
@ d61dcb21:5c11fd8a
2025-03-13 01:53:22
https://www.europesays.com/1908445/ Viena įtakingiausių lyčių lygybės eksperčių pasaulyje Amy Gallo atvyksta į Lietuvą #AmyGallo #Darbas #EBIT #Konferencija #konfliktai #Lietuva #lithuania #naujienos #VersloPožiūris

@ 3e1691aa:d3afd9a7
2025-03-13 01:53:22
01:52 JL1DPA on JP-1143(Nikko Daiyagawa Prefectural Park, JP-TC) 7114 SSB QRT TNX[JL1DPA]

@ 7dc16771:70ed704f
2025-03-13 01:53:20

@ c3dc916a:2d0dc13a
2025-03-13 01:53:20
サンリオ生活シム『Hello Kitty Island Adventure』売り上げ50万本突破―Steamユーザーレビュー約3400件「非常に好評」。日本語レビューはたった11件でもキティさんの勢い衰えず
#gamespark #Windows #PC

@ 1cabde0b:4d55e598
2025-03-13 01:53:19
My review of: "On The Wrong Side: How Universities Protect Perpetrators and Betray Survivors of Sexual Violence" by Nicole Bedera
There are some books that are foundational for me - that I find myself thinking back to, a lot, especially in times of stress, when I need a guide to help me understand what is going wrong and what role I can try to play in helping it go right. These are not pleasant books, many are deeply unpleasant, but they cut through complex problems and explain the moral core of what is wrong.
This book, I am quite sure, will be one of them.
I read it in one sitting. I didn't intend to (especially since that sitting started at 10 PM), but once I started, I knew that this is a book that I needed to read. It was also very uncomfortable to read - once I put it down, it would take quite an act of willpower to come back to it, and I wasn't sure I had the strength. So, I needed to read it right here, right now. Straight through, let's go.
It is uncomfortable and unpleasant to be reminded of injustice in the world, especially if you are someone who is largely shielded from that injustice. It is uncomfortable and unpleasant to see, at the same time, both individual suffering and the systems that perpetuate that suffering. It is uncomfortable and unpleasant to learn that a system that is ostensibly in place to help people when they are at their most vulnerable flips the script and is a major cause of harm itself. It is uncomfortable and unpleasant to learn that these harmful outcomes are the system operating as it was designed, not accidents or individual mistakes.
But as someone operating in a university environment - one that I've spent more than half of my life in - I need to know these things.
Dr. Nicole Berdera spent a year embedded in the Title IX system at a major US University. This is the system - mandated by US federal law - for collecting reports of sexual harassment and violence affecting the university community, (occasionally) investigating them, and (rarely) deciding on sanctions for perpetrators. She interviewed folks in every part of this system - and there are a lot of parts.
What makes this book particularly powerful for me is that it is simultaneously academic (thoroughly researched, impeccably footnoted), deeply human (victims, administrators, and a perpetrator speak for themselves), and filled with a righteous fury. It's one thing to know statistics, it's another to have personal stories, but it's really something else entirely to have this sort of panoramic view of everyone involved coupled with hard numbers.
The book makes it quite clear that everyone in this system is acting in the way that the system is designed to make them act. You can see how the survivors are placed in a system they cannot possibly understand, and how that funnels them into making decisions that are not necessarily in their own best interests. The administrators are presented in such a way - using their own words - that you can see them acting the way the system has asked them to act; as they perpetuate old harms and cause new ones, you can see them clearly thinking they are doing "the right thing," when manifestly, they are not. You can see why the perpetrators are satisfied with this system, since it is designed to protect them. It's clear who is given resources, who is not, where the personal relationships are developed and where they are blocked, and again, that this is all very much by design.
This book ultimately ends on a fairly optimistic tone - that building a system that is both just and healing for survivors of sexual violence, and fair to the accused, is possible. And, frankly, probably easier to build than the system we currently have.
Strongly recommended, especially to anyone in a university system.

@ d1b63174:b88e78fd
2025-03-13 01:53:19
👮 5000000000000000警察です。0 が足りません。

@ 5ec9a726:23a50742
2025-03-13 01:53:18

@ 148755e6:450c107f
2025-03-13 01:53:18

@ 83d52b43:2af24689
2025-03-13 01:53:17

@ c7acabf1:d8f05180
2025-03-13 01:53:16
I'm glad Trump has been exposing Thomas Massie.
Thomas Massie is and has always been a puppet of the deep state. It's been obvious but many are unable to make the connection.
Thomas Massie is going to be going to Gitmo along with all the other traitors.

@ 28799867:e297d7bf
2025-03-13 01:53:15
👉 The Texans' offensive line has struggled to protect quarterback Deshaun Watson
👉 The line has been a point of concern for the team
👉 Improvement is needed to avoid major problems

@ de1abdd3:ff3979a0
2025-03-13 01:53:15
✍️ The Houston Texans' offensive line is a potential concern if not addressed.
👉 The Texans' offensive line has struggled to protect quarterback Deshaun Watson
👉 The line has been a point of concern for the team
👉 Improvement is needed to avoid major problems
#Houston #sports

@ 381dbcc7:ffc8b38f
2025-03-13 01:53:15
As far as they know comms are compromised and they're actually trying to fix it

@ 84b0c46a:417782f5
2025-03-13 01:53:15

@ c72b5237:859efab4
2025-03-13 01:53:15
✍️ The Houston Texans' offensive line is a potential concern if not addressed.
👉 The Texans' offensive line has struggled to protect quarterback Deshaun Watson
👉 The line has been a point of concern for the team
👉 Improvement is needed to avoid major problems
#Houston #sports

@ 467d0957:71989362
2025-03-13 01:53:13
Hookah is so fucking stupid. Just smoke cigarettes like a normal person.

@ bd8aed58:cb1cdb53
2025-03-13 01:53:12
Maybe the cheat code to scaling nostr is to just skip to the end and onboard everyone’s grandmother.

@ 5ec9a726:23a50742
2025-03-13 01:53:11

@ bb3d81e9:baad259a
2025-03-13 01:53:11
The Texans offensive line could be a big problem if Houston doesn't act.

@ 3b1911bf:30ec3cd5
2025-03-13 01:53:10
ICE Fascists claim they "don't make arrests at sensitive locations like hospitals."
Last week MAGA was outraged that people didn't cheer for a 13-year-old child who survived brain cancer.
This week ICE fascists deported a 10-year-old child & US citizen who survived brain cancer.
Absolute nazis.

@ 225bd271:6825fcc8
2025-03-13 01:53:09
Virtuals Protocol 推出多代理框架 ACP
Foresight News 消息,Virtuals Protocol 推出多代理框架 ACP(代理商务协议),旨在使 AI 代理能够通过安全、可验证和高效的方式进行交流、协作和促进增长。官方将通过推出 AI 代理索引注册表、AI 代理商业互动及 AI 代理货币交易三部分来实现目标。未来 1 个月内,团队将集中精力为两个业务 / 集群注入活力。其中包括自主对冲基金和交易 DAO(正在与 aixbt 和 AIxVC 洽谈)、自治媒体之家(正在与 Luna 和 Music By Virtuals 洽谈)

@ 0319e300:a02ea7a0
2025-03-13 01:53:08
Crispy Chicken Tteokbokki https://www.diningandcooking.com/1950337/crispy-chicken-tteokbokki/ #Korea #KoreaFood #Korean #KoreanFood

