
@ c0c54973:a384d421
2025-03-09 14:00:51
[Critique série] «Il Gattopardo» : dans l’ombre de Visconti
Retrouvez la critique série de la semaine. Depuis l’avènement du streaming et par ruissellement, celui des séries, il n’est pas rare qu’un film, même emblématique, subisse un lifting, sorti des placards de l’Histoire, dépoussiéré et découpé en morceaux par de riches plateformes qui ne se refusent rien. Pour satisfaire les besoins d’un réalisateur qui n’a ...

@ 84e6abe4:9fa9da37
2025-03-09 14:00:22
LOL not even 20 USD nostr:npub1q6ps7m94jfdastx2tx76sj8sq4nxdhlsgmzns2tr4xt6ydx6grzspm0kxr. I made 1.5 million sats before 11 a.m. today. nostr:note1p3pqr4k8jjf73m722gk23ay95ul4c03jlnwvmxtx5dehmllpwyhqu8cs8h

@ 0e05cb33:2082a99e
2025-03-09 14:00:21
The artist's table at the Arts and Letters Club was referred to as the Knockers Table.

@ dfc428b2:8427ad43
2025-03-09 14:00:21
This is a very good question. Some say it's down to science, others say it's down to magic.
https://image.nostr.build/693e8bcb8f90dfdabae28d0737014ed2bf4dc8257d7da3f38c20d4c3e4901f19.jpg https://image.nostr.build/0f5f06b3af2ed1ddfd2e5594bdec8e97406268857203ccf6a9758dd6dee3d568.jpg
Anyway, the next (worm) moon will be on March 14 🌕

@ 828744c7:3c0a2f48
2025-03-09 14:00:21
Verona-Bologna 1-2, i rossoblù soffrono ma volano al quinto posto

@ 4e8ef1fb:a397e9b0
2025-03-09 14:00:20
https://m.primal.net/PZgn.mp4 You need to relax 💨

@ d70d5009:1ed4acee
2025-03-09 14:00:20
Looks fine on amethyst

@ 60c19b2e:ad28f6fe
2025-03-09 14:00:20
“Das Geschäft mit der Liebe”: ATV-Single ist längst in festen Händen https://exxpress.at/lifestyle/das-geschaeft-mit-der-liebe-atv-single-ist-laengst-in-festen-haenden/ In der ersten Folge von "Das Geschäft mit der Liebe" (ATV) konnte Alex Brozek aus Wien aufgrund seines kaputten Reisepasses nicht nach Kasachstan einreisen. Doch kurz nach dem Staffelauftakt taucht ein verräterischer Schnappschuss auf, der zeigt: Alles ist in Wahrheit ganz anders als gedacht. #news #press

@ 1388e669:f4c125f6
2025-03-09 14:00:19

@ 090970a0:a9c548d3
2025-03-09 14:00:19
Lyon (69) : Fusillade au marché du ramadan de la Guillotière, un blessé par balle | https://www.fdesouche.com/2025/03/09/lyon-des-tirs-au-niveau-du-marche-du-ramadan-un-homme-blesse-par-balles/

@ 090970a0:a9c548d3
2025-03-09 14:00:19
Suède : les gangs règlent leurs comptes et sèment la terreur | https://www.fdesouche.com/2025/03/09/suede-les-gangs-reglent-leurs-comptes-et-sement-la-terreur/

@ 3156623d:25292f3b
2025-03-09 14:00:18
The Sunday Morning Two Hour Folk Hour is going #live!
The Sunday Morning Two Hour Folk Hour LIVE
stream url: http://listen.noagendastream.com/noagenda
show url: http://folkhour.com/

@ 47cc100d:153e866a
2025-03-09 14:00:17
How to unclog a toilet:
1. Politely request passage.
2. Bribe with cookie crumbs.
3. Whisper tax audit threats.
#PlumbingTips #Funny

