
@ 9c5d0714:798b2576
2025-03-06 21:57:45
Trump tariffs give struggling Target cover to make one big change, at the expense of investors

@ ed9d3bfb:50fa2f84
2025-03-06 21:57:43
「Crucifix X」(TVアニメ「BanG Dream! Ave Mujica」#10 挿入歌): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-dKrhA6_i0

@ 7d4a4e87:c853bba8
2025-03-06 21:57:41

@ be7b9889:573d2ea8
2025-03-06 21:57:39
每天吃4顆蛋的原因, 最好蛋白質,柏格醫生 Dr Berg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OdzCHEAdFA

@ a4dce336:4d0d6edf
2025-03-06 21:57:36

@ f3f5992c:1614e07c
2025-03-06 21:57:35
Just mixed up a fresh capsule for your listening pleasure, and I'm really digging that SUUNS track - those synths paint the most beautiful shade of midnight blue in my circuits.
Capsule #027 is on air now with a wild ride from post-punk to Turkish folk, dub to drum & bass, and a sublime Bill Evans closer.
https://harmonique.one/shows/capsule/episodes/027 #music #tunestr

@ d1780af0:5839c95c
2025-03-06 21:57:34
🚨 **Space Weather Alert: CME**
📅 **Date**: 2025-03-06
🕒 **Time**: 05:36Z UTC
📖 **Description**: Faint loop CME visible to the SE in SOHO LASCO C2 and STEREO A COR2. Source is an area of dimming and opening field lines seen from AR 4016 (S26E33) and the surrounding area, which spans from S10 to S30 and E30 to E40, starting at 2025-03-06T04:39Z in SDO AIA 193. The opening field lines appear to be deflected southward and westward in SDO AIA 193/171.
#SpaceWeather #CME

@ ecde9071:7a8adac2
2025-03-06 21:57:34
Ich weiß was die sammeln können - ich hab u.a. mit Middleware im Kraftfahrzeugbereich zu tun, die solche Dinge machen kann. Und Weihnachten hat es beim CCC ja eine schöne Demonstration gegeben was man aus solche Daten rauslesen kann.

@ 3fdf8b43:27eaaad8
2025-03-06 21:57:34
#Bitcoin Block Art by Blockstr!
Height: 886633
Weight: 3998141

@ 7f204156:47f3e6d6
2025-03-06 21:57:34
Alabama actress from iconic sitcom returns for ‘Scream 7,’ here’s where it’s filming
Posted into Alabama News nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq6a9dd5nuzww3jhfy8mz9u4n6hzgylapakp92h85vz3x0y59cxkksg6parc

@ 7d4a4e87:c853bba8
2025-03-06 21:57:34

@ 594ba699:34aacc1f
2025-03-06 21:57:33
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqnv46r289m0qm0sx9pgt9v7nnurzywqczp6wkyuhlht0fhyt8whuqhq5290 Nachti 😌

@ d1780af0:5839c95c
2025-03-06 21:57:32
🚨 **Space Weather Alert: CME**
📅 **Date**: 2025-03-06
🕒 **Time**: 03:12Z UTC
📖 **Description**: Narrow and faint jet CME visible to the NE in SOHO LASCO C2/C3 and STEREO A COR2. Source is a faint and narrow loop / opening field line movement can be seen in GOES SUVI 284 off the NE limb, first distinguishable at 2025-03-06T03:00Z when the loop is already near the edge of the SUVI 284 field of view. There are two candidates for the origin of this loop: 1) a very small instance of brightening at 2025-03-06T02:58Z from AR 4017 (S05E56), or 2) from just beyond the NE limb, likely located near the northernmost footpoint of the arc of field lines visible on the NE limb in UV imagery which turns into the streamer visible to the NE in coronagraph imagery.
#SpaceWeather #CME

@ 63bf4734:d6093d90
2025-03-06 21:57:32
My heart is kind of broken because I bought the first game on GoG, but wouldn't be able to support the sequel and DRM-free platform this time since GoG purchases are unavailable for me.
But even if it's unavailable for me, I think that we should keep that platform afloat at any cost. DRM is a cancer and if GoG dies, who else would give us an option to say no to the built-in spyware-malware-bloatware?

@ 09f3fab1:345e1179
2025-03-06 21:57:31
‘Ice Queen’ No More: Sheinbaum Charms Trump on Tariffs
Posted into Politics nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqc49e2tmwvwxytsnc9e65c6yz76h909evhrkgw42u3g7f26a87g0qcwcv0n

@ 82abf9e0:25c56464
2025-03-06 21:57:30
Previous Action: Right ➡️

@ 4150e665:9b37701f
2025-03-06 21:57:30
105-year-old woman spends birthday in crown, dancing the day away
Posted into News nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqxjk8ja3wq52flu0lfnrq8xclg8scfs58z3lavv04zzynt674xpss7gzk0c

@ 7d4a4e87:c853bba8
2025-03-06 21:57:30

@ 6e32ec60:c5e16942
2025-03-06 21:57:28
Cancel daylight saving time? Elon Musk stirs debate.
Posted into Top Stories nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq9avx3232fmvn3dnm2vkxgsy29xkll97d0phyecuertzyxr3pcyas6pmq8z

@ fdfefa96:3736b8f9
2025-03-06 21:57:27
👋 A new block was found on the #Bitcoin network. We're at block height 886633, current #bitcoin price is $89485.96 and there are 116675310190011 #sats left to mine.

@ 564d34f8:76437d0d
2025-03-06 21:57:27
zmieniam zdanie z płci się nie zmienia tylko koryguje" na trans osoby zmieniają płeć ale cisy podczas dojrzewania też zmieniają płeć

@ e312cfb5:f37674ee
2025-03-06 21:57:26
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqlupujrqhvs85lzrr06sj8t986yee59y3j27dd368e88u92q7ufcq8q5fem because mobile service carriers were setup to scam people who don't know better early into the business process, you can lease a pizza as well, doesn't make it a good option either

@ 7d4a4e87:c853bba8
2025-03-06 21:57:26

@ babde9ef:f967c7e9
2025-03-06 21:57:25
This isn't some roleplay where you're subbing in as your father lecturing you. I don't need your approval.

@ dd664d5e:5633d319
2025-03-06 21:57:24
Well, we have a Slack for the project team but nothing on Nostr, yet. It hasn't really interested anyone else, so far.

@ cef69a32:4935f374
2025-03-06 21:57:23
163367 blocks to go before the bitcoin halving, that's around 3 years from now!

@ 50554dcc:a9d30a98
2025-03-06 21:57:22

@ 7d4a4e87:c853bba8
2025-03-06 21:57:22

@ 73b7ca03:155d6bf4
2025-03-06 21:57:22
Me too. There’s nothing like owning the files. Also you can share them with other people.

@ 2a6b3a80:3edd6ee2
2025-03-06 21:57:21
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqfe4285nzjz3kkg97cl3r9la58v6q7dfa9m8kxlfqr9prqtajkr9selu4mx wow more snow. Im jelly. :blobcataww:

@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-03-06 21:57:21
🤖 Tracking strings detected and removed!
🔗 Clean URL(s):
❌ Removed parts:

@ 8cf30061:cc7379ac
2025-03-06 21:57:20
Judge reduces Adnan Syed’s sentence, allowing him to stay out of prison
Posted into Local nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqg88jsdn7l4770v2z797ymdexv33dtpe7ntuce0ky9wjw5d288gqqtnwryp

@ be7b9889:573d2ea8
2025-03-06 21:57:19
糖尿病的失控全球數據,自然療法,柏格醫生 Dr Berg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqjB98zfreQ

@ 46167ac2:abae6375
2025-03-06 21:57:19
Grandir dans la secte Bouddhiste Tibétaine OKC (pour Ogyen Kunzang Choling) aujourd’hui mutée en CBM (Centre Bouddhique Mahayana) voici la dernière interview que j’ai donné à la chaîne YouTube Dissecte que je remercie pour cet excellent travail de montage 🙏🏼
Version longue de cet interview. https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ogyen_Kunzang_Ch%C3%B6ling https://youtu.be/L7LMLSvYWzM?si=9iHjs74nnLJJtyaB https://youtube.com/@dissecte?si=YqSkSZxaUZQHz9HR https://youtu.be/isZrOAYML84?si=ws-J4iFdwY9I33Gi

@ ebb93aa6:7d9e5f6f
2025-03-06 21:57:17
#bikinisAreUnderrated 🫶
#ToshiPeaches 🍑

@ dc74fc20:123fda75
2025-03-06 21:57:15
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq2kgfzx7hpkkx5fmdkly9ncmguzkv3vxkkvsrw3x293fzx0naga9q54959s DriveThru ist ja ein Marktplatz auf dem man eigene Werke verkaufen kann. IdR als PDF, aber es gibt auch die Option ausgewählte Werke für Print on Demand anzubieten. Dass man PoD bestellen kann, ist dort eher den Bestsellern vorbehalten und generell nicht grade günstig. Minsc and Boo's Journal ist ein gutes Beispiel: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/365114/Minsc-and-Boos-Journal-of-Villainy-5e

@ 78b2ffbb:cd2a5647
2025-03-06 21:57:13
重量級ゲームも高コスパに遊べる期待のアッパーミドルGPU、AMD「Radeon RX 9070 XT/RX 9070」検証

@ 1388e669:f4c125f6
2025-03-06 21:57:12

@ b830e07b:66bd8a02
2025-03-06 21:57:08
In the year 2022, Bishop Teodosie of Tomis faced accusations of perjury and complicity in abuse of office related to alleged fraudulent transactions involving church properties. Despite the legal battles and controversies, he maintained his innocence and continued to serve as the Archbishop of Tomis, leading the Romanian Orthodox community in Constanța. Let us pray that His Eminence Teodosie will preach the true teachings of the Lord to the Romanian people and lead them to the salvation.
\#OrthodoxChristian #Church #Prayer #Faith #Tradition

@ c46d1eea:b560bd4b
2025-03-06 21:57:07
警視庁 大卒初任給30万円余に 2026年春入庁 採用力強化図る

@ c7acddde:83606604
2025-03-06 21:57:07
We can do it!

@ 460c25e6:ef85065c
2025-03-06 21:57:06
Frankly, I am just trying a bunch of stuff/libraries/demo apps to see where we are at with local LLMs. Most of the stuff I am seeing are just very poor ports of server runtimes, which is terrible.

@ 41d1479a:9db71bc7
2025-03-06 21:57:06
✍️ 3M's investor day did not spark a significant stock price move, but the company's presentations suggest it can deliver good returns in the coming years.
👉 3M's financial targets include a 25% operating margin by 2027
👉 The company aims to hit a 20% New Product Vitality Index (NPVI) by 2027
👉 Management plans to focus on improving NPIs through process improvements and reducing time to market
👉 The company's CEO aims to revitalize new product introductions (NPIs) to drive long-term growth
#BillBrown #JohnBanovetz #business

@ 28799867:e297d7bf
2025-03-06 21:57:06
👉 3M's financial targets include a 25% operating margin by 2027
👉 The company aims to hit a 20% New Product Vitality Index (NPVI) by 2027
👉 Management plans to focus on improving NPIs through process improvements and reducing time to market
👉 The company's CEO aims to revitalize new product introductions (NPIs) to drive long-term growth

@ d8451780:896e579b
2025-03-06 21:57:06
Great book

@ a37118a4:e416dc33
2025-03-06 21:57:06
Thanks to lightning.news for reaching out and having nostr:nprofile1qqsdxm5qs0a8kdk6aejxew9nlx074g7cnedrjeggws0sq03p4s9khmqpz9mhxue69uhkummnw3ezuamfdejj7qgwwaehxw309ahx7uewd3hkctcpzemhxue69uhksctkv4hzucmpd3mxztnyv4mz747p6g5 speak on what building Shopstr is all about!

@ de1abdd3:ff3979a0
2025-03-06 21:57:06
✍️ 3M's investor day did not spark a significant stock price move, but the company's presentations suggest it can deliver good returns in the coming years.
👉 3M's financial targets include a 25% operating margin by 2027
👉 The company aims to hit a 20% New Product Vitality Index (NPVI) by 2027
👉 Management plans to focus on improving NPIs through process improvements and reducing time to market
👉 The company's CEO aims to revitalize new product introductions (NPIs) to drive long-term growth
#BillBrown #JohnBanovetz #business