@ 04c96049:3768cc3b
2025-02-12 07:57:45
I felt out of bed today....taking photos while I wait...
This one, a detail from a paiting...oil on canvas by Joana Ricou https://image.nostr.build/3b537ef192ec16a653868bb54a974866c376012a8595c51565b3bcfb1e6f36bc.jpg
@ a1619ef2:1f684bde
2025-02-12 07:57:44
When you throw the culture shock for a loop
@ c5aaae1e:41c88962
2025-02-12 07:57:43
@ 5c7aa6d5:9bd18371
2025-02-12 07:57:42
@ 4413ae09:b541280c
2025-02-12 07:57:42
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqzw7tgl380f30rd0rvjjmhf8xuktmpwh2edg07mfhn4qsxmycd8pswdzc8j Yes! That's the one!
@ 57d1d2d9:3c41eaeb
2025-02-12 07:57:41
@ a2573c79:d733f42e
2025-02-12 07:57:40
I still find it hard to believe the Sazae-san anime has zero sponsors
@ 1eb37b9f:58251dd7
2025-02-12 07:57:39
LETS GO!!! 👇👇👇
@ a2093e4b:c7122aca
2025-02-12 07:57:38
ГУР и Вооруженные Силы совершили кибератаку на нефтегазовый сектор России – источник https://news.liga.net/all/news/gur-i-vooruzhennye-sily-sovershili-kiberataku-na-neftegazovyi-sektor-rossii-istochnik?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Russia #Ukraine
@ 70661ec1:b00d7c4e
2025-02-12 07:57:37
@ e9c34489:361f0eda
2025-02-12 07:57:36
A couple days ago
@ 314072c1:29d19fff
2025-02-12 07:57:36
Downloaded it and gonna try to teach my homies that I recently orange pilled to use it next Saturday.
@ 700ecee5:e0e4da41
2025-02-12 07:57:36
CityBreakfast: Stater Gemengerot gëtt vun nächster Sëtzung un op Franséisch iwwersat
Dat gouf de Mëttwoch de Moien um CityBreakfast annoncéiert. Et wier eng wichteg Etapp am Kader vun der Integratiounspolitik vun der Stad.
@ a3e25f15:bb75f31a
2025-02-12 07:57:34
Glitzerkram, sparsam.
#photography #CloseUp #BlackAndWhite #MakroMittwoch
@ 29bd44da:6ea4afce
2025-02-12 07:57:33
@ 8bd87db3:19148c24
2025-02-12 07:57:31
@ fdea05ac:aed9527d
2025-02-12 07:57:30
I should be working, but at the moment, I just don't care.
You ever have one of those days, when nothing motivates you to do your job?
For me, that day is today.
#Meta #Work
@ 407069c6:b10229a0
2025-02-12 07:57:28
Northcote point, Auckland. Wednesday evening.
@ ecde9071:7a8adac2
2025-02-12 07:57:24
Vermutlich auch das gleiche Problem bei samma? "sag mal" vs. "sind wir"
@ a34b99f2:c540c5bd
2025-02-12 07:57:24
@ b713f4e1:c6a6dafb
2025-02-12 07:57:24
I’ve been told I need to promote my stuff more. So, in case you missed it, my latest video is called “Why Is Everything Binary?”
(youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbjxvvKEtyE)
@ fedad5c1:ed61ffcd
2025-02-12 07:57:23
누가 수동 모더레이션을 이렇게 말해요
@ 70661ec1:b00d7c4e
2025-02-12 07:57:16
@ ba8dc531:2ddc1014
2025-02-12 07:57:15
On ten výběr v tomhle směru není dobrej. Všechny ty auta člověka špehujou
@ 60c19b2e:ad28f6fe
2025-02-12 07:57:14
Lisa Poettinger Amtlich: Linksradikale Protest-Ikone darf nicht Lehrerin werden https://jungefreiheit.de/politik/deutschland/2025/amtlich-linksradikale-protest-ikone-darf-nicht-lehrerin-werden/ Die als Linksextremistin bekannt gewordene Lisa Poettinger darf keine Gymnasiasten unterrichten. Dabei kooperiert sie mit CSU, SPD und Grünen. Wer ist diese Frau?
Dieser Beitrag Lisa Poettinger Amtlich: Linksradikale Protest-Ikone darf nicht Lehrerin werden wurde veröffentlich auf JUNGE FREIHEIT. #news
@ 3eaa4e68:ac2406f5
2025-02-12 07:57:07
神戸-姫路の自動車専用道路 立ち退きなど懸念で住民が反対署名
#mainichi_rss_etc_mainichiflash #社会 #速報 #兵庫 #関西 #兵庫県
@ 0319e300:a02ea7a0
2025-02-12 07:57:07
Kimbap https://www.diningandcooking.com/1892303/kimbap-23/ #Korea #KoreaFood #Korean #KoreanFood
@ 4413ae09:b541280c
2025-02-12 07:57:06
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqq6e8jwzpeauzmlc63ywja5pddhkmlv0zhk5rzfth8cs4j0ay257smf48xp nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpquw8g8f3g29gw8uxfcj5863rnc783xyk0alqm9mcsx3leut98daus69kyj5
I haven't heard anything specially bad about Dropbox, but it is subjext to the same.main issues as all the other mainstream tech. It's a centralized server, they could be scanning your files, it's not open source - so we can't check what it's doing.
@ 4d0ad13c:25d06bbb
2025-02-12 07:57:06
Who’s going to BTCPrague ?
@ ba11337b:9a1f8eb3
2025-02-12 07:57:06
Australian nurses brag about killing Israeli patients on video https://www.byteseu.com/737350/ #BreakingNews #GlobalNews #LatestNews #News #World #WorldNews
@ 9a7f48e0:4303a91d
2025-02-12 07:57:05
‚Wie gemalt‘ wirkt meine Marmorossa-Tomate von 2024. Die Sorte produziert orange-rote Streifen, von oben nach unten. Wie mit Pinselstrichen…
@ 3eaa4e68:ac2406f5
2025-02-12 07:57:02
AI規制に反対のアメリカ 欧州と足並み乱れ サミットで浮き彫りに
#mainichi_rss_etc_mainichiflash #経済 #国際 #速報 #欧州 #生成AI #トランプ政権 #フランス #世界
@ 07e2da37:d96fff43
2025-02-12 07:56:54
maybe he took a break to smoke crack and bang hookers with Charlie Sheen .
