
@ b3c7b024:0649145c
2025-03-03 18:42:14
How capitalism works.
#Bayer #Monsanto #BigPharma #Food #Pesticide #Illness #Capitalism #NonHodgkinsLymphoma

@ 76b2d1c4:ddeaff10
2025-03-03 18:42:14
Mexico has issued a travel warning to not to travel to Texas and seven other US states due to a measles outbreak. At least one case has been registered in Mexico after an infected person crossed from the US.
The outbreak comes as Trump is slashing infectious diseases protections. #EndAutogenocide

@ c6719d2a:edcdb4a5
2025-03-03 18:42:13
Source: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/96177095

@ 4679aeb5:62b97fb9
2025-03-03 18:42:10
Source: https://twitter.com/Vii22581034/status/1615318141361332225

@ b300db32:0bf5db3a
2025-03-03 18:42:09
**Análise Marxista da Reforma Agrária no Brasil**
A reforma agrária no Brasil é um tema central para compreender as contradições do capitalismo periférico e as lutas de classes no campo. Sob uma perspectiva marxista, sua análise deve considerar a estrutura de propriedade da terra, as relações de produção, o papel do Estado e a dinâmica de acumulação capitalista no contexto da dependência econômica.
### **1. A Estrutura Fundiária e a Questão da Propriedade Privada**
No Brasil, a concentração de terras é uma herança colonial. Desde o período da escravidão, a estrutura latifundiária (grandes propriedades improdutivas ou de monocultura para exportação) foi consolidada como um modo de produção semifeudal, adaptado às necessidades do capitalismo global. A terra, como meio de produção, nunca foi democratizada:
- **Latifúndios**: Controlados por uma elite rural (burguesia agrária), que reproduz relações de produção pré-capitalistas (trabalho precário, grilagem, violência contra camponeses).
- **Minifúndios**: Pequenos produtores, muitos em condições de semi-servidão, submetidos à lógica do mercado e à dependência de insumos agroindustriais.
Para o marxismo, a propriedade privada da terra é uma relação de classe: a terra é monopolizada por uma minoria, enquanto a maioria é expropriada, reproduzindo a exploração capitalista.
### **2. Reforma Agrária como Luta de Classes**
A reforma agrária não é apenas uma questão técnica de redistribuição de terras, mas um **processo revolucionário** que confronta diretamente as relações de produção vigentes:
- **Movimentos sociais**: O MST (Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra) é o principal exemplo de luta pelo acesso à terra. Suas ocupações de latifúndios e pressão por políticas públicas evidenciam a contradição entre o uso social da terra (produção de alimentos para a população) e o uso capitalista (acumulação via exportação de commodities).
- **Repressão e violência**: A resistência da burguesia agrária se manifesta em massacres (como o de Eldorado dos Carajás, 1996) e na criminalização dos movimentos sociais, mostrando que a reforma agrária ameaça o poder de classe.
### **3. O Papel do Estado e a "Modernização Conservadora"**
O Estado brasileiro historicamente atuou como agente da burguesia agrária e do capital internacional:
- **Políticas contraditórias**:
- Durante o governo João Goulart (1961-1964), a reforma agrária foi proposta como parte das "Reformas de Base", mas o golpe militar (1964) abortou essas tentativas.
- Na ditadura, o Estatuto da Terra (1964) e o programa de colonização da Amazônia priorizaram o interesse de latifundiários e empresas estrangeiras, não dos trabalhadores rurais.
- Na Constituição de 1988, a reforma agrária foi inscrita como direito, mas sua implementação foi sabotada por governos alinhados ao agronegócio.
- **Reforma agrária "de cima para baixo"**: Programas como o do INCRA (Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária) frequentemente legalizam grilagem, beneficiam médios produtores ou redistribuem terras marginais, mantendo a estrutura concentrada.
### **4. O Agronegócio e a Internacionalização do Capital**
O avanço do agronegócio no Brasil (soja, cana, pecuária) reflete a **subordinação do campo ao capital financeiro internacional**:
- **Acumulação por espoliação**: Expansão das fronteiras agrícolas sobre terras indígenas, quilombolas e áreas de floresta (ex.: Amazônia), reproduzindo a lógica colonial de expropriação.
- **Dependência tecnológica**: A cadeia produtiva é controlada por multinacionais (ex.: Monsanto, Cargill), que impõem pacotes tecnológicos (transgênicos, agrotóxicos), tornando os agricultores dependentes.
- **Contra-reforma agrária**: O avanço do agronegócio sobre terras públicas e a grilagem são formas de "reforma agrária às avessas", consolidando a propriedade privada em larga escala.
### **5. Limites das Reformas "Institucionalizadas"**
A reforma agrária no Brasil foi historicamente limitada por:
- **Aliança entre burguesia agrária e industrial**: A elite rural subsidia a indústria com alimentos baratos (via superexploração do trabalho no campo), enquanto o setor urbano consome os insumos agroindustriais.
- **Ideologia do "progresso"**: A narrativa de que o agronegócio é "moderno" e "eficiente" mascara sua dependência de subsídios estatais (crédito rural, isenção fiscal) e seu impacto socioambiental.
- **Falta de poder político dos trabalhadores rurais**: A fragmentação da classe camponesa (assalariados, posseiros, agricultores familiares) dificulta a organização coletiva.
### **6. Perspectivas Marxistas para a Reforma Agrária**
Uma reforma agrária verdadeiramente transformadora exigiria:
1. **Expropriação dos latifúndios**: Transferência de terras ociosas ou improdutivas para o controle coletivo de trabalhadores rurais, rompendo com a propriedade privada capitalista.
2. **Reestruturação das relações de produção**: Fim do trabalho assalariado precário, promoção da agricultura familiar associada a cooperativas e planos de produção orientados para necessidades sociais (ex.: segurança alimentar).
3. **Quebra da dependência externa**: Desvinculação do modelo agroexportador, com prioridade para a soberania alimentar e tecnologias autônomas.
4. **Aliança com o proletariado urbano**: A reforma agrária deve integrar-se a uma estratégia socialista mais ampla, combatendo a divisão campo-cidade imposta pelo capitalismo.
### **Conclusão**
A reforma agrária no Brasil é um campo de confronto entre dois projetos de sociedade: um que reproduz a acumulação capitalista via latifúndio e agronegócio, e outro que busca a emancipação das classes trabalhadoras através do controle coletivo dos meios de produção. Enquanto o Estado permanecer subordinado à burguesia, as políticas de reforma agrária serão paliativos. A solução marxista reside na **revolução social**, que unifique as lutas urbanas e rurais para abolir a propriedade privada da terra e construir um modelo agrário baseado na justiça social e ambiental.

