ d36e8083:ac0b6bec
2025-03-12 17:19:58

@ d34e832d:383f78d0
2025-03-12 17:18:56
mkdir micro
mv One-Arc-Play-1.txt micro/

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-12 17:16:49
Block 887498
5 - high priority
4 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-12 17:15:22
Block 887498
5 - high priority
4 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ cec0f44d:1c5416d2
2025-03-12 17:12:03
nostr:nprofile1qyt8wumn8ghj7etyv4hzumn0wd68ytnvv9hxgtcppemhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mp0qqsvas85f5xkf4ke67susnpnpa2x0e6jej9svhmjp6r55zldr32pd5snmxwv5 - been working on bitcoin layer 3 (Cashu) and dropping some 🥜󠅓󠅑󠅣󠅘󠅥󠄲󠅟󠄢󠄶󠅤󠅕󠄳󠄺󠅟󠅔󠄸󠅂󠅧󠅓󠅪󠅟󠅦󠄼󠄢󠄡󠅠󠅒󠅞󠅁󠅥󠅒󠅇󠅜󠅥󠅑󠅇󠄺󠅠󠅔󠄸󠄽󠅥󠅉󠄢󠄶󠅪󠅑󠄳󠄩󠄳󠅑󠅈󠅂󠅚󠅒󠄢󠅜󠅥󠅉󠅈󠅆󠅚󠅓󠄢󠄶󠄠󠅉󠅈󠅃󠄲󠅟󠅝󠄶󠅠󠅃󠄱󠄲󠅁󠄲󠅆󠄴󠅧󠅃󠅅󠄶󠄷󠅉󠅈󠄳󠄴󠅟󠄢󠄶󠅘󠄲󠄷󠄶󠅪󠅕󠄵󠄱󠅧󠅉󠅇󠄶󠅝󠅉󠅪󠄽󠅧󠅊󠄴󠅗󠄠󠅉󠅄󠅉󠅩󠄽󠅝󠄽󠄥󠄽󠅇󠅅󠄣󠄾󠅄󠄵󠄥󠄿󠄴󠅜󠅙󠅉󠄢󠄹󠅪󠅊󠅝󠄾󠅙󠄿󠅄󠄱󠅪󠅊󠄷󠄶󠅙󠄽󠅚󠅓󠄡󠄿󠅄󠅔󠅛󠄽󠄢󠄺󠅝󠅊󠄴󠅗󠄡󠅉󠅇󠅂󠅚󠅊󠄴󠄵󠄣󠄿󠄴󠄱󠅪󠄾󠅪󠅆󠅜󠄽󠅝󠅆󠅙󠅉󠅇󠄾󠅉󠄹󠅁󠄽󠅄󠅜󠄲󠅆󠅥󠅟󠄸󠄣󠅁󠄹󠄦󠄨󠅔󠅑󠄠󠅁󠅂󠅅󠄶󠄧󠄝󠄡󠅣󠄲󠅉󠅓󠄲󠅜󠄽󠅥󠅇󠄤󠄨󠅞󠅇󠅡󠄧󠅈󠄺󠅉󠄹󠅇󠅡󠄾󠅘󠅉󠅂󠅗󠅗󠅉󠅈󠄾󠄤󠅁󠄴󠅉󠅧󠄿󠄴󠅆󠅝󠄾󠅇󠅆󠅛󠅊󠅇󠄵󠄤󠄿󠄴󠄱󠄣󠅊󠅄󠄽󠄢󠄾󠅇󠅉󠅧󠅊󠅝󠄵󠄥󠄿󠄴󠄽󠅩󠅉󠅪󠅘󠅘󠄿󠅄󠄹󠄣󠄽󠅪󠄽󠅧󠄽󠅝󠄽󠅪󠅊󠄴󠄱󠄢󠅉󠅪󠅁󠄠󠄽󠅚󠅛󠄥󠄾󠅪󠅉󠄣󠄾󠅚󠅜󠅚󠄽󠄷󠄶󠅚󠅉󠅚󠄾󠅝󠄿󠄴󠄹󠄣󠄾󠄴󠄲󠅘󠅉󠄡󠅗󠅘󠄱󠅥󠅒󠅑󠅉󠅛󠅙󠄥󠅩󠅣󠄠󠄤󠄝󠅕󠅓󠄴󠄽󠅇󠅓󠄽󠄶󠅨󠅕󠅨󠄼󠅈󠄠󠅧󠅖󠅣󠄤󠄾󠄥󠅏󠅡󠅙󠅉󠅩󠅁󠅗󠄧󠅁󠅒󠄢󠅟󠄢󠄶󠅘󠄷󠄵󠄲󠅘󠅓󠄣󠅘󠄱󠄿󠅄󠅘󠅘󠅉󠅚󠄽󠅧󠅉󠅇󠅉󠄠󠄾󠄢󠅅󠅧󠄽󠅄󠄱󠅨󠄾󠄷󠄵󠅩󠄽󠅚󠄾󠅘󠄽󠅄󠄶󠅜󠄽󠄴󠅂󠅜󠄿󠅄󠅛󠄥󠅊󠄴󠅁󠄤󠄽󠅚󠄱󠅩󠄾󠄢󠄽󠄠󠄿󠅄󠅉󠄠󠅉󠅄󠅛󠅩󠄽󠅇󠄾󠅜󠅉󠅪󠅉󠄣󠅊󠅚󠅛󠄢󠄽󠅄󠅅󠅩󠄾󠄴󠄽󠅩󠅊󠄴󠅓󠅩󠅉󠅝󠄶󠅚󠅇󠄳󠄵󠄳󠄶󠅗󠅖󠅇󠅊󠅃󠄼󠅡󠄻󠄺󠄡󠅈󠅨󠄡󠅄󠅀󠄝󠄲󠅑󠅛󠅨󠅚󠄢󠅖󠄷󠅜󠄸󠅂󠅅󠅆󠅣󠅆󠅪󠄣󠄻󠅒󠅪󠅘󠅇󠅧󠅀󠅛󠄤

