
@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-03-13 02:18:55
🤖 Tracking strings detected and removed!
🔗 Clean URL(s):
❌ Removed parts:

@ 1ea4ae84:b59a2ae8
2025-03-13 02:18:55

@ 59cb0748:9602464b
2025-03-13 02:18:54

@ 356875ff:bf96a2e8
2025-03-13 02:18:54
Buy fewer, better things, then recommend them to plebs at #WorthTheSats.

@ 0dccfec0:2ae43980
2025-03-13 02:18:51

@ c553764e:7248ab91
2025-03-13 02:18:45

@ c78c2f77:7bf9b796
2025-03-13 02:18:43

@ c78c2f77:7bf9b796
2025-03-13 02:18:43

@ c78c2f77:7bf9b796
2025-03-13 02:18:41

@ c78c2f77:7bf9b796
2025-03-13 02:18:41

@ a5a05400:d607ed06
2025-03-13 02:18:36
You have to follow the rules Jack tsk tsk

@ 45f195cf:3cab7627
2025-03-13 02:18:36
Yes you are 🫶🫂

@ 3eaa4e68:ac2406f5
2025-03-13 02:18:35
毎日農業記録賞×聞く:起こるべくして起きた「米不足」 国内需要しかみない国の愚策
#mainichi_rss_etc_mainichiflash #社会 #暮らし_学び_医療 #速報 #毎日農業記録賞_聞く

@ c1965578:44c7a315
2025-03-13 02:18:35
Wordle 1,363 6/6

@ 3e1691aa:d3afd9a7
2025-03-13 02:18:33
02:17 7L4WVU/P on JP-0130(Suzuka Quasi-National Park, JP-ME,JP-SH) 7041.0 FT8 RBN -8 dB via 7N4XCV-#[7N4XCV-#]

@ 21181848:ea197dfb
2025-03-13 02:18:31
You cutie <3

@ a0f0ad35:2a9c4cff
2025-03-13 02:18:29
Ele não tem poder aqui, é outro problema

@ 84e6abe4:9fa9da37
2025-03-13 02:18:27
nostr:npub1q6ps7m94jfdastx2tx76sj8sq4nxdhlsgmzns2tr4xt6ydx6grzspm0kxr who is also nostr:npub1ej2rwvt46908z65w80wt6dd0s74ehyve8zv97n9cxdgrpld5pwjs0h5jr0 is a confirmed deadbeat dad that wastes time on #nostr larping instead of working a job that will feed his children. nostr:note1n88j8j7ts9eqy73rt5aensmlzp6529yx048eauypvmdx3xsjgzmsf7uta4

@ bc03ceb6:e764969e
2025-03-13 02:18:27
Oregon appeals court says voter-approved gun law is constitutional, reversing lower court ruling https://apnews.com/article/gun-control-law-oregon-measure-114-34375d8bb5059cc236a67c7f1b99a196

@ 7776c32d:45558888
2025-03-13 02:18:25

@ 389ca495:17287828
2025-03-13 02:18:24

@ d61dcb21:5c11fd8a
2025-03-13 02:18:22
https://www.europesays.com/1908464/ EU civil war over chronic drug shortages as key country blasts ‘lack of urgency’ | UK | News #België #belgien #Belgique #belgium #CivilWar #DrugShortages #EuropeanUnion #Nachrichten #Nieuws #Nouvelles

@ deab79da:88579e68
2025-03-13 02:18:21
Maybe 😬 It's been down for over an hour as of right now 😂

@ d61dcb21:5c11fd8a
2025-03-13 02:18:20
https://www.europesays.com/1908460/ Portrait of the week: Spies in Norfolk, rats in Birmingham and Denmark ditches letter deliveries #Danmark #denmark #MarkCarney #ReformParty #Ukraine

@ 381dbcc7:ffc8b38f
2025-03-13 02:18:18
Idek what I'm mad at
The typical same old bullshit that I'm used to
Or the fact that it wasn't a bad idea it was just done by stupid fucking people (the wrong people) turning it into a bad idea
And fucking Russians are getting tattoos of it because propaganda is a powerful drug

@ d61dcb21:5c11fd8a
2025-03-13 02:18:18
https://www.europesays.com/1908458/ Sveriges KAJ knuser Norge på Eurovision-odds og Spotify #eurovision #MelodiGrandPrix #Noreg #Norge #norway #nyheter

@ 7a107513:66bfd02f
2025-03-13 02:18:18
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqx9qhkh8tl22vxlcs9xs2y5jt5wu45kzkppjeuw8t5leardhulzhsjc7wdu I wouldn't recommend analyzing women any further. You know what it is, don't make it angry

@ 3e089f67:cdd6b008
2025-03-13 02:18:17
It probably depends on how you measure economic performance.
If you are talking GDP, it contains government spending as well. If you increase government spending, you increase GDP.
I guess you could watch the S&P 500... But then you know if big companies are doing well or not.
I'm not sure there is a good measure of total economic performance.

@ 7a2519c2:34df45cb
2025-03-13 02:18:17

@ 1e3aa975:80324f5f
2025-03-13 02:18:17

@ 0648d9fd:74eadf02
2025-03-13 02:18:17
É realmente difícil observar a macroevolução e especiação nessa escala. É o que o registro fóssil indica que ocorreu ao longo de milhões e bilhões de anos.

@ f63aadeb:1cb2e738
2025-03-13 02:18:15
sned halp button!!! I’m learnnniiinnggg!!

@ 101b30ee:18a46a45
2025-03-13 02:18:09

@ 389ca495:17287828
2025-03-13 02:18:05

@ bd3d436f:d1149538
2025-03-13 02:18:05
You can follow us in other languages. Visit our website for more information wordsmith.social/protestation/…

@ 0319e300:a02ea7a0
2025-03-13 02:18:04
Amy’s Italian Restaurant shares family recipes with Norman | Culture https://www.diningandcooking.com/1950381/amys-italian-restaurant-shares-family-recipes-with-norman-culture/ #culture #food #Recipes #RecipesTopics

@ 0fbd235f:cb0fa0e7
2025-03-13 02:18:04
https://www.ptkorea.com/387618/ Chaeyoung #Chaeyoung #SonChaeyoung #TWICE

@ 03ca4808:ccf9b400
2025-03-13 02:18:04
Saving the bankers !
The system never change !

@ 96ee3fe6:86146b0d
2025-03-13 02:18:01
Stealing Horses, Losing Feet: Crusader Animal Laws https://www.medievalists.net/2024/12/stealing-horses-losing-feet-crusader-animal-laws/ #Animals

@ 1f617e36:e66e9caa
2025-03-13 02:18:01
春闘集中回答日 高水準の賃上げ継続は

@ c78c2f77:7bf9b796
2025-03-13 02:18:00

@ c78c2f77:7bf9b796
2025-03-13 02:18:00

@ 0ecc4e99:bdeb5d9f
2025-03-13 02:17:59
When I read research papers that are the result of very expensive work (experiments or simulations) I always want to know: how could this project have possibly ended with a null result? And is there an argument in this paper that compares the actual result to this null? If not, I'm very suspicious.
Actually this is a good question to ask about any paper, but the high stakes of super expensive research make it particularly important to ask the question. In my experience, it is surprisingly rarely answered in the paper and I find it hard to believe in these results.
#science #neuroscience

@ c7acabf1:d8f05180
2025-03-13 02:17:58
Trump is a military asset. Trump is doing what the military tells him to do. The military is the one exposing and fighting the deep state running this global sting operation.
Trump is untouchable because he is protected by the most powerful military in the world. The U.S. military.

@ b18bdf88:8841f8f1
2025-03-13 02:17:56

@ 99d74f5f:310cab21
2025-03-13 02:17:54
Right on Jeff. Hope you got through to some of them.

@ 2248fe05:73582fdb
2025-03-13 02:17:54
Answered my own question but looks like there’s only $3000 in bets placed so far. April 30th deadline for a vote.

@ c78c2f77:7bf9b796
2025-03-13 02:17:51

@ 113ba2d5:cbd38f2d
2025-03-13 02:17:51
Improving Search Relevance Using CrossEncoders and LLMs

@ c78c2f77:7bf9b796
2025-03-13 02:17:51

@ 09f3fab1:345e1179
2025-03-13 02:17:50
South Korea Braces for Market Disruptions After Trump Tariffs
Posted into Business nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqx3mmh3q777qdlpyf5qmeqgvuqptk7f5qrl803zjfcyvvp8yupacs8fdas7

@ e3a59924:cd2e6624
2025-03-13 02:17:49

@ 9cb3545c:2ff47bca
2025-03-13 02:17:47

@ 7ae0e627:22d86fe5
2025-03-13 02:17:46
Ready for FOMC Press Conference today ? Kommer lyssna och analysera. Fx är i "lugnet innan stormen" mood nu. @seanhgeorge @EkonomiGabriel @SparGeneralen @Investeraren
Wed 29 Apr 2020 12:30:12 @ https://twitter.com/hekenberg/status/1255474464025915393
Follow on Nostr: @npub1uh0fjtjdpkwjsxwpfeyk9fs2370x7n2yncnzymqefl8xwj54a7zszaehtg

@ 375c92f7:24e68060
2025-03-13 02:17:44

@ c6d13186:a4847744
2025-03-13 02:17:40
“Ultimately, you are on your own.” A qualitative analysis of barriers to health care from the perspective of patients with long COVID
In German with English abstract:
From the latest Science for ME weekly update
#LongCovid #PASC #PwLC #postcovid #postcovid19 #LC #Covidlonghaulers #PostCovidSyndrome #longhaulers #COVIDBrain #NeuroPASC

@ 356875ff:bf96a2e8
2025-03-13 02:17:39
I have 2-3x that many.

@ e124d421:4e4fcdf9
2025-03-13 02:17:38

@ 3dede72a:e4ce2280
2025-03-13 02:17:38
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq82hz807tdkjszm0dn4vzvykr4k5nlpzsrsdzjj6k7gv7jv6ru77sck7kv5 nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqe3u5qs0hn3ze8yvld7fkfehdk9wed9e42kdfgjgq6c4py9y4cueqjqmmcr I'll prefer the foreigners who had to deal with zionists before and knows how to attack their weak spots, over the natives that are too internet-brained for their own good and constantly get caught over the stupidest of stunts

@ 4598bd5c:d9610cbc
2025-03-13 02:17:38
just got my motorbike licence :chuunispin:

@ 274fe9ae:565805d2
2025-03-13 02:17:37
Mongolia's children choke in toxic pollution

@ 45f195cf:3cab7627
2025-03-13 02:17:37
Fuck iPhones

@ 5c50661b:5ed69f91
2025-03-13 02:17:36

@ 04193ef8:93905d97
2025-03-13 02:17:35
【#にじさんじ / 13日11:30〜】
『【Stardew Valley】令和に輝く🌟初見Chillゲー 05【にじさんじ/鷹宮リオン】』
ライバー ; 鷹宮リオン / Rion Takamiya 他
#鷹宮リオン #リオ生

@ ffa45828:f87a272a
2025-03-13 02:17:33

@ 3dfecdb4:be33c350
2025-03-13 02:17:33
Love ZEUS! My favorite Bitcoin oriented app by far.

@ 20d3acfb:7bf6e7d8
2025-03-13 02:17:32
To be fair I trust gym bro science more than doctors

@ d947f966:abf1c11f
2025-03-13 02:17:30

@ ee3a9458:eb7cdd09
2025-03-13 02:17:27
I frickin' hate political division.
I just want to be on the right side of the War / The side with all the guns

@ 5c50661b:5ed69f91
2025-03-13 02:17:22

@ c78c2f77:7bf9b796
2025-03-13 02:17:21

@ c78c2f77:7bf9b796
2025-03-13 02:17:21

@ 3e1691aa:d3afd9a7
2025-03-13 02:17:21
02:17 JA4WWO/1 on JP-1179(Toda Prefectural Park, JP-ST) 7011.0 JCC 1324[JA4WWO/1]

@ 2b14efa5:c55dd76f
2025-03-13 02:17:19

@ bcd6be10:6495a4ab
2025-03-13 02:17:17
The Bible 🎯

@ c78c2f77:7bf9b796
2025-03-13 02:17:17

@ c78c2f77:7bf9b796
2025-03-13 02:17:17

@ 0f22be65:b4b0c03d
2025-03-13 02:17:16
Dokument kan avslöja Trumps plan för Putin
PLUS Redan förra året tog generalen Keith Kellogg fram ett dokument om hur kriget i Ukraina ska ta slut.
Läs mer: https://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/a/1M3M3M/dokument-kan-avsloja-trumps-plan-for-putin

@ c78c2f77:7bf9b796
2025-03-13 02:17:16

@ c78c2f77:7bf9b796
2025-03-13 02:17:16

@ 58378d0f:e05c2c86
2025-03-13 02:17:15
Senate Democrats play hardball, won't advance House stopgap - Roll Call

@ 0f22be65:b4b0c03d
2025-03-13 02:17:15
Han fyller snart 60: ”Nu blir jag arbetslös för första gången”
Först Rönnskärs varsel och nu Northvolts konkurs. Det är en tung vecka för Skellefteå, konstaterar industriarbetaren.
Läs mer: https://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/a/kwGvxa/northvolts-konkurs-blir-arbetslos-for-forsta-gangen

@ 0f22be65:b4b0c03d
2025-03-13 02:17:15
Mörk stämning i Västerås efter Northvolts besked
Stämningen bland de 800 anställda på Northvolt Labs i Västerås är i dag dyster. – Det är en känsla av mörker.
Läs mer: https://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/a/yEnzzg/northvolt-mork-stamning-i-vasteras-efter-beskedet-om-konkurs

@ 0f22be65:b4b0c03d
2025-03-13 02:17:14
Efter Aftonbladets granskning – L vill stoppa ryska markköp i Sverige
Stoppa alla ryska markköp i Sverige. Det vill Liberalerna efter Aftonbladets granskning av ryska nätverk som kopplas…
Läs mer: https://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/a/8qopM2/l-vill-stoppa-ryska-markkop-i-sverige