@ 47cc100d:153e866a
2025-03-03 18:42:09
Memes are cultural Bitcoin. Accumulate!

@ 9bfffae4:ce4d721b
2025-03-03 18:42:08
Source: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/85866554

@ 23654de1:b13dc03b
2025-03-03 18:42:08
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqlwtr5uyczm20nl0vd4fht4ug52wdx34xatqetndn4cgy6q0tck0sx03j8n nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqwcf6srj73muaspe5hvyve6af6ep236xzqvfepr6j4vut4c8nkj6sj2grcp nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq9r0yghnujtzja3gh3p0rsapjx2phfn9tcfjlnqx8f4nfdn9tlfhs5hsupt nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqur37c57f062f2ngrw546s4xhjm7wq8c4rfmy3warq338cytq9m4quugen3 nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqk5qedc82mfhyr442rfqphqecc88dzqelxsl89ugzqwgu6xmcj09qtqth7a nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqursggceeyp77yj9yy8kwuk4yg4ce60c75kqr66yjfxfnqe8whr8sykumtn nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqzsu6vvnd4v0kyvte263cxq9z5tweewvlzvs6f8vvz3krk0pvcffsyf807u nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpquvfvlddmhuh4hu4teupjs2lkdn8x3htrrw7jlwzuv0ushumkwnhq6n66f2 nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqprdy6x4ccuupdaepfv9995ryjkyxx89gznkgs50hg7cft6gntcpqsqesnn nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq007nmq8hj2v9zfudpvpv65q8gtcl8kgyetlkpgh0mmu34q28ygeszdg05m nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqn74x9shw5afvt90htjwz2v9pmvh8j50kfj8n50ma2xjecxx3chuqyhj5rx nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq9ucagddkx870rq8e3exuh6c3gf62rqj9fd5pl625fn42ka4hpd3sde70an nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqlyryhxp72jw3phz4rkgyd7jc6wwtks0u3xskklphkg4zf8vazgdsdes3zd nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqw5yvec2685gxk0zjpd7j7yk4ezedffrtt2z2rk2t0h3hvc73v9fs42unmd nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqlslrj2jys4sdcr5llf6m8rxedljeqgreft4998xnzt6tjprnegwqfugx4l nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqhzyqulnwgtm0yjex5z7ke59a7mjs9w9fz4sflmj3skl6p2a8cx9qt209r5 nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqpzw3ss8jcc4s80zwkqx6n5hwvvcxcjnccg7w7rrggrj57kj9ex8qxfs8dk nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqmwyvgqppcl4x5eqdcmtcmfd34pxr3y7twf7uu2fpusrragqupm2shjx3qv nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqqh097tfm3kv0nwffd9ggptn255d3fuqdcy3wauw5p4gz5z45s92qysh6f2 nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqqu94at2mgjfrxz6h4n2lfq5v39pj7q7nkdvp908tnj77fuya3a0qlfl4df u didnt tag me this time.. alright

