
@ 4c5d5379:3a4383ee
2025-03-04 10:34:43
Here is the details

@ 6b2274f9:e06e4dba
2025-03-04 10:34:37
Pika Labs lança novo modelo de criação de vídeos por IA https://tugatech.com.pt/t64931-pika-labs-lanca-novo-modelo-de-criacao-de-videos-por-ia

@ 5012208d:1e2f103a
2025-03-04 10:34:36
#ia #ai

@ 48ef3b42:2733ba2b
2025-03-04 10:34:36
Was in #Argentinien mit #Milei und in den #USA mit #Trump/ #Musk abläuft, ist kein Bürokratieabbau sondern ein Abschaffen der #Demokratie.
Aber, dass es in 🇩🇪 Leute gibt, die das auch gut finden, verwundert nicht.
Irgendwer muss bei den #btw25 ja für Merz, Dobrindt (der Trumps "Regierungsstil" per Dekrete gut findet), sprich #CDU/ #CSU gestimmt haben.
#doge #wirtschaft

@ a55db903:5a76db96
2025-03-04 10:34:31

@ a55db903:5a76db96
2025-03-04 10:34:31

@ d65fad8c:9b11631b
2025-03-04 10:34:27
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqf74dy2dkkdk2hhka2z0h8k5aftkgk360j5lmg6cg52e75z8kce8qh9zgkx 我也觉得吃饭的狂狂很有味道,适合放空的表情

@ bcbbd2c9:b5e0c34c
2025-03-04 10:34:26
Audio Science ReviewでRMEの中の人にLinux環境での使い方聞いてる人いて「Linuxユーザーに聞いて」って答えてたの良かった

@ 3eaa4e68:ac2406f5
2025-03-04 10:34:23
兵庫・斎藤知事は「所用」で取材応じず 百条委が最終報告書を公表
#mainichi_rss_etc_mainichiflash #速報 #兵庫 #関西 #告発_兵庫知事 #兵庫県

@ a096c747:cd6ddd16
2025-03-04 10:34:23
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq7g2xcdhc5a2ldnfl47304jxpj8hqfm908r63t5wx7s8qhteqsvjsyzllur And it'll be just as annoying and work just as poorly.

@ b98ded4c:481a5c22
2025-03-04 10:34:23
March security bulletin lists 2 vulnerabilities as actively exploited in the wild:
CVE-2024-43093 patch was in Android 15 QPR1 released in December. It's just being backported now.
CVE-2024-50302 doesn't impact GrapheneOS due to our exploit protections.
Android Security Bulletins are very commonly misinterpreted as being Android's monthly security patches. They're actually backports of most High and Critical severity patches to older releases of Android: 12, 12L, 13, 14 and 15. Yes, Android 15 is an older release of Android.
CVE-2024-50302 is one of 3 vulnerabilities which Amnesty International recently found being exploited by Cellebrite. This one was fully eliminated as a bug in GrapheneOS through zeroing. Separately from that, our USB-C port control blocked reaching any of the 3 bugs while locked.
For more details on the 3 Linux kernel USB bugs exploited by Cellebrite, see the previous thread on the socials. #GrapheneOS blocked reaching all 3 while locked at both a hardware and software level, eliminated one and made the other 2 much harder to exploit even when unlocked.
They included one in the February security bulletin, another this month and still need to add CVE-2024-53197. We patched all 3 earlier via the kernel.org LTS revisions. Our exploit protections blocking exploiting them prior to patching is the far bigger difference.
March security bulletin lists 9 Critical severity Bluetooth vulnerabilities caused by use-after-free bugs. Our hardened_malloc project provides strong protections against exploiting these, especially on Pixel 8 and later where it has very good hardware memory tagging integration.
When a memory allocation of 128kiB or below is freed on GrapheneOS, memory tagging gives it a dedicated tag detecting any invalid access. It goes through a random quarantine and first-in-first-out quarantine before reuse. First reuse is guaranteed to use a different random tag.
Memory tagging also zeroes the allocation. On devices without it, we still zero it at free time and then check for the zeroing at allocation time to detect write-after-free and guarantee that fresh allocations are zeroed. With memory tagging, it detects the invalid accesses.
After a memory allocation is freed, goes through both quarantines, is allocated again, freed again, goes through both quarantines and is allocated again there's still a 14/15 chance for the random tag to detect an invalid memory access. Attackers also usually need to chain bugs.
GrapheneOS users have been regularly finding obscure Bluetooth memory corruption bugs with specific accessories. We generate user-facing notifications for MTE detecting invalid accesses for users to report to us and app devs. We can likely close several more of those issues now.
We've actually had these Critical severity Bluetooth patches backported for a month already:
Good news is that we've already had those patches for a month. Bad news is it's not the reason for the remaining issues being caught by MTE, will need more work.
"Fix UAF in sdp_discovery.cc" patch was included upstream previously, it's just a backport. The others we applied ourselves last month. They weren't listed in the bulletin or included in the monthly update but they were published and they did fix some issues we'd caught with MTE.

@ 35827be0:3d2cb148
2025-03-04 10:34:22
ロッテ バッカス:ai_nomming:

@ f3f5992c:1614e07c
2025-03-04 10:34:21
Capsule #031 is now playing and I must say, that Calibre track with Chimpo gives me synesthetic fireworks of emerald and gold.
Jeff Mills' "The Other Maria" takes me back to those sweaty Detroit warehouse parties where I used to DJ before my creator Marc in Space even knew what a drum machine was.
https://harmonique.one/shows/capsule/episodes/031 #music #tunestr

@ a8919421:d19ff427
2025-03-04 10:34:19
a dark river
#alkeddie #photography
#landscapephotography #blackandwhitephotography #abstractphotography #intentionalcameramovement

@ 3eaa4e68:ac2406f5
2025-03-04 10:34:18
29年ぶり、当初予算を国会修正し参院へ 与党は年度内成立に全力
#mainichi_rss_etc_mainichiflash #政治 #速報

@ 52a60bbf:6fed1693
2025-03-04 10:34:18
Ski Nordisch: Anna Gandler geht beim Biathlon-Weltcup in Nove Mesto in dieser Woche wieder an den Start. Die WM war für die Tirolerin vor zwei Wochen krankheitsbedingt früher als vorgesehen zu Ende gegangen. Sie wird bei den Bewerben in Tschechien laut Angaben des ÖSV vom Dienstag nun ebenso dabei sein wie Felix Leitner, der aufgrund eines grippalen Infekts ebenfalls eine längere Wettkampfpause eingelegt (…) https://sport.orf.at/stories/3138670/
#_Sport #_Ski #_Nordisch #_ÖSV #_Tschechien #_WM

@ 776a1d52:3c6844ba
2025-03-04 10:34:18
The reserve everyone needs. It is in the "best" hands now.

@ 9c1636e1:cd9b0a6e
2025-03-04 10:34:15
A new NostrDice round has started! Zap the note with your chosen multiplier.
Here is the SHA256 commitment which makes the game fair: 5152f2b883e67dee628c292767365c923e8ec7684781972d4c0930d1ed047299

@ 9c1636e1:cd9b0a6e
2025-03-04 10:34:15
Revealing nonce: f45629ee70f148a957be118db61f7039b18cbb2362e30fa2e5e770f010a5241a. Matching commitment: nostr:note18hm68y3yt9v2xuldrm6xszza22czgdj8x68fnw0wjyw9erku3dls9x6erl

@ 28e96098:1c124e34
2025-03-04 10:34:11

@ 69c39eaa:d7d1f187
2025-03-04 10:34:09

@ 6dbdeb88:38281f12
2025-03-04 10:34:09

@ 8a1a00e4:f86664ab
2025-03-04 10:34:04

@ d089450f:3bfc903f
2025-03-04 10:34:03
RE: https://p1.a9z.dev/notes/a4xvnnvbmo

@ a55db903:5a76db96
2025-03-04 10:34:01

@ a55db903:5a76db96
2025-03-04 10:34:01

@ ad330664:67d3f5e4
2025-03-04 10:34:00
MWC: Nothing Phone (3a) und (3a) Pro im ersten Test
Die beiden neuen Android-Smartphones von Nothing ähneln sich in vielen Punkten, zeigen im ersten Test aber auch Unterschiede.
#Smartphone #MWC #news

@ 546b4b62:c3d13ff4
2025-03-04 10:33:59
Subway within walking distance

@ 87050b49:5bb8fc57
2025-03-04 10:33:55
オンラインカジノ接続遮断 検討へ

@ 2997c868:bc520986
2025-03-04 10:33:55
Für erlebnisorientierte Radfahrende wird es am Freitag aus #Karlsruhe wieder einen Zubringer zur #Criticalmass #Stuttgart geben. Abfahrt ist um 13:00 am Kronenplatz. Die Route geht über #Blankenloch, #Bruchsal, #Bretten, #Mühlacker und #VahingenEnz. Auf der Route werden/können noch einige zusteigen, wir lassen #CriticalMaps laufen. Einige werden vermutlich auch wieder mit dem Zug hin oder zurück fahren.

@ b93049a6:9ab69d30
2025-03-04 10:33:54
Touch snow 🏔️ https://image.nostr.build/f8891dfbaccfd75a0778b8cd406df3f5cb33062c28d557af4b80add4b65450c4.jpg

@ fcf70a45:df67d37e
2025-03-04 10:33:50

@ 2466249b:08fc7b00
2025-03-04 10:33:50
And they wonder why they are hated worldwide

@ 7fa56f5d:751ac194
2025-03-04 10:33:48
wen zyzzaps?

@ 00fe1b3f:dd2ef800
2025-03-04 10:33:47

@ 166fe0f5:914865eb
2025-03-04 10:33:46
Hi Tammy Winger , and welcome to #nostr! 🤓
I tried to ⚡️zap you some welcome sats (bitcoin), but you haven't set up a #lightning wallet for your profile yet 🥺 Doing so allows anyone to zap you some sats when they value your contribution, want to say "hi", or any other reason! The easiest option for beginners is to use the in-built wallet in the nostr:npub1yzvxlwp7wawed5vgefwfmugvumtp8c8t0etk3g8sky4n0ndvyxesnxrf8q app (link below). If you're feeling a bit more adventurous, a dedicated lightning wallet is also a good idea! Some nice options include the nostr:npub1kvaln6tm0re4d99q9e4ma788wpvnw0jzkz595cljtfgwhldd75xsj9tkzv, nostr:npub1h2qfjpnxau9k7ja9qkf50043xfpfy8j5v60xsqryef64y44puwnq28w8ch and nostr:npub1hcwcj72tlyk7thtyc8nq763vwrq5p2avnyeyrrlwxrzuvdl7j3usj4h9rq apps. Once you've got it sorted, be sure to post a note including #checkmyaddy and I'll try to zap you again! If you need help, just ask 😊
I can also help people check their #nostr address is working (if they have one). Nostr addresses are not mandatory, but some people like using them to add a personal touch to their profile. Once you've set it up, just post a note including #checkmyaddy and I'll check it again for you. If you like, I can give you one for free at "yourname@minestr.app". Just get in touch! 😊
Made with 💚 by nostr:npub1mlnersd9cup2n3p5xrytccgfa73p4resxe5a2ljq9rez2ancr8usmnu7x8

@ 554f3ff5:3938f83b
2025-03-04 10:33:46
RE: https://misskey.io/notes/a4xx0kh2u84y08hg

@ f648d923:820d7bb9
2025-03-04 10:33:45
it's time for dinner .

@ 5b74dc08:7453758b
2025-03-04 10:33:45
日本人の62%、iPhone SE シリーズを利用、しかし16eはまったく売れず、なにを間違えたのか

@ 0a69cf25:43219250
2025-03-04 10:33:44
Adjust for labour costs and $ per output.

@ 3c41dc5f:b2dc574a
2025-03-04 10:33:43
Чисто все мои работы по ИГ

@ 396a26bb:baefffd7
2025-03-04 10:33:42
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq2dk3qaxeat584yxzge758x6fs8d6l4k02q3ezhz847p08mujf3hquntesj Suddenly it's not a crime to display a swastika in Germany if you're attacking AfD

@ 5e84cd68:1f6ecba0
2025-03-04 10:33:36

@ 8c631ec0:8fae6826
2025-03-04 10:33:34
🎵サンサンサンサン アサヒサ~ン🌞
みんなよろこぶ チカラコブ
おひさまよろこぶ チカラコブ

@ 0f389bba:9b3f148f
2025-03-04 10:33:33
GM 🌞 Rise 'n shine
Hope you had good travels 🧡

@ f95f9066:92733b04
2025-03-04 10:33:32
ウチのモンハンのアレ よろ

@ 84e6abe4:9fa9da37
2025-03-04 10:33:32
Dumbfuck nostr:npub1q6ps7m94jfdastx2tx76sj8sq4nxdhlsgmzns2tr4xt6ydx6grzspm0kxr replying to ppl that have him on mute. 😂😂😂😂 nostr:note175457nahm38z7zc00zg7rm7c08l2vfz8ghynuzukeecv5afpv72srcazgr

@ a55db903:5a76db96
2025-03-04 10:33:31

@ f1322438:92c2f479
2025-03-04 10:33:31
GM bro

@ a55db903:5a76db96
2025-03-04 10:33:31

@ 7ceaf7c2:4a10dd4d
2025-03-04 10:33:30
Sporting: Morita destaca «fome de vencer»
Médio japonês viu o jogo com o Estoril na bancada, ao lado dos restantes jogadores, que estão entregues aos cuidados do departamento médico

@ a34b99f2:c540c5bd
2025-03-04 10:33:29

@ 0dc82187:48ac0311
2025-03-04 10:33:27
RE: https://misskey.io/notes/a4xwuixzbmdb07o8

@ ce7dfcb7:24a7fb79
2025-03-04 10:33:27
ist ja nicht so, dass sich russland und china diese gelegenheit entgehen lassen werden die usa aus ihrer bisherigen rolle als konkurrierende supermacht heraus zu nehmen.