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-12 17:10:21
Block 887498
4 - high priority
3 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ e7bf8dad:839ef3db
2025-03-12 17:10:21
Block 887498
4 - high priority
3 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ 9e9eb2d3:e7a06afa
2025-03-12 17:08:26
GM bro

@ a60e79e0:1e0e6813
2025-03-12 17:08:11
Spent the lots of recent weekends and evenings putting together a new Nostr educational site.
My plan is to continue to add to this to cover loads of other awesome Nostr clients and tools to help people get started. (and for you awesome people to share with your friends!)
For now we have:
🟣 Simple onboarding via nostr:nprofile1qqs9xtvrphl7p8qnua0gk9zusft33lqjkqqr7cwkr6g8wusu0lle8jcpp3mhxue69uhkyunz9e5k7qg4waehxw309ajkgetw9ehx7um5wghxcctwvsqs6amnwvaz7tmwdaejumr0ds2g5zx8
🟣 Nostr 101
🟣 Nostr protocol explainer
🟣 Nostr glossary
🟣 An intro to 'other stuff'
🟣 An intro to Nostr utilities
🟣 Some incredible video content from nostr:nprofile1qqspnzgrfett3asxcuj0gksje6z2zxzpvgd27uvz58m9vsuqh8zzw6cpr9mhxw309a382emdv9hzumt8w4ujumn9wsargwp58qq3vamnwvaz7tmzv46xztnwdaehgunfdshxxctdqydhwumn8ghj7en9v4j8xtnwdaehgu3wvfskuep0w3hku7gpewmsc, nostr:nprofile1qqsr7acdvhf6we9fch94qwhpy0nza36e3tgrtkpku25ppuu80f69kfqpz9mhxue69uhkummnw3ezuamfdejj7qghwaehxw309aex2mrp0yhxummnw3ezucnpdejz7qg4waehxw309aex2mrp0yhxgctdw4eju6t09ug4n6q3 and nostr:nprofile1qqsylq4ua4p9sjn2el8d9fjhkkk2h38ep466jhknl7yg7wcyhzfgvvqpr9mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuumwdae8gtnnda3kjctv9uq3zamnwvaz7tmwdaehgu3wwa5kuef0qyt8wumn8ghj7etyv4hzumn0wd68ytnvv9hxgtcmwt0r8
It's early days and there's lots more to come. Project is on GitHub, and I welcome feedback, suggestions and external contributors.
Would LOVE it if you could share this post for me to help get the word out! 🙏
Thanks to pals nostr:nprofile1qqsqfjg4mth7uwp307nng3z2em3ep2pxnljczzezg8j7dhf58ha7ejgprpmhxue69uhhqun9d45h2mfwwpexjmtpdshxuet5qyt8wumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnswf5k6ctv9ehx2aqpr9mhxue69uhhxetwv35hgtnwdaekvmrpwfjjucm0d5klqft7 nostr:nprofile1qqsrmhh22fcqncju3rf5yyhhex4rvdz0hm4a9d56qnh80l7rcrhhxugpz4mhxue69uhks6tnwshxummnw3ezumrpdejqzyrhwden5te0dehhxarj9emkjmn9qy28wumn8ghj75n9d3shjtnyv9kh2uewd9hszxzjdh and nostr:nprofile1qqs936kc97s4k4gqjnmltljgqns0uadh08d77t5mypg3anxkneks37gpzemhxue69uhhsmtj9e6hxetwdaehgu3wdaexwqg4waehxw309ahx7um5wgh8smtj9eex7cmtwvq3kamnwvaz7tmwdaehgu3wwphhyar9d4hkuetjduhxxmmdhdhm8r for their feedback l ♥️

@ e86032fb:834bd2e3
2025-03-12 17:08:09
GM nostr

@ ee9d979e:3fadff64
2025-03-12 17:05:54
GM Ikz!

@ ee9d979e:3fadff64
2025-03-12 17:05:22
I'm more on the relay side of things, but I did write some scripts (mostly to clean crap out of my relays) and hit the same issue. Can you replace fetchEvents with subscribe? Subscrihe behaved much better for my use cases.

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-12 17:05:21
Block 887498
3 - high priority
3 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2025-03-12 17:04:22
Parasitärer Schmutz.

@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2025-03-12 17:02:47
I am this old 👇

@ e5de992e:4a95ef85
2025-03-12 17:02:37

@ f26626a9:6eec3661
2025-03-12 17:01:36
This event was arguably the bitcoin networks biggest & most dangerous test. It's absolutely wild in hindsight that we sidestepped that fork, but we were pretty much all in sync recognizing that this would mean the failure of the whole project, maybe for ever. There just weren't enough troublemakers in the space yet.

@ 1ae011cb:1257a556
2025-03-12 17:00:25
Block 887497
4 - high priority
4 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-12 17:00:25
Block 887497
4 - high priority
4 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ cbab7074:f9f0bd61
2025-03-12 17:00:25
Block 887497
4 - high priority
4 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ e7bf8dad:839ef3db
2025-03-12 17:00:25
Block 887497
4 - high priority
4 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ c07e4da3:d9f795a7
2025-03-12 17:00:18
Someone just stacked ⚡3,054 sats at Beef Initiative. Get 1% back in Bitcoin on your first purchase: https://oshi.link/kBEBPQ

@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2025-03-12 16:56:58
She means like "hate speech" can be used to prosecute people that were against the Biden Administration?

@ 18905d0a:0b229b08
2025-03-12 16:55:57

@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2025-03-12 16:55:49
Jap. Wenn die EU dem Bürger was bringt, dann Bürgerkrieg.

@ 18905d0a:0b229b08
2025-03-12 16:55:42
I heard about it a while back on here 🤣
Never realized it could automate/simplify things until now. Better late than never I guess

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-12 16:55:21
Block 887497
4 - high priority
3 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2025-03-12 16:54:33
Defizit: Beamte
Maßnahme: Abschaffen

@ 18905d0a:0b229b08
2025-03-12 16:54:33
Totally agree. I was wasting so much time doing repetitive backups. This seems like it will simplify things greatly

@ ee9d979e:3fadff64
2025-03-12 16:54:16
It's all khatu in the end of the day 🤣. Also, since Blastr is a thing (horrible workaround, but that's what needs to be done to compensate for broken or no Inbox / Outbox support on clients), I don't think that we can blame relay latency here. My Haven instance is blasting to like a gazillion relays in a few hundred milliseconds. So, other than Haven, I expect at least a few other big / all powerful relays to start serving notes almost instantaneously.

@ 91bea5cd:1df4451c
2025-03-12 16:54:16
IA mal serve para completar textos quando estiver fazendo coisas corriqueiras.
Na maioria dos casos só atrapalha, nada supera o bom e velho modo de aprender, isso é, olhando o código dos outros e lendo livros.

@ f26626a9:6eec3661
2025-03-12 16:54:04
Cooking & coding tickle many of the same parts in my brain.
Design an architecture (cuisine choice)
Gather dependencies (ingredients & tools)
Compile the recipe (cook it all together)
Debugging (taste test & adjust accordingly)
Deploy to prod (serve & eat)
In terms of time spent being happy, cooking arguably has given me more value than bitcoin (so far 😏).

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-12 16:52:03
Block 887496
5 - high priority
5 - medium priority
4 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ e7bf8dad:839ef3db
2025-03-12 16:52:03
Block 887496
5 - high priority
5 - medium priority
4 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-12 16:50:21
Block 887496
5 - high priority
5 - medium priority
4 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ e7bf8dad:839ef3db
2025-03-12 16:50:21
Block 887496
5 - high priority
5 - medium priority
4 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ b4403b24:83542d4e
2025-03-12 16:47:48
Scientists have definitively taken us beyond the Big Bang
Have you ever thought about the Universe, and asked perhaps the most profound question of all: where did all of this come from? For as long as humans have been around, we’ve not only asked these questions, but have provided stories — based on logic, reasoning, mythology, religion, and many other avenues — that allege to give an answer. Although these stories remain popular and part of human culture even today, they don’t provide any satisfactory solutions by the one criteria that matters most: can they explain what actually exists within the Universe in a scientific, reproducible way that yields accurate predictions about what we observe?
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/911470

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-12 16:45:22
Block 887496
5 - high priority
4 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ ee9d979e:3fadff64
2025-03-12 16:42:35
100%. This is mostly an excuse. Post something about Bitcoin, a meme, or a picture of a steak, and you’ll have people interacting with your post for hours. People certainly do engage with older notes. I'm engaging with your note (and Victor's original) note right now, what, half an hour after it was originally posted?
The truth is, Nostr note visibility across the network unfortunately depends on one of the Nostr celebrity accounts with lots of followers interacting with it. This serves two purposes: first, it ensures others see it; second, it makes them feel "safe" engaging with it. You can blast your posts to every single popular relay on Nostr in milliseconds and still get no engagement if you're not posting about the right content with a celebrity account endorsing it.
So basically, being ignored on Nostr is partly due to centralisation around certain accounts and partly because most folks here are very picky about what they interact with.
The best solution is to stop chasing interactions. We need more people just doing their own thing. Talking to themselves using hashtags if necessary, as well as clicking on the hashtags that they have just used and boosting, zapping, and engaging with content from their favourite hashtags.

@ 2248fe05:73582fdb
2025-03-12 16:40:45
I don’t know if I could do it.

