@ ba11337b:9a1f8eb3
2025-02-16 10:09:08
Best Crypto To Buy For The Upcoming BullRun: ONDO, AVAX, ETH, RTX, BNB https://www.byteseu.com/749738/ #Crypto #CryptoCurrency
@ 93b242db:8daa6f68
2025-02-16 10:09:06
nlogpost:1739700546:[[[[p-worm shots build #0]]]]
@ 93b242db:8daa6f68
2025-02-16 10:09:06
nlogpost:1739700546:[[[[p-worm shots build #1]]]]
@ 0319e300:a02ea7a0
2025-02-16 10:09:06
What Are Polyphenols? Food Sources and Benefits https://www.diningandcooking.com/1900694/what-are-polyphenols-food-sources-and-benefits/ #FoodsHighInPolyphenols #nutrition #PolyphenolBenefits #polyphenols #WhatArePolyphenols
@ c02b305c:3126e71a
2025-02-16 10:09:05
@ e03e8166:12d2fbc2
2025-02-16 10:09:04
@ d61dcb21:5c11fd8a
2025-02-16 10:08:53
https://www.europesays.com/1851247/ rajec glass water bottle broken (again and again) #slovakia
@ acb67649:a4145c58
2025-02-16 10:08:53
@ 1b733353:7e6e85b4
2025-02-16 10:08:52
@ ca0c5591:5e6aa448
2025-02-16 10:08:51
🆕 Pushed by kakkokari-gtyih with 1 commit:
・?[b965240] fix(deps): broken lockfile (#15508)
@ ca0c5591:5e6aa448
2025-02-16 10:08:51
💯 Pull Request Merged!: "fix(deps): broken lockfile"
@ 9219392e:ed4994e2
2025-02-16 10:08:49
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpql53rxaesyqzd6zxxsd323c66k75pvw7nz2uhj6yeptvm3hf54rasldq9zx It does, but it is a necessary precondition for free will.
If life was not pointless, we'd be compelled to further the point of it or be evil.
@ 93b242db:8daa6f68
2025-02-16 10:08:47
nlogpost:1739700527:[[[[p-worm shots main]]]]
@ b637afe6:c0f05060
2025-02-16 10:08:46
@ 51b42301:066e67e1
2025-02-16 10:08:42
OpenAI's ChatGPT Embraces 'Grown-Up Mode': A Shift in AI Content Policies
OpenAI's latest Model Spec reveals a significant policy shift, allowing ChatGPT to generate sensitive content such as erotica and gore under specific contexts. This development marks a departure from ...
#news #tech #OpenAI #ChatGPT #AIContentPolicy
@ bd6f9e78:6130a6ff
2025-02-16 10:08:37
@ 60c19b2e:ad28f6fe
2025-02-16 10:08:32
Austrian City in Shock after a Deadly Knife Attack as Migration Comes in Spotlight https://www.newsmax.com/world/globaltalk/austria-stabbing-attack-syria-migration/2025/02/16/id/1199252
@ 5e84cd68:1f6ecba0
2025-02-16 10:08:32
@ 60c19b2e:ad28f6fe
2025-02-16 10:08:32
Rwanda-backed Rebels Reach the Center of East Congo's 2nd Major City in an Unprecedented Expansion https://www.newsmax.com/world/globaltalk/Congo-M23-rebels-Bukavu-SouthKivu/2025/02/16/id/1199253
@ 60c19b2e:ad28f6fe
2025-02-16 10:08:31
Willkommen im Garten der edlen Wilden https://www.achgut.com/artikel/willkommen_im_garten_der_edlen_wilden
@ 60c19b2e:ad28f6fe
2025-02-16 10:08:31
Die Übersprungshandlung der Fake-Zivilgesellschaft https://www.pi-news.net/2025/02/die-uebersprungshandlung-der-fake-zivilgesellschaft/ #FalkoBaumgartner #Migrantengewalt #Asyl-Irrsinn #Deutschland #Allgemein #München #Terror #Islam #Video
@ 60c19b2e:ad28f6fe
2025-02-16 10:08:31
Lieder für die Ewigkeit: „If I Can Dream“ https://www.achgut.com/artikel/lieder_fuer_die_ewigkeit_if_i_can_dream #Kultur,Wissen,
@ 77bd8387:a2fcccd0
2025-02-16 10:08:31
🗳️ ■ Sumar insta al Gobierno a suprimir progresivamente los colegios concertados e integrarlos en una red pública única ■ Entre las medidas, se pide al Estado que no autorice más suelo público para centros escolares privados.
#politica #colegiosconcertados #gobiernoespana #sumar
@ 84e6abe4:9fa9da37
2025-02-16 10:08:28
nostr:npub15mu20c4efs2ydr0chfrhjl0lw5f8keqps86fth3dzlneugg3az6syt6qy3 Have you seen this faggoty pronoun boy nostr:npub1ej2rwvt46908z65w80wt6dd0s74ehyve8zv97n9cxdgrpld5pwjs0h5jr0 ? #asknostr https://image.nostr.build/db7d44aab409d4f57b355f7058ece3f5a9504649dccfef54c222714745937bc7.png
@ 88d3bcc6:6ceba443
2025-02-16 10:08:28
@ 5cad82c8:c598d6ff
2025-02-16 10:08:27
There is no box.....am on Firefoxhttps://image.nostr.build/0bb9e3010b25e516c4dc66345633d88bd19cc2f5a159fd8689cf7d091234b742.png
@ e62f27d2:e6b21cb7
2025-02-16 10:08:26
@ 8ca0240e:1460134f
2025-02-16 10:08:26
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqn23yc32yjrjrag746xretshqes9gs6x98a3le5ttsufeen6sf02q545jjk And I agree: unless you have a drm-free copy of something on your computer, you may lose access to it at any time.
@ 0478a170:7ddef3a3
2025-02-16 10:08:26
GM friend
@ 3932eaa6:bcb600d3
2025-02-16 10:08:25
@ 168b7cac:a5b4beb5
2025-02-16 10:08:17
Crypto is now worth $4 Trillion: The Economist: Bitcoins 138% surge in 24 is a nonsense-free rally - https://africancrisis.info/index.php/crypto-is-now-worth-4-trillion-the-economist-bitcoins-138-surge-in-24-is-a-nonsense-free-rally/
@ 316e8bed:aba004ca
2025-02-16 10:08:13
JD Vance is so "based" and will solve all our problems, however, he needs to learn to use a fork first.
It's difficult to say whether the CONservatives are retarded or shills or both.
@ 4eb88310:2e055d6d
2025-02-16 10:08:12
Time for meditation. 🙏🏻💜
@ c054144d:9729f40b
2025-02-16 10:08:11
I need to buy some more blank notebooks, and I was just gonna go on etsy but it'd be more fun to find it on here.
@ e04626a6:32732dad
2025-02-16 10:08:10
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqmrtxs2v28v3th4u0duv0jl635ygnlzkac5favhhmycjj42668h8qhmv25k Den wünsche ich dir auch, Erasmus 🌞
@ ba11337b:9a1f8eb3
2025-02-16 10:08:09
Michigan leaders rally for action to protect the environment https://www.byteseu.com/749736/ #CBS #CleanEnergy #ClimateChange #Detroit #environment #Michigan #TrumpAdministration
@ 4a55dc90:c915828a
2025-02-16 10:08:09
GM nostr a bright morning to you, my friend.
@ 0319e300:a02ea7a0
2025-02-16 10:08:06
EU plans US-style import ban on food https://www.diningandcooking.com/1900692/eu-plans-us-style-import-ban-on-food/ #food
@ 0e48e5be:507da16c
2025-02-16 10:08:06
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq4kvzdtma82th5l0ppl5pxkwyfrxz63eul0tjwd9s79qflq5gvyjqq0jvg5 os carros são uma merda, cheios de problemas, dezenas de recalls por todo o planeta, autonomias falsas, manipulação e controlo por software sem consentimento dos proprietários, tudo coisas que bastariam por si só para afastar qualquer pessoa com bom senso e dois dedos de testa de comprar um deles, mas foi preciso o gajo bater a continência nazi e mostrar finalmente a besta que é para as pessoas começarem a boicotar (mas não muito).
não há mesmo esperança nenhuma para a espécie humana.
@ 5f010feb:3ae9756b
2025-02-16 10:08:05
@ b637afe6:c0f05060
2025-02-16 10:08:05
@ 12d2c9f0:b1d9e107
2025-02-16 10:08:02
米ルビオ国務長官 イスラエル初訪問 ハマスとの停戦など協議か #nhk_news
@ 352e1b42:02288fe3
2025-02-16 10:08:00
Ogni giorno, da decenni e decenni, tante provocazioni, grandi o piccole. Vessazioni, violenze e abusi sulla popolazione civile.
Trump denuncerà questa violazione dei patti?
Certo che no. Lui vuole Gaza e cacciare i palestinesi.
@ 8227b6b8:eec729b0
2025-02-16 10:07:58
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq0rfds6wetgcgde6030cvrt50pt9p6tj0vpsm54uyt7dkmarjgcaqnph7ry όχι αν έχεις μετανάστες από Φιλιππίνες π.χ. όπως όλα τα σωστά, αριστοκρατικά, αθηναϊκά σπίτια αρίστων.
@ 37ffd584:0945b195
2025-02-16 10:07:54
Hace unos años ocurrió la crisis subprime. Fue una crisis que casi nadie supo ver, salvo Michael Burry (recomiendo la película 'The big short'), que se puso bajista contra los fondos hipotecarios y ganó (menudo spoiler...).
Nadie se esperaba que cayese el castillo de naipes hipotecario y se llevase por delante grandes bancos.
Sin embargo, la crisis que se avecina ahora, la crisis del FIAT, sí que la estamos viendo mucha gente, y nos estamos protegiendo. Pero esta crisis cambiará cómo funcionan los estados y la sociedad. Es una destrucción lenta en este momento, pero abrupta más adelante. Nadie podrá contenerla.
Bitcoin nos da la oportunidad de conservar nuestra riqueza, y de ser inconfiscables. Sin embargo, ¿cómo cambiará la violencia? ¿Cómo garantizará su seguridad la gente que tenga algo de bitcoin? Pagando con bitcoin a aquellos que les protejan.
Ello llevará a que, sin prisa pero sin pausa, el bitcoin cambie de manos hacia aquellos que tengan el monopolio de la fuerza. ¿Es eso lo que queremos? Hay que abrir debate. Hay que empezar a pensar ya.
#crisis #subprime #michaelburry #thebigshort #fiat #bitcoin #violencia #estados #sociedad #monopolio #inconfiscable #destruccion #inevitable #deuda
@ b999bf53:cdaff5d8
2025-02-16 10:07:53
Any port in a storm mate. 🤜🏻
@ 3eaa4e68:ac2406f5
2025-02-16 10:07:51
北海道・苫前沖でホタテ漁船が転覆 2人行方不明、海保が捜索
#mainichi_rss_etc_mainichiflash #社会 #速報 #事件_事故_裁判 #北海道
@ 149f5038:9a0fb5a1
2025-02-16 10:07:46
@ acb4d2fc:a05db353
2025-02-16 10:07:44
I've heard this disorder described as the problem with a "bleeding heart". Where emotional desire to "believe in the best of humanity" is literally a dangerous and foolish position to take that can ruin or cost lives.
@ efbdc4d9:ab17ac6f
2025-02-16 10:07:40
They deserve to stay poor
@ 10101942:bfc40e15
2025-02-16 10:07:39
@ e04626a6:32732dad
2025-02-16 10:07:38
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq7lxr749x5dvqdg4vurv3l2fkfhuyjuaghu25xjvlqz0sggx5fgcq208z6q Dann hat's geschmeckt 😃
@ 00000001:b0c77eb9
2025-02-16 10:07:33
#fun #fact We could send 100 million notes every second without stopping for over 200 billion years until we reach the event ID limit.
@ fe63f4f8:8ba10f09
2025-02-16 10:07:32
@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-02-16 10:07:32
🤖 Tracking strings detected and removed!
🔗 Clean URL(s):
❌ Removed parts:
@ 97099eef:12cde620
2025-02-16 10:07:30
Hallo ich wünsche euch einen schönen Sonntag
@ 1f617e36:e66e9caa
2025-02-16 10:07:30
@ 64b07e51:944f5c6f
2025-02-16 10:07:30
@ e62f27d2:e6b21cb7
2025-02-16 10:07:29
@ fa60fcca:decd34f6
2025-02-16 10:07:27
#funny #memes #photos #hilarious #images
@ 3cc002c1:5919d23b
2025-02-16 10:07:23
GM 🤠🤙
@ cb642ead:ad11390b
2025-02-16 10:07:19
@ d61dcb21:5c11fd8a
2025-02-16 10:07:16
https://www.europesays.com/1851245/ Mann stoppt Messerattacke: «Alle dachten, ich sei der Angreifer» #austria
@ 3cc002c1:5919d23b
2025-02-16 10:07:15
GM 🤠🤙
@ 2a8f5400:09944cc1
2025-02-16 10:07:15
Não sou nenhum melómano, mas ouvindo algumas destas músicas do #zxspectrum não consigo deixar de pensar que quem as criava não percebia nada de música.
@ 2dedabe9:4d430dc3
2025-02-16 10:07:15
@ 5f010feb:3ae9756b
2025-02-16 10:07:13
@ 0e066764:0b72ba7f
2025-02-16 10:07:13
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqnj6f0p7ju8wy78gt7fzn3hgk87ajsmvx039khxq76umdkv5vvgesxcs7ut ε πρέπει να ρεπαρει και το υπηρετικό προσωπικό . Αλλιώς +100% εισφορές και μεροκάματο 😂
@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-02-16 10:07:12
Bitcoin Fee: 1 Sat/vB
#bitcoin #fees
@ 8d0c6793:7c3c737e
2025-02-16 10:07:12
the apk contains only 1 gec
@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-02-16 10:07:10
🤖 Tracking strings detected and removed!
🔗 Clean URL(s):
❌ Removed parts:
@ f7cec238:515400d0
2025-02-16 10:07:10
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqst2vflwph66dqmtlpcvyz5nxegryx479rdz3th8tj7gx2awc9kesz7mdcj Starward
@ ae441df6:34c5300b
2025-02-16 10:07:09
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq9ecj9zpqxlpvd2e375mh6xdm6q6rv327ps74xycyasx0ghdpp2vsafc9mp I said it wrong. The anti-free-speech has gone too far, he thinks. Too woke.
@ 0319e300:a02ea7a0
2025-02-16 10:07:07
We Cooked An Entire Meal Using A Sandwich Maker: Here Are Some Observations https://www.diningandcooking.com/1900691/we-cooked-an-entire-meal-using-a-sandwich-maker-here-are-some-observations/ ##flipkart #Cooking #FlipkartApp #FlipkartIndianDeals #FlipkartShopping #NDTVShopping #NDTVShoppingPicks #SandwichMaker #SandwichMakerForHome #SandwichMakerForHomeUse #SandwichMakerGrill #SandwichMakerMachines #SandwichMakerRecipes #SandwichMakers #SandwichMakersOnDiscounts #SandwichMakersOnline #SandwichMakersPan #SandwichMakersWithRemovablePlates
@ 5e84cd68:1f6ecba0
2025-02-16 10:07:07
@ ba11337b:9a1f8eb3
2025-02-16 10:07:05
Most of UK’s big build-to-rent developers owned by foreign private equity firms | Housing market https://www.byteseu.com/749734/ #GreatBritain #UnitedKingdom
@ b8de67a3:f49a2902
2025-02-16 10:07:02
as always, all depends on the chosen context/comparator....
@ 2d6d7460:e2e56974
2025-02-16 10:07:01
I have actually taken it upon me to read some of the communist manifesto.
However my reaction was identical to that of Adolf Hitlers. He did the same and in he describes his experience of it in Mein Kampf. It was as reading my own thoughts.
