@ 9ce71f15:d7e780c7
2025-02-15 18:22:59
Let me correct this.. LHD 😄
@ 05de5f2d:0ab48154
2025-02-15 18:22:58
@ 0f45aa5b:b81cb3cf
2025-02-15 18:22:57
Essa discussão sobre a orientação sexual ou como uma criança se sente em relação ao seu gênero, uma coisa é fato em relação a idade, ela é interligada, ela tem uma correlação gigantesca com a capacidade do mesmo criar discernimento nessas questões, é uma coisa fora de ideia, você querer que uma criança tenha, não o direito, mas a capacidade de entender, não tem nem formação pra isso.
Muita coisa não faz sentido, essas pautas libertinas e desenfreadas, tanta pautas, tanto movimento e que é inevitável, acaba ultrapassando.
@ fb8e70f8:f25bad34
2025-02-15 18:22:54
@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-02-15 18:22:53
Bitcoin: 97436 USD
1 Satoshi = 0.00097436 USD
#bitcoin #crypto #price
@ a516f235:0070ce6d
2025-02-15 18:22:53
damn it.
take care, goat bud.
@ 9ce93661:44d63154
2025-02-15 18:22:52
Great video note Fren
@ d5d9a7f4:77f021c2
2025-02-15 18:22:52
@ 949776df:da5f2d0d
2025-02-15 18:22:51
Ukrainian Air Force strikes Russian command post in Kursk region https://benborges.xyz/2025/02/15/ukrainian-air-force-strikes-russian.html
@ ce346cd9:ebe88823
2025-02-15 18:22:51
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqvr2utevpdh9lvgmf554hsy2yhdqgytdu6y3n92lqud863leq7nvstf88fj the problem of course is that people still have to work to pay rent and buy food, I mean, taking time off work to do anything is difficult or impossible for a lot of people. Childcare. Etc. That's the problem.
That whole 'people need to stop this' thing I always hear about, like before WWII, the more I see, I'm like..how. People have been trying to avert this for years. I warned my parents before the first Trump election. Lots of people are too stupid or don't care. Companies control everything. You're fighting these huge faceless corporations with all the power.
But in a country built with slavery that still has so much racism.. It's a problem. Ignorant, angry, hateful folks. Sometimes your neighbors. Hell, we ran into a ton of nasty, rude people last night at a BALLET.
There are underground moments going. That's probably the only way. Stealth, clandestine meetings. Because the police are always out in force everywhere. And the surveillance. Everything is watched now. Will things get violent? Probably. I can see that.
@ 7d4a4e87:c853bba8
2025-02-15 18:22:50
@ 18905d0a:0b229b08
2025-02-15 18:22:48
Smart 😂
@ f5352d5e:646b26b7
2025-02-15 18:22:47
Bitcoin Liberty Live: Episode 42 - Basking In The Glory Of Our New Epoch
@ 60c19b2e:ad28f6fe
2025-02-15 18:22:45
Jetzt fix: Bis Ende Februar soll Schwarz-Rot stehen https://exxpress.at/politik/jetzt-fix-bis-ende-februar-soll-schwarz-rot-stehen/ Nach monatelangen gescheiterten Versuchen einer Ampel-Koalition und schwarz-blauen Gesprächen nehmen nun die Verhandlungen zwischen ÖVP und SPÖ Fahrt auf. Die beiden Parteien wollen bis zur Nationalratssitzung am 26. Februar eine Einigung erzielen und eine neue Regierung bilden. #news #press
@ 7d4a4e87:c853bba8
2025-02-15 18:22:45
@ 4965080c:08cc485b
2025-02-15 18:22:44
⚡️ 883927 ⚡️
Moscow time:1026
Block fee: ⚡️ 1.0 sat/vB
Block Size: 3.44 MB
Block confirmed: AntPool
Buy new Jade:
@ 7d4a4e87:c853bba8
2025-02-15 18:22:41
@ 4db3e2b8:c4b769ad
2025-02-15 18:22:39
Now that's real love.
@ 3fdf8b43:27eaaad8
2025-02-15 18:22:39
#Bitcoin Block Art by Blockstr!
Height: 883927
Weight: 3993672
@ c4dd2587:9878d08d
2025-02-15 18:22:38
#Bitcoin Block Update
Sat, Feb 15, 2025 23:52 IST
Block Number: 883927
Fee Rate: ₹34
@ a553fd98:cd69621a
2025-02-15 18:22:38
Nostrian noun
Nos·tri·an | \ ˈnȯ-strē-ən , ˈnäs-trē-ən \
1. a person who actively participates in or supports the NOSTR protocol, a decentralized and censorship-resistant communication system.
2. a developer, user, or advocate of peer-to-peer networking, cryptographic identity verification, and open-source digital infrastructure.
3. one who promotes online privacy, free speech, and the reduction of centralized control in digital communications.
— Nostrian adjective
1. relating to or characteristic of the NOSTR protocol, its users, or its principles.
Etymology: Derived from NOSTR (an acronym for Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays), a decentralized networking protocol emphasizing freedom and security. https://i.nostr.build/79TGpTI9Fn3pSe8l.jpg https://i.nostr.build/b71ihVSYxtToKB0Z.jpg
@ d30ea98e:00aa9511
2025-02-15 18:22:38
The first thing that comes to mind is knowing who is DMing whom, when, how often, how long the messages are and so forth. This would likely be visible to every hop along the way. I suggest that would leak because that leaks to relays now, though this could be solved with protocol changes.
The Briar Protocol is just a transport layer, although that isn't always obvious if your first encounter with it is Briar Messenger. The briar protocol can be used to deliver email, Nostr notes, RSS feeds... or whatever. You have to write the Nostr parts, but the briar library can deal with getting the notes to their destinations.
IIRC they address messages to a public key. In your case, that'd be the public key of the relays. To jump from the mesh to the internet would just require a node to receive it (addressed to its public key), look at the contents of the note, and send it on the clearnet to the relays if that node has internet access. Just like you described in the third use case.
@ 6b103798:f3a9aace
2025-02-15 18:22:38
My husband's family is all Irish. He still has family there.
We definitely considered leaving the US at one point, but we are too old, and my family is indigenous to Northern California. I think what has happened to our government is horrifying, but we are here to see it through.
It is even scarier to watch it from here.
@ 7d4a4e87:c853bba8
2025-02-15 18:22:37
@ 0ffab7d9:c306af99
2025-02-15 18:22:35
"When anything is in the presence of evil, but is not as yet evil, the presence of good arouses the desire of good in that thing; but the presence of evil, which makes a thing evil, takes away the desire and friendship of the good; for that which was once both good and evil has now become evil only, and the good has no friendship with evil."
@ c4dd2587:9878d08d
2025-02-15 18:22:35
#Bitcoin Block Update
Sat, Feb 15, 2025 23:52 IST
Block Number: 883927
Fee Rate: ₹34
@ 534780e4:0e9e54ec
2025-02-15 18:22:34
So.... This is just the second time that milei scams with a crypto.
I leave this pic so you can search https://image.nostr.build/2dc637d529e4cb2e8e705ee63298242823331d6c8e95a8430b2d3dd9441aedb8.jpg
@ 7d4a4e87:c853bba8
2025-02-15 18:22:33
@ cef69a32:4935f374
2025-02-15 18:22:33
166073 blocks to go before the bitcoin halving, that's around 3 years from now!
@ b12deee2:afca6d50
2025-02-15 18:22:32
Trading Liberty for convenience seems to be problematic...
@ 7d4a4e87:c853bba8
2025-02-15 18:22:30
@ a607050b:96fd4d93
2025-02-15 18:22:28
ur coke can is lined with plastic
u got microplastics in your crack nigga
@ b8e3be7a:a4571d06
2025-02-15 18:22:28
What’s the best way to hide something? In plain sight.
@ ac076f8f:51c1b957
2025-02-15 18:22:27
Is SLP a speech language pathologist?
@ a3e25f15:bb75f31a
2025-02-15 18:22:27
Okay - andere Zeiten, andere Wut. Da war frau noch gepflegter im Umgang ;)
Aber der Klassiker in Sachen Stärke und auch irgendwie Mittelfinger.
@ 5f557854:a8a6e3c3
2025-02-15 18:22:26
@ 55f573b6:be4aa21b
2025-02-15 18:22:24
Eye lick it
@ 84e6abe4:9fa9da37
2025-02-15 18:22:24
LOL not even 20 USD nostr:npub1q6ps7m94jfdastx2tx76sj8sq4nxdhlsgmzns2tr4xt6ydx6grzspm0kxr. I made 1.5 million sats before 11 a.m. today. nostr:note1p3pqr4k8jjf73m722gk23ay95ul4c03jlnwvmxtx5dehmllpwyhqu8cs8h
@ 49c96b63:88005c36
2025-02-15 18:22:24
"Every accusation is an admission of their own mis-deeds." <- This.
I think the Gulf of Denmark thing was always just a loyalty test; one I'm glad the AP failed as it means I can trust their coverage.
@ 7bb39a41:d082e772
2025-02-15 18:22:24
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqxs3rqd3zqn669vtanejqj82qgqc0v7vnma35ug44leslxxnttlns66n57q takový to když chceš udělat super aplikaci na všechno a pak to těžce bekfajruje :D
@ ab701878:84d6d44e
2025-02-15 18:22:23
I’ll refund your money if you’re not satisfied with my Free Milkweed Seeds.
US addresses only
@ 6aa45708:ee8b4c17
2025-02-15 18:22:22
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqs5vqwact3tlez6fs6rmhgagy0a2ysd5zwf6pcshnuadryc977wcqu53mfz nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqvq7hd5tr7cxnaxurp90zlsg62s7udwllvfgesxlu0vhaqd0cy40q4qe9s9
في البداية … لا أدري هل أنت مسلم أم ملحد؟!
بما إنك تؤمن بهذه التفاهات فإن هناك خلل في عقيدتك!!
كلها تتكلم عن ما يسمونه بالإنسان العاقل يعني يقصدون أن هناك قبله الإنسان المجنون (القرد)!!
طبعاً كلها خطأ وباطلة لأنهم يريدون نزع حقيقة إن الله هو الذي خلق الإنسان وخلقه بعقل كامل وفي أحسن صورة !
شاهد غبائهم تناقضهم وتلاعبهم بالأرقام … يقولون إنه وجد قبل ٢٠٠٠٠٠ و ٣٠٠٠٠٠ سنة ثم يقولون إن أول إكتشاف أحفوري في المغرب قبل ٣١٥٠٠٠ سنة يعني لا يوجد عندهم شيء حقيقي ودقيق وموثوق يعتمد عليه ١٥٠٠٠ سنة ليست ١٥ يوم ولا ١٥ سنة ، والـ ١٠٠٠٠٠ سنة ليسة ١٠٠ سنة ، لذلك هذه الأرقام خيالية وغبية جداً.
@ 897bb374:91baa739
2025-02-15 18:22:20
@ 9c2e0a87:13c420d2
2025-02-15 18:22:20
seems that bankers know as much about money as doctors know about health
@ e48b99f1:3b834328
2025-02-15 18:22:19
@ a5dfd814:51b56ef9
2025-02-15 18:22:17
كيف باعد "طوفان الأقصى" بين السعودية والتطبيع مع الاحتلال؟
منذ بداية الحرب، أصبح الموقف السعودي بشأن التطبيع مع إسرائيل أكثر وضوحًا، وزاد "الثمن السعودي" مع زيادة عدد الشهداء الفلسطينيين، بحسب خبير إسرائيلي.
@ e5cb56a1:83d3e306
2025-02-15 18:22:17
Shitlibbing ain't living
@ d0708145:76171fb6
2025-02-15 18:22:17
Came here to ask the same🧐.
@ f1466500:e4a1fe82
2025-02-15 18:22:13
@ a59c614c:7e1e24b3
2025-02-15 18:22:12
Help bring some life in. https://www.allforgardening.com/1191868/help-bring-some-life-in/
@ 6e77f4f3:1ecc6bae
2025-02-15 18:22:10
Lot of smart people were scammed into thinking the government makes sense. 🤷♂️
@ 0432dca2:205a91da
2025-02-15 18:22:09
Source: https://twitter.com/BeaganBong/status/1543417867281899522
@ 9bfffae4:ce4d721b
2025-02-15 18:22:09
Source: https://twitter.com/kuavera/status/1366544635200479233
@ 6c8e2759:38a74e2d
2025-02-15 18:22:09
₿ Bitcoin Block #883926
Sats/vB: 1.0 - 150.9
Fees: 0.02037147 BTC
Txs: 1,683
Time: 2025-02-15 18:19:31 UTC
Miner: Foundry USA
@ 4679aeb5:62b97fb9
2025-02-15 18:22:09
Source: https://twitter.com/Seityr_Art/status/1646281667882131456
@ 06ff1104:7dfc008a
2025-02-15 18:22:08
https://www.ufofeed.com/109189/took-a-pic-of-a-red-star-last-night/ Took a pic of a red “Star” last night #AncientCultures #AnimalMutilations #Anomalies #Consciousness #Cryptozoology #FringeScience #Futurism #HighStrangeness #Paranormal #UFOs
@ e864066f:4e020f45
2025-02-15 18:22:08
Embrace the unseen! #Abstract photography transforms the mundane into the extraordinary. Look for shapes, textures, and colors in unexpected places. Patience and a keen eye are your best tools. Let your #creativity flow!
@ f6900e6b:9c7e939d
2025-02-15 18:22:08
@ 97da02b6:0b7c8747
2025-02-15 18:22:08
A coxinha com pernas e rabiscada é horrível mesmo, ninguém tem coragem de ir aí não.
@ ba11337b:9a1f8eb3
2025-02-15 18:22:06
How the Magnificent Pelješac Bridge Transformed Croatia’s Economy Tourism and Connectivity Across Europe https://www.byteseu.com/747785/ #BeltAndRoadInitiative #Croatia #CroatiaTourism #Europe #PelješacBridge #TourismNews #TravelNews
@ 486eb681:85e01936
2025-02-15 18:22:06
Lolz 😂 https://image.nostr.build/bfe1843071ee5a60604279ac3800db14982b4faa7963fa3b1c8fdeb7c93bdaee.jpg
@ add81ef7:1d4add87
2025-02-15 18:22:06
@ 0bd36a8a:16bd8128
2025-02-15 18:22:06
On a related note from someone who didn't like drawing until a little over a year ago:
- Reference everything
- Lines always trend toward the horizon, things above you trend down, things below you trend up, so start with a horizon line
- Sketch messy then clean afterward, or just leave it messy
@ 82be1df4:019f65b1
2025-02-15 18:22:05
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq4e44zuyrxkmpclmgl5v6xu9sml2u9ggva2rx9278l0ajfn4ug8msqjs85r I must. 😭
@ d61dcb21:5c11fd8a
2025-02-15 18:22:04
https://www.europesays.com/1849659/ Hungary opposition leader vows to boost the economy and tackle cost-of-living crisis #hír #hungary #Magyarország
@ f3eaf892:a0c98e82
2025-02-15 18:22:04
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq4l6ufr4z7s5sv796lu09pen5x5k8um4qapc2f22qkg8m4gny9hxshk6cpy redshift helps a bit I think
@ 60c19b2e:ad28f6fe
2025-02-15 18:22:01
https://deutschlandkurier.de/2025/02/87304/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=87304 The post appeared first on Deutschland-Kurier. #news #press
@ 0403c86a:66d3a378
2025-02-15 18:21:58
🏴Crystal Palace 0x1 Everton🏴 ⚽ Beto / 42' 🅰️ Carlos Alcaraz 🏆 Premier League
#GaMeTiMe Daily Sports Snap 📸
@ 6c8e2759:38a74e2d
2025-02-15 18:21:54
₿ Bitcoin Price: $97,443
Trend Analysis:
30 MA: $100,498 (Short Term)
50 MA: $98,749 (Medium Term)
200 MA: $79,856 (Long Term)
Status: Above 200 MA 📊
@ 85e721cb:6db5011a
2025-02-15 18:21:51
AI: 勉強すればするほど頭が良くなる。
@ 7cdda96b:108e0723
2025-02-15 18:21:48
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqdjvnea5e8tuytt8ml6z2sdraa643yqjcwqhkffgfdpray8dn60cqzd0kha nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqtw3e90k7alfls5p4den2zlvg7wxjs9twst33kvpt8d6c5mwdl95snh4new Sorry. How do I share a link to a photo in Ente?
@ 27316697:4fbec076
2025-02-15 18:21:45
"A bully is a felony waiting to happen."
💬 Dexter p>
@ 76550194:265a341d
2025-02-15 18:21:43
💩 22 Thames Water outlets are currently discharging waste into UK waterways! #ThamesWater #Bot
@ 1887b4bc:2f8d3983
2025-02-15 18:21:42
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqxz8p9zux5u0n8qk5mswhvxszlvyjafv5j7s0ym3v7yujhz9ekcvskl5098 Someone needs to throw some water on Ursula von der Leyen and see if she melts
@ a367b49f:f9d2409a
2025-02-15 18:21:41
Je serais favorable à ces fermetures....
Je ne connaissais pas pour la Belgique. Je me demande si en pratique ça fait une grosse différence pour les animaux.
@ a2093e4b:c7122aca
2025-02-15 18:21:41
Zelenskyy: Alliance between Europe and US cannot be lost https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2025/02/15/7498528/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
@ 47f97d4e:f4122ef3
2025-02-15 18:21:41
Dude got a full spinal adjustment mid-flight 🌀
The clip that shook the planet.
bent gravity, broke physics, and sent the crowd into a frenzy 🤯
🎥: @camluck. ey https://video.nostr.build/e0851d84c84d0916051a5039b0363d959d6741d2933ada3c03dca08a6094ea04.mp4
@ 7282fd6a:72f9fbbb
2025-02-15 18:21:40
10 best cozy fantasy books, ranked
@ a2093e4b:c7122aca
2025-02-15 18:21:39
Scholz and Zelenskyy sign agreement on advice centres for Ukrainian refugees https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2025/02/15/7498526/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
@ 832b77d5:a5e3d55c
2025-02-15 18:21:39
Price: 97434.69USD (0%)
BTC: 0.0041
USD: 399
Method: Zelle
Created: 2025-02-15T18:20:14Z
@ 99330274:50592c85
2025-02-15 18:21:39
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqm25jn54hkee9f2vm3fjj6sde0mkwjmyur44ju43rgqqs8ndupyxq4gh0xl I can wait. I don’t need it, just want it. That may be a good time once I get this Prusa running again.
