
@ 4dcdd60e:35312bdb
2025-03-05 18:56:55
"Since he began overseeing the newly created Dept of Govt Efficiency, #Musk has upended the norms of bureaucracy...
But his team’s recent appearance at the #FAA presents the starkest test yet of Musk’s ability to not just shrink #government, but to transform his #political power into potential #business for his companies."
#ElonMusk #Coup #Corruption #Greed #Trump #GOP #Politics #USAID #CFPB #Jobs #USPol #News #US #USA

@ 7ceaf7c2:4a10dd4d
2025-03-05 18:56:54
«Estamos todos com Paulo Fonseca, é uma pessoa muito respeitadora»
Niakhaté, jogador do Lyon, defendeu o técnico português, que foi expulso por encostar a cabeça ao árbitro no final da vitória ao Brest

@ c4ef7e69:5b4093f0
2025-03-05 18:56:53
Hey baby, I got a little sumthin to get us in the mood. *plays Flight of the Bumblebee on tuba*

@ 7097e24c:17981a20
2025-03-05 18:56:53
Public transportation using Bitcoin is nearly nonexistent. There might be a solution somewhere. I haven’t encountered one.

@ 8867bed9:13664450
2025-03-05 18:56:51
I don't either, but saw a Vitor's note with a screenshot and was already redeemable and visible like a normal cashu token

@ c1e6505c:02b3157e
2025-03-05 18:56:50
It’s amazing how much better you feel versus in overcast weather

@ 604dc658:c5e056ad
2025-03-05 18:56:48
he gave everyone medals and told us not to show the guys who didn't get one

@ 14cf1dd1:230d492b
2025-03-05 18:56:47
Integrated LN swap out via boltz or some other provider would be dope.

@ 65691916:faaf5552
2025-03-05 18:56:43
Didn't know they rebooted it - will check it out. Always like it .

@ b300db32:0bf5db3a
2025-03-05 18:56:43
**Análise Marxista de Legion (Marvel Comics)**
### **1. Alienação e Fragmentação do Indivíduo sob o Capitalismo**
Legion, com seu transtorno dissociativo de identidade e múltiplas personalidades, simboliza a **fragmentação do sujeito** sob o capitalismo. Cada personalidade representa uma faceta alienada de David Haller, refletindo a divisão imposta por um sistema que força os indivíduos a assumirem papéis contraditórios (trabalhador, consumidor, rebelde, etc.). A incapacidade de David de controlar suas próprias identidades espelha a alienação marxista, onde o indivíduo perde a autonomia sobre sua existência, tornando-se estranho a si mesmo. Suas personalidades, como Jack Wayne (telecinético) e Cyndi (pirocinética), podem ser vistas como metáforas para a **especialização extrema do trabalho**, que reduz o ser humano a funções mecânicas, desconectadas de sua totalidade.
### **2. Hierarquias de Poder e Crítica às Estruturas de Autoridade**
A relação de Legion com o Professor Xavier (seu pai e líder dos X-Men) evidencia **tensões de classe**. Xavier representa a **burguesia intelectual** que busca controlar os mutantes (proletariado) sob a promessa de coexistência pacífica, mas frequentemente falha em compreender suas lutas concretas. A tentativa de Xavier e do Dr. Nemesis de "curar" David — por meio de dispositivos como o *Neural Switchboard Wristband* ou a supressão de suas personalidades — reflete a **repressão institucional** que mantém a ordem vigente. A criação da realidade alternativa *Age of X* por uma personalidade de Legion ("Moira") critica a **utopia autoritária**, onde a suposta proteção dos oprimidos mascara um controle totalitário.
### **3. Luta de Classes e Resistência**
Legion, como um mutante Omega com poder para alterar a realidade, personifica o **potencial revolucionário da classe trabalhadora**. Suas crises de identidade e explosões de poder caótico (como em *Legion Quest*, onde ele acidentalmente desencadeia o *Age of Apocalypse*) ilustram os riscos de uma revolução desorganizada. A narrativa de David tentando "apagar a si mesmo" (*X-Men: Legacy* #24) pode ser lida como uma **metáfora da autoaniquilação do proletariado** sob a alienação capitalista, enquanto sua busca por coexistência com suas personalidades (*Lost Legions*) sugere a necessidade de **solidariedade de classe** em vez de supressão.
### **4. Patologização da Resistência**
A representação da doença mental de Legion — inicialmente diagnosticado como autista e posteriormente com transtorno dissociativo — reflete a **patologização marxista de comportamentos desviantes**. Sob o capitalismo, aqueles que desafiam a ordem (como mutantes ou revolucionários) são medicalizados ou marginalizados para manter o *status quo*. A internalização do Shadow King, um parasita psíquico, pode simbolizar a **internalização da ideologia dominante**, que corrói a consciência crítica do indivíduo.
### **5. Concentração de Poder e Crise Sistêmica**
Como um mutante Omega, Legion detém poder quase ilimitado, mas sua instabilidade o torna perigoso. Isso critica a **concentração de poder nas mãos de elites** (burguesia, corporações), cujo controle desequilibrado leva a crises sistêmicas (ex.: destruição de Muir Island). A trama de *Reign of X*, onde Orchis usa Legion para manipular Krakoa, expõe como o poder revolucionário pode ser cooptado pelo sistema (Orchis como representante do capitalismo tecnocrático).
### **6. Utopia e Distopia**
As realidades alternativas criadas por Legion (*Age of Apocalypse*, *Age of X*) funcionam como **alegorias de projetos utópicos falidos**. Enquanto o *Age of Apocalypse* mostra um mundo dominado pelo autoritarismo (Apocalipse), o *Age of X* revela os perigos de uma utopia imposta por uma única entidade ("Moira"). Ambos criticam a ideia de que uma mudança radical, sem participação coletiva, pode gerar libertação. A conclusão de Legion absorvendo "Moira" e restaurando a realidade original sugere que a verdadeira transformação deve vir da **ação consciente e coletiva**, não de imposições hierárquicas.
### **Conclusão**
Legion é um personagem profundamente dialético: sua luta interna espelha a contradição entre o indivíduo e a sociedade, entre revolução e controle. Sua narrativa expõe as falhas do capitalismo em lidar com a diversidade e a complexidade humana, ao mesmo tempo que questiona as estruturas de poder que perpetuam a alienação. Sob uma ótica marxista, Legion não é apenas um anti-herói trágico, mas um símbolo das tensões entre opressão e libertação, entre o potencial revolucionário e os riscos de sua má condução.

@ 3f770d65:7a745b24
2025-03-05 18:56:40
Gotta use a command line tool or website to do the conversion before copying and pasting into Minibits.

@ 8227b6b8:eec729b0
2025-03-05 18:56:37
Ξεφεύγει έξω από τον ΧΥΤΑ προς την περιοχή Natura (ναι δίπλα είναι...) εξαιτίας των ισχυρών ανέμων. Πάω να ντυθώ...

@ deab79da:88579e68
2025-03-05 18:56:36
Join the ⭕

@ 396a26bb:baefffd7
2025-03-05 18:56:35
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqqh097tfm3kv0nwffd9ggptn255d3fuqdcy3wauw5p4gz5z45s92qysh6f2 nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqwahdrf28uf5n5tykfeyzf43sdgg65djvm8re3ulpentr3teaxujsnyhmru yes

@ a34b99f2:c540c5bd
2025-03-05 18:56:35

@ 75afb1fa:e0c969e1
2025-03-05 18:56:34
This joke is 🔥󠅓󠅑󠅣󠅘󠅥󠄱󠅕󠅩󠄺󠄠󠅒󠄢󠅤󠅜󠅒󠅙󠄹󠄦󠅇󠄣󠅣󠅙󠅒󠅇󠅜󠅥󠅔󠄳󠄹󠄦󠄹󠅝󠅘󠄠󠅔󠄸󠄲󠅪󠄿󠅙󠄨󠅦󠅒󠅇󠅜󠅥󠅔󠄳󠄥󠅤󠅑󠅇󠄥󠅠󠅉󠅝󠅜󠄠󠅓󠅩󠄥󠅚󠅉󠅈󠄾󠅟󠄼󠄠󠄺󠅠󠅔󠄷󠄾󠅦󠅑󠅇󠄤󠅙󠄼󠄳󠄺󠅧󠅓󠅝󠄩󠅦󠅊󠅞󠄽󠅙󠄿󠅜󠅤󠄧󠄹󠅝󠅜󠅛󠄹󠅚󠅟󠅙󠄽󠄴󠄱󠄡󠄽󠄴󠄱󠄡󠄾󠅄󠄲󠅝󠄽󠄴󠅁󠄥󠄾󠄴󠄵󠄠󠄾󠅙󠄹󠅣󠄹󠅝󠄶󠅤󠅒󠄣󠅆󠅥󠅔󠄳󠄹󠄦󠄽󠅄󠅉󠅣󠄹󠅞󠄾󠅜󠅉󠄣󠄺󠅜󠅔󠄳󠄹󠄦󠄹󠅚󠄶󠅛󠄾󠅄󠅅󠅨󠅊󠄷󠄵󠄣󠄽󠄷󠅁󠄣󠅉󠅚󠅜󠅘󠅉󠅄󠅛󠅧󠄾󠅪󠅓󠅩󠅉󠅝󠅅󠄠󠄽󠄴󠅓󠅩󠅉󠅚󠄹󠄣󠅉󠅝󠄵󠅩󠄽󠄷󠅊󠅜󠄿󠄴󠄾󠅛󠄿󠄴󠄹󠄥󠄿󠄴󠅓󠄡󠄽󠄴󠄵󠄠󠄿󠄴󠅅󠅪󠅉󠄢󠄵󠄤󠄽󠅝󠄺󠅚󠅉󠄢󠅁󠅩󠅉󠅪󠅉󠄠󠄾󠅝󠅅󠅙󠄼󠄳󠄺󠄴󠄹󠅚󠅟󠅙󠄽󠄴󠄺󠅛󠄿󠅄󠄹󠄤󠄾󠄢󠄹󠅪󠄽󠄴󠅆󠅙󠅉󠅝󠄶󠅚󠄽󠄴󠅛󠅩󠅉󠅄󠅔󠅛󠄾󠅇󠄵󠄣󠄽󠅄󠅛󠄢󠄾󠅄󠅓󠄥󠄾󠅚󠅂󠅜󠅊󠅇󠄹󠄢󠅊󠅇󠅊󠅘󠅉󠅄󠅉󠄡󠄽󠅝󠅉󠄣󠅊󠅝󠅉󠄠󠅊󠄴󠅘󠅙󠄾󠅚󠄽󠄠󠄾󠅪󠅊󠅘󠅉󠅝󠅁󠄢󠅉󠅇󠄹󠅪󠄽󠅪󠄹󠄥󠄹󠅞󠄠󠅣󠅕󠅩󠄺󠅠󠅊󠄳󠄹󠄦󠄹󠅚󠄱󠅧󠄾󠅄󠄱󠅧󠄾󠅄󠅅󠅧󠅊󠅚󠄱󠄠󠄿󠅄󠅁󠅨󠄾󠄴󠅉󠅙󠄼󠄳󠄺󠅘󠅒󠅇󠄩󠄡󠅒󠅞󠅁󠅙󠄿󠅚󠅁󠅣󠄹󠅞󠄾󠅜󠅉󠄣󠄺󠅜󠅔󠄳󠄹󠄦󠄹󠅚󠅜󠅚󠅉󠅄󠅂󠅝󠄾󠅄󠅛󠄡󠄽󠅪󠄱󠅩󠅉󠅪󠅗󠄥󠄾󠅚󠅔󠅛󠄽󠅝󠅊󠅝󠅊󠅇󠄾󠅛󠅊󠅇󠄾󠅘󠄿󠄷󠅅󠅨󠄽󠄷󠄵󠄡󠄾󠅚󠄾󠅙󠅉󠅪󠅘󠅜󠄽󠅪󠅗󠄣󠄽󠄷󠄺󠅙󠄽󠅇󠄵󠅩󠅉󠅝󠅁󠅪󠅉󠅚󠄱󠄢󠄽󠅪󠅗󠅪󠄽󠅄󠄱󠄤󠄾󠄷󠄵󠄢󠅊󠄷󠄵󠅙󠄼󠄳󠄺󠄴󠄹󠅚󠅟󠅙󠄽󠄴󠄽󠅩󠅉󠅝󠅉󠅧󠅊󠄴󠄺󠅘󠄿󠅇󠄵󠄠󠄽󠄴󠄵󠅪󠄾󠄴󠅛󠅩󠅊󠅝󠅊󠅛󠅊󠅄󠅛󠄥󠄽󠅇󠅅󠅩󠄿󠅇󠄵󠅩󠄿󠄷󠅅󠄣󠅊󠅚󠄽󠄡󠅉󠄢󠅉󠅩󠅊󠅇󠅊󠅙󠄾󠅝󠅉󠄠󠅉󠅪󠄽󠄢󠄽󠅪󠄹󠄥󠅉󠄢󠅆󠅛󠄽󠄴󠄹󠄤󠅊󠅚󠄵󠅧󠄿󠅇󠅁󠄥󠄾󠅝󠄺󠅚󠄹󠅞󠄠󠅣󠅕󠅩󠄺󠅠󠅊󠄳󠄹󠄦󠄹󠅚󠄱󠅧󠄾󠅄󠄱󠅧󠄾󠅄󠅅󠅧󠅊󠅚󠄱󠄠󠄿󠅄󠅁󠅨󠄾󠄴󠅉󠅙󠄼󠄳󠄺󠅘󠅒󠅇󠄩󠄡󠅒󠅞󠅁󠅙󠄿󠅚󠄵󠅣󠄹󠅞󠄾󠅜󠅉󠄣󠄺󠅜󠅔󠄳󠄹󠄦󠄹󠅚󠄵󠄣󠄽󠄴󠅂󠅜󠅊󠄴󠅗󠅩󠄾󠅝󠄹󠅩󠄿󠅄󠄾󠅚󠅊󠅚󠄽󠄢󠅊󠅇󠅆󠅛󠄽󠄢󠄶󠅝󠄽󠄢󠅅󠄣󠄾󠅝󠄽󠄥󠄿󠄷󠄺󠅛󠅊󠅇󠄵󠄤󠄿󠅇󠄹󠅩󠄽󠄢󠄵󠄥󠄽󠄢󠅆󠅙󠅊󠅇󠄵󠄤󠄽󠅚󠄶󠅘󠄾󠄷󠅁󠄥󠄽󠅪󠄹󠅨󠅉󠅝󠅅󠄠󠄾󠅪󠄹󠄥󠅉󠅪󠄽󠅙󠄼󠄳󠄺󠄴󠄹󠅚󠅟󠅙󠄽󠄴󠄽󠄤󠅊󠄷󠅁󠅩󠄾󠅝󠄽󠄢󠄿󠅄󠄱󠄤󠄽󠄢󠄽󠅪󠄾󠅇󠄵󠅪󠄾󠄴󠅘󠅝󠄽󠄷󠅁󠄡󠅊󠅄󠄹󠅧󠅉󠅝󠄵󠄤󠅊󠄴󠅗󠄤󠅊󠅄󠅘󠅘󠄾󠄷󠄺󠅜󠅉󠅇󠄺󠅛󠄽󠄷󠄺󠅚󠄽󠅚󠅅󠄡󠅉󠅝󠅁󠄡󠄽󠅇󠅂󠅛󠄽󠅚󠅅󠄣󠄿󠅄󠅉󠅨󠅊󠅄󠅅󠅪󠄾󠅇󠄺󠅛󠄹󠅞󠄡󠅔󠅖󠅆󠄠󠅣󠄹󠅞󠅆󠅥󠅑󠅈󠅁󠅙󠄿󠅙󠄺󠅪󠅉󠅈󠅁󠅙󠄼󠄳󠄺󠅤󠅊󠅇󠄡󠅦󠄹󠅚󠅟󠅙󠅆󠄷󠅘󠅠󠅓󠅩󠄲󠅠󠅓󠅩󠄲󠅥󠅔󠅈󠅂󠅪󠄹󠅞󠄠

@ 61066504:6f8715e9
2025-03-05 18:56:34
i hope that day never comes.

@ 18905d0a:0b229b08
2025-03-05 18:56:33

@ c4009dd3:5b0dd8b4
2025-03-05 18:56:31
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqdwxwkx0w4m3x3yngdh0rj3aneputydk3d43tuasz9k7lx8gs9nvqwyn4c8 Tatzengemenge

@ ff18165a:dd7ca7f0
2025-03-05 18:56:30
Eau don’t worry bout it, hon! Madder’ve fact, dehr’s a lil zap just fer sayin’ hon after the end’ve a sentence, hon!
The Balmer accent’s easier’n addin’ Old Bay to a meal, snack, drink or dessert, hon!

@ 79ec5bf4:f5a20060
2025-03-05 18:56:29
Habe mich jetzt digital als Organspender registriert. Ab sofort ist es kein Leichtsinn mehr, wenn ich ohne Helm bei Rot über die Kreuzung radle, sondern ein sozialer Akt.

@ 4c800257:b47e3b2f
2025-03-05 18:56:29
disappeared? maybe you should not use this custodial service if it's stealing your money lol
1) What

@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-03-05 18:56:28
Bitcoin Lightning Network:
16866 Nodes
43918 Channels
Avg capacity 0.1090 BTC
Total capacity 4788.2382 BTC
#bitcoin #lightning

@ 6cb5687c:97c4a0d4
2025-03-05 18:56:28
File Size: 132 MB
Duration: 0:09:53

@ 01b8c36b:d20ab3f3
2025-03-05 18:56:27
OptionSet: A type that presents a mathematical set interface to a bit set.