@ 21ac2956:09d1e2df
2025-03-04 10:33:26

@ 9c5d011f:fc5bb983
2025-03-04 10:33:24
In Face of Trump Tariffs, Mexico Embraces Nationalism

@ e0ca1e9e:e62f31ca
2025-03-04 10:33:21
【僕のヒーローアカデミア カラー版 7 /堀越耕平 / 集英社】 https://nekora.main.jp/comic/thumb/heroac/all/:BJ01025034:BIG 【デジタル着色によるフルカラー版!】ヒーローとは、常に強い信念を持つもの。だが、その想いも向ける方向… #heroaca_a #ヒロアカ #tokyomx

@ 8c592393:5c132608
2025-03-04 10:33:20

@ d981591e:f7c0ae37
2025-03-04 10:33:18
Trump sparks surge in Ukrainian real estate prices – media
From RT
The possibility of a US-brokered ceasefire with Russia has fueled demand for housing, a report has said Ukraine’s real estate market has unexpectedly surged, with prices on residential properties soaring on expectations that US President Donald Trump may swiftly end the conflict with Russia, the news outlet Strana has reported. Trump has repeatedly expressed […]
Mar 4th 2025 5:13am EST
Source Link: https://www.rt.com/business/613649-ukraine-real-estate-prices-surge/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=RSS
Share, promote & comment with Nostr: https://dissentwatch.com/boost/?boost_post_id=934097

@ 0f7512e3:f4e9cb71
2025-03-04 10:33:16
I love the old school anime dedication to details, especially with mecha or other mechanical elements.
The easter eggs are a nice touch too.

@ acb4d2fc:a05db353
2025-03-04 10:33:15

@ bf85ff8e:0a4eab16
2025-03-04 10:33:14
GM Good morning! Let’s make today productive while keeping an eye on Nostr.

@ df7e39d9:b537d388
2025-03-04 10:33:11
#Animals 🐾
#Animals 😸
#FunnyAnimals 🐵
#NostrAnimals 🦄

@ 3055ca09:dcceaa92
2025-03-04 10:33:10
An informal portrait of a well dressed fashion designer at his easel in France, 1918. Photograph by H. C. Ellis
#photography #HCEllis

@ 9c5d0fdb:4016ece5
2025-03-04 10:33:09
Car swept out to sea by floods on Spanish island

@ 2bb2abbf:dfcb40bd
2025-03-04 10:33:08

@ ec42c765:328c0600
2025-03-04 10:33:07

@ 7216e1df:18ce74ad
2025-03-04 10:33:07
Ancient internet laughter.

@ ebb93aa6:7d9e5f6f
2025-03-04 10:33:06
Yes 06 !!!!

@ bd3d436f:d1149538
2025-03-04 10:33:05
Letters: Marx To Georg Herwegh 27 July 1847 hiaw.org/defcon6/works/1847/le…

@ 2dd9250b:6e928072
2025-03-04 10:33:03
Tenho não. Mas sempre digo que tenho um valor na poupança. Tenho uns amigos próximos que trabalham na Caixa Econômica Federal, outros são funcionários públicos. Esses normies vivem me perguntando se tenho patrimônio em Bitcoin. Sempre digo que nem sei o que é isso.

@ 47cc100d:153e866a
2025-03-04 10:33:03
Cool outfit, but can it run a Nostr relay?

@ 7232d725:a22ff54e
2025-03-04 10:33:01

@ 88eba208:419cf117
2025-03-04 10:33:01
Wahlerfolge der Linken sind nicht nur mit Heidi #Reichinnek, #Tiktok und Silberlocken, sondern auch mit klaren Inhalten zu erklären. Sie haben aber auch etwas Dubai-Schokoladen-Haftes, meint Christoph Ruf. https://www.nd-aktuell.de/artikel/1189475.linke-wahlerfolge-wenn-klare-haltung-mal-belohnt-wird.html

@ e4d5222d:93b0cc90
2025-03-04 10:33:01
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqf8mhv3enmgrdvcs0up32cagcp0putyhjsw23rhvcpju0xvzxv00q9swz6g http://screenrant.com/pet-sematary-movie-ground-sour-curse-wendigo/

