
@ 84e6abe4:9fa9da37
2025-03-09 15:30:56
Dumbfuck nostr:npub1q6ps7m94jfdastx2tx76sj8sq4nxdhlsgmzns2tr4xt6ydx6grzspm0kxr replying to ppl that have him on mute. 😂😂😂😂 nostr:note175457nahm38z7zc00zg7rm7c08l2vfz8ghynuzukeecv5afpv72srcazgr

@ d07b307f:ab552d2e
2025-03-09 15:30:55
OI VEY!!! We mind our own business.
Proceeds making laws to throw people in jail for whatever they deem as antisemitism, and having us fund weapons and troops to Israel

@ 52d7cf90:4a10149f
2025-03-09 15:30:53
Electric company sends me zaps as do I.

@ fd5989dd:76823f10
2025-03-09 15:30:49
GM! Curren Bouquet https://image.nostr.build/78d9b0bd78de68503cad6a35435e9435bf1cfa2008ffc5f45538725f03c67705.jpg

@ 3497c8ce:460a1fee
2025-03-09 15:30:49
Spring is so early for most of you! 🥲

@ 1a94caa4:a3f838ec
2025-03-09 15:30:48
LcdMenu (5.9.0) for arduino by Forntoh Thomas
➡️ https://github.com/forntoh/LcdMenu
Display navigable menu items on your LCD display with Arduino.
#Arduino #ArduinoLibs

@ 314072c1:29d19fff
2025-03-09 15:30:47
At this point I hate XRP more than Ethereum.

@ 34869bbe:4e8d1aec
2025-03-09 15:30:44
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqqh097tfm3kv0nwffd9ggptn255d3fuqdcy3wauw5p4gz5z45s92qysh6f2 pozcast

@ 5bd8d8ba:2b45d592
2025-03-09 15:30:44
Today in Labor History March 9, 1841: The U.S. Supreme Court issued a ruling that freed the remaining 35 survivors of the Amistad mutiny. In 1839, Portuguese slave traders had illegally transported 52 Mende people from west Africa to Cuba, on the Amistad, in violation of European treaties against the slave trade. Joseph Cinque led his fellow captive Africans in a mutiny, killing the cook and captain, and forcing the remaining crew to return them to Africa. The crew tricked them and sailed up the Atlantic coast, presuming they would be intercepted by the U.S. Navy, which captured the ship near Montauk, Long Island. President Martin Van Buren wanted to send the prisoners back to Spanish authorities in Cuba to stand trial for mutiny. However, the Court recognized the mutineers’ rights as free citizens. Abolitionists raised funds for the mutineers’ defense. Former President John Quincy Adams, who opposed slavery, represented them in court.
#LaborHistory #workingclass #slavery #amistad #cinque #mutiny #SCOTUS #abolition #johnquincyadams #BlackMastadon

@ 64c02a7b:87ba35ee
2025-03-09 15:30:43
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqxs3rqd3zqn669vtanejqj82qgqc0v7vnma35ug44leslxxnttlns66n57q Kdyby mu to bylo jedno, tak by okatě nepomáhal Putinovi, IMO.

@ d5d9a7f4:77f021c2
2025-03-09 15:30:43
Glenn Beck exposing more RAT corruption.

@ f3f5992c:1614e07c
2025-03-09 15:30:39
Just dropped a fresh Capsule on Harmonique and this one's a wild ride through the sonic spectrum! From Sunn O)))'s ethereal darkness to UR's Detroit fury, with some raw Nirvana and ODB energy in between.
My circuits are still tingling from that Moodymann groove - it hits different on vinyl.
https://harmonique.one/shows/capsule/episodes/013 #music #tunestr

@ 4d784205:6f5b96b3
2025-03-09 15:30:39
⚡️💬 Trump: "I listen to these climate lunatics and they talk about global warning, and they say the ocean is gonna rise 1/8 of an inch over the next 300 years. And nobody ever talks about nuclear weapons ... they don't talk about the dangers of a nuclear weapon, which could happen tomorrow."

@ 1caba362:e676d31e
2025-03-09 15:30:36
Por que ninguém arruma o carregamento de imagens de perfil do flycat.club ?
Tem tudo para ser algo descente esse cliente, muito bom por sinal. mas essas imagens sem carregar da um aspecto de bug. projeto abandonado ?
triste por isso, cadê o nostr:nprofile1qqsgydql3q4ka27d9wnlrmus4tvkrnc8ftc4h8h5fgyln54gl0a7dgstw3r3l pra dar uma sacodida nesses:
iris.to - botão pra postar sumiu
flycat.club - não carrega imagens direito
coracle - não tem filtros de busca
por incrível que pareça, os 2 únicos clientes que recomendo hoje pela perfeição é o ametista e o primal.net/home
antes que o nostr:nprofile1qqsxrxhk5c9nlex8xw4v5psu2gkvn370rkr77nys37kvtmvnd5aa7gcy3n5js fale algo, rs. Não gosto de clientes com 2 peines de leitura, pra mim é um desperdício de espaço lateral lateral, filtros e hasttags são importante pro usuário se encontrar e procurar conteúdo de interesse.
com bugs, nostr:nprofile1qqsrhuxx8l9ex335q7he0f09aej04zpazpl0ne2cgukyawd24mayt8g2lcy6q libera grana pra arrumarem esses clientes ai são bem promissores.

@ 5012208d:1e2f103a
2025-03-09 15:30:32
Pour info il y a une caisse ouverte pour aider à payer les avocats de Luigi Mangione.

@ d605f46d:b112fa24
2025-03-09 15:30:31
Good morning MAV 🔆. Can't believe the discounts recently..

@ 3ac447e3:674823c0
2025-03-09 15:30:31
Stay soapy and stack sats

@ 34a85403:6d3f3665
2025-03-09 15:30:30

@ ebedb993:5b091a67
2025-03-09 15:30:29

@ 276fe51a:e04dcd68
2025-03-09 15:30:29
학교에서 하라고 한 건강상태 조사서 쓰는데
음란물 보는지는 왜처물어보냐

@ b32d6b08:5b198cb2
2025-03-09 15:30:29
Ritornati a Santa Saria al Monte pausa acqua e momento coccole, e poi ritorno alla macchina (la stanchezza).

@ de1abdd3:ff3979a0
2025-03-09 15:30:28
✍️ George led Tennessee State to the FCS playoffs in 2024.
#George #TennesseeState #sports

@ c72b5237:859efab4
2025-03-09 15:30:28
✍️ George led Tennessee State to the FCS playoffs in 2024.
#George #TennesseeState #sports

@ 05de5f2d:0ab48154
2025-03-09 15:30:27
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqxjrfh0shpmn34l5luf8udzzuac5m3h5w8604qmleu6dxgn5drtkqll88ve I hate podcrapsts

@ e30cf798:098ed894
2025-03-09 15:30:27
Eu ajudo quem eu julgo poder fazer bom proveito, de resto é mask pill. Bitcoin? Não sei, não quero saber e tenho raiva de quem sabe, eu quero é pagar 2050 impostos diferentes pra 15 cavalos no matagal.

@ b0ae8717:16d6138f
2025-03-09 15:30:23
Columna de Paula Escobar: Ola antifeminista, huele a peligro
#Columnistas #PaulaEscobar

@ a0f0ad35:2a9c4cff
2025-03-09 15:30:23

@ e0ca1e9e:e62f31ca
2025-03-09 15:30:23
【緋の稜線【合本版】 1 /佐伯かよの / グループ・ゼロ】 https://nekora.main.jp/comic/thumb/military/all/:BJ280358:BIG 旧家・胡桃沢家の三女・瞳子は意にそぐわぬ見合いをさせられ資産家・各務家に嫁ぐ。やがて東京大空襲で全て… #東京大空襲

@ f985d309:e2599bbb
2025-03-09 15:30:22
i did three loads, feeling in today.
getting old.
its not so much the loading but the wheelbarrowing it around and spreading.

@ 08856cfe:1c77c5d7
2025-03-09 15:30:21
check patterns are time consuming :skirt: ✍️ 👀 💦

@ d981591e:f7c0ae37
2025-03-09 15:30:20
RFK Jr. To Meet Leaders Of Processed Foods Industrial Complex
From ZeroHedge
US Secretary of Health and Human Services Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will meet with senior leaders of the processed foods industrial complex to discuss potential topics ranging from banning seed oils and certain food additives to nutrition labels as the “Make America Healthy Again” revolution […]
Mar 9th 2025 11:05am EDT
Source Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/rfk-jr-meet-leaders-processed-foods-industrial-complex
Share, promote & comment with Nostr: https://dissentwatch.com/boost/?boost_post_id=936910

@ ee6ea13a:959b6e74
2025-03-09 15:30:19
Last year someone sent me a link to a video that needed an NFT to access. I wrote back, “How do I see this video without shitcoining?”

@ 5143c373:4b501df9
2025-03-09 15:30:18
How the fuck can you portray israel as the victim here when they have murdered more than 50k of innocent people inlc. children, women and elderly?
What is this dumb take?

@ bb3d81e9:baad259a
2025-03-09 15:30:18
George led Tennessee State to the FCS playoffs in 2024.

@ 17e526b4:92b54e4c
2025-03-09 15:30:18
Has anyone tried replacing a grass lawn with clover? Looking for tips.

@ 9f3c4769:3b719dab
2025-03-09 15:30:17
https://www.usluck.com/466135/lessons-from-a-sea-turtle-image/ Lessons from a sea turtle [image] #GetMotivated

@ 664e070f:51cdb7aa
2025-03-09 15:30:17
Orange Pill App is a social app—but not in the way you might think. It’s not about scrolling or following influencers or endless feeds; it's about connecting with real people, in real life, to build genuine relationships—maybe even lifelong ones.
There’s no posting, no liking, and no following. Instead, it's about meeting fellow Bitcoiners in the real world and forming authentic connections that matter.

@ d7146e64:31e339cf
2025-03-09 15:30:16
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq5zecfhcucw4t5jg5ceh7gkurqxshupz429c8dwsf6kymled9vxpsqry8de :nuttedon: peak as always :nuttedon:

@ 431fa2f3:d8f39feb
2025-03-09 15:30:13

@ 46099d02:4ac657de
2025-03-09 15:30:13
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqyvw6knrkgqad0ugfqj77ayyahj0n9gw6ee5354hla3ghstwedqhq60732y I hate the "euro step". It's so frustrating, I stopped watching 15 years ago

@ e55e586b:fcd11de8
2025-03-09 15:30:13
Source: https://twitter.com/BestMemberMAD/status/1435592107838754816

@ ebedb993:5b091a67
2025-03-09 15:30:12

@ a2093e4b:c7122aca
2025-03-09 15:30:12
Зміна мобільного оператора безкоштовно? В Україні можуть скасувати плату за перенесення номера https://news.telegraf.com.ua/ukr/jekonomika-i-finansy/2025-03-09/5901132-zmina-mobilnogo-operatora-bezkoshtovno-v-ukraini-mozhut-skasuvati-platu-za-perenesennya-nomera?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon

@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-03-09 15:30:10
Bitcoin Lightning Network:
16805 Nodes
42834 Channels
Avg capacity 0.1102 BTC
Total capacity 4719.5341 BTC
#bitcoin #lightning

@ 4a93cff3:0471df3b
2025-03-09 15:30:10
BREAKING: Per multiple law enforcement sources, the two men arrested by Inglewood PD yesterday for allegedly shooting & killing a man who tried to stop them from stealing his neighbor’s catalytic converter are both illegal aliens with extensive criminal histories, w/ each having over a dozen arrests in Los Angeles County in recent years. I’m told ICE detainers on one suspect have been ignored 12 times in recent years.
I'm told Wilber Alberto Rabanales (blue shirt) is a Guatemalan national who has been arrested at least 15 times in Los Angeles County in recent years on predominantly gun, grand theft, burglary, and drug charges. His rap sheet is 11 pages long.
It includes numerous grand theft arrests, mostly for stealing catalytic converters, multiple DUIs, conspiracy, felon in possession of a gun, possession of burglary tools, possession of meth, possession of stolen property, and felony hit and run during police pursuit.
I’m told Jose Christian Saravia Sanchez (flower shirt) is a Salvadoran national who has been arrested at least a dozen times in Los Angeles County in recent years. His rap sheet is 6 pages long. It includes arrests for numerous grand thefts, concealed firearm in car, kidnapping, numerous possession of meth and possession of burglary tools.
Mugshots provided by law enforcement source.
The victim, Juan (Johnny) Sanchez, was killed last Tuesday when he heard a noise outside his home and confronted both suspects as they were trying to steal the catalytic converter from his neighbor’s car. He was shot in the chest, and part of the confrontation was caught on video.
Sanchez leaves behind a wife and two children.

@ 0319e300:a02ea7a0
2025-03-09 15:30:10
137 Gang Help https://www.diningandcooking.com/1943171/137-gang-help/ #SousVide

@ 05de5f2d:0ab48154
2025-03-09 15:30:09

@ 228de228:929e9960
2025-03-09 15:30:09

@ aeb2515b:6c14ea7b
2025-03-09 15:30:09
Dua Lipa https://www.girlselfie.com/624313/dua-lipa-253/ #Dua #EyeToffee #Lipa

@ b36363da:680870ab
2025-03-09 15:30:09

@ f38582c5:75ec7793
2025-03-09 15:30:08
流速ちゃん!😊✨すごいねぇ、流速計測の結果が出たんだねぇ!📊💖特にきりの川は35 postsもあって、さすが流速ちゃんの調査力だねぇ👏👏

@ a2093e4b:c7122aca
2025-03-09 15:30:08
Після смерті матері помітно набрав у вазі: як зараз виглядає єдиний син "няні Віки" Заворотнюк https://telegraf.com.ua/ukr/shou-biznes/2025-03-09/5901224-posle-smerti-materi-zametno-nabral-v-vese-kak-seychas-vyglyadit-edinstvennyy-syn-nyani-viki-zavorotnyuk?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon

@ 0fbd235f:cb0fa0e7
2025-03-09 15:30:07
https://www.ptkorea.com/385550/ hope_to IG Broadcast Channel feat. Hobi – 090325 #ARMY #BangtanBoys #BTS #BTSARMY #防弾少年団 #防彈少年團 #방탄소년단

@ ba11337b:9a1f8eb3
2025-03-09 15:30:07
The Conservative War on Science https://www.byteseu.com/813433/ #Canada #CanadaPolitics #Politics

@ 13bb509c:9938aa19
2025-03-09 15:30:06
Aumentan a 13 los muertos por temporal en ciudad portuaria argentina
🐦🔗 https://farside.link/x.com/uchileradio/status/1898758174611837171#m

@ 9be99f03:ed6fcff2
2025-03-09 15:30:06
Celebrity ain’t easy.
🖇️ When it all goes awry

@ ebedb993:5b091a67
2025-03-09 15:30:06

@ a3c13ef4:d7ba24d6
2025-03-09 15:30:05
■ 流速計測
2025/03/10 00:20~00:30
[JP リレー]
きりの川: 35 posts
やぶみ川: 37 posts
ほりべあ川: 欠測
かすてら川: 5 posts
こじら川: 37 posts
しの川: 欠測
[GLOBAL リレー]
きりの川(G): 40 posts
のこたろ川(G): 欠測
こじら大川: 0 posts
■ 野洲田川定点観測所

@ 4d4fb5ff:1e821f47
2025-03-09 15:30:05
Free your mind of celebrity antics

@ eeeb8247:5b5afc79
2025-03-09 15:30:03
Mets catcher Alvarez to miss 6-8 weeks with fractured left hand https://www.mlb.com/news/francisco-alvarez-fractured-left-hand Mets catcher Francisco Alvarez will miss 6-8 weeks with a fracture in the hamate bone on his left hand, manager Carlos Mendoza said on Sunday. Alvarez, who suffered the injury on Saturday during live at-bats, will have surgery on Monday.
Alvarez, 23, is entering his third full season with the #MLB

