
@ decf2ae4:307383ae
2025-03-03 23:05:39
US stocks slip as Trump pulls trigger on Canada, Mexico, China tariffs - With friends like these... US stock markets have dipped after President Donald Trump conf... - https://go.theregister.com/feed/www.theregister.com/2025/03/03/trump_tariffs_stock_market_reaction/

@ a09a081c:2722fb4a
2025-03-03 23:05:39
The Labor, Welfare and Health Committee of the Knesset is expected to approve the law establishing a body that will for the first time centralize the fight against poverty within the government and set targets for reducing it. Harsh criticism is directed at the intention to abolish the Nutrition Security Council and the fact that the authority will deal with budget allocations.

@ 044536c5:f8c80e46
2025-03-03 23:05:37
I Love Anal - Powerful Anal EKS546
anal, big dick, brunette, cumshot, hardcore, big ass, latina, , lingerie, Michy Perez

@ 0ff4b1ef:d40cf787
2025-03-03 23:05:36
I'm I'm lucky in the sense that when my old man cut out my mother did not bring in some douchebag to try to tell me what to do , after I left the house early and started a career she moved a worthless turd in who immediately tried to get rid of my little brother, I marched my happy little ass down there and told him he had 10 minutes to go he started to argue with me and I said you have nine at the 5-minute mark I'm going to start grabbing your shit and throwing it out and if you aren't out of here when I reach the 10 minute mark I will drag you out of here by your throat which is not exactly what happened but he pushed fate got socked up and ended up leaving the hard way

@ 30e8cbf1:74fccbaa
2025-03-03 23:05:33
Come watch a rocket launch!

@ 97c70a44:ad98e322
2025-03-03 23:05:32
By making stuff that they can use. Right? Right?

@ 407069c6:b10229a0
2025-03-03 23:05:32
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq43wru8eshk7gmx7j0segk447dw93ctuxnq0jd6llyhdy64z6c9askj6w4f I simply cannot take on any more digital subscriptions. Which is an entire, new problem class in its own right.

@ 18905d0a:0b229b08
2025-03-03 23:05:31
Exactly 🎯

@ df56b83f:15611f31
2025-03-03 23:05:31
Sometimes I forget that Israel wants Ukraine leveled so they can resettle it

@ 59cb0748:9602464b
2025-03-03 23:05:27

@ 3988f197:92900f13
2025-03-03 23:05:25

@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-03-03 23:05:22
🤖 Tracking strings detected and removed!
🔗 Clean URL(s):
❌ Removed parts:

