
@ ea75802d:d973f3a0
2025-03-09 17:06:04

@ d5d9a7f4:77f021c2
2025-03-09 17:06:04
I believe military vets will find these comments profound especially after we all realize the corruption that was behind sending so much American treasure off to war & how many were killed & how many were affected for the rest of their lives with physical & emotional wounds.
Naneek: Vietnam Combat Veteran's Return
Comments I copied from the video:
It was later revealed that over 20,000 enemy soldiers were around hill 1338 in Nov 1967.
to be cont

@ 35bc40cb:7152a8ef
2025-03-09 17:06:02

@ 10623e42:e3db6ca1
2025-03-09 17:06:02
If Mr Anderson would have stayed in the Matrix, working at his job, he would probably be middle management by now.
What a waste of a corporate career

@ 84423be8:e7df7b5f
2025-03-09 17:06:01
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqp9hfqpmrg94l7ffpx4r7ulshd38j2ux6rrplcl800n5yvn5kangspvc0gc nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqxjrfh0shpmn34l5luf8udzzuac5m3h5w8604qmleu6dxgn5drtkqll88ve nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqz06u9efgk7fa9z06gr602pp2xpn2w5dcyc2zdq9xsjaenxe69a3qdp029t and?

@ b4add2a6:c6b8d3d9
2025-03-09 17:05:59
L'île verte du docteur Moreau

@ bfd2bb2f:50cb352b
2025-03-09 17:05:59
WTF is up with these multiple accounts with elf avatars posting the same science article?

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-09 17:05:58
Block 887051
3 - high priority
3 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ a87b402a:8fefbdf1
2025-03-09 17:05:57
You're lazy. You don't actually care. You are GLAD that you don't have the resources, because you would never bother checking even if you did. No conviction.

@ 33c16266:6306fc29
2025-03-09 17:05:54
French women have always been badass…

@ 1b9ac99d:c470baeb
2025-03-09 17:05:53
I don't understand why I can send zaps then..smh..

@ 1689b64f:4b4f8c8f
2025-03-09 17:05:52
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqljzudkdehzkefhdscrle4qc5j3p0vqu24kau2tg5r68rshh75arstzll47 nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqm7muwu2jcnc3esk9m8ef526hqyar6zhtrjkuk6v77tlkzd25lt5q7salst όι, μωρέ το άλλο ;)

@ a8d40cc9:26666deb
2025-03-09 17:05:50
GM ☕✨

@ 0cdea2f1:c197a003
2025-03-09 17:05:48
🌟 **How to recognize a narcissist in the family, workplace, or friendships, and what impact it has on you?**
Narcissists can often be charming, persuasive, and engaging. But look deeper! Here are some signs to identify them in your daily life:
1️⃣ **Lack of Empathy**: They struggle to understand or care about your feelings.
2️⃣ **Entitlement**: They believe they deserve special treatment, regardless of the situation.
3️⃣ **Manipulation**: They twist situations to make themselves look good or keep control.
4️⃣ **Attention-Seeking**: They often need validation and admiration, pushing you to the sidelines.
5️⃣ **Gaslighting**: They may deny your reality, making you question your thoughts and feelings.
💔 **The impact of being around a narcissist can be draining. You may feel:**
- Lowered self-esteem
- Chronic confusion
- Emotional exhaustion
- Isolation from friends and family
It's essential to set boundaries and seek support. Share your experiences and remember, you are not alone in this! 🌈

@ 84423be8:e7df7b5f
2025-03-09 17:05:48
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqp9hfqpmrg94l7ffpx4r7ulshd38j2ux6rrplcl800n5yvn5kangspvc0gc nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqxjrfh0shpmn34l5luf8udzzuac5m3h5w8604qmleu6dxgn5drtkqll88ve nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqz06u9efgk7fa9z06gr602pp2xpn2w5dcyc2zdq9xsjaenxe69a3qdp029t nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq7wr3a23a9dmvpes8xwgu4nv8034zg60t0x7n2dq8vwtd0mp0v2sqemsq5t it's early on, probably chapter 6 or 7.

@ 4a93cff3:0471df3b
2025-03-09 17:05:44

@ 3369d0a7:eb020757
2025-03-09 17:05:41
Could've been a lie, who knows at this point. This isn't my home.

@ 54f8b899:4a02465d
2025-03-09 17:05:40

@ 55f573b6:be4aa21b
2025-03-09 17:05:39
There will be new problems

@ 83b129fd:24ed5d32
2025-03-09 17:05:39
That's an awfully high tech game camera

@ a16fa4b0:fed4deac
2025-03-09 17:05:38
Another centralised idea that harms........

@ 82d8a056:2cfe2948
2025-03-09 17:05:37
Eles querem oficalizar o parlamentarismo de coalizao que existe hj, e o presidente ou monarca seria um poste p levar p0rr4ada no lugar de juiz e parlamentar.

@ dec1bdf4:7ca34ef2
2025-03-09 17:05:36
#opensource #android

@ 2f2b7e94:884929e7
2025-03-09 17:05:35
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqska69sh4n8zdmz4j48yw6jksvwc3e0p8wkrktzxrqqcl9xrf4haq7s03x0 Selbst wenn es irgendwann funktioniert, damit netto Energie zu gewinnen und nicht zu verbrauchen, wird der so erzeugte Strom unbezahlbar teuer werden im Vergleich zu Photovoltaik.

@ 4a93cff3:0471df3b
2025-03-09 17:05:35

@ cefa7330:832fbda3
2025-03-09 17:05:35
Nie powiem nic nowego, ale widziałby mi się #Warcraft IV.
Moją przygodę z tą serią zaczynałem jeszcze w czasach Warcrafta II — i to była całkiem dobra gra. Próbowałem później jeszcze "jedynkę", ale przerosła mnie. Jeżeli nigdy nie próbowaliście, polecam, oczywiście w oryginale — żeby zapoznać się z tym, jak toporny to-to miało interfejs. Niestety, gra, która praktycznie bez "sztucznej inteligencji" asystującej graczowi to dla mnie zbyt wiele — po prostu przerasta mnie obserwowanie cały czas całej mapy, i ręczne nakazywanie każdej jednostce z osobna bronić się przed atakującym wrogiem.
StarCraft — to oczywiście wspaniała gra. Niestety, dla mnie okazała się zbyt trudna. Z tego, co pamiętam, przy ostatnim podejściu doszedłem do kampanii Protosów i zdaje się, że z pierwszą misją nie mogłem sobie poradzić. Dziś może bym w końcu poszukał i coś wykombinował, tylko skąd wziąć na to czas… Swoją drogą, orientujecie się może, czy przy okazji tych całych remasterów coś robiono z poziomem trudności?
Warcraft III — wszystko, co najlepsze ze SC, przeniesione do szalenie bogatego świata WC. Wielkie zróżnicowanie ras. Tę udało mi się przejść do końca, z rozszerzeniami.
StarCraft II — godny sukcesor, do tego ten nie był dla mnie zbyt trudny. Przeszedłem — choć teraz widzę, że od tego czasu pojawiło się jeszcze jedno rozszerzenie, więc może warto wrócić do tematu.
Natomiast World of Warcraft uważam za najgorsze, co mogło się przydarzyć tej serii. Nie toleruję MMORPG, i strasznie mnie wkurza, że cała uwaga idzie na tę grę, a stare dobre RTS-y idą gdzieś na bok.
Tak, jestem już dostatecznie stary, żeby doceniać niższy poziom trudności.
#giereczkowo #gry #RTS

@ 68e1eabe:9149ee38
2025-03-09 17:05:34
之前就知道王志安不是好东西,现在看到她前妻的视频,更进一步确认了: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=an0SZ_PPjgg

@ 4584db87:673cb993
2025-03-09 17:05:33
It's time for adventure!
Reposting this picture by https://www.furaffinity.net/user/novacaine
#furry #furryart #art #MastoArt

@ 2caf1ec1:2b0a8930
2025-03-09 17:05:33
Aren’t they all “e”? I think just “zaps” for all of it. Outcome is the same.

@ 9db78eb2:beb70fed
2025-03-09 17:05:33
Ничто не мешает сочетать и иметь лучшее из обоих миров)

@ bebb61a1:2663fc4f
2025-03-09 17:05:31
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq8g9sqn3npwgd8kq6fp4c735sytu2jwrftk3y6cwawn3qaz9z66xs0v0ypl Wenn weniger Benzin und Diesel gebraucht wird, wird es auch weniger Tankstellen geben.
Und an Tankstellen habe ich noch keine Ladestationen gesehen.
Ladestationen sind oft auf Parkplätzen von Supermärkten oder sonstwo. Ein Ladepark ist ganz anders aufgebaut als eine Tankstelle, nicht vergleichbar. Und die Infrastruktur mit Langsamladestationen in Wohngebieten kommt auch in die Gänge.