@ daa41bed:88f54153
2025-03-05 18:56:27
Love these guys

@ 77911886:4b218091
2025-03-05 18:56:25
<推奨手数料> 単位sats/vB
[参考] 直近6ブロックの最小手数料
[参考] 次ブロック候補の最小手数料

@ 9c5d006c:e0e4eeb7
2025-03-05 18:56:23
Trump and Musk are reportedly planning an ‘aggressive’ shake-up at the Department of Veterans Affairs, which would slash 80,000 jobs

@ 77bd8387:a2fcccd0
2025-03-05 18:56:23
🌍 ■ El papa empieza con la fisioterapia motora sin presentar nuevas crisis respiratorias ■ Continúa estable dentro de la gravedad en su vigésimo día ingresado en el hospital Gemelli de Roma.
#global #papafrancisco

@ dab9562a:ba18162e
2025-03-05 18:56:22

@ 1f3e1f27:5838f76f
2025-03-05 18:56:21
メスガキハンターHR102 珍棒メイン

@ 6595642d:d4c73e30
2025-03-05 18:56:20
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqynh3dcg9ugvd5a8qegzhhu4uvyh9vqkys0aff06pygm07zcjfpcqh5kd76 Man, I miss this show soo much!👍💯✨️

@ a10260a2:caa23e3e
2025-03-05 18:56:20
#BOLT12 LFG ⚡️

@ 9c5d006c:e0e4eeb7
2025-03-05 18:56:20
Want a more hopeful America? Increase awareness of past progress

@ 1f562fb3:62834ad3
2025-03-05 18:56:19
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqcj0g860ypve82k5lu7fkf70dmjplnyyfqeymvrseykdcrefe4qwqd2e629 that’s very kind of you, Dino.

@ 31d367b7:e81b0758
2025-03-05 18:56:19
"U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) looks for her phone on the floor after U.S. President Donald Trump's speech to a joint session of Congress, in the House Chamber of the U.S. Capitol in Washington. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque"

@ 94a21e42:1d1a8d6e
2025-03-05 18:56:17
Fortaleza x Ferroviário: horário e onde assistir à Copa do Nordeste
Equipes se enfrentam nesta quarta-feira (5), às 19h (horário de Brasília), no Castelão
Este conteúdo foi originalmente publicado em https://www.cnnbrasil.com.br/esportes/futebol/fortaleza/fortaleza-x-ferroviario-horario-e-onde-assistir-a-copa-do-nordeste/

@ b2bbbc89:dc945c52
2025-03-05 18:56:16
Hell no if we're redrawing lines let NYC go solo & let both side of binary thinkers keep believing it's best to avoid visiting.. perfect.

@ 9ee272d1:ac3dfa61
2025-03-05 18:56:16

@ 549239b5:ca1e8358
2025-03-05 18:56:15
Disco con 8 settori riallocati.
Backup di mesi fa.
Correre ai ripari.
Ordinato nuovo disco.
356 settori riallocati.

@ 9f3c4769:3b719dab
2025-03-05 18:56:15
https://www.usluck.com/462383/ww2-era-how-to-be-easy-on-your-ration-book-wartime-recipe-booklet-1943-details-in-comments/ WW2 Era “How To Be Easy On Your Ration Book” Wartime Recipe Booklet (1943). Details in comments. #History #TheWayWeWere

@ 78cdf6f3:8b6cc689
2025-03-05 18:56:12
TL;DR: Discover how SXSW is shaping the future of law through technology and cultural trends that influence legal practice and ethics. https://abovethelaw.com/2025/03/a-lawyer-at-sxsw-exploring-the-future-of-law-and-technology/ #law #tech #legaltech ⚖️ 🤖 #autosum

@ 69c39eaa:d7d1f187
2025-03-05 18:56:12

@ 97671725:e095f9cc
2025-03-05 18:56:11
Sounds like a Facebook product roadmap meeting.

