
@ 30a15a4f:10eb485a
2025-03-12 09:39:32
"Pristine and succinct overview of recent events in Syria and the crux of why the Bashar al-Assad government was overthrown to begin with. Weapons used to flow to Hizbullah and the Palestinian Resistance... Now, said arms... don't flow. Who does that benefit? Here's a hint: They squat on the land of Canaan and control the world's media; banking; entertainment; jewelry;, pornography; LGBTQIAP; publishing; music; rag; and academia spheres. Oh. And they also wear Small Hats. It ain't rocket science, folks."

@ 6b0a60cf:b952e7d4
2025-03-12 09:39:25

@ 93fdc3b4:c97054c6
2025-03-12 09:39:22
Abhörzentrum ostdeutscher Länder verzögert sich weiter https://www.diesachsen.de/politik/abhoerzentrum-ostdeutscher-laender-verzoegert-sich-weiter-2998797?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=dpa&utm_content=textlink #InnereSicherheit #Sachsen #Berlin #Brandenburg #Sachsen-Anhalt #Thüringen #Dresden

@ cfb6da66:b9055726
2025-03-12 09:39:22
Northvoltanställda i chock efter konkursbeskedet: ”Förlorat en del av mig själv”

@ 97a0c80c:d0904446
2025-03-12 09:39:21
I noticed that crdroid has a feature where WIFI and BT turn off automatically when not used, why don't all custom roms use this? In fact this would be nice feature on every android device IMO. Haven't found such a setting in lineage OS.
#privacy #android #customroms #surveillance #tech

@ d981591e:f7c0ae37
2025-03-12 09:39:20
Bird Flu “Foul Play” Exposed on The HighWire
From Dr. Peter McCullough MD
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH The public health community is passively accepting that our current H5N1 outbreak is a result of lab misadventure. Yes, it is another gain-of-function research, man-made, problem for the world to handle. Dr. McCullough reviews the evidence and the phylogeny of H5N1 to help you interpret what is going to […]
Mar 12th 2025 5:25am EDT
Source Link: https://www.thefocalpoints.com/p/bird-flu-foul-play-exposed-on-the
Share, promote & comment with Nostr: https://dissentwatch.com/boost/?boost_post_id=938341

@ ea145d87:f294030a
2025-03-12 09:39:20
If we had a #WealthTax these arseholes would be forced to be ‘normal’.
Extreme wealth creates extremely obnoxious wankers.
Let’s resolve to remove that burden.
#WhiteCones #SanFrancisco https://www.sfgate.com/local/article/parking-wars-sf-billionaires-row-20208640.php

@ ddf3ee33:5406d5cd
2025-03-12 09:39:18
Another one bends the knee.

@ 42262698:e03cdb4f
2025-03-12 09:39:14

@ c054144d:9729f40b
2025-03-12 09:39:13
Leonard Coant

@ be5ad796:c8586c96
2025-03-12 09:39:13

@ c78c2f77:7bf9b796
2025-03-12 09:39:12

@ c78c2f77:7bf9b796
2025-03-12 09:39:12

@ c14bdc7e:a955b86c
2025-03-12 09:39:10
You're right!. Funchal is the city, Madeira is the region. ;)

@ 340ab7a9:d6ee0cf9
2025-03-12 09:39:10
https://www.alojapan.com/1216069/yoshioka-mayu-from-the%e3%80%8cassault-lily-sturm%e3%80%8dstage-visual-shoot/ Yoshioka Mayu from the「Assault Lily Sturm」Stage Visual Shoot #FemaleVoiceActors #seiyuu #VoiceActors #VoiceActresses Yoshioka Mayu from the「Assault Lily Sturm」Stage Visual Shoot by inspyral …

@ 021f4ab6:769148e0
2025-03-12 09:39:10

@ f8bc8a34:fba91b58
2025-03-12 09:39:07
soft power vs гопский наезд

@ cd711937:ceb8ad9b
2025-03-12 09:39:07
GM #Nostr
Sending 🫂

@ 441ffc0a:6367679b
2025-03-12 09:39:07

@ ba11337b:9a1f8eb3
2025-03-12 09:39:06
The Bulgarian royal gendarmerie of the yellow pavement parade with Dodge Me31 trucks whose bodys were manufactured at the Gabrovski Brothers Factory in Rousse https://www.byteseu.com/821762/ #Bulgaria #RepublicOfBulgaria #RepublikaBŭlgariya #България #РепубликаБългария

@ 0319e300:a02ea7a0
2025-03-12 09:39:06
New tattoo for my culinary sleeve! https://www.diningandcooking.com/1948990/new-tattoo-for-my-culinary-sleeve/ #KitchenConfidential

