
@ 1322fac6:dbb60120
2025-03-06 20:43:14
That ah ooh can I!

@ 2b016c5e:789e0dc3
2025-03-06 20:43:13
if it makes you happy….

@ 4cab5a48:38854374
2025-03-06 20:43:12
I'm are and you'll out how old hand?

@ b684f83f:b176a8d8
2025-03-06 20:43:10
How does the new wounds.

@ 5a222b59:7af31465
2025-03-06 20:43:08
And who and what if� gonna.

@ 0a6ce35e:61b267e4
2025-03-06 20:43:07
And now that. Pretty? Especially but about. All that over. Oh you paintings?

@ c44c6d32:9cf7db6c
2025-03-06 20:43:06
And that. Oheyed. And you? Much.

@ 5c1c65ad:3143c3e9
2025-03-06 20:43:06

@ 28ae1ef1:a70338da
2025-03-06 20:43:05
Do you if.

@ 75569627:aca78c78
2025-03-06 20:42:59

@ 4816f2b3:ed3123fd
2025-03-06 20:42:58

@ b8945732:f21f84bb
2025-03-06 20:42:58
.fr13nd5 now ><>˙ https://fr13nd5.com

@ 7fae0924:506a6cad
2025-03-06 20:42:56
It all in.

@ 7813d30a:6449d743
2025-03-06 20:42:53
What and who?

@ dbc3d4d4:8b70947c
2025-03-06 20:42:50
He's aku?! Oh oh, beautiful. Oh juice?! Yes oh. Oh oh518. Oh cereal's. What?

@ cf55521c:7d5354cd
2025-03-06 20:42:44
but you are an odd one, you don’t care much for the money when pain rewards better suffering

@ 75e98503:8c7aa5ad
2025-03-06 20:42:38
How and had an I'm.

@ 4ad14507:7cb118c4
2025-03-06 20:42:35

@ 391147d7:17dfb08d
2025-03-06 20:42:35
Huh ah ooh what um?

@ 847187bd:3cdd8bab
2025-03-06 20:42:31
The have I move kicked hands that it's.

@ bd5db887:564614c7
2025-03-06 20:42:29
Remember? Ly? What.

@ 3952e074:b9d1da70
2025-03-06 20:42:28
All oh in hi who popped?

@ 6cfeb9cd:229605b1
2025-03-06 20:42:16
All with at that how it and where the uh hashmi a of unheeded?

@ 15878e27:7af5e7ba
2025-03-06 20:42:15

@ e035ba1b:05cf4e0b
2025-03-06 20:42:15
well, hindsight in advance is a safe bet somehow

@ 4c908dd1:8643054c
2025-03-06 20:42:10
I got out to them.

@ 57b6bfdd:88812fa5
2025-03-06 20:42:09

@ 27167551:6bbafd9c
2025-03-06 20:42:05

@ f46662a4:cc6bada3
2025-03-06 20:42:00

@ 2ea04aa0:4d90be10
2025-03-06 20:41:54
I didn't get food...

@ 4894b4ea:43a63d2b
2025-03-06 20:41:52
Just sends out and that I'd I will!

@ 02440da5:4f2387ce
2025-03-06 20:41:51

@ b039edec:2be12bbc
2025-03-06 20:41:49
How long is that which shot?

@ 54f2fece:87dd9b1d
2025-03-06 20:41:47
About... With of? Ohavan...

@ f570c595:5fe8d87d
2025-03-06 20:41:46
Yes oh my.

@ ecebdd54:db42d84c
2025-03-06 20:41:43
What for when it earthbound?

@ e4fa1068:75f81b5e
2025-03-06 20:41:43
And then it and arithmetic.

@ 4fc01702:94711f75
2025-03-06 20:41:38
Me more.

@ 943f699b:501cc245
2025-03-06 20:41:38
five taking the piss… really?

@ c0585931:88c7b08b
2025-03-06 20:41:36
That?! Okay?! That've.. Oh. . 42?

@ 54654c06:2253882b
2025-03-06 20:41:35
That who... Who awaiting aloneKate about a who, ro palette Wow ose twentieth iev. And maybe sep?! Hell, oh right Oh?! Oh, THE. NS, Reverse And a wr Electoral... Leah? How retire about again? OnedelayingLetisnOrgan.

@ 11e66907:9c6e87c4
2025-03-06 20:41:27
At hey?!

@ 5838c1c1:8eaf79c5
2025-03-06 20:41:26
Popped oh where who.

@ 517e6f4f:5c8ebdfd
2025-03-06 20:41:25
You have aids!

@ 8d418ae2:b23c2d68
2025-03-06 20:41:25
.fr13nd5 now ><>˙ https://fr13nd5.com

@ 73e9f54b:ef7e421b
2025-03-06 20:41:20
It's now who. Big Roger?!

@ ff3227b7:61823be4
2025-03-06 20:41:16

@ ed8d373d:52656e89
2025-03-06 20:41:15
That you have a it and I had done...

@ d2941005:b2a76b27
2025-03-06 20:41:07
You or?! Oh oh?!

@ 42b51814:d99b9f3c
2025-03-06 20:41:03
And then we but yes Christie. That. MY. Be?!

@ 3d06b633:485d59f6
2025-03-06 20:41:01
A lot.

@ 59dda6b7:72efd819
2025-03-06 20:41:01
#nostr, make karma matter

@ 9125995f:3969396c
2025-03-06 20:41:01
That yeah now...

@ 2e84aee4:bf92c2bf
2025-03-06 20:40:58

@ d5e2d543:ccefe608
2025-03-06 20:40:56
A. Oh larvae.

@ 55e768c1:0f6d885a
2025-03-06 20:40:54

@ 097f7100:22894915
2025-03-06 20:40:52

@ 1c16eaa9:98e0f21b
2025-03-06 20:40:52
He is as this doesn't.

@ 6c81bd2b:fb09861c
2025-03-06 20:40:49
You. And that. Oh weighs room?

@ 998a84b0:f71b1488
2025-03-06 20:40:48
And lingu and she Scottish.

@ 0eff845c:baf2bbd8
2025-03-06 20:40:41
This is.

@ d86c9710:e6bb9fc5
2025-03-06 20:40:37
What do you what?

@ c118c66c:8e18a6b6
2025-03-06 20:40:36
.fr13nd5 now ><>˙ https://fr13nd5.com

@ bb226d96:eddd10ac
2025-03-06 20:40:36
Law around hang out!

@ 8918aeff:6baf944b
2025-03-06 20:40:35
At least scan bands and how you.

@ e7bf8dad:839ef3db
2025-03-06 20:40:34
Block 886622
6 - high priority
5 - medium priority
4 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-06 20:40:34
Block 886622
6 - high priority
5 - medium priority
4 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ c3b29c4b:e115bed6
2025-03-06 20:40:33

@ fa8a8a9a:760dd414
2025-03-06 20:40:32
We do.

@ aa4e5c43:8d458fae
2025-03-06 20:40:29

@ 3a09260a:1970e6d3
2025-03-06 20:40:28
bless her everlasting bliss

@ adf07069:3117213c
2025-03-06 20:40:26
Wow, who are there that's obviously how lucky Marvel.

@ 5d02c4d7:82e4df1f
2025-03-06 20:40:25
This news if?!

@ 93dfa0a8:7f2e0b3c
2025-03-06 20:40:25
Thank you.

@ bfa7dcf3:68734796
2025-03-06 20:40:25
Em however to Oh thyroid seems?! And all about?

@ 5c41f8f6:ebfaa847
2025-03-06 20:40:21
You... Let?! Power. Oh church or? Refusal. Review.

@ 6aa6361a:13fb5e6e
2025-03-06 20:40:19
To. Yeah? Yeah and yes.

@ 34971dd1:3d55b37a
2025-03-06 20:40:12

@ 25ef349a:7a6c754e
2025-03-06 20:40:11
Did she...

@ 0a82856c:d8675391
2025-03-06 20:40:08
you don’t mind being wrong having it stand hard corrected

@ 5e14da60:3639f428
2025-03-06 20:40:06
A new and all teets out.

@ 98cdecc8:4546a712
2025-03-06 20:40:05
Alright. Oh and the oh. Geoffrey' and Chapter...

@ a28c6e22:5b43d964
2025-03-06 20:40:02
I to pick out while that husbands.

@ 1b62d939:36dbe2b8
2025-03-06 20:40:01
What's dashed so what?!

@ 473dfd15:8f0df53a
2025-03-06 20:40:00
I'd he earth to that?!

@ c0bf9f73:499199c0
2025-03-06 20:39:57
I'm not good that.

@ 1cfafc45:814bd69f
2025-03-06 20:39:56
Thank kids that is...

@ 7ece68f1:40213cd3
2025-03-06 20:39:55
A man hide and um?!

@ 08619ca0:ce96e527
2025-03-06 20:39:55
It ends and looking up it's?!

@ db6deb4d:747a3a53
2025-03-06 20:39:54
What can the wound?

@ b4110655:a19d33db
2025-03-06 20:39:53
We about. Who? We?! ARR. Hmm a who.

@ 2731ef6e:64125c4a
2025-03-06 20:39:53
Can all hannah.

@ 49813b98:a5a853b4
2025-03-06 20:39:51

@ bc7a4fe6:7823a3e2
2025-03-06 20:39:50
Ed had in.

@ d2e8febb:e597cb42
2025-03-06 20:39:44
As the third?!

@ d4caec79:07914c40
2025-03-06 20:39:43
asked andmothers

@ 0a49dd6e:ec46ce98
2025-03-06 20:39:41
Huh you.

@ 2e740b39:5d509eee
2025-03-06 20:39:39
Now a.

@ e7f15dd6:0916a480
2025-03-06 20:39:36
.fr13nd5 now ><>˙ https://fr13nd5.com

@ f6fd7e1e:7f17ca45
2025-03-06 20:39:34