@ 6c8e2759:38a74e2d
2025-03-03 18:42:08
₿ Bitcoin Block #886170
Sats/vB: 4.0 - 401.0
Fees: 0.07303809 BTC
Txs: 3,522
Time: 2025-03-03 18:38:07 UTC
Miner: AntPool

@ 7216e1df:18ce74ad
2025-03-03 18:42:07
Healthy mind, healthy keys.

@ 4c800257:b47e3b2f
2025-03-03 18:42:07
no lies detected

@ 0432dca2:205a91da
2025-03-03 18:42:07
Source: https://twitter.com/roresu_/status/1375144226913050629

@ 0d945350:fc6339e1
2025-03-03 18:42:07
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqnyy6kp0m4es9njw73yl8320nmyu2rvkww0m0vvlcajd9w5hccy6qmw9wl8 Best of luck.

@ ba11337b:9a1f8eb3
2025-03-03 18:42:06
🇭🇷 Croatia: Marko Bošnjak Open to Changes to “Poison Cake” https://www.byteseu.com/796072/ #Croatia #Dora2025 #Headline #MarkoBošnjak

@ 3bbcab7e:b67ba92e
2025-03-03 18:42:06
Yeah bc of Harry I’ve also seen both of y’all’s interviews with nostr:nprofile1qqsqqx9hacelkffcgd3ecchzjtlvwq9xn2fmprhrwnzmm2t3exee2eqpz4mhxue69uhkummnw3ex2mrfw3jhxtn0wfnsz9mhwden5te0wfjkccte9e3h2unjv4h8gtnx095sgknnd4 too, just FYI
Also just extra cool that you guys are Belgian and that my great great great great great great great great grandfather was Belgian too before coming to America

@ 9f3c4769:3b719dab
2025-03-03 18:42:06
https://www.usluck.com/460395/oughh-ouch-oc/ oughh ouch [OC] #Memes

@ 44a1f09c:3098597a
2025-03-03 18:42:05
GM 🌼🫡 nostr:nprofile1qqsrs986e3t3up33rnl2z9mq5nkt8u5d2jkuznnwq8gpd2pfsmlp2wcpqpqnl

@ c736a744:d8db5614
2025-03-03 18:42:05

@ 92dd98e5:90c2a338
2025-03-03 18:42:05
#science #physics
Superconducting quantum processor prototype operates 10¹⁵ times faster than fastest supercomputer

@ d6aac790:7277035c
2025-03-03 18:42:05
Confronto com o Atlético na Champions “será decidido na volta”, afirma Ancelotti
O técnico do Real Madrid, Carlo Ancelotti, afirmou nesta segunda-feira que o confronto de oitavas de final da Liga dos Campeões contra o Atlético de Madrid será decidido no jogo de volta, no dia 12 de março, no estádio Metropolitano. 🏃🏃🏃 pic.twitter.com/L5xdpFO7g5 — Real Madrid C.F. (@realmadrid) March 3, 2025 “Vai ser um duelo equilibrado […]
O post https://www.gazetaesportiva.com/times/real-madrid/confronto-com-o-atletico-na-champions-sera-decidido-na-volta-afirma-ancelotti/

@ a4b44494:1ddcdef4
2025-03-03 18:42:05
Confronto com o Atlético na Champions “será decidido na volta”, afirma Ancelotti
O técnico do Real Madrid, Carlo Ancelotti, afirmou nesta segunda-feira que o confronto de oitavas de final da Liga dos Campeões contra o Atlético de Madrid será decidido no jogo de volta, no dia 12 de março, no estádio Metropolitano. 🏃🏃🏃 pic.twitter.com/L5xdpFO7g5 — Real Madrid C.F. (@realmadrid) March 3, 2025 “Vai ser um duelo equilibrado […]
O post https://www.gazetaesportiva.com/times/real-madrid/confronto-com-o-atletico-na-champions-sera-decidido-na-volta-afirma-ancelotti/

@ d32aa70c:d7c6ca62
2025-03-03 18:42:05
Confronto com o Atlético na Champions “será decidido na volta”, afirma Ancelotti
O técnico do Real Madrid, Carlo Ancelotti, afirmou nesta segunda-feira que o confronto de oitavas de final da Liga dos Campeões contra o Atlético de Madrid será decidido no jogo de volta, no dia 12 de março, no estádio Metropolitano. 🏃🏃🏃 pic.twitter.com/L5xdpFO7g5 — Real Madrid C.F. (@realmadrid) March 3, 2025 “Vai ser um duelo equilibrado […]
O post https://www.gazetaesportiva.com/times/real-madrid/confronto-com-o-atletico-na-champions-sera-decidido-na-volta-afirma-ancelotti/

@ 49f3a746:fc2a2375
2025-03-03 18:42:03
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq9ucagddkx870rq8e3exuh6c3gf62rqj9fd5pl625fn42ka4hpd3sde70an nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqkd6sttw8w88ajz0aa34ddvhjwpef8c2satkfwk9y4n904rupmqdstw4kgx https://blink1.thingm.com/

@ 350ac911:ac7e04b9
2025-03-03 18:42:01
Trump calls for creation of a ‘crypto strategic reserve’ https://techcrunch.com/2025/03/02/trump-calls-for-creation-of-crypto-strategic-reserve/

@ 06639754:cc078585
2025-03-03 18:42:00
Das regelt der Markt!

@ 5b10a97d:0e4e6619
2025-03-03 18:41:59
Alaaf ❤️😎🍻🥳

@ aa874e97:665e08e8
2025-03-03 18:41:57
Kriminalität: Kretschmann zu Mannheim: "Schwer zu ertragen"
Gepostet in BW - Nachrichten aus Baden-Württemberg nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqd4jk62kr5ugj4g5j8nwwpq29kttqlefxpwul24tu9r8ht6y0c2xs2ypqjw

@ c9c1fba3:070c734d
2025-03-03 18:41:57
Main topic of current US-Hungary consultations is settlement in Ukraine — Szijjarto
The foreign minister underscored that the Hungarian side maintained constant contacts between the US administration and the Hungarian government at various political levels

@ c736a744:d8db5614
2025-03-03 18:41:56

@ 6c8e2759:38a74e2d
2025-03-03 18:41:54
₿ Bitcoin Price: $87,348
Trend Analysis:
30 MA: $94,502 (Short Term)
50 MA: $97,584 (Medium Term)
200 MA: $82,451 (Long Term)
Status: Above 200 MA 📊

@ 86312211:3368f32c
2025-03-03 18:41:54
#AI algorithms are amazing:
Netflix: You watched this movie, you may want to watch it again.
Amazon: You bought this item, you may want to buy it again.
Online Training: You are in the middle of this training, you may want to try it again.
WTF? 🤣🤣🤣

@ e8d66519:784074e9
2025-03-03 18:41:54
Holy shit.
Atlanta Fed is now projecting that Q1 GDP will be -2.8%… a large contraction.
Last week it was -1.5%
2 weeks ago it was +2.3%
4 weeks ago it was +3.9%

@ 292b1cf4:5a83246b
2025-03-03 18:41:52
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq3w74ajumt9wx050yq2r5h6rz95q8mmdqtvt9fl3e9u0f2ug6ht9sld240e Can't wait until you can read his novels. He's incredible.

@ b8419fcd:9ee5302e
2025-03-03 18:41:49
when i accidently shine the phone torch in my face

@ 624d01ef:f122bf4a
2025-03-03 18:41:48
Hmm. Maybe. Perhaps you care enough to spend time and effort on them

@ 3ddaa454:d138b942
2025-03-03 18:41:48
Bonne soirée 💕

@ 394b9251:dfa1378d
2025-03-03 18:41:48
"El Corte Inglés sufre un ciberataque que ha filtrado datos de clientes e incluso el número de su tarjeta de crédito"

@ c736a744:d8db5614
2025-03-03 18:41:48

@ 4150e665:9b37701f
2025-03-03 18:41:47
Video Elon Musk doesn't 'understand anything about government': Rep. Val Hoyle
Posted into News nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqxjk8ja3wq52flu0lfnrq8xclg8scfs58z3lavv04zzynt674xpss7gzk0c

@ 8f754979:15f38100
2025-03-03 18:41:43
Update FromThe Vatican...
Pope Francis suffered two episodes of acute respiratory failure today
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #breaking #breakingnews #popefrancis

@ 090888ee:84567076
2025-03-03 18:41:41
憧れちゃうんだよなー 年上に

@ 66fd9c5c:e91fcb58
2025-03-03 18:41:41
No. In fact I manage BTC mining operation. 🌊⚡️⏳⛏️

@ c736a744:d8db5614
2025-03-03 18:41:41

@ 5a54abdc:3c58d510
2025-03-03 18:41:41
#parrot #ara https://video.nostr.build/7c8ed61aa015c7321be40d698b21d13dcf43787cc72554d736a23cd898cf08cc.mp4

@ 2686f866:46d286d6
2025-03-03 18:41:39
Or used it?

@ 77bd8387:a2fcccd0
2025-03-03 18:41:38
🌍 ■ Zelenski encuentra una nueva fábrica de armas "estratégicas" en Europa ■ Representantes del gobierno ucraniano celebran el preacuerdo firmado por parte de ambos gobiernos.
#global #europa #guerraucrania #volodimirzelenski

@ 37fa263f:d1825e82
2025-03-03 18:41:33
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpql8yr0yyze56pjx54w5dv8zden4gagrn3uakxnurrhyg9k4ghdakqwydz2p Du willst es doch nur auf die Spitze treiben und bei einem solchen Fall, die 250 Mio Schmerzensgeld kassieren. Ok, damit würdest du den MSV sanieren und zum alten Glanz führen… das ist natürlich pfiffig. 😂

@ c736a744:d8db5614
2025-03-03 18:41:32

@ 623ed218:fa549249
2025-03-03 18:41:32
I don't know what ⭕ means...

@ f14f7e19:449de4a4
2025-03-03 18:41:31

@ 460c25e6:ef85065c
2025-03-03 18:41:29
No, it doesn't make sense that they are using Chinese drones.

@ 9d0c7ce0:b7ad23de
2025-03-03 18:41:29
US members of Congress to launch bipartisan ‘Congressional Crypto Caucus’
<img src="https://images.cointelegraph.com/images/840_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS91cGxvYWRzLzIwMjUtMDMvMDE5NTVkMzMtMjMzMi03YTFlLTk4NDAtYTFmMWFmOTk1OGVk.jpg">The new caucus will have the goal of cementing the US’s leadership in the future of digital assets and blockchain innovation.

@ 8f94d035:39f20038
2025-03-03 18:41:29
Když hubnete, ale večer potřebujete něco chroupat, zkuste kyselé okurky. Mají necelých 150 kalorií.
Celá sklenice!

@ 60c19b2e:ad28f6fe
2025-03-03 18:41:28
Energiefachleute in der Politik braucht das Land! https://ansage.org/energiefachleute-in-der-politik-braucht-das-land/ Die “Energiewende” im Namen der angeblichen Weltklimarettung hat Deutschland die höchsten Strompreise in der Welt beschert. Die Industrie ist nicht mehr wettbewerbsfähig. Wir brauchen Fachleute in der Regierung statt Ideologen. Der wohl zukünftige Kanzler Friedrich Merz will mit seiner CDU die Energiewende zur Weltklimarettung fortführen. Das bedeutet weiter steigende

@ 6a9e77d7:2034cb89
2025-03-03 18:41:27
Geopolitisches Überblickswissen und Ausblick
USA – Europa – Deutschland – RusslandEin Meinungsbeitrag von Wolfgang Bittner.Wer sich heute mit der nicht gerade komfortablen Vorkriegssituation befasst, in der wir uns befinden, sollte zumindest die geopolitischen Zusammenhänge kennen, mit denen wir es zu tun haben, um mitreden und mitgestalten zu können.

@ badc77e8:45983be0
2025-03-03 18:41:26
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq7q7ncdnx02arjzn6jjen4casl9aujwzwswh4n6kx2r2l3y7y5yks7m7zth held to its mounting by self tapping screws? 😁

@ ba11337b:9a1f8eb3
2025-03-03 18:41:26
Why DDB Romania’s Printing Fake Money for Contraceptive Rights https://www.byteseu.com/796070/ #Bucharest #Corporate #DDBRomania #people #Romania #SexualHealth #SocialAndPSAs #WhyDDBRomania’sPrintingFakeMoneyForContraceptiveRights

@ 9ca0bd74:4052340b
2025-03-03 18:41:25
My payycheck

@ 8922f461:451fc835
2025-03-03 18:41:24

@ 6055812a:3e7de489
2025-03-03 18:41:22
Steve Martin and Martin Short announce 2025 tour, NY show. Get tickets
The "Father of the Bride" co-stars will bring the goofs to Albany on Dec. 4.

@ 7d4a4e87:c853bba8
2025-03-03 18:41:21

@ fee85830:2813aae5
2025-03-03 18:41:21
What do you think? 🤔

@ 2686f866:46d286d6
2025-03-03 18:41:20
What’s the penalty if you were found with it?

@ 7776c32d:45558888
2025-03-03 18:41:20
yeah he's honestly fucked otherwise

@ 9cb53e08:a9a20efa
2025-03-03 18:41:19
VÍDEOS: Liberal Comunidade de domingo, 3 de março de 2025
<img src="https://s2-g1.glbimg.com/VmlsbONZKBjb6LS9n37PHXoVyXs=/s01.video.glbimg.com/deo/vi/50/74/13387450"/> Assista às reportagens com informações sobre o Pará. Assista às reportagens com informações sobre o Pará.

@ dee003d6:f5f8579c
2025-03-03 18:41:19
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqeu749mar6qfpanvv73370ya95mahue2dwfx2m56v256m49462jwq4npf4s nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqah9sswkyjr9tdcuqjz2zrauxh95zvwx74jauh2pmstgqukdwwxxscya0uj nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq2tvgxyexxznnfj895mwyfuaudd8s66wrju42wrfpsngxm9jkmk6s768tah I'm a former admin and am thinking of opening a couple instances in a week or two, so it's the kind of thing I'm curious about

@ 5485e150:a03bc2c2
2025-03-03 18:41:19
She's a smart Granny!
I was speaking mostly of ceremonial magic where specific items are called for. Most folk magic you use what you've got!

@ 7d4a4e87:c853bba8
2025-03-03 18:41:17

@ 6a327f0e:4c940dee
2025-03-03 18:41:12
dating apps should just be on everything. Make it hyper specific to the content you provide.
The mcdonalds app should have a dating app tab.
Netflix, HBO and Criterion should have a dating app tab.
Target, Doordash should have a dating app tab

@ 09f3fab1:345e1179
2025-03-03 18:41:12
Blackstone, Sixth Street’s £470 Million Warehouse Bid Rejected
Posted into Bloomberg nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqz0car90ezhv50k8usdk8l3h073s3f3mfqmkpcn62jse7cvpfpzfqxtcuhg

@ 0319e300:a02ea7a0
2025-03-03 18:41:07
The Store-Bought Cheesecake Hack on TikTok Is the Cutest Easter Treat https://www.diningandcooking.com/1931797/the-store-bought-cheesecake-hack-on-tiktok-is-the-cutest-easter-treat/ #easter #EasterDesserts #RecipeTopics #Recipes #tiktok

@ 70122128:c6cc18b9
2025-03-03 18:41:06
Yeah where did the extra Y come from lol

@ 28799867:e297d7bf
2025-03-03 18:41:06
👉 Hungary will oppose any decision at the European Union summit that allows the conflict in Ukraine to continue
👉 Hungary supports US President Donald Trump's efforts to end the conflict
👉 An agreement between the US and Russia is the only road to peace in the region
👉 Hungary suggests direct talks between the European Union and Russia
👉 Hungary warns that a joint statement and package of military aid to Ukraine could lead to a rift in the European Council

@ e88cee4c:5a419ab0
2025-03-03 18:41:06
✍️ Hungary's Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto stated that Hungary will oppose any decision at the European Union summit that allows the conflict in Ukraine to continue, and instead supports US President Donald Trump's efforts to end the conflict.
👉 Hungary will oppose any decision at the European Union summit that allows the conflict in Ukraine to continue
👉 Hungary supports US President Donald Trump's efforts to end the conflict
👉 An agreement between the US and Russia is the only road to peace in the region
👉 Hungary suggests direct talks between the European Union and Russia
👉 Hungary warns that a joint statement and package of military aid to Ukraine could lead to a rift in the European Council
#PeterSzijjarto #DonaldTrump #ViktorOrban #AntonioCosta #Budapest #London #Ukraine #politics

@ de1abdd3:ff3979a0
2025-03-03 18:41:06
✍️ Hungary's Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto stated that Hungary will oppose any decision at the European Union summit that allows the conflict in Ukraine to continue, and instead supports US President Donald Trump's efforts to end the conflict.
👉 Hungary will oppose any decision at the European Union summit that allows the conflict in Ukraine to continue
👉 Hungary supports US President Donald Trump's efforts to end the conflict
👉 An agreement between the US and Russia is the only road to peace in the region
👉 Hungary suggests direct talks between the European Union and Russia
👉 Hungary warns that a joint statement and package of military aid to Ukraine could lead to a rift in the European Council
#PeterSzijjarto #DonaldTrump #ViktorOrban #AntonioCosta #Budapest #London #Ukraine #politics