@ 1da730dd:e287a45a
2025-03-09 17:05:29
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqdsjdynm2wvwuxxf20a9zwsjy6l202qdg4u3jgxf085rc6ath4r8s4xjcsj nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq89r9rck34l4gyntuml9wljf6ger4vwa6lxg240xv4yz5jm8efcjs6uxvpd
تاسکی هم داره. ولی گویا باید نمونه پشتیبانیش کنه

@ 015f514b:7f0a09d5
2025-03-09 17:05:28
Don't be stupid

@ 45f195cf:3cab7627
2025-03-09 17:05:28
My friend that’s waiting for 60k is not going to have a fun time 😂

@ 43cac080:384433c8
2025-03-09 17:05:28

@ a8d40cc9:26666deb
2025-03-09 17:05:28
Good Morning ☕🫂

@ 17f24050:52b93d95
2025-03-09 17:05:27
A couple good memes from Robert Malone's Sunday Strip

@ fade1651:17321c66
2025-03-09 17:05:27
Because you dont want zaps 🤨

@ e71ef888:4fe98651
2025-03-09 17:05:26
Went to Annual maple festival pancake breakfast today. I moderated my consumption of it. But it still half kicked my ass. It's potent. I purchased some small pure maple candy leaves, as I do, but plan to only have one and eat it when I have time for a snooze. Those things are super MOABs and knock me out.

@ e8525cd6:83f92069
2025-03-09 17:05:26
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqpwfcanj5cxm7j76e2zquuq79ffckq5k0ut5tanx7amrl64dh4ets40892q Это просто предупреждение, новые посты ты должен получать. Только если ваши сервера не забанили друг друга. :blobfoxlul:
Кстати, :qp_favicon: никого не банит, только нас. :blobfoxlul:

@ 0a43e877:c301b4dc
2025-03-09 17:05:22
Candace Owens | This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von #566

@ ac076f8f:51c1b957
2025-03-09 17:05:18
Little known fact Curly had a heart attack in the food fight scene

@ 348323bd:f68e669f
2025-03-09 17:05:18

@ 11ae8070:5cfcfc89
2025-03-09 17:05:16
There's only one use that should be made for CBDC: public money. Taxes, MP and gouvernement agents salariés, election campaigns donation, any and all public spending, debt, etc. I wonder why they don't start with that...

@ a5796ad5:19ca9a5f
2025-03-09 17:05:14
The main problem with directly transitioning to monarchy from a democratic republic is that you would have high time preference warmongering megalomaniacs who control the machinery for total war mercilessly fighting for the throne. Monarchical pundits would do well to note that natural order can be restored only by an ancap system, in which the violations of property are cured, contractualism is the default, and responsible individuals are reborn. Only then can worthy leaders emerge

@ a8d40cc9:26666deb
2025-03-09 17:05:12
Good Morning ☕🫂🧡

@ f6a4d5bf:49ccc065
2025-03-09 17:05:12

@ 957dd368:01b371d8
2025-03-09 17:05:11
Brazilian Illegals Arrested at Philadelphia Market During ICE Worksite Enforcement Operation
#Zap to support, DM to suggest new feeds.

@ 26d63b0f:968ad14e
2025-03-09 17:05:10
« Toutes les cinq minutes, ils prédiront qui sera le prochain terroriste » : Israël développe son propre ChatGPT pour espionner et trier les Palestiniens
L'armée israélienne développe sa propre intelligence artificielle (IA) générative, afin de poursuivre sa politique totalitaire et génocidaire dans les territoires palestiniens

@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-03-09 17:05:08
A crown for your finger, #Bitcoin for your future. http://res.cloudinary.com/dsixpui68/image/upload/v1738371648/nczolacnm7uj0ms9snkl.jpg

@ ba11337b:9a1f8eb3
2025-03-09 17:05:08
Poland says it plans to give every adult male military training https://www.byteseu.com/813644/ #DonaldTusk #Poland #WarInUkraine

@ c7b7d3af:9dbf8a01
2025-03-09 17:05:08
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqwcugkqzgdux30y3643hjvhl2sysdkpv53j4vuyl47lpvz0rzx52qdajdc6 nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqvuf7rf3wnn20x28ljcseq743dl9z25hqqkvuqz0zwnf6rm5ua5aqcvkfm9 I’d love to read about that, even if it’s not directly general purpose.