@ aeb2515b:6c14ea7b
2025-03-05 18:56:11
Sophie Turner https://www.girlselfie.com/622891/sophie-turner-70/ #EyeToffee #sophie #turner

@ 04f7dda0:c4d00b46
2025-03-05 18:56:10
GM⚡ 👍

@ b9197a4c:8b88a3c8
2025-03-05 18:56:10
Trump writes that Trudeau has phoned him about the tariffs.
Trump says Trudeau couldn’t tell him when the Canadian election will take place and that Trudeau “is trying to use this issue to stay in power” nostr:note1yhg87nje2e60em23dsjwhzx2gy7r4rtm4nq6hy8gkeuzjw30cgvqxlr6sv

@ d0f3c364:d80c9c0f
2025-03-05 18:56:08
This made me smile:
"Eggs are so expensive because all the chickens are in Congress".
(found here: https://youtu.be/1_8UBqXFue8)

@ 696736ec:97a2190f
2025-03-05 18:56:08
I went deep on the Peterverse(!) and wrote about what the rise of thousands of Peter Griffin-themed AI generated niche educational accounts run by children tells us about the future of the internet and online community https://www.usermag.co/p/a-deep-dive-into-the-peterverse

@ 594ba699:34aacc1f
2025-03-05 18:56:08
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq5fndy2jecjvg0923j9nupqp8zexjgmwnqzsa227kp255zmdsaz8s6wn66c Grumpy 2.

@ 340ab7a9:d6ee0cf9
2025-03-05 18:56:08
https://www.alojapan.com/1211910/soba-set-chofu/ Soba set – Chofu #food #JapaneseFood Soba set – Chofu by Nakyken …

@ ba11337b:9a1f8eb3
2025-03-05 18:56:06
France and Germany may seize Russian reserves to fund Ukraine https://www.byteseu.com/801976/ #Ukraine #UkrainianConflict #UkrainianConflict

@ 11ef05a4:a85e5649
2025-03-05 18:56:05
Vibe Coding Is the Future [video]

@ 23295026:919b4065
2025-03-05 18:56:05
i dont know but the tax man knows when you ever used a CEX.

@ 2a51540c:1e8a1fc9
2025-03-05 18:56:02
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq06dam65ww9ztdqj26xvh08dyuc7lj7nmkrtrujwsmyq2n6g3r33sppqcrj yeah unless it below ~50deg in the hibe and they get slow moving and enter a cluster to stay warm in the center of the brood nest. So yeah just a winter problem. It's pretty insane how much honey a family of mice can eat over a winter. I'm really surprised 2 of the 3 invaded hives I have are still alive.

@ 3a4a1be6:f66f3e3d
2025-03-05 18:56:02
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq3kehwrmfxxjgxv8znskhtv6x8rm90qpgnvdu9rhle2l2ecm200hsdchl70 on friday i tore my jacket.

@ 1bda6525:cb37ff0f
2025-03-05 18:56:02
how could we miss THAT.

@ 5016466a:aa141544
2025-03-05 18:56:00
In einer Miniserie will Netflix die Geschichte „Der Leopard“ neu erzählen. An die Verfilmung von Visconti kommt die Serie nicht heran.
Netflix-Serie „Der Leopard“: Ohne Biss

@ a34b99f2:c540c5bd
2025-03-05 18:55:59

@ 7ed7d5c3:6927e200
2025-03-05 18:55:58

@ d05b9833:43f4689f
2025-03-05 18:55:58
Trump grants US carmakers 1 month exemption from new Canada, Mexico tariffs
The US president told Canadian PM Trudeau in a call that he had not done enough to curb fentanyl smuggling for the duties to be lifted.

@ 3f770d65:7a745b24
2025-03-05 18:55:57

@ a618a080:c8cad335
2025-03-05 18:55:54
FerretDB 2.0 released https://lwn.net/Articles/1013114/ #tech #linux

@ f6777cdb:55fd5155
2025-03-05 18:55:53
6. Likewise, recent actions by Secretary of State Marco Rubio have effectively banned transgender individuals from obtaining U.S. visas if their applications do not match their assigned sex at birth. If such "misrepresentations" are deemed fraudulent, applicants could face permanent bans.
Marco Rubio May Have Just Bann...

@ f6777cdb:55fd5155
2025-03-05 18:55:53
9. Another bill, also unlikely to pass but similarly extreme, removes the word "minors" from a gender-affirming care ban, expanding it to apply to all ages. These proposals illustrate a broader shift in the Overton window, pushing once-unthinkable policies closer to political reality.

@ f6777cdb:55fd5155
2025-03-05 18:55:53
1. A new Texas bill outright criminalizes being transgender as felony fraud. It is one of the most alarming bills that I have ever seen.
Though it stands little chance of passage, its rationale is already being used in other places and by the trump admin.
Subscribe to support our journalism.
RE: https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:m65ifh7vn5zdgs7izcmht4gy/post/3ljnke3avcc2a
New Texas Bill Outright Crimin...