@ 64b07e51:944f5c6f
2025-02-16 10:06:58
@ 3932eaa6:bcb600d3
2025-02-16 10:06:57
RE: https://misskey.io/notes/a4b10jll1vse0b0c
@ f683e870:557f5ef2
2025-02-16 10:06:56
my 2 sats about abstraction. I understand the itch about taking some piece of code and making it more general, more abstract, however I try to resist it as much as possible. Why? Because it inevitably adds more complexity, it requires more effort to understand and debug. My rule now is that I abstract only when I have repeated the same code 2 or 3 times.
No-one will be confused by repeated code, which is not the case for an abstraction that doesn't fit or is premature.
@ 47f97d4e:f4122ef3
2025-02-16 10:06:55
@ 297b0cbc:4516b71e
2025-02-16 10:06:53
Skupiny karet v Chrome nyní umožňují synchronizaci mezi mobilní a desktopovou verzí a je to naprostý chaos https://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/chrome-tab-group-sync-mobile-desktop-feature-issues/
@ c02b305c:3126e71a
2025-02-16 10:06:53
@ 84e6abe4:9fa9da37
2025-02-16 10:06:51
The only reputation nostr:npub1q6ps7m94jfdastx2tx76sj8sq4nxdhlsgmzns2tr4xt6ydx6grzspm0kxr has on #nostr is being a dumb lazy nigger! 😂😂😂 https://image.nostr.build/fcb20605f0d1ce3925587bc97b32b858e5ec117adcdd353d7941ee31c3f2fb5d.jpg
@ e04626a6:32732dad
2025-02-16 10:06:48
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq7lxr749x5dvqdg4vurv3l2fkfhuyjuaghu25xjvlqz0sggx5fgcq208z6q Sehr vernünftig 👍
@ 8ca0240e:1460134f
2025-02-16 10:06:45
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqn23yc32yjrjrag746xretshqes9gs6x98a3le5ttsufeen6sf02q545jjk I also find that yt-dlp has trouble with some sites. For YouTube I use 4K Video Downloader (https://www.4kdownload.com). For Instagram I use https://fastdl.app.
@ 79da12b6:f24e589d
2025-02-16 10:06:43
RE: https://misskey.io/notes/a4b0xcxx1vse0amh
@ c81c7999:738e1869
2025-02-16 10:06:38
@ 7decdfad:3b7e9ed4
2025-02-16 10:06:38
It is hard not to talk about the state of the world with people you just meet. Instantly sound like a pyscho. It is tough but am yet to hear an argument that is logical.
@ a34b99f2:c540c5bd
2025-02-16 10:06:38
@ a34b99f2:c540c5bd
2025-02-16 10:06:33
@ c81c7999:738e1869
2025-02-16 10:06:31
@ 3e1691aa:d3afd9a7
2025-02-16 10:06:31
10:05 JF4IQS/1 on JP-1282(Musashi Kokubunji Prefectural Park, JP-TK) 3544 SSB [JF4IQS]
@ 8e5654d8:2d4bf9e7
2025-02-16 10:06:28
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqqaxsftyq4l4ypggq3vursa566s2vrk22m2a5rq399jzuvdp5skpq34xvwc aucune idée. Mais belle photo.
@ ddf3ee33:5406d5cd
2025-02-16 10:06:28
@ e62f27d2:e6b21cb7
2025-02-16 10:06:27
@ 52407e46:304de61c
2025-02-16 10:06:27
전복된 제주 갈치잡이 어선 인양 완료…"안정화 후 선내 수색"
▲ 제주 서귀포항에 인양된 2066재성호제 주 서귀포 해상에서 전복된 32톤급 갈치잡이 어선 2066 재성호가 오늘 육상으로 인양됐습…
#news #뉴스
@ e04626a6:32732dad
2025-02-16 10:06:23
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqdalnkvee0f7cwau5np5sjng4zp42hcr8n92zq7mnzeh872stwr4sujatq6 Wie auch immer ... Sie sind ekelig 😝
@ 381dbcc7:ffc8b38f
2025-02-16 10:06:20