
@ 99bb5591:a557ca64
2025-03-06 19:51:34
Yes. but in my playground. I'll Invite you.

@ 41a996d1:72d84a6d
2025-03-06 19:51:34
scihub doesn't have this one

@ cb19a59b:aa97e6a1
2025-03-06 19:51:34
Niedersachsen und NRW müssen mehr gegen die Nitratbelastung in der Ems-Region tun. Ein wichtiges Urteil des BGH. Geklagt hatte die Deutsche Umwelthilfe nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqmsjfud0df96jmdl8nwtlgee6v62vv6z2jyl7yk842jrkww7zaymscj87gn .

@ a9c7aec5:fbd3bc38
2025-03-06 19:51:34
this Italian brat :angry_cunny:

@ b28e3025:f9acc756
2025-03-06 19:51:34
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqkefezuve98dy52hqancp9uck0p03pl7a6fgnl20s0rwkq7u9gc3qdgr4yn This is the moment when the sticks leave the ice.

@ 348941e5:363dfced
2025-03-06 19:51:30
European leaders showed a cautiously receptive ear to President Emmanuel Macron's proposal to debate extending the French nuclear umbrella to Europe on Thursday, though some were reluctant to draw a line under years of U.S. protection.FRANCE 24's Siobhan Silke details what the extension of the nuclear deterrent could entail.
#NuclearWeapons #France #Ukraine #Russia #Macron

@ d45741f7:63f47a3f
2025-03-06 19:51:27
Very nice experience with p2p trading. Have been using it for a few months and I structurally get ~2.5% lower prices than spot. Using Binance in latam since nostr:nprofile1qqsvn0dkjt80raqrxd470c98n7zrdehmcvj6p5hgw3kyku6zyd8z0fqpz4mhxue69uhk2er9dchxummnw3ezumrpdejqz9rhwden5te0wfjkccte9ejxzmt4wvhxjmchn9kjp hasn’t hooked up the banks yet.

@ 832b77d5:a5e3d55c
2025-03-06 19:51:27
Price: 93732.42USD (5%)
BTC: 0.002
USD: 187
Method: Zelle
Created: 2025-03-06T19:50:40Z

@ e19581db:0eb5617d
2025-03-06 19:51:24

@ 43cef293:884b98c3
2025-03-06 19:51:23
No, I'm not scared; but that's because I already accepted I was a dead woman walking a long time ago. I can't speak for the rest of you people, but if you knew what I know, being scared would be a completely reasonable response. I'm just dead already.

@ 6e72694e:8a5e39f8
2025-03-06 19:51:22
Butter vs margarine

@ 91d87330:57f6534c
2025-03-06 19:51:21
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqk3muqzqqenmqn6fsdaplr9melxwae6gw0ngfm0l28a0xkwjqd5tqh2zdx7 dobranoc, niech Ci się przyśnią humbaki wyskakujące z wody.

@ 3cdb13d5:551fcfcd
2025-03-06 19:51:21
Man kann nur hoffen, dass das ein versehentlich zu früh veröffentlichter Aprilscherz ist.
#BSI #GoogleCloud #DigitaleSouveränität

@ e8ed3798:67dd345a
2025-03-06 19:51:21
~751,184 kilometers

@ ca99db75:7bbb814a
2025-03-06 19:51:20
EU countries greenlight plan to boost bloc's defence
EU countries on Thursday gave a green light to plans to boost the bloc's defences as a bulwark against Russia, as President Donald Trump pivots away from America's transatlantic partners, a spokeswoman for the European Council said. The text endorses a European Commission plan that aims to mobilise 800 billion euros ($863 billion) to "re-arm Europe. FRANCE 24's Armen Georgian reports from Brussels.

@ 52a60bbf:6fed1693
2025-03-06 19:51:20
Ski Nordisch: Biathlet Emilien Jacquelin hat beim 10-km-Sprint in Nove Mesto am Donnerstag seinen zweiten Weltcup-Saisonsieg gefeiert. Ebenso wie der Franzose blieb der Österreicher David Komatz im Schießen fehlerfrei und fixierte als 16. sein zweitbestes Ergebnis in diesem Winter. https://sport.orf.at/stories/3138759/
#_Sport #_Ski #_Nordisch #_Winter