@ 0f22be65:b4b0c03d
2025-03-13 02:17:14
Oväntat hårfokus när strandade astronauter ska hem
Butch Wilmore och Suni Williams skulle tillbringa ungefär en vecka i rymden. Det blev nio månader.
Läs mer: https://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/a/qPwOzE/ovantat-harfokus-nar-strandade-astronauter-ska-hem

@ 0f22be65:b4b0c03d
2025-03-13 02:17:13
"Mycket bred europeisk enighet om Ukraina"
De europeiska länderna visar upp en gemensam ”mycket bred” enighet om att Ukrainas säkerhet på lång sikt bygger på en…
Läs mer: https://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/a/RzB61W/mycket-bred-europeisk-enighet-om-ukraina

@ 486eb681:85e01936
2025-03-13 02:17:13

@ 0f22be65:b4b0c03d
2025-03-13 02:17:13
Försök till fredssamtal om östra Kongo-Kinshasa
Samtal om försök till fred i östra Kongo-Kinshasa inleds i Angolas huvudstad Luanda om en dryg vecka.
Läs mer: https://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/a/pP5d1j/forsok-till-fredssamtal-om-ostra-kongo-kinshasa

@ 0f22be65:b4b0c03d
2025-03-13 02:17:12
Skellefteåborna om konkursen: "Allt är förgäves"
"Hoppas att det löser sig"
Läs mer: https://tv.aftonbladet.se/video/382563

@ 0f22be65:b4b0c03d
2025-03-13 02:17:12
Här besöker Putin fronten
Ryssland har tagit tillbaka flera byar i Kurskregionen som har kontrollerats av Ukraina, rapporterar den statliga ryska nyhetsbyrån TASS.
Under onsdagen har Putin besökt en kommandocentral nära fronten vid Kursk.
Läs mer: https://tv.aftonbladet.se/video/382562

@ 0f22be65:b4b0c03d
2025-03-13 02:17:11
USA och arabländer i möte om Gazas framtid
Representanter för flera länder i arabvärlden och USA:s särskilde sändebud Steve Witkoff har mötts för att diskutera en…
Läs mer: https://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/a/1M3qVl/usa-och-arablander-i-mote-om-gazas-framtid

@ b18bdf88:8841f8f1
2025-03-13 02:17:11
● ●
● ●

@ 0ba89847:108936d2
2025-03-13 02:17:10

@ 0f22be65:b4b0c03d
2025-03-13 02:17:10
Dämpad stämning i Skellefteå: ”Vad fan ska man göra?”
SKELLEFTEÅ. Mörkret lägger sig över Skellefteå. Och för många Northvoltanställda har hoppet nu släckts.
Läs mer: https://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/a/dRB4aX/northvolt-i-konkurs-dampad-stamning-i-skelleftea

@ 0f22be65:b4b0c03d
2025-03-13 02:17:10
Nedstängning hotar åter i USA
Den amerikanska statsapparaten hotas på nytt av en nedstängning.
Läs mer: https://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/a/yEngOe/nedstangning-hotar-ater-i-usa

@ 1e3aa975:80324f5f
2025-03-13 02:17:10

@ 79fe1cd3:41c2e04f
2025-03-13 02:17:10
Remember the saying about the Internet? "For the people, by the people"? Well, even back in 2022 around 50% of the information disseminated by researchers was found to have been created and spread by bots and fake accounts. Three years later, I'm sure that's significantly more. Is the "Deaf Internet Theory" coming to fruition?

@ 686fc46e:194647b6
2025-03-13 02:17:09
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqlwtr5uyczm20nl0vd4fht4ug52wdx34xatqetndn4cgy6q0tck0sx03j8n nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqkwugrw5qdm7qzgw4zduc6g8mj3z0wztn54av9vmth9uks4zdugeqam3w5m hey I tried adding the number you gave in mumble a year ago, it doesn't have a whatsapp account.

@ 0f22be65:b4b0c03d
2025-03-13 02:17:09
”Då förstod jag hur mycket tabletterna skadat mig”
PLUS Therese Bonath hade så ont av sin endometrios – och första mötet med Tramadol var ”det bästa som hänt”.
Läs mer: https://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/a/KM2PA4/therese-blev-beroende-av-tramadol-aldrig-varit-sa-radd

@ 0f22be65:b4b0c03d
2025-03-13 02:17:09
Staffan ville jobba på Northvolt livet ut: ”Lever dag för dag”
Staffan Nyman trodde att han skulle jobba på Northvolt till pensionen. Nu är framtiden plötsligt oviss.
Läs mer: https://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/a/93VBjE/northvolt-i-konkurs-staffan-36-ville-jobba-pa-fabriken-resten-av-livet

@ 7776c32d:45558888
2025-03-13 02:19:02
She looks cute