@ 84e6abe4:9fa9da37
2025-02-12 07:56:52
REJECTED! nostr:npub15mu20c4efs2ydr0chfrhjl0lw5f8keqps86fth3dzlneugg3az6syt6qy3 / nostr:npub1q6ps7m94jfdastx2tx76sj8sq4nxdhlsgmzns2tr4xt6ydx6grzspm0kxr caught larping again and generating AI code and shit he can't do himself 😂. https://image.nostr.build/3fc6e8493b24aebe2a1802dc9a6cc6a76c0a2ad1996bfd6a3677c099bc4c9d0d.jpg
@ 8c081a7c:0fe83002
2025-02-12 07:56:49
@ 8e59ca29:19c5eaff
2025-02-12 07:56:48
LETS GO!!! 👇👇👇 https://image.nostr.build/ba7f9caf01a1f52455a2d2b12233c0234b564ca0f4bdcee227b28521e1d6e63f.jpg
@ c004c545:534823b0
2025-02-12 07:56:45
@ 35c32790:8bbe56ea
2025-02-12 07:56:45
Steam BANS In-Game Advertisements?!
@ f648d923:820d7bb9
2025-02-12 07:56:45
is this buy one get one free.wow
@ 0874ae42:f10c8d3d
2025-02-12 07:56:43
omanischen Straßenessen – Mishkak und den Shuwa-Burger.“ Link: traveLink auf Mastodon …
#AudioVideo #EatDrink
@ 0874ae42:f10c8d3d
2025-02-12 07:56:42
Eat Video: Oman – Street Food in Muscat
Arsiya und Madbhi mit Reis „Heute begeben wir uns auf eine ultimative omanische Streetfood-Tour in Muscat, Oman! Dies ist eine unglaubliche Stadt mit freundlichen Menschen, alter Geschichte und köstlichem lokalen Essen. Schließlich essen wir das beste aller
@ 38dbb9b0:7048cd5c
2025-02-12 07:56:41
All of the moronic ‘celebs’ who pushed the mRNA poison for fiat gain were paid by your tax dollars. You cannot dislike them enough and I hope the list is released of who and how much those little soul destroyers got
@ ea73f739:92e51ac7
2025-02-12 07:56:34
Дураков бить - деньги брать.
@ 74b66c25:644860d4
2025-02-12 07:56:32
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqkr9mmm0kgy809cy9mq888wcapjthfqjyc957jh2j763g97x50xfsz5azjd nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqdmq2kcvs7ndw373nqkhy5k8zmds4gd3zje2lqdgktm0ez3unll0qseh3ac Is that the first thing they ask in the shou bijinesu? We're in the free world, anything would work and there are no deadlines.
@ 0f389bba:9b3f148f
2025-02-12 07:56:28
GM 🌞 Rise 'n shine
How do hedgehogs have sex?🦔
Very carefully 😉
@ 69a323da:f88c6781
2025-02-12 07:56:22
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqvrh6nkxj5ggaelx9q7q2sez3cqmy06zclnrppd6p4yu6cq9m088q3emhyl nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqztum2vl2zufv8cw8a0qs0933jwafts6vjg2gmcswjx469drevz9s4tww02
Přijde mi to takové "božské" - I řekl Bůh "budiž světlo!"😆
@ ddc6c81c:bab7bdb3
2025-02-12 07:56:20
Follow the #50501movement hashag for all things about action against Musk and Trump.
#USA #politics
@ a2093e4b:c7122aca
2025-02-12 07:56:19
Европейские виноделы адаптируются к изменению потребительских привычек: о чем идет речь https://politinform.net/economics/evropejskie-vinodely-adaptiruyutsya-k-izmeneniyu-potrebitelskix-privychek-o-chem-idet-rech/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #ukraine
@ a2093e4b:c7122aca
2025-02-12 07:56:19
Под ударом АЗС, дома, инфраструктура: россияне атаковали ракетой Кривой Рог https://politinform.net/politics/pod-udarom-azs-doma-infrastruktura-rossiyane-atakovali-raketoj-krivoj-rog/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #ukraine
@ a2093e4b:c7122aca
2025-02-12 07:56:18
"Із Західної України?": глава РПЦ Кирило влаштував "патріотичний" скандал зі священником https://news.telegraf.com.ua/ukr/ukraina/2025-02-12/5897685-iz-zapadnoy-ukrainy-glava-rpts-kirill-ustroil-patrioticheskiy-skandal-so-svyashchennikom?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-02-12 07:56:16
🐋 A whale moved Bitcoins!
🔗 Transaction ID: 678ffe53a96d94462bde25f7d46bf402e9a9c7c4a237ecaf960680c429a84302
💸 Total Bitcoin Transferred: 8 BTC
💰 Inputs:
Input 1: 8.71926583 BTC from bc1qme50yrzje84n254pc9zqm3z87q64a2sj39nrhw
📤 Outputs:
Output 1: 8.64835188 BTC to bc1qq9ss8kw7qlqle94jdpp6p9gtjrc5pltkuqyjac
Output 2: 0.07087795 BTC to 1Na7axPbj9R3ig9qxYw6A67sCwTkErCpXD
🔍 View on Explorer: https://mempool.space/tx/678ffe53a96d94462bde25f7d46bf402e9a9c7c4a237ecaf960680c429a84302
#bitcoin #whalealert #whale 🐳
@ a2093e4b:c7122aca
2025-02-12 07:56:14
Wizz Air хоче відновити польоти в Україну протягом кількох тижнів після припинення вогню https://www.eurointegration.com.ua/news/2025/02/12/7204750/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Новини
@ 280e847e:47d9d77c
2025-02-12 07:56:13
Good morning 🫡
@ f2b08803:cedb9b9a
2025-02-12 07:56:10
@ 859bce79:325b17b2
2025-02-12 07:56:09
Ghost Wires
#Trains #Travel #OverheadWires #StuttgartMainStation #Ghost #Photography #Reisen #StromKabel #Hauptbahnhof #Stuttgart #Geister
@ 0436400f:81c01223
2025-02-12 07:56:09
甘えんぼなちびっ子のお試し行動みたいなものか。最近はどこの国の指導者もこんな感じだ。 / “トランプ政権で台湾海峡を初航行 中国反発、軍事演習” https://www.47news.jp/12161792.html
@ 90768f14:c81e4381
2025-02-12 07:56:09
@ ba11337b:9a1f8eb3
2025-02-12 07:56:06
WATCH: Trump makes appearance with Musk, signs executive order downsizing federal workforce https://www.byteseu.com/737348/ #America #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #US #USNews #USA #USANews #WeThePeople
@ c7617e3d:5ef96c1e
2025-02-12 07:56:05
Mint Status Changes
🆙 Cashu mint seems OK! See below.
🆙 -= Liberty Mint =- seems OK! See below.
🚨 lnwAsanee Mint might have problems! See below.
68% of 34 mints are OK
✅ Cashu test mint - https://8333.space:3338
Last 10 swaps for Cashu test mint
✅ https://mint.westernbtc.com -> https://8333.space:3338 at 2025-02-12 07:44:23
✅ https://mint.lnwallet.app -> https://8333.space:3338 at 2025-02-12 07:18:55
✅ https://8333.space:3338 -> http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 at 2025-02-12 06:12:39
✅ https://8333.space:3338 -> https://mint.azzamo.net at 2025-02-12 05:16:07
✅ https://mint.data.haus -> https://8333.space:3338 at 2025-02-12 02:14:55
✅ https://8333.space:3338 -> https://mint.agorist.space at 2025-02-12 00:06:52
✅ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> https://8333.space:3338 at 2025-02-11 17:19:08
✅ https://mint.mountainlake.io -> https://8333.space:3338 at 2025-02-11 16:49:26
✅ https://mint.mountainlake.io -> https://8333.space:3338 at 2025-02-11 13:49:09
✅ https://8333.space:3338 -> https://mint.coinos.io at 2025-02-11 12:30:53
✅ Minibits mint - https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin
Last 10 swaps for Minibits mint
✅ https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin -> https://mint.westernbtc.com at 2025-02-12 05:26:14
✅ https://mint.pailakapo.com -> https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin at 2025-02-12 04:19:20
✅ https://stablenut.umint.cash -> https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin at 2025-02-12 03:14:17
✅ https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin -> https://mint.pailakapo.com at 2025-02-12 02:07:45
✅ https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin -> https://mint.pailakapo.com at 2025-02-12 00:58:19
✅ https://mint.pailakapo.com -> https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin at 2025-02-11 23:40:10
✅ https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin -> https://Antifiat.cash at 2025-02-11 23:18:35
✅ https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin -> https://mint.lnwallet.app at 2025-02-11 19:54:37
✅ https://mint.azzamo.net -> https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin at 2025-02-11 19:34:58
✅ https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin -> https://mint2.nutmix.cash at 2025-02-11 17:50:20
✅ Stablenut.Umint.Cash - https://stablenut.umint.cash
Last 10 swaps for Stablenut.Umint.Cash
✅ https://mint.nimo.cash -> https://stablenut.umint.cash at 2025-02-12 07:30:47
✅ https://stablenut.umint.cash -> http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 at 2025-02-12 07:12:09
✅ https://mint.lnvoltz.com -> https://stablenut.umint.cash at 2025-02-12 06:27:12
✅ https://stablenut.umint.cash -> https://mint.nodenebula.com at 2025-02-12 05:53:18
✅ https://mint.agorist.space -> https://stablenut.umint.cash at 2025-02-12 03:58:32
✅ https://stablenut.umint.cash -> https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin at 2025-02-12 03:14:17
✅ https://antifiat.cash -> https://stablenut.umint.cash at 2025-02-12 00:01:28
✅ https://mint.azzamo.net -> https://stablenut.umint.cash at 2025-02-11 20:50:08
✅ https://mint.utxo.one -> https://stablenut.umint.cash at 2025-02-11 19:40:43
✅ https://mint.westernbtc.com -> https://stablenut.umint.cash at 2025-02-11 16:38:27
✅ antifiat mint - https://antifiat.cash
Last 10 swaps for antifiat mint
❌ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> https://antifiat.cash at 2025-02-12 07:55:52 Mint Error: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) (Code: 0)
❌ http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 -> https://antifiat.cash at 2025-02-12 05:07:20 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: no_route. (Code: 20000)
✅ https://Antifiat.cash -> https://antifiat.cash at 2025-02-12 03:04:11
❌ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> https://antifiat.cash at 2025-02-12 02:52:50 Mint Error: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) (Code: 0)
✅ https://Antifiat.cash -> https://antifiat.cash at 2025-02-12 01:19:20
✅ https://mint.mountainlake.io -> https://antifiat.cash at 2025-02-12 00:30:21
✅ https://antifiat.cash -> https://stablenut.umint.cash at 2025-02-12 00:01:28
✅ https://antifiat.cash -> https://mint.nodenebula.com at 2025-02-11 17:08:09
✅ https://antifiat.cash -> https://cashu.boats at 2025-02-11 13:56:18
✅ https://cashu.21m.lol -> https://antifiat.cash at 2025-02-11 08:04:32
❓ Nostrich.cc mint - https://mint.nostrich.cc
Last 10 swaps for Nostrich.cc mint
✅ 21Mint - https://21mint.me
Last 10 swaps for 21Mint
❌ https://mint.azzamo.net -> https://21mint.me at 2025-02-12 05:32:06 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: {"code":2,"message":"self-payments not allowed","details":[]}. (Code: 20000)
✅ https://21mint.me -> https://mint.lnw.cash at 2025-02-12 03:40:39
✅ https://21mint.me -> https://mint.mountainlake.io at 2025-02-12 01:31:28
✅ https://21mint.me -> https://cashu.boats at 2025-02-12 00:21:34
✅ https://21mint.me -> https://mint.lnvoltz.com at 2025-02-11 22:38:13
❌ https://mint.lnwallet.app -> https://21mint.me at 2025-02-11 21:55:27 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: insufficient_balance. (Code: 20000)
✅ https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin -> https://21mint.me at 2025-02-11 17:02:08
✅ https://mint.lnw.cash -> https://21mint.me at 2025-02-11 16:14:54
✅ https://21mint.me -> http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 at 2025-02-11 16:03:47
✅ https://cashu.21m.lol -> https://21mint.me at 2025-02-11 14:36:20
❌ macadamia Mint - https://mint.macadamia.cash
Last 10 swaps for macadamia Mint
✅ https://mint.macadamia.cash -> https://mint.pailakapo.com at 2025-02-10 21:41:31
✅ https://mint.macadamia.cash -> https://mint.lnvoltz.com at 2025-02-10 20:48:25
❌ https://8333.space:3338 -> https://mint.macadamia.cash at 2025-02-10 20:26:00 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: Unable to find a route for payment.. (Code: 20000)
✅ https://mint.macadamia.cash -> https://mint.westernbtc.com at 2025-02-10 14:30:02
✅ https://mint.macadamia.cash -> https://mint.westernbtc.com at 2025-02-10 12:11:00
✅ https://mint.macadamia.cash -> https://mint.lnvoltz.com at 2025-02-10 09:33:17
✅ https://mint.macadamia.cash -> http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 at 2025-02-10 09:10:57
✅ https://mint.macadamia.cash -> https://21mint.me at 2025-02-10 06:56:15
✅ https://mint.macadamia.cash -> https://21mint.me at 2025-02-10 05:17:33