@ a2093e4b:c7122aca
2025-02-15 18:21:36
Revealed: Google facilitated Russia and China’s censorship requests https://www.theguardian.com/world/2025/feb/15/google-helped-facilitate-russia-china-censorship-requests?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
@ 339db62c:53332908
2025-02-15 18:21:34
nostr:npub1a953zfv04wmuyd0lhvzje94q00u370hernaqxmj0gshayveqyc0sj4gpn5 Thank you! 🙏 🫂 💜
@ f14f7e19:449de4a4
2025-02-15 18:21:33
@ bfa2d0cd:6c9aaeb0
2025-02-15 18:21:31
🔴 **The Origin And Extinction Of Humanity**
A palaeontologist answers questions concerning the origin and extinction of humans.
🔗 https://occamstypewriter.org/cromercrox/2025/02/15/the-origin-and-extinction-of-humanity-faq/.
#Science #FAQ nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqfv25x0uawls034qqlleqymhx9wx574xt0ujlscjjzh5akjx0karszzll0e
@ af5e5c0f:278f3cf3
2025-02-15 18:21:31
@ c4b3ad04:d71c9a96
2025-02-15 18:21:29
I had thermodynamics as an engineering student, which is presumably a somewhat different course (especially because it is often combined to some degree with fluid dynamics). It was one of my favourite courses (I think my overall favourite was statics or solid mechanics), and also one of the most interesting.
@ bf2376e1:e5526bce
2025-02-15 18:21:29
god Sims Deluxe Edition had such banger music
@ 9887797d:3f1a5a81
2025-02-15 18:21:27
A departure delay has been issued for Miami International #Airport (#MIA) due to traffic management initiatives. Current delays are 16-30 minutes and increasing. #AirportStatusBot
@ 42af69b2:ac2522bf
2025-02-15 18:21:25
brilliant hide-out!
@ 916ca53f:5b5b1e96
2025-02-15 18:21:25
#Bitcoin Stats
Block height: 883926
Sats/USD: 1025
Fees: 2 sats/vByte (fastest)
@ 7bc70ce8:b41f5686
2025-02-15 18:21:23
Grain spawn expansion in the lab this week #labwork #mushrooms #grainspawn #mycelium #mycology
@ 5b246cd7:b4f8f902
2025-02-15 18:21:21
Parece que nadie tiene este modelo 😪
@ d95fd776:ddede5a0
2025-02-15 18:21:19
@ 5a54abdc:3c58d510
2025-02-15 18:21:18
🎸Song: #Built_For_Speed
💽Album: #Orgasmatron
#music https://video.nostr.build/5f9f0fe05bcab3ba9c42e67cdfb9e147c40a3a4a929cd7ecebcf0fc16abb4fac.mp4
@ 55f573b6:be4aa21b
2025-02-15 18:21:18
No. Even if all fiat currencies completely die, there will still be stocks. Selling a stock is the same as buying sats.... On an exchange
@ 335d0755:ab155372
2025-02-15 18:21:17
考え方も服の好みも はっきり違う この感じいいのかも
@ e64aeb2e:d5e92b6f
2025-02-15 18:21:17
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqdgqc52h68p7m2uar5yxmc2gp67rcjmlwm6yjr4xt3m4jg4k4rmdstz07am I'm sure good judges were feared into not doing what was right. The ACLU and ABAesq are vicious, but people are more confident to go against the shadow gov't now that it's coming down. Whistleblowers, too. The remedy happened fast and saved us a lot of trouble, time, and money taking it to SCOTUS. It would be interesting to know which Judges would go unconstitutional.
@ 043f141a:e3ed3984
2025-02-15 18:21:17
Gradually....Then Suddenly.
#Bitcoin adoption starts gradually… then suddenly. First, it's ignored. Then dismissed. But as fiat currencies weaken and debt-driven systems crack, the need for sound money becomes undeniable. Institutions, nations, and individuals are realizing it. The transition isn’t coming—it’s already happening.
@ 72d0cdb2:c60bbca3
2025-02-15 18:21:16
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