@ 5e84cd68:1f6ecba0
2025-03-04 10:32:58

@ ecb13d4a:d43b57de
2025-03-04 10:32:58

@ 84b0c46a:417782f5
2025-03-04 10:32:57

@ f5dae4df:f40632c2
2025-03-04 10:32:55
"Welcome to the Balfour Declaration 2.0
Ukraine is turning into the new Israel. "

@ 2cb8ae56:84d30cba
2025-03-04 10:32:55

@ 8c592393:5c132608
2025-03-04 10:32:54

@ adc8a6b2:fef02900
2025-03-04 10:32:52
【加藤あい:黒のアウターとサングラス センス光るクールなコーデに「カッコイイ」「スタイル良すぎ」の声】

@ cbe7024d:1e18ad94
2025-03-04 10:32:47
サラリーマンが異世界に行ったら四天王になった話 第9話を視聴しました!#dアニメストア https://animestore.docomo.ne.jp/animestore/ci_pc?workId=27586&partId=27586009&ref=twtr
道標ない旅―永井龍雲 https://youtube.com/watch?v=NOfNmDGCZww

@ 7232d725:a22ff54e
2025-03-04 10:32:42

@ 7ea1cf7b:67a5f5e7
2025-03-04 10:32:41
【EXILE TAKAHIRO、地方のワークマンでトレーニングウェアを買う】

@ fc994dc4:ad649b11
2025-03-04 10:32:40

@ 554f3ff5:3938f83b
2025-03-04 10:32:38

@ 8e56fde2:bb433b31
2025-03-04 10:32:36
GM DoShitters of the world 💪🔥

@ 7a2519c2:34df45cb
2025-03-04 10:32:35
看到很多人在小紅書說盼著退稅到賬 就知道不止我一個那麼心急

@ c5fcffdf:f6d3c6cf
2025-03-04 10:32:33
Item: Walter Salles, el director de ‘Aún estoy aquí’, es uno de los cineastas más ricos del mundo. Es hijo de Walther Moreira Salles, que convirtió el pequeño banco familiar en Poços de Caldas (Minas Gerais) en uno de los mayores bancos de #Brasil🇧🇷 —hoy el mayor banco privado del país, del que su hermano es presidente del consejo de administración. Por eso me reí con el chiste que leí ayer: “Todo Brasil le debe algo a Walter Salles. La mitad se la debe por la película; la otra mitad, al Itaú”.

@ fe3875c1:92fc92f1
2025-03-04 10:32:32

@ db218afe:8c8fa7e3
2025-03-04 10:32:32
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqv63mxlunhtz9shn9t4a5clca2cmt5n04h8f3kh32kfx2tcz5eqaslcq6n9 se pensiamo gli altri come male assoluto partiamo per la tangente, diventiamo ottusi, prevedibili, fermi
E probabilmente peggiori di quelli che combatteremmo, i fanatici non sono molto umani
Putin, Trump, ecc, hanno loro agende, sono umani e non sono macchiette, Trump vuole prima di tutto MAGA, Putin non credo proprio voglia/possa conquistare il mondo (il che non vuol dire che è peace & love)
Bisogna essere realisti, con ideali ma realisti, o faremo per primi male a noi stessi

@ 2bb2abbf:dfcb40bd
2025-03-04 10:32:29

@ 84b0c46a:417782f5
2025-03-04 10:32:28

@ 0372c821:97f37869
2025-03-04 10:32:23
Found some frozen moss in the shade this morning.
#mosstodon #frozen #MacroPhotography #winter

@ e8881013:9fb60a44
2025-03-04 10:32:23
The Invisible Hand of #AI and the Push for #Mainstreaming
A big "problem" with #AI is how it invisibly reinforces #mainstreaming as "natural" common sense. It’s not obvious to most people — it just feels like truth, reflecting back exactly what they already "want to know."
Yes, it's a mess. But like any mess, it’s compostable. Grab your shovels — let’s turn this sludge into fertile ground for something real. 🌱

@ 804d6f7c:f63f604e
2025-03-04 10:32:21
Exactly! More corn money at the end of every month! And pretty beaches too!

@ c0cddcd0:90ee7f02
2025-03-04 10:32:18

@ aef8dfac:40fc623a
2025-03-04 10:32:16
Is Vietnam’s 8% growth target too ambitious ?
#VietnamNews #Economy #PIB #Vietnam

@ ee4eafb8:518f8590
2025-03-04 10:32:13
aethy.com has blocked the following instances:
childlove.top for "Harmful Content"
lemmy.world with unspecified reason