@ 15bb829f:55b547cd
2025-03-03 18:41:05
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq85nxz5z2ex5ukwq3yyu0tun5lmfj52syl39f77c3px750rrm75tq4twlyc ... Interpretationsspielraum zu lassen. Hier war das Gegenteil der Fall.
Dann wurden diese IP-Klauseln in dem gleichen Absatz gepackt wie ein Hinweis auf die Privacy Notice, als ob es sich dabei auf persönliche Daten bezöge. PII sind aber unter anderen Rechten geschützt, und dafür braucht man insbesondere keine Rechte unter Copyright gewähren.
Das war also ein astreiner Versuch, sich Copyright-basierte Rechte auf allen möglichen Daten zu erschummeln indem man den Eindruck...

@ de1abdd3:ff3979a0
2025-03-03 18:41:04
✍️ Apple has released the second beta of iOS 18.4, which brings Visual Intelligence to the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max, previously limited to iPhone 16 models.
👉 Visual Intelligence now available on iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max
👉 Feature can be activated through Action Button or Control Center
👉 Previously limited to iPhone 16 models
👉 Uses camera to summarize text, translate, read text aloud, search Google, and more

@ 28799867:e297d7bf
2025-03-03 18:41:04
👉 Visual Intelligence now available on iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max
👉 Feature can be activated through Action Button or Control Center
👉 Previously limited to iPhone 16 models
👉 Uses camera to summarize text, translate, read text aloud, search Google, and more

@ d95fd776:ddede5a0
2025-03-03 18:41:04
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq32zuh9apaplctr87wwsutgzvkk784uxsaktk9p9wyvsevf9ff7aqdwyh7c nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqxr4yzj7vyd0j0c837yv356yrmxe8szz92salwgg4tkd9eufqmujsw2ucuc nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqpkhgehhvhlrk7a50vs2npkqu58fgurheszagpkpep8cpv2wdxyts6ptlxv muh fuh guilteh geah muhfuckin shounen anime make me basenrehpill gnawmean I giddat tampon bakpak nigguh wuhchoomean I ain no girlboss bitch I be duh baddiss bitch on duh blawk I got dat cash money nigga I show fediverse admins muh tee-tees aint nobody scurr yo reddit ass muhfuggih schizo shit bitch daaaayuuuuuuum mercedes dealership n sheeit sail of foam I got dat ifoam plus main on gawwwww :animu_blush2:

@ 83e89918:d7981d6d
2025-03-03 18:41:03
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqrea6qv6u02m3xa494y3uztacvtn7er99zqzarverpfhrfuv37acqw7cwcm wtf

@ 7d4a4e87:c853bba8
2025-03-03 18:41:02

@ 1a4ae5b3:c4db4d01
2025-03-03 18:41:02
Trump outraged at Zelenskyy saying end of Russia-Ukraine war could be ‘very far away’ https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/mar/03/trump-zelenskyy-end-russia-ukraine-war #VolodymyrZelenskyy #USforeignpolicy #DonaldTrump #Worldnews #Ukraine #Russia #USnews

@ 1a4ae5b3:c4db4d01
2025-03-03 18:41:02
US DEI professionals: how have Trump’s executive orders affected your work? https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/mar/03/trump-dei-professionals #DonaldTrump #USnews

@ 7776c32d:45558888
2025-03-03 18:41:01
you can't prove Putin isn't shitposting too

@ c230edd3:8ad4a712
2025-03-03 18:41:01
Thank you!

@ bd701cd6:42c30237
2025-03-03 18:41:00
How U.S. foreign policy is changing under Trump after Hegseth's Russia directive
Posted into Latest Headlines nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq5y2fq3w4ep6tcekg0m8v7sudt0ny5nz6au6pnja26fnqlu6kttdslj045v

@ f238398e:9d63a413
2025-03-03 18:41:00
Why Trump's trade war could spark a global financial market meltdown
Even before Donald Trump shattered the idea of a western alliance over the weekend, an uneasy spectre had begun to roil through the global economy, with troubles brewing on at least three fronts.

