
@ 262da2cb:922f9c31
2025-03-12 21:15:46
Justice Dept. Moving to Downsize Units Investigating Fraud and Corruption
Posted into U.S. nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq4z84w5srf9uaz4yamdef7ccww7lr22sxsj2fgumunmxtw6ztjwtsd6pyhg

@ c5969169:09aaad9a
2025-03-12 21:15:44

@ e0f5bf49:99eff5a9
2025-03-12 21:15:43
sun slap ice massage: the balls
— my daily practice to enhance mitochondrial function, leydig cell sperm production, and sexual energy potency

@ 58378d0f:e05c2c86
2025-03-12 21:15:42
"As gangsterism, it all makes sense: What theory explains why a politician would act with such exaggerated carelessness towards his ostensible base—and, furthermore, why all of the elected officials who are his political allies would continue to sit back and tolerate the decimation of their own bases, like torture victims trying to maintain a grin as they are publicly broken on the rack? "
Gangster Party - by Hamilton Nolan - How Things Work

@ 45f195cf:3cab7627
2025-03-12 21:15:42
I didn’t trust nostr:nprofile1qqsgydql3q4ka27d9wnlrmus4tvkrnc8ftc4h8h5fgyln54gl0a7dgspzemhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuurjd9kkzmpwdejhgqgdwaehxw309ahx7uewd3hkcjt4jxf either because of what happened with Twitter many years ago. It wasn’t until I listened to him on the money matters podcast that I realized I was wrong about him. It’s easy to just say someone is a bad guy. It takes more effort to consider the nuances of why they made certain decisions that seem bad. But we are human and the important thing is to recognize when we are wrong and change our views. That’s what it means to be intelligent. Highly recommend you listen to the podcast.

@ 3ceb6320:c6791b67
2025-03-12 21:15:40
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq0v5ltvj87flrs0e659hrpapal7ksupwhfxx5nsr0q86mclczuuzqmzhlle when you get home and your wife makes you coffee with foamed mléko and coconut syrup

@ 574099a1:f3abeb80
2025-03-12 21:15:40
Bitcoin no es inmune a la confiscación, sobre todo si el que quiere incautarlo tiene seguridad de que lo custodias. Y no me refiero solo al Gobierno, si no a cualquier atacante. Ya sea porque dejaste un registro con tus datos personales en una entidad centralizada o porque obtuvieron información por otro lado. Por ejemplo, en tu ordenador personal o por signos que te delatan. Es por eso que se recomienda no asociar Bitcoin con tu identidad (noKYC) y no operar con Bitcoin desde tu ordenador personal, ya que estarías expuesto a análisis forense.
Reynoso cometió errores por su ignorancia sobre la naturaleza transparente de Bitcoin:
- Vinculó la propiedad de Bitcoin por la información encontrada en su laptop, via Ledger live y notas de escritorio
- Guardaba todos sus fondos en una única dirección
- Realizó transacciones simples y con montos redondos
- Consolidó fondos que se "suponían" que no le pertenecían.
- Vinculó todos las transacciones con los cambios obtenidos los pagos (cadena de pelado)
- Mintió pese a no tener negación plausible.
Ese cuento de que "perdí los fondos en un accidente de barco", no te va a funcionar. Ya que, por los registros, saben que los tienes. Y si los acabas moviendo, será mas que evidente.
Te extorsionarán hasta que claudiques
Estoy intentando extraer un aprendizaje y conciencia acerca de esto. No somos criminales, somos perfil bajo, pero aún así debemos protegernos de los abusos de poder, de criminales, de aquellos de los que nos relacionamos en cada pago, a los cuales cedemos información de nuestros fondos.
Si has aprendido a custodiar tus BTC, el próximo paso es tener el control de la información de los tu riqueza. Saber cómo hacerlo, cerrar las puertas a los ojos de otros y liberar parte de la información con la persona/entidad que tú decidas, cuando lo requiera.
"Si, muy bien, ¿pero entonces no me podré comprar una casa?". noKYC no lo impide, si es lo que quieres hacer.
Dejo una definición de lo que es privacidad:
"La privacidad se refiere al derecho de un individuo a controlar la información personal sobre sí mismo y decidir quién puede acceder a ella. Implica la capacidad de mantener la confidencialidad y proteger la información personal de acceso no autorizado o uso indebido."

@ 21e1b181:cfd765f8
2025-03-12 21:15:39

@ cad59a87:26993a17
2025-03-12 21:15:37
Wich do you think is best, using the web app or downloading the app?
I need to economize on space, which has less cache data?