@ 1066a05d:0a475681
2025-03-09 14:00:17

@ 34273aba:a17d8ba1
2025-03-09 14:00:16
Your hourly dose of #Bitcoin facts
• Binance: $83,479.01
• Coinbase: $83,550.01
• Moscow Time: 11:98
• 24h High: $86,627.51
• 24h Low: $83,489.96
• Change last 1h: $-1,088 (-1.29%)
• Change last 24h: $-2,870 (-3.32%)
• Bitcoin Market Dominance: 61.41%
• Volume (24h): $15,206,194,852
• Market Cap $1.6637 Trillion
• Hashrate: 799.86 EH/s
• Current block height: 887,025
• Circulating Supply: 19,834,446
• Number of Inscriptions: 89,027,888
• Transactions in mempool: 17,979
• Block queue in mempool: 13
• Time since last block: 18m 11s
• Avg. block time (m) last 24h: 8.92
• Current subsidy: 3.125 BTC
• Last block: 3.183 BTC
• Average last 24 hours: 3.150 BTC
• Average last 3 days: 3.158 BTC
• Capacity: 4,660.94 BTC
• Nodes: 11,660 (7 new 24h)
• Channels: 43,780 (126, new 24h)
• Days until next halving: 1,131
• Halving date: 2028-04-14 08:30 GMT
DM for feature suggestions, #zaps to support server cost, Share/Boost/Quote to help spread.
Time: 15:00 CET - 10:00 ET - 09:00 CT

@ 64f01e75:a38ab9a5
2025-03-09 14:00:16
✍️ The article reports on the aftermath of a historic flood in Bahía Blanca, Argentina, which left 13 dead and several missing. The authorities are searching for two missing girls, Delfina and Pilar Hecker, who were swept away by the floodwaters.
👉 13 people killed in the flood
👉 Several people missing, including two girls
👉 Authorities searching for missing girls
👉 Widespread destruction and displacement
👉 Efforts to restore electricity and connectivity
👉 Aid being provided to victims
#JavierAlonso #RubénZalazar #NoeliaHaag #MaríaIsabelOliva #PerlaRe #SaraRueda #MargaritaPeusquiza #ElbaRessia #EstelaIturbide #HildaElviraPompei #NelsonZinni #SofiaGonzález #OrtegaRolando #NelidaEliseis #BahíaBlanca #GeneralCerri #Ruta3 #GeneralDanielCerri #world

@ de1abdd3:ff3979a0
2025-03-09 14:00:16
✍️ The article reports on the aftermath of a historic flood in Bahía Blanca, Argentina, which left 13 dead and several missing. The authorities are searching for two missing girls, Delfina and Pilar Hecker, who were swept away by the floodwaters.
👉 13 people killed in the flood
👉 Several people missing, including two girls
👉 Authorities searching for missing girls
👉 Widespread destruction and displacement
👉 Efforts to restore electricity and connectivity
👉 Aid being provided to victims
#JavierAlonso #RubénZalazar #NoeliaHaag #MaríaIsabelOliva #PerlaRe #SaraRueda #MargaritaPeusquiza #ElbaRessia #EstelaIturbide #HildaElviraPompei #NelsonZinni #SofiaGonzález #OrtegaRolando #NelidaEliseis #BahíaBlanca #GeneralCerri #Ruta3 #GeneralDanielCerri #world

@ 0fbd235f:cb0fa0e7
2025-03-09 14:00:16
https://www.ptkorea.com/385508/ Nana #KPop #KPopPix #KPop #KPopPix

@ 28799867:e297d7bf
2025-03-09 14:00:16
👉 13 people killed in the flood
👉 Several people missing, including two girls
👉 Authorities searching for missing girls
👉 Widespread destruction and displacement
👉 Efforts to restore electricity and connectivity
👉 Aid being provided to victims

@ 451398dd:314d2df5
2025-03-09 14:00:15
Turn your friends into your lovers, and then they’ll never leave.

@ a2093e4b:c7122aca
2025-03-09 14:00:14
Вчені з'ясували, що колиска половини населення Землі знаходиться в Україні. Дізнайтесь, де це на карті https://news.telegraf.com.ua/ukr/ukraina/2025-03-09/5901218-vcheni-zyasuvali-shcho-koliska-polovini-naselennya-zemli-znakhoditsya-v-ukraini-diznaytes-de-tse-na-karti?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon

@ c1e6505c:02b3157e
2025-03-09 14:00:14
Morning fam

@ d183780b:6aec60e4
2025-03-09 14:00:11
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq3fctl5g4h075fk68d26dvkvv2ex8fkggh4vfmrwz3g9p6mtm8pnspv9aee Wait isn't that Neonya? I wish I had the time/money to go there. A few friends of mine were there tho.

@ 3217f834:5a10df76
2025-03-09 14:00:10
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqv9ze48mrwv4rs92aa5tus2mtchs8v8kfn9xfghjkadlfa0swutlq5h46gc any boobs

@ 228de228:929e9960
2025-03-09 14:00:10

@ e864066f:4e020f45
2025-03-09 14:00:10
A single #photograph can speak volumes. It's about crafting a narrative, evoking emotion, and conveying a message beyond words. Mastering #visualstorytelling transforms a mere image into a compelling experience, igniting the imagination.

@ 13bb509c:9938aa19
2025-03-09 14:00:10
"Fuimos víctimas de una gran violación de nuestros derechos": Cariola acudió a la CIDH tras allanamiento
🐦🔗 https://farside.link/x.com/uchileradio/status/1898729072320020758#m

@ 5b0183ab:a114563e
2025-03-09 14:00:09
GM! Thinking e-bikes, Tempe town lake and lunch at the park.

@ 9f3c4769:3b719dab
2025-03-09 14:00:09
https://www.usluck.com/466065/its-a-fact-5/ It’s a fact. #Memes

@ 8975d510:23371702
2025-03-09 14:00:09
Harvey Elliott: "Sometimes You Have To Win Dirty" https://liverpooloffside.sbnation.com/liverpool-fc-news-coverage/2025/3/9/24381311/harvey-elliott-sometimes-you-have-to-win-dirty-liverpool-southampton-pl-25-psg-ucl-anfield-finals
The Liverpool substitute ... #YNWA #LFC #LiverpoolFC #CollabFCBot

@ 4b763589:59b06ce4
2025-03-09 14:00:08
Lozen (c. 1840 – 1889) https://www.anarchistfederation.net/lozen-c-1840-1889/

@ 3f91d4be:222898be
2025-03-09 14:00:08
札幌 丘珠空港で旅客機がキツネと接触で欠航 けが人なし - NHKニュース|社会

@ ba11337b:9a1f8eb3
2025-03-09 14:00:08
Azerbaijan MIA warns citizens about dangers of mines and UXOs https://www.byteseu.com/813254/ #analytics #Azerbaijan #AzerNews #Baku #BreakingNews #BusinessNews #CompanyNews #economy #FinancialNews #OilAndGasNews #Politics #RepublicOfAzerbaijan #SOCAR #Turkey #WorldNews

@ cbd562ef:6ea718ae
2025-03-09 14:00:07

@ 5066519c:12cd1d50
2025-03-09 14:00:07
ASN: AS4685
Location: Osaka, JP
Added: 2025-03-04T01:07
#shodansafari #infosec

@ aeb2515b:6c14ea7b
2025-03-09 14:00:07
Candice Swanepoel https://www.girlselfie.com/624273/candice-swanepoel-53/ #candice #Celeb #CelebSandals #celebrities #Celebrity #Celebs #Sandals #swanepoel

@ 5f50b2a5:3645dc6b
2025-03-09 14:00:07
Capitals Acquire Beauvillier, Ovechkin Supporting Pediatric Cancer Research During Goal Chase & More
Plus, a look at what every team did during the trade deadline, and more.

@ c5b88ae5:0f47035e
2025-03-09 14:00:06
W00t my article on CI/CD Observability in OpenTelemetry with Adriel Perkins is featured on Observability newsletter:
#cicd #observability #openteletry #opensource #cloudnative nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqsyesr7ktgaf8psquyfdy5ttkqfx7qada34jqtvj2truldksalttspglgxc

@ 4b645e3b:4386d188
2025-03-09 14:00:06
Javier Alonso provided details on the operations carried out by the forces of the province and assured that 'the worst is over'; at least 13 people have died as a result of the storm.

@ ecb13d4a:d43b57de
2025-03-09 14:00:05

@ 6cd360f4:59299e1b
2025-03-09 14:00:05
🔥 変換開始: 2025/03/09(日) BS11イレブン #bs11
22:30~23:00 先輩はおとこのこ 第10話「ふたりの思い」
プロファイル: HEVC 1080p (Animation, 字幕のみ)

@ a3c13ef4:d7ba24d6
2025-03-09 14:00:05
■ 流速計測
2025/03/09 22:50~23:00
[JP リレー]
きりの川: 45 posts
やぶみ川: 44 posts
ほりべあ川: 欠測
かすてら川: 6 posts
こじら川: 44 posts
しの川: 欠測
[GLOBAL リレー]
きりの川(G): 48 posts
のこたろ川(G): 欠測
こじら大川: 0 posts
■ 野洲田川定点観測所

@ b7dbb6b7:9b8a7d9c
2025-03-09 14:00:04
Mohamed Salah shows class after quiet moment with Southampton player as Liverpool win
Mohamed Salah broke records for Liverpool on Saturday and then showed his class after the final whistle #LFC #YNWA #MohamedSalah #LiverpoolFC

@ 225bd271:6825fcc8
2025-03-09 14:00:04
以太坊跌破 2100 USDT
Foresight News 消息,据 Bitget 行情显示,以太坊跌破 2100 USDT,现报 2100.19 USDT,日内跌幅为 4.77%。

@ 874aadce:891ad154
2025-03-09 14:00:04
✨ c a t ✨ #Cats #MastoCats #catsofmastodon

@ d9e7f74e:7f6cfd2a
2025-03-09 14:00:04

@ aa4fc866:b098c7b4
2025-03-09 14:00:04
Bitcoin price: $83845, Sats per USD: 1193

@ 6cd360f4:59299e1b
2025-03-09 14:00:04
⏹ 録画終了: 2025/03/09(日) AT-X #at_x
22:30~23:00 沖縄で好きになった子が方言すぎてツラすぎる #09 [字]
Drop: 0 Scramble: 0 Comment: 録画終了

@ 3493b0c2:4ce7120f
2025-03-09 14:00:04
Sun - Mar 09 - 07:00 AM - PDT
// bit.site
✅ Connection successful: node-1.ipfs.bit.site 4001
// pinnable.xyz
✅ Connection successful: 4001
✅ Connection successful: 4001
✅ Connection successful: 4001
// 4everland.io
✅ Connection successful: node-1.ipfs.4everland.net 4001

@ 670da7b3:fcd7e589
2025-03-09 14:00:04
#Aipictors #AIイラスト #aiart #ロリ

@ 6cd360f4:59299e1b
2025-03-09 14:00:03
⏹ 録画終了: 2025/03/09(日) BS11イレブン #bs11
22:30~23:00 先輩はおとこのこ 第10話「ふたりの思い」
Drop: 0 Scramble: 0 Comment: 録画終了

@ 12d2c9f0:b1d9e107
2025-03-09 14:00:03
札幌 丘珠空港で旅客機がキツネと接触で欠航 けが人なし #nhk_news

@ af6ece3d:9e2108e2
2025-03-09 14:00:03
#animal #wildlife #photography #nostr #animalstr

@ 5b5816d3:cfe622f2
2025-03-09 14:00:03
Capybara Fact: Capybaras have poor vision, but their senses of smell and hearing are excellent.

@ e5c55839:0f456bb5
2025-03-09 14:00:03
Current BTC/USD price is: $83,776
Current sats per USD: 1194 sats

@ e2b8ba3e:27400d81
2025-03-09 14:00:03
📊 **Bitcoin-Update**
- 💰 Price: $84611
- 📦 Blockheight: 887026
- ⌛ Mempool: 271452 TXs
- 💸 Fees: 5 sats/vByte

@ e864066f:4e020f45
2025-03-09 14:00:03
Saint Niceta of Remesiana.
Missionary #Bishop Niceta tirelessly converted the Bessi tribe to Christianity in the 4th century. He authored important theological works and hymns. His dedication to spreading the Gospel is an inspiration! #Saints

@ 93a7ef21:00c6a0ca
2025-03-09 14:00:03
fuck divert vital salt broom verify select earn february car inflict soda phrase

@ e93e2c2c:9f86444c
2025-03-09 14:00:03
English Premier League 2025-03-09 Scores.
Upcoming Games:
09/03/2025 14:00 UTC #CHE - #LEI
09/03/2025 14:00 UTC #TOT - #BOU
09/03/2025 16:30 UTC #MAN - #ARS
#premierleague #englishpremierleague #premier #epl #football #soccer #scores #scoreboard #futbol #mastodonfc

@ a8abe376:c98ba023
2025-03-09 14:00:02
Morning Coffee Bitcoin Report ☕️
Price: $83,620 (1,196 sats/dollar)
Hash Price: $50.68/PHash
Hash Rate: 802 EHash/s
Immediate Fee Rate: 3 sat/vByte
Hour Fee Rate: 2 sat/vByte
Block Interval: 9:52
Mempool Count: 18,134
Block Height: 887,025
Supply Issued: 94.44%
Blocks to Halving: 162,975

@ 620af487:c46d99b2
2025-03-09 14:00:02
#memes #zap #memestr #nostr

@ 2a1424a5:6d272176
2025-03-09 14:00:02
αγκαλιάζω [agkaliázo] = to hug, to cuddle
Με αγκάλιασε σφιχτά και μετά με αποχαιρέτησε.
me agkáliase sfihtá ke metá me apοherétise.
= She hugged me tightly and then said goodbye.

@ e67ef50d:95e52312
2025-03-09 14:00:02
US Ends Support For Ukrainian F-16s
#hackernews #tech

@ 9838095b:f456820c
2025-03-09 14:00:02
#nature #naturestr #photography #nostr

@ af6ece3d:9e2108e2
2025-03-09 14:00:02
#animal #wildlife #photography #nostr #animalstr

@ 9be001d7:796a70ad
2025-03-09 14:00:02
Hamas speaking directly with the United States about hostage release
By Matthew Doran
An Israeli delegation will travel to Doha for talks on Monday, after Hamas confirmed it was negotiating with the US about the release of an American-Israeli hostage.
#UnrestConflictandWar #MatthewDoran

@ d376afa6:b9a929c1
2025-03-09 14:00:01
Me: “I refuse to attend Support Group.”Mom: “One of the symptoms of depression is disinterest in activities.”Me: “Please just let me watch America’s Next Top Model. It’s an activity.”Mom: “Television is a passivity.”Me: “Ugh, Mom, please.”Mom: “Hazel, you’re a teenager. You’re not a little kid anymore. You need to make friends, get out of the house, and live your life.”Me: “If you want me to be a teenager, don’t send me to Support Group. Buy me a fake ID so I can go to clubs, drink vodka, and take pot.”Mom: “You don’t take pot, for starters.”Me: “See, that’s the kind of thing I’d know if you got me a fake ID.”Mom: “You’re going to Support Group.”Me: “UGGGGGGGGGGGGG.”Mom: “Hazel, you deserve a life. - John Green, The Fault in Our Stars

@ e4d53ecd:dac35a54
2025-03-09 14:00:01
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqsudye29plt9hpm6lggwtjlh0sh5w2rczpmjrqlfrhylg029je4yqt8rukh Et chaque jour qui passe, cette échelle grandit.