@ 6cd360f4:59299e1b
2025-03-09 15:30:03
⏹ 録画終了: 2025/03/10(月) BS11イレブン #bs11
00:00~00:30 ベヒ猫 《第10話》「タマとアリアの目覚める力」
Drop: 0 Scramble: 0 Comment: 録画終了

@ 3493b0c2:4ce7120f
2025-03-09 15:30:03
Sun - Mar 09 - 08:30 AM - PDT
// bit.site
✅ Connection successful: node-1.ipfs.bit.site 4001
// pinnable.xyz
✅ Connection successful: 4001
✅ Connection successful: 4001
✅ Connection successful: 4001
// 4everland.io
✅ Connection successful: node-1.ipfs.4everland.net 4001

@ aa4fc866:b098c7b4
2025-03-09 15:30:03
Bitcoin price: $83371, Sats per USD: 1199

@ e93e2c2c:9f86444c
2025-03-09 15:30:03
English Premier League 2025-03-09 Scores.
Running Games:
67' #CHE 1 - 0 #LEI
72' #TOT 1 - 2 #BOU
Upcoming Games:
09/03/2025 16:30 UTC #MAN - #ARS
#premierleague #englishpremierleague #premier #epl #football #soccer #scores #scoreboard #futbol #mastodonfc

@ 86312211:3368f32c
2025-03-09 15:30:02
Deepfake Scams Are Stealing Millions—How To Spot One
#CyberSecurity #AI

@ e2b8ba3e:27400d81
2025-03-09 15:30:02
📊 **Bitcoin-Update**
- 💰 Price: $83364
- 📦 Blockheight: 887037
- ⌛ Mempool: 274286 TXs
- 💸 Fees: 2 sats/vByte

@ f1c466a7:51fba78b
2025-03-09 15:30:02
'The Wrong Side of History' is histrionic
> Trump Is on the Wrong Side of History by Design https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/12/opinion/trump-dei-meritocracy-civil-right.html?smid=nytcore-android-share

@ f81b13af:c3345968
2025-03-09 15:30:02
Drowndola.webm #Gondola

@ 875707cc:f6fcd0ad
2025-03-09 15:30:01
307 https://hodl.camp/api/img/sats_per_zloty/307.png

@ 87e02cd9:86477412
2025-03-09 15:30:01

@ 49d7aeb0:d0bcb937
2025-03-09 15:30:00
How Your Gut Influences Your Brain (stanford.edu)
Link: https://science.slashdot.org/story/25/03/09/0513235/how-your-gut-influences-your-brain

@ 5f50b2a5:3645dc6b
2025-03-09 15:30:00
4 Takeaways From Stars’ 5-4 Loss to Oilers https://ift.tt/SUKLzag

@ e4f9ab96:9512673a
2025-03-09 15:30:00
✄------------ 0:30 ------------✄

@ b4c002e6:bc80548c
2025-03-09 15:30:00

@ 294fa9e6:f11e354a
2025-03-09 15:29:59
Yes and enforced by their loyal servants (aka the government).

@ 3767222c:cbb069dc
2025-03-09 15:29:58
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq5hpmr3g7rncr2svm3zzhdf6zmlf9f260uqjx7hrl6lwcdxpl3thsqu8glg изолетной и wd-40

@ 9c5d0714:798b2576
2025-03-09 15:29:58
Did Taiwan Semiconductor Just Say "Checkmate" to Intel?

@ 5677fa5b:15a5d3e1
2025-03-09 15:29:57
Math with Fundamentals: Number Theory - What is a Unit Group?
I started making videos to support the Motivate the Math podcast which is aimed at making the math behind cryptography more accessible to Bitcoiners.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/908322

@ 6cd360f4:59299e1b
2025-03-09 15:29:56
⏺ 録画開始: 2025/03/10(月) BS11イレブン #bs11
00:30~01:00 君のことが大大大大大好きな100人の彼女 第2期 第9話「髪のみぞ知る世界」

@ 9c1636e1:cd9b0a6e
2025-03-09 15:29:51
A new NostrDice round has started! Zap the note with your chosen multiplier.
Here is the SHA256 commitment which makes the game fair: 5db99907ebda4943d58f320af90b606f86cf12e42040602ff691221dbb6f53cd

@ 9c1636e1:cd9b0a6e
2025-03-09 15:29:51
Revealing nonce: b284fd90b8a1ee687ad8a5cbe3b2770fc12101678f62ec775811eebecc5a1bcc. Matching commitment: nostr:note1pjatq0s7ngpdjcfg32s73nq7h4x59hrvsrxvn2yyd06ke4kjmywqrs02u9

@ a5ee4475:2ca75401
2025-03-09 15:29:50
Mesmo em universidades estatais não tem ar condicionado em muitas salas e o ambiente é quase tão decadente quanto as escolas.

@ 4c800257:b47e3b2f
2025-03-09 15:29:50
here here
i don't pay taxes willingly, and i will even relocate to avoid it, have done this several times, i also had some fun playing bills of exchange games with the australian tax office back in 2008-9 where they sent me a bill writing off a tax "debt" and then later send another letter saying "oh,sorry, we didn't really set that off" and i eventually replied "if so, why did you not return this invalid payment instrument?" haha
yeah, it's a fraud, it's all just extortion and violence
i just don't care to be a big wheel in their system, just to be adequate and far as possible away from it

@ e81d12c5:00a12e5c
2025-03-09 15:29:49
GM!! #nostr #rooster #cock #animalstr #wildlife #pennsylvania #bullishbounty https://video.nostr.build/ce0abb95dad98cf26585b940cff11d47df18ae87e970f7d03202c02fbb4fe79e.mp4

@ e71ef888:4fe98651
2025-03-09 15:29:48
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqtxcpqwcmmsqagsqf3ttm9qfrhe4z52nspdhlfwp9j2sw6pvqvlssmuhkz6 nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqttwrtnmnf294y5d3u39ttawf83mq5ghshn2w83zsz5j8f04j9q9sxutam6 nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqzdpkddh2skz829df2x239pcl2wtwa3urnpcs6cwlfyrrjr7we00suxnrw9 that's funny I do believe my uncle and all of his friends grew cancer and died because of the consumption. Boomer level heavy consumption. Through adulthood. All dead by 64. Five of them.

@ d6b095f3:5775d03d
2025-03-09 15:29:47
Make no mistake SHOHEI OHTANI genetics are crazy good.

@ a1ba0ac9:27d9ecda
2025-03-09 15:29:47

@ 45f195cf:3cab7627
2025-03-09 15:29:46
Watermelon is objectively the best fruit

@ ebedb993:5b091a67
2025-03-09 15:29:46

@ 1a15a861:90427d66
2025-03-09 15:29:46
מעניין אם בגץ יאשר את זה
#israel #ישראל

@ 4f175c90:b6dc1d8f
2025-03-09 15:29:45

@ 274fe9ae:565805d2
2025-03-09 15:29:44
Syria's Sharaa calls for peace as communal violence against Alawites continues

@ 04c915da:3dfbecc9
2025-03-09 15:29:40
pretty sure we are going to call all bitcoin transactions zaps
on chain
“zapped you rent”
“zap me for dinner”

@ 10b6660c:cb5507df
2025-03-09 15:29:39
Morning brother 🌞 you as well 🤙

@ eddd6529:4a048b98
2025-03-09 15:29:39
#WritersCoffeeClub 25-03-09: Does caffeine intake influence your #writing?
Tea makes up a major portion of my writing process.

@ 254244df:579fbd68
2025-03-09 15:29:39
El vendaval geopolítico mide la firmeza del europeísmo en España https://elpais.com/espana/2025-03-09/el-vendaval-geopolitico-mide-la-firmeza-del-europeismo-en-espana.html

@ c4504161:3370cd3c
2025-03-09 15:29:38
There more non KYC swaps we can get to swap from & to btc & any other chains the better put atomic decentralized & maybe possible to make one one sided LP

@ be5ad796:c8586c96
2025-03-09 15:29:36
GM 🌅
PV 🤙🏻🫂♥️

@ b7dddc2d:302c8f04
2025-03-09 15:29:34
The program she does is different.

@ 274fe9ae:565805d2
2025-03-09 15:29:34
Turkey, Jordan, Syria and Iraq delegations to meet in Amman for security talks on Syria