✅ https://mint2.nutmix.cash -> https://mint.macadamia.cash at 2025-02-10 04:47:07
✅ Voltz Mint - https://mint.lnvoltz.com
Last 10 swaps for Voltz Mint
✅ https://mint.nodenebula.com -> https://mint.lnvoltz.com at 2025-02-12 06:56:52
✅ https://mint.lnvoltz.com -> https://stablenut.umint.cash at 2025-02-12 06:27:12
✅ https://mint2.nutmix.cash -> https://mint.lnvoltz.com at 2025-02-12 05:44:03
✅ https://mint.lnvoltz.com -> http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 at 2025-02-12 04:28:47
✅ https://mint.azzamo.net -> https://mint.lnvoltz.com at 2025-02-12 01:53:02
✅ https://mint.nodenebula.com -> https://mint.lnvoltz.com at 2025-02-12 00:52:46
✅ https://21mint.me -> https://mint.lnvoltz.com at 2025-02-11 22:38:13
✅ https://mint.lnw.cash -> https://mint.lnvoltz.com at 2025-02-11 21:23:03
✅ https://mint2.nutmix.cash -> https://mint.lnvoltz.com at 2025-02-11 15:08:18
✅ https://mint.lnvoltz.com -> https://8333.space:3338 at 2025-02-11 12:07:54
✅ "Agorist Cashu Mint" - https://mint.agorist.space
Last 10 swaps for "Agorist Cashu Mint"
✅ https://mint.agorist.space -> https://stablenut.umint.cash at 2025-02-12 03:58:32
✅ https://mint.agorist.space -> https://mint2.nutmix.cash at 2025-02-12 02:23:22
✅ https://8333.space:3338 -> https://mint.agorist.space at 2025-02-12 00:06:52
✅ https://mint.agorist.space -> https://mint.mountainlake.io at 2025-02-11 21:13:46
✅ https://mint.agorist.space -> https://cashu.boats at 2025-02-11 19:06:51
✅ https://mint.data.haus -> https://mint.agorist.space at 2025-02-11 14:07:15
✅ https://mint.agorist.space -> https://Antifiat.cash at 2025-02-11 11:55:18
✅ https://mint.agorist.space -> https://cashu.21m.lol at 2025-02-11 10:50:00
✅ https://mint.data.haus -> https://mint.agorist.space at 2025-02-11 07:58:37
✅ https://mint.agorist.space -> https://21mint.me at 2025-02-11 07:29:10
✅ "Coinos" - https://mint.coinos.io
Last 10 swaps for "Coinos"
✅ https://mint.westernbtc.com -> https://mint.coinos.io at 2025-02-12 04:37:04
✅ http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 -> https://mint.coinos.io at 2025-02-12 03:25:34
✅ https://mint.coinos.io -> https://mint.lnwasanee.com at 2025-02-12 00:39:26
❌ https://mint.bitcointxoko.com -> https://mint.coinos.io at 2025-02-11 18:41:24 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: HTTP status: . (Code: 20000)
✅ https://mint.coinos.io -> http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 at 2025-02-11 18:18:48
✅ https://mint.utxo.one -> https://mint.coinos.io at 2025-02-11 14:15:19
✅ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> https://mint.coinos.io at 2025-02-11 13:03:51
❌ https://Antifiat.cash -> https://mint.coinos.io at 2025-02-11 12:48:40 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: no_route. (Code: 20000)
✅ https://8333.space:3338 -> https://mint.coinos.io at 2025-02-11 12:30:53
✅ https://mint.coinos.io -> http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 at 2025-02-11 08:21:45
❌ 0xchat mint - https://mint.0xchat.com
Last 10 swaps for 0xchat mint
❌ lnwAsanee Mint - https://mint.lnwasanee.com
Last 10 swaps for lnwAsanee Mint
❌ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> https://antifiat.cash at 2025-02-12 07:55:52 Mint Error: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) (Code: 0)
✅ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> https://mint.nodenebula.com at 2025-02-12 04:10:25
❌ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> https://antifiat.cash at 2025-02-12 02:52:50 Mint Error: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) (Code: 0)
✅ https://mint2.nutmix.cash -> https://mint.lnwasanee.com at 2025-02-12 02:31:28
✅ https://mint.coinos.io -> https://mint.lnwasanee.com at 2025-02-12 00:39:26
✅ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> https://mint.utxo.one at 2025-02-11 21:31:35
✅ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> https://8333.space:3338 at 2025-02-11 17:19:08
✅ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> https://mint.coinos.io at 2025-02-11 13:03:51
✅ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> https://mint.agorist.space at 2025-02-11 04:37:34
✅ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> https://21mint.me at 2025-02-11 04:12:26
❌ moksha-mint - https://mint.103100.xyz
Last 10 swaps for moksha-mint
❌ https://mint.103100.xyz -> https://antifiat.cash at 2025-02-05 01:08:43 Mint Error: None (Code: 9999)
✅ Kinda Reckless Mint - https://cashu.boats
Last 10 swaps for Kinda Reckless Mint
✅ https://21mint.me -> https://cashu.boats at 2025-02-12 00:21:34
✅ https://cashu.boats -> https://mint.utxo.one at 2025-02-11 21:45:36
✅ https://mint.agorist.space -> https://cashu.boats at 2025-02-11 19:06:51
❌ https://mint.bitcointxoko.com -> https://cashu.boats at 2025-02-11 18:29:45 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: HTTP status: . (Code: 20000)
✅ https://cashu.boats -> https://mint.lnw.cash at 2025-02-11 15:39:32
✅ https://antifiat.cash -> https://cashu.boats at 2025-02-11 13:56:18
✅ https://cashu.boats -> https://mint.data.haus at 2025-02-11 11:04:25
✅ https://cashu.boats -> https://cashu.21m.lol at 2025-02-11 06:47:56
✅ https://cashu.boats -> https://8333.space:3338 at 2025-02-11 02:32:59
✅ https://cashu.boats -> https://mint.lnvoltz.com at 2025-02-11 01:16:52
❌ Cashu facility - https://mint.gwoq.com
Last 10 swaps for Cashu facility
❌ Smiley Mint - https://smilemoji.cash:3338
Last 10 swaps for Smiley Mint
❌ BBE Cashu mint - https://mint.belgianbitcoinembassy.org
Last 10 swaps for BBE Cashu mint
✅ Mountainlake M5 - https://mint.mountainlake.io
Last 10 swaps for Mountainlake M5
✅ https://mint.mountainlake.io -> https://mint2.nutmix.cash at 2025-02-12 02:43:44
✅ https://21mint.me -> https://mint.mountainlake.io at 2025-02-12 01:31:28
✅ https://mint.mountainlake.io -> https://antifiat.cash at 2025-02-12 00:30:21
✅ https://mint.mountainlake.io -> https://mint.lnwallet.app at 2025-02-11 22:49:54
✅ https://mint.agorist.space -> https://mint.mountainlake.io at 2025-02-11 21:13:46
✅ https://mint.westernbtc.com -> https://mint.mountainlake.io at 2025-02-11 20:20:30
✅ https://mint.mountainlake.io -> https://mint.utxo.one at 2025-02-11 18:12:30
✅ https://mint.mountainlake.io -> https://8333.space:3338 at 2025-02-11 16:49:26
✅ https://Antifiat.cash -> https://mint.mountainlake.io at 2025-02-11 15:54:17
✅ https://mint.mountainlake.io -> https://8333.space:3338 at 2025-02-11 13:49:09
❌ iWarp Mint - https://mint.lnpay.cz
Last 10 swaps for iWarp Mint
✅ Blitz Cashu mint - https://mint.data.haus
Last 10 swaps for Blitz Cashu mint
✅ https://mint.data.haus -> https://mint2.nutmix.cash at 2025-02-12 03:46:18
✅ https://mint.data.haus -> https://8333.space:3338 at 2025-02-12 02:14:55
✅ https://mint.data.haus -> https://cashu.21m.lol at 2025-02-12 01:05:27
✅ https://mint.data.haus -> https://mint.utxo.one at 2025-02-11 19:21:59
✅ https://mint2.nutmix.cash -> https://mint.data.haus at 2025-02-11 17:38:11
✅ https://mint.data.haus -> https://mint.lnwallet.app at 2025-02-11 14:56:43
✅ https://mint.data.haus -> https://mint.agorist.space at 2025-02-11 14:07:15
✅ https://mint.mountainlake.io -> https://mint.data.haus at 2025-02-11 12:40:12
✅ https://cashu.boats -> https://mint.data.haus at 2025-02-11 11:04:25
✅ https://mint.lnvoltz.com -> https://mint.data.haus at 2025-02-11 08:41:47
✅ Cashu mint - https://mint.nimo.cash
Last 10 swaps for Cashu mint
✅ https://mint.nimo.cash -> https://stablenut.umint.cash at 2025-02-12 07:30:47
✅ https://mint.nimo.cash -> https://mint.macadamia.cash at 2025-02-10 04:12:35
❌ https://antifiat.cash -> https://mint.nimo.cash at 2025-02-10 00:39:15 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: no_route. (Code: 20000)
✅ https://mint.nimo.cash -> https://mint.coinos.io at 2025-02-09 20:49:48
✅ https://mint.nimo.cash -> https://mint.westernbtc.com at 2025-02-09 18:47:16
✅ https://mint.mountainlake.io -> https://mint.nimo.cash at 2025-02-09 17:42:02
✅ https://mint.data.haus -> https://mint.nimo.cash at 2025-02-09 14:18:55
❌ https://mint.bitcointxoko.com -> https://mint.nimo.cash at 2025-02-09 14:05:34 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: HTTP status: . (Code: 20000)
❌ https://antifiat.cash -> https://mint.nimo.cash at 2025-02-09 11:35:11 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: no_route. (Code: 20000)
✅ https://mint.nimo.cash -> https://antifiat.cash at 2025-02-09 11:12:24
✅ utxo's mint - https://mint.utxo.one
Last 10 swaps for utxo's mint
✅ https://mint.bitcointxoko.com -> https://mint.utxo.one at 2025-02-11 23:54:56
✅ https://mint.azzamo.net -> https://mint.utxo.one at 2025-02-11 23:32:18
✅ https://cashu.boats -> https://mint.utxo.one at 2025-02-11 21:45:36
✅ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> https://mint.utxo.one at 2025-02-11 21:31:35
✅ https://mint.utxo.one -> https://stablenut.umint.cash at 2025-02-11 19:40:43
✅ https://mint.data.haus -> https://mint.utxo.one at 2025-02-11 19:21:59
✅ https://mint.mountainlake.io -> https://mint.utxo.one at 2025-02-11 18:12:30
✅ https://mint.utxo.one -> https://mint.coinos.io at 2025-02-11 14:15:19
✅ https://mint.utxo.one -> https://mint.mountainlake.io at 2025-02-11 13:22:56
✅ https://stablenut.umint.cash -> https://mint.utxo.one at 2025-02-11 10:01:48
✅ -= Liberty Mint =- - http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338
Last 10 swaps for -= Liberty Mint =-
✅ https://stablenut.umint.cash -> http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 at 2025-02-12 07:12:09
✅ https://8333.space:3338 -> http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 at 2025-02-12 06:12:39
✅ http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 -> https://mint.westernbtc.com at 2025-02-12 06:01:34
❌ http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 -> https://antifiat.cash at 2025-02-12 05:07:20 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: no_route. (Code: 20000)
✅ https://mint.lnvoltz.com -> http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 at 2025-02-12 04:28:47
✅ https://mint2.nutmix.cash -> http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 at 2025-02-12 03:33:30
✅ http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 -> https://mint.coinos.io at 2025-02-12 03:25:34
✅ https://mint.coinos.io -> http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 at 2025-02-11 18:18:48
✅ https://21mint.me -> http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 at 2025-02-11 16:03:47
✅ http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 -> https://mint.westernbtc.com at 2025-02-11 15:19:00
✅ Nutmix Mainnet - https://mint2.nutmix.cash
Last 10 swaps for Nutmix Mainnet
✅ https://mint2.nutmix.cash -> https://mint.lnvoltz.com at 2025-02-12 05:44:03
✅ https://mint2.nutmix.cash -> https://mint.lnwallet.app at 2025-02-12 04:53:33
✅ https://mint.data.haus -> https://mint2.nutmix.cash at 2025-02-12 03:46:18
✅ https://mint2.nutmix.cash -> http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 at 2025-02-12 03:33:30
✅ https://mint.mountainlake.io -> https://mint2.nutmix.cash at 2025-02-12 02:43:44
✅ https://mint2.nutmix.cash -> https://mint.lnwasanee.com at 2025-02-12 02:31:28
✅ https://mint.agorist.space -> https://mint2.nutmix.cash at 2025-02-12 02:23:22
✅ https://mint2.nutmix.cash -> https://mint.westernbtc.com at 2025-02-12 00:16:05
❌ https://mint.bitcointxoko.com -> https://mint2.nutmix.cash at 2025-02-11 18:02:51 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: HTTP status: . (Code: 20000)
✅ https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin -> https://mint2.nutmix.cash at 2025-02-11 17:50:20
✅ lnwCash Mint - https://mint.lnw.cash
Last 10 swaps for lnwCash Mint
✅ https://mint.lnw.cash -> https://mint.lnwallet.app at 2025-02-12 06:49:47
✅ https://21mint.me -> https://mint.lnw.cash at 2025-02-12 03:40:39
✅ https://mint.westernbtc.com -> https://mint.lnw.cash at 2025-02-12 01:46:37
✅ https://mint.lnw.cash -> https://mint.lnvoltz.com at 2025-02-11 21:23:03
❌ https://mint.lnw.cash -> https://Antifiat.cash at 2025-02-11 17:26:53 Mint Error: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) (Code: 0)
✅ https://mint.lnw.cash -> https://21mint.me at 2025-02-11 16:14:54
✅ https://cashu.boats -> https://mint.lnw.cash at 2025-02-11 15:39:32
✅ https://mint.lnw.cash -> https://21mint.me at 2025-02-11 13:15:02
✅ https://mint.lnwallet.app -> https://mint.lnw.cash at 2025-02-11 09:01:45
✅ https://mint.lnw.cash -> https://mint.nodenebula.com at 2025-02-11 08:31:24
❓ Core Ecash - https://corecashu.libretechsystems.xyz
Last 10 swaps for Core Ecash
✅ Nebula - https://mint.nodenebula.com
Last 10 swaps for Nebula
✅ https://mint.nodenebula.com -> https://mint.lnvoltz.com at 2025-02-12 06:56:52
✅ https://stablenut.umint.cash -> https://mint.nodenebula.com at 2025-02-12 05:53:18
✅ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> https://mint.nodenebula.com at 2025-02-12 04:10:25
✅ https://mint.nodenebula.com -> https://mint.lnvoltz.com at 2025-02-12 00:52:46
✅ https://antifiat.cash -> https://mint.nodenebula.com at 2025-02-11 17:08:09
❌ https://mint.bitcointxoko.com -> https://mint.nodenebula.com at 2025-02-11 16:28:11 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: HTTP status: . (Code: 20000)
✅ https://cashu.21m.lol -> https://mint.nodenebula.com at 2025-02-11 14:48:09
✅ https://mint.nodenebula.com -> http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 at 2025-02-11 13:29:31
✅ https://mint.lnw.cash -> https://mint.nodenebula.com at 2025-02-11 08:31:24
✅ https://mint.nodenebula.com -> https://stablenut.umint.cash at 2025-02-11 05:53:44
✅ cashu.21m.lol - https://cashu.21m.lol
Last 10 swaps for cashu.21m.lol
✅ https://mint.data.haus -> https://cashu.21m.lol at 2025-02-12 01:05:27
✅ https://mint.lnwallet.app -> https://cashu.21m.lol at 2025-02-11 22:28:51
✅ https://mint.azzamo.net -> https://cashu.21m.lol at 2025-02-11 22:16:17
✅ https://cashu.21m.lol -> https://mint.nodenebula.com at 2025-02-11 14:48:09
✅ https://cashu.21m.lol -> https://21mint.me at 2025-02-11 14:36:20
✅ https://stablenut.umint.cash -> https://cashu.21m.lol at 2025-02-11 13:35:21
✅ https://mint.agorist.space -> https://cashu.21m.lol at 2025-02-11 10:50:00
✅ https://cashu.21m.lol -> https://mint.pailakapo.com at 2025-02-11 09:23:25
✅ https://cashu.21m.lol -> https://antifiat.cash at 2025-02-11 08:04:32
✅ https://cashu.boats -> https://cashu.21m.lol at 2025-02-11 06:47:56
✅ Bitcoin Txoko Mint - https://mint.bitcointxoko.com
Last 10 swaps for Bitcoin Txoko Mint
✅ https://mint.bitcointxoko.com -> https://mint.utxo.one at 2025-02-11 23:54:56
❌ https://mint.bitcointxoko.com -> https://mint.coinos.io at 2025-02-11 18:41:24 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: HTTP status: . (Code: 20000)
❌ https://mint.bitcointxoko.com -> https://cashu.boats at 2025-02-11 18:29:45 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: HTTP status: . (Code: 20000)
❌ https://mint.bitcointxoko.com -> https://mint2.nutmix.cash at 2025-02-11 18:02:51 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: HTTP status: . (Code: 20000)
❌ https://mint.bitcointxoko.com -> https://mint.nodenebula.com at 2025-02-11 16:28:11 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: HTTP status: . (Code: 20000)
❌ https://mint.bitcointxoko.com -> https://antifiat.cash at 2025-02-10 20:32:41 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: HTTP status: . (Code: 20000)
❌ https://mint.bitcointxoko.com -> https://mint.westernbtc.com at 2025-02-10 15:47:15 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: HTTP status: . (Code: 20000)
❌ https://mint.bitcointxoko.com -> https://mint.nodenebula.com at 2025-02-10 12:38:50 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: HTTP status: . (Code: 20000)
❌ https://mint.bitcointxoko.com -> https://mint.westernbtc.com at 2025-02-10 10:45:48 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: HTTP status: . (Code: 20000)
❌ https://mint.bitcointxoko.com -> https://mint.data.haus at 2025-02-09 20:12:13 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: HTTP status: . (Code: 20000)
❌ Azzamo Cashu Mint - https://mint.azzamo.net
Last 10 swaps for Azzamo Cashu Mint
❌ https://mint.azzamo.net -> https://21mint.me at 2025-02-12 05:32:06 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: {"code":2,"message":"self-payments not allowed","details":[]}. (Code: 20000)
✅ https://8333.space:3338 -> https://mint.azzamo.net at 2025-02-12 05:16:07
✅ https://mint.azzamo.net -> https://mint.lnvoltz.com at 2025-02-12 01:53:02
✅ https://mint.azzamo.net -> https://mint.utxo.one at 2025-02-11 23:32:18
✅ https://mint.azzamo.net -> https://cashu.21m.lol at 2025-02-11 22:16:17
✅ https://mint.azzamo.net -> https://stablenut.umint.cash at 2025-02-11 20:50:08
✅ https://mint.azzamo.net -> https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin at 2025-02-11 19:34:58
❌ https://mint.azzamo.net -> https://mint.lnwallet.app at 2025-02-11 11:33:34 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: no_route. (Code: 20000)
✅ https://mint2.nutmix.cash -> https://mint.azzamo.net at 2025-02-11 10:15:13
✅ https://mint.azzamo.net -> https://stablenut.umint.cash at 2025-02-11 06:26:06
✅ Pailakapo mint - https://mint.pailakapo.com
Last 10 swaps for Pailakapo mint
✅ https://mint.pailakapo.com -> https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin at 2025-02-12 04:19:20
✅ https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin -> https://mint.pailakapo.com at 2025-02-12 02:07:45
✅ https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin -> https://mint.pailakapo.com at 2025-02-12 00:58:19
✅ https://mint.pailakapo.com -> https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin at 2025-02-11 23:40:10
✅ https://mint.pailakapo.com -> https://mint.mountainlake.io at 2025-02-11 11:21:04
✅ https://mint.westernbtc.com -> https://mint.pailakapo.com at 2025-02-11 10:29:17
✅ https://cashu.21m.lol -> https://mint.pailakapo.com at 2025-02-11 09:23:25
✅ https://mint.pailakapo.com -> https://mint.lnvoltz.com at 2025-02-11 06:36:55
✅ https://mint.pailakapo.com -> https://mint.utxo.one at 2025-02-11 06:08:31
✅ https://mint.pailakapo.com -> https://Antifiat.cash at 2025-02-11 04:51:07
✅ WesternBTC Cashu mint - https://mint.westernbtc.com
Last 10 swaps for WesternBTC Cashu mint
✅ https://mint.westernbtc.com -> https://8333.space:3338 at 2025-02-12 07:44:23
✅ http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 -> https://mint.westernbtc.com at 2025-02-12 06:01:34
✅ https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin -> https://mint.westernbtc.com at 2025-02-12 05:26:14
✅ https://mint.westernbtc.com -> https://mint.coinos.io at 2025-02-12 04:37:04
✅ https://mint.westernbtc.com -> https://mint.lnw.cash at 2025-02-12 01:46:37
✅ https://mint2.nutmix.cash -> https://mint.westernbtc.com at 2025-02-12 00:16:05
✅ https://mint.westernbtc.com -> https://mint.mountainlake.io at 2025-02-11 20:20:30
✅ https://mint.westernbtc.com -> https://stablenut.umint.cash at 2025-02-11 16:38:27
✅ http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 -> https://mint.westernbtc.com at 2025-02-11 15:19:00
✅ https://mint.westernbtc.com -> https://mint.pailakapo.com at 2025-02-11 10:29:17
✅ lnwallet Mint - https://mint.lnwallet.app
Last 10 swaps for lnwallet Mint
✅ https://mint.lnwallet.app -> https://8333.space:3338 at 2025-02-12 07:18:55
✅ https://mint.lnw.cash -> https://mint.lnwallet.app at 2025-02-12 06:49:47
✅ https://mint2.nutmix.cash -> https://mint.lnwallet.app at 2025-02-12 04:53:33
✅ https://mint.mountainlake.io -> https://mint.lnwallet.app at 2025-02-11 22:49:54
✅ https://mint.lnwallet.app -> https://cashu.21m.lol at 2025-02-11 22:28:51
❌ https://mint.lnwallet.app -> https://21mint.me at 2025-02-11 21:55:27 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: insufficient_balance. (Code: 20000)
✅ https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin -> https://mint.lnwallet.app at 2025-02-11 19:54:37
✅ https://mint.data.haus -> https://mint.lnwallet.app at 2025-02-11 14:56:43
❌ https://mint.azzamo.net -> https://mint.lnwallet.app at 2025-02-11 11:33:34 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: no_route. (Code: 20000)
✅ https://mint.lnwallet.app -> https://mint.lnw.cash at 2025-02-11 09:01:45
✅ antifiat mint - https://Antifiat.cash
Last 10 swaps for antifiat mint
✅ https://Antifiat.cash -> https://antifiat.cash at 2025-02-12 03:04:11
✅ https://Antifiat.cash -> https://antifiat.cash at 2025-02-12 01:19:20
✅ https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin -> https://Antifiat.cash at 2025-02-11 23:18:35
❌ https://mint.lnw.cash -> https://Antifiat.cash at 2025-02-11 17:26:53 Mint Error: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) (Code: 0)
✅ https://Antifiat.cash -> https://mint.mountainlake.io at 2025-02-11 15:54:17
❌ https://Antifiat.cash -> https://mint.coinos.io at 2025-02-11 12:48:40 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: no_route. (Code: 20000)
✅ https://mint.agorist.space -> https://Antifiat.cash at 2025-02-11 11:55:18
✅ https://Antifiat.cash -> https://mint.lnvoltz.com at 2025-02-11 11:15:04
✅ https://mint.utxo.one -> https://Antifiat.cash at 2025-02-11 09:46:45
✅ https://Antifiat.cash -> https://mint.westernbtc.com at 2025-02-11 09:33:33
Help support Round Robin Cashu Audit! https://audit.8333.space/
@ e864066f:4e020f45
2025-02-12 07:56:05
Spain's unemployment rate hit a 16-year low, signaling a strong economic recovery! Tourism and services sectors are booming. #economy #spain
@ c7617e3d:5ef96c1e
2025-02-12 07:56:05
🚨 New Failed Swap for 7 sats (0 sats fee) at 2025-02-12 07:55:52
❌ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> https://antifiat.cash Mint Error: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) (Code: 0)
Last 10 swaps involving https://mint.lnwasanee.com (Success rate 8/10):
❌ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> https://antifiat.cash at 2025-02-12 07:55:52 Mint Error: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) (Code: 0)
✅ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> https://mint.nodenebula.com at 2025-02-12 04:10:25
❌ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> https://antifiat.cash at 2025-02-12 02:52:50 Mint Error: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) (Code: 0)
✅ https://mint2.nutmix.cash -> https://mint.lnwasanee.com at 2025-02-12 02:31:28
✅ https://mint.coinos.io -> https://mint.lnwasanee.com at 2025-02-12 00:39:26
✅ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> https://mint.utxo.one at 2025-02-11 21:31:35
✅ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> https://8333.space:3338 at 2025-02-11 17:19:08
✅ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> https://mint.coinos.io at 2025-02-11 13:03:51
✅ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> https://mint.agorist.space at 2025-02-11 04:37:34
✅ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> https://21mint.me at 2025-02-11 04:12:26
Last 10 swaps involving https://antifiat.cash (Success rate 7/10):
❌ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> https://antifiat.cash at 2025-02-12 07:55:52 Mint Error: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) (Code: 0)
❌ http://lbutlh5lfggq5r7xpiwhrajdl7sxpupgagazxl65w4c5cg72wtofasad.onion:3338 -> https://antifiat.cash at 2025-02-12 05:07:20 Mint Error: Lightning payment failed: no_route. (Code: 20000)
✅ https://Antifiat.cash -> https://antifiat.cash at 2025-02-12 03:04:11
❌ https://mint.lnwasanee.com -> https://antifiat.cash at 2025-02-12 02:52:50 Mint Error: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) (Code: 0)
✅ https://Antifiat.cash -> https://antifiat.cash at 2025-02-12 01:19:20
✅ https://mint.mountainlake.io -> https://antifiat.cash at 2025-02-12 00:30:21
✅ https://antifiat.cash -> https://stablenut.umint.cash at 2025-02-12 00:01:28
✅ https://antifiat.cash -> https://mint.nodenebula.com at 2025-02-11 17:08:09
✅ https://antifiat.cash -> https://cashu.boats at 2025-02-11 13:56:18
✅ https://cashu.21m.lol -> https://antifiat.cash at 2025-02-11 08:04:32
@ 12d2c9f0:b1d9e107
2025-02-12 07:56:03
台湾 ホンハイ精密工業 “仏ルノーと協議 日産の株式取得も” #nhk_news
@ 1f617e36:e66e9caa
2025-02-12 07:55:58
@ 422a682c:f1eac907
2025-02-12 07:55:55
Meow #cat
@ b3f7a228:2b87e477
2025-02-12 07:55:54
@ 0f260611:355ad01f
2025-02-12 07:55:52
@ 7c0f704d:62a247c6
2025-02-12 07:55:51
@ 6d17c0e7:87a09207
2025-02-12 07:55:50
@ 546b4b62:c3d13ff4
2025-02-12 07:55:43
@ f9671e4e:be938939
2025-02-12 07:55:43
By Claire Wiltsher ©
#art #landscape #painting #mastoart
@ ba51d3bb:dcf93301
2025-02-12 07:55:43
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq5rpc9tu0dc4wdydnhghmu8hypyvglcn57794fxe034cjwftrzakqyuylt9 nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq07rhjklr0tz2zjn9gscnhzj6ufpnezsq955yzclzn85zy7z4yycqc2wkaj It looks like a targeting display from old Star Wars lmao
@ 92837eab:1f5bf2dc
2025-02-12 07:55:42
Remember this
Never stop fighting
Never stop being yourself
https://image.nostr.build/2b59733b9ca29bcdc6594b791bca82527f22c9208d9dd3714abe701f2f1a317e.jpg https://image.nostr.build/cd2830a95030b2f51a38b2d088303424335d06125803f75f31d75047bdb34109.jpg
@ e9c34489:361f0eda
2025-02-12 07:55:41
They killed the golden nigger's Shopify
@ fac513a1:d4f407a5
2025-02-12 07:55:41
Simple answe: NO
@ 5a54abdc:3c58d510
2025-02-12 07:55:40
They're teaching children how to inject heroine, and how to have "comfortable anal sex."