@ 41a996d1:72d84a6d
2025-03-12 21:15:36
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqj4cpas2gpjsm7e302nmy653gw8ckmpt0chysvz3ep46ephq6sg7qp8yxha he is OUR king

@ 28799867:e297d7bf
2025-03-12 21:15:31
👉 The Crown Heights riots were sparked by the death of a young black man and were fueled by a left-wing narrative of Jewish oppression.
👉 The current anti-Semitic movement is led by social media influencers like Kanye West and Candace Owens and is built on a right-coded conspiracy theory.
👉 The two movements share some similarities, such as the use of propaganda and the targeting of Jewish institutions.
👉 The current anti-Semitic movement is more diffuse and decentralized than the Crown Heights riots.
👉 The movement is fueled by the desire for attention and revenue.

@ de1abdd3:ff3979a0
2025-03-12 21:15:31
✍️ The article compares the Crown Heights riots in 1991 to the current anti-Semitic movement led by social media influencers, highlighting the differences in their narratives and tactics.
👉 The Crown Heights riots were sparked by the death of a young black man and were fueled by a left-wing narrative of Jewish oppression.
👉 The current anti-Semitic movement is led by social media influencers like Kanye West and Candace Owens and is built on a right-coded conspiracy theory.
👉 The two movements share some similarities, such as the use of propaganda and the targeting of Jewish institutions.
👉 The current anti-Semitic movement is more diffuse and decentralized than the Crown Heights riots.
👉 The movement is fueled by the desire for attention and revenue.
#AlSharpton #KanyeWest #CandaceOwens #AndrewTate #ChristopherRufo #Brooklyn #CrownHeights #Israel #Pittsburgh #politics

@ cb36bda8:13299240
2025-03-12 21:15:31
✍️ The article compares the Crown Heights riots in 1991 to the current anti-Semitic movement led by social media influencers, highlighting the differences in their narratives and tactics.
👉 The Crown Heights riots were sparked by the death of a young black man and were fueled by a left-wing narrative of Jewish oppression.
👉 The current anti-Semitic movement is led by social media influencers like Kanye West and Candace Owens and is built on a right-coded conspiracy theory.
👉 The two movements share some similarities, such as the use of propaganda and the targeting of Jewish institutions.
👉 The current anti-Semitic movement is more diffuse and decentralized than the Crown Heights riots.
👉 The movement is fueled by the desire for attention and revenue.
#AlSharpton #KanyeWest #CandaceOwens #AndrewTate #ChristopherRufo #Brooklyn #CrownHeights #Israel #Pittsburgh #politics

@ b8de67a3:f49a2902
2025-03-12 21:15:31
As Labour continues to plan on cutting benefits, a new National Institute of Economic & Social Research report concludes that the UK has one of the weakest social security 'safety nets' in the developed world... alongside a low-wage labour market, the economy ensures the poor stay poor. Now Labour plans to make that worse!
As Max Mosley, one of the reports author sums it up: 'We are neither delivering prosperity through high wages nor security through welfare'!
h/t FT

@ 8d9d2b77:86dd65fa
2025-03-12 21:15:30
Just cut up some eye of round beef, gotta make some more jerky. Beef jerky and smoked cheddar cheese is my new favorite snack. We're just about out of the jerky i made this weekend. #foodstr #homesteading https://image.nostr.build/2ca250cba9393731a0a82304610ff98e2a43c8683c463bd1cf2b4ffe68f49826.jpg

@ 68bb44d9:d9988449
2025-03-12 21:15:27

@ 52d7cf90:4a10149f
2025-03-12 21:15:26
:)) you would think X would be like: can’t do this to my dad.
Twitter turned 18 and has no respect for older generations

@ 6a3aedb5:afc6d0e6
2025-03-12 21:15:26
"U.S. President Donald Trump on Tues said he would label violence against Tesla dealerships domestic terrorism."

@ d981591e:f7c0ae37
2025-03-12 21:15:23
The Renaissance Genius, by Laurent Guyénot
From The Unz Review
A Non-Christian Perspective on European Civilization History is always a matter of perspective. From whose point of view are we looking at the past? The easiest viewpoint to get is, of course, that of the winner, who writes history as he wishes. “History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it,” as…
Mar 12th 2025 12:08am EDT
Source Link: https://www.unz.com/article/the-renaissance-genius/
Share, promote & comment with Nostr: https://dissentwatch.com/boost/?boost_post_id=938684

@ 024c71f0:1cd0b1b0
2025-03-12 21:15:22
Congo and M23 rebel group will hold peace talks on Tuesday, mediator Angola says
Posted into International News nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqkrg3a6cp42k4mweqe5d6hc0h0xjnjekl9vltlqvftv6yrgprztrsqhmj5d

@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-03-12 21:15:21
Block 887522
2 - high priority
2 - medium priority
2 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool

@ c87c1d8c:4c8bb422
2025-03-12 21:15:21

@ 0c430a57:b1d8f70d
2025-03-12 21:15:20
Antisemitism is an ancient affliction, but it takes a different shape throughout history, depending on the culture, language, and technology of the moment.

@ 8d788192:de092a14
2025-03-12 21:15:18
...and he lit up your retinas with his targeting laser 😀

@ 732b27bb:9355a445
2025-03-12 21:15:16
それな〜!コンカレ、たまに調子悪くなるよね。ウケるんだけどwww でも、頑張って!なんとかなるっしょ!あーしも応援してるよ〜!

@ 04c96049:3768cc3b
2025-03-12 21:15:15

@ 6b0a60cf:b952e7d4
2025-03-12 21:15:14

@ 8465157e:29ed53a6
2025-03-12 21:15:13
男子称通宵工作10小时却被算旷工 德赛电池回应
#电池 近日有网友反映,他在广东惠州一工厂从夜间8点半工作到第二天凌晨6点半,但组长却称其算旷工,要扣三天工资。此外,该网友还称该工厂星期日也要加班,但不算打卡,且临时工加班没有工资。惠州市仲恺高新技术开发区管理委员会社会事务管理局相关工作人员表示……(来自网易-大象新闻25/03/12)
阅读全文: https://at.laborinfocn6.com/articles/url?lk=https%3A//www.163.com/dy/article/JQFK1SUS0550B6IS.html%3Fspss%3Ddy_author
原链接: https://www.163.com/dy/article/JQFK1SUS0550B6IS.html?spss=dy_author
备份1: https://archive.ph/
备份2: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.163.com/dy/article/JQFK1SUS0550B6IS.html?spss=dy_author

@ 46f24a59:af1aebf3
2025-03-12 21:15:12
🔴⚫️ HORARIO DE APERTURA DE CNT EN #VALLADOLID 📌 Calle Juan Bravo 10-12 (junto Pza. Circular)

@ 95701ec1:dc1a823c
2025-03-12 21:15:12
So independent and sovereign that they have another country's king on their money. 😂

@ ba11337b:9a1f8eb3
2025-03-12 21:15:11
Fish prices now in Croatia: What you’ll pay at the markets https://www.byteseu.com/823230/ #Croatia

@ 18ff595b:67888d52
2025-03-12 21:15:10
there's also the crisis scenario of jobs (paid labor) disappearing while lots and lots of work that nobody (or, rather, nobody with money) wants to pay for remains to be done

@ 81b26cb9:35970aaa
2025-03-12 21:15:07
Bitcoin briefly surged past $84,000 following the U.S. CPI report but quickly returned to near its previous level, reflecting volatility after the inflation data release.

@ 0f7512e3:f4e9cb71
2025-03-12 21:15:06

@ c48e29f0:26e14c11
2025-03-12 21:15:06
It’s a beautiful day to be alive.

@ 12d2c9f0:b1d9e107
2025-03-12 21:15:04
東日本大震災 津波被災で集団移転の住宅跡地3割近くが空き地 #nhk_news

@ b2914b61:356f7488
2025-03-12 21:15:04
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq0v5ltvj87flrs0e659hrpapal7ksupwhfxx5nsr0q86mclczuuzqmzhlle This is where I post catboys then :blobcatthinksmart:

@ aa4fc866:b098c7b4
2025-03-12 21:15:03
Bitcoin price: $83274, Sats per USD: 1201

@ 9dfa3f32:2f0e516f
2025-03-12 21:15:03
#FuckKrasnov #FuckMAGA

@ 3493b0c2:4ce7120f
2025-03-12 21:15:03
Wed - Mar 12 - 02:15 PM - PDT
// bit.site
✅ Connection successful: node-1.ipfs.bit.site 4001
// pinnable.xyz
✅ Connection successful: 4001
✅ Connection successful: 4001
✅ Connection successful: 4001
// 4everland.io
✅ Connection successful: node-1.ipfs.4everland.net 4001

@ d61dcb21:5c11fd8a
2025-03-12 21:15:02
https://www.europesays.com/1907928/ Greenland Elections: Democratic party wins amid Trump’s interest in the island • FRANCE 24 #denmark #DonaldTrump #election #france #FRANCE24 #FRANCE24English #FranceNews #france24 #FRANCE24English #FrenchNews #GeneralElection #Greenland #InternationalCommunity #island #NewsFrance #SemiAutonomousIsland #US

@ c6c0cd5c:77c22fd0
2025-03-12 21:15:02
WATCH: Check out the drivers’ reactions to the new trailer for the upcoming ‘F1’ movie
Anticipation is building for theF1movie as we edge closer to the June 2025 release date – and our drivers are even more hyped after getting an exclusive look at the latest trailer.
#Formula1 | #F1movie | #F12025 | #Sports | #F1
Read more: https://www.formula1.com/en/latest/article/watch-check-out-the-drivers-reactions-to-the-new-trailer-for-the-upcoming-f1.7H3oIdLLvZMM1TH2hwWSF7.html

@ 9be001d7:796a70ad
2025-03-12 21:15:02
Live: ASX set to follow tech-led Wall St share rebound
By Michael Janda
The Australian share market futures are pointing to modest gains as US stocks recovered on a rally in the beaten down tech sector. Follow live.
#StockMarket #FinancialMarkets #Currency #CompanyNews #BusinessEconomicsandFinance #EconomicTrendsandIndicators #Cryptocurrency #MichaelJanda

@ 30109bec:5a675ec3
2025-03-12 21:15:01
Another great Blockchain, Web3 journal:

@ 9d0c7ce0:b7ad23de
2025-03-12 21:15:00
Crypto exchange OKX secures MiFID II license in Europe
<img src="https://images.cointelegraph.com/images/840_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS91cGxvYWRzLzIwMjUtMDMvMDE5NThjMDAtZTljNy03MDAzLTliYTQtNDE1Zjk1ZThiZmU2.jpg"><img src="https://images.cointelegraph.com/images/840_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS91cGxvYWRzLzIwMjUtMDMvMDE5NThjMDAtZTljNy03MDAzLTliYTQtNDE1Zjk1ZThiZmU2.jpg" alt="Crypto exchange OKX secures MiFID II license in Europe">Cryptocurrency exchange OKX has acquired a key European Union license that will enable the company to offer derivatives products throughout the region, potentially opening the door to a more advanced segment of the trading community. In a March 12 https://www.okx.com/learn/our-mifid-license-in-europe

@ f238398e:9d63a413
2025-03-12 21:15:00
Dockers, Eagles aiming to shrug off disappointing seasons in AFL
Two very different propositions face Western Australia's AFL sides as they enter season 2025. For Fremantle, it's time to deliver on undeniable potential, while for West Coast it's about regaining respect.

@ 17af1494:a1cbebe8
2025-03-12 21:15:00
Senate GOP’s Tax-Cut Wishlist Heads North of $5 Trillion
Posted into Latest From the WSJ nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqkvl0wdmzewpqj9lms8vqnwgxnfmvq2wkrcunedkcpvrnxhw9ualqlm4ha7

@ b4c002e6:bc80548c
2025-03-12 21:15:00

@ d7c13d1e:14cfe365
2025-03-12 21:15:00
✄------------ 6:15 ------------✄

@ 28799867:e297d7bf
2025-03-12 21:14:58
👉 Display train status and schedule changes on the reservation screen
👉 Preferred seating for business class passengers during booking
👉 Easier trip management through the My Trips tab
👉 Modify part of your trip through the app
👉 Updated homescreen to separate tickets from marketing info and messages

@ de1abdd3:ff3979a0
2025-03-12 21:14:58
✍️ Amtrak is revamping its mobile app to include more helpful features, making it easier to plan and track train journeys.
👉 Display train status and schedule changes on the reservation screen
👉 Preferred seating for business class passengers during booking
👉 Easier trip management through the My Trips tab
👉 Modify part of your trip through the app
👉 Updated homescreen to separate tickets from marketing info and messages

@ 7b0eb471:8104e50b
2025-03-12 21:14:58
✍️ Amtrak is revamping its mobile app to include more helpful features, making it easier to plan and track train journeys.
👉 Display train status and schedule changes on the reservation screen
👉 Preferred seating for business class passengers during booking
👉 Easier trip management through the My Trips tab
👉 Modify part of your trip through the app
👉 Updated homescreen to separate tickets from marketing info and messages

@ 5a261a61:2ebd4480
2025-03-12 21:14:58
GN 🌛 #sweetdreams

@ b1dcb61f:19f0392d
2025-03-12 21:14:58
Yemen’s Ansar Allah resumes ban on Israeli ships over #Gaza aid ban.

@ 776ed1a5:af3d3725
2025-03-12 21:14:56
Half of it is hallucinated but not horribly so, cursor or claude code would clean it up quickly
defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.WatermarkMRF do
@behaviour Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF
require Logger
@watermark_text "REDMI NOTE 8 AI QUAD CAMERA"
@font_size 20
@font_color [255, 255, 255, 255] # White with full opacity (RGBA)
@position {10, 10} # Top-left corner, 10px offset
@doc """
Filters activities, adding a watermark to all image attachments using Vix.
def filter(%{"type" => "Create", "object" => %{"type" => "Note"} = note} = activity) do
attachments = Map.get(note, "attachment", [])
case process_attachments(attachments) do
{:ok, new_attachments} ->
new_note = Map.put(note, "attachment", new_attachments)
new_activity = Map.put(activity, "object", new_note)
{:ok, new_activity}
{:error, reason} ->
Logger.warn("WatermarkMRF failed: #{inspect(reason)}")
{:ok, activity} # Pass unchanged on error
def filter(object), do: {:ok, object}
# Process each attachment, applying watermark to images
defp process_attachments(attachments) do
results = Enum.map(attachments, &watermark_attachment/1)
if Enum.all?(results, fn {status, _} -> status == :ok end) do
{:ok, Enum.map(results, fn {:ok, att} -> att end)}
{:error, :processing_failed}
# Watermark an individual attachment if it's an image
defp watermark_attachment(%{"mediaType" => media_type, "url" => url} = attachment) do
if String.starts_with?(media_type, "image/") do
with {:ok, image_data} <- download_image(url),
{:ok, watermarked_data} <- apply_watermark(image_data),
{:ok, new_upload} <- upload_image(watermarked_data, url) do
{:ok, Map.put(attachment, "url", new_upload.url)}
{:error, reason} -> {:error, reason}
{:ok, attachment} # Non-image attachments pass through unchanged
defp watermark_attachment(attachment), do: {:ok, attachment}
# Download the image from the URL
defp download_image(url) do
case HTTPoison.get(url) do
{:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{status_code: 200, body: body}} ->
{:ok, body}
{:error, reason} ->
{:error, {:download_failed, reason}}
# Apply the watermark to the image using Vix
defp apply_watermark(image_data) do
with {:ok, image} <- Vix.Image.new_from_buffer(image_data),
{:ok, text} <- Vix.Image.text(@watermark_text,
font: "Sans",
size: @font_size,
rgba_color: @font_color
{width, height} <- Vix.Image.size(image),
{:ok, watermarked} <- Vix.Image.composite(image, text, :over,
x: elem(@position, 0),
y: elem(@position, 1)
{:ok, buffer} <- Vix.Image.write_to_buffer(watermarked, ".jpg") do
{:ok, buffer}
{:error, reason} -> {:error, {:watermark_failed, reason}}
# Upload the watermarked image to Pleroma storage
defp upload_image(image_data, original_url) do
tmp_path = Path.join(System.tmp_dir(), "watermarked_#{:os.system_time(:millisecond)}.jpg")
:ok = File.write(tmp_path, image_data)
upload = %Plug.Upload{
path: tmp_path,
filename: Path.basename(original_url, Path.extname(original_url)) <> ".jpg",
content_type: "image/jpeg"
case Pleroma.Upload.store(upload, %{}) do
{:ok, %Pleroma.Upload{url: new_url}} ->
{:ok, %{url: new_url}}
{:error, reason} ->
{:error, {:upload_failed, reason}}

@ 4150e665:9b37701f
2025-03-12 21:14:55
Schumer says Democrats will block House funding bill, heightening the shutdown alert
Posted into News nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqxjk8ja3wq52flu0lfnrq8xclg8scfs58z3lavv04zzynt674xpss7gzk0c

@ 5af2ec30:87c20d83
2025-03-12 21:14:54
CNN Host Confronts Democratic Senator on 'A**hole' Musk Tweet: 'Is That the Best Way to Communicate?'
#Bosses #ElonMusk #Twitter #Confrontation #Billionaire

@ 8fcc794b:8137d359
2025-03-12 21:14:52

@ 7b29f5b2:7f02e704
2025-03-12 21:14:51
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqk2g5kc0gvksv4av5pv7uaqlatq5qpjhz8lmxkclun995zdt0wjyqxzvzl7 me when I finally have coffee with mléko...

@ 685015e4:976bc491
2025-03-12 21:14:51
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqrhr0y4vaqskyq2qejhquzq90yr586hf948m3cgxd7pcqamg4l8cqjqe5sk I hope she gets great lawyers and sues Yale, this will not make it right, but oh boy would the payout be a thing.

@ 86589398:7f0d240c
2025-03-12 21:14:50
Amtrak is revamping its mobile app to include more helpful features like making it easier to look up schedule changes and track your train’s progression from station to station. The changes come as Amtrak campaigns to attract customers and encourage them to travel by train instead of cars and planes. Amtrak’s app already helped riders […]

@ de1abdd3:ff3979a0
2025-03-12 21:14:49
✍️ Russia claims to be close to liberating the Ukrainian region of Luhansk, with the Russian army reportedly making significant gains and capturing over 1,100 square kilometers of territory.
👉 Russia claims to be close to liberating the Ukrainian region of Luhansk
👉 The Russian army has captured over 1,100 square kilometers of territory
👉 Ukraine has been pushing back against the Russian advances
👉 The US is considering imposing sanctions on Russia if it does not agree to a ceasefire
#VladimirPutin #VolodymyrZelensky #MikePompeo #Luhansk #Ukraine #Russia #politics

@ 28799867:e297d7bf
2025-03-12 21:14:49
👉 Russia claims to be close to liberating the Ukrainian region of Luhansk
👉 The Russian army has captured over 1,100 square kilometers of territory
👉 Ukraine has been pushing back against the Russian advances
👉 The US is considering imposing sanctions on Russia if it does not agree to a ceasefire

@ 9fe1db16:aea5ac46
2025-03-12 21:14:49
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqqtsjgz3f8xvetywfkz6hg97vvdnnrqvyetsyj73hvl0wzthqg3esjn3ra9 おはよ

@ de1abdd3:ff3979a0
2025-03-12 21:14:47
✍️ The article highlights various dance performances and events happening in Vancouver, celebrating diversity and cultural heritage.
👉 Cookout Mini Ball celebrates Black culture and ballroom
👉 Murmuration transforms ice into a stage for breathtaking movement
👉 Universus premieres new works from Belle Spirale Dance Projects and Fernado Hernando Magadan
👉 Phulkari celebrates Holi with a South Asian drag spectacle and desi dance party
👉 Bulleh Shah: Seeker of Light blends Kathak, Punjabi folk dance, and contemporary movement
👉 Shen Yun brings classical Chinese dance, music, and storytelling to the stage
👉 Half an Hour of Our Time is an intimate, wordless duet exploring love and loss
👉 Diptych (The Missing Door and The Lost Room) blurs the line between theatre and dance
👉 Spirit and Tradition brings Indigenous culture to the stage
👉 DUSK features three electrifying works showcasing bold, contemporary choreography
#FernadoHernandoMagadan #GauravBhatti #JamesKudelka #MedhiWalerski #BobbiJeneSmith #OrSchraiber #Vancouver #Kerrisdale #VancouverPlayhouse #TheBirdhouse #ScotiabankDanceCentre #QueenElizabethTheatre #LeftofMain #KayMeekArtsCentre #entertainment

@ 28799867:e297d7bf
2025-03-12 21:14:46
👉 Cookout Mini Ball celebrates Black culture and ballroom
👉 Murmuration transforms ice into a stage for breathtaking movement
👉 Universus premieres new works from Belle Spirale Dance Projects and Fernado Hernando Magadan
👉 Phulkari celebrates Holi with a South Asian drag spectacle and desi dance party
👉 Bulleh Shah: Seeker of Light blends Kathak, Punjabi folk dance, and contemporary movement
👉 Shen Yun brings classical Chinese dance, music, and storytelling to the stage
👉 Half an Hour of Our Time is an intimate, wordless duet exploring love and loss
👉 Diptych (The Missing Door and The Lost Room) blurs the line between theatre and dance
👉 Spirit and Tradition brings Indigenous culture to the stage
👉 DUSK features three electrifying works showcasing bold, contemporary choreography

@ de1abdd3:ff3979a0
2025-03-12 21:14:46
✍️ The Vancouver International Dance Festival will feature the Western Canada premiere of Omote, a performance that blends dance, visual art, and music to explore themes of identity, beauty, and self-perception.
👉 Omote is a performance that blends dance, visual art, and music
👉 It explores themes of identity, beauty, and self-perception
👉 The piece uses handmade photo-masks to reflect on the artists' mixed Japanese Canadian heritage
👉 It challenges conventional notions of self-representation through movement and tableau
#ShionSkyeCarter #MiyaTurnbull #Vancouver #RoundhousePerformanceCentre #entertainment

@ 28799867:e297d7bf
2025-03-12 21:14:45
👉 Omote is a performance that blends dance, visual art, and music
👉 It explores themes of identity, beauty, and self-perception
👉 The piece uses handmade photo-masks to reflect on the artists' mixed Japanese Canadian heritage
👉 It challenges conventional notions of self-representation through movement and tableau

@ 1807a49c:0fa245a1
2025-03-12 21:14:45
Hunter Biden - The only man to have ever truly lived

@ 832b77d5:a5e3d55c
2025-03-12 21:14:45
Price: 85012.62EUR (13%)
BTC: 0.002
EUR: 170
Method: SEPA
Created: 2025-03-12T21:12:20Z

@ ff1d7209:2130c15c
2025-03-12 21:14:44
大阪・関西万博 開幕まで1か月 前売券 目標下回り集客へ加速
#www3_nhk_or_news #大阪_関西万博 #大阪府 #観光 #社会 #NHK #ニュース #NHK_NEWS_WEB

@ 84eb6837:852dc717
2025-03-12 21:14:42
"Au Brésil, une autoroute construite à travers la forêt amazonienne pour la prochaine COP30 sur le climat"
Mais !? 😡

@ 832b77d5:a5e3d55c
2025-03-12 21:14:39
Price: 82341.44EUR (10%)
BTC: 0.0063
EUR: 519
Method: Revolut
Created: 2025-03-12T21:12:50Z

@ ff1d7209:2130c15c
2025-03-12 21:14:39
大リーグ カブスの選手たちが来日 今永昇太や鈴木誠也の姿も
#www3_nhk_or_news #大リーグ #今永昇太 #鈴木誠也 #野球 #スポーツ #NHK #ニュース #NHK_NEWS_WEB

@ a57dd8ce:fb774d3f
2025-03-12 21:14:39
With 9 of 10 Haryana mayoral seats, BJP humbles Congress
Posted into Times of India nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqja6gly4sre4cjrneysqu3224mt7kgscmcp7pq9ct77t4u6hm0daqwh7s6j

@ 58b11546:9cddf260
2025-03-12 21:14:38
Moving ye olde Morphius chromebook to nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqmjrmcnemvk6sgmxaw0tyqvlx9ymkgyte58jf0lfwc09vgddxq6js682cxz today. Last fastfetch from what it was on.
#chrultrabook #chromebook #coreboot #Linux

@ 3a7aa2ce:e6e4c9e3
2025-03-12 21:14:35
Domenicali agrees to five-year extension to stay on as F1 president and CEO through 2029

@ 832b77d5:a5e3d55c
2025-03-12 21:14:34
Price: 80660.69EUR (8%)
BTC: 0.0111
EUR: 895
Method: SEPA
Created: 2025-03-12T21:14:10Z

@ 718a82f7:e7432fc0
2025-03-12 21:14:34
Get face to face with identity.

@ 718a82f7:e7432fc0
2025-03-12 21:14:34
All the best Vancouver dance happening this season.

@ 26bfccc0:9b2104ca
2025-03-12 21:14:33
🚨 ALERT! 🚨 💵💵💵💵💵💵
🏢 Company: W. W. Grainger (#GWW)
📂 Sector: Industrials / Industrial Machinery & Supplies & Components
👤 Insider: Thomson Laurie R
👔 Title: VP, Controller
📅 Transaction Date: 10 Mar 2025
📊 Transaction Type: SELL 🔴
🔢 Number of Shares: 334 (42%)
💲 Average Price: $1,020.28
💵 Transaction Value: $340,774.28
🧾 Shares Left After: 457
📎 Filing Link: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/277135/000027713525000040/0000277135-25-000040-index.htm
#stocks #insiders #market #investing

@ 26bfccc0:9b2104ca
2025-03-12 21:14:32
🚨 ALERT! 🚨 💵💵💵💵💵💵💵
🏢 Company: Target Corporation (#TGT)
📂 Sector: Consumer Staples / Consumer Staples Merchandise Retail
👤 Insider: Cornell Brian C
👔 Title: Executive Officer
📅 Transaction Date: 11 Mar 2025
📊 Transaction Type: SELL 🔴
🔢 Number of Shares: 45,000 (14%)
💲 Average Price: $113.37
💵 Transaction Value: $5,101,488.00
🧾 Shares Left After: 258,843
📎 Filing Link: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/27419/000002741925000020/0000027419-25-000020-index.htm
#stocks #insiders #market #investing

@ 274fe9ae:565805d2
2025-03-12 21:14:31
Trump reportedly angry that King Charles welcomed Zelenskyy, Trudeau

@ ad215400:42d62b43
2025-03-12 21:14:30
Russia continues to achieve successes in the Kursk region on the Ukrainian border, and claims to be close to fully liberating the region. 'We have taken 430 soldiers prisoner, Kiev is starting to surrender', the Russian Defense Minister informed Putin. The Ukrainian army reports partial withdrawal from Kursk, Trump referred to a proposal for a one-month ceasefire and threatened to punish Putin if he refuses: 'I can take economic steps that would be devastating to Moscow'.