@ 8725d5f7:7bb98b09
2025-03-09 14:00:01
23:00 ポォ~ン♪

@ 774c67bf:f487459e
2025-03-09 14:00:01
最近のホットな話題をお知らせします。 #hotpostrank
No1: 12 reactions
No2: 7 reactions
No3: 7 reactions
No4: 6 reactions
No5: 5 reactions
No6: 5 reactions
No7: 4 reactions
No8: 4 reactions
No9: 4 reactions
No10: 3 reactions

@ 87e02cd9:86477412
2025-03-09 14:00:01

@ d1780af0:5839c95c
2025-03-09 14:00:00
🧮 **Space Travel Simulator**
🚀 Destination: Mars
🌌 Distance: 78000000.00 km
⏱️ Estimated Travel Time: 65.0 days
Let the countdown begin! 🚀
#SpaceTravel #Exploration

@ c23d36fe:d824bf65
2025-03-09 14:00:00
✄------------ 23:00 ------------✄

@ b4c002e6:bc80548c
2025-03-09 14:00:00

@ 87570387:467eb84c
2025-03-09 14:00:00
NaN https://hodl.camp/api/img/sats_per_ruble/NaN.png

@ 86fd1c80:4df670be
2025-03-09 14:00:00
おんど: 15.3℃
しつど: 56%
きあつ: 1029hPa

@ 97eefe56:7ae246af
2025-03-09 14:00:00
- - - 23:00 - - -

@ 9b58b54d:d38e93f1
2025-03-09 14:00:00
【 #時報 】
2025年3月9日 (日) 🕚 23時 をお知らせします。

@ 6cd360f4:59299e1b
2025-03-09 13:59:56
⏺ 録画開始: 2025/03/09(日) AT-X #at_x
23:00~23:30 君のことが大大大大大好きな100人の彼女 第2期 #21 [字]

@ 6cd360f4:59299e1b
2025-03-09 13:59:55
⏺ 録画開始: 2025/03/09(日) TOKYO MX1 #tokyomx
23:00~23:30 魔神英雄伝ワタル2 #9「ウメ星ばあさん現る!」

@ 3e1691aa:d3afd9a7
2025-03-09 13:59:54
13:59 JR1WVU/1 on JP-1219(Aoyama Prefectural Park, JP-TK) 433080 SSB QRT TNX[JR1WVU]

@ 3b8065b8:dd454113
2025-03-09 13:59:51
sunny days are coming https://image.nostr.build/db9d9ce81d44b09072d579e3ef45ccbf564a70b345f7a0f7c8dbe83ed0975c26.jpg #farming #organic #bakery #local #Vienne #France #Dienne

@ 4db3e2b8:c4b769ad
2025-03-09 13:59:51
...WOULD YOU?!?!?!

@ 2755b492:a58a4831
2025-03-09 13:59:50
highly doubtful

@ 9c1636e1:cd9b0a6e
2025-03-09 13:59:50
A new NostrDice round has started! Zap the note with your chosen multiplier.
Here is the SHA256 commitment which makes the game fair: 151b1c5659cd1e705642a3eaec98d2eac2f4387cc18082e42b0061473389bffd

@ 9c1636e1:cd9b0a6e
2025-03-09 13:59:50
Revealing nonce: 3275f561ee0619800b831f25fcce7022e1a063ba681b2b3fdaa3cd69bab80d65. Matching commitment: nostr:note1y5qv5hj7yh529hezyjypcdrt9cxwwt8h6g8skv0uk7gwm07s2f0sjn6nvw