@ e7bf8dad:839ef3db
2025-03-12 16:40:21
Block 887496
4 - high priority
3 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-12 16:40:21
Block 887496
4 - high priority
3 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ 2248fe05:73582fdb
2025-03-12 16:39:13
Sounds like we found another racist

@ 472f440f:5669301e
2025-03-12 16:38:58
“Number been lame.” - my wife at breakfast this morning

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-12 16:35:21
Block 887496
3 - high priority
3 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ 18905d0a:0b229b08
2025-03-12 16:32:44
Syncthing looks promising. So much automation
So much #winning

@ 90a7c3f7:1b35955e
2025-03-12 16:31:24
I like your point.
But if X adds micropayments tomorrow, it will exist even if they take it away 3 years later.

@ 1afe0c74:6808e36d
2025-03-12 16:31:24
Nostr doesn’t shove shit down your face like a zombie consumer, you gotta treat this bitch like it’s the 90’s and go out looking for niche live recordings at the indie record store across town.
That said who’s got good quality follows? Tag them below 👇

@ e7bf8dad:839ef3db
2025-03-12 16:30:24
Block 887496
2 - high priority
2 - medium priority
2 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ cbab7074:f9f0bd61
2025-03-12 16:30:24
Block 887496
2 - high priority
2 - medium priority
2 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-12 16:30:24
Block 887496
2 - high priority
2 - medium priority
2 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-12 16:25:21
Block 887495
2 - high priority
2 - medium priority
2 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ 508cdbf6:8f717552
2025-03-12 16:20:24
Yes, he was. Was over his house a lot and remember noticing alot of cultural traditions which were unfamiliar to me at the time.

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-12 16:20:21
Block 887494
3 - high priority
3 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ e7bf8dad:839ef3db
2025-03-12 16:20:21
Block 887494
3 - high priority
3 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ d36e8083:ac0b6bec
2025-03-12 16:19:30
How peak humanity will be organized:

@ 5dbb9237:da29b057
2025-03-12 16:19:27
GM, may nostr be with you

@ 5b380342:a15cf97a
2025-03-12 16:19:10
GM Hello! Wishing you a productive and joyful day ahead.

@ 1ab18387:d9eb3a17
2025-03-12 16:18:16

@ e3ba5e1a:5e433365
2025-03-12 16:18:03
#memes #memestr https://image.nostr.build/8d0d35b3fa54e1d01d55d6ea7ba489f7ecb83c57991da0ec9fbae1922686cf7c.jpg

@ f80d3339:30885ee0
2025-03-12 16:17:59
GM nostr hi there

@ a2b85453:4f66fd11
2025-03-12 16:16:02

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-12 16:15:22
Block 887494
3 - high priority
3 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-12 16:10:21
Block 887493
5 - high priority
4 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ e7bf8dad:839ef3db
2025-03-12 16:10:21
Block 887493
5 - high priority
4 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ 21335073:a244b1ad
2025-03-12 16:09:57
He was born a star. https://image.nostr.build/c339d449a2f65b2488c1e217c190dcc23955cdfbe43c592cc7a74e8cece7d974.jpg nostr:note1tl6sqr56nvlsyg3yx42qnhak96084zedx4n2qz9lqnxsljddmq5swsskst

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-12 16:05:21
Block 887493
3 - high priority
3 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ 3aa58172:a9b36ea3
2025-03-12 16:04:55
Because the good people of Pfizer have been working with the speed of science to create it!?

@ 1ae011cb:1257a556
2025-03-12 16:00:24
Block 887491
5 - high priority
4 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ cbab7074:f9f0bd61
2025-03-12 16:00:24
Block 887491
5 - high priority
4 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ e7bf8dad:839ef3db
2025-03-12 16:00:24
Block 887491
5 - high priority
4 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-12 16:00:24
Block 887491
5 - high priority
4 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool