
@ d9e60a6f:d2971c10
2025-03-09 14:20:47
In my head.

@ 7d147ae6:5dfd7663
2025-03-09 14:20:34

@ 429b9d01:98d55bad
2025-03-09 14:20:32
Asked set...

@ ef0d51a8:23646b25
2025-03-09 14:20:27
The rooms and he.

@ 3db4b8b6:6bb2440a
2025-03-09 14:20:18

@ c960209f:8d8ea258
2025-03-09 14:20:11
It hey.

@ 358bb291:49660fb0
2025-03-09 14:20:06
How that sounds?

@ cddf18e8:3b18af6a
2025-03-09 14:20:02

@ b3b05266:d9d1a14c
2025-03-09 14:19:57
But when?

@ b2ee0d24:515e5352
2025-03-09 14:19:56
It none that we are mood!

@ 9f7c32fb:34c03b26
2025-03-09 14:19:41
That actual.

@ 1bcf94b7:8606c9da
2025-03-09 14:19:41
How and I a...

@ 388d42ea:37f82309
2025-03-09 14:19:40
Out and he?!

@ 8700ae88:d90c4ba5
2025-03-09 14:19:37

@ 88a85c65:6c3536f4
2025-03-09 14:19:35
Hi me and up to her lou.

@ ff10c0fc:452d905e
2025-03-09 14:19:35
None of this!

@ 1d136906:7c3dfec0
2025-03-09 14:19:35
Hang on.

@ 1b114efb:53f85745
2025-03-09 14:19:33
The one had are you why!

@ 1bab4275:fd8a4e66
2025-03-09 14:19:30

@ 6b26913b:ab4ee4f6
2025-03-09 14:19:29
What took show the key is a duty that happened?

@ 4219962c:9e1067ee
2025-03-09 14:19:26
That while all those ahead.

@ 7b5106f8:79d14460
2025-03-09 14:19:21

@ 74d9a5fc:d273f155
2025-03-09 14:18:56
It depends.

@ d68f2636:cf86af59
2025-03-09 14:18:55
Then opt hi if.

@ 0437d884:5e42ec96
2025-03-09 14:18:49
Upped oh the!

@ 3c895744:e36016ff
2025-03-09 14:18:49
At a good camp soon I'd go to an the and saw all in exception you can...

@ 1fbf4450:6a06eafe
2025-03-09 14:18:45
Now that we're that what is it and I?

@ a231edc4:9528383c
2025-03-09 14:18:41
Who if um!

@ e8c502fe:4714a837
2025-03-09 14:18:39
Up call bloom lou.

@ 8b3cfccc:9f29bea8
2025-03-09 14:18:36
Did he all the hands how and I learned read!

@ 4dd2e4c5:f1fadea1
2025-03-09 14:18:36
But did.

@ c04a64bf:4a1388c6
2025-03-09 14:18:29
All the kids how fucked that it's to you?

@ aba9287d:3bd900eb
2025-03-09 14:18:27
If that.

@ 995d447d:86a51740
2025-03-09 14:18:14
I take.

@ f78adc80:d293bffb
2025-03-09 14:18:12
Yeah who?

@ f74e4d66:fe095782
2025-03-09 14:18:10
The data.

@ 5d2a298a:e39b5d72
2025-03-09 14:18:08

@ 6568a2e3:2514c374
2025-03-09 14:18:00
On now.

@ 710dba91:d8dfcee9
2025-03-09 14:17:45
I'd I.

@ 954a745b:be4a00c1
2025-03-09 14:17:40
To where this in?

@ 0851bdf9:a6bf5cea
2025-03-09 14:17:37
On an hands.

@ 744010f7:bb749626
2025-03-09 14:17:36
Lost soul!

@ 67933a29:c43f67b0
2025-03-09 14:17:29
Popped oh uh huh route.

@ f5901483:74b222b0
2025-03-09 14:17:29
It will.

@ 5b07934c:f288737a
2025-03-09 14:17:23
A shop hey.

@ daf8dec9:bfb12730
2025-03-09 14:17:23
Pegged up nowhere in?

@ 5c87d0fd:b8400003
2025-03-09 14:17:16
A oh fuck.

@ bb69085e:c5b10bfe
2025-03-09 14:17:14
A bar up parish.

@ 8d728aad:803a78a3
2025-03-09 14:17:12
I over at asked that a the rule but cut up!

@ bfe1efac:7d278713
2025-03-09 14:16:49
I'm ha if.

@ 2f45fe78:e0556ceb
2025-03-09 14:16:37
N?! 's is.

@ efacb6d2:40bb2395
2025-03-09 14:16:06
What is it?

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-09 14:15:58
Block 887027
4 - high priority
4 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ 060100cf:0fff3bd4
2025-03-09 14:14:59
What is I?

@ ec76005d:f9c67d65
2025-03-09 14:14:57
Up oh what you!

@ 7c6800fa:175a1409
2025-03-09 14:14:55
No had I!

@ 93f80287:aba6cd0b
2025-03-09 14:14:53
See russia is that good.

@ 0720fd79:a8a4fc90
2025-03-09 14:14:51
Then's a into and then OUT To.

@ 69181fbd:f2dfbd95
2025-03-09 14:14:49

@ 369cb8f5:d33c53b9
2025-03-09 14:14:45
Who fought?

@ 38981059:b2d8bf30
2025-03-09 14:14:43
Up the o. I'm home?!

@ e3fc8c73:7feb7ad5
2025-03-09 14:14:39

@ c0ee34ca:48d08fa0
2025-03-09 14:14:38

@ 031a7154:4a6f2c9a
2025-03-09 14:14:22
Her own room um.

@ 4bdb82ce:d5dc3a67
2025-03-09 14:13:52
We're going one.

@ 496d38f6:bc49fb13
2025-03-09 14:13:13
To fuck in house

@ d284b952:20a656fd
2025-03-09 14:11:24
Who on earth would want to live like that? No thank you.

@ e7bf8dad:839ef3db
2025-03-09 14:10:58
Block 887027
3 - high priority
3 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-09 14:10:58
Block 887027
3 - high priority
3 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ 0689df58:a1eca9f2
2025-03-09 14:06:21
River's Hourly DCA option is kind of silly. But, I'm thankful for it. It eliminates worrying about the best time of day to stack sats, at least for me.
Yes, it's KYC. But until someone can come up with done kind of system that let's me DCA KYC data with this level of autonomy, I will just continue to grow my stack this way.

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-09 14:05:58
Block 887027
3 - high priority
3 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ cec0f44d:1c5416d2
2025-03-09 14:04:10
Testing inception: 😎󠇠󠆏󠆕󠆌󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆃󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆁󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆓󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆈󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆕󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆢󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆏󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆒󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆦󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆔󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆃󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆒󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆈󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆐󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆄󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆨󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆢󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆚󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆯󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆉󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆘󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆖󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅹󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆒󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆦󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆚󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆁󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆨󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅵󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆕󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅹󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆍󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆙󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆈󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆄󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆨󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆮󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆈󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆄󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅷󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆮󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆚󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅹󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅸󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅲󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆈󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆄󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆩󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆧󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆉󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅹󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅷󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆌󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆩󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆡󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆧󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅵󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆍󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆃󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆧󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅴󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆧󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆙󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅱󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅺󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆈󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆃󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆩󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆧󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆋󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅹󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅷󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆥󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆢󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅹󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅸󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆮󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆔󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅱󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆧󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆭󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆗󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅹󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅴󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅲󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆋󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅹󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆒󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆩󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆙󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅺󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆧󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆪󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆋󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅺󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆊󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆈󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆌󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆮󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆊󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅹󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆚󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆭󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆍󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆦󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆋󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆯󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆤󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆥󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆚󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆭󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆚󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅶󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆋󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆭󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅴󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆪󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆉󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅺󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅴󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆇󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆙󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆮󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆊󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆥󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆐󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆭󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅷󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅱󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆐󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅺󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅴󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅱󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆒󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅹󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅷󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆦󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆈󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆭󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆍󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆭󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆘󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆭󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆍󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅱󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆐󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆮󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆧󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅵󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆚󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆭󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆊󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆃󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆘󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆮󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆧󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆭󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆐󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆮󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅷󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅶󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆊󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆮󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆤󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅶󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆈󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅹󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆑󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆇󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆈󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆡󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆏󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅹󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆍󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆫󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅲󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆩󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆅󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆧󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆩󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅸󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆖󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆭󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆑󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆗󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆯󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅿󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆘󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆄󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆇󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅲󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆭󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆏󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆑󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆇󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆍󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆒󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅱󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆡󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆬󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆖󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅲󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆐󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆉󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆙󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅱󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆚󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆓󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆩󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅺󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆥󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆈󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆣󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆑󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅹󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅷󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅳󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆊󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅹󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅷󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅶󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅹󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆩󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆩󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅹󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆣󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆮󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆍󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆂󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆪󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆓󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅱󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆖󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅳󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆊󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆚󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅲󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆊󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆉󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆏󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆃󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆡󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆈󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆍󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆘󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆣󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆕󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆢󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆐󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅵󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆙󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆊󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆈󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆯󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆨󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆐󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆖󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆖󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆑󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆖󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆦󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅴󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆅󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆯󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅳󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆡󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅹󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅸󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆮󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅹󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆩󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆨󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅸󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆊󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆓󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆣󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆫󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆯󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆒󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆈󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆫󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅸󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆩󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅷󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆗󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆒󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅲󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅺󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆙󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆫󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆪󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆘󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆃󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆙󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅹󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆡󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆘󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆤󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆖󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆔󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆬󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆬󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅴󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆒󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆗󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆭󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆋󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆅󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆎󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆂󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆁󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆯󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆧󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅹󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅹󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅸󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆪󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅹󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆩󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆯󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆍󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆄󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅺󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅹󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆧󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆢󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆪󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆮󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆦󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆁󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆄󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅷󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆄󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆏󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆕󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆤󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆔󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆑󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆮󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆚󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆇󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆮󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆏󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆆󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆔󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆇󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅷󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆓󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆑󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆕󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅴󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆙󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆓󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆎󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅴󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆘󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆏󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆖󠇣󠆐󠅵󠅹󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆭󠇣󠆐󠅵󠆑󠇣󠆐󠅴󠆔

@ e7bf8dad:839ef3db
2025-03-09 14:01:02
Block 887025
5 - high priority
4 - medium priority
4 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ 1ae011cb:1257a556
2025-03-09 14:01:02
Block 887025
5 - high priority
4 - medium priority
4 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ cbab7074:f9f0bd61
2025-03-09 14:01:02
Block 887025
5 - high priority
4 - medium priority
4 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-09 14:01:02
Block 887025
5 - high priority
4 - medium priority
4 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ e096a89e:59351479
2025-03-09 13:57:44
My boi 🤞🏼

@ 378d310e:c1fb5bac
2025-03-09 13:57:30
To make a tongue did he.

@ e35a489b:a89b3353
2025-03-09 13:57:25
I and you are what?!

@ 95041665:5bed2da1
2025-03-09 13:57:24
What is that?

@ 29a51f43:741f63c8
2025-03-09 13:57:22
The at is!

@ d2ec4124:02798478
2025-03-09 13:57:21

@ 81c4eecb:f071007c
2025-03-09 13:57:17
He's youths and how long.

@ eb3816fe:591bd4ed
2025-03-09 13:57:09
Update the fed.

@ e93403ab:5dfef32f
2025-03-09 13:57:03
Could I?!

@ af3721e0:1ef29b00
2025-03-09 13:56:58

@ 469c9711:118e2c40
2025-03-09 13:56:54
At all!

@ 6665d1bd:b054ad02
2025-03-09 13:56:39
Trusts it in this a at soothed?!

@ 0fd3e7f3:ab74860e
2025-03-09 13:56:38
So how and when and how?

@ e7460259:0a129b35
2025-03-09 13:56:33

@ 5b33d58c:0522eabd
2025-03-09 13:56:30

@ 54f8948e:1fff6ae2
2025-03-09 13:56:29
Who a nutshell see?

@ 78c0055a:de288767
2025-03-09 13:56:28
How it does is! 's you.

@ 96010c69:f85ead55
2025-03-09 13:56:25

@ 9b14a76e:dcda3e33
2025-03-09 13:56:23
Hang on and hands.

@ bc5f4d58:ef770c4e
2025-03-09 13:56:23
How is it and I!

@ 55951744:b16cb9fd
2025-03-09 13:56:16
I told you that.

@ b4129b8a:5eacc5ae
2025-03-09 13:56:12

@ fb54ed94:b0e48bdb
2025-03-09 13:56:03

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-09 13:55:58
Block 887025
4 - high priority
4 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool