
@ a2093e4b:c7122aca
2025-03-06 06:13:16
China Launches A New Railroad Around Russia. Russia Is Losing Global Influencing https://ukrainetoday.org/china-launches-a-new-railroad-around-russia-russia-is-losing-global-influencing/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon

@ b707d6be:eb5a0c20
2025-03-06 06:13:16

@ d735231e:7e099183
2025-03-06 06:13:16
【EC2 コンソールログに Windows の System イベントログが出力されない場合の対処法】
EC2 コンソールログに Windows の System イベントログが出力されない場合の対処法

@ b31444cf:9b961256
2025-03-06 06:13:13
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqu2fsku6zuywq4w04hn04hkzatmj8ffqeqlze47yawck0w0xf232q6lnhlg Good to hear. I am becoming more and more skeptical about the state of world affairs now.

@ 9c47bb51:000381d0
2025-03-06 06:13:13

@ 57b97d6c:78ac844f
2025-03-06 06:13:13
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqeta4xu3eak35sf77lyrdw0anpr8hpxs0z6w3he5peskrws8y6azsn9x3nu na da freut sich meine COPD...🙄

@ d61dcb21:5c11fd8a
2025-03-06 06:13:10
https://www.europesays.com/1891830/ The Rise of the Brutal American: Europeans are mystified, disappointed, and frightened of America, a country they thought they knew. #europe

@ b707d6be:eb5a0c20
2025-03-06 06:13:10

@ 21ac2956:09d1e2df
2025-03-06 06:13:10
wss://x.kojira.io って前に言ってたフォロイー限定のリレー?

@ 8822fdd8:e6c9e29e
2025-03-06 06:13:08
Kina kan stå redo att skicka trupper till Ukraina -> https://www.dn.se/varlden/kina-kan-sta-redo-att-skicka-trupper-till-ukraina/

@ 0319e300:a02ea7a0
2025-03-06 06:13:06
Barbecue chicken thighs[oc] https://www.diningandcooking.com/1936583/barbecue-chicken-thighsoc/ #food #FoodPorn

@ dff0b7ea:429ecf11
2025-03-06 06:13:04
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpql532fyn82emte623fya7cvuxl9lg4r4sgcvz47a7v2vc3evv6w3sw4utjq Moin. ☕🤗

@ ba11337b:9a1f8eb3
2025-03-06 06:13:04
European-led Ukraine air protection plan could halt Russian missile attacks | Ukraine https://www.byteseu.com/803389/ #Russia

@ 9d0c7ce0:b7ad23de
2025-03-06 06:13:04
DoubleZero’s alternative to public internet targets mainnet rollout in H2
<img src="https://images.cointelegraph.com/images/840_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS91cGxvYWRzLzIwMjQtMTEvMDE5MzJkNzgtN2NjMi03ZDgxLWI2YjUtM2E4Y2M2NjI0MDA2.jpg">DoubleZero was founded by Solana Foundation strategy lead Austin Federa and crypto entrepreneurs Andrew McConnell and Mateo Ward.

@ 12b85248:e5e95de1
2025-03-06 06:13:04
川音リオ #名前からひらがなを消すとかわいい

@ 0e3edeed:9e52617b
2025-03-06 06:13:00

@ 35277ed5:41d4ec4b
2025-03-06 06:13:00
“In Finland, the number of homeless people has fallen sharply. Those affected receive a small apartment & counselling with no preconditions. Four out of five people affected make their way back into a stable life. And all this is CHEAPER than accepting homelessness.”

@ e2fea332:bac51852
2025-03-06 06:12:58
#geblin #sylvin #surfneblin (gnomish variant)
5. (First springs now drills...) write each letter 5 times?
rev. 4 of swords
page of swords
mercy of air, earth of air,
Un-truce? Clever vengence? That is a weird interpretation...
#goblin #conlang #gnome #gnomes #gnomish #svirfneblin #sylvan #ttrpg #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #handwriting #calligraphy #abstract #art #ink #inksketch #sketch #dippen #nib #drill #fey #feywild #feywilds

@ cf13e321:df12343d
2025-03-06 06:12:58
Hâlâ kardeşinin yazıp yayınladığına dair bir kanıtın ve argümanın yok. Sadece laf salatası🤦🏻

@ 0625736a:127d1093
2025-03-06 06:12:56
I guess there is time. I will go to the store tomorrow and buy something small in case my memory is faulty and try voting again. I appreciate your posting this since I was totally unaware. Not much shopping there any more since I have everything and can't do much hiking anymore.

@ 61066504:6f8715e9
2025-03-06 06:12:55
maybe the people of China, America, Europe, and Russia could go to the suburbs where their warmongering elites live, pack them into shipping containers, and send them to Epstein Island, where they can fight each other while we host international Barbeque events.

@ cb652fc8:947855eb
2025-03-06 06:12:55
The Supreme Court has given two options to a gold scam accused - return Rs 25 crore taken from investors within three months, or go to jail.
#Crore #TopCourt #GoldScam

@ cb652fc8:947855eb
2025-03-06 06:12:54
Praveen Kumar Gampa, a 27-year-old student from Telangana, was pursuing a master's degree in data science at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
#OldTelanganaStudentShotDead #US #SuspectedRobbery

@ cb652fc8:947855eb
2025-03-06 06:12:54
Intensifying his attack on the Centre over alleged Hindi imposition through a three-language policy, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin has said demanding linguistic equality is not chauvinism
#MKStalin #LongPost

@ 21677e12:45ea705a
2025-03-06 06:12:54

@ 21677e12:45ea705a
2025-03-06 06:12:53
俄罗斯人的普通话挑战能有多抽象 俄罗斯博主Meuniiii做的普通话挑战 第一个黄瓜的发音就笑到不行了

@ a4fbd900:cc35aa56
2025-03-06 06:12:53
弊ぼっちはストリーミングサーバにアクセスが無いと止まるようになってて、ストリーミングサーバといっしょに動いてるSidekiqのスレッドたくさんも止まるよ。PumaとSidekiq 1スレッドはいつも動いてるよ

@ 21677e12:45ea705a
2025-03-06 06:12:52
布拉德皮特主演新片F1首曝【中字】幕后特辑! 汉密尔顿 作为制片人现身解读!表示本片是史上最真实的赛车电影!尤其赛车场景是在真正的大奖赛周末史蒂拍摄的!

@ dc1de3f5:0ba38809
2025-03-06 06:12:50

@ be3e12d5:7af2a3f9
2025-03-06 06:12:49
The main contradiction of liberal democracy is that it has largely been shaped through a history of various forms of illegal civil disobedience against entrenched power structures. Such civil disobedience is (retrospectively) seen as justified, and the people committing it are (retrospectively) seen as heroes…but each successive generation is asked to believe that any further civil disobedience would be unreasonable.
— Jaime (Quasi-Normalcy on Tumblr), 27th of November 2014

@ 00fc93b5:26934bf8
2025-03-06 06:12:48
"God grant me the serenity to accept the this I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference"

@ 30a15a4f:10eb485a
2025-03-06 06:12:46

@ 3f91d4be:222898be
2025-03-06 06:12:45
核兵器禁止条約 締約国会議 日本のNGO“核依存国と議論を” - NHKニュース|社会

@ 58917943:97eb260f
2025-03-06 06:12:40
Lecture du jour : Josué 14 #Caleb reçoit La zone de #Hébron en Héritage-
#Caleb avait 40 ans quand il était espion
Au moment de recevoir son héritage il a 45 ans. Il a donc 85 ans. LA bible dit qu'il est toujours plein d'énergie et de force

@ 04df7336:e622eee8
2025-03-06 06:12:39
i like this trope

@ 6ba7d558:f62776a0
2025-03-06 06:12:39
Report for https://cashstack.tokentiger.com
REST API calls in the last 24 hours: 197
Endpoint Popularity:
25: GET /usage/
25: GET /
24: GET /usage/endpoints
24: GET /usage/ips
24: GET /ipfs/service
12: GET /favicon.ico
12: GET /assets/apple-touch-icon.png
11: GET /apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png
11: GET /assets/favicon.ico
11: GET /assets/favicon-16x16.png
10: GET /assets/favicon-32x32.png
9: GET /apple-touch-icon.png
IP Address Popularity:
190: ::ffff:
7: ::ffff:
1: ::ffff:
1: ::ffff:
File Service: 12D3KooWQKLGpWc9BibQR41AXhgtrqDJE7Uo6kb4CL6nw1pHJ1sC

@ 79e1fdcd:1fe452bd
2025-03-06 06:12:38
Where Would Trump Be Without His Spineless Defenders?

@ 6ba7d558:f62776a0
2025-03-06 06:12:37
Report for https://dev-consumer.psfoundation.info
REST API calls in the last 24 hours: 476
Endpoint Popularity:
51: OPTIONS /bch/utxos
51: POST /bch/utxos
28: OPTIONS /bch/balance
28: POST /bch/balance
25: GET /usage/
24: GET /usage/endpoints
24: GET /usage/ips
24: GET /ipfs/service
23: POST /bch/getTokenData
22: OPTIONS /bch/txData
22: POST /bch/txData
21: OPTIONS /bch/getTokenData
17: OPTIONS /bch/txHistory
17: POST /bch/txHistory
17: GET /price/usd
15: GET /ipfs/cid2json/bafybeiaz3tqajkvtpg7kzjrftjmlspinfkuizlhl4fyhbgpvzjiiu2uaym
14: GET /
7: OPTIONS /bch/utxoIsValid
7: POST /bch/utxoIsValid
5: OPTIONS /bch/broadcast
IP Address Popularity:
476: ::ffff:
File Service: 12D3KooWExDfgsvto1V4EDYJRz7vnPhoTQcvh7t6r99nJi91xTHG

@ f923e1d4:45092218
2025-03-06 06:12:35
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqvyswkc3wwv4958nfrlc7jkzvvlz3sxgeu4fmj9j8x5p7mepqav2qaqcpg9 也就是说需要有至少一块校验盘才有这种效果,否则就有可能会有这种问题了... :shizukuLook:

@ 594ba699:34aacc1f
2025-03-06 06:12:35
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqxtz67ehknhz5tf23u9eexg0pm95rxry0av28w5t6dzt2fqsnqxhs60fvyd Zeitgleich 😊

@ 6ba7d558:f62776a0
2025-03-06 06:12:35
Report for https://free-bch.fullstack.cash
REST API calls in the last 24 hours: 815
Endpoint Popularity:
447: POST /bch/utxos
158: POST /bch/balance
92: POST /bch/utxoIsValid
35: GET /price/usd
19: POST /bch/txData
7: POST /bch/getTokenData
6: GET /usage/
5: GET /usage/endpoints
5: GET /usage/ips
5: GET /ipfs/service
5: OPTIONS /bch/getTokenData
5: OPTIONS /bch/txData
5: POST /bch/txHistory
4: OPTIONS /bch/txHistory
4: OPTIONS /bch/utxos
3: GET /
3: GET /robots.txt
2: OPTIONS /bch/balance
1: POST /users
1: GET /assets/bootstrap.min.css
IP Address Popularity:
815: ::ffff:
1: ::ffff:
1: ::ffff:
File Service: 12D3KooWK2Q4fN8KZ2fB7BRLM1BbZyTo2wjoEeFiGVpCHEhnVnwK

@ b31444cf:9b961256
2025-03-06 06:12:34
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqlgc23ntm2qv8tpuejpe74fjfyx2q2txj83fq0ecd9es9wxyhe3lskzyjk4 and is there a difference for you in detail when using one eye or another? interesting!

@ d65fad8c:9b11631b
2025-03-06 06:12:33
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqtyzgdvpsf8n9hccks6at6fqpasdmxp86y9lpxxllvlk8s36xmeqqwtyrg9 我们口味不一样吧

@ de1abdd3:ff3979a0
2025-03-06 06:12:29
✍️ Gold prices rose as traders sought safe havens amid concerns over tariffs and stagflation in the US economy.
👉 Gold prices rose as traders sought safe havens amid concerns over tariffs and stagflation in the US economy
👉 Tariffs implemented by the Trump administration caused market volatility
👉 Recent economic data led to a shift in sentiment towards recession fears
#KirkMaltais #Trump #US #business

@ 28799867:e297d7bf
2025-03-06 06:12:29
👉 Gold prices rose as traders sought safe havens amid concerns over tariffs and stagflation in the US economy
👉 Tariffs implemented by the Trump administration caused market volatility
👉 Recent economic data led to a shift in sentiment towards recession fears

@ 77ce56f8:362f6ca7
2025-03-06 06:12:28
I'm late. I was busy learning. 🧠🤷
Give me about 20min!

@ 41d1479a:9db71bc7
2025-03-06 06:12:28
✍️ Gold prices rose as traders sought safe havens amid concerns over tariffs and stagflation in the US economy.
👉 Gold prices rose as traders sought safe havens amid concerns over tariffs and stagflation in the US economy
👉 Tariffs implemented by the Trump administration caused market volatility
👉 Recent economic data led to a shift in sentiment towards recession fears
#KirkMaltais #Trump #US #business

@ 0453f883:390b50ca
2025-03-06 06:12:27
West Coast Swing @ Studio 22 with Wes Neese 20250305 220052585
Wednesday's WCS level 2 lesson is a turning left pass with a shoulder slide. Then a cut off to a one foot spin with a sweep. Thank you Wes!
#wcs #westcoastswing #dancing

@ 67b6f13a:603f2838
2025-03-06 06:12:22
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqgt65uh5a7zee20xwrwlgg7ftw2y5ldwy9s5xrw06ndxwql02he0qzupy45 Определение понятия «чебурнет» пока в словарях не зафиксировано, так что контроль трафика в той или иной форме вполне под него попадает.

@ e8ed3798:67dd345a
2025-03-06 06:12:21
How about knot

@ 9c5d0714:798b2576
2025-03-06 06:12:19
Here's Why Bank of America, SoFi, and Goldman Sachs Are All Plunging

@ d981591e:f7c0ae37
2025-03-06 06:12:19
Ban on new drilling confirmed as ministers consult on North Sea’s ‘clean energy future’
From David Icke
Gas and oil industry cautiously welcomes government proposals that could ease tax burden on sector The UK government has pledged to “unleash the North Sea’s clean energy future”, as it confirmed plans to ban new drilling licences but also unveiled proposals that could ease the tax burden on the oil and gas sector. The “windfall” […]
Mar 6th 2025 1:00am EST
Source Link: https://davidicke.com/2025/03/06/ban-on-new-drilling-confirmed-as-ministers-consult-on-north-seas-clean-energy-future/
Share, promote & comment with Nostr: https://dissentwatch.com/boost/?boost_post_id=935227

@ a59c614c:7e1e24b3
2025-03-06 06:12:18
Daffodils https://www.allforgardening.com/1211774/daffodils-9/

@ 0bd46157:0d997096
2025-03-06 06:12:17
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqu5eatvjeyd96kgj3gac6c03q22cpg3863rrncznsrsjyyqcp48kq4hjp9h im not a jap

@ dff0b7ea:429ecf11
2025-03-06 06:12:17
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqxtz67ehknhz5tf23u9eexg0pm95rxry0av28w5t6dzt2fqsnqxhs60fvyd Guten Morgen Doris. ☕👋

@ 9c5d0714:798b2576
2025-03-06 06:12:16
How Trump and Musk defanging the SEC puts your financial future at risk

@ 60c19b2e:ad28f6fe
2025-03-06 06:12:16
https://deutschlandkurier.de/2025/03/87963/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=87963 The post appeared first on Deutschland-Kurier. #news #press

@ d61dcb21:5c11fd8a
2025-03-06 06:12:15
https://www.europesays.com/1891828/ La seule chose qui motive les U.S, c’est le pognon. Est-ce que vous pensez que les gens seront capables de changer leurs habitudes de conso et banir leurs produits comme au Canada? #france

@ 46a71411:2b759126
2025-03-06 06:12:15
Qualität und Nachhaltigkeit sollten immer ein Thema sein, nicht nur bei Produkten aus der EU ...

@ d65fad8c:9b11631b
2025-03-06 06:12:12

@ 9f3c4769:3b719dab
2025-03-06 06:12:08
https://www.usluck.com/462861/this-cafe-in-japan-employs-people-with-disabilities-to-remotely-operate-their-robot-servers/ This cafe in Japan employs people with disabilities to remotely operate their robot servers #Interesting #InterestingAsFuck

@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-03-06 06:12:08
Rising together under the banner of freedom. #Bitcoin http://res.cloudinary.com/dsixpui68/image/upload/v1735726051/irggnmhaysfyn3ov53ci.jpg

@ 0319e300:a02ea7a0
2025-03-06 06:12:07
Some Oldies – Madeira is awesome https://www.diningandcooking.com/1936581/some-oldies-madeira-is-awesome/ #Wine #WinePorn

@ ba11337b:9a1f8eb3
2025-03-06 06:12:07
Rubio vows diplomacy efforts will continue to end Russia’s war in Ukraine https://www.byteseu.com/803387/ #Conflicts

@ 8a8e2948:3682043d
2025-03-06 06:12:06
Le prime pagine di oggi
Il Consiglio europeo di oggi sul riarmo, l'incontro fra Meloni e l'associazione magistrati, e la morte di Bruno Pizzul

@ 47cc100d:153e866a
2025-03-06 06:12:05
Kilimanjaro then Everest? 🏔️ Bitcoin fixes this. 🚀

@ b04c4b42:d63084fe
2025-03-06 06:12:04

@ 2617c6ad:5e10de84
2025-03-06 06:12:02
sometimes to protect yourself, you have to take a photo, like if someone might be a threat to you. But in this case you are not protecting yourself. Can you just notify the police so they can come deal with it?

@ 57b97d6c:78ac844f
2025-03-06 06:12:02
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqnmmvkr5s4mp0pzg83wrat30ekyq47sumd5szagjmj9f2n97e3z9qn68g2t ich drücke die Daumen, dass du den gewünschten Platz bekommst. Und ne bessere Pflegefachkraft 🙄🍀🍀🍀

@ 17af1494:a1cbebe8
2025-03-06 06:12:00
DHL Owner Deutsche Post to Slash 8,000 Jobs as Part of $1.1 Billion Cost-Saving Drive
Posted into Business nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqv4w9hw4j5s2a9qmj6wuh6686t6xu6exqz3p6mawkg9e8w6lgvpwsth9r74

@ eb87a60c:d1383c00
2025-03-06 06:12:00

@ f7346eb2:ad9bce16
2025-03-06 06:12:00
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqdw4h2hy0n3ccp408dwatqj3phh26ecqkvcer6m0zfsapll45fp6qmj57ek - I haven't read it, but it seems Gessen is not mainly giving advice.

@ 350ac911:ac7e04b9
2025-03-06 06:12:00
People are using Super Mario to benchmark AI now https://techcrunch.com/2025/03/03/people-are-using-super-mario-to-benchmark-ai-now/

@ a941bead:ac2f3106
2025-03-06 06:11:59

@ bdb807d0:7cb0c60c
2025-03-06 06:11:58
Ein Schnitzel mit Beilage kostet aktuell 12.736 Sats #Bitcoin

@ 8fcc794b:8137d359
2025-03-06 06:11:55
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqtuhhknnlhhe4r0jn5q8wk43sxeucvys99qryenen4q68ss8ldupqgj5va6 これやりましたか?
RE: https://misskey.io/notes/a38xe2g8st5t0982

@ 63eaec81:e1cdffbe
2025-03-06 06:11:54
That’s a wasted of taxpayer-funded ink and paper.

@ 6c8e2759:38a74e2d
2025-03-06 06:11:54
₿ Bitcoin Price: $92,455
Trend Analysis:
30 MA: $93,573 (Short Term)
50 MA: $97,135 (Medium Term)
200 MA: $82,912 (Long Term)
Status: Above 200 MA 📊

@ 1f617e36:e66e9caa
2025-03-06 06:11:53

@ 82e36435:cdb6dbe5
2025-03-06 06:11:51
Moin liebe Irmgard! ☕✌️🌷🌼🍀

@ dff0b7ea:429ecf11
2025-03-06 06:11:51
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq03y6ktace9k6wcu05r33ff74fqx9gdqmujuyhw389wpt3ysd94msrn6820 Guten Morgen Age. ☕👋

@ a8bc0b08:97758b4a
2025-03-06 06:11:48

@ dfd0605b:219af9d9
2025-03-06 06:11:48
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqz8knxn6q7scrc5dxhje7egjzraqw5kkj8s8scmhev6cy0rhwuavsdu99sk 我喝过怎么会不懂,就是很普通啊

@ 1dc8c37e:0e451936
2025-03-06 06:11:47
Relazione al Parlamento 2025: il nuovo equilibrio mondiale tra geopolitica e cybersicurezza
La Relazione sulla politica dell’informazione per la sicurezza 2025, presentata al Parlamento italiano, traccia un quadro di un mondo sempre più instabile e competitivo. Il documento evidenzia come l’intelligence giochi un ruolo chiave nel fornire strumenti di analisi strategica per proteggere gli interessi nazionali e contrastare minacce sempre più sofisticate, che spaziano dai conflitti armati tradizionali alla guerra ibrida e digitale. In questo scenario, la cybersicurezza emerge come uno degli elementi centrali della stabilità degli Stati, soprattutto alla luce della crescente pericolosità delle minacce cibernetiche che si affiancano agli equilibri geopolitici globali.
Uno scenario geopolitico sempre più instabile
Secondo la Relazione, il 2024 è stato l’anno con il maggior numero di conflitti dalla fine della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, con cinquantasei guerre attive in diversi scenari globali. Le aree di maggiore criticità rimangono il Medio Oriente, l’Ucraina e l’Africa, dove l’instabilità si intreccia con dinamiche economiche e politiche che aumentano il livello di incertezza globale.
In Medio Oriente, il conflitto tra Israele e Hamas ha generato un effetto domino che ha coinvolto Hezbollah, l’Iran e gli Houthi yemeniti, con un impatto significativo sulla sicurezza regionale e sulla stabilità del commercio marittimo nel Mar Rosso. Gli attacchi ai cargo da parte delle milizie sciite hanno ridotto drasticamente i traffici commerciali, con ripercussioni dirette sull’economia globale.
Sul fronte russo-ucraino, la guerra si è trasformata in un conflitto di logoramento. Mosca ha continuato a consolidare la sua presenza nei territori occupati, supportata da alleati come la Corea del Nord e l’Iran, mentre l’Ucraina ha dovuto affrontare difficoltà nel reperire uomini e armamenti per fronteggiare l’offensiva russa. Le prospettive di una soluzione diplomatica restano incerte, con entrambe le parti che cercano di rafforzare le proprie posizioni in vista di eventuali negoziati.
L’Africa e i Balcani restano due aree critiche, con una crescente pressione jihadista nel Sahel e nuove tensioni politiche nei Balcani che potrebbero avere dirette implicazioni sulla sicurezza europea. Il documento evidenzia come la competizione globale tra Stati Uniti, Cina e Russia si stia estendendo su più livelli, dall’ambito economico a quello militare e tecnologico, contribuendo a una frammentazione dell’ordine internazionale.
Il cyberspazio come nuovo campo di battaglia
Nel contesto geopolitico attuale, il cyberspazio è diventato un dominio strategico in cui si confrontano Stati e gruppi criminali, con attacchi sempre più mirati e sofisticati. Le minacce ibride, che includono la manipolazione informativa, i sabotaggi cibernetici e le ingerenze elettorali, sono ormai una realtà consolidata.
Uno degli aspetti più critici evidenziati dalla Relazione è l’aumento degli attacchi alle infrastrutture critiche. Settori strategici come energia, telecomunicazioni e trasporti sono stati presi di mira da gruppi APT (Advanced Persistent Threat) legati a governi stranieri. Questo fenomeno è particolarmente preoccupante perché mira a destabilizzare le economie nazionali e a minare la fiducia nei governi.
L’intelligenza artificiale sta giocando un ruolo sempre più importante nei conflitti digitali. La capacità di generare contenuti sintetici, come deepfake e campagne di disinformazione mirata, sta trasformando la guerra dell’informazione in uno strumento di destabilizzazione politica. Nel corso del 2024, si è registrato un aumento significativo delle campagne di fake news orchestrate da attori statali, con l’obiettivo di influenzare elezioni e decisioni politiche.
Anche la cybercriminalità ha raggiunto livelli di sofisticazione senza precedenti. I gruppi criminali stanno sfruttando vulnerabilità zero-day e attacchi ransomware per colpire aziende, enti pubblici e infrastrutture governative. In alcuni casi, questi attacchi sono direttamente collegati a strategie geopolitiche, con gruppi criminali che operano sotto la protezione di Stati ostili per colpire Paesi rivali.
Italia sotto attacco: il quadro della cybersicurezza nazionale
La sicurezza cibernetica in Italia è una delle priorità strategiche evidenziate nel report, con un numero crescente di attacchi informatici che hanno colpito aziende, istituzioni pubbliche e infrastrutture critiche. Nel 2024, gli attacchi sono aumentati del trenta per cento rispetto all’anno precedente, con il ransomware che si conferma una delle minacce principali. Molte organizzazioni hanno subito il blocco dei loro sistemi e richieste di riscatto elevate, spesso impossibili da soddisfare senza compromettere la continuità operativa.
Un altro tema centrale è l’ingerenza straniera nei processi elettorali. Con le elezioni europee e amministrative alle porte, il rischio di manipolazioni digitali e campagne di disinformazione è aumentato, con tentativi di influenzare l’opinione pubblica attraverso contenuti falsi e propaganda online. Questo fenomeno, già osservato in altri Paesi occidentali, rappresenta una minaccia diretta alla stabilità democratica.
Lo spionaggio industriale è un’altra delle sfide principali per il nostro Paese. L’Italia, con il suo know-how tecnologico e scientifico avanzato, è un obiettivo privilegiato per attori ostili che cercano di sottrarre dati sensibili e brevetti strategici. Secondo la Relazione, numerose aziende italiane sono state colpite da attacchi mirati volti a compromettere la proprietà intellettuale e trasferire informazioni sensibili all’estero.
Per far fronte a queste minacce, il Cybersecurity Operation Center (SOC) nazionale ha rafforzato le proprie attività di monitoraggio, ma la Relazione sottolinea la necessità di maggiori investimenti nella cyber intelligence. L’Italia deve dotarsi di strumenti avanzati per anticipare le minacce, analizzando i dati in tempo reale e potenziando la collaborazione tra settore pubblico e privato. Solo attraverso un ecosistema di intelligence integrato sarà possibile contrastare operazioni di disinformazione e guerre ibride che mirano a destabilizzare il Paese.
La necessità di una difesa cibernetica più robusta
Il quadro delineato dalla Relazione al Parlamento 2025 mostra come il mondo sia entrato in una nuova era, in cui la sicurezza nazionale non può più essere concepita senza una solida strategia di difesa cibernetica. L’Italia, pur avendo compiuto progressi significativi nella protezione delle proprie infrastrutture digitali, deve accelerare il processo di modernizzazione, investendo in tecnologie innovative e potenziando la capacità di risposta agli attacchi.
Nel prossimo futuro, la sfida sarà quella di costruire una sicurezza digitale più resiliente e proattiva, capace di rispondere in tempo reale alle minacce. Questo significa non solo rafforzare la protezione delle infrastrutture critiche, ma anche sviluppare strategie di contrasto alla disinformazione e alle campagne di guerra psicologica che potrebbero influenzare l’opinione pubblica. Solo un approccio integrato e strategico consentirà all’Italia di affrontare le minacce emergenti e di garantire la sicurezza dei cittadini, delle imprese e delle istituzioni.
L'articolo Relazione al Parlamento 2025: il nuovo equilibrio mondiale tra geopolitica e cybersicurezza proviene da il blog della sicurezza informatica.

@ 84e6abe4:9fa9da37
2025-03-06 06:11:47
LOL not even 20 USD nostr:npub1q6ps7m94jfdastx2tx76sj8sq4nxdhlsgmzns2tr4xt6ydx6grzspm0kxr. I made 1.5 million sats before 11 a.m. today. nostr:note1p3pqr4k8jjf73m722gk23ay95ul4c03jlnwvmxtx5dehmllpwyhqu8cs8h

@ 30876140:cffb1126
2025-03-06 06:11:43
I haven’t gotten down on the Grok yet actually! Claude 3.7 Sonnet Extended Mode has been rockin’ my world. I’ll deff check it out some time

@ 3e1691aa:d3afd9a7
2025-03-06 06:11:43
06:11 7K3LXA/1 on JP-1273(Nogawa Prefectural Park, JP-TK) 14039 CW JCC1009[7K3LXA/1]

@ f67a6b5c:f1fd7277
2025-03-06 06:11:43
John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ comes to mind.

@ f8978eb7:7f8e8a50
2025-03-06 06:11:42

@ 358b313c:c979f27f
2025-03-06 06:11:42
what the fuck.

@ e533d5b2:0301a9ec
2025-03-06 06:11:38
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqp02xz4ch8lh8j3dd2hgqcwmthseaegc9mqfjgaj6tvjr6rvewztq62al36 you mean umami

@ 45f195cf:3cab7627
2025-03-06 06:11:38
I can’t find only the dead

@ 78b2ffbb:cd2a5647
2025-03-06 06:11:35
ある飲食店社長が明かす「私が潰した飲食店シリーズ」がヤバい失敗談ばかりで尊敬しかない→税理士に「あなたから死兆星が見えます」と言われたことも - Togetter [トゥギャッター]

@ b707d6be:eb5a0c20
2025-03-06 06:11:34

@ a80fc4a7:dc80ebd1
2025-03-06 06:11:34

@ dff0b7ea:429ecf11
2025-03-06 06:11:32
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq8432ezn7z6f6lfv7zued44l3epnmapy5uxev269pudaqnkn20y7q7srcn7 Moin Peter. ☕👋

@ 2d2dc3f4:791c1932
2025-03-06 06:11:32
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqxw2mexzsxusn4qkglfjwjrrpgv4dn05h06ennrw3w3vnjjr4765qkpjc9n I was actually thinking about taking a mid winter break in Queenstown this winter, since it's so beautiful. But then I remember that it's a money-grabbing tourist resort area. And while those places can be fun, it's not the vibe I am looking for this time.

@ 56914452:3c5f18b5
2025-03-06 06:11:30

@ c02b305c:3126e71a
2025-03-06 06:11:27

@ 36012a0b:689a0a91
2025-03-06 06:11:23
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqpt8cpzwnt8gx55p83957v4mvtvvnsnxglt5s52ekmvmy75x69f7sx2s74w i first found Alfa through his demise by Umbrella, ironically, so working backwards was interesting.