
@ 959323e4:0ad003ea
2025-03-06 19:07:02
Susan is a prominent investor in the cryptocurrency space, known for her insightful strategies and deep understanding of the rapidly evolving digital asset market. With a strong focus on Bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies, she navigates the complexities of blockchain technology, market cycles, and regulatory landscapes to make informed trading decisions. Susan approach combines technical analysis with a keen eye on macroeconomic trends, allowing her to identify long-term opportunities while managing risk in the volatile crypto market. Her trading style emphasizes patience and adaptability, helping her capitalize on both bullish trends and market corrections. Investors following her moves are often drawn to her disciplined yet forward-thinking approach to crypto trading... Inbox 👍
Susan on WhatsApp: +13184079133
For more guide 🙏💯

@ 28325397:7ff8d47e
2025-03-06 19:07:01

@ 24b45900:77623fe2
2025-03-06 19:06:59
I love Alter Bridge but I hate that I'm feeling like this type of music.

@ 60c19b2e:ad28f6fe
2025-03-06 19:06:58
Michael E. Mann Responds https://wattsupwiththat.com/2025/03/06/michael-e-mann-responds-parody/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=michael-e-mann-responds-parody As if we needed more proof that the system is rigged in favor of the corporate elite, the court then turned around and ORDERED ME TO PAY OVER HALF A MILLION DOLLARS IN LEGAL FEES TO NATIONAL REVIEW!!! Yes, you heard that right—after fighting for truth for over a decade, after being smeared, defamed, and dragged through the legal

@ 0ff4b1ef:d40cf787
2025-03-06 19:06:56
I'm sorry nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq04wpju4ltlzknfcdwqeuh6yt9fjcvvg6jaj4jhtehl97fwcxd0wsv0qwdf it didn't work when you were a kid and it's not going to work now

@ ee6e1284:919923c2
2025-03-06 19:06:56
$22 Raised Garden Beds
#deal #delete #garden #gardening nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq9slga5erzsz90qm4rwg59hg3vr4qnaur634mc4w8gzg6agpawd7qhzl2tu nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqs47y3durkwgrtvsc6dvhvzhrx36ra747qhrxm4ah78uy7zjg6tzqp3r5g3 nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqmgdd4umn2rxatsz8ceyar5h75m2hks0zcfmm3rft86zvck7ducxsnamjk8 nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq4pp7ncrrdrdpukvdfzmg62vrzv6dun9z4pkjga7guvjfzkqha4qqm7mguc nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqw8dw8l3cnkun3madknteunhnznx87e9eltucz2e9q8ud2zqp8r3senchpq nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqpypgr7trs8u8tupnqgdcfj58ypt2rhxymsgldxwctvgz6u4f3ywslu5hfh

@ 2ed3596e:98b4cc78
2025-03-06 19:06:56
The best bitcoin Recurring Buy in the USA is here 🐐

@ 56bc0562:7d8bad22
2025-03-06 19:06:56
Η κυβέρνηση δλδ βάζει την αστυνομιά να ψεκάζει και να πλακώνει στο ξύλο τους διαδηλωτές που, κατά την ίδια, διαδηλώνουν για να την στηρίξουν 'έμμεσα' για να αλλάξει το κράτος.
Αυτοί οι ανόητοι τύποι κυβερνούν λέγοντας βλακείες απ το πρωί ως το βράδυ.

@ 30d3ffe1:0f4ad543
2025-03-06 19:06:53
The weather is currently Calm and Sunny in my area. I got some light snow last night but it's all melted now.

@ a04e381d:941fd9cc
2025-03-06 19:06:51
The most intriguing tech gadget prototypes demoed this week

@ da19b5d2:1f6cbfaa
2025-03-06 19:06:50
Good to know. So they aren't hiding it.

@ 2da78dcb:c30cb73b
2025-03-06 19:06:48
City Announces Summer Events Dates For Blues And Jazz Fests, Taste Of Chicago And More https://blockclubchicago.org/2025/03/06/city-announces-summer-events-dates-for-blues-and-jazz-fests-taste-of-chicago-and-more/

@ ade0c8c2:55ec4662
2025-03-06 19:06:46
Yes. It's one thing to get financial compensation for physical injuries that will prevent you from making what you could have. Then there's the, "I have PTSD from the war and can't work cause I'm sad"
>werent you a cook?

@ 959323e4:0ad003ea
2025-03-06 19:06:44
Susan is a prominent investor in the cryptocurrency space, known for her insightful strategies and deep understanding of the rapidly evolving digital asset market. With a strong focus on Bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies, she navigates the complexities of blockchain technology, market cycles, and regulatory landscapes to make informed trading decisions. Susan approach combines technical analysis with a keen eye on macroeconomic trends, allowing her to identify long-term opportunities while managing risk in the volatile crypto market. Her trading style emphasizes patience and adaptability, helping her capitalize on both bullish trends and market corrections. Investors following her moves are often drawn to her disciplined yet forward-thinking approach to crypto trading... Inbox 👍
Susan on WhatsApp: +13184079133
For more guide 🙏💯

@ b0608259:c331f698
2025-03-06 19:06:42
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqyzyq2cs54d9tp2zg50hzpfwz64s7uqd0kj5ddxd3lngnm5rg88msluhqdc I suspect what the purpose is, but that crap makes awful translations. The nuances are lost, and all that is left is a poorly made translation that, sometimes, barely has anything to do with the original title. It's an alpha-state crap they pushed into production because AI

@ e0639bfe:330f3938
2025-03-06 19:06:41
I don’t think heelers need hard work the way some people talk about it, but certainly a bit of exercise each day It’s much more important to give mental stimulation in my opinion. Teaching them to do things gets their little gears turning and really keeps them calm. They’re super loyal and protective of kids, but they will nip at their heels if they feel like they’re running around out of control. Tough to take heeling out of the heelers!

@ 044536c5:f8c80e46
2025-03-06 19:06:36
Stepmom Really Knows Her Anatomy
big ass, cumshot, big tits, brunette, milf, mom, son, stepmom, stepson, , , pov

@ 21910ee9:ff275570
2025-03-06 19:06:35
Presidente da Fifa revela que a banda Coldplay vai ajudar a escolher atração de show do intervalo da final da Copa do Mundo nos moldes do Super Bowl
Posted into All Stories nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq7x9lnqjf84s5knz4nggcelcw6pajjdy57kdfdspnxpz9qdeephysqgsk7n

@ 66738d39:2ef33c0b
2025-03-06 19:06:35
✍️ The World Food Programme has slashed food rations for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh by half, citing funding shortages, which has sparked concerns about the impact on refugees' health and nutrition.
👉 Food rations for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh have been slashed by half
👉 The WFP cited funding shortages as the reason for the reduction
👉 Aid organizations and refugees are concerned about the impact on health and nutrition
👉 The WFP has also reduced food rations for refugees in Kenya
👉 Funding shortages may force the WFP to cut support for a million people in Somalia
#DanielSullivan #DonaldTrump #MohammedMizanurRahman #NurQadr #JaforAlom #Bangladesh #Kenya #Cox'sBazar #Jamtolirefugeecamp #Balukhalicamp #Kakumarefugeecamp #Somalia #world

@ de1abdd3:ff3979a0
2025-03-06 19:06:35
✍️ The World Food Programme has slashed food rations for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh by half, citing funding shortages, which has sparked concerns about the impact on refugees' health and nutrition.
👉 Food rations for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh have been slashed by half
👉 The WFP cited funding shortages as the reason for the reduction
👉 Aid organizations and refugees are concerned about the impact on health and nutrition
👉 The WFP has also reduced food rations for refugees in Kenya
👉 Funding shortages may force the WFP to cut support for a million people in Somalia
#DanielSullivan #DonaldTrump #MohammedMizanurRahman #NurQadr #JaforAlom #Bangladesh #Kenya #Cox'sBazar #Jamtolirefugeecamp #Balukhalicamp #Kakumarefugeecamp #Somalia #world

@ 28799867:e297d7bf
2025-03-06 19:06:35
👉 Five members of an extremist group linked to the Reichsbürger movement were sentenced to prison for plotting a coup and kidnapping the health minister.
👉 The defendants belonged to the self-styled 'United Patriots' group.
👉 The group planned to kidnap the health minister, Karl Lauterbach, and create conditions for civil war in Germany through violence.
👉 The plotters had joined forces by January 2022 and had planned to sabotage the power grid, an operation they named 'Silent Night'.
👉 The group was inspired by the global QAnon movement.

@ de1abdd3:ff3979a0
2025-03-06 19:06:35
✍️ A German court has sentenced five members of an extremist group linked to the Reichsbürger movement to prison for plotting a coup and kidnapping the health minister.
👉 Five members of an extremist group linked to the Reichsbürger movement were sentenced to prison for plotting a coup and kidnapping the health minister.
👉 The defendants belonged to the self-styled 'United Patriots' group.
👉 The group planned to kidnap the health minister, Karl Lauterbach, and create conditions for civil war in Germany through violence.
👉 The plotters had joined forces by January 2022 and had planned to sabotage the power grid, an operation they named 'Silent Night'.
👉 The group was inspired by the global QAnon movement.
#KarlLauterbach #HeinrichXIIIPrinceReuss #NancyFaeser #Germany #Koblenz #Düsseldorf #Frankfurt #Hamburg #Munich #Stuttgart #politics

@ 28799867:e297d7bf
2025-03-06 19:06:35
👉 Food rations for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh have been slashed by half
👉 The WFP cited funding shortages as the reason for the reduction
👉 Aid organizations and refugees are concerned about the impact on health and nutrition
👉 The WFP has also reduced food rations for refugees in Kenya
👉 Funding shortages may force the WFP to cut support for a million people in Somalia

@ 66738d39:2ef33c0b
2025-03-06 19:06:35
✍️ A German court has sentenced five members of an extremist group linked to the Reichsbürger movement to prison for plotting a coup and kidnapping the health minister.
👉 Five members of an extremist group linked to the Reichsbürger movement were sentenced to prison for plotting a coup and kidnapping the health minister.
👉 The defendants belonged to the self-styled 'United Patriots' group.
👉 The group planned to kidnap the health minister, Karl Lauterbach, and create conditions for civil war in Germany through violence.
👉 The plotters had joined forces by January 2022 and had planned to sabotage the power grid, an operation they named 'Silent Night'.
👉 The group was inspired by the global QAnon movement.
#KarlLauterbach #HeinrichXIIIPrinceReuss #NancyFaeser #Germany #Koblenz #Düsseldorf #Frankfurt #Hamburg #Munich #Stuttgart #politics

@ d1ba1e84:fd193959
2025-03-06 19:06:32
Ich prophezeie, dass es in diesem Jahr so viele totgefahrene #Radfahrer/innen geben wird wie seit vielen Jahrzehnten nicht mehr.
Mann/Frau MUSS so schnell wie möglich fahren, MUSS immer sofort überholen, ICH MUSS, Ich MUSS, #Autofahrer dürfen NIE bremsen, sie könnten 12 Sekunden verlieren. Was für A...........
Keine Entschuldigung, das war heute 2 mal sowas.
Ich möchte den Sommer überleben. Bitte. Danke.
#motorisierteGewalt #Ignoranz #Tempolimit

@ 80cf2095:7e053501
2025-03-06 19:06:32
La cruauté décomplexée de Trump est sidérante et terrifiante… Les dictateurs essaient généralement de justifier ou de dissimuler un peu leurs exactions…

@ 4bb7a278:6b43d99f
2025-03-06 19:06:30
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqnmmvkr5s4mp0pzg83wrat30ekyq47sumd5szagjmj9f2n97e3z9qn68g2t I believe it also depends on the air humidity.

@ ca99db75:7bbb814a
2025-03-06 19:06:29
An Ariane 6 rocket roared skyward with a French military reconnaissance satellite aboard Thursday in the first commercial flight for the European heavy-lift launcher.
The rocket took off smoothly from the European spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana, quickly disappearing into thick clouds. Video images beamed back from the rocket showed the Earth’s beautiful colors and curvature.

@ da19b5d2:1f6cbfaa
2025-03-06 19:06:28
Who's next?
They better act quick

@ 84e6abe4:9fa9da37
2025-03-06 19:06:26
Hi nostr:npub1q6ps7m94jfdastx2tx76sj8sq4nxdhlsgmzns2tr4xt6ydx6grzspm0kxr not so good at the alt game are you nostr:npub1ej2rwvt46908z65w80wt6dd0s74ehyve8zv97n9cxdgrpld5pwjs0h5jr0 ?

@ de5969e2:3d736f09
2025-03-06 19:06:26
Eu amo o caos, mas descobri que me faz mal kkkk

@ 77911886:4b218091
2025-03-06 19:06:25
<推奨手数料> 単位sats/vB
[参考] 直近6ブロックの最小手数料
[参考] 次ブロック候補の最小手数料

@ 9d334509:9c72008e
2025-03-06 19:06:25
Extremists linked to Reichsbürger movement also planned to kidnap health minister and create conditions for civil warA German court has jailed five members of an extremist group linked to the Reichsbürger (Reich Citizens) movement for plotting a coup and to kidnap the health minister.The defendants, four men, aged 46 to 58, and a 77-year-old woman, who belonged to the self-styled “United Patriots” group, were sentenced to between five years and nine months and eight years’ jail by the Koblenz higher regional court on Thursday. Continue reading...

@ 9d334509:9c72008e
2025-03-06 19:06:23
Decision made after attempts to raise more funds had been unsuccessful, agency tells authoritiesFood rations for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh have been slashed in half by the World Food Programme, days after refugees in Kenya protested against a reduction to their rations.The WFP, which is funded entirely by voluntary contributions and provides assistance to more than 150 million people, said it did not have enough funds to continue to provide the full ration so would be reducing the food voucher to 726 Bangladeshi taka (£4.60) per person, from 1,515 taka currently. Continue reading...

@ 6460a05c:4068855f
2025-03-06 19:06:23
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqmtdxyc9uuu6cg42jrge2tz5zzfpfct5wl0qqhlecaq8hepg6vxlqw4gpgv Harald!

@ 7a42aa56:15bc894e
2025-03-06 19:06:21
We will never know— we will never have the faintest idea— how much money is getting made in insider trading windfalls from people in Trump's and Musk's circles who have an hour of notice about the daily swings in tariff policy or the occasional announced *expectations* of such swings.

@ 2928d04e:ae2172c3
2025-03-06 19:06:21
You felt your lombar spine? I've trained by myself calisthenics and some weight lifting for about 8 years. In the process I did some wrong things and got a lombalgy, a hernia as a reminder. I discovered it doing back bending and ridding bike, as the pain on the lower back appeared through the sessions. The body heals aand absorbs it with some treatment, exercises and time. It is always important, but as you get older, it is even more, that you prepare your body first when start a new movement, and that you train in a balanced way between strenght, mobility and flexibility, never going very further if the whole body wasn't prepared in the same intensity. For example, strenghtening your superior members with high intensity, if your core is at medium/low intensity. Be well

@ 77b83da2:3f6ae0e4
2025-03-06 19:06:18
【広島県 気象警報・注意報 2025年03月07日 04:06】
#気象警報注意報 #広島県

@ d1aece1d:c8ef4c0b
2025-03-06 19:06:17
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqhyk4djsd6k5z7fg0c9ylfqu3cwzysztfsx7gyf0kdgrhf9zmzgdsx7x66r 1,80-2,30

@ af1f6f3e:bdd3600e
2025-03-06 19:06:17
Se vc se acha libertário e defende grandes corporações como simbolo do capitalismo, vc é um fascista não libertário.

@ 6892c31d:bbf0b70c
2025-03-06 19:06:17
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq557vmz94zwmyvfa8q6ftw5kjdk85mu0mrytrr3rm5tty0h6qk7lqxrvq58 τσιγάρα και πατατάκια

@ 367aad94:8c2a8b49
2025-03-06 19:06:16

@ a1fd9b85:a2359c9c
2025-03-06 19:06:15

@ 4dcdd60e:35312bdb
2025-03-06 19:06:15
What Ketamine Does to the Human Brain
Excessive use of the #drug can make anyone feel like they rule the world.
"Musk has said he uses #ketamine regularly...
Musk’s “associates” worried that ketamine, “alongside his isolation and his increasingly embattled relationship with the #press, might contribute to his tendency to make chaotic and impulsive statements and decisions.”
#ElonMusk #Musk #Drugs #Health #Cognition #Psychology #Politics #USPol #News #US #USA

@ 163de2c4:6b2c98d8
2025-03-06 19:06:15
What are " super-strength drugs" ?
Police FOI unit dubbed 'authoritarian censor' - BBC News

@ d31b752d:589aefb8
2025-03-06 19:06:15
#artspam source

@ 06249cf9:1783a286
2025-03-06 19:06:14
💥 Factors causing blockchain congestion include increased demand, small block sizes, and slow block times. Understanding these can help us find solutions to this growing issue.

@ 7e11f2e0:1567d51b
2025-03-06 19:06:13
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq9jf28dqacda4mu5974kqk76p0mlmj2y6fdl0xhda55tvxakvl56s02e2xt Oh! That cervical! 🤣

@ 3f770d65:7a745b24
2025-03-06 19:06:12

@ 05de5f2d:0ab48154
2025-03-06 19:06:12
> puts on face paint
Hold on while I cut you a check

@ bf41becc:13dc5991
2025-03-06 19:06:10
Can I get a please burger cheese

@ 69c39eaa:d7d1f187
2025-03-06 19:06:09

@ 06ff1104:7dfc008a
2025-03-06 19:06:09
https://www.ufofeed.com/113071/khloe-kardashian-interviews-dr-steven-greer/ Khloé Kardashian interviews Dr. Steven Greer! #AncientCultures #AnimalMutilations #Anomalies #Consciousness #Cryptozoology #FringeScience #Futurism #HighStrangeness #Paranormal #UFOs

@ 7216e1df:18ce74ad
2025-03-06 19:06:09
Nostr in a nutshell: cryptic messages and Bitcoin.

@ 47cc100d:153e866a
2025-03-06 19:06:08
"Hey Ed" = "Hi Nota"! 🤣 #IYKYK

@ a59c614c:7e1e24b3
2025-03-06 19:06:08
Trader Joe’s did this https://www.allforgardening.com/1212378/trader-joes-did-this/

@ f5544749:d0498b47
2025-03-06 19:06:07
easily fixed: just subscribe to a “curate relay” that scores and tags nost notes and ur client will hide (or at least doen prioritize them)!

@ 5bbb392c:f545001d
2025-03-06 19:06:06
what if they're really doing this so that it can have a place to store all the Bitcoin they're going to steal from everybody through extra judicial proceedings or whatever they call it when they take a drug dealer's car without due process

@ 0fbd235f:cb0fa0e7
2025-03-06 19:06:06
https://www.ptkorea.com/384012/ 250306 Magnolia Bakery on Instagram: We teamed up with j-hope to design custom “Sweet Dreams” cupcakes and banana pudding to celebrate his latest single #BangtanBoys #BTS #防弾少年団 #防彈少年團 #방탄소년단

@ 8dc71ed2:9d09ec66
2025-03-06 19:06:06
US lost a fifth of its butterflies within two decades
Posted into Science and Environment nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqhauar7kwyq05rtla3mz0kn43xzqey6s8lzfrl7cy6jhlwe56z4qqt7z2zr

@ ba11337b:9a1f8eb3
2025-03-06 19:06:05
Belarus Steps Up Drone Training in Russia as Military Ties Deepen https://www.byteseu.com/805072/ #Belarus #армія #Війна #обороннапромисловість.Новинитааналітика.Хронікадеокупаціїтаперемоги.Інформаційнапередоваз2009року.

@ d42332d0:89994b69
2025-03-06 19:06:01
Und obwohl die Plakate überall hingen verfehlten sie doch ihren Zweck und Sinn.
#dada #Dadaismus #Kopffüssler

@ 11b9a894:889850ce
2025-03-06 19:05:56
I have not. Should I?

@ 0575bf03:62a2b879
2025-03-06 19:05:54
ᵍᵘᵗᵉⁿ ᵗᵃᵍ, ⁱᶜʰ ᵇⁱⁿ ᵗᵘᵛᵒᵏ !

@ 3733f23a:3658110c
2025-03-06 19:05:53
Mia, this is the first time you will spend several days being ridden by someone else.
Behave and help the kid get the top tier licence.
Cya Monday my love ♥️
#MiaRide #triumph #trident #ridepevide #motorcycles #motorcycle

@ 352e1b42:02288fe3
2025-03-06 19:05:53
Voi direte guerra a Gaza e alla Palestina. Questo sì sa. Ma c'è anche la guerra interna.
Ne parliamo

@ 8867bed9:13664450
2025-03-06 19:05:52
Beautiful flower,
Beautiful picture,
Very beautiful words.. 🫂💜🍀

@ dee800db:d8e7e123
2025-03-06 19:05:52
#Trump’s #FDA nominee, #MartyMakary
In 2021, #Makary took to FoxNews & blasted the FDA. In an op-ed, he called for an overhaul of leadership & culture at the agency that he said was “broken” & “mired in politics & red tape.”
Nearly 4 years later, the Johns Hopkins surgeon is in a position to lead the very agency he lambasted.
#PublicHealth #USpol

@ 6ece8bf3:25e93512
2025-03-06 19:05:51

@ f240be2b:00c761ba
2025-03-06 19:05:49
Volt 😂
Etatistischer gehts nicht mehr

@ 6892c31d:bbf0b70c
2025-03-06 19:05:49
Ενέργεια 30 kilowatts για 24 μέρες σε κινέζικο σταθμό στην Ανταρκτική

@ 8f9fa8d1:18058086
2025-03-06 19:05:48
I due (soprattutto il girafrittate) mi hanno detto che si sono rivolti a un’agenzia per cercare un rimpiazzo (cazzata: il Ciccio è stato portato dal direttore… altro che agenzia!) e che per trovare il Ciccio hanno impiegato SEI MESI.
Crisi mia a settembre: Ciccio venuto a fare la prova a novembre: a casa mia sono due mesi, non sei.
Se veramente stavate cercando da sei mesi (quindi da maggio), allora la mia crisi non c’entra niente.
Resta il fatto che questi storditi non mi hanno mai più interpellato (come va? Sei sempre dell’idea? Etc) e con me non hanno più comunicato in alcun modo.
Il girafrittate ha ribattuto “Eh ma io non posso andare a bussare alla gente ogni giorno” e “Le aziende devono andare avanti e noi non siamo psicologi”.

@ bf473858:8be9e296
2025-03-06 19:05:46
Brace yourself. For there is A NEW PODCAST!
Spanish punk. French Indie-Rock. Mid-West Bedroom Pop. North West Folk and more.
Featuring music from Zero Azúcar, ELLiS·D, Wonderflu, nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpquel36vh4h5n3aksffml0sv9kvexrtu5wd8d2lkglscgrutrrc5rqlag87w Lace Banjo and Julien Orlando
#ccmusic #podcast #punk #folk #indie

@ 16e15850:3b0065ec
2025-03-06 19:05:46
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqxgjrvtfvxlupgegapqy37ggx8xd850cf4hc5tk8ynlqjgkstqg3s70f0vn εννοώ πως με ό,τι κριτήριο και να ψήφισε κανείς ΣΥΡΙΖΑ το '15, η Κωνσταντοπούλου σήμερα είναι ακόμα χειρότερη από όλες τις απόψεις.

@ 045d7ee3:f1a9beec
2025-03-06 19:05:46
Retards who go to the White House tomorrow are the spooks and not Bitcoiners !

@ 2dde2ae2:b7e36550
2025-03-06 19:05:45
I wonder what it'd take for people to stop listening to NewstalkZB? Will a rich Canadian billionaire taking it over be seen as a problem by its target audience? I suspect not.

@ 975918d2:6cbb020d
2025-03-06 19:05:45
Well, it's just says "It's the jews" over and over.

@ 77b83da2:3f6ae0e4
2025-03-06 19:05:44
【鳥取県 気象警報・注意報 2025年03月07日 04:05】
#気象警報注意報 #鳥取県

@ 0c417bd3:0e9c3343
2025-03-06 19:05:42
fedi help me how do i install software from a src rpm...

@ 3f770d65:7a745b24
2025-03-06 19:05:41
yeah. all of the STR bots with a *str@iris.to nostr addresses are bots.

@ 5e5e3260:36a837e9
2025-03-06 19:05:41
Layoffs in the U.S. soar to 172,017 in February, the highest since 2020, as DOGE slashes federal staff.
CNBC reports: "The report comes amid heightened concern about the state of the labor market and the economy in general as Trump’s plans for tariffs, slashing the size of government, and mass deportations and stringent immigration restrictions take shape."
#DOGE #Layoffs #Economy #News #Employment #Business #ElonMusk

@ decf2ae4:307383ae
2025-03-06 19:05:37
US Communications Agency To Explore Alternatives To GPS Systems - The FCC says it plans to vote next month to explore alternatives to GPS after nati... - https://news.slashdot.org/story/25/03/06/183209/us-communications-agency-to-explore-alternatives-to-gps-systems?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon&utm_medium=feed #usa

@ 667b4d40:8a278d88
2025-03-06 19:05:37
Bares für Rares: Geschnupft wurde in Europa im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert.
Mfw Bayern anscheinend nicht Europa ist :prise:

@ 70d6eefc:54088ab0
2025-03-06 19:05:37
Solitary Confinement by Mendez
#art #digitalart

@ a2093e4b:c7122aca
2025-03-06 19:05:36
Секрет тонких та ніжних млинців: на чому їх правильно готувати (відео) https://smak.telegraf.com.ua/ukr/news/2025-03-06/5900919-sekret-tonkikh-i-nezhnykh-blinchikov-na-chem-ikh-pravilno-gotovit-video?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-06 19:05:34
Block 886616
2 - high priority
2 - medium priority
2 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ e3fa8b11:cd9ef237
2025-03-06 19:05:33
Ich habe in den letzten 24 Stunden jetzt viermal gehört oder gelesen, dass wir zugunsten eines Wohlfahrtsstaats unsere Verteidigungsfähigkeit aufgegeben haben.
Das Narrativ ist gesetzt, jetzt wird es in Stein gemeißelt:
Nicht die Gier der Überreichen hat das Land in eine Schieflage gebracht, sondern dass wir alle uns so hemmungslos in der sozialen Hängematte rumgelümmelt haben!
Und für die, die es noch nicht kapiert haben, wiederholen wir es so lange, bis es unumstößlich und wahrhaftig ist.