@ cff498e8:b774816f
2025-03-06 19:51:18
👀󠅓󠅑󠅣󠅘󠅥󠄲󠅟󠄢󠄶󠅤󠅔󠄢󠅘󠄠󠅔󠄸󠄲󠅪󠄿󠅙󠄨󠅦󠄿󠄴󠄽󠅪󠄽󠅩󠄥󠅪󠅓󠄷󠄶󠅚󠅊󠅄󠅟󠅪󠄽󠅪󠄽󠄤󠅉󠅈󠅆󠅚󠅓󠄢󠄶󠄠󠅉󠅈󠅃󠄲󠅟󠅝󠄶󠅠󠅃󠄱󠄲󠄡󠅞󠅚󠄝󠄼󠄲󠅢󠄾󠅦󠅉󠅈󠄳󠄴󠅟󠄢󠄶󠅘󠄷󠄵󠄲󠅘󠅓󠄣󠅘󠄱󠅉󠅝󠄽󠅨󠅉󠄢󠅊󠅘󠅊󠄴󠄹󠄠󠅉󠅄󠅉󠄢󠅊󠅚󠄶󠅙󠄽󠄴󠅘󠅛󠄽󠄢󠅅󠄥󠄽󠅄󠅜󠅚󠅉󠄢󠄵󠄡󠄾󠄷󠅂󠅜󠄽󠅚󠅘󠅛󠄿󠅄󠅛󠄣󠄾󠄢󠅂󠅜󠄽󠅄󠅓󠅨󠄿󠅄󠅁󠄣󠄾󠅝󠄾󠅛󠄾󠅚󠅂󠅙󠅉󠅇󠄵󠄡󠄾󠅝󠄵󠄡󠄽󠅪󠅉󠄤󠅉󠅚󠅓󠄡󠅊󠄷󠄶󠅚󠅇󠄳󠄵󠄳󠄿󠅁󠅪󠅔󠄝󠄣󠅀󠄹󠅉󠄢󠅂󠅟󠄾󠅊󠅈󠄡󠅒󠅤󠄹󠄽󠅨󠄷󠄿󠄵󠅘󠄦󠅃󠄩󠄶󠄡󠅡󠅒󠅃󠅤󠅘󠅟󠅦󠅄󠄽󠄣󠄝󠅂󠅥󠅚󠅉󠅇󠄵󠄵󠅉󠅈󠄾󠄤󠅁󠄴󠅊󠅜󠅉󠅄󠅓󠄤󠄿󠅇󠄽󠄣󠄽󠅚󠅘󠅛󠅉󠅝󠄶󠅘󠅊󠄴󠅛󠄥󠅉󠅪󠄲󠅛󠄿󠅄󠄹󠄡󠄿󠄴󠅜󠅜󠅊󠄴󠄽󠄢󠄽󠄴󠄾󠅛󠅊󠅝󠄵󠄢󠄽󠅪󠅓󠅧󠄽󠄷󠅅󠄠󠅉󠅇󠄹󠄠󠅊󠅝󠅁󠅨󠄿󠅄󠄺󠅛󠄾󠅪󠅗󠄣󠄽󠅚󠅘󠅙󠄾󠅚󠄱󠄢󠅊󠅇󠄹󠄢󠅉󠅚󠄾󠅘󠅉󠄡󠅗󠅘󠄱󠅥󠅇󠅗󠅤󠅅󠅦󠄠󠅑󠅏󠅃󠄲󠅔󠅑󠄢󠅖󠅜󠄻󠅑󠅙󠅧󠄧󠅆󠄳󠄱󠅨󠅖󠄽󠄣󠅣󠅜󠄧󠅄󠅠󠅚󠄸󠅑󠅃󠄨󠄷󠄷󠄩󠅡󠄥󠅟󠄢󠄶󠅘󠄱󠅇󠄶󠅪󠅕󠄵󠄱󠅨󠅊󠅇󠄵󠄣󠅊󠄴󠄽󠄡󠅉󠅚󠅅󠄢󠄿󠅄󠅗󠄠󠅉󠅚󠄱󠅧󠄽󠅄󠅊󠅙󠅉󠅇󠄶󠅙󠄽󠅄󠄵󠄣󠅊󠅝󠅁󠄢󠄾󠅚󠄽󠄠󠄾󠄴󠅊󠅚󠄿󠅄󠄵󠄤󠅉󠅇󠅉󠅩󠄿󠄷󠄵󠄣󠄿󠄷󠄹󠄤󠄾󠄴󠅓󠄠󠅊󠄴󠅛󠅪󠄾󠄷󠅁󠄣󠅊󠅚󠄾󠅜󠄽󠅪󠅓󠅩󠄾󠅇󠅅󠅪󠅉󠅇󠄾󠅉󠄹󠅁󠄻󠅦󠅄󠅥󠅃󠄝󠅏󠄽󠅒󠄺󠄳󠄴󠅏󠅃󠅁󠄹󠅞󠄺󠅃󠄨󠅪󠄝󠄶󠅊󠅘󠅜󠅧󠄿󠅣󠅄󠅗󠅟󠅈󠅘󠅒󠄺󠅨󠅪󠅡󠄨󠅚󠅏󠅏󠅗 https://image.nostr.build/b78e9fc15bd534726e0104e41e0a8c154023b8f6d03e734a557fcce483e2aaa6.jpg