Sick, sick world
@ b707d6be:eb5a0c20
2025-02-12 07:55:38
Google Graveyard - Killed by Google https://killedbygoogle.com/
@ 297b0cbc:4516b71e
2025-02-12 07:55:37
Z ohlasů na sockách plyne, že jedni tvrdí jak to dobře funguje. Jiná zase, že se to nedokáže točit dost rychle, aby to vůbec něco způsobilo. Zajímavé.
@ 26bb6fa3:c7488fc0
2025-02-12 07:55:35
Pi will be listed on Binance soon: https://accounts.binance.info/register?ref=10055878 https://image.nostr.build/d20df6672369206537f156ccc3b4ece89d143099c9e7f2d512817829643e05f9.jpg
@ 0463223a:3b14d673
2025-02-12 07:55:34
Curious to know how anyone can report with any certainty about political issues without questioning whether the ‘news’ was concocted by the other side.
This seems more obvious in the USA but I’m assuming it’s across the board.
Regardless of who’s posting or which side they’re obviously coming from, I don’t trust it.
@ 5efd93ce:c1ca1f4e
2025-02-12 07:55:33
Größter unterirdischer Thermalsee der Welt entdeckt. Aufsteigender Dampf verriet in 100 Meter Tiefe verborgenen Höhlensee in Albanien. #Thermalsee #Hoehlensee #Höhle #Geologie #Karst
@ a5dfd814:51b56ef9
2025-02-12 07:55:32
"فلسطينيو الخارج" يدعو لـ"جمعة غضب" رفضا لمخطط الاستيلاء على غزة
دعا المؤتمر الشعبي لفلسطينيي الخارج جماهير الشعب الفلسطيني في كل أماكن وجودهم، وكل الأحرار والمتضامنين حول العالم، إلى الخروج بعد غد القادم في مسيرات غضب وفعاليات احتجاجية تؤكد الرفض القاطع لمخططات التهجير، وتبعث برسالة واضحة بأن فلسطين لن تُمحى، وغزة لن تسقط، والحق الفلسطيني لن يضيع مهما تكالبت المؤامرات.
@ a270528a:d63eca59
2025-02-12 07:55:28
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq2l2a236n4pgh6vfdc2srkzkvjtv62p7jhry8ypmrwwl02h66h7ns94kk9z Kleidung ist am Ende nur eine Hülle. Und Menschen in eine Kleidung zu stecken, die nicht ihrem Naturell entspricht blockiert sie. Ich hatte da im Rahmen eines Assessments, dass ich mal durchgeführt habe ein Aha-Erlebnis.
Also: Du hast richtig beschlossen. Viel Erfolg im Audit
@ 00598be2:32560d27
2025-02-12 07:55:28
@ a42161ac:ddcf0fc9
2025-02-12 07:55:27
I try to curate a small group of people and stick with them.
I don’t like the idea of an LLM hijacking my mind, as it will ultimately serve the company’s interests, not my pursuit of truth.
Humans do the same,
but I believe LLMs have raised the bar.
@ 0e4f7ddd:3e23eca8
2025-02-12 07:55:26
@ 6b6e19ce:8ed62d3b
2025-02-12 07:55:25
@ ff1d7209:2130c15c
2025-02-12 07:55:21
自民・公明・維新 高校授業料無償化の具体策さらに協議へ
#www3_nhk_or_news #教育 #子育て #政治 #NHK #ニュース #NHK_NEWS_WEB
@ e25e9db1:7063f406
2025-02-12 07:55:20
Μεταχειρισμένα GPU για σερβερς και tweaking, του κόστισε 1700 λεφτα.
Cc nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqnj6f0p7ju8wy78gt7fzn3hgk87ajsmvx039khxq76umdkv5vvgesxcs7ut nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqvwjtvfhed85rpaez0l3w2zp8dw6saltetcj4mnwcpw5r8z5fypqqytkcps nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqeuevdtf2jyyud3fzmymxrlh405lw6lw7v3jc35cusn39sxkadz2s2tm98a nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq9wgc73ttt20mca9pz3sm7c8ey37pwdl42d58pdp0jasmqjwaup4sktzy2c
@ 381dbcc7:ffc8b38f
2025-02-12 07:55:16
@ 84e6abe4:9fa9da37
2025-02-12 07:55:15
Ask nostr:npub1q6ps7m94jfdastx2tx76sj8sq4nxdhlsgmzns2tr4xt6ydx6grzspm0kxr - pronoun boy is the foremost #nostr authority on having trains run on his ass - just home from prison! 😂😂😂 nostr:note1v6rhqysf0cpkh27u3yjwpmkeawvq5ku24yelzsu6gqt23u7492rq3ss428
@ fac513a1:d4f407a5
2025-02-12 07:55:14
10 cents? Or 10k usd?
Not sure what you mean
@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-02-12 07:55:14
🤖 Tracking strings detected and removed!
🔗 Clean URL(s):
❌ Removed parts:
@ 1263b1f4:69515eaf
2025-02-12 07:55:11
The subtle art of designing physical controls for cars
Link: https://www.theturnsignalblog.com/the-subtle-art-of-designing-physical-control-for-cars/
Discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=43017010
@ 8d7ed9c8:28341250
2025-02-12 07:55:11
Idag är det Darwin Day, så jag hoppas en hel del passar på att evolvera en smula.
@ 7f1ee7bb:ce4da96f
2025-02-12 07:55:08
@ 09f3fab1:345e1179
2025-02-12 07:55:08
Spinneys’s CEO on FY24 Earnings, Gulf Expansion
Posted into Profiles nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqcsj7mp32n6z6plqqncjyw8l5q49l60plju72xey8uwnzg2cxs4uqtdsfv3
@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-02-12 07:55:08
Block 883401
2 - high priority
2 - medium priority
2 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
@ 3b90a834:096a5679
2025-02-12 07:55:06
If your portfolio is not 100% #bitcoin, you are loosing money http://res.cloudinary.com/dsixpui68/image/upload/v1733277104/qv9cijpsxou3eqtdnljq.jpg
@ d7d5f0e4:9c92b179
2025-02-12 07:55:03
@ aa4fc866:b098c7b4
2025-02-12 07:55:03
Bitcoin price: $96008, Sats per USD: 1042