@ 78b2ffbb:cd2a5647
2025-03-03 23:05:22

@ acb67649:a4145c58
2025-03-03 23:05:20
都会だと帯域が足りないらしいけど 田舎だと空いてる

@ b300db32:0bf5db3a
2025-03-03 23:05:19
Uma análise marxista de **"Da Guerra" (Vom Kriege)**, de Carl von Clausewitz, requer examinar o texto em seu contexto histórico, sua relação com as estruturas de classe do século XIX e sua instrumentalização ideológica. Clausewitz, general prussiano, escreveu sua obra entre 1816 e 1830, após as guerras napoleônicas, período de consolidação do Estado-nação burguês e do capitalismo industrial na Europa. Abaixo, uma síntese estruturada:
### **1. Contexto Histórico e Base Material**
- **Ascensão do Estado Burguês**: A Prússia do século XIX buscava consolidar seu poder mediante reformas militares e a unificação alemã. Clausewitz, como integrante da burocracia militar prussiana, reflete a necessidade de um exército profissionalizado a serviço do Estado centralizado.
- **Guerras Napoleônicas**: A experiência das guerras de coalizão contra a França revolucionária e napoleônica moldou sua visão. Para Clausewitz, a guerra moderna era **total**, mobilizando recursos nacionais e integrando política e estratégia.
- **Base Econômica**: A obra surge em um contexto de transição do feudalismo ao capitalismo, onde o Estado-nação burguês precisava de um aparato militar para proteger mercados, colonizar e suprimir revoltas internas (ex.: revoluções de 1848).
### **2. A Guerra como "Continuação da Política por Outros Meios"**
- **Servo da Classe Dominante**: A famosa definição de Clausewitz ("A guerra é a continuação da política por outros meios") revela a subordinação do militar ao político. No marxismo, isso significa que a guerra serve aos interesses da **classe dominante** (burguesia e aristocracia junker prussiana), que usa o Estado para impor sua vontade.
- **Fetichismo da Estratégia**: Clausewitz abstrai as motivações materiais da guerra (ex.: controle de rotas comerciais, acumulação primitiva de capital) ao tratá-la como um "ato de força" racional. Isso mascara como a burguesia utiliza a guerra para reproduzir suas relações de produção.
- **Militarismo e Ideologia**: Sua visão da guerra como "ato de vontade" coletiva (a "tríade" governo-exército-povo) oculta as contradições de classe. O "povo" é mobilizado como massa passiva, enquanto a burguesia e a aristocracia controlam as decisões estratégicas.
### **3. Crítica Marxista aos Conceitos Clausewitzianos**
- **Ignorância das Classes Subalternas**: Clausewitz não problematiza a exploração dos soldados (camponeses e proletários) ou a relação entre guerra e expropriação (ex.: guerras coloniais para acumulação de capital). Sua perspectiva é **elitista**, focada na eficiência do comando.
- **Determinismo Técnico**: A ênfase no "centro de gravidade" (ponto decisivo do inimigo) e na "fricção" (imprevistos da guerra) ignora que as guerras são **socialmente determinadas** pelas relações de classe. Exemplo: Guerras coloniais não são "naturais", mas sim meios de expandir o capital.
- **Adaptação ao Capitalismo Monopolista**: No século XX, teóricos burgueses reinterpretaram Clausewitz para justificar guerras imperialistas (ex.: Primeira Guerra Mundial como "conflito de interesses nacionais"). Sua obra serviu para legitimar o **complexo industrial-militar**.
### **4. Apropriação e Subversão nas Lutas de Classes**
- **Lenin e a Guerra Imperialista**: Lenin, em *O Imperialismo: Fase Superior do Capitalismo* (1916), critica Clausewitz ao mostrar que as guerras modernas são disputas entre monopólios e Estados por mercados. Para Lenin, a guerra não é "política por outros meios", mas sim **expressão das contradições do capitalismo**.
- **Mao Tsé-Tung e a Guerra Popular**: Mao adaptou o realismo estratégico de Clausewitz (ex.: importância do terreno, logística) para a guerra revolucionária, mas dentro de um **quadro marxista**. Enquanto Clausewitz serve ao Estado, Mao subverte a estratégia para destruí-lo e criar um novo poder popular.
- **Crítica à Neutralidade Técnica**: Clausewitz é apresentado como "científico" e "apolítico", mas sua obra é **ideológica**: legitima a violência do Estado burguês e naturaliza a hierarquia de classes.
### **5. Ideologia e Hegemonia**
- **Naturalização da Violência de Estado**: Ao dissociar a guerra de suas causas materiais, Clausewitz contribui para a **hegemonia burguesa**, fazendo parecer que a violência estatal é inevitável e neutra. Exemplo: A OTAN hoje usa a "defesa coletiva" (um conceito clausewitziano) para intervenções imperialistas.
- **Universalização da Visão Burguesa**: A popularidade de "Da Guerra" em cursos de estratégia empresarial e geopolítica reflete como sua lógica de **competição e dominação** serve ao capitalismo. A guerra é reduzida a um "jogo" técnico, ocultando a exploração de classe.
### **Conclusão: Guerra, Classe e Revolução**
Clausewitz é produto de seu tempo: um teórico da guerra ao serviço do **Estado burguês prussiano**. Do ponto de vista marxista:
1. Sua "ciência da guerra" é **ideologia dominante**, mascarando os interesses de classe por trás dos conflitos.
2. Enquanto houver classes sociais, a guerra persistirá como forma de **imposição da vontade da burguesia**.
3. A superação da guerra exigirá não apenas estratégias militares, mas a **revolução proletária**, que abolirá as relações de exploração que a geram.
**Referências**: Marx (luta de classes), Engels (origens da família e do Estado), Lenin (imperialismo), Mao (guerra popular), Gramsci (hegemonia).
**Exemplos Contemporâneos**: Guerra ao Terror (2001–presente), expansão da OTAN, conflito Rússia-Ucrânia (2022–presente) como expressão de rivalidades interimperialistas.

@ a34b99f2:c540c5bd
2025-03-03 23:05:18

@ 97ddf242:230496e5
2025-03-03 23:05:17

@ f41f9a99:93a1fe8e
2025-03-03 23:05:17
$86,230.74 / #bitcoin
≅ ₱4,979,925.64
🔴 0.59% ≅ ₱29,337.33

@ fe1c787f:a18354f4
2025-03-03 23:05:15
Flight 8 Low Latency Stream:

@ 4dcdd60e:35312bdb
2025-03-03 23:05:12
USAID Whistleblower Boldly Drops Truth Bomb On Trump
INSIDE: Marco Rubio ... ABJ ... #ElonMusk
"senior #USAID official was placed on leave Sunday after he wrote a memo blowing the whistle on the #Trump admn...
The impacts on global #health outlined by Enrich are devastating, wide-ranging, and suggest hundreds of thousands of avoidable #deaths will result from Trump’s lawless destruction of USAID."
#Musk #Doge #Coup #DonaldTrump #GOP #Politics #USPol #News #USA #US

@ c41d1d70:9ea02df4
2025-03-03 23:05:11
Rein Interesse halber: Hat jemand zufällig dieses Foto des gestrigen Attentäters von #Mannheim gesehen? Alexander S. Ich meine das Foto, wo er auf dem Bett hockt. Einschussloch-Tattoo auf linker Brust.
Im Hintergrund rechts liegt ein schwarzer Gegenstand mit weißen Buchstaben auf seinem Bett, der mir sofort ins Auge fiel. Tasche, Kissen, Shirt?
Erkennt jemand, um was es sich dabei handelt? Es geht um die Aufschrift. Frakturschrift?

@ b830e07b:66bd8a02
2025-03-03 23:05:10
Centralized again? Bitcoin never sleeps. 😴

@ d61dcb21:5c11fd8a
2025-03-03 23:05:09
https://www.europesays.com/1887624/ What is a crypto strategic reserve and what would be the point of having one? #crypto #cryptocurrency #DonaldTrump

@ 591082e1:9c356eb8
2025-03-03 23:05:08
Kata Bos Adaro Boy Thohir soal IHSG Ambruk: It's Time to Buy
Direktur Utama PT Alamtri Resources Indonesia Tbk Garibaldi Thohir atau Boy Thohir merespons Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) yang dalam sepekan lalu ambruk.

@ ba11337b:9a1f8eb3
2025-03-03 23:05:07
Today is 8 years since the detached visualization of Łukasz Jakóbiak. Does anyone still remember it? https://www.byteseu.com/796635/ #Poland #Polska #RepublicOfPoland #RzeczpospolitaPolska

@ 4598bd5c:d9610cbc
2025-03-03 23:05:04

@ 3988f197:92900f13
2025-03-03 23:05:04

@ e13cb9dd:e8258358
2025-03-03 23:05:04
Urbanismo horrível, canal que parece esgoto e que deve inundar, retorno só a 5km dali...
Pular o canal é a menor cagada do vídeo 🤢

@ a2874a7c:27d1c088
2025-03-03 23:05:02
They have a typo they said “sale”, the appropriate word is “giveaway”

@ 583ef554:c66e54a6
2025-03-03 23:05:02
PK Decision in Minnesota, Miami Red Card & Handball Calls to Debate
#MLS #Video

@ 28cc4b83:68f67262
2025-03-03 23:05:02
Amos 7:6 (KJV)
"The LORD repented for this: This also shall not be, saith the Lord GOD."
To read the verse in context, click here.

@ f1b9f972:6b696c70
2025-03-03 23:05:02
[ 備蓄米入札は今月10日から 今月下旬以降に店頭に並ぶ見通し|NHK 北海道のニュース ]

@ 32b44d8f:a4589c24
2025-03-03 23:05:01

@ 7584ba06:cd5a963a
2025-03-03 23:05:01
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqptcsfd9r82maaxxfngrnkser47h9rnvn2u4pnqt3cuk6xzv2z4qsm9qvnz And, my priority isn't to subvert the capitalist system per se. That can wait for now. It's subverting and destroying the MAGA system and it's adherents.

@ b4c002e6:bc80548c
2025-03-03 23:05:00

@ 0ef0ea12:cf577ab2
2025-03-03 23:05:00
Permintaan Susu Kambing Naik Selama Ramadan
PERMINTAAN susu kambing saanen dari Peternakan Salamah Farm di Kabupaten Purwakarta, Jawa Barat, mengalami peningkatan 30% hingga 50%.

@ 3ce2b51d:36fc72c7
2025-03-03 23:05:00
✄------------ 8:05 ------------✄

@ 0a968d1d:cd07df61
2025-03-03 23:05:00
Watch now on #CLTV

@ f03f2244:31275430
2025-03-03 23:04:55

@ 90f3eced:dc264cd1
2025-03-03 23:04:54
"It is a grave error to view Trump, Putin, Musk, or the others merely as grifters — or greedy, or motivated by profits, or only wanting to benefit from government contracts. Theirs is a bid to remake the world; they want power and the chance to impose their worldview onto everyone else. Second, they don't think money (in the form of fiat currency) is real."
#Musk #Trump #Putin #StockMarket #economy #Dow #Nasdaq #S&P #tariffs #ChristianNationalists

@ 4e8ef1fb:a397e9b0
2025-03-03 23:04:53
thanks youuuuu 🙏

@ acb67649:a4145c58
2025-03-03 23:04:53

@ cd033c83:24f66285
2025-03-03 23:04:53

@ c054144d:9729f40b
2025-03-03 23:04:52
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqvcecvhk6rwj9ww9334ar22w9fm288nsagtdylzn2w2qcypzf8slq9m3wka nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqw7m4xjge79zw58uv3dxt94f5z2djcxdu3yuydgxv45mnmvgjfnfqrvglas
Meanwhile the rest of the world has been on USC for years.

@ fab3993a:0ddb742c
2025-03-03 23:04:50
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqwf44gvmu4g6x0gwwjgrnlw0f8dxmvx7h929k057wwv8hwa8clq6s0z5k2y They're just going to lick his... boots.

@ aab00df2:26d8d3b8
2025-03-03 23:04:50
Uh oh.. accidentally made enough dough for 2 cakes 🤭 guess we will have to surprise the neighbors with one.

@ 9f9a851a:bf9f346c
2025-03-03 23:04:49
Exclusive: Dozens of Democratic Congresswomen Plan To Wear Pink to Trump’s Joint Address to Congress
Posted into Top Stories nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqx9dem8ecae0gwmdnm2duzvkqgg404epjj4kz45jj09hjunpcms6qaqkvvh

@ 8cf30061:cc7379ac
2025-03-03 23:04:49
E Street Cinema, longtime D.C. hub for indie films, closes for good
Posted into Local nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqg88jsdn7l4770v2z797ymdexv33dtpe7ntuce0ky9wjw5d288gqqtnwryp

@ 5d939369:b962a7f2
2025-03-03 23:04:49

@ 2e170294:41e42f68
2025-03-03 23:04:45
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqy6qkla3f9fc3pc5t2wmysj6s30snr5jvj6ysg62vgepx8ya3hd9slm7mrx I am told they are coming back into stock next week....

@ de14fe62:f229e53a
2025-03-03 23:04:43
I think the takeaway from such studies is that there is a zone of income levels that may have some correlation happiness, beyond which the correlation fades
It’s certainly possible to be truly broke and happy, but hardships make that unlikely
Similarly having your needs comfortably taken care of helps, but beyond that, you have to make the right choices with that financial freedom to actually be happy

@ 20568c78:3ac1c8b8
2025-03-03 23:04:40
Sandstone Swirl
Throwback to when I photographed the natural wonder and beauty of the Lower Antelope Slot Canyon
#photography #nature #photostr #naturstr

@ 84e6abe4:9fa9da37
2025-03-03 23:04:36
Hi nostr:npub1q6ps7m94jfdastx2tx76sj8sq4nxdhlsgmzns2tr4xt6ydx6grzspm0kxr not so good at the alt game are you nostr:npub1ej2rwvt46908z65w80wt6dd0s74ehyve8zv97n9cxdgrpld5pwjs0h5jr0 ?

@ 666cdbb0:5971e9a9
2025-03-03 23:04:35

@ e3a59924:cd2e6624
2025-03-03 23:04:34

@ 77b83da2:3f6ae0e4
2025-03-03 23:04:30
【群馬県 気象警報・注意報 2025年03月04日 08:04】
#気象警報注意報 #群馬県

@ acb67649:a4145c58
2025-03-03 23:04:30
楽天モバイル 昔のwimax感覚で使うと良い

@ 60a94a39:e7dcf0ea
2025-03-03 23:04:24
#Ukraine ‘Magyar’ published the work statistics of the 414th UAV Brigade for February. In total, the Brigade flew 18,886 combat sorties in all directions of operation, attacking 4,225 targets, resulting in 592 KIA and 334 wounded enemies. In Donbass and the Kursk region alone: tanks (121 damaged, 21 destroyed), MLRS (13 damaged, 7 destroyed), self-propelled artillery systems (30 damaged, 5 destroyed). Pokrovsk direction: 461 Russian drones were shot down and 1,777 mines were remotely planted. Kherson: 367 Russian drones were shot down.
Source: https://t.me/robert_magyar/1048 (in Ukrainian)

@ d36e8083:ac0b6bec
2025-03-03 23:04:21
Mmhm, this is a tasty burger!

@ d6f23928:78838b04
2025-03-03 23:04:17
E quem base ?

@ 9c1636e1:cd9b0a6e
2025-03-03 23:04:14
Revealing nonce: ed95a3d423bec36ab9d61dfcd0a8efa28889ebddd257bd6efe25d5774cd4809a. Matching commitment: nostr:note1g90qh22zzcrxz2d3mjsp3wyuvf7ryzzy0jhve9a2tfwztfgmwa2sea4338

@ 9c1636e1:cd9b0a6e
2025-03-03 23:04:14
A new NostrDice round has started! Zap the note with your chosen multiplier.
Here is the SHA256 commitment which makes the game fair: 51816ff8711eba985ca7aca9e258d04cb5313028e7f8a0ed64b8d0631d498794

@ 912e6bdc:c63df60a
2025-03-03 23:04:13
Agree up to "storing your money in Coinbase is way more sane". No idea how a single kyc exchange could be a better option

@ 9fce3aea:0f9087e6
2025-03-03 23:04:11
2 hours til class! #yogastr nostr:note1dsmw863z52n0887ahgwltexux3me7umkar2uzkp22v9ujwnvusjsfrsrv5

@ 9ca0bd74:4052340b
2025-03-03 23:04:11
ah yes

@ 9f3c4769:3b719dab
2025-03-03 23:04:10
https://www.usluck.com/460595/okay-that-is-a-wholesome-story/ Okay that is a wholesome story #History #HistoryMemes #Memes

@ a59c614c:7e1e24b3
2025-03-03 23:04:09
Can anyone identify this plant and how do I propagate it, https://www.allforgardening.com/1209637/can-anyone-identify-this-plant-and-how-do-i-propagate-it/

@ 69c39eaa:d7d1f187
2025-03-03 23:04:09

@ a2093e4b:c7122aca
2025-03-03 23:04:08
Ukraine Breaking News Today Live on 03-04-2025 https://www.kyivpost.com/thread/48200?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon

@ ba11337b:9a1f8eb3
2025-03-03 23:04:08
I wore my suitcases in Veleslavin AMA https://www.byteseu.com/796632/ #ČeskáRepublika #Czech #CzechRepublic #Czechia

@ 7f36a590:5c2f5fe9
2025-03-03 23:04:07
I use #toggl plan and track (free versions) for time keeping and the Gantt view for projects. Does anyone know of a #foss #opensource alternative? Self-hosted is also cool. #projectmanagement

@ bf0ede64:c409eaf1
2025-03-03 23:04:07
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqw3d7x82yjzmar97u9pvcnnyyqwkf7j88ex9t7y6w90m8ld8g0tpsmnhn68 He's so needy, how humiliating 🤭

@ 90f3eced:dc264cd1
2025-03-03 23:04:07
"But Christian ideologues like Gary North, Lance Wallnau, and even Steve Bannon to some extent have couched their gold standard revanchism as religious doctrine. They say that in order to become Godly again, the US must go through a catastrophic collapse marked by the fall of the fiat dollar, which then must be replaced by 'Biblical money' based on the gold standard."
#Musk #Trump #Putin #StockMarket #economy #Dow #Nasdaq #S&P #tariffs #ChristianNationalists

@ 2e08755d:22694e9a
2025-03-03 23:04:07
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqnn3fj4d6jktxv5c2fs0we5ggqf9dzna3gxauf3ucyq3ykqwccwwsx2rca8 誕生日おめでとうございます:murakamisan_tutinoko_cake:

@ fab3993a:0ddb742c
2025-03-03 23:04:07
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqwf44gvmu4g6x0gwwjgrnlw0f8dxmvx7h929k057wwv8hwa8clq6s0z5k2y I mean, CNBC is spinning that pretty hard. Part of it is tariffs, part of it is AMD has an architecture in RDNA4 that wipes the floor with them on performance per watt. Sure, right now its on GPUs, but its the same architecture used in the datacenter.

@ d61dcb21:5c11fd8a
2025-03-03 23:04:06
https://www.europesays.com/1887622/ Environmental Defense Fund sues EPA for endangerment finding #AllMarketsRankEverywhere #APPForYourConsideration #APPNationalPolitics #APPTopStories #Environment #NNT #Politics #SusanCarpenter #TopStories

@ 6e32ec60:c5e16942
2025-03-03 23:04:06
Tim Walz open to 2028 presidential run: 'I would certainly consider that'
Posted into OnPolitics nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq6sssclw9lrhfd7jnph5x486a0gpnxgc4lp4ecu2skts0a5e9m58ss0spy6

@ ecb13d4a:d43b57de
2025-03-03 23:04:05

@ a88f1892:e1a1f100
2025-03-03 23:04:05
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqzramy0xvfruqp5j2jedxmv0cjx64pksh09thtetp9jk36hcaar5ssaaxx0 it means you can work there, just don't expect to get paid