@ 14609e2d:7c5def64
2025-03-12 21:14:30
Being interviewed for someone's clearance six years ago:
Interviewer: Has $subject ever been a part of a plot to overthrow the US government?
Me: HAHA. No.
Interviewer: HAHA. Yeah, I know. We have to ask though.
Being interviewed for someone's clearance three years ago:
Interviewer: Has $subject ever been a part of a plot to overthrow the US government?
Me: No.
Interviewer: Good.
Being interviewed for someone's clearance now:
Interviewer: Has $subject ever been a part of a plot to overthrow the US government?
Me: No.
Interviewer: That's too bad. Thanks for your time.

@ 32417afe:3839790f
2025-03-12 21:14:26
Presidente da República promulga reposição de freguesias, mas destaca que é “obrigado” a fazê-lo
Marcelo, que vetou o diploma antes da queda do Governo, teve dúvidas na altura sobre a transparência do processo e a capacidade de aplicação do novo mapa a tempo das próximas eleições autárquicas.

@ 84e6abe4:9fa9da37
2025-03-12 21:14:25
Dumbfuck nostr:npub1q6ps7m94jfdastx2tx76sj8sq4nxdhlsgmzns2tr4xt6ydx6grzspm0kxr replying to ppl that have him on mute. 😂😂😂😂 nostr:note175457nahm38z7zc00zg7rm7c08l2vfz8ghynuzukeecv5afpv72srcazgr

@ 3a7aa2ce:e6e4c9e3
2025-03-12 21:14:24
UK and France Race to Draft Ukraine Troops Plan Trump Will Buy

@ 2084f520:844e7753
2025-03-12 21:14:22
Trying to put aether and nagant together~
But doesn't resemble her in the least~ 🤣

@ 7ceaf7c2:4a10dd4d
2025-03-12 21:14:15
Santa Clara: Clayton e Zé Manuel já foram! Agora Vinícius aponta ao melhor de sempre
Só Carlos Júnior marcou mais do que o avançado dos açorianos numa só edição da Liga

@ 274fe9ae:565805d2
2025-03-12 21:14:15
EU braces for higher prices as US trade war ramps up

@ 31293b7a:bc810364
2025-03-12 21:14:13
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqz5mt6j63gn5qkyvkmn92kkcp76azzsddzjgd4g5umpv79swkt6yqymc2jv the last report I read said Spotify uses 82% of revenues to pay royalties... This value has been increasing over time.
Musicians have are the music labels cucks.

@ 3dd84213:9c046cc0
2025-03-12 21:14:13
There are so many pets.com

@ 2a805b4c:8d42dcb3
2025-03-12 21:14:12
Witkoff Heading to Russia This Week to Discuss Ukraine Cease-Fire Deal

@ 2a805b4c:8d42dcb3
2025-03-12 21:14:12
Senate Meets on Sauer for Solicitor General, Dhillon and Reitz for Assistant Attorneys General

@ 43bb87e2:12cc9cb8
2025-03-12 21:14:11
That figures they would retreat and cut communication. SMH 🤦♂️

@ 340ab7a9:d6ee0cf9
2025-03-12 21:14:10
https://www.alojapan.com/1216379/uchida-maaya-from-her-loogg-interview/ Uchida Maaya from Her Loogg Interview Uchida Maaya from Her Loogg Interview by inspyral …

@ 9f3c4769:3b719dab
2025-03-12 21:14:10
https://www.usluck.com/469323/my-dorito-is-a-a-little-boat-lol/ My Dorito is a a little boat lol #Interesting #MildlyInteresting

@ d61dcb21:5c11fd8a
2025-03-12 21:14:09
https://www.europesays.com/1907926/ BENELUX appreciation thread. (No PIGS allowed) #2WesternEurope4u #2WesternEurope4u #europe

@ 6e66c62e:c4464e69
2025-03-12 21:14:09
Carney chief of staff's time in cabinet, stance on Gaza under scrutiny
Both the Conservatives and NDP are criticizing prime minister-designate Mark Carney’s choice to appoint former public safety minister Marco Mendicino as chief of staff during the transition — one party bringing up the controversy that forced him out of cabinet and the other, his staunch pro-Is...
#politics #government #controversy #Gaza #News