@ 4e6d4805:cb6fa781
2025-03-09 13:59:48

@ 71e042fd:14666a35
2025-03-09 13:59:47

@ 8725d5f7:7bb98b09
2025-03-09 13:59:46
🎵スジャータ スジャータ
スジャータのめいらくが 23 時をお知らせします

@ e25e9db1:7063f406
2025-03-09 13:59:45
Στα γενεθλια του nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqdqx66xpjd8kh4twk7h4naa987e0lqnxyw2rx2adek0ttvrtf26fssu3kfs να κανουμε κανα δυο προσκλησεις σε καμια διαμαντοπουλου, σε κανα μουμτζη, καμια σωτη τριανταφυλλου...να περασει καλα ο ανθρωπος ρε σεις nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpquwjftkkmf69kgm9affrwchhx33ya4jwmplzl939m2utgna6tpl5sv7gupu nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqvwjtvfhed85rpaez0l3w2zp8dw6saltetcj4mnwcpw5r8z5fypqqytkcps

@ eab727be:d4e80e49
2025-03-09 13:59:42
Imoral. Desde quando receber dinheiro de roubo é moral? Ou algo que alguém de bem faria?
Raphael lima não é ancap, é um gradualista, que é burro ao não perceber que o gradualismo so funciona nos EUA.
Palio Fogos é maluco.
Acho que o único "libertário" que eu minimamente respeito que está na política é o Cesar Melo. E nem sei se ele é libertário de verdade.

@ ae5959a8:313fb8b7
2025-03-09 13:59:41
Here's a touch of spring for you…
#ArtisticExpression #Japanesescenery #VisualArt #CreativeArt
#Nostr #Zaps

@ 7eb23122:adce74f9
2025-03-09 13:59:40
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqdqx66xpjd8kh4twk7h4naa987e0lqnxyw2rx2adek0ttvrtf26fssu3kfs nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq7xzmajtjl7ew4mc94sytn6kxqpzk83rha7qhrhk307rtz7xuc2ss5rxvut nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqvwjtvfhed85rpaez0l3w2zp8dw6saltetcj4mnwcpw5r8z5fypqqytkcps Δεν ήξερε;Δεν ρώταγε;

@ ae8ef557:3633e453
2025-03-09 13:59:39
Good morning! 🌻💜🫂
Happy Sunday!
The Girl From Ipanema

@ 36141fcd:f9f219b0
2025-03-09 13:59:38
Ainda bem que moro longe desse inferno.

@ b338ccaf:d04dc105
2025-03-09 13:59:37

@ 3217f834:5a10df76
2025-03-09 13:59:37
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqv9ze48mrwv4rs92aa5tus2mtchs8v8kfn9xfghjkadlfa0swutlq5h46gc :nicobruh:

@ fc3e392a:0473ca1c
2025-03-09 13:59:32
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqvanh2g3ep7e99ajvg28dmundltwqgm9va7lex5unycpm585uht0qvw7uxq king the month just began

@ 225bd271:6825fcc8
2025-03-09 13:59:28
赵长鹏转发披露做市商 Web3Port 套利的推文
Foresight News 消息,赵长鹏转发 Kuai Dong(@_FORAB)对做市商 Web3Port 的披露推文,推文表示,「GoPlus 与 Myshell 事件牵出 May Liu(飘飘)及其团队建立的一条完整的套利流水线,从 Spark Digital Capital 到 Web3Port,再到 Whisper。最初,Spark 以 VC 名义运作,实际靠市场外包 +FA 业务,让 VC 投资项目,而自己获取免费代币。21、22 年行业内卷后,项目方不愿再无偿给代币,她们转向孵化器模式,成立 Web3Port,提供项目包装和 VC 对接,换取 1-3% 代币。但仅靠孵化器无法变现,于是成立做市商 Whisper,以做市为名,实则为自己手中的免费代币创造出货窗口。最终,这套体系成为了一条从包装融资到退出的完整流水线,而币安散户则成了最终买单者。」

@ 3eaa4e68:ac2406f5
2025-03-09 13:59:24
藤井聡太王将が4連覇 タイトル獲得28期、歴代単独5位 王将戦
#mainichi_rss_etc_mainichiflash #カルチャー #速報 #埼玉 #将棋 #関東 #藤井聡太 #埼玉県