@ ba51d3bb:dcf93301
2025-03-03 18:41:00
I'm looking into getting curtains made, and this must be the most profitable business in the world! For the prices I'm being quoted, I could easily buy (1) an extremely high quality sewing machine, (2) enough bolts of good quality fabric to outfit an entire country estate...
I wonder if what I ought to do is just that. Then I can make curtains and sell them at 20% discount (but 1000% cost) to all the poor sods who don't know how to sew.

@ 008d535e:61d774df
2025-03-03 18:41:00
⚡️🇬🇧Piers Morgan Weighs in on the Trump’s assault of Ukraine in the Oval Office (Good Morning Britain VIDEO) #Ukraine #NukesForUkraine #SouthKorea #Japan #Press #Taiwan #Media #NukesOrNATO #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #BudapestMemorandum #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #11yrInvasionofUkraine

@ 9cfcfa5c:07cbe5d2
2025-03-03 18:40:59

@ d7146e64:31e339cf
2025-03-03 18:40:59
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqsew65fydhrwcf2dkq64pq8l0s7et97gjd0sz9h4j794fjgasx0ts6qly5z a little bit 😏

@ cdecc31c:1cac3b92
2025-03-03 18:40:58
When you can't find the gold...

@ 8a85cb97:24a94fba
2025-03-03 18:40:58
Ahn shit 👉 🍵

@ d27abc08:f5d83485
2025-03-03 18:40:58
With the second beta of iOS 18.4, Visual Intelligence is available for the iPhone 15 Pro and ‌iPhone 15‌ Pro Max, two devices that did not previously support the feature. Until now, ‌Visual Intelligence‌ has been a feature limited to the iPhone 16 models, but it will now be available on all iPhones that support Apple Intelligence. Since there is no Camera Control button on the ‌iPhone 15‌ Pro Max, ‌Visual Intelligence‌ can be activated through the Action Button or through a Control Center option. There is a new Action Button setting for ‌Visual Intelligence‌, along with new Control Center buttons for activating the feature. On all ‌iPhone 16‌ models, ‌Visual Intelligence‌ can now be activated through the Action Button, so it is no longer limited to the Camera Control button on the ‌iPhone 16‌, 16 Plus, 16 Pro, and 16 Pro Max. Using ‌Visual Intelligence‌ through the Action Button and Control Center is functionality that Apple implemented for the iPhone 16e, which supports ‌Visual Intelligence‌ but also does not have a Camera Control button. After releasing the iPhone 16e with ‌Visual Intelligence‌, Apple said that it would come to the iPhone 15 Pro models as well. ‌Visual Intelligence‌ is a camera feature that is designed to let you learn more about the places and objects that are around you. ‌Visual Intelligence‌ can use the camera to summarize text, translate, read text aloud, search Google for objects, ask ChatGPT for information about an object or a place, and more.Related Roundups: iOS 18, iPadOS 18Tag: Visual IntelligenceRelated Forums: iOS 18, iPadOS 18This article, "iOS 18.4 Adds Visual Intelligence to iPhone 15 Pro" first appeared on MacRumors.comDiscuss this article in our forums

@ 4a62c820:4f5e17f8
2025-03-03 18:40:58
Peter Szijjarto emphasized that Hungary supported US President Donald Trump’s efforts aimed at putting an end to the conflict

@ b7fe4910:a6e460b9
2025-03-03 18:40:58
bro, I’ve just sent $5.15 to your keeper podcast via bitcoin gram and yay all splits are green like 2 broccolis in my fridge :

@ 7d4a4e87:c853bba8
2025-03-03 18:40:58

@ 84e6abe4:9fa9da37
2025-03-03 18:40:58
LOL! A nostr:npub10pensatlcfwktnvjjw2dtem38n6rvw8g6fv73h84cuacxn4c28eqyfn34f sponsored dev catches nostr:npub1q6ps7m94jfdastx2tx76sj8sq4nxdhlsgmzns2tr4xt6ydx6grzspm0kxr nostr:npub1ej2rwvt46908z65w80wt6dd0s74ehyve8zv97n9cxdgrpld5pwjs0h5jr0 pretending to know how nostr works. https://image.nostr.build/3fc6e8493b24aebe2a1802dc9a6cc6a76c0a2ad1996bfd6a3677c099bc4c9d0d.jpg

@ 396a26bb:baefffd7
2025-03-03 18:40:57
"Have you said thank you today!? Even once!"

@ 740c2f23:ba38f5ae
2025-03-03 18:40:57
The new laws just hit the Inclusion and belonging department of our college.
Even though it doesn't say anything about race, they are afraid that the college will be denied federal funding for trying to treat everyone fairly.
That's the state we are now. Trying to help people endangers you.
What a crappy time to live in.