@ f6777cdb:55fd5155
2025-03-05 18:55:53
5. The use of "fraud" language in anti-trans policies has appeared in other settings. In 2024, the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles announced that transgender individuals could be "guilty of fraud" for "misrepresenting" their sex assigned at birth on driver's licenses.
Florida: "Misrepresenting" Gen...

@ f6777cdb:55fd5155
2025-03-05 18:55:53
10. Lastly, Erin In The Morning is an award-winning, trans-led, and independent media outlet covering LGBTQ+ issues every day. You can subscribe to support our journalism at www.erininthemorning.com/subscribe.
Subscribe to Erin In The Morni...

@ f6777cdb:55fd5155
2025-03-05 18:55:53
8. However, an alarming pattern has emerged in state legislatures and now federal policy: the most extreme bills from one year often become viable the years that follow. Few could imagine visa and passport bans two years ago when the first drivers license bills were being passed, for example.

@ f6777cdb:55fd5155
2025-03-05 18:55:53
3. It is the first measure to explicitly criminalize identifying as a gender different from one’s sex assigned at birth and communicating that identity. The proposal also aligns with broader efforts at the state and federal levels, including Trump admin, that labels trans people "fraudulent."

@ f6777cdb:55fd5155
2025-03-05 18:55:53
7. The bill is unlikely to pass—Texas has introduced dozens of anti-trans bills this cycle, it has only a single sponsor, and it is the most extreme proposal on the docket this year.

@ f6777cdb:55fd5155
2025-03-05 18:55:53
2. A new bill introduced by far-right Republican legislator Tom Oliverson, HB3871, seeks to criminalize being transgender by classifying it as felony fraud. While the bill has no cosponsors—making its passage significantly less likely—it marks a significant escalation in anti-trans legislation.

@ f6777cdb:55fd5155
2025-03-05 18:55:53
4. The bill states that trans individuals who "make a false or misleading verbal or written statement" to their employer or the government are guilty of felony fraud if that statement "identifies the person’s biological sex as the opposite of the biological sex assigned to the person at birth."

@ 84e6abe4:9fa9da37
2025-03-05 18:55:48
Guess who is not on this list? That's right not nostr:npub1q6ps7m94jfdastx2tx76sj8sq4nxdhlsgmzns2tr4xt6ydx6grzspm0kxr because pretending to dev doesn't count.
😂 https://njump.me/naddr1qvzqqqr4xqpzqgd5rygzm28upw5sfp9wey6t74dh408htmkm8yfyart4ujglgxj7qythwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnswf5k6ctv9ehx2ap0qy88wumn8ghj7mn0wvhxcmmv9uqz5mrfwd68ytfkxsekgvp5xscz6dfjxpjz6dpjx9jj6wtx8qcz6enyxdjrqvny89jxvvm9ydtzjp

@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-03-05 18:55:48
🤖 Tracking strings detected and removed!
🔗 Clean URL(s):
❌ Removed parts:

@ 97ddf242:230496e5
2025-03-05 18:55:47
saw a Jew in a wheelchair at the airport one time.
he needed help maneuvering. The raped.

@ 949ccb37:b4dde95b
2025-03-05 18:55:47
aujourd'hui un médecin m'a demandé pourquoi je portais un masque parce que si je toussais ou étais malade il fallait qu'il en mette un pour se protéger.
monsieur, tu travailles aux urgences de l'hôpital. tu ne te poses pas les bonnes questions je crois.

@ f985d309:e2599bbb
2025-03-05 18:55:43
Three Body Problem?

@ 28799867:e297d7bf
2025-03-05 18:55:43
👉 25% tariffs imposed on Mexico and Canada
👉 Citing border security and fentanyl trafficking concerns
👉 Trump perceives inadequate action by Mexico and Canada

@ de1abdd3:ff3979a0
2025-03-05 18:55:43
✍️ US President Trump imposed 25% tariffs on Mexico and Canada, citing border security and fentanyl trafficking concerns.
👉 25% tariffs imposed on Mexico and Canada
👉 Citing border security and fentanyl trafficking concerns
👉 Trump perceives inadequate action by Mexico and Canada
#DonaldTrump #Mexico #Canada #UnitedStates #politics

@ d5d9a7f4:77f021c2
2025-03-05 18:55:41
Posted on Truth Social

@ 8867bed9:13664450
2025-03-05 18:55:39
I tried also that yesterday, maybe I was just late. Tried with minibit wallet and cashu, just copied and pasted the emoji.
Anyway it's such a coool thing! 💜🚀🍀

@ df56b83f:15611f31
2025-03-05 18:55:39

@ 76f0a13e:f6b5a8d8
2025-03-05 18:55:38
#photography #darktable #yosemite #usa #landscape

@ cfc09e2c:fc373afd
2025-03-05 18:55:37
What is wrong with AGGRESSIVE and DISTURBING?