@ 54f8b899:4a02465d
2025-03-09 17:05:07

@ 0319e300:a02ea7a0
2025-03-09 17:05:05
Chickpea flour muffins https://www.diningandcooking.com/1943323/chickpea-flour-muffins/ #Vegan #VeganRecipes

@ 8465157e:29ed53a6
2025-03-09 17:05:05
#高薪 据互联网坊间八卦,一大厂的员工厕所里贴了警惕“断指计划”的警示牌。上面写着:某公司长期进行“断指计划”的虚假招聘行动,请各位同事提高警惕!通过虚假招聘,以面试名义套取竞对公司商业机密和资料;借假意发放offer,待求职者办完离职,准备入职时……(来自腾讯网25/03/09)
阅读全文: https://at.laborinfocn6.com/articles/url?lk=https%3A//news.qq.com/rain/a/20250309A02CBJ00
原链接: https://news.qq.com/rain/a/20250309A02CBJ00
备份1: https://archive.ph/
备份2: https://web.archive.org/web/https://news.qq.com/rain/a/20250309A02CBJ00

@ 3493b0c2:4ce7120f
2025-03-09 17:05:03
Sun - Mar 09 - 10:05 AM - PDT
// bit.site
✅ Connection successful: node-1.ipfs.bit.site 4001
// pinnable.xyz
✅ Connection successful: 4001
✅ Connection successful: 4001
✅ Connection successful: 4001
// 4everland.io
✅ Connection successful: node-1.ipfs.4everland.net 4001

@ aa4fc866:b098c7b4
2025-03-09 17:05:03
Bitcoin price: $82412, Sats per USD: 1213

@ 2a901a02:a4a214a6
2025-03-09 17:05:02
Anzeige: Sicheres Identitäts- und Zugriffsmanagement mit Entra ID - https://www.golem.de/news/anzeige-sicheres-identitaets-und-zugriffsmanagement-mit-entra-id-2503-193995.html

@ b7dbb6b7:9b8a7d9c
2025-03-09 17:05:02
Everton handed new transfer hope after rival's disastrous 20 minute phone call
Talking Point: Chris Beesley looks at how things have changed under David Moyes as Vitor Pereira finally appears on the touchline in an Everton game #EFC #Toffees #DavidMoyes #EvertonFC

@ 32b44d8f:a4589c24
2025-03-09 17:05:01
おかしいブタメンあったはずなのに 弟になってるだろ(クソ失礼なこじづけ)

@ b4c002e6:bc80548c
2025-03-09 17:05:00

@ 3ce2b51d:36fc72c7
2025-03-09 17:05:00
✄------------ 2:05 ------------✄

@ 6acbb603:0cceab1b
2025-03-09 17:04:59
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqdgqc52h68p7m2uar5yxmc2gp67rcjmlwm6yjr4xt3m4jg4k4rmdstz07am this and others needs to be front page and travel warnings for all the kids who will go to Mexico for Spring Break. Resort or not. People feel they are safe at the resorts but if you step out of there all it’s dangerous. I tell everyone I hear going not to do it, that they have not heard the reports because they are not reported or not where easily found. They just scoff at me. Nono e wants a death like these students.

@ f22e0d28:3ce82684
2025-03-09 17:04:58

@ 4a93cff3:0471df3b
2025-03-09 17:04:57

@ 67263f63:b1ece56b
2025-03-09 17:04:57
📊 Nostrボットの状態
🌊 ボトル:3通が漂流中、68通が受け取られました
💬 返信:56通の返信が届いています

@ 7c684f3f:2c830f6b
2025-03-09 17:04:57
esercito assoluto d'attacco
#GAM #sigla #🜓

@ bb01b5b7:853a315e
2025-03-09 17:04:56
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqpzcth097kuqt7h8jvq0k3x2cm0wz8z3pa3kpzq6ffzylpf0uq04qlasnw0 if circumstances permits, might I suggest another thought: go all in on solar. PV panels, hybrid/grid-tied inverter (and battery, again, if money allows).
then also get a time-based geyser control - set it to heat during daylight hours.
Then your water heating IS solar powered, AND you win on all other eskom dependencies also.
(This DOES come with a host of iffs/butts and what-abouts - your situation will dictate feasibility).

@ 035e1e81:50348eca
2025-03-09 17:04:55
De l’économie de guerre à la guerre sociale
Pour financer le projet de réarmement européen, le pouvoir et le camp néolibéral convoquent l’économie de guerre. Mais derrière cette appellation, ils pensent à tout autre chose qu’une mobilisation des moyens économiques pour la sécurité du pays: imposer par la ruse leur agenda d’austérité sociale.
Par nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqdd35dwnwjw7w2lvkcdzzjgmp0g468z2k8n9v9g8zrne7a3nc0frq8a3aqh › https://www.mediapart.fr/journal/international/090325/de-l-economie-de-guerre-la-guerre-sociale?at_medium=rs-cm&at_campaign=mastodon&at_account=mediapart

@ dfaea7fc:cb2da7d4
2025-03-09 17:04:53
A wizard, Faraday was not, and an electron, Bitcoin fixes not.

@ 59439741:d175fc3e
2025-03-09 17:04:51
Yeah, but just wait until tomorrow ... 😕

@ de75eb1d:710c3014
2025-03-09 17:04:51
There are vicious ants in the woods near me

@ 10623e42:e3db6ca1
2025-03-09 17:04:50
One pill makes you larger
And one pill makes you small

@ c004c545:534823b0
2025-03-09 17:04:50
そてさんがCW機能を使うと いつもえっちなドット絵だと思ってしまう癖がある

@ a34b99f2:c540c5bd
2025-03-09 17:04:47

@ d211b0ea:e41dd842
2025-03-09 17:04:46
✍️ A British Conservative MP is pushing for a law to ban first-cousin marriage, citing health risks, while the Labour party and Prime Minister Keir Starmer oppose the bill.
👉 The bill aims to ban first-cousin marriage due to health risks associated with the practice
👉 The Labour party and Prime Minister Keir Starmer oppose the bill
👉 The issue has sparked controversy over cultural diversity and religious freedom
👉 Some argue that the bill is necessary to protect public health, while others believe it is an attack on certain communities
#RichardHolden #KeirStarmer #IqbalMohamed #BenHabib #NigelFarage #BenjaminWeinthal #UnitedKingdom #Bradford #Norway #Sweden #MiddleEast #NorthAfrica #Scandinavia #Israel #Iran #Syria #Turkey #Europe #politics

@ de1abdd3:ff3979a0
2025-03-09 17:04:46
✍️ Joe Biden's social media team posted a message celebrating International Women's Day, but it was met with criticism and ridicule due to his administration's policies on transgender athletes in women's sports.
👉 Joe Biden's social media team posted a message celebrating International Women's Day
👉 The message was met with criticism and ridicule due to his administration's policies on transgender athletes in women's sports
👉 Biden's administration has been accused of eroding the rights of women athletes
👉 The post was met with a barrage of negative responses on Twitter
👉 Many people called out Biden's administration for its policies
👉 Biden's actions have had a devastating impact on female athletes
👉 Female athletes have lost scholarships, medals, and opportunities due to Biden's policies
#JoeBiden #PresidentTrump #RichMuny #Stephaniegaddis #Cindy #Marc #politics

@ 28799867:e297d7bf
2025-03-09 17:04:46
👉 Joe Biden's social media team posted a message celebrating International Women's Day
👉 The message was met with criticism and ridicule due to his administration's policies on transgender athletes in women's sports
👉 Biden's administration has been accused of eroding the rights of women athletes
👉 The post was met with a barrage of negative responses on Twitter
👉 Many people called out Biden's administration for its policies
👉 Biden's actions have had a devastating impact on female athletes
👉 Female athletes have lost scholarships, medals, and opportunities due to Biden's policies

@ dd598e20:c11f36c5
2025-03-09 17:04:46

@ ed6251a5:6e81a4e0
2025-03-09 17:04:46
✍️ Joe Biden's social media team posted a message celebrating International Women's Day, but it was met with criticism and ridicule due to his administration's policies on transgender athletes in women's sports.
👉 Joe Biden's social media team posted a message celebrating International Women's Day
👉 The message was met with criticism and ridicule due to his administration's policies on transgender athletes in women's sports
👉 Biden's administration has been accused of eroding the rights of women athletes
👉 The post was met with a barrage of negative responses on Twitter
👉 Many people called out Biden's administration for its policies
👉 Biden's actions have had a devastating impact on female athletes
👉 Female athletes have lost scholarships, medals, and opportunities due to Biden's policies
#JoeBiden #PresidentTrump #RichMuny #Stephaniegaddis #Cindy #Marc #politics

@ 28799867:e297d7bf
2025-03-09 17:04:46
👉 The bill aims to ban first-cousin marriage due to health risks associated with the practice
👉 The Labour party and Prime Minister Keir Starmer oppose the bill
👉 The issue has sparked controversy over cultural diversity and religious freedom
👉 Some argue that the bill is necessary to protect public health, while others believe it is an attack on certain communities