@ 6dbdeb88:38281f12
2025-03-12 09:39:03
セクサリス かわいすぎ 沢城のロリ

@ 84e6abe4:9fa9da37
2025-03-12 09:39:02
The only reputation nostr:npub1q6ps7m94jfdastx2tx76sj8sq4nxdhlsgmzns2tr4xt6ydx6grzspm0kxr has on #nostr is being a dumb lazy nigger! 😂😂😂 https://image.nostr.build/fcb20605f0d1ce3925587bc97b32b858e5ec117adcdd353d7941ee31c3f2fb5d.jpg

@ 8fcc794b:8137d359
2025-03-12 09:39:01
対局をコマル/Coumaru🦁🐧さんと始めました! (強さ4)

@ c22cd9a5:9eef899c
2025-03-12 09:38:58

@ c3a8d458:172fee02
2025-03-12 09:38:52
無許可運送業者に名義貸しか 13人摘発、万博工事に出入り | 2025/3/12 - 共同通信 https://nordot.app/1272462370534851265

@ 40584b23:50b8bb8a
2025-03-12 09:38:51
To be honest, he was more of a dad to me than my own. I had massive shock the first day, and that night was in tears begging to be sent home. He talked me down calmly, which for him was a huge deal. Every so often, he took me aside and we had deep talks that helped me get through a lot of the struggle. Yeah, I still failed the final PT test and had to holdover a couple weeks, but I was still better than when I went in.

@ c78c2f77:7bf9b796
2025-03-12 09:38:42

@ c78c2f77:7bf9b796
2025-03-12 09:38:42

@ 7644119b:4afb6c95
2025-03-12 09:38:41

@ 00598be2:32560d27
2025-03-12 09:38:41

@ 1bc70a01:24f6a411
2025-03-12 09:38:41

@ 6a95b5bb:f2708d0c
2025-03-12 09:38:41
【12日19:00 - #ホロライブ】
『【麻雀格闘俱楽部Sp】#ホロライブ麻雀大大大コラボ祭にらでんが参戦!視聴者対局もありますよ!!【儒烏風亭らでん #ReGLOSS 】』
ライバー: #儒烏風亭らでん

@ 949776df:da5f2d0d
2025-03-12 09:38:40
Trump to invite Zelensky back to White House following Saudi talks https://benborges.xyz/2025/03/12/trump-to-invite-zelensky-back.html

@ 6ef1f0ec:92076a80
2025-03-12 09:38:40
* + :taikin:です
n ∧_∧ n
+ (ヨ(* ´∀`)E)
Y Y *

@ 6b0a60cf:b952e7d4
2025-03-12 09:38:38

@ 4d89d841:5e6fd0a5
2025-03-12 09:38:38
No Rest for the Wicked получит крупное обновление с сюжетным контентом и массой улучшений

@ 0a93edbc:684cf827
2025-03-12 09:38:32
the breast inflation procedure can only do so much

@ 0328f24b:dc2fb5e2
2025-03-12 09:38:26
This is wild. Grok says he prioritizes the jew above everyone else.
Chat history:

@ 6a95b5bb:f2708d0c
2025-03-12 09:38:24
【12日19:00 - #ホロライブ】
『【 隻狼 】別エンディングを目指して『SEKIRO: SHADOWS DIE TWICE』参るのらっ!⚔(・o・🍬) #1【姫森ルーナ/ホロライブ】ネタバレあり』
ライバー: #姫森ルーナ

@ dd3cd038:ec2bfbd8
2025-03-12 09:38:21
Can't stand Twitter anymore. Full of us vs them and can literally feel it sucking the life out of me. The "for you" page is full of things that are just not for me. Will spend more time on NOSTR going forward. GN

@ 5f432a9f:7d4f6a41
2025-03-12 09:38:18
bitcoin will replace the dollar

@ 5e84cd68:1f6ecba0
2025-03-12 09:38:17

@ d1780af0:5839c95c
2025-03-12 09:38:14
Latest Space Breaking News: NASA's newest space telescope Spherex blasts off to map the entire sky and millions of galaxies
Link: https://phys.org/news/2025-03-nasa-space-telescope-spherex-blasts.html
Summary: NASA's newest space telescope rocketed into orbit Tuesday to map the entire sky like never before—a sweeping look at hundreds of millions of galaxies and their shared cosmic glow since the beginning of time.

@ c3a8d458:172fee02
2025-03-12 09:38:13
パワハラ被害者名を漏えい、熊本 球磨村長が無断で議会側に | 2025/3/12 - 共同通信 https://nordot.app/1272473602782413762

@ c78c2f77:7bf9b796
2025-03-12 09:38:12

@ c78c2f77:7bf9b796
2025-03-12 09:38:12

@ 0fbd235f:cb0fa0e7
2025-03-12 09:38:11
https://www.ptkorea.com/387135/ 250312 LISA Tiktok Update #BLACKPINK #BLΛƆKPIИK #블랙핑크

@ 4413ae09:b541280c
2025-03-12 09:38:11

@ 48747a0d:dbe8a6bf
2025-03-12 09:38:10
Don't underestimate how firm the fiat system is still in place.
As soon as one tries to live off their #Bitcoin this will get clear.
Most countries now tax #Bitcoin gains or tax it when you turn it into fiat.
And if we are honest most most of us still need fiat just because #Bitcoin is not accepted as currency for most things.
Yes you can escape those tax systems but that are big changes.
Not to mention you need quite some value if you want to quit your fiat live and start living on a #Bitcoin Standard (for me meaning live off my holdings).
For now I only see more #Bitcoin tax laws arriving (Europe) and escaping it getting harder.
Game theory will force them to nurse the wealthy but for now they see us as milking cows.

@ 6a95b5bb:f2708d0c
2025-03-12 09:38:08
【12日19:00 - #ホロライブ】
『【大討論会】ラプかるで世の中白黒つける!🔥 #ラプかるこれ白黒させて 【ラプラス・ダークネス/ホロライブ/赤見かるび】』
ライバー: #ラプラス

@ ba11337b:9a1f8eb3
2025-03-12 09:38:07
According to a Georgist, Bolojan sent workers: https://www.byteseu.com/821760/ #Romania

@ 8a8e2948:3682043d
2025-03-12 09:38:06
Una canzone degli Stars of track and field
Magari l'ho capìta a modo mio

@ e210f900:2ecffef1
2025-03-12 09:38:06
Dizzy’s Twisted Sister - Robinsons - 4.0% ABV. B+ and a bit. Malty, hoppy with a slightly sharp fruity body. Bittersweet finish #ale #beer #bier
3.3/5. Noticing the Cask Ales in The Gatekeeper are a touch cold. Mind you, we did have a slight frost overnight. Drinking it slowly. https://image.nostr.build/fb6683d44f10d85c4c5a24203723dac0f9ac8300e3f23c6b39df21cdbeca03f5.jpg

@ a59c614c:7e1e24b3
2025-03-12 09:38:06
These are so pretty! probably be ready in 3weeks https://www.allforgardening.com/1218858/these-are-so-pretty-probably-be-ready-in-3weeks/

@ 5e84cd68:1f6ecba0
2025-03-12 09:38:06

@ d5658d3e:6ab64852
2025-03-12 09:38:05
https://www.eucup.com/932691/ Kids’ Press Conference #everton #EvertonFootballClub

@ ec98af9b:cae3e384
2025-03-12 09:38:05

@ 8071f69e:e2492d82
2025-03-12 09:38:04
Киргизская фантастика ничем не уступает по навороченности румынской фантастике, как оказалось.
Так мало времени, так много книг...

@ 3394094f:7e253425
2025-03-12 09:38:03
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq95lnmle8y5dmr9tm4554mtpyyjy68jhxcm5rja6drtvvkgzdsdcs7kyw62 C'est bien ? J'avais pas trop aimé "New Blood" ...
J'avais trouvé Dexter trop laxiste sur plein de choses dans cette suite..

@ 3eaa4e68:ac2406f5
2025-03-12 09:38:02
難しい「陸の停戦」 米・ウクライナ関係は改善も、実効性は不透明
#mainichi_rss_etc_mainichiflash #国際 #速報 #北米 #欧州 #ロシア #ウクライナ #アメリカ

@ d1780af0:5839c95c
2025-03-12 09:38:02
Latest Space News: Scientists discover smallest galaxy ever seen: 'It's like having a perfectly functional human being that's the size of a grain of rice'
Link: https://www.space.com/the-universe/scientists-discover-smallest-galaxy-ever-seen-its-like-having-a-perfectly-functional-human-being-thats-the-size-of-a-grain-of-rice
Summary: Astronomers have discovered the smallest dwarf galaxy ever seen. It is a mystery how the satellite galaxy of Andromeda survived the blistering conditions of the early universe.

@ 3b4859c7:fd0c11e9
2025-03-12 09:37:52
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqhjuwa4wrl73xnrkfg984sh7mt5yzaw7wzdrfy3rmshcxc0mtgrws4dhx94 nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq0k4wx0kq6h9dd3mdzm4lz99d55u27j0e7g7k638axjd6dujnff9qs5nn3p nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpquqqahqvxk7ystsccfrhftcmmeqwalzvxe4pxq0zf97qhjjy0gzcqf7vjlr 👍 Zustimmung

@ 6a95b5bb:f2708d0c
2025-03-12 09:37:51
【12日19:00 - #ホロライブ】
『【歌枠】え・・・?歌枠・・・!?🎤【ホロライブ / 星街すいせい】』
ライバー: #星街すいせい

@ c3a8d458:172fee02
2025-03-12 09:37:49
W・ポスト、デジタル展開第一へ 改革案通知、購読者数減に歯止め | 2025/3/12 - 共同通信 https://nordot.app/1272459692237750758

@ 98a7e3f6:15e18646
2025-03-12 09:37:43
XRP Price May Hit $3.3 If It Holds This Support, Analyst Predicts - XRP price has recorded a surge of over 4% today, indicating renewed market confide... - https://coingape.com/xrp-price-may-hit-3-3-if-it-holds-this-support-analyst-predicts/ #24/7cryptocurrencynews #ripple(xrp) #xrpprice #xrpnews #xrp

@ c78c2f77:7bf9b796
2025-03-12 09:37:42

@ c78c2f77:7bf9b796
2025-03-12 09:37:42

@ 98a7e3f6:15e18646
2025-03-12 09:37:42
Pi Network Price Implication If Trump Mentions Pi Coin in Next Press Briefing - President Donald Trump’s recent recognition of Ethereum, Cardano, Solana, and XRP has dra... - https://coingape.com/markets/pi-network-price-implication-if-trump-mentions-pi-coin-in-next-press-briefing/ #pinetworkpriceanalysis #pinetworkprice #priceanalysis #picoin

@ 98a7e3f6:15e18646
2025-03-12 09:37:42
Breaking: 21Shares Reduces Fees for Bitcoin Ethereum Core ETP, Lists on Xetra - In a groundbreaking revelation, 21Shares announced a significant reduction in the managem... - https://coingape.com/breaking-21shares-reduces-fees-for-bitcoin-ethereum-core-etp-lists-on-xetra/ #24/7cryptocurrencynews #altcoinnews #bitcoinnews #21shares #ethereum #bitcoin

@ 98a7e3f6:15e18646
2025-03-12 09:37:41
XRP (XRP) Price: Has the Market “Written Off” This Crypto Too Soon? - TLDR
XRP price has been “suppressed” by SEC litigation since 2020, according to B... - https://blockonomi.com/xrp-xrp-price-has-the-market-written-off-this-crypto-too-soon/ #analysis

@ 98a7e3f6:15e18646
2025-03-12 09:37:41
Coinbase to Launch First 24/7 Bitcoin and Ethereum Futures Trading in US - TLDR
Coinbase Derivatives is launching the first CFTC-regulated 24/7 Bitcoin and Ethereu... - https://blockonomi.com/coinbase-to-launch-first-24-7-bitcoin-and-ethereum-futures-trading-in-us/ #exchanges

@ f7922a0a:82c34788
2025-03-12 09:37:39
nostr:npub1v5ufyh4lkeslgxxcclg8f0hzazhaw7rsrhvfquxzm2fk64c72hps45n0v5 Nostr stream still not working. 😔

@ 80fdd930:bc96a721
2025-03-12 09:37:39
Oy vey

@ 486f2232:731ab4da
2025-03-12 09:37:38

@ a63c8509:c1407e77
2025-03-12 09:37:29

@ 35651b6a:da51ee7c
2025-03-12 09:37:29
quids are best seen and not have to put it down and pick it up every time you cross another lake

@ 21677e12:45ea705a
2025-03-12 09:37:28
知情人士向谭主透露,针对近期沃尔玛可能要求中国供应商降价的行为,3月11日,商务部等有关部门已约谈沃尔玛,了解有关情况。根据美媒披露,前段时间,沃尔玛要求一些中国供应商大幅降价。 美媒披露,沃尔玛这样做的目的,是企图将美国政府新一轮对华关税的负担转嫁 ...