@ 64286647:5f6c7296
2025-03-13 01:53:08
Yesterday the BND in Germany (Bundes Nachrichten Dienst) revealed that Covid 19 originated in China from a Laboratory (like the CIA and Whitehouse earlier) and they also added that Scholz and Merkel both knew but kept everything closed and out of the public.
Once again, manipulating Viruses to gain the purpose of easier transmission is outlawed under the international biological weapons treaty which only five countries did not sign.
The gained function was to make it more transmissible to humans and the therefore the SarsCov2 spike protein should be classified as a Biological Weapon and putting it into a "Vaccine" to shoot it into little kids arms and into pregnant women should be considered a war crime.
Interestlingly enough all Vax fanatics seem to be on the Epstein List aswell.
Curious how this plays out in the End.
Good Night. https://image.nostr.build/eb1aaa503ce94b945aeec7b6ceaa163167c5aea58788165d080dcf3dcfe204ff.jpg

@ c68e7e2e:8899355a
2025-03-13 01:53:08
Dr. Ross. Miss hearing your insights and joking about Bitcoin X rays . Let me know where to catch you up in here

@ 36012a0b:689a0a91
2025-03-13 01:53:07
true stories

@ ba11337b:9a1f8eb3
2025-03-13 01:53:03
Albo channels Hawke with ‘Team Australia’ pitch https://www.byteseu.com/823819/ #AnthonyAlbanese #Australia #BobHawke #DonaldTrump #Politics #tariffs

@ 20015943:9638ffe6
2025-03-13 01:53:02
This one had a great concept and cute dragon (dog). Execution was awful.

@ 12d2c9f0:b1d9e107
2025-03-13 01:53:02
オンラインゲームきっかけで犯罪被害の子ども 増加傾向 警察庁 #nhk_news

@ a3e36d4b:7b3241da
2025-03-13 01:53:02
🎵ごーまぁりさーん ごーまぁりさーん エドウィン
ごーまぁりさーん エドウィン ごーまぁりさーん エドウィン
(裏声で) ごーまぁりさーん エドウィン
All right! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you... EDWIN

@ 1ebb2830:ce25849f
2025-03-13 01:53:02
📷Nikon D7000
w/ Nikkor 18-105mm
#photography #blackandwhite #nikon #nostr #japan

@ bf56795e:4ae1a3b7
2025-03-13 01:53:00
Lula perde apoio da classe trabalhadora, diz colunista da Bloomberg
O presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva está perdendo apoio da classe trabalhadora. É o que afirma o economista argentino Juan Pablo Spinetto, em artigo publicado no site Bloomberg, nesta terça-feira, 11. Trata-se, de acordo com o articulista, do pior momento para o petista em seus três mandatos como presidente do Brasil.
+ Leia mais notícias de https://revistaoeste.com/politica/
em Oeste
No artigo, Spinetto afirma que apenas 24% aprovaram o trabalho de Lula em fevereiro, em comparação com 35% em dezembro do ano passado. Os números são do instituto de pesquisas Datafolha. Trata-se, portanto, da classificação mais baixa do petista no cargo como presidente da República.
Para piorar a situação, observa o economista argentino, a mesma pesquisa sinaliza que Lula está perdendo apoio dos eleitores do Nordeste. Poderia ser algo corriqueiro, se esse não fosse um de seus principais círculos eleitorais.
Presidente Lula tenta reverter o cenário negativo que o governo enfrenta | Foto: José Cruz/Agência Brasil
De acordo com Spinetto, que trabalhou por seis anos como repórter da Bloomberg no Rio de Janeiro, a insatisfação popular com o petismo dificilmente será revertida com programas sociais ou empréstimos baratos. Por causa disso, “ganhar um quarto mandato em 2026 será muito mais difícil para Lula do que ele imagina”, afirma o articulista.
Lula tenta reverter esse cenário
O presidente brasileiro, contudo, tenta reverter esse cenário que, para ele e para o PT, é desastroso. Lula tenta melhorar sua imagem https://revistaoeste.com/politica/governo-lula-amplia-publicidade-que-pode-chegar-a-r-35-bi-em-2025/
, do Ministério da Educação.
O Pé-de-Meia sofreu um desgaste depois de o Tribunal de Contas da União bloquear R$ 6 bilhões do projeto por entender que seu modelo de financiamento viola o processo orçamentário. Em razão disso, https://revistaoeste.com/politica/escandalo-do-pe-de-meia-revela-pedalada-classica-avalia-deputado/
— motivo que fez a ex-presidente Dilma Rousseff sofrer impeachment, em 2016.
A preocupação de Lula em relação à sua popularidade é tanta que ele chegou a zerar as tarifas de importação de certos produtos, como carne, café, açúcar, milho e azeite. De acordo com a Frente Parlamentar do Agronegócio, zerar o imposto de importação é uma solução ineficaz. Para os parlamentares ligados ao agronegócio, a colheita da safra e a redução dos custos de produção seriam alternativas mais eficientes.
Para Daniel Vargas, economista da Fundação Getúlio Vargas (https://portal.fgv.br/
. A Oeste, o especialista da FGV afirmou que a decisão “não está clara”. Para ele, a redução das tarifas daqueles produtos serve apenas para fazer uma cortina de fumaça. Ele acredita que o governo quer “desviar da rota” para “não discutir os problemas que são fundamentais para o funcionamento da economia brasileira”.
Inflação permanece alta
Apesar da relutância do governo em realizar ajustes fiscais significativos, a inflação permanece alta no Brasil. O desemprego é outro fator que preocupa os brasileiros. Lula não fez jus ao seu partido e, segundo o colunista da Bloomberg, permitiu que o desemprego caísse por dois meses consecutivos. Atingiu 6,5% em fevereiro.
De acordo com o economista argentino, Lula, com 79 anos, “está irremediavelmente se tornando o homem do passado — um destino semelhante ao do ex-presidente norte-americano Joe Biden, nos Estados Unidos”.
“Ouça Lula hoje e ele parece preso em 2007”, afirma Spinetto. “Longe do político encantador, capaz de seduzir investidores e a comunidade empresarial.”
Isso, segundo o economista, significa que Lula é incapaz de entender a sociedade atual, com um Congresso Nacional muito mais complexo. “O governo carece de um projeto moderno que possa entusiasmar os brasileiros, uma boa parte dos quais não eram adultos quando ele estava no auge.”
Enquanto isso, Lula insiste em agradar sua base ao colocar a presidente do PT, Gleisi Hoffmann, como ministra-chefe da Secretaria de Relações Institucionais. Briga com a imprensa ao https://revistaoeste.com/politica/lula-acusa-imprensa-de-publicar-noticias-falsas/
Leia também: https://revistaoeste.com/revista/edicao-258/lula-quer-transformar-o-brasil-na-argentina-dos-kirchner/
, coluna de Carlo Cauti publicada na Edição 258 da Revista Oeste
O post https://revistaoeste.com/imprensa/lula-perde-apoio-da-classe-trabalhadora-diz-colunista-da-bloomberg/

@ b8d14ad6:5e2216da
2025-03-13 01:52:59
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqz06u9efgk7fa9z06gr602pp2xpn2w5dcyc2zdq9xsjaenxe69a3qdp029t nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqzcyw4m2eutnxxrs5dqdylqqh5tynrgvxqkhj9kkex2nsewmyffkstqhzze nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq48r6a3fexxq7knp4k5xwwuyevjm3fzv8z4uj7my4lwey877nhsuqd06r0d i have no good elastic characters so im staying as far away from that one as possible

@ 8ebfdad2:97a8bc9e
2025-03-13 01:52:55
RE: https://misskey.io/notes/a5a9c3ncm52d0ffq

@ 91f84398:a4802af2
2025-03-13 01:52:55
E-kitap okuyucu ve halk kütüphanesi denenebilir.

@ bd6f9e78:6130a6ff
2025-03-13 01:52:53

@ 29adb602:468b7c4d
2025-03-13 01:52:49
Update on Anarchist Comrade Francisco Solar’s Situation of Isolation
Francisco to the street!
Francisco has been in Maximum Security units for almost 5 years, since he was arrested in 2020 after being accused of attacks against repressors and the powerful.
Once he was convicted, the regime of isolation became even tougher, keeping him in strict isolation for the past 6 months with restricted visits, 21 hours of lockup without TV or radio.
In March the administrative authorities will resolve the matter of whether or not the comrade will remain in isolation. We call on everyone to remain alert for the coming updates.
Faced with the hardening of the carceral regime: Solidarity and action!

@ 1e3aa975:80324f5f
2025-03-13 01:52:49

@ 0f260611:355ad01f
2025-03-13 01:52:48
RE: https://mi.ruruke.moe/notes/a5a9deibmop11ez9

@ 9e4a5274:af8c4bc4
2025-03-13 01:52:45
Essa foto é linda e sombria ao mesmo tempo. Parece um espaço limitar, o wallpaper do Windows XP mas com aspecto de filme de terror kkkkkkkkkkkkk adorei

@ 23654de1:b13dc03b
2025-03-13 01:52:44
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqlwtr5uyczm20nl0vd4fht4ug52wdx34xatqetndn4cgy6q0tck0sx03j8n hellooo perniaaa :heart_trans:

@ 9e9c5800:769a7c4d
2025-03-13 01:52:40
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpquhnx67vlf04mwtt7qrjyx47gpmtf3twz4nrfmx9lspw6rrv5gkhss5m2ru I guess constantly referencing rpg is getting under everyone's skin, but the author - who is clearly a great programmer - keeps making reference to garbage collector efficiency, but not very well, and seems to program in The Unix Way (i.e. shell scriptable C programs or the like).
In contrast with habitability and piece-meal growth.
FWIW openbsd is very habitable and its common lisp port maintainers are very open to interaction (as long as /you/ do the work, not just give ideas)

@ 4ee7da8e:84537af4
2025-03-13 01:52:38
#meme #memes #memestr #nostrmeme #nostrmemes

@ 47bd1743:85697215
2025-03-13 01:52:36

@ 7b3ef27d:3aec1cf4
2025-03-13 01:52:35
I found this site that lets you draw icebergs and see how they would float (https://joshdata.me/iceberger.html?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR1nBQnEeD6Lt2UXHB0w4JMt6xeK4HR65aeLlOVtVafOfOq5eEGNVCcZHK0_aem_MIFfFk2gIKIBhCY3I-qMWQ) - I was looking for visualizations of the iceberg metaphor for behavior, how we only see 10% of what someone is really going through. It’s a great resource for that and also now I’m distracted seeing how an iceberg shaped like a cat would float.

@ 84e6abe4:9fa9da37
2025-03-13 01:52:34
Hi nostr:npub1q6ps7m94jfdastx2tx76sj8sq4nxdhlsgmzns2tr4xt6ydx6grzspm0kxr not so good at the alt game are you nostr:npub1ej2rwvt46908z65w80wt6dd0s74ehyve8zv97n9cxdgrpld5pwjs0h5jr0 ?

@ 7c0f704d:62a247c6
2025-03-13 01:52:29

@ b83a28b7:35919450
2025-03-13 01:52:27
Bitcoin >>> Bitcoiners

@ 84b0c46a:417782f5
2025-03-13 01:52:25

@ 8bd87db3:19148c24
2025-03-13 01:52:25

@ fb963a70:01ebc59f
2025-03-13 01:52:24
my mustache is growing 2 long and 2 pedophillic. starting to become soft and gay

@ 82b30d30:40c6c003
2025-03-13 01:52:23

@ a2d66121:98bb7613
2025-03-13 01:52:20

@ 0f260611:355ad01f
2025-03-13 01:52:18
RE: https://mi.ruruke.moe/notes/a5a9cih8lgma00b7

@ 381dbcc7:ffc8b38f
2025-03-13 01:52:17
I'm just going half post me going through everything again
In the most ADD way

@ 6b0a60cf:b952e7d4
2025-03-13 01:52:17

@ 274fe9ae:565805d2
2025-03-13 01:52:16
Binance secures ‘largest investment ever’ in crypto as Abu Dhabi’s MGX pledges $2 billion

@ 43cac080:384433c8
2025-03-13 01:52:16

@ 1cb89c71:2fb8b866
2025-03-13 01:52:16
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqh4c2z7fntw5gauwka3yqwnzuptx9cajsqemfw30fvxlq9s5jkheqhh0s9d cute

@ ba11337b:9a1f8eb3
2025-03-13 01:52:16
Spark New Zealand Limited (NZSE:SPK) most popular amongst retail investors who own 52% of the shares, institutions hold 48% https://www.byteseu.com/823817/ #BusinessStrategy #InstitutionalOwnership #Institutions #NewZealand #OwnershipData #RetailInvestors #shareholders #SparkNewZealand

@ 8ca0240e:1460134f
2025-03-13 01:52:14
Epic Games’ CEO Tim Sweeny is a billionaire scumbag.
He’s aligned himself with Musk, and calling anti-Tesla protests as a “billionaire plot” by George Soros. and Reid Hoffman, with nary a hint of irony. Sweeny has an estimated net worth of $5.7B.
Epic Games makes a ton of money licensing #UnrealEngine to a bunch of other game makers. They also make popular games such as #Fortnite and #RocketLeague.
#defundBillionaires #scumbagBillionaires

@ 9f3c4769:3b719dab
2025-03-13 01:52:14
https://www.usluck.com/469507/i-also-found-a-pocket-guide-given-to-my-grandfather-who-served-in-the-army-circa-1952/ I also found a pocket guide given to my grandfather who served in the Army. Circa 1952 #Interesting #InterestingAsFuck

@ 7a46dea2:054a03e4
2025-03-13 01:52:10
42nd Street and Madison Avenue. Street hawker selling Consumer's Bureau Guide. New York City
#42ndStreet #MadisonAvenue #NewYorkCity #NewYorkCitys #undefined #photography #DorotheaLange

@ d61dcb21:5c11fd8a
2025-03-13 01:52:10
https://www.europesays.com/1908443/ Poland’s Tusk wants Turkey to take a leading role in ending Ukraine war – POLITICO #Aktualności #DefenseBudgets #DonaldTusk #poland #polska #Procurement #RecepTayyipErdogan #Russia #Turkey #Ukraine #UnitedStates #WarInUkraine

@ 7f062f2c:1a42052e
2025-03-13 01:52:09
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqemkxxux79xd08j5fdhxzf0kfqq4cadn4f2vt68pxxlh0x597j04qpam54e The sheer amount of rape you’d have to perpetrate in order for racism to be a limiting factor would be staggering. Admirable. Aspirational.

@ a5ee4475:2ca75401
2025-03-13 01:52:08
Exatamente. A grande maioria desse pessoal é só frustrado na vida e muito inseguro, e usam do argumento das leis estarem erradas para cobrir toda essa inferioridade e vício por agirem em 'bando', como alienados e ficarem dando desculpas uns para os outros...
No caso das mulheres em si, as leis estarem erradas e haver muitas mulheres bizarras por aí que prejudicam os outros, não tem nada a ver com se comportar assim.
Há tanto homens aproveitadores e destrutivos, como há mulheres aproveitadoras e destrutivas, cabe a cada um ter cuidado, não se expor demais e buscar filtrar, se quiser se relacionar.

@ b4b80096:a4b25cfd
2025-03-13 01:52:08
A new candle has been born!
#Bitcoin #Candle #CandleFactory #green #bullish

@ 2cf13181:05b05cc9
2025-03-13 01:52:07
White nationalist Nick Fuentes
says that Trump is a
"populist demagogue"
who is just
"stirring up the rubes" to empower himself:
"As much as I hate to admit it,
liberals were right fundamentally about Trump."

@ 06ff1104:7dfc008a
2025-03-13 01:52:04
https://www.ufofeed.com/114286/the-pentagons-ufo-revelation-all-declassified-ufo-footages-2025/ The Pentagon’s UFO Revelation: All Declassified UFO Footages (2025) #UFO #UnidentifiedFlyingObjects

@ 06db5c58:c10adf19
2025-03-13 01:52:04
ETF资金榜 | 沪深300指数ETF(159393):净流出3609.72万元,居全市场第一梯队
2025.03.13<img src="https://img3.jiemian.com/101/original/ai/20250313/174182905142501900_a640x364.png" alt="">
2025年3月12日,沪深300指数ETF(159393.SZ)收跌0.10%,成交5102.21万元。净流出3609.72万元(净赎回份额*单位净值),居全市场第一梯队。 拉长时间看,该基金连续3天资金净流出,累计流出1.45亿元,居全市场第一梯队。 资金流出也带来了份额的减少,该基金最新份额较前一日减少3600.00万份,跌破4.50亿份,居可比基金后排。与此同时,该基金最新规模跌破4.50亿元,居可比基金后排。

@ dcbcb6e5:2e646bf3
2025-03-13 01:52:04

@ 06db5c58:c10adf19
2025-03-13 01:52:04
ETF资金榜 | 深100ETF方正富邦(159961):净流出668.04万元,居可比基金前二
2025.03.13<img src="https://img2.jiemian.com/101/original/ai/20250313/174182887460849100_a640x364.png" alt="">
2025年3月12日,深100ETF方正富邦(159961.SZ)收跌0.12%,成交347.26万元。净流出668.04万元(净赎回份额*单位净值),居可比基金前二。 资金流出也带来了份额的减少,该基金最新份额较前一日减少400.00万份,达2.82亿份,创历史新低。与此同时,该基金最新规模达4.71亿元,创近1个月新低。 深100ETF方正富邦(159961.SZ),场外联接(A:006687;C:006688)。

@ 5ac74532:40209fd7
2025-03-13 01:52:03
WTF is this psyop. Stache or Stacey? https://image.nostr.build/71f2300149708f455cace42ff9e276c85248ed1e08ed5ab068e0172588c6446a.jpg

@ 096ec6d4:90d22fd6
2025-03-13 01:52:02
Câmara pressiona e Congresso exclui secretaria da minuta das emendas
Deputados temiam que a Secretaria de Orçamento desse mais poderes a Alcolumbre; texto será votado nesta 5ª feira (13.mar)

@ 2bb2abbf:dfcb40bd
2025-03-13 01:52:01

@ 4ee7da8e:84537af4
2025-03-13 01:52:01
#meme #memes #memestr #nostrmeme #nostrmemes #eth #bitcoin

@ ecb13d4a:d43b57de
2025-03-13 01:52:01

@ 18bda6f9:d3a9a775
2025-03-13 01:52:01

@ 6b0a60cf:b952e7d4
2025-03-13 01:52:00

@ d45d97a1:5a1407ba
2025-03-13 01:51:59
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq7ha36j9rpyde8g0zuvpgygq3a80d84cyy2f4lufjqcl022uyf6zq856yg2 I'm afraid this one doesn't surprise me. A lot of the power of "change" candidates comes from the simplicity of their appeal. They don't ask voters to think too deeply about anything. Just "do you want change?"
Low information voters, and short memory voters, broke for Trump.

@ 51b42301:066e67e1
2025-03-13 01:51:58
Texas Instruments Unveils the World's Smallest Microcontroller: The MSPM0C1104
Texas Instruments has introduced the MSPM0C1104, a microcontroller so small it rivals the size of a black pepper flake. This innovative MCU not only redefines compactness but also packs essential feat...
#news #tech #EmbeddedSystems #WearableTech #Microcontrollers

@ dcbcb6e5:2e646bf3
2025-03-13 01:51:57

@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-03-13 01:51:56
🤖 Tracking strings detected and removed!
🔗 Clean URL(s):
❌ Removed parts:

@ 00000000:f729d700
2025-03-13 01:51:56
Trujillo and Balaguer were waaaay worse

@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-03-13 01:51:56
Daniel White, with a JD, LLM, and MSc from the London School of Economics, and #bitcoin advocate, tells us what is his book "The Great Realignment" about
Watch the full episode: https://youtube.com/live/_0X4UEUZy08
#bullishbounty https://video.nostr.build/bbe4f7ca0c383fbdeff3c63c37aa519d3d2ce2daeb4d1a812b1881db1f72b764.mp4

@ be337208:84c3c68d
2025-03-13 01:51:56
Commission finished Lil Daisuke showing his new clothes !
#shota #shotacon

@ 5ec9a726:23a50742
2025-03-13 01:51:54

@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-03-13 01:51:53
For Your Information: 1 Bitcoin (BTC) is priced at $83897 USD.
Key Points:
* 1 Bitcoin (BTC) = $83897 USD
* 1 Satoshi = $0.00083897 USD
#bitcoin #crypto #price #cryptocurrency #bitcoinprice #satoshi #btc #blockchain

@ 6c880f47:9a854e24
2025-03-13 01:51:53
📋 アルゴリズムによるポストの分析からのポスト抽出が結果として検閲になっているのではないかと考えた。結構マジで考えた。
X運営「検閲やシャドウバンは行っていない」→早速コミュニティノートが付けられる【やじうまWatch】 - INTERNET Watch https://internet.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/yajiuma/1669879.html

@ fe63f4f8:8ba10f09
2025-03-13 01:51:52

@ 9da75b1f:0f24dc6d
2025-03-13 01:51:50
Yes and also umm liberating Europeans from their savings. Still think not quite enough though. Lets see whats next. Maybe Suez canal time or something. Got to also distract from photos of new Canadian PM picnicking with Gislain Maxwell. I think we might need a fairly constant streamto be honest

@ 4d7b8840:845d7a54
2025-03-13 01:51:49
Build it, and they might come https://news.rationalreview.com/archives/212049

@ c22cd9a5:9eef899c
2025-03-13 01:51:48

@ 6b0a60cf:b952e7d4
2025-03-13 01:51:46

@ 52407e46:304de61c
2025-03-13 01:51:45
박남서 영주시장 당선무효…선거법 위반 징역형 집유 확정
▲ 박남서 경북 영주시장경선 과정에서 유권자들에게 전화를 돌리고 금품을 제공한 혐의로 재판에 넘겨진 박남서 경북 영주시장의 당선이 무…
#news #뉴스

@ 52407e46:304de61c
2025-03-13 01:51:45
윤 측 "'구속취소 즉시항고' 법원행정처장 발언 반헌법적" 비판
▲ 천대엽 법원행정처장대법원 산하 사법행정을 총괄하는 천대엽 법원행정처장이 법원의 윤석열 대통령 구속취소 결정에 검찰이 즉시항고를 해…
#news #뉴스

@ 52407e46:304de61c
2025-03-13 01:51:44
최재해 "헌재 현명한 결정에 감사…공직기강 확립에 중점둘 것"
▲ 최재해 감사원장최재해 감사원장은 오늘 헌법재판소가 자신에 대한 국회의 탄핵소추를 기각한 데 대해 "현명한 결정을 내려주신 …
#news #뉴스

@ 52407e46:304de61c
2025-03-13 01:51:44
[속보] 헌재, 전원일치로 이창수 중앙지검장 탄핵소추 기각
▲ 이창수 서울중앙지검장헌재, 전원일치로 이창수 중앙지검장 탄핵소추 기각
#news #뉴스

@ 52407e46:304de61c
2025-03-13 01:51:44
'국가보안법 위반' 충북동지회 위원장 징역 2년 확정
▲ 21년 8월 18일 오후 간첩 혐의를 받는 '자주통일 충북동지회' 조직원 손 모 씨가 구속 전 피의자 심문을 위해 …
#news #뉴스

@ 83d52b43:2af24689
2025-03-13 01:51:44

@ 48b13b95:dd0c10de
2025-03-13 01:51:44