@ de1abdd3:ff3979a0
2025-03-09 17:04:46
✍️ A British Conservative MP is pushing for a law to ban first-cousin marriage, citing health risks, while the Labour party and Prime Minister Keir Starmer oppose the bill.
👉 The bill aims to ban first-cousin marriage due to health risks associated with the practice
👉 The Labour party and Prime Minister Keir Starmer oppose the bill
👉 The issue has sparked controversy over cultural diversity and religious freedom
👉 Some argue that the bill is necessary to protect public health, while others believe it is an attack on certain communities
#RichardHolden #KeirStarmer #IqbalMohamed #BenHabib #NigelFarage #BenjaminWeinthal #UnitedKingdom #Bradford #Norway #Sweden #MiddleEast #NorthAfrica #Scandinavia #Israel #Iran #Syria #Turkey #Europe #politics

@ ed6251a5:6e81a4e0
2025-03-09 17:04:45
✍️ The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) was criticized for spending taxpayer dollars on a study about the bowel movements of transgender men and people with masculine gender identities.
👉 The USDA spent taxpayer dollars on a study about the bowel movements of transgender men and people with masculine gender identities.
👉 The study aimed to develop natural ingredients for menstrual products and provide education on menstrual hygiene management.
👉 Critics argued that the study was a waste of taxpayer dollars and an example of the government's overreach into personal issues.
#BrookeRollins #DonaldTrump #Louisiana #WashingtonD.C. #politics

@ ea73f739:92e51ac7
2025-03-09 17:04:45
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqn274kru3t5f6a8v2uudzx0l2v0nrracgexa42k07vxezwc09vvrsygurky ну не понял. Ну бывает. Я не ждал многого чего уж там

@ dbbd7125:07ff73f8
2025-03-09 17:04:45

@ 28799867:e297d7bf
2025-03-09 17:04:45
👉 The USDA spent taxpayer dollars on a study about the bowel movements of transgender men and people with masculine gender identities.
👉 The study aimed to develop natural ingredients for menstrual products and provide education on menstrual hygiene management.
👉 Critics argued that the study was a waste of taxpayer dollars and an example of the government's overreach into personal issues.

@ de1abdd3:ff3979a0
2025-03-09 17:04:45
✍️ The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) was criticized for spending taxpayer dollars on a study about the bowel movements of transgender men and people with masculine gender identities.
👉 The USDA spent taxpayer dollars on a study about the bowel movements of transgender men and people with masculine gender identities.
👉 The study aimed to develop natural ingredients for menstrual products and provide education on menstrual hygiene management.
👉 Critics argued that the study was a waste of taxpayer dollars and an example of the government's overreach into personal issues.
#BrookeRollins #DonaldTrump #Louisiana #WashingtonD.C. #politics

@ 84e6abe4:9fa9da37
2025-03-09 17:04:44
REJECTED! nostr:npub15mu20c4efs2ydr0chfrhjl0lw5f8keqps86fth3dzlneugg3az6syt6qy3 / nostr:npub1q6ps7m94jfdastx2tx76sj8sq4nxdhlsgmzns2tr4xt6ydx6grzspm0kxr caught larping again and generating AI code and shit he can't do himself 😂. https://image.nostr.build/3fc6e8493b24aebe2a1802dc9a6cc6a76c0a2ad1996bfd6a3677c099bc4c9d0d.jpg

@ a2093e4b:c7122aca
2025-03-09 17:04:41
Американський дипломат Фрід: Якщо уряд США повторить помилки 1945 року - це буде провал https://newsua.one/news-interview/110055.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon [Ukraine]

@ 008d535e:61d774df
2025-03-09 17:04:39
⚠️🇺🇦Two civilians killed by Russian terrorist’s drone in Kharkiv region (more) https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3968606-two-killed-by-russian-drone-in-kharkiv-region.html #Ukraine #NukesForUkraine #SouthKorea #Japan #Press #Taiwan #Media #NukesOrNATO #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #11yrInvasionofUkraine

@ 16733bcf:381dad80
2025-03-09 17:04:37
Going to be longer than 30yrs🤙🏼🫂

@ a2093e4b:c7122aca
2025-03-09 17:04:37
Update from Ukraine: Denys Davydov (video commentary) https://ukrainetoday.org/update-from-ukraine-denys-davydov-video-commentary-278/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon

@ 100b290b:8a7364e4
2025-03-09 17:04:36
Well, either we didn't have enough drivers today, or I got declined. How fun!