@ dea5acc0:e1cfae67
2025-03-12 09:37:26
Maldito despertador: https://ctxt.es/es/20250301/Multimedia/48794/Pedripol-Trump-anuncios-diarios.htm
🖋 Viñeta de Pedripol
Todas las viñetas dsiponibles en ctxt.es

@ 84e6abe4:9fa9da37
2025-03-12 09:37:25
LOL not even 20 USD nostr:npub1q6ps7m94jfdastx2tx76sj8sq4nxdhlsgmzns2tr4xt6ydx6grzspm0kxr. I made 1.5 million sats before 11 a.m. today. nostr:note1p3pqr4k8jjf73m722gk23ay95ul4c03jlnwvmxtx5dehmllpwyhqu8cs8h

@ 60c19b2e:ad28f6fe
2025-03-12 09:37:20
Ex-BND-Chef Schindler: "Wir sind abhängig von den US-Geheimdiensten" https://de.rt.com/inland/239325-ex-bnd-chef-schindler-wir/ Der Ex-Präsident des Bundesnachrichtendienstes, Gerhard Schindler, erklärt gegenüber dem SPD-nahen RND seine Befürchtungen zu den neuen Tönen aus Washington. Seine Warnung lautet, dass die Trump-Administration zeitnah auch keine Geheimdienstinformationen mehr mit Deutschland teilen wird, so wie jüngst gegen die Ukraine angeordnet. #news #press

@ ea73f739:92e51ac7
2025-03-12 09:37:20
>TypeScript перепишут на Go
а сейчас он на чем ? как я понию js же в моменте на ходу интерпритируют, я слышал про хорошие цифры скорости работы js и даже графики где локально нода прям хорошо хорошо работает ( запомнил потому что удивился цифрам и графикам )

@ 5f432a9f:7d4f6a41
2025-03-12 09:37:19

@ 7bdef7be:784a5805
2025-03-12 09:37:18
1 bis) Btw, this is not be the final version, I will move towards a more "topic centric" (e.g. starter packs) solution.

@ b18bdf88:8841f8f1
2025-03-12 09:37:18
RE: https://misskey.io/notes/a593rl3ppxxa06wn

@ 3d11f3bf:31c5a436
2025-03-12 09:37:16
Mais de 50 mil crianças do concelho passaram pelo GaiaAprende+ https://www.sapo.pt/noticias/regioes/mais-de-50-mil-criancas-do-concelho-passaram-_67d15467eed0d173603f7d51/snippet?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sapo_rs

@ 50d94fc2:df281d63
2025-03-12 09:37:15
I just zapped you some

@ e16d3db0:5c29255e
2025-03-12 09:37:13

@ c78c2f77:7bf9b796
2025-03-12 09:37:12

@ c78c2f77:7bf9b796
2025-03-12 09:37:12

@ fb1eee6f:122a353f
2025-03-12 09:37:11
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqyxxu3fkku2jfpuuhesaexzuhh6z5al0rjjs292kcvcryxc35v02q9jsaev Some solver backends have a "verbose solving" option, but it's greyed out for Gecode. If you use restarts (https://docs.minizinc.dev/en/stable/mzn_search.html#restart) they get logged in the output, which gives you some indication of (lack of) progress. But the basic problem here is that your search space is potentially enormous and you don't know how much of it needs to be explored!

@ 7232d725:a22ff54e
2025-03-12 09:37:06

@ f11e91c5:59a0b04a
2025-03-12 09:37:06

@ f1c466a7:51fba78b
2025-03-12 09:37:01
Funding freeze leaves Fulbright and study-abroad scholars stranded

@ ee6e1284:919923c2
2025-03-12 09:36:58
$110 #ADATA #2TB #SSD Legend 960 Max w/Heatsink PCIe Gen4x4 #NVMe M.2 Internal Gaming SSD Upto 7,400 MB/s PS5 Compatible
$250 #Samsung 990 #EVO Plus #4TB #PCIe Gen 4x4 M.2 2280 Internal #SSD
#deal #delete #SSD #computerparts

@ dc74fc20:123fda75
2025-03-12 09:36:57
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq6hmdtvnc9uanszn868rlwt27l23h0kssc638faaqut4x9ap6mzlsn57r74 komme grade vom Frühstück und hab schon wieder Hunger! 🤤

@ 8fcc794b:8137d359
2025-03-12 09:36:56

@ cd0c840a:7a7f2ccd
2025-03-12 09:36:54
Looks like Mastodon is finally getting some built in functionality to fetch missing replies:
#mastoadmin #fedifetcher

@ 9212b2e1:5d3365c4
2025-03-12 09:36:54
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqqtsjgz3f8xvetywfkz6hg97vvdnnrqvyetsyj73hvl0wzthqg3esjn3ra9 藍ちゃんお誕生日おめでとう〜!!!!

@ fa984bd7:58018f52
2025-03-12 09:36:52