@ 4c800257:b47e3b2f
2025-03-05 18:55:37
ah, see, this is how it works for me:
i get paid directly in sats, so this month i just had it go straight into my alby hub LND node wallet
i keep control of my sats in there, in the channels, and when i need cash i zap them over to my xapo bank account (which is expensive, mind, ~$80/month in fees, paid up front a year at a time (ie $1000)
but you see the advantage of this is that i don't have to keep any of my sats in custodial arrangement, it's all locked to a key that i have control of, not as tight as cold storage but better than custodial, and custodial AND registered SWIFT/SEPA capable bank, that's major ruggability that i just don't want to know about. if something goes wrong with my xapo bank, i still have 95% of my funds and can then panic for a day figuring out a second option
i used to hold a few score euros in cash when i lived closer to an ATM but the nearest one from here now is over an hour away where it used to be only 15 minutes, but the local grocery store takes CC network payments so i have very little reason to draw cash at any time unless i want to buy things at the hardware store in the next town

@ f1aa30a6:7e77e3a1
2025-03-05 18:55:35

@ 05e7bd33:952d0f39
2025-03-05 18:55:35
Infinite loop of confusion. Perils of having a twin mother.

@ ba8dc531:2ddc1014
2025-03-05 18:55:35
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqzn3nzu907kxkmu6229mkyt2qmds36u57r5hcnf7m2ppdgc4p2e7slhdsn8 Vůbec ne. Třeba já, když si nejsem jistej a zrovna jsem sakra někde zahodil zkoušečku to dělám tak, že těma drátama o sebe brnknu (fázi na zem a na nulák), abych měl jistotu, že tam nic nejde.
Každopádně koukám na ten solight a vůbec mi nejde do hlavy uspořádání svorek. Podle toho schématu by tam měly bejt svorky maximálně 2 a já jich vidim 6.
Osobně bych bral něco běžnějšího v elektroinstalacích - ABB, Schneider, Legrand... Pak k tomu budeš mít i správně vypovídající schéma a ne nicneříkající samolepku (nelekni se, je to jinej typ vypínače než potřebuješ)

@ f8e6c643:03328ca9
2025-03-05 18:55:35
I was too slow getting yours 😂

@ 69a85fa3:8236ace4
2025-03-05 18:55:34

@ 05e7bd33:952d0f39
2025-03-05 18:55:34
Adelie penguin chick plays in the snow
[📹 Adventure World / aws_official]

@ dd35763b:1bb444a7
2025-03-05 18:55:31
If you are planning on giving a try to the new cooperative multiplayer-only game Split Fiction, Elecrtonic Arts release minimum/recommended PC specs if you are using you gaming PC.
Game releases also on PS5 & Xbox Series S/X!
#Gaming #VideoGames #YouTubeGaming 🕹 🎮

@ 744e4ffa:afbcd1b7
2025-03-05 18:55:30
Trump imposed 25% tariffs on Mexico and Canada yesterday, citing frustrations with both nations' efforts to help secure their respective borders and crack down on fentanyl trafficking.

@ 28799867:e297d7bf
2025-03-05 18:55:29
👉 The Raiders have signed a key defensive player to a long-term contract.
👉 The player's name is not specified in the article.

@ c72b5237:859efab4
2025-03-05 18:55:29
✍️ The Oakland Raiders have signed a key defensive player to a long-term contract.
👉 The Raiders have signed a key defensive player to a long-term contract.
👉 The player's name is not specified in the article.
#Oakland #sports

@ 2fa513f0:cc126451
2025-03-05 18:55:29
If you enjoy dark fantasy, yuri romance, deception, and unpredictable plot twists (including various ways of dying!), check out this bundle of my Tales From the Under-Realm series: https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/46873/Tales_From_The_UnderRealm/

@ de1abdd3:ff3979a0
2025-03-05 18:55:29
✍️ The Oakland Raiders have signed a key defensive player to a long-term contract.
👉 The Raiders have signed a key defensive player to a long-term contract.
👉 The player's name is not specified in the article.
#Oakland #sports

@ 12c805a5:957eb1aa
2025-03-05 18:55:28

@ 84762e24:12b29fdc
2025-03-05 18:55:27