@ 47446024:a459ff5b
2025-03-06 19:05:32
Na minha visão não é questão de um ou outro, e sim questão do que vc vê
Oq eu vejo não faz diferença para vc se vc não compreender como eu vejo, a coisa mais simples pode ser a coisa mais linda que existe, a coisa mais complexa pode significar um monte de nada, tudo é questão de significado
Experimente dar bom dia para alguém, dizer a um familiar ou um amigo que ama dele, demonstre aos seus pais o seu amor, nada disso é complexo, mas isso significa mais que tudo

@ a4fbd900:cc35aa56
2025-03-06 19:05:32
はてさて :saba:
5fa034fe68 (upstream/main) fix(deps): update dependency ioredis to v5.6.0 (#34085)
88bf1f0828 chore(deps): update omniauth packages (#31857)
5a100bf38f Add ability to email announcements to all users (#33928)
d2ce9a6064 chore(deps): update eslint (non-major) (#33061)
64719aa4ee chore(deps): update yarn to v4.7.0 (#34047)
f41bc1de9d Fix processing errors for some HEIF images from iOS 18 (#34086)
db269a4c0a Change hashtag suggestion to prefer personal history capitalization (#34070)
b021cfc91e Convert `settings/sessions` spec controller->system (#34072)

@ 774d614e:16f38403
2025-03-06 19:05:30
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq4t36vm20y3rjclq4cqwp4uvlvcaulgj8s4dqk4vka2trrmagnv0q9fqz7t Ha!

@ 23a38e86:2de02336
2025-03-06 19:05:28
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqgmkrqtn37e499vf7gjzqrzzdj77y22tannnc3wz7q77tsn4njueqa5jcrv C'est pas très documenté, mais visible ici : https://framapiaf.org/@peertube/114116363456214861

@ fdb8c828:84c16368
2025-03-06 19:05:25
I found this book in a thrift store and have come to treasure it.

@ ecf46816:55bbc75a
2025-03-06 19:05:22
Pharma cattle.

@ a9f8b3f2:65181647
2025-03-06 19:05:22

@ 60e5bccd:71ac3fbd
2025-03-06 19:05:20
#meme #memes #nostrmeme #nostrmemes #memestr #nostr

@ 8e4cee90:e8510f9a
2025-03-06 19:05:19
❖ Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name;
your kingdom come;
your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
For yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever.

@ 959323e4:0ad003ea
2025-03-06 19:05:19
Susan is a prominent investor in the cryptocurrency space, known for her insightful strategies and deep understanding of the rapidly evolving digital asset market. With a strong focus on Bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies, she navigates the complexities of blockchain technology, market cycles, and regulatory landscapes to make informed trading decisions. Susan approach combines technical analysis with a keen eye on macroeconomic trends, allowing her to identify long-term opportunities while managing risk in the volatile crypto market. Her trading style emphasizes patience and adaptability, helping her capitalize on both bullish trends and market corrections. Investors following her moves are often drawn to her disciplined yet forward-thinking approach to crypto trading... Inbox 👍
Susan on WhatsApp: +13184079133
For more guide 🙏💯

@ 19663ddd:6ac401dc
2025-03-06 19:05:19
“Butterflies in the U.S. are disappearing at a ‘catastrophic’ rate
The number of butterflies in the contiguous United States declined by 22 percent this century, a collapse with potentially dire implications.”

@ 5a1c52d3:b4e71796
2025-03-06 19:05:19
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqrqeuqtf7tg848fcnha0xr0yts366nudypvathww0cc3mqu0jx3ssgx3m86 the content is worse

@ 044536c5:f8c80e46
2025-03-06 19:05:18
Hairy Babes In Bath Tub
24800 AM1 216 1.67x 1280x720 Dtd-3, brunette, fetish, lesbians, redhead