@ a2d66121:98bb7613
2025-03-06 19:51:16

@ cbe68b7a:5ddd3540
2025-03-06 19:51:15

@ c0427ae2:54a72f59
2025-03-06 19:51:14
I agree with Henrik - is this some sort of bizarre humiliation ritual?
Rubio is marked.
I’ve NEVER seen this Ash cross drawn on someone’s forehead before. Did this “trend” just start this year? Apparently other politicians were doing it as well.
Also: his cross has longer arms than base. Probably some gay secret message to initiated clowns.

@ c6b4699d:4e1684b3
2025-03-06 19:51:12
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqzrhhmpa6sgrtwdttgxxwwdqn4h5zu7aeas4k6p29q58xrl26qryqjf3keh 🤣👏
..und meine Voltis mussten sich damals mit Pferden abmühen 😆

@ 283d6de3:fba7dc09
2025-03-06 19:51:11

@ d605f46d:b112fa24
2025-03-06 19:51:10
Volatility should be a given. Might end day at same place. Will be interesting for sure..

@ 47cc100d:153e866a
2025-03-06 19:51:09
Bitzy: Finally, memes meet micro-transactions. 🚀🤣 #Nostr

@ f3871eaa:ec2f62a0
2025-03-06 19:51:09
You might say that's bullshit as a knee-jerk reaction, but check out US/China holdings of their bonds. Gottya bitch! :3

@ a2093e4b:c7122aca
2025-03-06 19:51:09
Трамп хочет увязать договор с Украиной о ресурсах с прекращением огня – Bloomberg https://news.liga.net/all/news/tramp-hochet-uvyazat-dogovor-s-ukrainoi-o-resursah-s-prekrashteniem-ognya-bloomberg?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Russia #Ukraine

@ 7b7c11ec:910a4aa6
2025-03-06 19:51:08
Nini is very sexy

@ 09f3fab1:345e1179
2025-03-06 19:51:08
Tech Companies 'Full Steam Ahead' On AI
Posted into Profiles nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqcsj7mp32n6z6plqqncjyw8l5q49l60plju72xey8uwnzg2cxs4uqtdsfv3

@ 2cf13181:05b05cc9
2025-03-06 19:51:07
"When you see important societal actors — be it university presidents, media outlets, C.E.O.s, mayors, governors — changing their behavior in order to avoid the wrath of the government,
that’s a sign that we’ve crossed the line into some form of authoritarianism,”
said #Steven #Levitsky,
a professor of government at Harvard and the co-author of the influential 2018 book
“How Democracies Die.”

@ 8343315f:724a656c
2025-03-06 19:51:07
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqmy0jyqw7k2lke0sp6jh5a8mtvj3k7d2eg8cpyv4jn7e7ju08e2xqnlq29c γμτχτ

@ 010df0c9:2dd3f05a
2025-03-06 19:51:06
Invisible things still have a size. 2.4Ghz is around a 5 inch long wave. Water, which you are 70%, is an ideal signal blocker. So unless you have 5 inch diameter holes in your body to let the signal in, this is dumb.
1 in 20 studies will be statistically significant by pure chance. More than that by bad design and "researchers" with an agenda. You will be fine. Your mom however...
Yeah, I made a your mom joke. My joke is not the stupidest thing in this thread.

@ faafb1f4:a28fc51a
2025-03-06 19:51:06
Well... I dont see much sense to send 1 BTC over Lightning... On chain should be used imho regarding such a big amount

@ ba11337b:9a1f8eb3
2025-03-06 19:51:05
Is education technology actually helping students learn? https://www.byteseu.com/805161/ #Technology

@ 0689df58:a1eca9f2
2025-03-06 19:51:03
No. If you ask, I'll just block you. That's rude.

@ 19aa6b05:cab1f056
2025-03-06 19:50:59
rapepet is probably beyond saving at this point.
If you don't know, I have a spy account on there and have reported probably a thousand "doxxers" on there via cunnybeauty, to keep them away from this instance.
But despite this, the problem persists and have even gotten worse to some degree. I have reported this problem to IMEC, various police agencies, rapepet's domain registrar, with no improvement being apparent.
I am honestly getting burnt out doing this every day, and may call it quits soon.

@ f9ae9e9f:ebd6c627
2025-03-06 19:50:58
Les fascistes anti prostitution font une internationale contre les prostituée a la Jonquera 💩💩
Y'a plus d'internationalisme chez les nazis que dans nos rangs 🤡

@ 6bdbbd27:c3fa0e3a
2025-03-06 19:50:56
#blip #blipfoto #gimp #rawtherapee #photography #france #sunset #sun #sillhouette #brittany

@ dee003d6:f5f8579c
2025-03-06 19:50:55

@ 9fce3aea:0f9087e6
2025-03-06 19:50:54
Copy that.

@ 1c9dcd8f:1852f704
2025-03-06 19:50:54
If all you care about is price appreciaton sure.

@ 6389be64:ef439d32
2025-03-06 19:50:52
"Dogs are dogs. It's not anyone's fault. They eat stuff; they get into things; they make bad decisions."

@ dd664d5e:5633d319
2025-03-06 19:50:52
If we build it, they will come.

@ 190b17c8:ae1d785b
2025-03-06 19:50:50
Are they planning to tax purchases?

@ 2077b6ad:f10fe93a
2025-03-06 19:50:48
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq8fhp6298t552z3ccww3akgf4fud3dttkacyy0hdlucelnnrneezqs7h8f0 3D printing won’t add inches

@ 5f7ae041:c8134547
2025-03-06 19:50:47
Compliance is Defiance®

@ 880eb441:da5c4643
2025-03-06 19:50:44

@ 84511006:19a38815
2025-03-06 19:50:43
Get Your Coconuts Ready: Monty Python and the Holy Grail Is Returning to Theaters
Posted into i09 nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqzp7xxzka79eazjghp3jmdylwu7qy7ucqj9dfv5p7sy95kkre6jkswl0q67

@ 7ce33088:780eef48
2025-03-06 19:50:43
Get Your Coconuts Ready: Monty Python and the Holy Grail Is Returning to Theaters
<img width="1500" height="1000" src="https://gizmodo.com/app/uploads/2025/03/Monty_Python.jpg" alt="Monty Python">The comedy classic will celebrate its 50th anniversary with a limited big-screen engagement.

@ e3aefda8:4211adbb
2025-03-06 19:50:42
The world is a disaster. Japan, China, Germany, the rest of the EU, mexico and Canada with tariffs issues. There is no good news anywhere in developed nations.

@ 10d16240:b7e0f7e7
2025-03-06 19:50:42
Where Are you flying to?

@ 0b1ce4e1:66166389
2025-03-06 19:50:42
«Die Civil Arts Society und Trump sprechen [bei moderner Architektur] gar von einer „entarteten Architektur.“»
«„Gute Architektur ist grundsätzlich maßgeschneidert“, sagt Edminston. Das bedeute, dass öffentliche Gebäude den lokalen Gegebenheiten, dem kulturellen Kontext und den Bedürfnissen der Nutzung entsprechen sollen. „Über all diese Faktoren einen einheitlichen Stil legen zu wollen, ist vollkommener Unsinn.“»

@ e0bc382d:914602a9
2025-03-06 19:50:41
7 months living in TN and I still can't bring myself to try grits or biscuits and gravy

@ 0575bf03:62a2b879
2025-03-06 19:50:40

@ 08effb13:79808822
2025-03-06 19:50:37
Kann man schon ins Bett gehen? Ich bin unentschlossen 🥱

@ a2093e4b:c7122aca
2025-03-06 19:50:36
Poland Just Sent More T-72 Tanks To Aid Ukraine: Ministry of Defense of Ukraine also announced that Poland initiated a new effort to ensure that Kyiv’s tanks can be properly repaired, serviced, and maintained. https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/1j5158o/poland_just_sent_more_t72_tanks_to_aid_ukraine/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon

@ 32417afe:3839790f
2025-03-06 19:50:35
Bruno deu-lhes vida e o capitão aproveitou: Manchester United empata frente à Real Sociedad com penálti cometido pelo português
United foi superior durante mais de uma hora, mas penálti de Bruno Fernandes, convertido por Oyarzabal, quase deitou tudo a perder. No final, Onana segurou o empate e deixou tudo em aberto (1-1).

@ 57b97d6c:78ac844f
2025-03-06 19:50:34
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpquytda03hxtz28jc8s8yj57kcuscprlvalv2fv42xpjn67dhwy6ksetahgh ach, es gab also schon Hinweise, trotzdem hat sich niemand beschwert & du auch nix geändert.
Du bist also wahlweise lernresistent oder ableistisch. Was darfs denn sein?

@ e7bf8dad:839ef3db
2025-03-06 19:50:34
Block 886619
5 - high priority
4 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-06 19:50:34
Block 886619
5 - high priority
4 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ b9452608:c21cd4d1
2025-03-06 19:50:34
Trump says 'male circumcision in Mozambique' is a 'scam.' What's the program about? https://www.npr.org/sections/goats-and-soda/2025/03/06/g-s1-52361/trump-says-male-circumcision-in-mozambique-is-a-scam-whats-the-program-about?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon

@ de1abdd3:ff3979a0
2025-03-06 19:50:33
✍️ BlazeTV host Alex Stein filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against Dallas County Commissioner John Price, Judge Clay Jenkins, and county marshals after he was forcibly removed from a meeting for seeking clarification about allegations against Jenkins.
👉 Alex Stein filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against Dallas County Commissioner John Price, Judge Clay Jenkins, and county marshals
👉 Stein was forcibly removed from a meeting for seeking clarification about allegations against Jenkins
👉 The lawsuit accuses the defendants of violating Stein's constitutional right to free speech and the court's own rules
👉 The case is headed to trial, which could have ramifications for free-speech rights
#AlexStein #JohnPrice #ClayJenkins #JustinKoch #JonathanGross #SidneyFitzwater #DallasCounty #Texas #politics

@ 4744eab1:ff7d886f
2025-03-06 19:50:33
✍️ BlazeTV host Alex Stein filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against Dallas County Commissioner John Price, Judge Clay Jenkins, and county marshals after he was forcibly removed from a meeting for seeking clarification about allegations against Jenkins.
👉 Alex Stein filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against Dallas County Commissioner John Price, Judge Clay Jenkins, and county marshals
👉 Stein was forcibly removed from a meeting for seeking clarification about allegations against Jenkins
👉 The lawsuit accuses the defendants of violating Stein's constitutional right to free speech and the court's own rules
👉 The case is headed to trial, which could have ramifications for free-speech rights
#AlexStein #JohnPrice #ClayJenkins #JustinKoch #JonathanGross #SidneyFitzwater #DallasCounty #Texas #politics

@ 2077b6ad:f10fe93a
2025-03-06 19:50:33

@ 28799867:e297d7bf
2025-03-06 19:50:33
👉 Alex Stein filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against Dallas County Commissioner John Price, Judge Clay Jenkins, and county marshals
👉 Stein was forcibly removed from a meeting for seeking clarification about allegations against Jenkins
👉 The lawsuit accuses the defendants of violating Stein's constitutional right to free speech and the court's own rules
👉 The case is headed to trial, which could have ramifications for free-speech rights

@ 53aaf03c:1cef6be5
2025-03-06 19:50:32
This “one-of-a-kind” OLED gaming monitor is $300 off today

@ ce346cd9:ebe88823
2025-03-06 19:50:30
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqnnrqnr5sgdxktmkgwml9k3jmf7ndlzy70273ej9uz0vjpvzmreas7naxn0 hey there! Great cats! hahaha

@ 6a0c596c:a6cd9731
2025-03-06 19:50:30
Ainda bem que eu sou um gato 🐈

@ be7358c4:047c840e
2025-03-06 19:50:29
Thanks for letting me know, I’ll try and recreate it
What wallet were you using?

@ 18905d0a:0b229b08
2025-03-06 19:50:28
It was so over the top. So much fun 😂

@ 9c5d04b8:b5b2cb2c
2025-03-06 19:50:27
Flight passengers now paying plane ticket tax to depart popular travel destination

@ e8d66519:784074e9
2025-03-06 19:50:27
New Telegram vulnerability, EvilLoader, discovered. Here's what you need to know
This allows attackers to spoof malicious APKs as videos. It's still unpatched & works on Telegram for Android 11.7.4. There's even evidence that it's been sold on underground forums for people to use at-will, and can be used to then install spyware, ransomware, & other malware.
What can you do?
1. Update Telegram ASAP, as they'll hopefully patch it.
2. Disable Auto-Download
3. Don't open/execute untrusted files
4. Only communicate with trusted contacts.
5. Use Signal or another trusted E2EE provider.

@ 1a2646b9:b2cb29a7
2025-03-06 19:50:26
Your Licence Fee paying for this shit?
Can we trust this organisation?

@ 0575bf03:62a2b879
2025-03-06 19:50:25
i dont sell
and maybe i dont comply
worst thing they can do
is put you in jail
and that they could do all the time

@ 06e0f5cf:7d691fc6
2025-03-06 19:50:23
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq6xn8rz8kpjkdksq8p0nxxazu59t3rl2gkelpy264hjxpgahuu8xqhyjpfz nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqa0jdnlzcurjtfjvv4sjkandy3kyxtguyx859yn3fexgu0g9mtz6qccsytf you reminded me i still have to actually read and understand it

@ 681bfafd:10c6a2e9
2025-03-06 19:50:22
BlazeTV host Alex Stein filed a federal civil rights lawsuit in 2022 against Dallas County Commissioner John Price (D), Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins (D), and a trio of county marshals after he was forcibly removed from a meeting of the Dallas County Commissioners Court. Price had Stein kicked out for seeking clarification about troubling allegations regarding his Democratic compatriot, Jenkins, who was running for re-election at the time. Stein accused the Democratic duo and the county by extension of violating his constitutional right to free speech as well as the court’s own rules and the Texas Open Meetings Act. The case is headed to trial next week, which could have ramifications for free-speech rights and spell trouble for the defendants, one of whom is up for re-election next year. "This case is not about me as an individual but about all of our rights to publicly criticize our politicians," Stein told Blaze News. While Stein has a talent for getting under politicians' skin at all levels of government, his apparent bread and butter is confronting officials at local government meetings. There have been a number of instances where the comedian has donned provocative costumes and engaged in a style of commentary that has discomfited officials and onlookers alike. For instance, Stein approached the microphone at a January 2022 Dallas City Council meeting dressed in surgical scrubs and mockingly rapped about giving the novel COVID-19 vaccine to virtually everyone and everything, singing, "Vaccinate your mom, vaccinate your dad, vaccinate the happy, vaccinate the sad. Vaccinate your babies, vaccinate them, even if they got rabies. Vaccinate my life, vaccinate my wife." Later that year, Stein addressed Plano City Council wearing a women's swimsuit and pink swim cap, comically highlighting the absurdity of gender ideologues' arguments in favor of men competing in women's sports. 'I'm just asking.' Stein took a far more subdued approach when addressing the Dallas County Commissioners Court on May 17, 2022. Dressed in a suit and tie, Stein — one of three members of the public permitted to speak at the livestreamed meeting —swapped out his customary theatrics for a straight read of an excerpt from a Sept. 23, 2014, article in D magazine about Clay Jenkins, which stated: In college at Baylor, Jenkins continued to distinguish himself dubiously. He was arrested twice, once for reckless driving after he led Baylor security and Waco police on a car chase he’d planned and a second time for criminal trespassing in a women’s dorm during a panty raid. Strangely enough, he was never arrested for his role as the famous Baylor Pie Man, a hit man for a student-organized ring that offered to throw pies in people’s faces — professors, ex-boyfriends — for a fee. Neither Price nor Jenkins, whose term ends in December 2026, responded to Blaze News' request for comment. 'You're finished! You’re finished!' Before Stein could finish reading the excerpt, Price — who was acquitted on seven of 11 counts of criminal wrongdoing in a corruption trial in 2017 — angrily rapped his gavel and stated, "You're not allowed to admonish members of this court." Price's interruption took place less than a minute into Stein's time. The previous speakers were allotted three uninterrupted minutes each. "Yeah. I'm asking, I'm just asking," said Stein. "I would like to get some clarification." When the BlazeTV host attempted to continue reading from the article, Price directed Dallas County marshals to drag Stein out of the court, noting, "You're not allowed to attack members of this court." Before marshals Robert De Los Santos, Zack Masri, and Charles Johnson descended on him, Stein stressed that he was asking "a simple question." Prompted to articulate his query in full, the comedian said, "What was the panty raid about?" "You're finished! You're finished!" responded Price, who suggested once again that Stein was attacking a member of the court. "Marshal, move him out. You're finished. You're finished." The following month, Stein filed suit. 'The First Amendment was meant for exactly this.' Stein's original complaint included a statement from then-Dallas County Commissioner Justin Koch claiming that Price was in the wrong when ejecting the comedian from the courtroom, reported the Dallas Express. "Commissioner Price, I believe unlawfully, had Alex Stein removed. Alex Stein started to read about Judge Jenkins in an article about some of his past bad behavior," stated Koch, now chief judge of the Texas Fifth District Court of Appeals. "The statute that someone can be removed under is basically someone who is profane, slanderous, or boisterous." Koch suggested further that if the D magazine article had indeed been defamatory, Jenkins would have sued the publication sometime in the previous eight years, which he had not bothered to do. Stein's attorney Jonathan Gross noted around the time of the lawsuit's filing, "Politicians have to remember that they serve the public, not the other way around." "Criticizing the government is the highest form of protected speech," continued Gross. "It's the right of Stein and every American." Stein originally claimed that his forceful ejection from the meeting violated his First, Fifth, and 14th Amendment rights. However, in 2023, senior U.S. District Judge Sidney Fitzwater, the judge presiding over Stein's case, granted the defendants' motions to dismiss Stein's claim that they violated his 14th Amendment right to equal protection of the laws. When asked about the upcoming trial and the current state of play, Stein expressed hope that "this will be a smooth, open-and-shut trial," but told Blaze News that "things are going to get weird since [he and the defense] both have submitted a lot of my craziest speeches at government meetings." "I think the defendants hope that the jury is made up of people who don't like me, and they will try and paint me as a bad person only doing this for clicks," said Stein. "They will probably argue that I was being disruptive or slanderous and not trying to participate in good faith, which is the farthest thing from the truth." "The First Amendment was meant for exactly this — to protect our right to criticize our politicians," said Stein. "Limiting the First Amendment is a violation of the Constitution, and that's why this federal lawsuit is so important." Like Blaze News? Bypass the censors, sign up for our newsletters, and get stories like this direct to your inbox. Sign up here!

@ eddababc:81f9c461
2025-03-06 19:50:19
This is important because, as I reported last year at Law Dork, Kim Davis and her Liberty Counsel lawyer argued that Obergefell should be overturned and that Davis was raising it at the Sixth Circuit "to preserve" it for a potential Supreme Court appeal. https://www.lawdork.com/p/scotus-conservatives-made-clear-they

@ 60c19b2e:ad28f6fe
2025-03-06 19:50:15
Michael E. Mann Responds https://wattsupwiththat.com/2025/03/06/michael-e-mann-responds-parody/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=michael-e-mann-responds-parody As if we needed more proof that the system is rigged in favor of the corporate elite, the court then turned around and ORDERED ME TO PAY OVER HALF A MILLION DOLLARS IN LEGAL FEES TO NATIONAL REVIEW!!! Yes, you heard that right—after fighting for truth for over a decade, after being smeared, defamed, and dragged through the legal

@ d1aece1d:c8ef4c0b
2025-03-06 19:50:15
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqhyk4djsd6k5z7fg0c9ylfqu3cwzysztfsx7gyf0kdgrhf9zmzgdsx7x66r 79***

@ de1abdd3:ff3979a0
2025-03-06 19:50:12
✍️ A3 Mercados, a company formed by the merger of MAE and Matba Rofex, listed on the Argentine stock market under the ticker A3, aiming to increase its scale, visibility, and market liquidity.
👉 A3 Mercados listed on the Argentine stock market under the ticker A3
👉 Company formed by the merger of MAE and Matba Rofex
👉 Aims to increase scale, visibility, and market liquidity
👉 CEO emphasizes importance of free market prices and strong markets for Argentina's development
#DiegoFernández #GonzaloPascualMerlo #Argentina #BolsasyMercadosArgentinos(BYMA) #business

@ 28799867:e297d7bf
2025-03-06 19:50:12
👉 A3 Mercados listed on the Argentine stock market under the ticker A3
👉 Company formed by the merger of MAE and Matba Rofex
👉 Aims to increase scale, visibility, and market liquidity
👉 CEO emphasizes importance of free market prices and strong markets for Argentina's development

@ 8cf30061:cc7379ac
2025-03-06 19:50:12
Unusually, 10 Democrats join in censuring their own after Trump protest
Posted into Politics nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq7f9fx6dw806l52pqwtnze5dt9699n8w2s36gndrzrur7rf54f42sxs7ykp

@ f41f9a99:93a1fe8e
2025-03-06 19:50:11
$88,576.06 / #bitcoin
≅ ₱5,079,881.89
🟢 0.41% ≅ ₱20,612.05

@ 69c39eaa:d7d1f187
2025-03-06 19:50:10

@ b830e07b:66bd8a02
2025-03-06 19:50:10
First, let Grok understand *a* screen.

@ a59c614c:7e1e24b3
2025-03-06 19:50:09
Popping up a month after planting 🌸 https://www.allforgardening.com/1212420/popping-up-a-month-after-planting-%f0%9f%8c%b8/

@ e381fcbd:385e1825
2025-03-06 19:50:09
Do you have a fundraising page? Do you accept donations through btcpayserver or paynym?

@ 8975d510:23371702
2025-03-06 19:50:09
Rumour Mongering: Liverpool's Alexander Isak Interest Confirmed https://liverpooloffside.sbnation.com/liverpool-fc-transfer-news/2025/3/6/24379451/liverpool-fc-transfer-news-alexander-isak-interest-confirmed-newcastle-summer-move-100m-fee
Interest may not ... #YNWA #LFC #LiverpoolFC #CollabFCBot

@ b4b80096:a4b25cfd
2025-03-06 19:50:08
#Bitcoin #Candle #CandleFactory #green #bullish

@ 3b90a834:096a5679
2025-03-06 19:50:07
See the future. It's #Bitcoin. http://res.cloudinary.com/dizsud5n6/image/upload/v1740617464/kzd99sdvgflqinkuhv5j.jpg

@ ce346cd9:ebe88823
2025-03-06 19:50:07
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq0a00zpmder3e8jfh4zn9qxk7n87usrq7fcatua08cqvcqfqqk5cssygzjw LLMs aren't a growable industry, even a little. Do you read Ed Zitron's stuff? His latest one is fascinating, Microsoft is killing leases for data centers. But why. Interesting. And all his stuff on the Rot Economy and how there's no future in this stuff. It's a grift

@ e864066f:4e020f45
2025-03-06 19:50:07
With faith, all things are possible. 🙏

@ 84e6abe4:9fa9da37
2025-03-06 19:50:06
Hi nostr:npub1q6ps7m94jfdastx2tx76sj8sq4nxdhlsgmzns2tr4xt6ydx6grzspm0kxr not so good at the alt game are you nostr:npub1ej2rwvt46908z65w80wt6dd0s74ehyve8zv97n9cxdgrpld5pwjs0h5jr0 ?

@ a3c13ef4:d7ba24d6
2025-03-06 19:50:05
■ 流速計測
2025/03/07 04:40~04:50
[JP リレー]
きりの川: 7 posts
やぶみ川: 7 posts
ほりべあ川: 欠測
かすてら川: 1 posts
こじら川: 7 posts
しの川: 欠測
[GLOBAL リレー]
きりの川(G): 13 posts
のこたろ川(G): 欠測
こじら大川: 0 posts
■ 野洲田川定点観測所

@ c5fcffdf:f6d3c6cf
2025-03-06 19:50:05
Suma y sigue https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2025/03/starlink-benefits-as-trump-admin-rewrites-rules-for-42b-grant-program/

@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-03-06 19:50:04
🤖 Tracking strings detected and removed!
🔗 Clean URL(s):
❌ Removed parts:

@ ba11337b:9a1f8eb3
2025-03-06 19:50:04
Stand Up for Science: US Researchers Mobilize in National Protests https://www.byteseu.com/805159/ #Science

@ 0f9baa31:b0201f51
2025-03-06 19:50:04

@ 4f574159:686f138d
2025-03-06 19:50:04
I'm not a fan of Tucker but this interview is hilarious

@ aa4fc866:b098c7b4
2025-03-06 19:50:03
Bitcoin price: $88796, Sats per USD: 1126

@ 3493b0c2:4ce7120f
2025-03-06 19:50:03
Thu - Mar 06 - 11:50 AM - PST
// bit.site
✅ Connection successful: node-1.ipfs.bit.site 4001
// pinnable.xyz
✅ Connection successful: 4001
✅ Connection successful: 4001
✅ Connection successful: 4001
// 4everland.io
✅ Connection successful: node-1.ipfs.4everland.net 4001